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Page 1: Production log continued

For my double page spread, I began by adding margins and columns to help me arrange where my text and images are going to be. I then began replicating my template by putting my article in columns. After doing so, changed the colour scheme of the article into red and black. The questions were to be in red and the answers were to be in black.


Page 2: Production log continued

Using the layer box, I was able to remove the text in order for me to work on the background. After removing the text, I placed the image into the background. I then stretched the image in order for it to fill up the whole double page spread. Furthermore, I made sure that the main image blended into the background to ensure that the text was able to be visible when it appear again

Page 3: Production log continued

I then added the title of the double page spread using two different fonts. I decided to tilt the name of the music artist because it looks more urban and fun to look at . I used a military font for the word “exclusive.” This is because it created the effect of a stamp on the page. Furthermore, it made it seem important to readers.

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