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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library

Large-scale Digitization Project, 2007.

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__ 1401

6ooR-kccptnJ, SHORTHAND, ~ P B W R I T I N O .Banking, J 0 N E s 309 N. Broadway



D r F. P. Savers, a recogniz. ed leader in the profession of dentidtry a t East St. Louis, was horn a t Red Wing, Minnesota, August 14, IS?*?. H e is a gratlu-ate Of the Red Wing High Scliooi and Commercial College of tliL Pliiladtllphia Dental Collegc. He has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession for tliiitwn years. tive cf wlricll have becn spi?iit in Easl St. Louis, where hc eiijoys f.he pat- ronage of ils i-epresenlaiivc pew p l a Dr. Scavers niarric.d Miss Elizabeth Krtchaiii, the hnnil-some daughter of the late Prqf. J. H. Ketchani. Supcr:ntendent o f hlusic in the local high schools. There is no more popular yotiiig couple in the city than he andDR. F. F. SEAVERS. his wife. Dr. Seavers has den-tal parlors on the northwest cor-

ner of Main and Eroadma!-. He uses all the modern appliances, such as1 electi(.ca,i co!al;!ierc#<is, elc-ctric dental engine, electric nioiith lamps and similar devices to render operations as nearly painless as p0SsiblC. IIe is 1:rogressive and thoroughly up to dote in all his nieth- ods. He exectiles nothirg but first-class work a t reasonable prices, and makes no attenipt to cornkete with the unsliilltd members of his’ profession who place 110 flnancial value uFon their services. Dr. Seavers is a member of the \-agabond Club, the leading social orgali-ization of the city.

In the two upper grades there should be a continuous practice in review of all that the children have already had in number conibina tioiis. There should be much oral work. Many problems put down in the text-book to be done with the pencil, Can be more quickly and accurately done, and w i t h far greater educative value, as an oral ex- r+rc;;e. The IiuDil likes to do the work Orally. and will take on new life in the wokk-if it be introduced properly where it has not been tried before.

Instead of taking time €or set analysis. the teacher should use niiscellaneous problems continuall)-, so that the pupil must “think the solution” of each problem. When he d o e s that he has analyzed it. He can not always readily exp!ain jast how he did it, and should have,

8 therefore, frequent opportunity of telling how he knows each fact of his solutions. The teachters can not be too careful in this matter. The pupils must analyze the. problems. Locon:otive engineers have to btsArt Rooms that are worthseeinginSt,Louis


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MISSOURI PACIFIC R’Y FAST MAIL *Through Trains for Colorado, California and the West.%


___ ----- -__ c. R. CAHKOLI, ’S EAST ST. 1,oUIS AND

- - _. -._ ~

Alr. Loais Mengea was born in St. Louis dime 29. 1861, and came to East St. Louis when f ive years old. and has made his home h e w ever since. H e was educated in the iiublic schools and at Jones Conlinercia1 College. St. Louis. He enterea railroad service first fireman. and was fol three years loconiotivt engineer on the Vanda- lia Railroad. He qiii i this employment to en ter business, and serv-ed as Alderinan from the Second nard, one year with thp Joyce administ rat ion.

During the latter ad ministration he w a s chairman of t h r corn-mittee that reported the b ~ l l.for the first granitoitl worh on ih? levee.

In 1S92 he received * LOUIS MENGES. an appointment to a prominent 1iosition in the Joliet Penitentiary from Governor John P. Altgeltl, where he served three years and sir months and then resigned.

0 I He once inore went into business, and is now proprietor of the .\merican House a t 100 St. Clair avenue. F.l MI.. Menges was married to M i s s Margaret E. Canty, January 17. H,

’ I%% and has two boys. 1,ouis 3. and Eugene V. Mi. Menges reside3 , at 701 Ohio avenue.

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flt J.H. Crane Furniture Go. YiurBuy Furniture 423-425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS, NIO.

111 IS35 was fountle.1 in East St. Louis (he first Tent of the Knights of the Blacca-bees, a fraternal oi’gau. ization organ’aeti ill 1,ontlon. Canada, it) i 8 i S . It was reorgaii-izetl at Port Hiirnn, RIich.. in tSs?.

The objects of thin order is to furnish benefits 10 its nicwtbers in case of sickness. ac: cident and death. Dur. ing its brief existence, it has paid to disabled members and fanlilies of deceased members, over $19, 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0. I ts fornt of gnvem-inent is representative, and it5 ritualistic work is pleasing. instructive anti intensely tiranlatic. A careful and tliorough nirtlical (Axamination precedes i n i I i a I i o n. GOO new Tents and an

M A U R I C E RONAN. addition of 100,WiO Inmibets niari,s theSir Knight Commander Maccabees. work of 1902. It has

now over 2500 Sitbord’nate Tents in 55 States, Territories and P r w . inces, and a membership of more than 375,000 with a surplus fund oi more than $:,500,000. which is invested in Government. Stat(. aiitl Maniciral bonds. I t adniits only white pei-sons Of sound I)odily health and goo;! character, bctwceil the ages of 1s and 51 to bene ticial membership.

way, practiced by all people in telling that Sarah is so mucll oldel than .Jane. Again, we were taught that the cubical ~ J I O C ~ Sfurnisheu a conplete cliamonstiation for iicube-rmt.” we nevw saw, SO “tnu(l-clear” was our vision, that i t never told 11s the why of a n y s t t p i i i the real process of finding one of the three W1Ial factors of a auniber. I r shows only a material correspondellce 10 t h a t which the mint1 seeb must be true. This ma)- appcar clearer 1)Y citing the rase o f the penny and feather tube in physics. The boy who sees the two fal; together. and is told there is n o air in !he tobe, sees that t h e feathe1 falls as q1liClily as the‘penny when the air does not hinder, but ha



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Knight Commander Maurice

4Prominent in political and coiiimcrcial circles of this 0 r i l y is M r . .I. J. Gain, whr, represents the interests of East St. Louis from the Fourth N'ard on the Board 01 4 Aldermen. Although just elected last April he holds a I prominent position on import. rn an t committees, and in all his dealings has shown him. self to b e a conservative. re-liable public ssrvant, who works for the interest;+ of the ~wople rather than for per-sonal ga:n or personal inter-met, whic'i faculty has won the esteem and good will of . . i l i s constituents, and he pas-s ::scs the three requisites for the ideal Amvican-truth, loyalty and honor. In business. Mr. Gain is m-proving himself likewise ef-5c:ent. and he is the proprie- tor of a progressive grocery store at 307 Missouri avenue,

JOHN J. GAIN, where the people in this vi- Alderman Fourth Ward. cinity will find at any andal l

times a well stocked supply of staple and fancy groceries. c.rinnc:l gcods, coffees, teas, fruits anu veg:-ta:jles, and all goods in general. MY. G a i n is a man well spoken of in evzr!. rcs;:ect. and thc public coiild have no better servant. He has been a citizen of our city for the paat twenty years and has es-tablished a reputation for being 1)atriotic and enterprising and a man who strongiy believes in the future of our thriving city as a commer-cial c m t e r and to such men a s 11r. Gain does belong the wonderful growth enjoyed by East St. Louis in t h e past ten years.

does not see by the experiment why the light body falls as fast as the heavy one.

,-1 h e pr:nciWl object of elementary algebra in the eighth grade is not to advance the Pupil in his high school algebra, but is to give


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U-SolIm Hidb0.t Grad. M i l k Sold in Erst St. L0uim.g


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Hen. .josep11 B. it~essicliis One of the yioacer niembers of the East St. ~fiiiisbar. Hc was born in hhcoupin County, Illinois, Janr:- ary 29th. 1847; folloWed, farnling Will\ his father until he attaineci i l ls nlajoriy, t.aright school for three years and a t the sanie time read law, ant1 a t t 1 1 ~age of rwenty-foul. was admitted to thc practice of his profession. Hc practiced in Carlinville, I l l . , one year, ant1 tlierl located in East St. Louis, which city has since been his place of resi-dence. In 1575 he was honored with the apl)ointnieen of the jridge. ship of the City Court, 'nhere he presided four years. I n 1S80 he was ap1x)iiited Deputy Internal Revenue Collector, which position he held two years. lie was elected to tht. IAe.sislarure in 1882. ant1 WRS a nicnibcr of the Thirty-brirtl, Thirty-fourth antl Thirty-fifth General i\sseniblics. s ix years' service that refiectetl credit upon himself an0 his constituency. He was appointed coniniissioner of the Southerr1 Illinois Penitentiary, at Chester. in January, 1589, antl held that ofice until 1x92. the expiration of the Republiran gubernatorial regime. The lare Governor .John 11. Tanner reappointed him to the same posi. tion in 1x97, and he resigned on April 1, 1901. .Judge Messick was a private i n the One Huntlred and Forty-fourth Regiment. He is a nieniher of the C;i.and Arniy of the Republic. BI. W. of A.. K. of P., 1). 0. of the K. of K., Elks and several other secret societies. He is W=an unflinching antl pu1)uIar Rel)ablican, who has given both of his ability a n d purse to the support of the party's interests. For years he has heen a leading factor in the i)olitics of Illinois. He was mar.


t) rietl at East St. Louis. Janiiary I , 1SS5, to Miss Sarah P. Woods, tlnughter of .Tames A. LVoods. H e has one son, Joseph B., a briglit and interesting boy of sixteen years, who is being edncated a t the

c3 co 0

Academy in St. Louis. I .ludr;e hlessick has during the past year removed his office to the

suite of r w m s in the Adele building. corner of Broadway and Main street. where, under the firm name o f Messicli & Crow, a large and

b lucrative law business is carried on.

the teacher a better tool for training the reasoning powers. It breaks away froni six or seven sears of arithmetic processes, and forces the niinds of the pupils to take a new and more advanced view of the snbject of mathematical calculations. I t will react on their ability to handle arithmetic in a very decided way, so that in most cases the ~ n ~ i l swill be better in the ordinary problems in arithmetic than they would have been had they put all the time on arithmetic itself. W e niay here sub'gest that spare or cube-root, except as factoring, a r e so little wed to be scarcely practicable, and are now omitted by mans of the best schools. But when taken from the algebraic point of view, which our elementary algebra work niake possible, they a r e most excellent Wlucative tools-givlng the pupils both pleasure and cullfibenre throllgh their mastery.


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For All Seasons of the Year a n Correct in Style, Price and Durability.

llllnuwutmunllllmrmP. F,MARTIN, 107 Collinsville Avc.. East St. LOU~S,Ill. -- . .- -- - .. - .- .-. ... -.- - ----- . . .. - -

I:.AST S I ~ ) EI)IRF:CTOKY. IW; ._ _ - - -. -- --.- . ..

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JAMES J. WHELAN. Alderman Third Ward.

One of the p m ~ n i n a t l~llbllc omcials b e f o ~ e the citlnSns of Earl F 5 St. Louis and one that has won a reputation tlllring his short tern1 0 0 .in ofice. for always doing everything ~ertaini l lg to his office 111 a rlglil nianner. is James \Vhelan. one of the alfiel'lneli ~ I U I I ~ the Third 3 ward, and dllring his career he has proved hinls~lf an emclent and ccapable public servant. Hv tries a t all tlllles to act in the calllie of all, and for the welfare of lile rlti~c'nn of East St. Inllls. He is a Ilte-long resident hew. ant1 tlrscrvcs all the iIi)pla~~se llie 11111,lic l ~ a v bestowed upon him.

- - .- - . . .



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~ p r i i29-23.0 April 30-22.4 M a y 1-21.8 ~ a y 2-21.0 M a y 3-20.0 M a y 4-20.3 M a y 5-20.2 M a y G-2O.G M a y 7-22.1 May 8-24.9 M a y 9-27.3 M a y 10-27.5

f ee t . f ee t . f ee t . f ee t . f e e t . f e e t . f ee t . f e e t . f ee t . f ee t . f e e t . f ee t .

M a y 11--2s.; May 12-29.0 May 13-30.2 May 14-31.2 May 15-22.7 May 1C-37.4 May 17-34.9 May 18-35.:: hIny 19---3fi.G May 20-4G.O May 21-35.8 May 22-35.4

f ee t . f ee t . f ee t . f e e t . f ee t . f e e t . f ee t . f ee t . f ee t . f e e t . f ee t . f ee t .

May 23-34.7 f ee t . M a y 24-34.7 f ee t . May 25--34.G f e e t May 26-34.5 f ee t . May 27-343 f ee t . May 28-34.0 f ee t . M a y 29-33.3 f ee t . May 30-32.0 f ee t . M a y 31-32.0 f ee t . June 1 -41 .9 f ee t .

G m r i ~A u k Vegct.Wr1,M,SullivanbBros 100402 S. 4th St. aY.m

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H. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. & 1.A. - Sl'. LOUIS, MO.


IE. J. Cragen, Jr., the hust- ling young real estate ageut, rn was born in Alton, Ill., Oct. 16. 1882, and is the second oldest in a family of four. w

Mr. Cragen was educated in Alton and East St. Louis, be- 4 ing a graduate of the East Y

St. Louis High School in the cf)Class of 1900. Mr. Cragen also took a course in the Mis- s o u r i College of Law, but took a fancy to the real estate business in which, young as he is, having but three years' experience, he is a decided success. Activity, energy and probity mark all his transac- tions, and no deal is too largc or too small for his attention. Among the pieces of property he has handled may be men- tioned Cragen Subdivision antl Niehaus Heights.

Mr. Cragen has made, sat- isfactorily to all concerned, one of the largest real estate E. L. CRAGEN, JR. loans ever contracted in our

city. This was a loan of $50.000.0ll. He is pleasantly located on Korlh Main street, near the Post Office building, antl when not there is hrlst-ling around on the business of his numerous clients. A good old lady, owning several houses, recently said: "I am going to put my property In the hands of Eddie Cragen, for I know he will never rest until he has it rented to good tenants."

Such a young man as Mr. Cragen, growing up with and identifying himself from the beginning with suoh a city as East St. IAOlliS is bound to achieve not only wealth, but that honor which falls on the progres- sive citizen.


The graduates of the schools of East St. Louis have distinguishea themselves in many avenues. The following is the roster of gradu-a tes since the establishment of a high school in the city:

1877-Jennie Abry, Katie Dally, Benton Quick, Edwin Quick, Chas. L. Manner, Louis Boismenue. Mary R. Kenney, Micha.el A. Sullivan.

1878.-Carrie Thrasher, Frederica Stief, Mamie Sexton, Florence Sullivan, Mary Tracy, Patrick Martin, Ella Keck. John Bunyon, James O'Rourke, Dennis Dailey. *

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tion in our schools and afterward ac-epted a clerical posi-tion with one of the railroads, following this business until a few years s i n c e , when h e took up a mercantile c a r e e r, dealing in boots and shoes.

hlr. Martin‘s first place of business in that line was at NO. 321 Ijroadway, wliert? he remained until J u I ~ 15, 1901, when he renioved to his present location at 107 Collinsville ave-nue

Mr. Martin is em-inently adapted to the shoe business, as he i s by nature a student o f w h a t P. F. MARTIN.

c pleases in fnotwear The very best that our factories produce is to be found at all times on his shelves, and no one need seek frirlher for the very finest foot aa < furnishings. At the same time, the person of moderate means who

a wants a strong. serviceable shoe at the lowest living price can suiti0 llimbelf readily at Mr. Martin’s. In ladies’ and misses’ fine shoes, a s well as in men’s shoes, 3fr Martin allows himself no superior anlong s I?!

s os o 1880.--Isabel Abrp, Ottie Brackett, Julia Burke, Maggie Murph?’, Hannah Shone. Mamie Key, Edith Montgomery, Lizzie Leahy, Tillie Keck. E n m a Hake. Ada McCready. ).lr = 188i.--.lane Faherty, 1,izzie Gilis.m 18Sg.-Taney Van Danelzen, Lillie Kehoe, Horace .J. Eggmanil,Winnie Whitney, Dedie Gillis. a 189n.----ROSe A. Marion.

I.-I,Ydia McLean, Sadie I,owry, hlaggie Prunty, Mamie Can-

d I tlllon.

___._- -~

ST. LOUIS’ Everything Elegant for Fine, LEADING Fashionable Up-to-Datc FIRM. 423.425 N . FOURTH ST. Residences

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_ _

“..VBook-keeping, ...... -.-,TYPEWRITINO.Banking, J 0 N E s 309 N. Broadway

‘felcJrrphins* COMMERCIAL COLLEGE m t . Louim. YO.I I--- ~-


the fine shoe dealers of Fast St. Louis. Most of the shoes he sells a re union-made, as he is a strong believer in the rights of organized labor.

Mr. Martin is a member of the National Union, Red Men, Knights of Columbus. Ancient Order of Hibernians, and Brotherhood of the protective Order of Elks.

Mr.Martin is n fair example of the native young business man of East st. I>ouis,and is proud of the city of his birth, which is equally proud of him and all other such hustling business spirits.

P L Y M O U T H CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Summit and Wabasha Avenues, Rev. G. w. James, Pastor.

This church was organized Feb. 16, 190% and the buildtng dedi cated .June 12, 1904. The church has as officers, a pastor, thre< deacons. f ive trustees. a clerk, treasurer. and Sllnday School superln tendent. The various organizations have their own offlcers and coni mittees.

1892.-Anna Belle Vaughn, Millie B. Meints, Mark D. Sullivan Mamie J. Robbins, Minnie I,. Sander. -- _ _ ____ - - ~- ~


WABASH to New York.

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0.P. Begole is one of the prominent enterprising men of Eazt St. LOUIS. He was bo1.11 on March 29, 1 8i;..at O'Fall011. Ill., a merllber of one of the ~rominent substantial fan ]lies of St. Ciair counlg. He p ~ r s ~ l e t la course of srutly at Christian BI-0s.' College, St. Louis, Mo, and later a t Wesleyan rniversity a t Dloo~llinglon, 111.

He was filarrietl .June 2 4 , lSSti, to bliss Blanche R. Bates, .JI Chicago, Ill.

1d93.--KatieE. .lacklesch, Alaggie R. Carr, Zettie E. Flynn, Mamie A. Martin, Ura V. Beckwith, Lizzie F. Bowen, Martha Schell.

1894.-F10re~ce B l ~ t h e , Arthur Darrow, Lillian Boyer, Myra Gray, L m o r e Tietze, Annie Moriarity, Elnest Abt, May Keller,

1895.-M0tto: "Look to the end."-Martha M. Aht, Margaret C. Ramey. Nonie C. Cantillon. Mary R.1. Slattery, Mary Flanagan, Eva Sophia Cecelia. M. Horn, Elva M. \Vhitney, Mary E. Joergenson.

SUITE 714 ,Century B'ldin~ ST.LOUIS,MO.

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U-Srllo Hidbrot Grad, ~ i l l rSold in Esot St. Loo4S.m

Mr. Begole has been engaged in the tailoring business for a per-iod of twelve Sears, during which time he has been an assiduous stu- dent of the art. He is an enterprising, progressive spirit in his line of business, prompt to appreciate the niceties of the fashionable de- mand$, and is an easy leader in the perfection of a r t tailoring.

Mr. Begole is a gentleman of cordial address and maintains art enviable social standing. H e is a recognized Spirit amtmg the Elks and in Masonic circles.

His establishment is located on Co!linsviile avenue, near Missouri avenue, in the business heart of the city, where he may always be found with a select line of goods such as wil l please the most fastidious taste. A visit to Mr. Begoie's p!ace of business will delight any lover of beauty sartcrial.

FRANK J. HEALY. $ ',IFrank J . Iiealy was born in Gce!ph, Canada Il'est, while hf i paw.

ents were on a visit to ihat country from their home in Dunlcirk, New York, in 1850.

He came with them to St. Idonisin 1857, and lived a t Arcadia, Mo., until 1860, when they came to East St. Louis, which place has since been Mr. Healy's home.

Mr. Healy was educated in our public schools. autl worked in the Tudor Iron works in iiis youth. Later and for twenty years, Mr. Healy was collector for the Eads Bridge Co. For three years h e served a s police officer and is at present stwe: inspecto?.

On Nov. 1 4 , I S i i , Mr. k:ca:y n ~ r r i e c lS l % s Joanna Stack and ;r the father of fo;ir chil(!:~~n: .\lichac~!. Frank. Margaret and Josie- t h e last a br:ght litr:e la:I!. now i n 1Iig:i School.

1896.--"Plrires Gratlns Ascentlen.li."-Grace Bell, Jessie S Brew, Maude E. Darrom, Etliel J f . &all, ILillie C. Higgins, Hester M. .Jesstip, Gertrude Mcl..wl, It-a 11. Morgan. Mazie E. Querne!'. Archibald C . Shep1;ard. Elsie Tietze. Srella E \\'alsh.

1897.--Rosc 0. Benner, SayaI? H. Leivg, M a M. Bolt'?, Ruby I,. Ne\\.liirk. 3lo:irice V. B:inyan, Ida 34, Roaenbcrger, &tar? K. Fit zgerald, Deloes &I. I3innette. Nora P. Kariblc, Kathleen A. Rlontgnniwy, Nellie A. Keef. .4bjgall 31. Desniond, Frank C. Kelle?. Elizabeth A. Carter, Hattie &I. Kii .1~~.

189S.-Pa1tl S. A!)t, Stella E. Bartholome\". 1,. Kate Bowen, Mamie A. Flynn, 1.illian .J. Fotilon, Halla RI. Griffin. I,OUiSe M. Jarvis, Leila N. hIcClellan. Fannie G . Pascal. Edith 31. Rose. Esther .I.\Vilson,

lS99.--An1!- Ruc!ianan. 3 l a U e ~ ~ a l August &%XIliann, Blanche 1,uella Alein(s. George W. RObbiIiS, Nellie Atlani?. Clara I.. Nienieyer. Mar-garet \'. Montgoniery, Lillian C. War!% E. Robbins.~ ~ i l l i a m Helen V. Warner, Margaret Eddy I,o:.ings(on. .\ ,hb?l n. Grote, Howard Fag Hait 11, J cssic Dun 1n 11, ,\ n nie Cant i 1:on.

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M I S S O U R I PACIFIC R'Y FAST M A I L R O U T E For Kansas City, Colorado and the West.


1414 c. ,.CARHOI.L'S EAST ST. LOUIS AND -------.--


Mr. Harry S . Kran-er was bo1.n hrlgllst 9 , 1 S i 4 , i l l \\'a!.ne (:ou111!-, Illinois. W n S edncaieri i l l and in Haywootl (:ai-the ~:,!blic ~ c h ~ m . s leae. Hc' livetl on his father's fan1 ,:n:il 2 1 years old, tlr~ring his miuoi- it!.. having taught school l l ~ r e c years. 311.. Kramer came to East bl. I.ouis in shoI'tl>. af ter went to Alaslia. where lie lived fotll' years, colniW bacli i n ln l l l . hlr. Kl,an:e;. \\.as wily1 the Southern R a ~ l -



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Ea3t St. Louis Ice and Cold Storage Company.

road about a sear af ter this and then embarked in Real Estate, 1,oan + and lnsrirance business, in which he is a t present engaged. In April,

L 4 % ] W 4 , he was elected a member of the School Board. and is one of tlit d Teachers’ Committee of that body. Mr. Kramer is a member of thf,

&h hIasonic order. Brotherhood of Protective Order of Elks, the Moderll \voodnien, aud the Arctic Brotherhood. In School Board matters, Mr. 2g ‘ Kramer thoroughly believes in R rjgorous administration and is in 1’3

wise guitletl by personal favoritism, nor is he guided by anything bu: 4 merit in promotions. He considers putllic omce a public trust and aims ‘ * lo so conmtet the business entiwstetl to him that he can leave the: 3 Q,0; offlce with at least his own approbation which is worth more to ail: 2a3 man lhan the fiilsome arlnlation of others.


Mr. .John B. Altrogge was horn in Kasliasltia. I l l . . twenty-four years ago. He was educated in the pul)lic schools and a t an early age sh0we.i a tleCided I)retlilection for rhe newspaper business in which he ha.; been sleatlily engaged for the past six years.

Mr. Altrogge is at president superintendent of circulation for t h t Daih Journal and is an extremely energetic and useful nian in his department.

He is still a single man and belongs to several clubs and societies where he is deservedly populgr.

Il)OO.-Etlwartl Cragan. Maritl Sell, Frank Crane, .Beulah Bridges, Raymond Henilricks, Adeline Caw, Clifford Mann, Emma Kneislef-, Edward Oehler, Emma 1,eber. Gerald Rafter, Julia Langhouser, Chas. Ring, Essie Roy. R. A. Seiter, Rachel Robinson, Hilda Wagner.

1901 .--Adele Ash, Leonora Stephens, Sadie Brown, Jennie Polson. Ada Siltking, Anna Baumeister, Mary Kean, Emma Hendricks. Amelia Oermain, Frank Hyatt, Mamie Kleber. Lydia Bailey, Mary Broderich, Jennie Sinipson, William Scherrer, .. Frankie Cavanaugh, Thomas 1,. Feliete. Jr.. Eva Kelley, Virginia Richeson, May Ihorn, Irene Don artl. Valle Harris, George Bruce, Gervasse McDonowh.

1902.--Mary C. Albertson, Laura A. Bell, W.Douglass Brlchanan, Mnggie M a y Uilnn. Hazel M. Carroll. Ophelia F. Fekete, Arthur M. Freels, Anita M. Griffln, Edgar R. Hissrich, Bertha 1,. Irons. Robert Krc~sse.1,eonora E. Lalumier, Nathan LeivY, Walter 11. hlann, Mary J. McEritle, .Joseph A. McClelland. Jr, Maude M. McFarlantl, Viola Mc- Gaffigan, Clara 1,. Meints, James M 7 . Bllller, PrIldenCe A. Moody, Arthul P. O’Leary, Bessie M. Price. Agnes A. Richee. lAoliiae B. Tabb, Ethel A. Van Clere, Liiclla M. Van Cleve.

19fi3.--Roscoe Conkling Adams, Gertrurle Minnie Beckwith, Phoebe C. Bishop, l,eonard C. Blake. George Stookey Carr, Lawrence Arthur Cavanaugh, Mamie 0. D. Costello, Colin Dorsey Cross, Bernice Doro t h y Denipcy, Hiram Freeman. Walter Edwarrl Pallows. May Elizabeth Henitt. Louis Hicks, Jennie Lind HoMrPll, IAena Anne Huggler, Eliza-


WABASH toKansas City

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This firm is comprised of Thomas and Charles Burke. young nien born and bred in East St. Louis, who have entered into business at 423 St. Louis avenue, as undertakers and embalmers.

hlr. Thomas Burke has graduated fom one of the best embalmillg schools in this country and both boys a re models of courtesy and well I I in all the dptails of the undertaking art. ~ They are deservedly pop11-lar among their large list Of acquaintances and hespeak for the111 the patronage they deserve. In these days when undertaking and enibaliri- ing is recognized a s a science it is well to have it in skillful hands and such these young men are ltnown to be. The fact that they a r e native East St. Louisans ought to help them taiie a leaiiing place in the busi- ness. Their phones are East 7 l M and St. Clair i78R,and i f you call them u p yon, having engaged their services, may leave the details of your funeral to them.



beth Veronica Jarvis, Emalynn Myrtle Kelley, 1,ouise P. Leber, Donna Jrene Li lk , Raymond James McClelland, Olive Agnes McGaffigan, Mat- tie Belle McQuarrie, JAucille Marie O’Brien, Lulu F. B. Parker, Harold L o c k Reader, Charles Alfred Renard. Adele Catherine Shinners. Lil- lian Dorothy Siebenhar, Pearl Minnie Smith, Carrie Ellen Sprecher, Lawrence StemmleY. Margaret Carmen Sullivan, Cora Anna Suprunow ski, Charles Fi-ed. von Gruenigen, Clara Antionette Wehring, Katherine I,ollise \\’iatt, Marietta Wilson.

0 -7



J. H.Grafle Furniture GO.FURNITURE 423 425 N. 4th Street, St. Louis, Mo.BESTlATEST

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BOOR-Rccplng, S.HORTHAND, TYPEWRITIN<I.J 0N E Sbnking. 309 N. Broadway


THOMAS J. WILLIAMS. T. .I. Williams. the affable city clerk of East St. IAouis,is the first

printer who ever occupied the chair in the city hall. and the niembel,b of the craft a s well a6 a host of other friends feel justly proud of 111s record. All admit that he is one of the most accommodating men who ever graced the position. To friends and foes, in business matteis, \\’iliains has the latch string out, and there is never a knot in it. It works smoothly and genll), and his T a i l again” is given with a degree of simplicity anti grace which iiialic’s him friends at all times. Mr. \Villianis was born a t I,el,annn, Ill . , Frbriiary 12, ISGO. He attended the public schools of the place and also took a course at Old McKeii- dree. that institution in which so many men who have made their mark in lllinois studied, antl who are pleased to call it their Alma ?dater. Williams bccanie enamored of the profession of “sticlting type” antl has followed that business, except when engaged in writing for snme newspaper. ever since he left school. He was elected city clerk of East St. I.ouis in April, 190::. by a handsome majority.


Mamie B. Alberson Edith L. .Johnson Leslie Allen Bertha Kammler Margaret 111. Allison Hattie B. .4rmstrong Eugenia Barnartl David Burton

Lillian B. Kelley Robert Hendrick Emma Kienzle Stanley E. Krehs

Loriis Buenger Kelsoe Cannady Blanche Collins

Anna Kresse .\label Lentz Oral I i t t l e

Corinne Coy .Instine 1,oringston Bessie C. Cragen Annette E. Cramer

Carrie M. Mann IAarira Manners

.Ieff Daniel Mary Grace E. Miller . Viola Davies Irene iM. hlinnoclt Ruth Dean Louis H. Ortgier Pearl Dempster \Vinona Etherton

Ada Patrick 1.ydia C. E. Ferrymail

Hamilton Forman Edna Raglantl Beulah E. Frederick Verle Reprartl Alice C Freels Fannie .J. Robinson Ray Garrett Homer Gillen

Minnie Rodenberger Sophia Rosenberger

Louisa Gilligan Grace Grote

Katie Sch ierni an .Jeanette Stief

Ada Hendricks Matid Striefler Ida Hoffman Elizabcth S\\.eeny Seva Howell Frank \Vatr;on Blanche Jenkins Sellie \Vhite = Art Rooms that are worth Seeingin Sti Louis

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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL *Through Trains for Colorado, California and the West.%


C. R . CARROLL'S EAST ST. LOUIS A N D _ __ _ _ _ _ -_ -


J. [,yon LVoodrnff wcs born in New Yolk City, April G. 1SG8. HL' way edllcated in the public schools ofNew York until 9 years old. whcn his fat6er.j business took him t.0 Germany where Mr. Woodruff atteiid ed school three years. Returning to America h e again attended school in xew York. H e enlisted in the IT. S.Navy in 1%; as naval ap1;ren- tice and served seven years. During this service he sailed around tl;c world, spending some time in Chinese and .Japanese ports.

Mr . Woodruff was chief petty officer on hoard the flagship TrellCon a t the time of the great Samoan storm when sonic : N O sailors were IOSL

from the ships in the harbor. The only magazine account of that S L O I I I . w a s written by Mr. LVootlrriff for the Coernopolitan.

After leaving the Navy. Mr. Woodruff entered the employ of ihe Kagner Palace Car Co. at the Grand Central Station in New York Cii? and served in this capacity six years. He then became assistant secre. tar>- of the Y. M. C. .1.in Kew Pork aiid in 1597 was called to taiit' charge of the work in East St. Lonis. He resigned in 1903, principallybccmse of poor health and up to the time of his appointment as pnbl~c librarian worked for !he New Yorw Life lnsnrance Association.


Y A H U F A C T U R L R ~ OF

BANNERS and BAWES, ($Buttons, Pins, Seals & Strmpic FOR ALL ORGANIZATIONS

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Et J. H.Crane Furniture Go. Y&rBuy Furniture 423-425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS. MOe

--- - -___--E: w r SIDE DIRECTORY.

~__- .~ 1419

In .liiIy, 190-1.h e was elected public librarian for the city ofEast 5;. Louis.

In IS92 Mr. Woodriiff was married to Miss Sophia H . \Voodrllff, a namesake h i t no relative.Two boys. Lyon, aged 1 1 . and Ralph, agctl 5 , bless this union antl he has buried Ruth. aged 5.

J l r . \Vootlriif€ is a n>eiiil)erof the Methodist church and i x Worshll,. fill Master of East St. Loiiis 1,odge No. 501 .4. F.antl .4. bl. He is a;so Deputy Grand 1,ecturer of the Masonic Ortler and is an Elk.

blr. Woodruff had ex1:erience in Library Work in New Yorlc Cit:’. in connection wCth the Young Men’s Christian Association: He is gir . ing his entire tinw aiitl s k i l l to the library Worli in this tit:. anti i):’oniist.s to be one 01 the besl \tho have fillet1 that 1lositioIl.

F: W. BREDENKAMP. Member of School Board.



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---- 1420

The Reliability of our

House Protects You!-



0= E" f l 4

;r r.< ,(

. ., €i m:4' - .-.;,>i.F . --rc V)

MR. J O H N J. E R H A R D T . 4 I

Mr. J o l ~ u .I. Erhardt, grocer a: E'gllth and Illinois avenue, was 1101

in East St. Louis on the 9 t h of A ~ V ; I . E e was educated in the 1 S i C . 1)rlI~lic sc!loo:s, a$ worked at tile grocer,; bus:ness for Mr. Chns. Meh- ring for so!ne tweve ypal.?, nf;en 1 c rntt.rc:l into the same line of I~usiness for Ilili:se:f a t XU. 504 Iil.no:s alenuc. later removing to his ~)re?ent quartel's. \\.here ilc has built n;, a 1rosl.erous trstle.

Mr. Erhardt being a native of orlr city, has l~oe ts of friends who have IilloWn h:m from h:s boylloorl. R I I ~admired him for the stea(1.V p l u r k ~fight he has made for 1;:lsiness position and independence. \v\:hocveS IiIlo\Vs him likes hinl.

H c is a I)ast-n:astrr in the art of making a grocer?. store attl'ac- tive to its 1:gItrons. Eeing jcdirious in his yurchases, he is eql~ally affa- i,le ant1 url)ane t o cr1etome1.s. who can a 1 a . a ~ ~ f..ntl what they want and at 1.easonablr ~lrices at his store.

All.. Erhal : I t is a InemLer of t>e ell;^, of \vhich he is a valued and v;llili~l)Ie figlll't'.

PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST ~in1-h st. ~ 1 . i ~ Bell Etaat 50rnKN0E1E 209 Collinsville Avenue EAST ST.LOUIS, I L L

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0 EAST ST. LOUIS DAIRY CO.I-= 502's~.LOUIS AVENUE-"THE MODEL DAIRY" -011. W i d h o o t Grrdo M i l k Sold in t a m 1 St. L0uim.S0


Mr. Gohn has t h e naiiie of being one of t he I)es( ilntl nlrlest c011n-se l lors tha t crown t h e City Councll. T h e P1lblic look iipon hini as a s taunch protector of the:r interests, and Mr. ( h h n fully meri t s th i s high es teem in which he is held. for since he h a s occiipictl t h e lniport- a n t omce h c !low holds h e h a s not Faid a word 01' Wmuiil led a deed tila: h a s been in the least tlcstriiiiental to the Pl~lJ l ic ' sinterest. H e le known among t h e city omcials and public. a t large aS a slaiirwh upholder oC right and justice. and those who wollld h i b e know enough to keep a w a y f rom Mr. Uohn. H e is a 1)olitlcian of s te r l ing qualities, who worlis not for h i s own interest . Ijllt for 'he interest of h is city, a h does everything In h is p o y e r lo be H.Orth?.of t h e honor which t h e dt ! -zens of t h e Fiflli H a r d have bentnwetl 1111on him. Mr. Cohn Is a meit..

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- -

J. H. Crane Furniture Co.EY Furniture TO BUY 423-425 N. 4th St, St. Louis, Mo.

C. B. C A R R O L L ' S E A S T ST. LoIlIS AND__--_____

ber of the following important committees Of the Board of Aldermen: Claims, Railroads, Police, Street Lighting. Public Buildings, and Liti- gations. Mr. Gohn is a prominent business man of this city, having a neat and well appointed saloon at Twelfth street and St I,ouis avenue, \\,here he handles only the best brands of celebrated wet goods anll imported and domestic cigars. Mr. Gohn is a man of whom East ~ t . Louis lllight well b e proud, and his excellent ability and honesty 1s

admired by all who know him i n that capacity.



Other Institutions Worthy of Note, YOlTNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.

The R a i h ~ ~ l of Christian Association Branch the Young Men's of East St. Louis, 1s now one of the most Rorlrishing in the State. I t was organized some eight years ago, and had for some time i t s headquarters in a small frame bullding near the Relay depot. Some three Years ago Mr. J. LYon Woodruff was chosen secretary and man- ager. New life was infused into the association. new quarters were secnred, where the association now meets in the large fonr-story brick


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For All Seruons of the Year are Correct in Style,Price and Durability.

p, F, MARTIN, I07 Collinrvillc Avc.. Erst St. Louis, ill.llllllllUU IllllllllIlllmD.llll


\Vho does not know Thoene’s Dry Goods Store at the corner of Illinois and Collinsville avenues? Who does not know Herman Tlioenc. the genial smiling proprietor who was born in the very huilJing a h w e he now presides with so milch grace? Who has not gone away pleased with the bargains he has made there?

Thoene sells Dry Goods, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Window Shatlw. Sotions, Hats and Fiirnishings. H e sell.; them, too, fast and cheap. This is becanse he is a home store for home people, kept by a man, born in the store, ready to wait on all alike. He stopped his I,nsincs.-i career long enough to be ediicatetl in the public schools of East St . I,onis, and then jnniped in behind the counter again ready for h i \ increasing trade.


Go to Tlioenc’s for Dry Goods. Go to Thoene’s for Oil Cloths. I,inoleiinis and IVintlow Shades. Go to Thoene’s for Furnishings for both sexes. Go to Thoene’s busy eniporinin for bargains. Go to Thoene’s for Lace Curtains antl Portieres. G o to Thoene‘s today and tomorrow. Go to Thoene’s any week day. You will be pleased with wh&t you

see and what yo11 buy.

building a t 12:: North Third street The n m n k r s on iis roster are now 425, many of whom are railroad inen who (10 not reside in East St. I,onis. The association has reading roonls. ten I)atli roonis, tiin-ing rooin. sleeping apartments. billiard and 1)00l rooms, gymnasirln1, and everything to meet the demands of the better class of young men in the way of physical antl mental recreation, ant1 spiritual and moral guidance. The growth o f the association the Past three years has been steady and rapid. due mostly to the able and persistent efforts of the secretary. The Bible classes and every branch of the work is in a most flonrishing condition. The cost to join the association is $2 with $2 per year dries.



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JOHN E. MILLER, c i ty SUpt. Public School8.

John E. Miller, second son of the late James R. and Malinda Miller, nee Nicholas, was born near the town of Caseyville, In Et. Clair County, 111. The first sixteen years of hia life were spent on the farm. where he attended the vlllage school In wlnter, after whkh he spent four w a r s In t.he Normal School, and graduated in 1885. Mr. Miller then taught in the common schools of his native counli for Seventeen *uccessive yeara, occupying the pasitions of primal) teacher. country school teacher, principal of v i l lage school a t Caaey- ville, and teacher and principal of a ward school in the city of Easl St. IflUlS. He W a s for a number of years principal of the High G r a n - inar School in the High School bullding, being continuously employed in t h e brlilding from the date of its opening.

G a w k Auk VegetaUa, mu.J, MSullivan8i Bros 100-102 s. 4th f t ILL.A-LT

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-DININQ’ aAR6-ll.C TOWNEND. C. P. & 1. A. - ST. LOUIS 10.


LEMEN TOILET SUPPLY CO.3= The Lemen Toilet Supply Co. furnish aprons and Jackets to saloom

and butcher shops. They make a specialty of barber Coats. They han-E dle all kinda of l a u d 9 and. deliver same t o all parts of the city. Mr. W.W. Lemen is pre8Id-t of this company and Mr. R. F. Lemen 1s manager.

0 Their main omce is located a t 55 North Fourteenth street and they have a branch office a t 345 Broadway.

They can be reached by either phone. We heartily commend this firm to our friends as painstakiqs in their efforts to please their CUE-tomers and thoroughly hone@ fn alt their dealings.

8. 8. HAKE, Ex-Mayor of East St. Louis.

The City Court of East St. Louis, Illinois. Article 6, paragraph 1. of the Constitution of Illinois, adopted

1870, provides that “The Judicial powers, except as in thls artlcle Ir otherwise provided. shall be vested in O n e Supreme Court, Circuit Courts. County Courts. Justices of the P a c e , %lice Magistrates, and such other courts as may be created by law in and for cities and in-corporated towns. Under. the provision contained in thls section the Appellate Courts have been established by the Legislature.

‘ I8 U W T h e Meteor” to TEXAS,

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H if clt33c'9


Edward Par11Iteel) was born in ~ S sr.I I.oois. February 39. 18;?. a ' ,He received a good etliication in rhe public schools of Eas t St. Louie, and took n C O I I I W in the Xlercantilc C o l l e ~ e . conducted by Perklns

cf3 and Herpel. St. l.oiiis. MI..Herb choose the civll se rv ice as a life

- 2 1

- I i hslness anti a f te r a rigitl cxaniination was appointed Postal Clerk.

- 0 0 1 . I n b 26, 189% H e h a s ever since zealoilsly attended to t h e dutips of his post, and i s +aver 81 his station at t he Relay Statlon. c1 5 Mr. Reeb Is a niarrietl man. ant1 h a s a n interesting famllg. He I?~E - \ a lnenlher of the U. P. 0.E.. o f t he hlodern Woodnien a n d belongs to t h e Sons of Veterans.

Mr. Reeb is one of lhp stlcccssful young East St. Louisane who I_ is forging hlfl w a y to t he - f ron t I I (lint~ o f energy. care , falthfulness ! to d1W and a desire 10 pleast. all good cit izens 'who have business a2 relations with him.

* = I -n r l e Sam h a s no better servitor in our city.

rh -

ST. LOUIS' - CRANE#$ EvcGhing Elegant for Fine, LEADING Fashionable Up-to-Datc FIRA' 423.425 N. FOURTH ST. Residences

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J 0N E S -



Mr. H. M. Hill was born in Pennsylvania and has resided in Eas!. St. Louts fifteen years. He is Secretary and Treasurer Of the w.H. Hill Lime and Cement Company.

Prior to this latter connection, Mr. Hi11 W a s for several rears bookkeeper and cashier for the East St. Louis Waterworks.

Mr. Hi11 served the city one term as member Of the Public. ~ i - brary Board. He is a gentleman of the finest honor and sternent in- tegrity.

Feeling the constantly growing burden Of being compelled to transact all their important law businesa a t the county seat, the prim cipal citizens and business men of East St. LOUIS inaugurated a move ment In 1873 for the relief by way of legislation.

Acting with them, L. H. Hlte, 8 member of the Legielature from this county. then, and now,-a lawyer Of East Sc Louis, introduced a


WABASH to New York.

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bill in the first session of the Twenly-eighth General Assembly to es- 0gg

Ex-Mayor of East St. Louis.

~ i n 5 . 4 e 4

tablish a system of Courts of Record in and for cities containing 5000 -0(. 9 inhabitants. There was developed much opposition to this bill. It 2%-Was mainly from county seat inAuencc throughout the state. .Much objection also came from conservative. old-time lawyers, who thought - ;$-

(I, LL6the Circuit Court the only proper fornm. The bill was flnally passed, despite the opposltlon. and approved by Gov. Beverldge on March 26, 187'. I t went into force .11lIy 1. 1874. and on the next day. Ju ly 2. f 18749 the City Council of East St. 1,ouis met a t the call of Mayor John > R B. Bowman, for the purpose of actlnp; on the subject of submitting to 4 g the voters Of East St. Louis the propoaitioo to establish a City Court. 2 There were Present Mayor Bowman, i r l the chair; Aldermen John I/, z tBenner. John Doyle, Anson Grlston, John Niemes. James Ryan, .John 90

Scullon. John v. Tent and Patrick Vaughan. Resolution No. 354, ordering the election t o be held on August 4, 0 3

1874. W a s adopted unanimo~lsly. At the election on that day, 438 votes 9were polled. 404 being cast for the Court and 32 against.

On the evening of that day, the City Council again met. with Mayor lhwman and all the aldermen present; canvassed the returns, 9 pdeclared the City Court Act adopted, and passed an ordinance provid-

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m l b H i d h o ~ tG r m d r Milm sold la k . r SI. L o r t m - P I



Thomas J. Healy. Clerk of t he City Court. and one of East St. Louis’ most progressive and popular citizens, W a s born November 11, 1862, at Arcadia, Ma. and with his parents removed to East St. Louis

i ng for the election by t h e voters of the City Of a Judge and Clerk of said Court on the flrst Tuesday after t h e first Monday of September. 1874, a n d every four years thereafter.

Prhe flrst election for Judge and Clerk was held on September 8, lS74. resulting in the election of Daniel McCowan as Judge and Thomas Hanifan as Clerk. . 0 1 1 WonJaY. the 9 th of hovember, 1174, t he Court was opened in due form in t h e old City Hall.

& I u nnrur riinulsiinr’nn NEW

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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST M A I L ROUTE For Kansas City. Colorado and the West.


- - - - - -___- __ 1430 C. 11. CARROLL'S EAST sr.LOUIS AND

.-- ---\vhen h e wan but one Y'ar old. This CitY has been his continuous I,lace of residence eve r since. He finished hls ediication in t h e local Il,lblic at t he age Of 1;. when he imniecliately entered th,: enLploy or a railroad coniiany aild worked his way up t o a cierica: ,losition, close application antl thorough reliability soon won for him the ,,nliinitetl confitlence of his employers. and it is safe to prc. CS Sllnle that had M r . Hesly ek!ClCtl to renlain in the railroad business he wollitl S O I I I ~(la> have attained an cxhaltetl position in the servicc. h)

omce work for ~ e r yi ~ o ~ i lentering East St. Ix)iiis, excc-pt~e "10one, nineteen yeurr;. t i t ' W P S elecltd Clerk of the Ci ty Court in jS9S, Rncl has siiicc. retaiiiwl f l ~ tOIXW lo t he crctlit of hiniself ant1 con. stitueiicy. M r . Healy is a L)mocrat . He is secretary o f the Elks, 5 ant1 was instriiniental in the organization o f that order in Eas t SI. m =I ~ u l s . He is a menibcr o f Jhe Foresters. .4. 0. 1'. W.. and Choseii @ I Vrientls. He Is sinxlc antl l i ves with his sister. Miss Birdie Healy. 5 his assistant. in a btaritifrrl Iionie H I Co5 <:hartrand avenrw, which lie Ifw?nTly piirchasrd. MI..Hraly is n'cntioned as the probable SIICCCSS-


f i l l contestant for t h r cltvliship of the A1 pellate Court. @aOn Septcinber 2. 19112, MY.Healy \\'asagain rrilimphantly elerteti 4 Clerk of t he City Corirt by a siibstantia! niajorlty over t w o C O ~ I I C L -u) I ilors. tie is still quill-driver for the Benevolent Protective Order nf 9 fl Elks. b y whoin he is highiy prized a s a zealoils. painstaking officer

C There werc present at t he olwning. officers o f the Court. Daniel a

' YcGowan. Jiidp?; Thowas I.iinifaii. ('lerl,: .lames \V, Iliighes. Sheriff, a Timoths Cant!.. Deputy Sheriff: Chai-!es P. Kn;sptil. State 's Attorney, attorneys. .hiin B. Ronnian. \ViIl;ani G . Kasc.~Mortimer Millartl. I.lilie 14. Hlte. .I. U. Manners. Etlwar(1 R. Uavis. \Vni. H. Bennett. Charles Conion. .Jos. H. Messicli. \Vni. C. Ellison. .lames 11. Kiustry, Robert A. V)Halbert and I h v i d Snycar. v u l

' rhe first case iried b y a jrir: n a s "law case No. I." David cron-well. plaintiff, and Atlaiii Schlosfrr. defcntlant : verdict for plaintiff. 1 4 . H. Hire was plaintiff's at torney antl Chas. Conlon was defendant's attorney.

Judge McCowaii antl Clrrk I!nnifnn served their f i i l l ternis. Tori, ?-ears. A t the City Com-t olrctioli in l%TS, Clia:les T. Ware wa3 elected Judge. Thomas Hanifan was c1ios:n t o succeed himself. I In 1882 Wm. P. i.arintz was electctl Judge ant\ Thomas Hanifan. a third time, Clerk.

In 18% Benj. 11. Canby was clcctctl Jritlge and Thonlas May. Jr., Clerk.

In 189% Benj. H. Canby was electetl .Judge and Thomas May. Jr. , Clerk. In Isg2. Thomas May. .Jr.. was elected Circuit Clerk of St. f Clair County and James f:. Carr was alqjointetl Clerk of the City Coiirl g un -by Judge Canh!. for t 1e balance of >fay's tern). = :a

I n 1894. R c n i H . Canbr \\'as a thirtl tinie elected Judge. James 3 i 0 [;, ('arr was electctl Clerk. - 0

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= a''FOLLOW THE FLAG.'' = u ,


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East St. Louis Ice and Cold Storage Company.


Born .JiiIy I , ' 1 S Y 2 , in eas t St. 1,ouis. Eclirc~teO jn the pllblic schools, graduating from the East St. Louis High School in 1901, with the first class that gradnate(l under the consolidated districts. En-tered the law department of the rnivers i t r Of Michigan in the autunln of 1901. IVas president of c:ass in Junior Year. also secretary of,tho U. of M. Republican Club. a n organization of some twenty-five hundred voting Students. \vas initiat-ed into the K a m a Sigma fraternity. Craduatctl from the 1'nivers:ty of nlchigan in 1904. Admitted to the Michigan Bar Assoc'ation . J I I I ~ F 21, 1304. and adniitte,l to practice ill Illinois, after examination at Springfield, in October, 1904.

Practicing law at :;Z Missouri avenr;e--lhe oilice of the Thomas I,. Fekete Company. a real estate, insurance ant\ law cnncern of allout twenty-eight years of successful exreriencc. of which he is vice President.


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J. Faulkner was born In Richardson County. Nebraska, on 8

farm. November 5. 1861. H e r a o elected superbtendent of the schools of that munt). November 5. 1885. sewlog one term. to the utmost sallsfactlon of him COn8t:tuency, but decllnlng reelection, for the rca-son that he deafre* t o embark In the newspapet business. He wan

and bu*ness mancrer of the h l l s Clty, ~ e b r a o l i a . Jonrnal for

In 189R. S1lm Cook was e l e t e d Judge and Thomas J. H e a l ~ , Clerk After the re8lCZWloo of Judge Cook In 1903. Judge W. J. N. Yn)etr Was elected for the Unexpired term Prom September to De cenlbcr. ISTI. .James W Hughes was SheriR and Tlmothy Cants

J. 8. Crane FumltuIB 60; sEjt""FURNITURE 423 425 N. 4th Street. St. Leu& Mo.

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five years. He was connected with the Kansas World, published Y a t Hiawatha. Kansas, for a year, when h e resigned h is poaition to0 found The Globe, at White Cloud. Kansas. Thia paper h e conducted z for a year a8 edltor,and publisher and then sold it to engage as a 9J commercial traveler.' H e %ns..repreeeated the American h k Coni- I 4

])any in Nebraska, Tennessee. Kentucky and Ohio. In 1898, h e re-II

nioved to East St. I-ouis to accept the general agency of the compari) lz for Southern Illinois. In this rapacity Mr. Faulkner has established a large and profitable buainess for his firm. and is regarded by thcnl as one of their most valued and successful representatives. He en-joys the unlimited coofldence of his employers, as well as that of cvery citizen in St. Clair County.

hlr. Farilkner is an active member of the Knights of Pythias. .\lasons. M. W.of A.. and waisted in the establlshment of the ortlt'.:.

' of Elks In East S t . Louis. and Is now a Past Exalted Ruler of the order and Secretary of the Illinois Elks Association, and takes an ac. tive interest in all movements pertalning to the fraternal matters ant1 to the upbullding of East St. Louis.

He was married August 15, 1883. t o W s s Agnes S.Abbey of Falls Citg..Nebraska One son. Worthe W.. now a High School student (If eighteen years, was born of the union.

A more companionable gentleman. a t ruer friend or a more socia- ble, genial and progressive citizen than John J. Faulkner. does no: I f gzexist in this section.

with force and ability.

Deputy Sheriff of the Court. From December, 1874. t o December,

From December, 1880. to December, 1886, Fred Ropiequet was Sheria and D. D. Anthony. Deputy. From December. 16S6, to D e w ~ n -ber. 1890, John Ragland was

From December. 1690. to April. 1893, Alfred Daweon was Sheriff and Jeff D. IAngley, Deputy. From April. 1393, to December, 1894. Jeff D. 1,angley way Sheriff and Lawrence F. Mmney, Deputy.

From Decembrb'. 1894, to Octolier. 1895. Fred S. Weckler wa5 Sheriff and John Beaird. Jr., Deputy. From October. 1895. to Decein-ber. 1898. Philip Rhein was Sheriff and -Jefferson D. Langley, Deputy. 1 From December. 1898, to April, 190% Herman Rarnickol was Sherlfl 0 and lAawrenceF. Mooney. Deputy.

In April, 1900, John Kickham' was elected to All . the rinexpired I

term of Herman Rarnickol. deceased. Ne apuointed Jerry -1. Kane I Iw his East St. Louis deputy. I

I n Koveinber. 1902. G. W. Thompson. of East St. Louis.0 elected Sheriff. He select6d Charles Cashell as chief deputy. 1I


Art Rooms that are worthseeinginSfLouis J. H. CRANE FURNITURE CO. 423-425 N. FOURTH STREET

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GEO. W. THOMPSON.0 UXJ. w.Thompson, the energetic and popular Sherllf of St. Clair

County, Illinois. was born In Plttsburg. Pa.. in 185G. He Is a glass.blower by trade, very WPular in labor clcles. and has ever been a leader.

Since coming to East St. Louis, he has held posltlons on the Li-brary and S ~ K Q ~Board, and in 1902 w a s elected SherifT by the largest majority ever received In the county for that office.

As Sher*R,Mr. Thompson has 80 far made a declded success. HL has been tried, too. for all the temrer there is In him: but In times of troiihle he has Proven himself pure razor steel. I t was no imaginary tiuuble an his mind when the negro Wyatt was hanged and burned during TlWnlPsOn's absence from the city on offlcial business. I i i s

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flt J. H.Crane Furniture Co. Y&rBuy Furniture 423-425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS. MO-

E.AST SIDE DIRECTORY. 1‘43s ~ ~ _ _. _

prlblic a n s a e r to Gov. Yates’ bombastic effusion on that occasioI:, and in which he defended the fair fame of St. Clair County and his own official honesty, was a masterpiece of its kind.

During the Packing Trades’ strike in the summer of 1904. he so condilcted the affairs of his omce that he is entitled to the highesi praise, Several million dollars of capital was tlerl up: some ;(MII men were idle; and passions excited to a high pitch by the presence of ”strilie-breakers,“ yet, in spite of all this his counsel offered t o both sides alilte, was of such value in repressing violence that at th:, cost of merely $600 he sricceetletl i n maintaining the peace until t h e strike incident closed.

He is sure to finish his term with honor and is of that Splendid type of man who can re-enter the ranks of labor feeling that he has honored his craft, his country and himself. IThis is the proudest character at which any man can aim. and h1.i

friends a re confident that when St. Clair County would honor herself hy again seeking an honest, capable, fearless man for any position, she will know where to find him without a searchlight to aid her.

Mr. Thompson was married to M i s s Margaret Scliiffer of Pitts-burg, Pa., in lS56. They have been the parents of four children, of whom only one. Mrs. C. Al. Horner. of Ohlo avenue. survlves.

Mr. Thompson is an active member of several lodges. besides the labor organizations, and among lhese a r e Masonic Blue Lodge Roy-al Arch Masons. Eastern Star,’ Iinlghts of Pythias, Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, t h e Ellis and Knights of the Maccabees.

The following were the Slate’s .\ltorneys ant1 officers of t l l c

county :

September, I S 7 4 , to December, 1x76. Charles P, I<nisgel. December, 187G, to December, 1880, .George \\’. Broclchatls December, 1880, to December, 1S8X. R. D. 1%’. Holder. Ikcember, IS68, to December, 189G. M . \V. Schaefer. December, 1896, to December. 1900. M. D. Baker. Deceniher, 1900, to December 1904. James A. Farmer. December. 1904, to December, 1908. T. .J. Teililenberg.

The standing of the City Court of East St. l1oiiis among the courts of the country has always been of a high ortleir. as is evidenced by the character of suits which are broug’it in it. and the standlng ot the attorneys who practice a t the bar. The people of East St. Imuis entertain a j u s t pride in the institution, and will ever guard it from the rule of polltics. The present officers, a s well as all who have pre. sided over it and tranracled the business of the place, a re klud and obliging.

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The Reliability of our

Houme Protect. You!


EAST ST. LOUIS. Manifesting &Determination to Hold Enviable

Station Won Among Important Cities of the Union.


Exceptional Growth a Destiny that Rightfully belongs to the Illinois City.

(Written by a Well known Reporter.)

East St. IAuis ie manifestlng a determination to hold fast to the enviable station it ha8 won among ule important cltles of the country. Never in the history of the city has there been so niuch actlvlty in building and commercial llnes. The sound of the saw and the ham- mer is heard everywhere; ornamental structures of stone and brick are going UP on every street. and the residence portion of the city is a veritable hurly-burly of building actlvlty. Despite the close prox- in1itY Of the larger St. I.ouls and the widespread publicity given the \vorld's Fair movement, there is in reality more evidence of bulld-ing and Imtirovement in East s t . I a i l i s in proportion to Its populatlon than in st. I a U i S . Mo..and to the uninformed it mlght well seem that the great Fair would be held on the Illinois side of the river.

The citizens say It IS not a boom. but just a natural growth. Such a one as rightly belongs to the clty, ant1 a destiny they have never doubted since the days when people came from Cahokla. Kas- kaskia and other m a l l towns in lllinols to take Piggott's, Day's 01

\VigRins' ferry to the cltg of st. I ,ou~s. Work is plentiful, but la-borers are few. Skilled mechanics are not sufficient unto the demand.

Nowhere is the amount of birilding more clearly shown than at the City Clerk's Office. That onlcial is kept .tp~syhjsulng pelmils for the erection Of new buildings. Since January 1. building permits have exceeded Ilulnbers and amounts all prevlolls records in the history of t 11c' !-. aggregating $GOO.ooo. of this amount forts-uine

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Raymond Bernard Hendr ich was born on February 22, 1881, in the city of ChicaHo, 111. Ten years later he removed with hla parenle to East St. Louis, where he attended school, graduating from the High School in the class of 1900.

Mr. Hendrlcks at once entered the Iynlversity of Ann Arbor, Mich., and entered on the s t u d y of law. graduating from this time-honored institution with the degree of I.. I,. B. in 1903. Coming back to hln

permits have aggregated the sum of $300.4nO, thus giving substantial proof of tho character of the buildings in the course of erection.

The activity in building and commercial lines is also apparent in financial clrclcs. the latest move being towards the organization of a tNSt company with St.. Loula represenlation. Thls invasion of Mi* souri capital into East St. Louis is causing much comment.

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Ep Furniture J. H. Crane Furniture CO. TO BUY 423-425 N. 4th St., St. Louis, M*+

home city, Mr. endr ricks began the Practice of his profession and a t orice attracted the attention of his elders by hie brilliant intellect and profound judgment. Within a Year he had secured a clientage (ba t was wonderful, in view of his age and experience. In April, 1901, hfr, ~ ~ ~ d ~ i c l i selected Sopervisor to represent East s t . Louiswas on the County Board and was amminted on the Committee of Legal Affairs.

-I ~ e n d r i c l i s is the Presiclent of the Mohawk Club, a Demo-

cratic organization of St. Clair Collntr which ~)romises to be an ag. gre+,si\re factor in county politics.

His many friends, and this includes all who know him, a re pro11 1 of Mr. end ricks a s an East St. I~orlis prot l~ct , and ljredict for hlrr; rr !,right and plosperous I'llture.

JOHN B. LOVINGSTON, Ex-Mayor of East St. Louis.

Since 1887 East St. Ifill is has risen from a country village to a met yopolitan city.

Thp city has miles of raised, sewered and brick-paved streets, and more thal: that number of miles of granitoid sidewalks. These im-pl,ovcnients cost the snm of $1,5000,000.

The city has twelve of the finest school buildings to be found anywhere. modc1.n in constrrlction and appointments, and representing an olltlaY of $4-i0,n00. One of the brlildings is a High School, and


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Mr. Jerry Sullivan, nicniber of the firm of John M. Sullivan 6: Bro., is one of the enterprising and progressive merchanta of East St. Louis, who has risen from the ranks of labor, having been siicces-sively locomotive fireman and engineer before forming the present partnership, in which he has been engaged since 1884.

In 1889 Mr. Sullivan was married to M i s s Lizzie Barrett, and ztn young olive branches, three boys and three girls, surround his famil,, board.

Mr. Sullivan is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En- ginpers, Catholic Knights of Illinois and the Knights of Columbus.

The grocery and meat business in which he Is engaged receives his whole attention, and has grown to mammoth proportions in the past eighteen years.

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R. S. CODDINGTON. Election Commissioner.

it would be an ornament to any city. I t has a free library, contain- Ing 40.000 VohmeS, that Is supported by taxation. The library build- in.5 $75,000. I t is the property of the c i ty and i s paid for. A t’uaI9iflC-t City Hall, thal Cant $150.000. and three splendldly con-structed fire department buildings, thoroughly equipped, a re also num-bered the many improvements that have taken place wlthln recent Years. n e r e ere three steel bridges spanning Cahokla Creek and one steel Haduct, wmting more than $100,000.

The water System of the city coat $1,000,000. One of the recent Improvements made by the company is the construction of an tm-inense filtering Plant. The plant ie located within elghty rode of the plinlping station; 1s built of brlck, 85x200 feet in dimensions. There

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G m d m h t r , VegeW1rJ,NI,Sullivan &Bros1100.102 $0 4th SL k7.u

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Hen. \vil]iam A. Rodenberg, of East St. Louis, present member of Congress from the Twenty-second Illinoia District, was born near Chester, Randolph County, Illinois, October 30, 1865. He was educated in the public schools, and gradualed froN Central Weskyan College. Warrenton, b., Mr. Rodenberg engaged in thoin the spring of 1884. profession of teaching for seven years. attending the St. Louis Law School. and was admitted to the bar. He was delegate to the Repub- lican National Convention of 1896 at St. Louis, was elected to the Fifty- sixth Congress over Frederick J. Kern. Although defeated in a n Over- whelmingly Democratlc district in 1900, he received 1300 more votes In his district than did President McKinley. On expiration Of his term of office In the Fifty-sixth Congress, he was appointed Civil Service Corn- missioner by Preesident McKinley, and reappointed by President Roofx?-velt and conflrmed by the Senate. Mr. Rodenberg resigned this latt.er omce April 1, 1892. to again enter the congressional race in the nCP’ Twenty-second District. He has been four times unanlmously nominat- ed to Congress, and has just been victoriously elected to again repre- sent the people in the next Congress.

Mr. Rodenberg was recently captured by the goddess of Love, and led to the altar an intelligent and beautiful daughter of the picturesquo island of Hawaii.

are eighteen gigantic filters, eight feet in diameter and thirty feet in length. They are the largest Alters ever built. Water is first pumped into four settliiig basins. with a capacity of 5,000,000 gallons each. All sediment is disposed of in passing the water from one basin to another. From Wie basins t h e water imses through filters until it reaches the clear water basin. absolutely pure water. The six acres of ground surrounding the plant will be converted into a private park. The citizens of East St. Imiis unite in bestowing praises upon the management of the water company. The system affords a water supply for private consuniption. fire protection and manufacturing pur. poses.

There is an electric light plant that cost $500,000 that furnishes illumination for streets, private lighting and m w e r plants.

An electric street railway system, costing $SOO.OOO. extending to al l parts of the city. Aside from t h e city electric street railway proper, two lines rim east and west through French Village to Belle- ville, fourteen miles distant. cost.lng $1.000.000: another line runs north through Venice to Madison and Granite City, and still another northeast through French Village to Caseyville and Collinsville, thue bringlng the city into direct touch with the nelghboring towns and adding to its growth and development.

The Wiggins Ferry Company, the Bridge and Terminal Company, and the National Stock Yards property a re rightly considered pub-lic improvements that mean an additional outlay of $10,000,000.


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D. Walter Potts. Prin- cipal of the Ceiitral School. was born on d farni near Litchfleld. Ill. HIS parents were among the most pros-perous agricrilturista of the community, whlch gave him. together with his brothere qnd sisters, an opportiinity for that general training, SO de-sirable a s a foundatioii for a n y special line of work.

The paients believing in an edlrcitted h a n d a s well as a n ediicalecl head. provided a build-ing t horoiighly furnish- ed with tonls. In this sliol, H we designed and matlv many articles which facilitatetl the worb of the home and farin. Machines were made anti repaired. hnv ness niended, Mack-smithing done, and in

D. WALTER POTTS. fact a genrral manual training schtx,l was

condrictetl by the fathtbr. 4 1 0 was a firstclass mechanic. The general work of the farill necessitated the handling of ma-

chinery. horses. cereals, the solution of problems concerning the strength of nlaterials. grading. ditching, briilding, etc.. with this was that 011tdoor life. which, when properly directed. a d & so much to the physical and intellect rial developn~ent.

Af te r the day’s work was done. the evening meal was served. (lie “night work.” which consistetl of lessons in arithmetic, reading. speil-

-Prominent aniong the private industries that have loealed in East.

st.Louis withln thc last few years arc the Ice allti cold storage Com- pany. tile hlalleable Iron Works. the Nester-Obpar Glass Conlpans, the ideighton Howard Steel Company. elevators, foiindrics. planin:: nlills. luniber vwds. w r i i p reflneries. pulley and shafting works. wire works. soap works. Henry Sternkopf Son’s Woodtorning ;Mills. re), resenting niillions of dollars of invented capital. The older jpdasrries - those that have been longer in the city of East St. Ifirlis-are thc

i 8 4P x ;P 0

ST. LOUIS’ Everything Elegant for Fine,CfA NE‘S Fashionable UptoDatcLEAMNG

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ing. eic.. being satisfaclorlly done, t he mother. a f t e r popping corn, cracking nuts, etc.. gave to the children a love for good l i terature by reading alorid t h e productions of the best American and English auth- ors.

When Mr. Potts was sixteen year!, of age the family moved to I,itchfield, where he entered t h e public schools of that city. I.n 1890 he finished the course, graduating at the head of his class. Af te r a short t ime spent as city editor of the IAchfleld Dally News, he ac-cepted a position in the 311 Vernon public schools. where h e taught with great SIICCCSS for four years. In 1896 h e was elected t o the chair of science in the M I . Vernon High School. but r e s lmed to accept t h e principalship of the Monroe High School in Eas t St. Louis. In 1893 h e was elected Siiperintendent of School District No. 2. East St. I,onis, and held this position until t h e consolidation of the districls.

\Vliile connected with the Monroe High School h e graduated thirty- two yoring men and women. twelve o f whom are now teaching in East St. I m i i s schools.

Tn l9nn Mr. Potts went before the State Board of Examination at Charleston. 111.. and was one of three ou t of a large number of ap-plicants alio snccessfiilly passed the examination, which required forir days of nine hours each. He now holds a Life Certlbcate, which m t i t l e s hini to teach In any school district in the S ta t e of Illinois.

Aside from his teachnK power, h e has markeil ability as a disri-plinarian. He believes in nioral training in t h e public school, and g i v w this part of the work much attention.

MI-.Potts is a member of the Christian Church, and is a member o f t h e board of omcers of this organization in East St. Louis. H e ‘s a nieniber o f Eiireka IBodge No. R1, Knights of Pythias. of No. G6L B. P.0.E. ., and of Gotlilc imdge So. 852. A. F.and A. M.

Tudor Iron Works. t he Elliott Frog and Switch Company, the Waters-Pierce Oil Coiiipany. t he Wilson Foundry. and Heim Brewery, a l l of which have enlarged their Illants within recent years.

T w r n t y t wo lines of railway-great trunlc lines-pass through op terniinate in this city. The combined mileage of these roads is close on to Gc).noO niiles. thus making t h e city equal t o t h e German ampire in point of railway iiiileage. There 1s abuntlant. facility for rehandl-ing and storing freight. In addition t o the great t runk lines t h a t cross the city. IransporIation i s still fur ther aided by the advantagea afforded by the Wiggins Ferry and the t racks of the St. Louis Termin- al Association.

Steamboat navigation on the Mlsslssippi and i ts tr ibutaries ia counted equal in volume to that transacted on t h e ent i re Atlantic sea-board. T h e Mississlppi also leads to t h e Bea 1.200 miles away, afford- ing cheap water ra tes to all par ts of t h e dis tant world.

I t 1s estimated t h a t thir ty millions of people reside within twelve hoiirs’ ride of East St. Imiis . and tha t there are twenty millions living in the s t a t e s lying along the banks of the great. Mississippi.

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L E A D _ _ __--- - - - - - - -- .__ -_


JOHN P. MULLAN€. Attorney a t Law. 110 N. Main st.

John P. Mllllane was born in (iasconadc Yo., on St. Patrick's g:Day, 1860, and movetl with his parents to Alton. I l l . , when a smal! -boy. He went to the public schools there, and af ter graduating from 3 the High School of Alton, attended Shurtliff College in I'pper Alton

3 + ~* for two terms. Abollt this time Mr. Aflillane was terribly burned in ( $ Z . a railroad wreck on the Rig Four Ry., a t Wann. Ill., and lay betwecil 9 5 3

life and death for a Year. H e recovered finally, but ulll always bear ;5 the scars he received in that terrible catastrophe. Yor~ng Mullanc -4o

0 ~ u b l i c improvement, and is one of the largest institutions of its kina - ? in the world. * z

The elevators. iron and other industrial manufactories. machine shops and schools, all attest the wisdom and foresight of those who O =

GO. SUITE 714 Century B'ldinj ST.LOUIS,MO.




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-11. mLlh0.1 G r d o WilW Sold L a k . 1 S8. -10.-


went to Dr. H. H. Allen's Kational Surgical Institute in Indianapolis, Ind., and received treatment there for a gear for his bums, and after IeRving there came to East St. Ilouis, where he went to work for the Big Fwr railway,st the freight omce in this city, as an assistant account- ant, and attended sessions of the Missouri Law School a t night; after conloleting the course, he resigned his position tG t&l;e a course sl the St. Louis Law School. Mr. Mullane received his diploma. and was admitted !o the bar in June, 1902. since which time he has b e a pracriciaa his profession in this city. and belng what is known as a "hustler" he is meeting wlth deserved success. He is fearless, and has much "gri:" and determination, being possessed of remarltable will wwer . 10 which fact.-his determination to live-possibly waved him from a honible death by fire In the explosion at Wann. 111.. when 3X of his neighbors and friends were killed and scores of others terribly burned. When a boy Mr. Mullane had an enviable reputatioii a s a n athlete. and achieved some distinction a s a member of the Shurl- l i f f baseball and football teams. He lives with 111s mother at SO:, Pennsylvanla avenue, and is a firm and staunch advocate of civic pridp. and the possibilities of the young man in East St. Louis. He is a frank, plain, genial young man. with that generous dlspositic-c so characteristic of all the Irish people, and is a devoted lover of that "little green Isle" which was the birthplace of his mother and father. Mr. Mullane is a director of the Mohawk Club, one of the strongest Democratic organizations of Southern Illinois. and he has ever and always taken a keen interest in politics.

have already invested in the city, yet there a r e many attractions left for the capitalist. The splendidly paved streets of the city. its niag-niflcent ediicational system. 11s churches of every dcnoiiiioation. all tend to make It an ideal home.

East St. I m i i s continues to gmw a s never before, and real estate values a re increasing correspondingly. but there Is plenty of available property for factory sites. located on belt lines that connect with the trunk railways. that can be had a t reasonable prices. Real estate prices are indeed low. as compared with other cities, i f the atlvan- tages offered for loading and unloading cars inside the factory build. ings, or right a t their very doors. a re considered.

Ihr ther opportunity is offered for the inveatrnent of capital in the 1)ulltling of coniniercial and residence Property necessary to supply t h t ever-increasing demand.

The society of the city is eqllal to any that can be found in the rorintrp. H'ospilality and sociabllits a r e found on every hand, and the stranger from distant lands is given a ready welcome. Since 1891 Illinois City and Sew Brighton have become part of East St. L o u h and the present area of tile city is double what it was ten years 8830. The city liniits wtil be extended to the east a s far a3 Freuch VllI.8e*

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H l i i e checked Honiw cock. prize winner a t the \\’orld’s Fair, owned and bred by C. F.Rotldnberg. East St. Loiiis. I l l .


In the spring of 1857 a new city administration was installed under the banner of development, with Hon. h1. >I. Stephens as hlasor, and a new era of PIW~T~SSand prosperity w a s begun. From that date the inarch of progress has swept on like a mighty wave 01 the sca. Opposition that nienaced publlc Improvement. together with its lawless herd. has been hurled into the abyss of retrogression and paralysis.

Iypon a~suin ing the responsibilities of his omce, Mayor Stephens cntrenchecl himself behind the strong arm of IRWand order. The city‘s Intlebtetlness. whIch held it a s the grasp o f an octopus and seeiwtl to portenti. its destruction. was placctl tipon a pedestal Ot

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t i i E i5%r ;

OTTO ROTHE.& f: Otto Rothe, manager of the grocery company doing business a:

the coiner of Tenth street and Rockroad, was born a t East s t . LOU~S, Illinoie. March 4th. 1875. Mr. Rothe was educated h the public a c h m l ~ of this city, and was for some Years head timekeeper for the firm of&&J swif t Co.. a t the National Stock Yards. A collple of years ago he 0 founded the of he 1s g e n e n l manager. and purchased the lucrative grocery business that had been conducted by hli..0 Charles Mehring.

business and morals. When distrust and distress threatened on every hand. he " m o l e rock of finance and unlimited credit nlahed fortll." The city gorernnlellt is strictly non-political.

_- -- -- - - .___-_ --

J. H.Crane Furniture Go. B&T""" FURNITURE 423 425 N. 4th Stnet, St. Louk Mo.

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1449 ~



Justice of the Peace Thonias Stanton was born in Ireland, October 18, 1857, and came to Anierica af ter the Civil War. l i e lived In New Jersey until 1876. when he came t o East St. Louis. 111. hlr. Stanton worked In the rolling inill t i l l 1ST9. H e then followed railroadin!: until 1896. when he entered the Elliott Frog and Switch Works.

In 190.1 he was elected Justice of the Peace and fllls that posltion Ihonorably and with ability. govt'rning his judgments strictly by t h e alatutes and ordinances of the city and State.m Judge Stanton was niarrletl in 1876 to Miss Elizabeth Schwdgad and has flve living children. having 1)urie:l five.W .Judge Stanton is a nieniber of the \Vtx)ilnirn of the World and Of0 the Knights of Colu~iibus.

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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL *Through Trains for Colorado, ~al i fornk and the West.%






The Police Uel:altlflent of East St. I,ouis has for years Ipen in the hands of first class men. The officers, according to the state-lllents of citizens of all clas.jes, have actetl thir 1)arts with beconli~lg modests. and a t all times endeavored to subserve the interests of the people. In no i n s a n e . ~t is c lainl~d, has the ~ e r s o n a l liberty ol any citizen beell jeorardized by the acts of officers. On the contrary, it i s stated Citizens of standing who may llave overstepped the bo1unds of propriet? in a single instance, have recelbed favors worthy

a well-regulated police S~stelll. Cl.inle and petty cri111e have been on the wane for Years in East St. Louis, and, according to the opinion of leading citizens. the stability, Ptatlding and character of the po-

lice have much l o do with the conditions. The cause of the present stantling of the 1-0lice department may be better understood by o referencc, to the life of its leader.

. 11 N. 8TH STREET. ST- '-0UIS

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Bt J. H.Crane Furniture Go. YdurBuy Furniture 423-425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS. MO.


Dr. H. G. Hertel, President.

The Tribe of Ben Hur is a Reserve Finid Order ti-hich carries in- surance on both male and female members. I t is young and vigorow, and in East St. Louis has a thriving progressive membership.

The distinctive features o f the Ben Hiir a r e the admission O C womcn to equal membership; the protectioll grades according to age..


Another coinpaiiy lately organized by Mayor hl. 11. Stephens, 11 is believed wlll atid r i~ater ia~lyto the pro?-peri(:. of & S t S t . Louis. Mr. Siephans hierested a number of capitalists in a conipanY eo0111.e

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The Reliability of qur

Houae Protectr You! -


monthly payments remaining the same; an old age disability of oue- tenth of the face of the certificate after 70 Years of age; a partial disability of onehalf of the face of the Certificate for certain bodily injuries; a Reserve Fund formed by setting aside ten per cent of the monthly payments from the inception of the Order; a beautiful rit. ual; a system of regular monthly Payments enabling the members to know definitely what they pay, and a careful investment of the Re-serve Fund.

h ~ t a a surplusyear, with membership of 73,320, the order had of $511,838.19, and had paid families of deceased members nearly two and a half million of dollars.

The officers who so effic:ently manage the affairs of the East St. Louis local Court a re Dr. H. G. Hertel, President; and Mrs. Sophia ampb bell, 318 N 8th S t , Scribe. The membership of the local lodge is nearly 300, with :nore coming. CUT


Ex-Mayor of East .St. Louia

time ago, and early last fall purchased a site for a 1:lammuth loce nlotive n'orlis. The plant will be situated in the eastern part of the

ant1 whe~i in full 0Peration it is said that it will give employment 1" l,.jlJl) lll(?ll.

PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST am-:KN0E E 1. .laitst.Kin~mb Bell BP.t 50

209 Collinsville Avenue EAST ST. WIOIS, ILL -

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11. 1). SEXTON. President Soiithern Illinois National I3ank.

It is the intention of thc Imnioters of the new enterprise to over-hanl all classes of engines which 112aY be bronght to the shops for the different companies of the c i ty . The shops a re operated by the latest kinds of machinery, and the com1ian.v claims tha t it is as well equip ped for such work a s a n y other in the coiintry. New engines, bear- ing the local tradc-marli-East St. I~oiiis-\vill be built upon the Short- est possible notice.

31. M. Stephens is president of the company.

_ _ ~____ __ ~_--SUITE 714


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CHEAPEST Furniture J. H. Crane Furniture Co.. PLACE

423.425 No4th St., St. LOU~S,HerTO BUY -- -- .-



George Guei~ther, alderman of the Seventh ward, is a native of East S t . Louis. He was born in this city J u n e Z i , 1869, and hne lij'ed here ever since. He received his education in t h e public schools of the town and a t an early dale began the bllsiness of stock dealing. In this he followed the example of his father who was one of the 0ri- ginal clrovers of this Section of the state. Guenther was successful i n all his ~indertaliings and soon amassed quite a fortune. He alwaysI j ~ , ~ l i e v r din the future of East St. Louis and put his money in real estate. When the boom act.ua1ly struck the city h e laid out one of I the first additions. Guenlller's, and placed the lend on the market a t reasonable fi.gllrea- Mr. Guenther is now in the meat and grocery

He Was married to Miss Idnise Englehardt and t h e pair


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__ --

1453 -

HAST SIDE DIR&?Cf’OR\’. -._.-. - .-

have an Interesting family of five children. Two years ago Mr. Gucll-{her at the solicitation of a large number of friends became a can-(lidate for alderman of his ward and was elected by. a flatterlog major- i ty , His friends say that the cily. coiinly and state wil l get holinr hlr. C;lienther wi th higher lmositions.



Prolid of its court s. Proud of its library. Proud of its city hall. Proud of its Ijaved streets. Proud of its school I iOl l sc s . Proud of its school officials. Proud of i ts car s)slem. Proud o f its conimmcial standing. Proud of its commercial facilities. Proud of its standing in the financial world. Proiid of Its Mayor and ail other city ofliclals.

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DAVID MARSH, Ex-Postmaster of East St. Louis.


Twelve bakeries. Twenty churches. Two fine hospitals. Forty-five barber shops. Eighteen blacksmith shops. A fine bill posting company. Over one hundred grocery stores. Three first-class trust companies. Two of the largest breweries in the state. Three fine bands and many musical associations. The largest horse and mule market in the world. Ninety boarding houses, besides many first-class hotels. Fourteen places in which farm implements may be bought. The largest school building in the s ta te for a city of 50,000 in-


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Other East St. Louis Facts. East St. Imiiis has 50.000 population. Its poyiilation has increased over 100 per cent in ten years. It is now the third city in population in the State. I t is the secnnd city in the State in importance. I t stood at the head, in the nation, in development. by the census

of 1900. I t s real property valiiation is $50,000,000. I t s assessed valuation is $lO.OOll.000. I t s taxation is the lowest in the State. It. is on the Mississippi River. niitl on which States border con.

taining 20.0OO.r)OO population. It is so located that 20.000.000 of people l ive within twelve hoiirli

ride of It. I t is connected with St. I,oiiis bv the great Eacls bridge, costlnb

$15.01l0.000, over which is operated an electric street car and an au-tonlobile line.

I t has sbvcral fcrry lines plying between it and St. Louis. I t is reached by boat from anywhere that St. Louis is. I t Is one of the greatest railroad centers in the IJnlted States. I t is the terminus of twenty-flve trunk line railroads, wlth their

freight yards. depotb and shops. and a mileage of 50,000 mlles. It has a large [hion depot. It has several hotels. I t has the finest free public library biiilding in the State outside

of Chicago. costing $100,000. It has eighteen churches. It has fourteen recently constrricted brick and stone public

schools, costing $SOO.OOO. It has six parochial schools. I t has one convent seminary. I t has three private schools. It has two business colleges. I t has 8000 children attending the iniblic schools. It has 2000 children attending the parochial schools. I t has a new City Hall costing $125.000. I t has a City Court with a s fine a court room a8 is in the

State. I t ha8 a flne opera house. It h a s several music halls. It has bix grain elevators. I t has one of the largest stock yards in the world. I t ha8 four of the largest packing houses in the world. I t has the largest horse and mule market in the world. I t has one oC the best water works in the world; cost, $1,000.00~.

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.-____. _-


Y -E hIr. 11’ H. Hill was born in Silnlnlerfieltl, Ill., .Tune 4, 1567. I Je , came t o East St. I m i s in IS;(), whrre 11p attended the pliblic schools,I afterwards receiving a classical etliiraiion ar Foster’s Academy and a

---E coniniercial coiii’se at the Eastinan College, Ponghkeepsie, N Y., from 0


I which he graduateti in 18s;.0 ’ Mr. Hill succeeded his fathrr i l l Ihc . latter’s large business enter-

a f prises in 1x9:;. and has conlinrierl t o cxterld tllem rintil his success surprises wen his intinlate frientls, 1 ~ 1 1 0 liilow his ability best.E -

_7= , # It h a s one of the most iiiodern filter plants in tlle world, costingI‘

$250,000. It has ninety miles of water mains.

2 It provides the cheapest and niost abundant stlppiy of water to ,manilfactories anywhere to be found.

& , -~


Everything Elegant for Fine, LEADING Fashionable Up.to=Date FIRM. 423.425 N . FOURTH ST. Residences

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- _.~ . --


Among the niany conwnnies in which he holds the leading place are: The 13’. H. Hill IAne and Cement Company; the Hill-Gaynord Contracting Company: the Queen City Quarry Comp.any and the East St. 1,oriis Transfer and Cold Storage Company. Of these the principal brisiness is the 11‘. H. Hill I.inie and Cement Company, which is a wholesale and retail dealer in lime and importers and large dealers ill :inierican and imported lime and cement.

. Mr. Hill was married Sovembrr 5, 1S90, l o Miss Jennie Thomas of East St. Louis, and they are the parents of 1w0 beautiful and tai- ented cliiltli en, Gertriide and Ruth.

hfr. Hill ranks as one of .(he foremost business men of East St. Louis.


I t has one of the finest fire departments in the State. It has five banks and three trust institutions, with a comblned

capital of $1,500,000. It h a s five’loan and building associations.

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ntiseptic Va


~l Tablets.

A rtmrrkable Preventive of






















O,, 2015 Park A

ve., ST, LOUIS, M


lseeulnogpue s~qdlue~rn

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EAST SIDE DIRECTORY. - - . --.- .._- ___ -

J. W. REED, Rcporter Journal

I t s propert? values have incrcasml from 50 to 600 per cent in the past ten years.

I t has fifty large nianufactiiring establishments, I t is the most profitable nlanufacturing place in the world. I t has inexhaustible coal fields OlIl?- five miles distant. It has the cheapest coal for nianufactnring and private purposes

in the world. Its wage carnera receive. according to the latest investigation,

the sum of $1,259,000 per month. I t s nianufacfories receive their raw material and ship their fln-

ished prodricts at less cost than anywhere else. I t provides manufacturing sites, with railroad lines running into

them, cheaper than any othrr place. It is as hwltlrfril a city as there is i n the United Stated.

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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL ROUTE For Kansas City, Colorado and the West.



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It gives eren1l)tion fl.onl nln11icil:al taxation to manrlfactories for a period of years.

Its nlan'lfactories are all and prospcrorls ant] cons tan^S l l C ~ ~ h ~ l l l l 11 expancling.

It provides en l~ loy~nent to more sl,illetl and ~~nsl i i l led\\rorlinien. more diversified. ant1 at 1)ettc.r \vagcsa, tnan any place 111 the United States of twice its size.

Its nlanllfactories have rnilroa(1 traclis rrlnrll1lq inlo their l)reln ises, connecting them with four belt lines, a11d twenty-live trunli lines, reaching to all Parts of the CollntrY, furnishing the best railroad and sllipping facilities anywhere to be founcl.

11 is sitnatetl in the Great An~erican Botton~, the richest and most fel.tilp s1,ot in llle \foritl, from which are l~l.odllced, in bountiful abnnd-



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- --


East St. Louis fce and Cold Storage Company. Yaln Orno@and r-n~,Trondly Avo. uri Front 88. rhono ~rie.6s.



J . 31. SHEER,

ance, farm and garden productS of everY variety, and which, with i t b cf)coal product on the Bliiffs, near by, make East St. I,onis the most envied of places. l -

East St. Louis is the most Pros1~erous, the fastest, growing and most promising place in the I:nitetl States.

The above are all facts. We earnestly. chcerf~illy and cordially invite an!-one and every;

oue to investigate them for themselves.

~~~ ~ -- .


WABASH toKansasCity

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East St. Louis. Events in the History of the Queen City.

~h~ first house built within the Present limits of East St. Louis is said to have been erected .in 1765. and later there was a n authen- ticated settlement by CarJt. Plggott in 1792, Who also about that time built a bridge across Cahokia Creek, SO that farniers and others could reach his ferry, which landed about where the Big Four round house now stands. A better ferry was established in 1797 by Capt. Piggott. About this time a number of log houses were built on the east side of the river, and each little hamlet was christ- ened a s a town. The)- were Washington, New Port, Jacltsonville and Sycamore. .All these in a short time were washed away, and it was not until 1799 that Pernlanent settlements were made on the east bank of the Cahokia.


The growth of the place was not remarkable, on account of the lack of protection from the incot~rsing of the river, until the area of railroad building was inaugurated, and the dike was built by the city of s t . Louis from the end of the Present viaduct across the Island to the river.

After the bui l t l in~ of the dike and the erection of the roadbed ot

J. H. Elan8 Furniture Go. B ~ S T FURNITURE 423 425 N. 4th Street, St. Louis, Ao.

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SHORTHAND.-""C"' TYPBWPIT I~ .J 0N E S&nkin$. 309 N. BroadwayTeleSr'phkl. COMMERClAL COLLEGE mr. Lou,.. r oI I


EAST SIDE DIRECTORY. 1465 . - -- ----





P A U L W. ABT, President First National Bank.

spirit of tenacity pervadetl t he atmo:phrbrc* I~c.re then. ;IS now. and in IS65 East S t . 1,ouis h c c n n ~ e a city. ? L

T h e handiwork of tllc la~ilcntetl John f 3 . Bownlan was noticed in many of t h e enterpr ises wllicti leniic+rl t o ~ : r o ~ l ~ o t c . thcs in teres ts of the growing town. I l r s r c~ l r e t l t he Sa t ion :~ l S:orli Yar(ln a s a n Eas t Side enterprise, callset1 t h e l a s s a g e of t he f l r ~ t ortlinance for a s t ree t im- provement in t h e city. organizer1 the first l ibrary, tuaterially assisted in t h e establishnlent. of the ('ity Court . ant1 was a lways found In th6 I = Art Rooms that are worth Seeingin StILouis


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M I S S O U R I PACIFIC R'Y FAST M A I L MWI'hrough Trains for Colorado, California and the West.%



I ---.--.- -- .- - -. ---


\villianl J. Croclicn, I~orn a t IAexinn"torl. Va.. February 6 , 1859, gradllatecl fronl the Virginia 31ilitaV' Institute in 1877. He taught scllool in California two years. ant1 then entcretl the service of the Denver ant1 Rio Grantle Railway Coml~an!.. He was engaged in loca- tion and construction on the ['nion Faciflc, Chicago. Burlington al~t l Q~lincy and other railroa:ls a s locating ant1 cons t r~~c t ing engineer for a period of about twelve Years. For tlre ]]as1 ten )-ears he has bee11 engaged in n~uniciljal and #rnrJr;ll enxinevring work. hlr. Crocken is now city engineel'.

I NICK S P ~ N A G E L .

----------------b first rank, battling for everything beneficial for the place. His watch- 4 word was "Stand IlP for East St. 1.ouis." The cr~lel bullet of an as- ffl sassin carried him off on the evening of November 20, 1885.


Buttons, Pins, Seals & Stamps-

-11 N. BTH STREET. ST- ' - 0 U I S

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Bt J. H.Crane Furniture 60. Y6urBuy Furniture 423-425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS. MO.

DENNIS RYAN, Ex-Mayor of East St. Louis.


East St. Louis WLS visited b!’ a great cyclone in 1831;. which0 killed and injured many I;FOPI(\ and dwlroyetl a ~ilillion c!ollars \vortiia of property. It was the wcond visitation. The Rl . s t occurreti hlarcli Sth. 1 S i l . At that time the fran:e\wrli for the Eatls britlge was de - stroyed, large buildings were blown down and niany steamboats were driven upon the levee and wrecked. The storm struck the city at 3:52 o’clock p. m. a t about the Sanie Foilit, just below the bridge, 0 where the memorable cyclone of Is96 commenced on its path of de-struction. It lasted but thirty seconds. .John B. O’Seitt. Isaac Evans,0 James Halpin, and Thonias Drun;nion were Iiilled. and the following persons injured: Captain BIontgoniwy. .J. T. Monical, .James Clark, C. W. Smith, .John Fumes. .Jo!iii Sumniers, David Robison, F. W. Strauthern, Patrick Conwag and wife, Daniel Collins, John BicGarra- lian, John O’Connell, James Claiborne, Charles Schaffner, Frank Done- gan, Lawrence McGlynn. George Shone, Martin Mechini, M. B. Sherl- dan, J. H. Haines. and many inorP slizlitly. Sonip of these died. The property loss was estimated a t $CO,OOO.

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- -- 1468

The Relisbility of our


DANIEL SEXTON. w -m 111------------------CYCI,ONE 1896, mTHE GREAT OF

This destructive tornado srrncli Eas t st. [.o,lis a t j : 2 2 1,. nl,,) >lay 27th. 1896 In i ts pa th f r o n ~ the East S1, ]&"is eleratoy to the

National Stock Yards, everything, except the Relay Depot, was level-)I ed. 'fie *!Cvator mlffered, boats were driven upon the levee, t he top

of the I)ridge w a s knocked off, and a train upon the approach was over t~l rned, all the horlfiej south of the bridge and nor th on Broad-way were blown (lowt1. and m a n ? people hillecl. Now any rseaprd is a l l l ~ s t c ~ . y .Not a honse was If,ft standing on Rroatlway fl.om t he ria- dllrt to t he r i v e r The l a r t e : l t leure, tlle De\Volf Hoasc. Sla~lclard mF oil \Vorks, Trenlont Hollee, Vandalia round house and t l ~ e g rea t

0 ~ ~ z e l A \ \ b~,ildingsback mill all fell lrictims to the storm's wrath. of the Ilelay soffrle(1. and the X a t i o ~ ~ a lIiotel was badly ~la~?laget l . The c i ty 11811 i l l which confined a jury in the n~enrorable case

L l ;cf , icl l ;lgninsr lilt. tit!'. mas destro!.erl, b ~ t[he j1ll.y esaa~)edun-


am-: X i n h h st. a a i r Bell miKNOE 209 alljnsville Avenue EAST ST.LOUIS, ILL

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~ d l m Grade M i l k Sold in Eaot St. L d ~ i . . gHidbort



SUITE 714 Century B'ldinS ST-LOUIS,MO.

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F ,

t) injured. A n Itlea of the storm may be gained ftom the account pub- lished in the Republic of MaY 28, and written by Slartin Green, who witnessed the forinatioii of the clouds from the top of the Govern- ment building, St. Louis.

Beginning at noon the barometer began to fail with a steady pcr-sistency that was alarming to those who observed It. Tlie s ~ m , nowi ant1 then veiled behind evil-looking clouds, scorched and burned. Fitful winds came from every direction, but there was no Coolness in

1 them. I T p in the tower of the Federal building. where Weather Ob. server Franl~enfiekl and his assistants malie their headquarters, all 1 the instruments were carefrilly watched, bnt nothing like the dis turb

I ance that came was anticipated. Shortly af ter 3 o'clock peculiar looking clo~lds began to float lazily

across the slcY The wind was from the northwest, but it did not seen] to go\el'n the fleecy precursors of the storm. They flitted to1 ever>* point of the compass, and the sky in the north and the west began to aSSllme a sickly green Color, the color that makes the dweller on the prairies rim to his storm cellar and f i~rnishes the background for the dcadl? fwnd-shai)ed cloud. But to the soutll of the city the ciou(ls \ w e few and warmly tinted with the rtlddy glow of the sun.

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For All Seasons of the Year are Correct in Style, 4 Price and Durability.Martin’s Shoes

l l l l l l u ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - P .F. MARTIN, 107 Collinsvillc Avc.. Erst St. Louis, 111. ~ _ _ -


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z V 0

DR. 0. R. WINTON. Ex-Mayor of East St. Louis.

I t was not until 4:30 that the condltion of the s k y gave any indi- oations of a serious outcome. The banks of green clouds lo the north and the west took on a brighter hue. and hung closer to the earth. From out of the east drifted big, black, heavy shapes of vapor, laden with lightning, that flashed in sheets and forks. A cool breezesprung up-a breeze that seemed to have in it an odor of burnt leather. Down In the streets the wind seemed to come from the north. From the topB of the buildings. where the sniockstacks of the city coula be seen. It beenled 1 0 come from the east. Furlller up in the air,froni the dlreclion taken by the clouds, it seemed to come in some places from the southeast and In others from the northeast.

Gatherlug Clouds.-A few mlnutes before 5 o’clock the forces 0 1 the a l r began to Inarbha1 for the attack of the city. Ilong lines of clouds in array like trained soldiers suddenly ceased shtfting from place t o Place and took UP a steady. swift procession for the west. out of the southeast they came close to the earth, heavy, omnious loolrlng. Lighter. more flurried. but none the less dangerous in ap.pearance. they slid in 10% lines from the northeast, sa*iftlp circling on t h e edges on their way to meet the forces from the other side. FortunaklY. thefie clouds were a t a greater altitude than the others. ifad the two masses met a t an equal height, judging from what they

* (i,0

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I 0 B. F. PARKER. I m

Blr. Ben. F. Parker, the genial and accommodating proprietor ot the East St. LOUIS Tollet Supply Company, has built up a magnificent business by strict and economical admlnlstration of lta alalrs. ~ 1 - most every omce. school and factory In the city has one of Mr. Park- 0 er's cablnet cases In use. and the clean towels. fragrant maps, clean combs and bright mlrrors a r e worked to their fullest capaclty.

Mr. Parker's charges a re so low and the accommodatlons 80 su-perior that all may avail themselves of the accommodatlons, and competition is rendered impossible. w The modesty and honesty of the proprietor is so well known to the business community that he is popular with all.


a *were under more favorable circumstances, would have been most horrible. ? P

All t h e time the clouds were gatherlug In the west the wlnd wab rising, and from the Weather Observatorr was obtalned a vlew of the most brllltant electrical dlsplay ever seen In e t . Louis. AgatDrt * ;;f

m *F background of varlous t i d t s d green. Oarks an& sheets and l d o n a balls of fire, colored purple and red and blue shot out, accoWiBd .$ -by roars of thunder. All the while to the south the sky 'ma'Ded bright and ntarlY clear, bathing the t a l l towers of the city in * 'E: en glow.

="The Meteor" to TEXAS,

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423425 NORTH FOURTH STREET, U U I S , MO.S'fo . ..- .

~ ~~


cp /.

0-V j C. REEB, Sr. (Ijeceasetl.)z i c y ' cf3ijI The Funnel Forming.-At 5 : 0 5 the advanclng masses of clouds

W ! came Logether over the western part of the city. At the Arst contact k the alr grew darker and acrosb the green sky there seemed to be - 4 torn tt rent of whlte light twlstlng and turnlng from north to southa ' that was vlslble nearly ten secondR. I t was bllndlng. but In the mo-m t ; mentary glimpse that could be had o f the attacklng elements by l ts

cf3 o: a d s t a n c e It was seen that a long c lo~~t l , shaped more l lke a b16sausage than anythlng elbe. was rnpltlly forming and that one end of= I It was descending toward the earth. All wax canfuelon In the skies. -3' Stray masses of Clouds floatlng away offfrom the center of the dls-

ttirbance seemed to take llte soddenly and fairly sail across the horl- E = zon to join the deKtructIvt! niass in process of formailon. A t 5:lO. while darkness was swlftly settling down over the roofscd


a of t l i s cits, a s l k h t rain W a n seen comlng from the south. the wlnd senlet1 to shif t the We(.and the great army of the element8 sud-denly took up the march a w a y to the west. The main army from the

! south canle slowl?.. but the register In the omce showed the wlnd had j ~~~~~~~~~i 10 tllirtY-seven mlles hour. Away below In in vebclty a n

a -


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P. J. Soucy was born September 30, 1SG8, In St. Clair County. 1111-nois. and educated in the public schools Of Cahokla, and graduated froni Bryant & Stratton’s Commercial College, St. Louls. H e then en- gaged with the Simmons Hardware ComPanY, for whom h e worked ten years. After leaving this firm hlr. Soucy came to East St. Louis, where he engaged in the real estate, insurance and loan buslneaa, in which he is still engaged, and to whlch he has added the buslnesa of general plumblng, in which he is joined wlth Mr. Wm. Meeker.

Mr. Soucy was married in IS90 to Mlss Semple, and is the father of five chlldren-two boys and three girls.

,Mr. Soucy 1s a member of the Knights of Columbua, is the Su- preme Treasurer of the Crescent Life and belongs to several other organlzations.


w wthe streets People could be seen scurrying to places of safety, and the street arb’were compelled to wait long on the cornere for the O r o m deslrlng to get aboard. Slgns began to creak and ewing wUdW strange blue balls began to flash along the telegraph m d trolW --

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L E A D ---- -- - . ... .-.


S. D. SEXTON. President Sexton 61 Coulpally.

~ e s t r u c t i o n in its Path.-Mr. Fl.ankenfleld and a R e p ~ ~ b l i cre-porter stood a t the north w7indow of his den and gazed a t the rapidly retreating army to the weat. The rear guard shifted and twisted here and there, a s if waiting a signal t.o retreat, and the sky was green again. and of the gloom came darts of orange flame.

"11 is a bad thunderstorm," said Mr. Frankenfield, as he started toward his desk.

"My G*." yelled one of his assistants, who was on the roof, "lAook out there in the West!"

The army of the was coming back. The retreat was a strategic move. Over the honizon just south of west came a hor-rible front of srlrging. flashing, angry clouds. Outriders of lightning

SUITE 714 ,Century B'ldinj


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atmm~llmEIiabemt Grrdm WilW Soad in trmt S1. L O ~ ~ O . ~


JUI)GF: \V. J. N. IbIOTERS. Judge City Court.

led the way and galloping balls of fire raa in and out of the maln ranks. The elongated shape of the column was lost, but the two armies were there, firmly packed together. The rain that came from the south pattered desperately a few times and ceased. The instru- ment that records the speed of Ule wind began to hum, then stopped, and again began to hum. On came the armw, wildly plunging and tear- ing. The green sky was hidden behind a wall of mlst out of which hung ropes of hlue light rapidly unfolded and fell toward the ground. ~t ~ ~ 2 7a gldnce at the instrument showed a wind veloclty of thirty niiles a n hour.

Then came !he grand charge of the e!ements. The advancing ,army came on with a shriek and (lashed itself against the town.



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MISSOURt PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL ROUTE For Kanw City. Colorado and the West.


1478 C. B. CARROLL'S EAST ST. LOUIS .4ND _ . - ___------

L" 0 Ss =

Cni C H A s . R. GOEI)I)E.

5 j \ k c1 a s 1f wlth smoke. The iightnlng came into play and shot bolts to the I ground, and all over the city sprang rlp blazes that silowed how well

it was doing Its work. Ort of the low bank came sheets of rainI ;hat ~ e n e t r a t d ever).thing. For a nlinllte it was dark a. night.

And rllen from tile tower the watchers saw *e great battle.~ h cStorm King and the Fire King combined in the attach on St.

l ~ u i a . And right bravely ~ i id they fight. The alr was filled with


iigllt and heavy debris, tributes to the ,night of the wind. Away below , ~0l l ld be heard the Clanll Of the gongs of the Rre engines, and sudden- ! Iy in the south there shot in the a i r a stream of flames Ulat lit up the

whole cir!.. The Fire King had scored his Arst point in the assault. For twelve nlinutes the wind tore out of the northwest.at a speed ot Iron, seventy 1 0 eight?- miles an hour. A big skyllght came sailing

1 past the observatorv. ciroled around In the air, made a dive for Olive

I street and was stoIJF'?d b). the gutter along the building. Then down co~rltlbe seen the reslllts of the attack of the invading in the

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~ ~ ~ ~

--- - -- -- - -- -

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M St. Louis ice and Cold Storage Company. m* mr Fdrv, AVO. -3' l ' r ~ ~ d l ~ Front 8t. Phene Bridga


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d u,v GEO. L \VORSTHOL;M. 0

b GdD- @ C hosts on the subtle agent of man, e lectr lc i t~ In every direction the

0 long Hne of telegraph poles were daehlng plllars of blue flame. The wires were strings of flre and the insulators were blazingab

bunches of sizzing wire.. Buildings swayed abd cmahed In the powerhll blast. The wind

came down in the streets, picked 'up buggies and turned them over. d - I -0 ~t bounded to the roofs, rolled up tln coverings like scrolls and d a 0 Dosited them in ttllegraph wires. I t fllled the air with flylng brick6

and timbers and made the ears horrifled with the crash of falling signs and breaking windows and the shrlelts of men and women. = a l l over the cltg fire cnglnes h ~ i r r ~ e d to and fro and flames broke

a multitude of places that the hearts of the brave Rre ,ollt in

- - I

C 6 ~ ~THE FLAG.')


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men sank withln them when they contemplated the posslbilities of a general conflagration. But in thls the allied forces of wind and water worked a t croas purpoeea. For the rain served to largely undo the work of t h e other elements.

It was 5:35 when the army of the air withdrew from the assault. Then the rain came down In torrents and drenched the throngs hur- rying through the streets. It was a wonderful rain, a steady, pound InR penetrating rain that seemed to gather strength a s it fell. Amid the horror and the wild rumors of countless fatalities the rain came down harder and stronger, gloomily sounding a knell.

At 6:30 o'clock, while thousands were hurrying they knew not whither, out in the west there gathered another army a s formidable looking a s the one that had won such a signal victory an hour before. The sky was green and the clouds were wicked. But the wind did not gain the strength necessary to do damage. Nothing came but rain; a rain that beat long and pitilessly on the helpless clty.

ln~med~ate lyafter the storm the citizens began the work of re%-cne of thci'lnjured, and located the &ad. Mayor Henry F. Bader, who had been blown fmtke Police station to a point above the City Hall. orgailizcd the Police. Are deyartn~ent and citizens companies. .I'he worlc done bY them will remala a s a lasting tribute. But all un-il>juretl l , co~le assisted The work of relief was the best organized

e\ler recorded in such an emergency. The c ~ n ~ n i i ( t e e Henry F. Bader, Henry D. Sexton.consisted of:

palll W, ~ b t ,.J. J . Reader. Judge B. H.Canby. W . S. Forman, T. I,. ~ ~ W. .j. ~ ~ ,k ~ro( le r ick . Joseph Nestor, 1.0~1s Moser, Leo Scherrer. ~

J. H.Crane Furniture Go. BEST FURNITURE 423 425 N. 4th Street. St. Louis, Mo.

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--- 1481


l3anltin~. J 0N E S npaw~~tlrra.309 N. BroadwayTelcJmphw""" c o MMERclAL COLLEGE ST. routm. mo


F R E D GIESSISG. President Retail Merchs~i ts ' A-sociation.

Besicles the many nliraculous escapes which could be mentioned, p and the hundreds of incidents connected with the great tornado, t h e S:fa ta l injury of poor J u d g e Fxulk, of Vantlalia, is certainly worthy of 5particplar mention. Judge Faulk, who had kindly consented to oc- ' 0Irrpy the bench in the C1t.y Court for Judge I3. H. Caulq-, was s tand-ing in Lhe Msrtell House with l~ l r ige *. W. Ilol~o.#,I AItoi~. when the L stom struck. The g e n t l e ~ n e n a W w d out. Hot11 Pel1 nea r the trachs. A log o r large tie protected J u a e Hope while the whole Martell House passed over him. Judge Farilk lay by h i s side, but i t seems several

of heavy t i~i lber struck him. 2nd hc was picked up more dead H e lingered for more than a year, and died a t h is home1 than alive.

a t Va~~t l a l i a .

* Art Rooms that are worth Seeingin St, Louis J. H. CRANE FURNlTURE CO. 423-425 N, FOURTH STREET

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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL -Through Trains for Colorado, C.llf0tnia and the West.%


-.. . -.

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i is:o--A~~g~~st 27-Fourth duel on Bloo(ly Island between Thos, ; uiddle allcl Spec S ~ e n c e r Pettis,.both (lying f r o ~ l the wounds receivcd ! in the encounter.

l~:(i--First railroad built In Illinois from East St. Louis to the blllfis. Ir was ~ w n e d by the Illinois and s t . 1,ouis Coal Company,

the cars were drawn by horses.

C. B. CARWOLL'S ST. LOUIS ANDEAST . .---. - -..- . . . . . . .. . -.--

some~actsWorth Knowing bout East St. Louis and Vicinity.

17(i5-The first civilized settlement in the prcsent limits of East by Richard McCarthy, better known a s English McCarthy,

being a tract of land 400 acres on both sides of Cahokia Creek. li85-The greatest flood recortled by the Intlians tool( place th i j



1794--~irst resitlent lawyer Of Cahokia, Isaac Darneille. 1,95-,rst bridge Over Cahokia Creek built by C a d . Piggotl. 17g~-Flrst case ever tried in Cahokia, the old capital. Arlgusl 6. 1797-Filal ferry to cross the Afil~ibxippi River a t this point, bailt

by cap,. ~ i g g o t t . 1800-Bloody Island made its appearance. 1810-First mill, built b?. Mr. Pensoneau. 1810--First brick house erected here, corner of Maln ant1 bIenarn

streets, by Mr. Ettlenne. 1811-An earthquake frightened the residents of the section. ISll-First steanlboat ascended the &Iississippi River from North

Cairo to St. Imllis and East S t . Lollis. l8 l l - -Con1nl i s s ion~ appointe(1 to ren.ove co.ln,y seat fro, .a.

hokia. 1814-~arch 10-Bellaville became cotinty seat ; the site was for-

merly Clinton tiill. and wras.donatecl by George Blair. 18lfi-Jack60nville laid out, and changed to Illinois town In 1817. 181~-Al1gust .-First steam boat on ~~w.sip,. t h e .me. reach-

ed here. 18I7-Illinois City laid out in 1815; plat recorde(\ 1825: made part

of East St. LOU~S 1875.II I 1817-111inoins t o a n lait1 out, and incorpoyate(1 in 1859. I S l i - h u g ~ s t 12-First d11e1 fo11p;ht on Blootly Islantl between Col.

Benton and Lucas: Lrlcas killed. ISl8-Wiggins ferry established. 1819-Belleville incorporated a s a to\\,n. 1823-Jllne %-Third tlliel on Bloody Island between Thomas C.

Rector and Joshua Barton; Barton ltill&(l. 1*2G--*~ril 29-The Marquis De Lafayette was in East. St. Louis. 1826--The first Emat flood in this section withln the memory of

white men. IS2S-Wig~ins s t e a n ~ ferry Commenced to cross the river.

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BANNERS and B A W E S , Buttons, Pins. Seals 6 Stamps4

-11 N. ern STREET. ST. '-OUIS

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-- ---- - - - - - - - --

Bt J. HeCrane Furniture Oo.Buy FurnitureY& 423-425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS, MO.


BES. H. CANBY. Electiol~ Con~n~iisioncr.

1840-First school hor~se built aitliin the present limits of East St. I,ouis, by Capt. John Trendley.

1841-American Bottoms Gazette started by Sunirix & .larrott. near corner of Main and Market streets.

1841-Second flood; it destroyed the flne cemetery laid out in the Second Ward.

1815-The first church built by the Methodists. The Methodist Episcol~al Church of I l l i ~ ~ o i s was in 1849, reorganized Town erected in 1868 a s St. John's M. E. church, and again reorganized in 1887 a s the Sunlnlit avenue M. E. Church.

1817-February 13-St. Clair County turnpilie incorporate. Samc Fear first dike built on present site of Vaughn's dilte; destroyed hy flood of 1851.

1850-Belleville incorporated a s a city. 1851-Third flood. 1852-First steam railroad. Ohio and Miab3sslppi. Ground broke11

near Broadway and Main street: road opened in 1857. 1854-Cajro Short Line road opened. 18j4-First hotel, Western, or Buntly House, 120 South hlaln

street. 1856-Spencer R I . Kase admitletl to bar.

C 6 ~THE~ FLAG."~~ W


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The Reliability of our

Houae Protect8 You!


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lY5:--Ohio and hIississippi Railroad ran down Main street. e 1858-Fourth flood. lS59-Illinois Town incorporated. with the following officers:

~rllstees-lv. J. Enfield. Samuel \V. Toomer, Andrew Wettig, Henry ~acl ieisch, exafficio President, Wni. Hamilton; Clerk and Assessor, J. \V. KemP; Tre~surel ' . Daniel Sexton; Police Magistrate, Willian~ ~ ~ l i l t o l l ; D. \valk-. .\larshal. John ~ o h n s o n ; Street Comn~issioner, E. el.. 111 the same year, Hamilton's bond a s President being rejected, Daniel Ser fon jVas appointed President.. Subsequently Sexton re-signed, and Samuel W. Toomel. was appointed President. He a l ~ ~ resigne,l, and Hellr!. Jackiesch was appointed President pro ten,, and

T~~~~~~was api~ointed President. S. ISGO-~ruzreee-P. B. George, Timothy Cants, R. C. Bland, Rich- ard Herman; es-officio president, Daniel sexton; Clerlt and Assessor.



KNOEBEL am-: Kin-. st. c1.i. m Bell mt 501

209 Cellinsville Avenue EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL.

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m 0 1 1 0 Hidb-ot Grad- Milk Sold r n t r o t st. L o o l o . g

EAST SIDE DIRECTORY. 1485 . -__ -. ------ -.


3. I\'. K e n ~ p ; Treasurer, Henry Jackiesch; Police Magistrate. Daniel Sexton; Marshal E. D. Walker. In the same year Mr. dackeisch ceased to act a s Treasurer. and Andrew Wettig succeeded him, T o fill vacancies Richard Hennessc.~ and Frederick Frye were in the Board of Trustees.

1861-Town of East St. IAouis incorporated. with the fo l lowi~~g officers: Councilmen-John Monaghan, Florence Sullivan, Frank Karl. Samuel B. Walker; President, Samuel W. Toomer; Police Magis- trate, John B. Bowman; Marshal, .John Hennessey:' Clerk, Samuel M. Lount; Assessor, F. Hinze, Assistant Assessors, 1,011is A. DeLorne and E. D. Wallier; Collector, John Rennessey.

1861-St. Patrick's Church organized by Rev. J. J. Brennan; church built in 1862; addition made in 1871 by Rev. F. H. Zabell, now of Bunker Hill. 111.

1861-St. Clair County contributed 4,496 soldiers for war. 1861-First flour mill in East St. Louis, organized by F. H. Krite,

now with the Hazel Milling Company of thia city. 1862--C0uncilmen-Florence Sullivan. John Monaghan, Louis A.

De]orne and John O'Connell; President, ~ ~ m ~ e lToomer;W. Police Magistrate, John B. Bowman; Marshal, John Hennessey. In that ,.ear john. Monaghan resigned, and Henry Jackiesch wes elected to


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k E S TFurniture J. H. Crane Furniture CO. TO BUY 423-425 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mm;


- I1 LOUIS TISSIER. Secretary East St. Louis Retail Merchants' Association, i

811 t h e vacancy. John Hennessey resigned a s Marshal and Timothy Canty succeeded him.

18G2-First Plank aidewalk built on Collin8ville avenue. 1862-Fifth flood. ig~z-Wll iam G . Kase admitted t o the bar. ~fi(;n-counciImen-Lo~~is A. DeLorne, .John ~ 'Conne l l , Henry

.Jaokiesch ; Clerk John O'Reilly; Police Magistrate, John B. Bowman; &iarshal. ~ i r n o t h ~


Cants; Asseeaors, John B. Bowman. F. Hinze and Daniel Sexton; Collector. n m o t b y Canty.

1863-l.utheran Church organized and erected by Reverend P. Pfluger.


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For AU Seasons of the Year a n Correct in Styk,Martin's shoes * Price +nd Durability.- - P . F. MARTIN, 107 Collimvillt he . , Eut St. Louis, 111.

.- - - - -

EAST SIIIE 1)IRECTORy. -- - ... --

1SG:;-Luke H. Hite adinitled to the bar; commenced t o practice in East St. I.ouis in 18G5.

18G4-Councilmen-Henry Oebike. John O'Connell L. -4. De I a r n e and Henry Jackiesch. President, H. Jackiegch, aud in the same year, S,W. l'oomer; Clerk. John O'Reilly; Police Magistrate, J. B. Uawn~an,M. Millard and B. B. George; Collector. Timothy Canty.

1SG5-Jaunary 17--Committee to draft a city charter: John 11. Ilowman, Henry Oebike and M. Mlllard.

1SG5-East St. I ~ u i s organized a s a city, with the following of- ficers: Mayor, John B. Bowman; Cor~ncilmen-First Wartl. John 0'-Connell and hHchael Mill-phy; Second Ward, Henry Schall and Jas. Afazen; Third Ward. John Trendley and John B. h v i n g s t o n ; City Marshal. Tinlothy Canty; City Judge, Wm. G. Kase: Calaboose keepcr. Timothy Canty. Ou June 19 of this year John O'Reilly resigned a s City Clerk, and M. Millard was appointed t o cucceed hlm.

lRG5-Ferry divislon made a part of Eabt St. Louie. 1865-November 1G--The flrst regular flre company organized

with the following officers: John B. Bowman,president; Daniel Sex- ton, "ice president; James 1,. Fancett, Secretary.

1~~5-Deceillber 19-\Villiam Conway, G. Stack and F. Van



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4s I


Horan, Committee of engine company, recommended the purchase of a lot on North Third street, for the first engine house.

1866-First Masonic lodge established here. 1666-St. Henry's Church built b y Father Rinks, corner of St.

Louis and Collinsville avenues. 186F-Mayor, John B. Bowman; Councilmen-First Ward, M.

Murphy and John O'Connell; Second Ward. Henry Schall and James Hazen; Third Ward. John B. Lovingston and John Trendley; City Clerk, William O'Neil, appointed December 10; City Marshal, Timothy Canty; Treasurer. F.Wittram; Calaboose keeper, Timothy Canty; City Attorney, M. Millard; City Judge, Wm. G. Kase. Metropolitan police system attempted to enforce against Mayor's and Council's wishes in February, 1867.

1867-~ast St. Elevator Company organized.

A u k VcgctrMw

1100-102 S. 4th St. n0.e Rl8.A-111J, M,Sullivan8b Bros (hat ie&

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-- -


I I I ~ D I N CARS-INQH. C. TOWNSENO, G. P. & T. A. - ST. LOUIS. 10.


z 4t L I r+ aJIR. 1:KANK H.\GER.

This is the xrlall who rllakes rllorley in East St. Louis. u" r He wants to see you. Call !

1867-Mayor, .John B. lmvingston (amendment to city charter made term one year ) ; Councilmen-First \Vard, Michael Murphy and ?

*;. z

John O'Connell: Second Ward, James Hazen and Henry Schall; Third Ward, Patrick McCormack and John Trendley: City Clerk, William m O'Neil; City Treasurer. Francis Wittram; Marshals. Timothy Canty and H. Swigart; City Judge, Wm. G. Kase. Metropolltan police sya-tern contested.

lgG7-First Board of Health established. 9 -1868-First Board of Trade. ';c @.1868-George O'Melveney admitted to bar.


S@% "The Meteor" to TEXAS,

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1490 C . B, CAKROJ,J,'SEAST ST. LOUIS .4NI) ---- -

tf 2! Y H

II 1

.!! jt - 6 : : I" i II

9 I j2 ij


w E l !

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3 I am

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a b

S 6W

. i I , I ) I < K B I A S KARISEY.

lH~iS--Fel)rr~a~.~2ri-LVednc'stlay, E'e\,ruary 26, first stone laid onH--- a

z the east pier of the bridge.

l*tis-lannarl 2i-first associationEast St. 1.01ris h o ~ ~ s e - b ~ ~ i l d i n gorganized: .John B. Bowman, presitlent.

a-1XGS-April 14-San111e1 died.W.T O O ~ ] ~ ~€ - 1s(;8-.4t the spring election .John B. Bowman received the follow-

ing vote fol' >fWor: First \I'arti, 155: Second Ward, 224; Tl~irtl a . 1 . Bowman's majority over c:eorge W. Davis, 284, in a total of 791 votes cast.

isl;s--Jla?or J()hn B. Bown~an;Co~~ncilmen-FirstWard, .Tohn 0'-~ ) ~ l ~ n r l l Michael Secontl \Yard, Henry Schall and Gar-anrl h1.11r~h~: . rett StavIx: Thil'(l lVard, Patrick McCormack and John Trendley;

-----u -1 ST. LOUIS' Everything Elegant for Fine, LEADING Fashionable Up.to-DateFIRM^ 423.425 N. FOURTH ST. Residences

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- - - --

- --

bok-kccplnJ, Banking. Tclc5rrphinS* ICOMMERCIAL COLLEGE


- E

=; E:E E t : ~g a3:g-'3 % i S - t'k -

Y g

City Clerk, Williaxn O'Neil; City Treasurer, Francis Wittnun; City Marshal, Timothy Canty; City Judge, Willlam G. Kase; City Attorney. 13. H. Hite. Market house o r City Hall contracted for with Niemea and Mathews on October 18. 1868. for $14,500, Metropolitan police system contested. Asseasor, William Conway.

1869-May 8-Notice to rexllove the dead from the old mound a t Co]linsville avenue issued.

1S68-Presbyterian Church organized on the Island. 1~6s-January S-Judge W. H. Snyder of Bellesille nomlnated for

Congress in the reading room of the Island. ly(jS-.Janles J. Rafter selected a s principal of the Upper School.


WABASH to New York.

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L E A D - .- -

1492 C. R. CARROLT.'S p- - -

E A S T ST. LOCIS . - - - A S D ----


hir, XIillel has been itIentifie(1 will1 br~iltliug iuterests of orir -Pi,,,. si l lce I I ~ I Y .1 ~ 3 2 ,ttvo )ears a f t e l he - c ~ ~ ~ P ( I Hr is not only a ct)ll-tl.actoron a large scale. c,stinlatin~ on t i l t . lalxeit jol)s. and giving j~ls l

as attention ro ~l l la l l j0l)s anti rt.l:ai~,ln:. I J I I ~ is also the p1.0- pl.ietor of a mill at SO.::IIII X1)rth Thirtl s~rtleT, illis city, where all i t int ls of mill w'orl; is trlrlleti 0111 at s!lcil't nor ice.

nfr. Miller 1nal;es a si~eciail!. o f f i l l . of rile fin(,*( ~.t.si-lo.,st3s SOIIIC, s in a s I i s t i I I . ! e ~ s , n I

1 I I

,110rp complete IKIIIK~ is "~ I I I I I I '11 "lt5 city tii:l11 11is c : ;I) ~esiclencc at 51; x o r t l ~Ninth street.

Tile cilizvn Ilavinc i l l \-ifb\\.i l l ( . 1.1.ctio11of a 11(!u!i.( I V I )nsines~scrti\.-

1S(;S- Sei)tcbn~l)c~r .Xlo\-sl11s ('ollege slarttbcl 1 , ~ . Rfsv. F. 11.I-St. %;111rllin I l l ( . Ilorlse no\\. occ~tl~ietl t l~ rI.orc.tlo of1,- Sislt~rs. cc~r11~1.

'1Six111 sti.rt.1 anrl I l l i~~ois avc.~lr~c. lST,S-Octol>e~. ]$--First 111a1'1ic.t Ilouse ant1 City Ha11 erectrtl onI, ,.

I h ~ t cof present City I-iall; Siemes & Ilathe\vs contractors; cost,


0 1S69-First City Hall dedicated.

lSG9-Vote for FvIa'yor at the spring election for Vital Jarrot: P'irst Ward, 121; Second Ward. 516: Third Ward. 123; total, 465. H e had a majority of 205 votes over blr. I,in&ey.

1SG9-Mayor, Vital Jarrot (1869 charter. and Mayor's tern, made two rears ago): Councilmen-~icllael i\lllrphy, P. I\-. LTaughn. Geolge

W. Davis, Garrett Stack, John Doyle ancl Patriclr RlcCormack; City Clerk, Wm. O'Neil; City Treasurer, Belledict Franz (succeeded WitL- ran1 July S. Ism): City Attornel. I.. H. Hilr : c i ty Marshal, Timothy Cant.; Citr Judge. Joseph D. Manners; Calaboose keeper, R. Hen-n e s ~ e y . Metropolitan police system contestetl.

1S69-June 27-First annnal e r h i b i t i o ~ ~of St. Aloysius College. Prizes were distributed to T.11. Fekete. 1,onis Boismenue and &I. A. Sullivan for good conduct and close application to study.

w=-I 3)


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;k ' 8-r 5:5

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@ $ n

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SUITE 714 , Century Cldinj IT.LOUIS,MO.

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--- - - - - - -


-Sells Highest Grade Mil& Sold f a East St. Louis.* -





-* I.

J. R . HALLERAS. ' W ?fAdvertising Manager of T h e ])ail?- Workman.

IS0S-dug~~sf 19-Council advertised for bids fo r building Wlv-inan's dilie, now \Vest Missouri avenue.

1S70---Mayor, Vital J a r ro t t : Aldermen-P. \V. Vanglian. Mich;iel 3Lurl)hy. George \\'. Davls. Garrett S tack, .lolin Do!-le arid P. RicCor- niack: City -1ttorney. I,. H. I i i tc : Cit\- C'erli. \Vni. O 'Sci l ; City Treas- urer , Benedict Franz: City Jlarahal. Timothy Canty: City Jrldge, .I. I). I ianners . Se l - t enhe r 27, lhilb, >laor .Jarrott resigned, but. subde- ' quently withdrew t h e resignation. l l e t ro l~o l i t an police sys tem con- 2:s-a*tested. I\'orltingnlen'h Rank, now t h e Southern Illinois, establisllcd. Episco1)al Chill-ch organized; reorganized by Rev. W. H. Tonllins in 1886.

18il-March S-l'orna!lo Strt~cli city just south of Broadway, lzill- in% several peol)le; s ee accolnit.

1871-Third cemetery (Cathol ic) platted in Illinois C i ly ,nea rNa- tional Stock Yards and Bownian a\-enue. abandoned 1874.

ISil-Mayor, Dennis Ryan: .\ldernlcn-First \Vard, John B. BOW- 8man and P. I\'.Vauglian; Second \Vard, G. I\?.Davis ant1 John Benner ; rr Thirtl Ward. Richard Gilchrist F o ~ ~ r t hant1 .lohn Doyle; Ward, John gV. Tefft and John Scull in; City Clrrli, IVm. O'Xeil; Treasurer , Bene-

i 8 y,diet Franz; Attorney. I.. H. Hi te : 1Iarshal. \ l ike Walah: Chief of C yrPolice, Benjamin Godin: City Judge. .I. D. Manners ; Calaboose keeper, -3Richard Hennesse?: City Engineer, Daniel McGowan; Assessor, P. / *

31. Sullivan: Collector. John. Y.Sullivan. Metropolitan police sys tem tlcclared ~~ncons t i t u t iona l and force discharged.

1s;l-Thirty-two years a g o t h e police depar tment consisted of cllief .I. 11:. Rr~isha\v , Patrolmen .John Hogan. J. H. Kelley, John Grif- fin. ~ ~ b e ~ tI\(Uis. >I. Kinney, Ctwn Rf'e!), I\-. S. Scott , E. A. McCal- i lion; gall actetl as I i c~ tcna l l l . I



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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL ROUTE For Kansas City, Colorado and the West.


- - ~ - .-----1494 C. B. CARHOJ,I;S BAST S'r. LO1iIS . \XI)-- - - --- ..---- .----


L." 0

= .a-$ = - I

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z ! r b '

m i 4- o P ; GEn. GEROLD.

I I'rcsitleut and Treasurer (krold. Storage. I ' a rki t~g a n ~ l ;\Iovitl:: Co.

East St. I,ol~is, 111.

1871-Charles Horn'a s h o l ~ rsrxblishetl.

1 C ~ K I I I ~ ~

ISil-Foarth cenletery platlrtl in illiol,is City, on l.ynch a r e n l ~ r . 1Sil-.Jul~-TI1e Peol~le 's Gazette esrablishrtl I)y Vitol Jar rot t . 18i2-danuary 14-.\n ortlinanre was 1:assed for a s t ree t railway

e x t e ~ ~ ( i n galong on l l i s s o r i avenue an.1 aro11111 Front s twe t . ~ r o a ( 1 . wa?'. Collinsville ant! a s for Sor th a s ellgine hor~se , G O 0 Collinsville

+ avenne. lS72-Mnvor Ryan clietl: .fohn H. Bol\.nlan. acting JIayor: Alcler.

men-First IVar(1, .John R. Roanian ant1 P.\Ir. Vaughn: Secontl IVartl. .lohn &IcRIullc.n ant1 John B m n r r . Thirtl \~al . t l . .lolln Doyle ailti ICicha art1 Gilchrist: Follrtll \vartl. .lo1111 V. I-efft allti .fohn S c ~ ~ i l i n : Clerli. IVilliam O'Neil: Tl,caslut.l.. B e u j a ~ i ~ i n Flilllz: I\lltiilor. . I . I\'. l<irli, , i t to~.nry .I.. I [ . c' l~ief ot' Police, .I. \v. R c . ~ ~ s l ~ n \ v : Hito: Collector, .lno. A,, s ~ , ! I i ~ a l l : 1'. C+al:~l~oc~se Richart1 He,, -. \ ~ s e ~ ; s ~ ~ r 9 l<ee l~c~r ;11. ' S~ l I l i \ a~ l :

~~;:--AI;I>-7- JIa?or Dennis Ryan cliptl.

- ! - - . --- . - ------~.---




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-- - - - --

-- - -- --

East St. Louis ice and Cold Storage Company. Main Ollla an* *-dn-, Trendly Are. 8n.iFront at. Phone Bridge 6%.

EAST SIJ)E.: ~ ) ~ R E C T O R Y . 1495

E I i I =



1 - = 1 1 en-~ i =

K. F. (;ERc)I,I). Secretary ant! (;e~~er:tI h r a ~ ~ a g e r Gerold Stor.cge. Packing clltl 1

3Iovir1gCo. , East F t . Louis, Ill.

1872-Secorld fire cornpany established: Benjamin 17ranz, capta in; -1. B. Carroll, l ieutenant, and .I. 1V. Kirlr, secretary. Gave picnic at G Pecan Grove, duly 4. 31S72-First street railway built extenrletl from t h e Fist National Banli, Collinsville and AIissouri avenues, t o middle of Bowman's dike, Ce) \vest hl~sso~rl-i first ca r s ran J ~ r l y IS.avenrle: P3

1872-Second public cemetery. Old mound on collinsville ave-nue, near Illinois a.venue. removed t o fill lake eas t of Seventh s t r ee t C / ) and south of Snnimit avenue. e

187:-National I,i\.e Stocli Reporter established by John H a w & C'orlll)an!-.

1);;::->layor, d o l ~ n R . Bowman: Aldermen-First \Yard, Anson (;rlsti,l alld Con El~cltley: Secontl 1Vard. .John Benner and .John Nie-

~ l ~ i ~ ~ l\Varcl. .lo1111 L)o!.ie ant1 .Josel)h Ryan: Fourth \Yard, B e ~ ~ j a - F ~ ~ i w ~ ~ : Alarshal. Alichael \Valsh: Attor- 1~ .411tlilor, ,I. \V. Kirli:

I ppp--p--~


@ WABASHtoKansasCity

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THOS. H A N N I F A N Former City Clerk.

ney, I,. H. Hi te ; Chief of Police, J . IV. Renshaw: Collector, John 31. Sullivan; Assessor, P. M. Sullivan; Marketmaster, Daniel Sexton, Judge, J D. Manners; Engineer. H. Kock; 1,ibrarian. L. D. Caulk; Judge City .Court. Daniel McGowan: Clerk, Thomas Hanifan.

1S7S-National Stock Yards opened. 1873-Howe Llbrary Insti tute (Baptist) opened; established by

Lyman Howe; destroyed by cyclone in 1896. 1873-November 29-The Lovingston lumber ward fire, t h e larges t

i n t h e history of t he city, occurred. 1874-Shulte, Neil C Co.'s foundry established; burned down ill

1878: si tuated nea r Tenth and Division. 1874-J. M. Freels admitted t o bar. 1874-Elliott Frog and Switch Works established on present si te. 1874-July 4-Eads bridge fornierly opened with civil and mili-

t a ry honors. Gen. Grant and staff being present. 18id-East St. I ~ o u i s P res s established by H. D. O'Brien. 18i4-.lul~ 23-East St. LOUIS Gas Liglit : ~ n d Coke C o r n p a ~ l ~

aslie(] for franchise. 1874-City Court opened, Monday, November 9. ]~;5--JanuarY 24-5. B. Gwillan, County Superintendent and ]win-

cipal of ~ s l n n dSchool, died. ]8i5--~ebr11ar~--St. Clair Tribune established by Finch Bros.

J. H. Crane Furnituw Go. 0Ejf 423 425 N. 4th Street, St. Louis, Mo."'"FURNITURE

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book-keeptn~. Bankins, J 0 N E S

309 N. Broadway~ e ' e ~ r m p h i n ~ ~COMMERCIAL COLLEGE I - .. .-


" .-1. w





P. F L A N N E R Y & SONS.

in East. St. 1,orlis.

lRi8-i\ la~or, Sanlr~el S. Halce; Aldermen-First Warcl. P. \\'. ' ,.-allghxn and Alaul-ice .lo?.ce: Second Ward, John Benner ant1 John ! Xiemes: Third \Yard, .John Doylc and Milie Colgan; Fourth Ward. [

1:. Tefft ant1 Christ Rohm; Clerk, \Vm. O'Neil; Attorney, C11as. I (:O1llc)ll; ( : O ~ . l ~ o r a t i ~ n .John B. Bowman; of Policr, . I . ,C O I I ~ F C ~ , Chief \\-. ~ ~ ~ 31. S ~ ~ l l i v a n ;~ Aswssor T. .I. ~ ~ ~Col]cctor, J . , h Canty; llarliet-

~ r tRooms that are worthSeeingin St, Louis J. H. CRANE FURNITURE CO. 423-425 N. FOURTH STREET

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- -- -

MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL =Through Trains for Colorado, California and the West.%

CAFE D I N I N G C A R S . MEALS A LA C A R T E . ti. C. TOWNSEND, O . P. & T.A., - . ST. LOUIS, MO.

---- . .-- - -1499 C. n. C 4 K R 0 I 4 J , ' S EAST ST.

--1,OCIS A S I )

Illaster, Daniel Seston; .IlltIge. .I. I). .\lanllers; ISnginerr, H. Kocl<; I,i- brarian, R. Lee Bo~vman: Assistant. John Hite; .],ldge City Collrt.. Dan .\icGo\van; Clerk. 'rhos Hanifan.

1Si5-High grade ordinance 1:assetl by Jlayor .john B. Bownian: vote. o f 5 to n in the Corlncil; those who votetl for the nrtlinance were .John Bo\r.nlan. .Iolln Tefft, John Doyle, John Neinles and Anson Gus- tin, all .Johns but one.

1875-April-S. S. Halie elrcterl hlayor \ ) Y 210 niaj<)rity. The votes Tor Flilte was 810. for Vailglian was G O ( ) , anti scattering. SF. The election \vas a vin(lication of the passage of tile l ~ i g hgratle ordinance B Y ~ ( , \ V I ~ R I I ' sCouncil.

~s;:-.\pril 1 I-High-grade ave-\)all at T11r11er tiall, 9111 St. I .o~~is 1111~. .Iolin V. Tefft was nlusical director.

hi:,-.\ qr~ar te r of a. century ago the police (Iepart~uent consisted 01. .I. \\.. ~rnsllll\V. Chief; .John Holloran and John Griffin, I.ierlten-ant.s, an,\ Prtsolmen Coon Rep\). ivillian~ 1~ole.v. Pat Dillon, Mathias Schlatt\vpilrr, .lo;lll AIcGl'a\v, A. C. hfiller. Rubert Adtlis. Franlt Healc?.,


Buttons, Pins, Seals & Stamps-

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- - -

Buy Furniture ~t J. H.crane Furniture CO. 423-425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS. MO.

--- ---.-.- --- - .-...-. - . . - . -. .. . - . .-- . .- -

K4ST SII )R I)IKRCTOK\. . 14W - . -. . . - -

I K U R l ' J . l , l :I i .4S, A l c l r r n ~ a ~ ~of t l ~ cSct-gt~~tlIV;II.~I,

I,aa.rencr ,\lc(;lyt~n. Cot1 b'~.a\vlt.,i., Pat O'Nri l . .\I. H!an. J o h n fjoKHI1. ('on 3lagllil.e. F. 1.);111 ('off6 y a n d .lolln I)illon. Hal loran reslcles in r h r n o r t h e r n 1)al.r of 1l1r rit! . .\lart S t , l ~ l a t t \ v e i l r rancl A. C. Jl i l ler art: st i l l ronneclecl witll ~ J I c ~c i t y go\ .ernlnent . Franlc Henley 1irc.s o n 1llit111is avenlith, ncvir Fif teet i lh sil.eel: I.a\vrc.ncc. >Lc(;lynl~ is a lai'#ct r;111rl1 otvl lrr in >Iisso~~t-I . P a l O'Scil ~v\.orl<sa t t h e National Slocli Yartls ant1 (:on FI.:IW~C?-is a f a r t ~ t c r in A1issou1.i. T h e rest a r e deatl.

Is;';,--1-lyer 131.others' x ~ ~ l r o h e Paclory c s t a l ~ l i s l ~ r t la l nor111 (.11t1 t , f

Isl;lntl, ~ ) I .~ \SI - I I I silt- of tvat tbl \vorltS. 1s;;- [Iiinois ( ' i ly I : ~ Y , I I I : ~ ! ~ ~ i ~ l ~ lof ICiisI S l , l . 0 1 1 i ~ .

1s;T,-..\lax 2s -S lchc~las Sr l.ol)t21 tliwl.

3 (I)-

.- -.. -

c c THE~ FLAG."~ ~~ ~ WABASH to BOSTON

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- - - - - - - -

The Reliability of our

House Protects You!-



I FR.XSK HOI.TEN. Alrlernlal~of the 1:iftll Ward.

4 a I, - 1r;;j-Xla~ 10-East St. 1.0llis Sharl)shooters' Parlc opened, Xlo-

I-itz Oelller, proprietor. 1sij--.lulle l~--Chanli)ionshil) ball club oranized with the follow-

ing ~ ~ l a ? . e r s : Robert Dllllcan. Thonias Sculleu. .lue Grifith. Tinlotl~y Canty. Hel.ma11 Sel)enhar, Thus. H ~ ~ r n s , George Barringer a ~ l d \Villiam roder rick.

lSi>--.J~l~leIg-En~t s t . I.ouis l'llrn\.el.eln orgallized, Henry .J. \'. Comnioll ilr sl-ealier allll Charles ScllllrtZ secwtal.y.

ls;.-~-.l~~l!' 23-Thc Vi\'iall Cll11) o~.ganizctl; C. XI. Keys, president; i \ treasllrer, anti H . D. OSBl.ien, secretary. i . :;~.o~lel.i~Ii. , ~s;;-Sc] lf?lll!~t'l. ~-~lat lanln:e .Illliet .larrott dietl a t the age of0 , 95, Jlir \ , , a s t11c of ~ ( 1 1 .vital . lar~,oit, a a,-nl,r \fayor Easl,

1S;~-SP~II enll)t'l' 1"- ril'et High-gratle I,~liltling. the \ifips I~locIi,

___- - -.


KN0EBE p m m : K i t t l ~ hSt. C1.i. 1. Bell mt

209 Cellinsville Avenue EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL

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WSolls Highost Grrdo Mil& Sold in East St. Louis.- ~ ~ _ __ - -~

~ . -

ICAST S I D E DIRECTORY. ~ - - -. - - --


1S;~-DecPllilJt‘r .i--. I O i l l l ’ s E. (‘hiirch forliially tlt.tlic;ll(~tl.St. 31. Rishop Bownisn preached a serninii, which was copied in 111any ~ ) n p e ~ . s at thc time. Rev. \Villiani Jesse Grant was pastor.

IX’i5--Deccmber !l--.liidge . J . L). Rlannera.died; funeral on tlir I l th . T h e pall-bearers w e r ~John B. Bowman, \Villianl G. Kase. G. G. Brack-ett. E. R. Davis, .I. B. Mesick, J. .I. Rafter and Mortiiner hlillard, all l a w e r s . Kase, Bowman and Brackett are dead; the others are still practicing law in East St. 1,oiiis.

1875-Thirty-two years ago the poliw department consisted of J. W-.Renshaw, Chief: PaIroliiien .John Halloran. John Griffiin, Con Reeh, Wm. Foley. Pat Dillon, Matt Schlattweiler. John McGraw, A. c. Miller. Robert Addis. Finn k Healey, 1,awrPnce McCIynn, Con Franley. Pat. O’Neil. M. Ryan, John Hogan, Con McGuire, Dan CoffeY and John Dillon.

1875--.Fifth cemetery, St. Henry’s. established at 2600 Roclcraod. 187G--Mayor, Saniiiel S. Hake; Councilmen-First Ward. Maurice

Joyce and E. W.Wider: Second Ward. .John Niemes and John Benner; Third Ward, Nicholas Colgan and John Doyle; Fourth Ward, Chris- tian Rhome and John V. Tefft: City Clerk. Wm. O’Neil; City Treas- urer, Benedict Franz: City Auditor, James W. Kirk: City Marshal, .J. 1 ~ .Renshaw: Corporation CoLinSe1, John R. Bowman; Chief of Police,

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L E S T Furniture J. n.Crane Furniture CO. TO BUY 423-425 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Moi

- - .-.. .. ~ .-


I _ _ _____.


JOHN SII.:AIRS. -For!~~erCity Treasurer.

1' Jlilie \Talsh ; llarltetnlaster. Jlaniel Sexton: City Jlldge, Joseph B. Jlessicli: City Enqineel., H. Kock; Public I,ibra~.i;rn. Ja~l lea \v. I<isk; ,]ll,lge Court of Recortl, 1)aniel hlcGowan: Clerk of Court. Thos. Hani-

1876-Sixth CenIeterY established-St. Peter's, on Rock road, east ' i:iinstanle>- Park. Ibici-Jllly O-Cornclr sione of present brlilding of Heinl brewery

i / 1s;c;-.lolln Rader. father of Ex-Mavor Henrv F. Rader. died.

1syc;-~aholcia citizens decided to gel] t h e ancient village lands by 7 \.ate of ::i(0 10.

l.*;if;--l)ecen~bel. I5-Ex-Postmaster Uaniel Sexton, father of Hen-,,. D. Sexton, died, aged GO Sears. 1~;+j-~t.ccn~l)er 1:-City Clerk Wni. O'Neil died. ~ ~ i ~ - ~ ) r r r n ~ h e r for St. selected.::')-Site Henry's cenietesy



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Martin's shoesFor All Seasons of the' Year are Correct in Style,

4 Price and Durability. ,,IIHrmuatlllmm-P, F. MARTIN, 107 Collinrvillc Avc.. East St. L a i r 111.

.-* . -

EAST SIDE I I ) I R F . c T o K ~ . 1503 ..- ----- . - --

!1877--.lanllar!. :I-Ex-\layor Vital .Ial.rotr tlirrl. I 1 S77-Alayol., .lo1111 B. f3or111an; C o ~ ~ r ~ c i l ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ - F i r s t \V.\\.a r(l, 14:. Ii r I 1 1 1 1 I t : c o 1 1 \ a lo1111t 1 . I I . I - , I

I .c~:II~:T l ~ i ~ . ( l l>o!.lr a11(1 Henry Si tc l :n~ar~: \V:II.I~,\Val.(I, .Iohn F I J I I ~ I ~ I l o V T I I I I . I ' In th is ~ I . ; I I . Tvlfr ~.rsiglletl,: I I I ~ ~ m 1,t~vi 1 ia11~l1 \\;IS t~lcictt~tlto s11ccethl 11ir11. ('ity ('ltL1.l, V. 13. \Vt, t~ig: x

01' }>r)lict,, > I i l , c ~ \V:lIsll: ('it! .lll~Igfx..I. 1%. 1lt,ssicl<: ('it? ~ ; I I A ~ I ~ -

,~121.. 11. Iir)(.I;: 1'11l~lic. I.il)~.;c~.~;cn. .l1111;:~. ('o111.r of H(~col.~i , -3.I. \\'. Kirli: I ) ~ I I I ~ J I~ I ( : ( ;O \ \ ; I I I ; 01' ( ' + ) I I I ' ~ , 'I'I1ol11;1s 13;111il';111: \ I .~ I~s I I :~ I , 1%.( ' I t ' l ' l i .I. z --(.. . .111 1 0 1 1 . 0 -.

I<;;-1)11;?1 zo\-a.l'llllirnl 1'01' I \\'I) !',':ll'h. o = I S77- \l:~rch 17-Hr111.y Scl~iill (litJd. lSii-.\l)riI 12-~1iss011ri ( 'ar \Vorl<s ~ ) l l ~ l l e ( ~ . I S7;-.l11llr 2;- of C';cl)t. i l l l c l '1.1.('11d11*'\.. 0Tin \r . t~tl~lir~y .\I 1,s 1 1~'111'!

lS;i-.11111t' ::(I-Flortxnct. C O I I ~ ~ : I ( . I ( I I . . 2 - S( l l i i v i~ l~ . cli(-(l. lS77--.111Iy .I-- 111i11st b -Occ i~ l t~n ta l I ~ + > I~ I Y > I I I N . .$11, th is cil y, \vllirl~ (..o11

tainetl Illan>- of t he Ieatling citizrrls of rht. ~)!.(.s,.III tl;~>-. 111;1!t311 ; I I ( ' ;I- 4 Iloliia 1 0 a cl.ortlf.ll h o l l s ~ . m -

1Si;-.l11ly 12-('ornrr stont. of t h r ( ' I I I I I . ~ ~ , ('01- 0 C/3I~l.t.slr?)tc~.ian OII

linsville avt*1111r, wl~c,re A1)l.s Hall IIOIV s!an(Is, l:~i(l by I<(>,-. \\'1llii111; , -

(;allst,. of St. I.oIII.,. ,\lo. lS;;--.l111!. I!+--.lohn :i c i t i z c ~ ~ mI). SI IOI .~ . 111~0111int.nt of 1';1l)p's totvn.

(lied. l S i 7 S r l ) l ~ ~ n l l ~ t ~ 1 .20-Es- (.'o~.onel. .lo1111 N. Ryan tlie(l. CP lS7s-11a1.(:11 S-b:nst St. I .f)~lis tlrr.aI~l ~ ~ s ~ i ~ l ~ l i s l i t ~ r l 11. F. Tis-1):-

sier. -01 S ; h ~ - AI:~yor, .lo1111 B. ~ < ~ \ Y I I I ~ I I : \~:;IIYI, 11:1111.it,e( ' ~ I I I I C ~ I I I I C ~ I I - - F ~ ~ S ~ -

.lo?.rt anrl Anson ( ; ~ l s l i n : St>conll \V:~l.tl. .lohn .I. 3lcl.raq anrl bit-111.y H C J I Y ~ :Third \Va~.ll. flr 'nry Snc l in~an : Fourth IVartl. .I. .I. Itaft(\l. an11 z' I.evi I3a11gh. ill y ~ : ~ r t he Cortl~cil.E. KSu l ) s t~q~~f .n t ly th is in C11artc.r \V. \\'itlev artc.(l iu Anscln (:r~slin 's ~ l l a c r . Thos. C lann i f a~~i l l Ho\vc's 3 I . i s I I I I I ~ I I I II I . 1 1 1 s1 1 . i t I , I . . i i t : 8 2 (lit!. 'I'1.ras11rt.r (first ) . [I. .Iaclcirnct~: lsecontll. F. Flinzc: ( 'hiel or' Po- , & l icr I first 1 . Charles . \ I . ( ' a r l~ t~n t r l . :c s e c o n d ~ ,\\'. l3. \Valsh: f t h i r t l ) , . I . 1 \\ ' K m s h a r : ( ' i t ) At lonl ry , .lr.sse \ I . F ~ , r e l sand o thc~r s ; .1111lge (:IIIII.I. 12 @ o f Rrrortl. Daniel hlc(;owan: C'lerlc of (:oIII.~,Thomas Hannifan: (;en-

' I: 4'

era1 I.aw hlayor, .1oh11 R. \Yard.B o n n ~ a n : C 'or~nci ln~e~~-Firs t Anson (;c~stin ant1 1'. B. \Yhitntay: St~cond \Yard. I4enry Rowe ant1 P. J. Cl.olly; Thilrl Ward. I,. l u h w and .John i h y l c ; F011rth Ward. I ~ e r i 9 8 Ballgh and $1. 31. S tephens: City Clerk. Benetlict Franz: City Tread- -11wr. -1. M . S ~ ~ l l i r a n :City )larshal, M. .I. Walsh; CIIj- Attorney. \v. H. I Rennett. g f @

1879-Chartrr >layor. Mallrice . loree:Couoeiln~en-Finl w a r d . E. \V. Wilder an11 .John Prottsnlan: Second Ward, Thomas Hannifan and i ' M 0 .lohn . I . Mcl.can; Third Ward. Henry Sackman and P. H. O'Rrien; ~ ~ l l r t h . lan~en .I. Rafter and Imuis B o l s n ~ e n l ~ e : Clerk \\'ard, City ( f i r s t ) , ST. F. Tinsier; ( second) . .Jas. Shannon; Clty T rcan l~ re r , .John 0,nnt lpr : (:hie( of Polinr, .John \Y. Renshaw. City Attorney. .I. 31. Freels atla Spvpral o the r s : .Jlldge Corlrt of Record, Chnn. F. \\'are: 1

I- ..- - - - . - -. . . ~



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1504 C. B. CARROLL'S EAST ST. LOUIS A N D - - - ---- . -. .- .-

I Clerk of Court, Thomas I-iannifan: Gcncral I-aw Jlayor, Thon~as Win-

Collnciln~en-Fir5t \\.aid. Anson Gustin and Maurice Btln!-an; second \vayd, Henry Rove and P. .I. CI'ott?: T11il.d \Yard-[.. Lollrer

,john ~ ~ y l e : anti 1.eri Baugh: City For~rth \Va~tl. 11. 11. Srf?l>hf.ns i clerk, Benerlict Franz; City Trcastlrw. .r . .\I. pl!lli\-an: City Altor~ley, .q ) 1 , H Bennett; City i\larsl~aI.\I. J . \ V ~ I S I I .I)nring tIlis ye:^^. t11e ill-

I rol.l)ol.ation of the cil!. nnclrl. lilt. n?nel.al la\\. \\.;IS I,!.tlt,clal~c~~l tileQg &a $ ) s l~ l ) r rn>eCourt inralitl.

: 1~;:j-We~tern I'ive \by 11.S l o ~ l i .loll~'rral cssr :~l~l is l~c~~l 1). 0'nrir.n. . 1 ~XSO-Mayor. >I;llll.ict~ .lO!ctb: ('c,lt~!cii~]lt.n-~l"il.st\\.artl, .John @ -r , rrottsman and E.\Y. \Yilflw: Scc(111rI \\-i~rd. .IOIIII .I. .\Icl.eat~ at111 Tl~os. z ' ! k ~ a n i f a ~ ~Tl~i~. t l ( 1 - t ifsl;1'~ a1111 P. 11. 0'Brit,11: FOII~LII ; S ~ I C I ~ I I I ~ I I I

v d Z 8 l!~Sl-.JI:~yor~, . \Icl,~atl: C o t ~ ~ ~ c i l ~ ~ ~ r n - F i r s ~ \Vi(Ier.J. . I . \\'ar(i. E. \\'.* VI a1111 Thon~:+s T. \Yalsh: Secontl \\.;lrtl. Thonras IIanifan ant1 >lichael O '

?f Hr..~ly:Thir,l \\.;~rtl. Ilcury Sackman and P. H . O'Urirn: Fot~rth iVartI, I.e\i 13;111gh al~tl .Iamtss J. Rafter: tit! ('lrrl.. . l a n ~ r s Sllannun: City

d 1 Trt.asrn-er. Cicorge \\'. Datlsch; sevrral: X t t o 1 . n ~ ~ ~ . .ludgcs (:o~trt GI 0 of Ileco~.tl. ('harles T. \ rare: Clerli of ('o11t.C. Thos. Hanifan. @ h I ISSl-city 1ia11 anti library (lestroyed b y firp.* ¶a$ 18SZ->iayor, John J. Mc1,ean; Collncil~~~c~~~-I.'irst T.\ ~ a r ( l . T ' ~ ( I s . 0 4 3 i \V'alsll ant1 George Grew; second \\'al.(l. Tllos. Hallifan and JIichael x 3 / Healy: Third Ward, Henry Sacknlall and P. I f . O'E3rirb11; Fo111.th \Yard

1,eri Bar~gh .and James J . Rafter; City Clerli. Janles Shannon: Cityj 'rrr~astirrr, George I\.. Daltsch: City Attorneys. srveml: Cl~icf of Po- lice, Patrick Keyrigan: Judge Co~trt of Recol.tl. Charles T. \\.are;d Clerli of Court, T. Hanifan. (I0

18sZ-Se~tember-An(Iretv \Vettig ln~lrtlered between nlitlniaht of

& the ilh and G a. nl. of the 8th.

188:--Mauor, 0. R. Winton; Cotlncilmen-~ilst Ward, George G~leer, and M. P. Stllliran; Second \Yard, Thomas H ~ n i f a n ancl \jrm.

Shea: Third Ward. P. H. O'Brien and Robert cuninghanl; Follrtll \Yard, 1 ~ .Baugh and Frank lceating; City Clerk. D. J. Canty; i\sc;ist-

1 ant Clerk. T.A. Cant).: City Treasarer, ,John I. s u l l i ~ a n ; Chief of Police. John HoHoran; City Attorney, C;eorge F. OVMe\vcney and others; Judge Court of Record, \Vm. P. I . a ~ ~ n t z ;Cleric of ~ o ~ ~ r t ,~ h o s . Hanifan. Police station destroyed by fire tllis year.

1S84-January 15-Convent fire at Belleville, in which a nllmbera1 of children lost their liver. 01I 1~84-Comnlissioners divide St. Clair County into townships.

iFS-l- i \~r i~2-hf. M. Stephens elected Alderman of the Fourth 0 1 \va 1.11.

1~84-April Ig+Ex-Aiderman G . H. Creer died. 18S1-Ma!. 2G-VallIt of City Clerli's offlce in the City Hall burglar-

& izecl.


8 100-I02S. 4th St. n-•ri..~-~11J, M,Sullivan& Bros Gmri# A u k VegcWIr

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~ ;


D I N I N Q OARS-ll. C, TOWNSEND, G. P. & T. A - - ST. LOUIS, MO.

--..- -

EAST SIDE DIRECTORY. -- - --- -- -. - -- -


I 18S.I-Mayor. 0. H. Winton; Councilmen-First ward, p. M. Sul.

livan and \Vm. I T . Hill: Second Ward, Wm. Shea and john ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ l l i r t l IVard, Robert Cr~nnine;han~ and Henry Sackman; F~~~~~Ward, gi. 11.Stephens and Franlt Keating; City Clerk (first), D. J. (second), T. A. Cant!.: City Treasurer, Wm. P. Launtz; chief of Po-lice, .John FlolkIl'an: Xttorne!.. Ce0. F. OCMelvenye and others; J,l(lge court of Rerorcl, \Vnl. P. I.auntz; Clerk of Court, Thomas Hani-fan.

lSS.i-.Janllary ::I)-\Vater\vorl< ordinance passed. ]ssj-Fel)rt~ar?. 12-Henry 0el)ilce tlonates site for s t . HenrYYs

School. IX85-Fel)raary 16-Lee Gues*. a well-known locomotive enginecr,

kliled on the C. & A. R. R. 1885-February 1s-Louis Boisnlcnt~e, Sr., (lied. 18~5-septenlber 1G-Thonlas \\'instanley dietl. 1885-MayOr, Manrice Joyce: C'ounci~men-~irst \\I&, \Lrm. ~ 1 1 1 C. A 1Iaines; ' S ~ o n d \Var(l, IVilliam Shea and John ~ i e ~ ~ l e s ;

Third Ward, Henry Saclilnan ant1 Robert Crmning~~ani; ~ o u r t l l ward , M. M, Stephens and Garrett Stacli; City Clerk. T. A. Cants; City Tress. ,,rer, Gee.

W. P. I,auntz: F. O'Melvene!

Chief of Police, .John Holloran; City Attonley, others; .Jutlge Court of Record, Wm. P.

Launtz; Clerk of Court, Tho~nas Hanifan. 1885-October 2;-Caw. John Keiflein (lied. 1885-November 20-ExMayor John B. Bowlllan assassinated just

a s he was about to enter his Yard a t his residence in the Howe In-stitute, on Tenth street.

ls85-Decen~ber 1-Citizens offer reward of $5000 for the arrest of the assassin of John B. Bowman.

lSSG-Ma!.or, Maurice Joyce; C ~ ~ n c i l m e n - F i ~ ~ tWard, C. A. Iiaines and lv. W. Second Ward, Wnl. Shea and Louis M ~ ~ . ges, Jr.; Third Ward, Robert Cunningham and Martin Egan; ~ ~ ~ ~ t h ard, Garett Stack and Mark Bird; City Clerk, T. A. Canty; C1tp Treas- urer, Alex Flannigan; Chief John Holloran; c i t y Attorneys, Gee, F. O'MelveneY and Judge Court of Record, Wm. 7. I,auntz; Clerk of Court, Thos. Hanifan.

1886- -~~vemberIl-New election law adopted. lg8i-pebruarY Brighton annexed to East s t . ~ o ~ f ~ .

8Si-First granite pavement. 1887-First directory of the city issued by C. B. Carroll. 1 ~ 8 7 - ~ .M. Stephens elected mayor for t re first tfme. lSbi-~ayor, nr. M. Stephens, Councilmen-First Ward, W.W.

~ ~and ~David ~ ~C. Marsh: l lSecond Ward, I-Ouls Mengea, .Tr., and Dr. C. F. strecker; Third Ward. Martin Egan and Robert Cunnlng-

Fourth Ward, Mark Bird and John W. Tefft; City Cleric, John Meye,.; City Treasurer, John W. Renshaw; City Attorney, E.R. Davis; Specla, Counsel, F. G. cockrell: City Auditor, James W. Klrk; c i t y Engineer, Chas. L. Weber; Street Inspectors. Sam Lannigham and Mike Hurley; 011 ~nspector, D. L. Marsh; City Judge, B. H. Canby;

8aM "The Meteor" to TEXAS,

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423 425 NORTH FOURTH STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. . - .- ---. . - . . ~

C . R, CARKOLI,'SEAST ST. LOUIS A N I )1506 -- - .__ _-

~ o l l r t , Thomas hlay. ell..: ('it! lfarahal, Mlke \\:alsh; Super-Cleric illtentlent F i r e Alarm, Ber t

18S8-&layor, M. 11.Stephens: ('ot~ncilmen- First Ward, Davldf C. >farsh anti Henry W. Heml)e; Second \ v ~ r t l . Dr. C. F.Strecker and (ieolse H. ~ n l l p e r : Thirtl \Yard. Robrrt Cltnninghanl and Henry Sac\;-

~ \v.~'rcxfft and ~ ~ Ward. .lohn ~ r h\\ 'III. E. flen,ler: C'itp Clerl;, ZS ~ d .C . Schuetz: City Treasllrer. Martin 41artell; r i t y Attornc.)., E. R.q 6w Davis: special Collnsel, I?. (;. ('t)clirrll: City . \ n~ l i to~ . and ~ o m p t r o ~ l e r , .janles \V. Kil'li: City E:n~inret'. ('harles I,. \ r e b e l ; Stveet Inspectorii,cPir s a n l 1,annigham ant1 4lilie hllrley: Oil Inslwctor. D. L. Marsh; Cityq 6PP - Clerk of C'OIII.~.Jll(lge. B. H. ('an\)?; Thonias May, .Jr.: City Marshal,

3 d Milie \\'alsh: I.ielltenant. .Ias. 1,. Rogers: Sl~per in tendent Fi re Alarm, Hert Sager. On Angltst 2s. IhSS, the city voted to organize 11nder the 0' $ general city ct)l.lmration law of the State. The wards were increased to seven and the nl~ml)erof Altiern~en to fonrteen. The first elec-tion 11nt1c.r t he law toolc place in April, lSS9, when the Xlayor, all t h e 9 00 Altlttrmen, i he City C l e ~ l i , T reas r~ re r and Attorney were elecated, a s

;d follows: 1889-Mayor. A l . 11. Stephens: Conncilnlen-First Ward, Robert

Crlllningham anrl Henry Sackman ; Secontl IVartl. Davitl C. Marsh and Henry Ht.mpe: Thirtl Ward, Henry Hoewe ant1 Robert Thomas;0 u.- Fourth IVartl, Dr. (:. F. Strecker ant1 i;. 1-1. Kemper: Fi f th \Vard, John

3 - I Ifiggins and .John Benner: Sixth Ward. .John V. l'efft and Wrn. E. ' Hender ; Seventh Ward, T l lon~as H. White and Christian Hohm; City d Comptmller. J. \ V Kirk: City Clerk. Ellwar4 C. Schaetz ; City Treas-

-I urer. &[artin Martell : City Attorenr. E. R. Uavis; Sl~ecia l Collnsel, F. , G. Cockerell; City Engineer, Charles I,. \f 'ebrr: Street in spec to;.^, X* Thonlas 3 l u r ~ h ? . 11. Sch1attwrilt.1.; Sitlewalk Luspectur. J . i,.. Str ider : City .Tlld#c. B. H.. C a n l ) ~ : Collst Cle1.k. Thomas May: Chief

of police, hl. \Valsh; 1,ierltenanl of Police, .J. I,. Hoclxers; Sergeant oC , police. Jeff I.ang1eY: Police Clerk, Dennie (;uihan: Fi1.e nlarshal, AI.w Walsh; snperinteildellt Fire Alartn, Bert Sage r ; City Hall .lanitor, Xi .Cf3 6 ' Priester.

1889-hle~.chants' I~r ldge opened. Ik89-.Januar?. -"(;-East. St . I,ouis .lolll,nai, pslal)lislle,l 1)y J. W.

Kirk, issr~etl. vIL 1889--.Ianllar~ 29-St. 3Iary's Hospital plll.chaset].

I*fig-~'lne-~. 1rcCaslantl ant\ i;[lignon \,ought Pecall Grove froin </3 ,John P. hletzen.

18h9-JlIne 2-Corller s tone lait] of new Catholic chllrch at Ca-0 hhkin. which look the l ~ l a c e of t he one I)llilt in ];st;.r 0

5 1S89-Allgllst 9-Ordinanre granting llse of s t ree ts t o citizens' ~ l e e t r i c [bight and Power C o m ~ a n y parsec\,

)Ir t ~ ~ S - - . ~ ~ l ~ ~ l s t ortl tr ing grade of C'ollinsville aventte 28-Ortlinance passed.

I S ~ ~ - ~ ) t ' ~ e l l l l ) e l . B. Grotc die,].

a I ::-.Tohn

1889--Dec~ '~l"?~?;-city Council accel~ted the prol~osition of the Citizenss ~ l e c t r i c I J ~ ~ to light the streets. ~C o n ~ ~ a n y~

2 18g&-Censl1s "nllnlt'l'ators for this year were: C. C. Jlolla. 1,. 11. I Johnson, E. .I. Ri(l~elc'!', C . 0. neelns, .T. C. Kollcy ant1 William Austin.

=- r -__ _ ST. LOUIS Everything Elegant for Fine. p-- cRA NE'SLEADING - Fashionable Up.to-Dat.

423.425 N. FOURTH ST. Residences

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h ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ i

~ ~ ~ ,

- --

Book-LccpinJ. SHORTHAND,

Banking. J 0 N ES ~ P E w P l n n a . 309 N. Broadway

Tc'cJrrphin5e COMMERCIAL COLLEGE .r.roulm,wo.I I. . . . . . -.- -. - ... ---. -.. . . .

EAST S I D E I)IRRCTORY. 1507-. . . .- . .... -- - -- .- - . . .- .. - -- .- - ----

I:rigi~-.lanl~ary 5-1)edlcatlon of the new s t , Peter.s ~ , I ~ ~ ~

~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ c h ,on Eighth street . Rev. H. Meyer, pastel..

1~90--.lannary 22-Freemall Wire Works destroyed by lire. 1 -1 ~ 9 0 - F e b r t t a ~ . S--City lighted for first t ime by electricity. I

lsyo--March ::-East ~ 1 .l~o l l i s electric s t ree t railroad pe,illone,, i for a franchise. I r r )

l~y1)--llarch I?-The Daily Journa l cstal~lif,hetl by james 9)Kirk. i -

1 sg0-alsrch 2;-Hids ol)ened f~ f h e iml)rovements of ~ l 1 ~ ~ ~

avenue. CID ,~ : , , , -~ar .ch .'s--Rel,clrt of C ~ ~ ~ \ n \ i s s i o n r r s on funding c i ty debt:

T h r e e c o s t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,594.62 Thl,ee costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R,648.(;2

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $;2;,81S.19 Settled for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G2%,11:.]0

1~1~c)-h!nl.ch '~Y-E"-Al(lel'lllan .lolln Scullen died. 1s90-.~l)ri~-Election vote registered 2,400; lmlletl, ,875. 890-hlay 3-Alerchant s' brltlge ollened.

ls9()--hla?. 9-East S f . I A ) I I ~ S Ra111i changed to First xational B ~ of ~East) St.~1,011is. Illinois.

~~pc)-hiay 17--Emf Sf . 1,ouis Strc!c*t Railway ComlMny orderetl cons1 rllctlon of road. I I lq9r:--St 3 l a r ~ ' s ~ i o s p i t a l dedicated.

~ R I ( O - . I I I ~ ~ Clay School. a t the corner of st. I , O , , ~ ~ and4--01(l ~ , , l l i ~ ~ v i l l ~ : avenrles, tlestroyed by lire.

]sgo-.lttnt' 5-1,olliil >IengcS, Sr., dieti. 1s9t) -~ ' I ty ofticers: hla!.or, M. M. StephrnS; r\lrlcrnlell-~irst

\\.ar(], Rol)crt and Secl,nd \vard, D.( . l l n ~ ~ l l ~ h a m Henry Sackmann; C . J I ~ ~ S I Iant1 Hen!'!' Henll)e: Th1l.d \Vard. Henry ~ o w cand ~~b~~~ ,h,,,,,,~; F o l l ~ t h iVa1.11. Dl. C. S u e c k e r ancl 6. H. R ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ; F. B~~~~ \\.arrl, .lolln Iiiggins ant1 .lohn Rennet-; S ~ x t h \Val.d, ,John ~~n~ and \v, E. ti ti el.: s rvent l l \f'al'd. Thonlas H. White and cllvistian ~ ~ h , ~ ; c~~!- .lalncbs C. Schljetz; A E. ~ ~< ~ o n l l ) t ~ ~ t ~ l l c ~ . . Klrli; Clerk, ~ d . ~ G a

f ~

H. ~ ) ~ \ . i ~ ; Engineer. C. L. weher ;Special Collnsel, F. G. Cockrell; (.ol l l .~. ~ ) ~ o n l n s .\lay: Chief of Police, 51. Walsh,Clel.li

l S 9 1 - . \ ~ a y ~ r , 11. 11. Stel)hens; C o l l n c i l m e n - ~ ~ r ~ t\vard, ~ ~ b ~ ~ t (:l,nIlinghanl a11t1 Henr!. Sacl;nlann: Second w a r d , David C. Marsh and Henry W, ~ c l l ~ p c : \'*ard. J. W-Eddinger a n dThird I..on{s Kneus; +* zFollrth \\.ard, (;. H. Kenl1)er and C. Hallss: Fi f th Ward, J. Hlggins a n d W, H, c ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ~ :s ix th \Vard. T.. J . ( ; a n e ~ and T.J. Danlel; Seventh ~ 3 s ,\.artl, T. lq .\\'hilt: a11r1 I.evi B a l l ~ h ; Cit!. Comptroller, J a m e s W. Ririi: c l e rk , E.c. Seh~lPIz: Treasurer. Phlllp Wolf; Attorney, C . E y 5~ l ~ r c i a l~ o u n s e l .F. (:. Cocltrell; C:itv E>nglnecr, Char les I,.D, c~,.,."I,: - z g -

Insl,ectors. 1'. >fllrphy ant1 )I. Schlattwcller; Sidewall; FOPInspector. f. 1,. stl . jder; Oil 1llsl)ector. L). ]A. Marsh: City Judge, B. ~ l ~ ~ l ~ 5 2-. rnof Corrrt, Thonlas Ma?-. .Is.: City l l a r sha l and Super.

H . of pOliec, )ri]ie Walsh: S ~ r W a n t s of Police. John McGrath / ?IP .Il,tenilenla n d C , ,\.,Ho,,.ler; police <Ilc~.li and Tu~nlie!-, 1)ennis Gnihan; S11per-

. . . . . . . . . - . . .- . ...


@WABASH to New York.

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l.;OS ('. B. CARROLL'S EAST ST. IdOC'IS AND w- . -- .- -- -. -. . ---.--- ----. !


-u e m c13

m m

1 I !! I, , I

: / ,

intend(,nt of Fl re Alarm. I. B. Sagel': Hall Jani tor , 11. pl.ic-stc*l.. ]gY?-Mayor, hi. 31. S\r i )hcns : Cil! (:lerk. Jer ry .I. Kant, : .\]III.I.- L

m e n - ~ i r s t w a r d , Robert C1111niu~hatll S a c h n ~ a n ~ :;inti H~*III . \- s6.corltl \yar(l. j.,hn Ki&hanl and H m l y \ \ . I l l : 1 \ I Johll Kor . n i g s , e l n and R , .A, S \ ~ l l i v a ~ ~ : ( i 14 K , , I I I IN>I , (*. 1).Ft,i11,111 \ \ ' ~ I , I I , and .\lorrison; Fi f th \Yard. J ~ I I I I ~ ' S 1 ) ( ~ 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 ~ ' ( ' . I . . lIo1.11. Sixtll .I. R I I I I

\var(i, Charles Hissrich anti '1.. . I . S I S V I , I I I I I . r 1 l t ~ l 1 l ; l ~1,.I ) : I I I I ~ A I > : \ \ . :II ,II . "hire and .,antes 11. Llrellnt~: ('l)lll/l!l'lllll~i. .IxnIt.s \\. l i ir! . . T r t f i a~ l l l r r , l-ienry Rowe; Xtlornc2?.. ('has. 1%.('iirroll : SI)~TI; I I('o11nst~I.F. C;. ('orli-l.+.II: En.ginrt.1'. A. E. ' ib(bn(i: St ~,.,cl I n ~ ~ ~ r r ~ ~ ~ r s . T l ~ ~ ) l l ~ a r\lu1.1111 and ,I. ~ph1attwefit .r : Sidr\valli I n s ~ ~ ~ - r l o ~ ~ . I . I,. S I ~ . i ( i r r : 011 ln s \~ec to r . 11. 1,. .\1;,1.sl1: city . l l l l l ~ ( ~ .11. 11. (.atlll>~: C I ~ ~ l ~ l < Carl.:of c~"11rt. .I. (;. Cll!. Jln~..;llnI and S t~ [ ) c~ l ' i n t rn r i e~~ t o f 111ePolice, 31ikr \ \ ' i t lh\~: S t * ~ . ~ r ; ~ n r s of Pt)iice. John 1lct;ralh and (;. ant1 l ' ~~ rn l , e , . . I\'. Ht~\r.ler: Police C I ~ ~ r l t

. A. ;\I. \V. E.kIenclers. Jo l~ l l N i e . inps. n. C. Marsh. Thos. H. \\.bite, Paul \ir.~ b t .. I . B. Siltking and

\ I,eIVy Thomas. ! 1893-December 18-Father Cl~r is topher K o e i n ~ , p~rttol . o r s t . I

s, T h e pallabearers were C'hl.ist H o l ~ n ~ ,

Slenr> 's Church, celebrater1 mass in honor of h i s si lver jubilee a s ai priest. 1Y9~-Deomber 2:--Valentine \\'(,lf (lied.

1 18g4-The seventh cemeter)., Mount Carmel. opened on t h e edge of t h e blllfis by the confiregations of st. pat rick.^ and s t . n1ary.s.

1 l ? . n u M a ~ ~ ~ .M. 31. Stel,bena; Councilmen-Firgt Ward. Robert C'twningham and Hcnr s Sacltnlan; ~ e c o l r d m'ard, John Kickhanl alld

I Snlll .\lnlinee; w a r d , John Kocnig.stein and T.J . Canavan; Four th \\';~rtl. (;. H. Kenlper and C. D. Blorrison: F l f th Ward. J a m e s Dona-

. .I: of F i r e .\l:irnl. 1. 1%.Silgt.~.. T i [ , I)~.iscoll: S ~ ~ l > t ~ r i n l e n t l s n ~ Hall

. ; I I I I IOI ' .hl. P~ . i r s l e r . I ~ : ~ : ~ - ~ ~ l ~ r l l a r ~A. \ \ . t ) ~ l i l ~ i i ~ ~ l t I I C9-11. St~l l lvan, Cs.1Iaster o f

I < n i ~ l ~ l sof I-abo~,, clietl. lS9:~-.1~11y I--l ' l~e Eatls itntl ; \Iercl~ants ' brit1gc.s cc~usolirlatc.(l. Ih9:;-October 2--Mrs. Ferdinand Iieim tlitvl. lS9.7-Octobel. 2-Daniel H a n i f a ~ dicrl. lh9:;-October 18-Gov. Altgcld pardoned t l ~ r ana rc l~ i s t s .

1S!c.;-October 29-First ( ' I I I I I . ~ ~ ,Ua1,list c.orrlthr Rockroa~ l allti Dri:,.lll or1 place, dedicated.

1S93-November 9-Mike Qucrncy d i a l . 1S92-December 16-W. 11. Hill. Sr.. died. T h e fltneral tool, place

3Iontlay. t h e 18th. under t he allspices of Eas t s t . 1.011ls ( 'haytrr. R.


rn 4

" 3!

>+ a b

a$ *G

= "25' f >x * ( 2 ':

I htrr :ln(l l lenry Pfeiffer: Sixlb \Yard, Char les Hissrich and T. J. -9 g 2 1)anlc.l: Scvellth Ward, Thomas Whl te and I Ienry Arnold: C o m p rr I rc,l]p~.. .lanrca \v. Kill<: Treasurer . Henry Roewe; Attorney, C. B. C a p 9 groll : S p ~ c l a l Counsel. F. C. Cockrell; Engineer. A. E. Abend; Chlef

&like \Va16h. i ofi 1 ~ 9 i - D r . C. Slrecker dled. ~ g g ~ - ~ a n u a r y C. Jackleech died.*0--Henry1 ~ ~ g ~ - - ~ e b r u a r Y:--Master Dlo Illlnskl Jennlngs, only / la te lamented Dr. T.C. Jennlnge, died.

son of t h e 3 $0 9.

/ -- ---- 2.--_ - _ - - .. . . ..

SUITE 714 Centuy I)'ldlnaTEE




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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :

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#irbello Highor* Grad* Milk Sold in S*. Louio.a

E.IST SII>E D I R E C T O R ~ . 1509-_--

]S94-.April election: total registration, 4,425. I

1~94-3lay 15-F. G . Corkrell talies cha rge of E~~~st, h r l i s ,,oht. : office. I

1~91-Octoher 19-.\It-. and 3Irs. Henry oeh le r celebrate thcil. I c rystal weiltling. I

j~g4-~ove111l)er-E. .I. .\Irlrphy c~lectetl to congress. I S - a Henry F. Bailer: wal.d,~ ~ 1 ) ~ ~ ~ , ( ' o l ~ n e i l n l o n - ~ i ~ ~ ~ ,

plinninghan1 and Henry Sac l~n lan : Seconcl \\.ard, ,jVhll K i c ~ ~ h i l n l 1nlltl -,10~111~ o \ v n s e n t l : Third IVarll, I.ol~is l i n a r ~ s nnrl T,.J, canaVan; B P3 w a r d . Ernes t I\'. )Ielitier i H Y

I A J ~ ~ sDllictl: F i f th \Yard, (iorqp I.. Hllrsp,. ant1 Henry Pfeiffpr: Sistll \Val.(], I l r r n ~ a l l Hallss and Henry z ---

Y \y,p, ~ id l a l i c . : Treasurer. tiol.11: Fi rc C'l1ir.f. (;eor6c 0. Pl l l . t ly ; : ~ l ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ l , Thomns Galley. .I

~~:cj-Henl.\. F . Ua(lel- elf!ctc.(l .\l:r!.or 1,- a ~ l l a j ~ ~ ~ . j t21 i n ,, E loral yore of 4::i(;. i P cp,s95-.lannary -I-Patricl< I{. Slncli I ~ ~ + s I ] .

] ~ ~ , ; - ~ c t o b e ~ . Hclim, sr . . (lip1l. *I-Fel'(iinan[l I ls:jC-.\layoy, I4cnr?' Ratlrl.; C'1cl.l;. . I P I . I . ~ ~\lnl.sllal,Tllos, ' o 3.I, K ~ ~ ~ . : -

q 1 ( o 1 1 1 t 1 0 1 1 1 . 1' a r a s 1 1 r t . 1 , , , -n I\.. 1 1 . Bennet t : F ~ I ' ~ ' 0. plll.(ly: Engineel.. e-Chief. ( ; ~ ' i ' l ' ~ * ' 1,. 1,. H~ , . ., l t lern~en-Fil 'St \Var1l ( ) ( ! T I I I I I ~ I I + ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ! ~ ~H~~~~~ s ~ Second \\-arrl. .loIln .Iohn .I. : \yart l ,J<iclihalll allrl ~ o \ \ . l , ~ ~ ~ ~ lF ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ,j El.nt.st .\lilitzer nll(l Izollis Elllicll: I"if111 \Var.rl. (;c.Ol.g,. I,. t . ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~~ l l l l e sH. 11011ah11e: s ix th ~ ~ a l ' ~ l . H ~ ~ I ~ I I I ~ I I al l l l ~ , , , l l~sAIOhl, , . ; f s . ~ j a , ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ . l l t l l 1 3 l l ~ ~ n i ~ ~ , ~ . , \V:IIYI. St t.l)ht>n D. Sextoll ill111 H. ,\. b 3.

I S ~ ( ; - A I ; I ~5. at 5122 11. Ill.. r+ t . ~1 , t : a tv ! r ~ , l l l ~ ~s,,.llcli E.~~~ st, - 8 % I,ouis. C ) m *

1h<lc-.~lll>. I;-PIISI I I I ~ S ~ llip(l, % a % e r n. C. AI:II~SI~ -. alh!+fi-~>r()vir1t,11t~ s s o c i a ~ i o ~ ~orc;1nixe(l. = < 1 ~!) ; -3~ayor . ) I , ~ t + ? l ) ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ :11. .A. ( ,]pary: ~ I ~ I,,,,.. ~ . 3.~p arn ~ ~ ~( ' l tb~li . - ~

,llall c. H ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :.Jallles I\.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ .K ~ ~ I C ; ~C O I ~ I I ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ~ ~ . ~ (,; . H .t l icln- ~ ~3 ; l~ll l 1)anit.l .\1c(;l!'lln: C'llic'f. FI.RII\<('. Dotle; .~ l l~c , .mc.n- (D5~ i ~ . , t\\.aytl, f ~ o l ) t ~ r t seconll \yard,( '~ll l l i l lghanl and Henry Snrljnlan:

, ~ ~ , l , , , . I , T ~ , " ~ ? C . I I I I an11 F . .lprr!. Sllili\.an: ~ j , . , , \ . Third Warcl, ~ i l l i ~ ~ ~ ~ , . ~ d Fnnrt\ l 'Vartl. ~ l ) ~ . ~ h a r d r : I,ol)is Edlich an11 Martin pellner;

,..if, ]I \val.,l, .lamcts 11. ll()llahlle an(] Ahring: s ix th \vard, l,onis )loser ijll,] .I. 11. SIl'('I.: SeVf'ntll '\'ar(l. R. A . Hunniger and ~h~~~~ -. H. .\lor~'isoll. J

,S1(;-~~al.cll 1(-pl,oleslant r1osl)ital Associat.ion tlecidcct to pur. I)l~iltl a nc'-' hoslt iral . cflasp a s i t r -

1$97-,\l, 31. fjtcl,ll~!ns rlecte(1 )la!.or I)?. Jr4-I nlajority in a total 3 \.ire o f .51t:;I. I

] S R ; - . J ~ ~ ~z!J-Dr.. ~ll insli i tlicll at t h r age of 80 years. l ~ ~ ; - ~ \ t l j i l l s t ( ; - E x - . A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ I I C'l~i.is( R o l ~ m tlietl. ~ s g ; - - ~ ~ , , , ( > l l l b e r schtn)l .Alla Sits cletlirate(l.C,-Nf\v i t t

lhg;--~~prl)l)er I--\Vorli o n I \ro t,!c-tl'ir 1int.s t o Rellerille con,.




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-- 1510

MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL ROUTE For Kansas City, Colorado and the West.


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t - 3"gq@*.= 3 -0 5= 5 -' E',2

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% w a 5%= * 5t &9 2 u )@I-* 50'2 2 f- 2




1x9;-October 12-Two h ~ l n d r e d and fifty horses sold in 250 nlin-oles at. t h e National StoClc Yards.

lY9i-Novelllber 24-SurveY made for new third bridge. 189i--1)ecell1ber 16-Knights of Khorassan Organized here . 18CJ$-Mayor, M. M. Stephens; Clerk, iM. A. Clear?r; Attorney, Dan-

iel aIc.lynn; Treasu re r , G . H. Kemper ; Colllptroller, J a m e s \\.. ~<i,.k: spec i a l ~ o u n s e l . \Villialn H. Forman: F i r e Chief, F rank Bolte; chief police, H r r n ~ a n H a ~ l s s : : \ l t l~ rn~rn -F i r s t \Vartl. Robert Cun-"ingl1am and Henr?' Saclimen: St'colltl iV8l'd. . J . T. Sr~liivalr alltl John

.faelis<~n:Third iVard. ['red ROerlla~dt sncl 1r)riis Knaas : Four th \Vard, &l.~arlin Fehner ant1 .lallle.; l l u n ~ b o w r l: Fifth \t-artl. Fred Ahring a n d x. Thomas Halpin: S is th Ward. I<..lantes Shee r and Char les G. Der-~ c t h : Seventi1 \ \ '~ l . t l . Tllos. .\lan!lion nntl (;eorge 1,otz.

189S-I)l.. .I. I.. Br:tcl\ett (lietl. .Ia1111ary :;.

II 189X-.lan11ilry !I-IIo) Hru\vn~ng ;rl,pu1111W I -c i t rd S l a t e s Coin-n~iss ioncr .

1S9S--ilcnry Oebilic diet!.

1 189S--;\l11.il 1-&I. Y. Stephens elc,cletl blayor by a ri~ajority of I 101X in a total of t6::2 votes cast , I 1891-April 12-Richard Roe died.

1:\91--JIa~- 4-\Vorli commenced on new City Hall.

I 18I)Y-hI;1y (;-Ex-.lustice .I. \Y. White ant1 wife celebrated 501.11 an. 1 nit-rrsary at wctltling. 189s-H. .I. Eggnlann ant1 Miss A. .I. Schirnler n~arr ie t l .


Cpp I - Si.


lS9S-.lan11ar)- 4-F. t j . Uownran a l~pointed Master in Cha~ ice ry .:

199s--May iSgS-Ma!.

I lS9X-May/ and Belleville.

lS9S-.l1tne lX9X-Jr1l~-lS9S-.Tt1l~

S-I'nion Elevator (lest royt.rl 1)y fire. 21-Fil.st l'tsWllar rrln of Eosl St. I,or~is ant1 S~rb r l rba r~

22-0pening of Slll)urlxtn lilre between East S t . T,onis

1 4 - E ~ - A l t l e ~ ~ n ~ n.lohtl V. Trff l tlit.tl at ~ i l l i n l a n , 111. ::-Rattle of Santiago. I(;-Kinltrh r;rl)lc lait1 on brillge,

ISSX-Septenlber (;--.lrldgcb Silas (?ooli c,lectctl .Irltlge of t he ( : i t?I C'eart and T. . I . Heal. c1eett.11 a s ( .~t*r~.(,r thp s~ l l l l .r()llrl for a tern,

four years. 1S91-Sew City Hall tletlica(crl, ISRS-\V. A. Hotlc.nl)rrg elecc(.({ I ( , ~oll;.ress,

lXRg-J:lnnar!- S-F~ltle~.nl of F a t l l t ~ ~ .P. .I. O'Hallorsn. pastor of Pn1l.ieli.s Catholic (1111rr11, r h o (lia(l neccnlber :;,I, 1 ~ 9 ~ . ls!'!'-hla~or. AT. &I. S tephens: Clr,r]i. A[. -4. Clear?-; Conlptroller,

5-NO4 U) s 4 -3 -:?--I

fl I-PO $0 (I)

9-6 8 0 C 6-- 0I

W" @ f 5

-4 m

=fi8 !!;B 0 . m 2 2 P

0 4

'4 ~ n lcil'l(: TrmsllI'er. l a n i s E(1lich: .\ttomey. Daniel &lc(;lynn:s 8p

1 ( ' c , r ~ ~ l s t ~ l . S~ t ' r i a l ('ollector, D. Sexton: A l d e r ~ l ~ e ~ ~ - -lv. S . Fornlnll: S. I First \\'iil'tI. R()l~pl.l Cllnninghanr ant1 Henry Saclimarl ; Seconcl 1Var.d. E Iq! ,,,I,,, .lilrl;son a1l.l fil\varcl n o r l i n g : Thir.1 \Vanl, l n l ~ i s \V. K n a r ~ s a n d fi 2/ Ilt.nl.y 131.1lgKt'll: Four th \\'ar(l. Martin Fc~I111rr nntl George 3Inn1l)one1.:

~ . ' i f l l l \\.;11,t1. Tll()nlas Hal~j in ant1 Franli l i o l ~ e n : Six111 \Vartl. .l. 11. ~1,c.pr ull,i ('. (;. I)('l'lf3th: Seventh LVard, l 'houias hlannion ant1 (;tborgr

m I - - - ~

- - . . - .- . .



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al z Cn


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~ : ~ ~ ,

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East St. Louis lu and Cold Storage Company. M amwm' yd-7~ Tmdlf AVO. -9 F m t M. rhono Bridge

- . . -

EAST SIIIE D I R E C T O R ~ . 1511


f S +

0 - 4 $bf

0 I ~g 4

Cg Q)

$i4 = t 3 a8 t if u4 1Id i

d (D

I1S99-kfa?. 1 I-lh?. line between Eas t S t . I.ollis and Uellevillc !

k ~ ~ n l a l l yo l~ened . 1399-.l11ne 4-Rl1th .lepson. Hallic~ Jacli ant1 ~l~~~~~~ Spies, !

j,,llng ladies attending AlcKen(lree Collegt,. were drowned a t iAebanor., i

191)o--Jlayor. 31. 81. Stephens: Clerk. 11. A. Clear?; comptm1ler, . I . Kitlr: A t l o ~ . s t ~ rDaniel YcGlgnn: Counsel, \v. S. F ~ ! S ~ , ~ C I H ITa* ('ollc!clot.. S. U. Sexton: k'ile Chief. F rank &tle: ~ ~

Hernia11 (:. t4a11ss: AIde1~1n6~n-Fit.st Wartl. Robert CllnninRharn and i ~ e l l r y ~ a c l i n ~ a r r : Secontl LVartl. John Jackson ant1 Edward ~ ~ ~ ,. rhirt l \\'nl,tl, Frc.tl El)erllartlt alltl tiellr?- Bruggen: Follrth warcl , ; Martin Fehner and Ernes t l i l i t l e r : Fifth Ward. H m r y Pfe iner anc[ i Frank Hol ten; ~ i x r l l war t ] . . la~ltes .\I. ~ l l e e r and Char les B. Goedde. Sevmth \\.ant. Tho l r a s i lannion rind George 1,otr.

Ir)fi-.)an\lary 19-('il y Hall ~Oene ( l . 1900-~pr i l 9 -.lohn Kicliham clectetl Sheriff at special elet:tlon. )!jo()-hlayor. .\I. 31. S tephens; Cleric. ) I . A. Clear?: Conlpt:.oller,

.lames \i'.lcirk: Tryasrlrer. .lohn sienlf.'s: Attorney, Daniel AlcGlynn; / Special Col~nsel . \\.. S. F o r n ~ a n : Tax Collector. S. I). Sexton; A ~ s r s s o r , I

,1901-Spring electkm-Y. M. Sfel lhens was rlectpd for the tinle by a majority of 1201;.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h

l l ~ ~ ;

-1901-Corner of Collinsville and aren1lps bollght by D,..h l i s s o ~ ~ r i ;m

0 Strecker et a l . in SelIten1ber. 1899, for $lO,OOo, eoltl for $65,000. 19oz--Frl)r11ar?. 21-l.ollls \Vies diet]. agetl 69 yeare. a 11)t12-Fc)l.llar? 2?- cap ta in J. C. Scott d ied; fllneral ~ , - . b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 025, 1902. ]g1)2-April lZ--Final t r ans fe r of t h e E a d s l ine t o clarl i u ~ ~ ~ , :CII)

elected for thf' colnl)an!-: E. \V. Clark, president; 1.. C. ' -vict. ])resitlent ant1 t1.easul.er: Ed. Abend. Jr . , secre tary; J. 1 10 h l , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ t t t , .general nlanager.

lc~n2-blay l2-St. .losePh's ('hl1rch. Rev. Willlanl Murphy, dedi-k rate(l at (;ranill. (- i t?.

19r,2-vay 2.5- tlal rick Cl'otl?. 26. mrlrtleretl by 1lnI<nown partleu ' c n - sonth of t h e cil!.. -i- 19,,2-Alay ~ : , - . I ~ ~ I ~ I I SIlllesselman. a w l so, or 1I 17 s t . ~~~~i~ (0 avc,nllc, fell i n l o a c.istt.l.11 ant1 was tlrowncd.

190?-,~llne 14-('rtltral Rrewrr? forlnall? o l~cne f l on Broadway. 1902-.ll,ne I j-('lovis Soucy, t--Sl~per\'isor o f Ca l~ok ia Commons,

,lic(l, aged 75 ?ears. 19,,.3-.lllnc. l;i-Crlt~arl Parl;. fOl'~llel.l! (;l.oss' Parli. ol1t.11c.d.




ll)oi--.4prii 1C'-New Rela? Depot openetl. 'ZI) 19111-.lnne 4-Mrs. \Villian~ Connay died. I s

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1902-Jrlne ~ ~ - P a r k Avenue &I. E. Church foundation laid a t Grani te City.

Igl)?-Jllly 19-The old c a r s of !he Eas t St. I a u i e electric l ine'=ma were all destroyed by t h e managenlent.

1 9 0 2 - ~ ~ ~ l ~19-,Mrs. Eliza alaller tlletl, aged S2.

4 1902-August 27-Retail Clerlis' l 'nion. So. G i c i , orgalrizod, Ed

V) >lendel, president. m 1902-Aug11sr ::I-Come!' s tone of Sac~.etl Hca r l Church and

laid. Y ~ g h ~ h Baagll

--z 0

s t r ee l ancl a i e n a c .zOz 1902-Sel~tenll)er 1--John 1Vahlen. ageti (5.tlied a t 51:: Bor ihE 0Seventh s t ree t . 19K2--Sei)tt.n1bcl* 25-h11.s. . \ l i l l~~, icc.lo!-ct, dictl, aged 59 years ,

(uneral S e p t e ~ n b ~ r29. 190'-Stbl)lenlher 25-Mrs. Anna B o y l ~ c clic.,j. aged 71). 19(12--Ser)ten1ber 29-Ordi~~ance for in11)rovement of E:leve~~:h

st reel ])assetl. I!lfll-Stal)ten~be~n29-Edward C. New1ii1.k tlied. 19112-Novcn~ber 1--1lajor H. D. O'Rrien o f St. 1.o11is (tied, aged E 50 1992-November 5--W. I I . Clarlc, aged 78, died. 1901'- Sovenlber 10-First t h r o r ~ s h cal. passed f r o n ~ t h e ya rds Su

m over lhc, 111.irlge to S t . 1.orris. = 19l)2- -h ' ov~n lbe r 14-'l'wentieth anll11;ll ~ n t ~ e t i n g t h e S t a t e Feti- of

eration of li.bor. in session in Ear l S t . lo l l i s , 4 30 = 1902-Noremher 15-Strcel c a r run regrllarly from National Slocii = -Yards to Third s t r ee t in St. I.ouis. A trial t r ip was made o n t h e

J2th of Sovember . 01902-November ](;--Henry Hrrl)ert . agetl 50 years, died. 1902-November 1G-T:nited Presbyterian C h l ~ r c h c o ~ l g r e g a t i a ~ l a 1902-Novenlber I 6-He~lry Herbert , agerl 30 years, died. A decided t o erect a church on T w e l f t ~ l ant1 ~ l l n l m i t avenue.

wg 1902-x~veniber 22-Bridge chafleurs fornl llnion, 19f~2-Novernber 23-Corner s tone was lai(l of new English 1~11-

theran Chllrch at Thirteenth and S~lnlnl i t avenlle, 19cl2-Decelnber 12-l'he Elks entertained Colonel Henry Wat -..I

t t'l'SO11.0 19fl?-r)f'celn1)er 14-East St . I.onis Daily Joo rna l issued i t s grenr. Ilnlirlay e'litiol] of twenty pages, i l lustrated.

19112-l)ecenlI~er 21-Ordinance passes permitt ing E a s t St . Louis

,A,.s ronnrc t with bride tracks. 19o2-r)ecenlber 23-nids for inl-prove men^ of Bond avenue and

~ h i ~ t ~ ~ l ) t hopened-s t r ee t 19(,2--l)ecelnl)'?r 2 4 - - ~ ~ tSt. IAollls allti S u b l ~ r b a n Company dls-

jt,ci t\lrl\eTs alllong r l n p \ o ~ c s .

0-=I J. H.Crane Furniture 00.

BEST ,St.Lo&"" FURNITURE 423 425 N. 4th Stttet Ma

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SUO#tHANO, ~ ~ W l I T m I .J 0N ES 309 N. BroadwayCOMMERCIAL -COLLEGEI a+. bou~m.w e -.---

EAST SIDE: DIRECTORY. is13 ___ _ - . . .

1902-December 3-Nat ional \Veareil~llce Company 1902-December :!I-T. Y. StronR. old soldier. (lie(\. ]gc):s-.lan~~ary I-Burlington PaSsenRer t rains w a i n run to ~ 1 s t

Sr. 1louis. 1901-January $-;\Vilhelmina .\-Iilitzer died, aged ~ 1 . ygr)$-.lanllary ;--Mrs. Xlichael \\'elher died, a j i ~72. 19()::-Jan11ary ~ - - ~ i s ~ l l r i - l l l i n o i ~ 1,eagueBaseball omanizetl, g

\\.hich inclt~tles East 81. I ~ n i e . 12190:; -.Janeary S--1. D. Calclwell, aged 71. tlie;l. !E lgoz-.Iannary !~-Rail\vas Steel Sl~rinR Company COnlnl~nccd~a

hlliI(iing plant in \.ansl\awne. lg~:;-.lanr~ar-. r(@-.\lississiPl)i Valley Pmclnce Coml~ang oman.

izwl. lg~;-.lannary l?-Diellnl-~a~lcnr Gnwer Conll,any First exclll-

xire wholesale house in the city. lg():{-Janaary Ro-J~~'lc:c. 1). Jl. nrowning clic*al: I)nric*eI at I\ctllton,

February :I. Igo:j-~ebrnary I~:-Alcxandrr 1'feiffc.r tliptl. lg(lz-February ??-Trinil~ I.lllheriln Cherch tlt:dicacetl: T l ~ i r -

!teenth and Sllmnlit. I0]g():)-~~ril it Z' ~fllcf~rs-Sil;ts C W ~ .Mayor: ' r~ io t l~as J. \\'tllialllx.

c i ty clerk: E. .I. E g m l ~ n l l . (*i l r con~pln) l l r r : I....I. I;,~-l.ll~,olyT r p a r 3 arer: Mallrice \'. Joyce. City Attorney: J. JI. Freclls. Cor l~ra t io t , Bco1lnsel: .I. J. .\-lcl.ean. Sr.. Sl)ccial Tax ('ollfvtor: .lames 11. Don~hlle. ,d2Oil 1nsl:ector: Dr. A. A. JlcBri('n. Hf!alt!~ It~spcvtor: Ifpnry E.Trell(1. ley. Assessor: \\'. -1. S. Y 0 ~ c . r ~ . Thonlos .I.City Collrt .Indgr: fiealey, ! z ('ity Coort Clerk: (:tlorp;e 0. Pl~rcly. City Alarshphal: .\licllacl j~ ~ ~ l ~ . ,3l-ietltenant of ID"llv*: IYmk . \ l~l la . Sewtwnl of IBdice:Janlcac Ne\.i]icr,

Z glice ('lerli: Thonlas v m ( l ~ k e . Fire Jlarshal: F. ti. lic.lnl, tilest .g-year. and \v. -1- WP.0ncl Year. City Engintser: SethC ~ ~ k e n K. ('herringtoll. City Stel lo~rapher: -11nle~ .IoilnS, Sidcralk In- P sl)c.ctor; .lohn I)ollll. Frank 1,ewis. St rc.c!t Inspectol.s:Healy. C i e ~ r ~ t ? Thomas Ivhelan. j\'eighmaxter: Henry Mannle. inspectol Weights an,. Jlparnres: Jonas 1.. SifonU. ( : j t ~ Hall Janitor: Alclern~en-J?i~~t \varcl, Robert ~11nninahan1Ivm- wslallay: swon(1 Ward. J a n ~ r n Ranlsay, .) Jet-re [,ellan: Third \vanis"anles \vhelan. S. A. Snlith: Fourth Ward, m .lo)ln J. (;ah. Enlest .\lililz*!r: Firth \Vard, .Jacob Ooll~r. I'rank 9 ten: sixtll Warti. .lohn F. mmhofl. Charles B. (;ceclde; seventh ward , Cc.orge G11enther. .John OWden.

lg~13-~pri l l l - w d ~ of John KemPer follnd in river. H e d i ~ . ' ~ ,I!peared Decenlhr 1% 19'::. I:0

~ r tRoomsthat are worthSeeinginSt, Louis J. n. CRANEFURNITURE GO. 423-425 N. FOURTH STREET

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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL m h t o u g h Trains tor Colorado, California and the West.%



I - -

CHURCHES. 1 ~ 1 1denominations a r e well represented in E a s t St . Louis. I t i s

stateel on g:ood authority that there is n o section of the country in /0 ,i ,,.hich the churches a r e s o ell attended on the Sabhath a s in the illeel, c i t y of Egypt. Xot a single ediflce in town fails t o a t t r ac t s i t s

-4 nrlmber of t he older people say that this was a lways the CI,:I-quota.~ f 3 =, d i t i ~ n , and tha t t he earl? history shows that t he seconcl house built on the prrsenl s i te of g a s + St. h l l i s was devoted to public worship.

T h e First Presbyterian C l~urch of East St. 1,ouis was organized -/ 1

Rev. A. T. Norton, clistrict secretary of t he Presbyterian Home

c e i Mission Society, assisted by Rev. BI. B. Gregg, on Jrlly 14, 1867. Etl-win S. Basset and David Shield were elected elders. Rev. Mr. Cregg re-

' malnecl ~ l a s l o r until April 21, 1869, when h e was sncceecleci by Rev. J. D. J o n e s and others, until September 4, 1890, when Rev. D. I,. TempleI charge. A new building, one of t h e best in t h e city, h a s been t ~ ~ l iI 'built on Twelfth s t ree t nea r St. 1.011is avenue. Rev. h-. Archibald

, i s t he present pastor. St. Mary's C : I I I~C~-The parish of St. Mary of t h e Immaculate

Conception, of which Rev. .J. T. Harliins is rector, i s located a t t h e=; corner of Fourth s t ree t ant1 Converse avenue, and is t he hantlsomest church etliflce in the city. Rev. Father Harltins lahored long and un-0 , {tiringly in the work of raising funds to build this church. St. Mary's rar ish has a house of worship of which the parishioners nay well be Cf3 p m ' k e I.ithanian Church was built and oganired in 1899 a t Seven


' Peenth and Bnugh avenue. A large, imposing f r ame bnilding wao bnilt t h e same year. This is t he only Li th t~nion c h a r c l ~ in the S ta t e outside of Chicago.

St. Elizabeth's Church, Rev. Fa the r Kuhlman, was organized a n u0 a i )u i l t l in~ startecl in 1S9C, in \\.instanley acldition. T h e ch r~rch . ~ i h .

' ()"I\' a very snlall cone;rrgation, h a s now a model buildinp ant1 a largr.

: congregation of nlixerl denomination of English, French and Germak. (;ooclrich Collgregational Church was organized in Denversicle a(.-

' tlition in 1898. A snlall brick church was erectetl, which has been sold

L anel t he contract let for a $25.000 mo(lel church builtling. pl?nlollth Congregational Church. 15th ant1 S u n ~ m i t ave. The 14'il-st Baptist Church w a s organize() in the spring of 1893,

anel t he ~ o r n e r - ~ t o n e laic1 for t he new brick ant1 s tone edifiec on Koclc h a d ant1 Brighton place in October of t h e same year. Rey. Dr. Faw-

i s t he ])l'c>sent 1)aStor. ~ h t b Firs1 Chl'istiarl Church was organize(\ in 1S9(;, an(\ a f~ .a lne

c]lrl lrh el.rcle(l on x o r t h Seventh street . near St . Clair avenue. ~ 1 1 ~~ ; ~ l v a t i ( l l l.Arm!' llolds regular services in a 1111ildingou Mis.

solir i aycn\\tS ('vtS\'Y """1"6 and S\~nclay morning.

BANNERS and B A W E S Buttonl, Pins. Seals & Stamps*


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Buy Furniture Bt J. H.Crane Furniture Co. ~ d u r 423-425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS. MO.

-~-- --E.\ST SIDE DIRECTOR\-. 1515

.. --- -- . - - . .. .. .. ..

I The Christian Science. or Ch11rcl5 of Christ Scielltisrs, ~.cc:enriy 1

organizetl. D e c e n ~ l ) ~ r . 1901. are holding servires in the >i..tllotlist chllrc.-h b~~ilding.Seventll s(reel ant1 Sun~niit avenrle.

' st. .Joseph's new parish was organizetl in his?-, 19(,:, R ~ ~ . Father ~ a n n o n a s pastor. The church is situated at 1500 ~ l l i ~ ~ i ~ rille.

The 1,rltheran CI111rch was orsanizetl ant1 erectetl by R ~ ~ ,T, Bllc,li-ye,. i n IS(;;, and the present I~astoris Rev. H. hleyel.. He has a largeand growing congregation. j

The ~ ~ i s c o p a l Church organizetl in 18;(1. In 18S(; it was ; by Rev. W.H. Tanllins and a chnr.ch and mission built ,

0hio avenue. In 190o the chllrch was reorganizetl. Grollncl was borlght at the corner of Ninth street ant1 S l l n l - ,i Initavenue, and the erection of a bear~tifnl $4(1,OO(\ church huil(ling :

Chancller White is the present pastor.conlmencet~ Rev. Dr. .I. s t , ~ e n r y ' s Church was establishetl and a wooden bullding erected /

in tg,;l;, ~ ~ v . 1Father Rickens, Pastor, at the corner of Collins\,ille and st. 1,ollis avenues. The 1)resent large bricli tvlifice, Icxatc.tl at t I ~ etor- ; ner of ~ ~ . ~ a t l w a y ant1 clec\icatetl on ant1 Sixth streef. was I)nilt in IS;::, Cllristmas rnorllillg. Rev. Father Clllse, \'. (;., is the pastor. Rev. ~~~h~~C, Koenig Was I:astor of the chnrch for orcar 23 yearn. The collgregation embraces some of the most influential citizens of the city.

st. patrick's Church was organizetl i? 1 S ~ l . Rev:. . I . .I. Brennan, The chrlrrh I)llil(ling H-as erected in 1SG2, ant1 a large atltlition

annexed in 1871 by Rev. F. H . Zabell. The present pastor is Rev. Father sweeney. The large and imposing edifice ant1 scllool is lo-c a t e ( ~ on the corner of Sixth street and Illinois avenue.

l . 1 1 ~ ~lethodists \"ere the first tleno~l~inatlon to beconle pstaIllisllctl here, which was or,--anixeJ in 1Si9, reorganizer1 in ISCS, again in ,SF;, and I;nown a s the Sunlmit .\venue hi. E.Church, locate;l at tllc co,. i ller of S~ln ln~i tav~'nlle and Seventh strect. Rev. Dr. J . 31, H ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ,

new chllrch is now situatetl atis the ~jastor. Tht' Elevent,l s t reet nn,l Sllmrn~: avelll!t'.

The new sacre(] Heart 1)arish was organizetl in Al)ril, 19182, \,.illl i Rev. Fathel' tiiln-al'tin a s castor. In .Tune a I)r~i\(\illpsitr I,rlrrchauetl at the corl?cl- of Eighth an(] Bans11 avenue, rll,on w.hirll uras c,.ectetl a n lll)-to (late cll~wch I)rliltlir~g.

I.llitetl pres\)v!erian Chnrch. C. h1. Ritchie 11asto1-. Thirtecr1~ll and Summit avenue.





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The Reliability of qur

Houae Protects You! .-

u 0

42 1s PROUD OF HIS HOME a8 9 2 CITY.Y - 4 Q k

- --

I = F 2 t He Believes that it will Continue m l ~ r > 1 to Prosper and Forge to cnthe Front. 0

r s I He Will Endeavor to Protect all Classes, and 4

EWork with a Will for General m Improvements. s --- .- --.- m..I

His First Message to the Council Explains His Cf)1 Position and Tells the People What 4I they May Expect From His

Administration. The document is as follows: This is the first meeting of a new atln~inistration in our city, and

it is c u s t o n ~ a ~ ! ' on such occasions for the chief executive to, in a meas-ure, tleflne his course of administration to the Council. With this in view. 1 tlesire to Present 1 0 Yo11 a brief outline of the policy that wlll cn j I,e I~ursued, SO far as it llcs within the power of the Mayor.

I feel that ti"-?.people of this city are to be congratulated upon ' the all!? an(l consCientioufj meu it has selected to represent it in the ~ o u n c i l . I )inow tha t souare impressed with the high responsibilities $hat a r e resting llpon you, and that you will labor incessently an0 faithfrllly to disc,harRe Yollr duties and meet the expectations of your

W I constituents.

3e i _. -- ----- ----PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST

am-: Xi.,- st. .lair W Bell I(ut SOKN0EBE 209 Collinsville Avenue EAST ST.UIUIS, ILL

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------ --


-11. Hldbrm1 Grade XlIk Sold L a Emat st. Lou1a.a


CO SUITE 714 ,Century B'ldinj ST.LOUIS, Mo.



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,I 1




i ; %

1 1I


i' 1/




: I

1 I


J. H. Crane Furniture Co. 423-425 N. 4th St . , St. Louis, Mo;

-. .- ... .. ~ - ---- ~. . -

C. B. CARROLL'S EAST ST. LOVE AND _ _ _ _ - ~-~

I feel that 1 can hardly expect my adminlstratlon to be a suc-cess without your emperat ion and Support. I, therefore, ask your as- sjsmncc anl] aid a t all times, and assure SOU that Your counsel and ad- vice receive due consideration a t nly hands, ant1 I wlll endeavor t o do ,,"thing to (listlrrbe the harmony and tranqr~ility that should pre- vai l between the Slayor and the City Council.

The people of East St. IAOII~S ourhave placed in hantls the ad- nlinistratlon of a great city, destined in a short time to be the second city in the great State of Illinois. There is no city in the State ex-cept the city of Chicago, so advantageol~sly sitr~atetl. It has the Mis-sissippi River flowing along its western bortlers, separating it from Ithe great City of St. I -ou i~ : it is s~lrrouncled by the finest agricultural lands in the ~ ( X l d :and has a t its door an lnexhaustihle field of I,i- t i~mlnor~scoal; these natural facilities ha.ve brorlght to our city many manufacturing plants and indnstries. On account of our pl.oxin1ity t o the city of St. 1,olliu many trunlr railway lines enter our city. These industries and railway co~npanies furnish employment to thousands of p(?O~~le. give large, steady and permanent rolls.and a s pay The beneflts an11 inlportance of these institutions are so well known to you i deem it unnecessary to dilate upon Ihenl here. T o obtain and ae-cure the fllll berielits of these enterprises, we nerd additional homes hn our cit!.. There a re now thousands of nlen eniplosed ill the vari- ous indlistries and railways In our city who live in the city of St. 1-ouis, and who would, a t once, become substantial citizens of our town if we had homes in which they could live. One who lives in and is a pernlarlent citizen is far more valuable than those who silllply find e n ~ p l o ~ n i e l ~ there and live elrewhere. \Vhen thry becu~ne bona fido citizens. thry feel all interest in the city's wplfare and stand ready to support it on all occssions. It, therefore, behooves us to encourage 'the building of more homes, so that thede perlnanent citizens may be securetl.

The real estate men and other citizens who have in the past ex-pended their money in h~lilding honles in our city deserve great cred- i t , and we hol)e they will continue in this direction with renewed energy. It is encouraging to note that our citizens a re constructing a better class of ousiness and office buildings. We hope that this tlisposition will increase, and it is our duty to encourage the invest- ment of capital along these lines, because i t tends to improve the general character of the city.

011r cif!. is now growina rapidl~', and there is no question but {hat it. \\'ill have a marvelorls growth in tile future, and it Is inculu-I,t~nr ul)()n 11". as Ille officials, to see that the wants and needs of a yal,it~ly gl.~\vlllR City are Pl.onlytl!, and honestly met. The public iln- prove~nelllsnow in Progress shorild be completed with promptness and tlispatch. all(l new public improvements sho~lld be encouraged by tile c ~ n s t r ~ ~ c l i o nof sllbstantlal br icl streets. granitoid Ldrwrlks, and sewerage. \Ve nlllst, as rapidly a s mssible. replace the old wooden sidewallis in the l)nsiness section of the city with granitoid. In these

# 0


m x=



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- - --

-- - - - - -- - - ----

For All Seasons of the Year are Correct in Style, cr Price and Durability.

lU-llO1mnP. F. MARTIN, 107 CoIIinsvilIc Avc.. Erat St. ~ouir,111. - .. - -. --


improvements, it is our duty to see that they a re constrllctetl of

hest material that the market affords and that the sl,all I , ~done in a substantial and skillful manner. Yet, a t the sanle tllll,,, we should see that the!. are secured to the propert) owners, who a,.e ronrl>elled to pay for them, a t the lowest possible cost. ~ 1 1 for improvements shotll(l be let to the lowest r.eslmnsi\,le I , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , and all parties shollld h a t e n fair and equal opportunity to con,pete for such work. KO favors should be extended to any contractors or material men.

l t is our drlty to secure for the inhabitants of the city the best street car facilities possible. and with this en11 in view we shoulcl encourage the constrllction of street Car lines along those streets and into those parts of the city that will give to our citizens the ad.

of rapid transit. It should be borne in mind that w h ~ l e

these a re being secllretl, we are. a t the sanle time, grallt-ing \aluable franchises, and the1 shollld be granted Illmn srlch terms as are and jllst anal that will 1wesc2rve the rlghts of the pea-ple.

We Should not undcrestinlate the importance of locating new in-dustries in our city. w e shoultl, therefore. talie an active inteypst in all person seeking to invest capital in the city by the location of new plants and industries and the construction of new I ~ u i l < l i ~ g ~ , inand these matters Our private gains shollld be forgotteu and be subsctrvi. ent to the general welfare of the city.

On account of the railroad facilities, our city is admirably lo- C> for holding conventions and other public meetings. ~h~~~ , 0

gatherings shotlld be encouragetl. l ' h p ~ give us a n oplmrt~lnlty i m show the advantages of our great City and in the end tend to i t s tie- 1 rvelopnlent.

I sThe electric light. water and gas franchises shollld be encouraged so that onr city will secure these' necessities a t the lowest Iwssible prices, efficient service taken into Consideration, so that will have an Opportunit?' to avail themselves of these at reasonable and equitabe cost.

Our city is in great need of a public park, and whenever suitable gnaranteed t o our Beople a t the lowest grounds can be secured and 2 ashould encourage the Cornlation of apossible cost, the

park district along fair and eqtlitable lines.



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East. s t . I ~ u i s is j u s t l ~ proud of its public schools. Their influ-ence can hardly be estimated. not.hing shonlcl be done to in any wise impair their growth and useflllness. it is unwise f o permit pn-O e ag f i s I litical or sectarian influence to dolninate o r creep into their manage-

Q I ment, and it should be the policy of t11e atln~inist~.ation to keep the free from all such infli~ences. j i 1 pllblic s c h o ~ l ~

in the f ~ ~ t r ~ r e . ob.from tilnr tv tiulc,. adti to thesr g p l l ~ l . ~ I se,.vations a s my attention is calle(l lo n ~ a l l n - s illat I 11rrl11i t nly duty g ,3


,to bring t o your notice. I conclude with the hope that ollr associations will be pleasant ~rof l t ab le to the city, and with the gromise that during the next . J two years I shall devote time ant1 energy to the welfare of the

@ city of East Sr. I.onis.

1 GO . e6oras 1 MAYOR COOK'S

SECOND MESSAGE. * He Tells of the City's Condition d and Needs.v b Gentlemen--A8 by law required, I herewith present t o you my

mesW3cl settill(l out in part what we have done in the p s t Sear and recommendatf0ns a s to what I think should be done the com- ing Sear. *Imost on our introduction Into oflce In May, 1903, we were 0 compelled to protect our city from the greatest flood that has been I known in years* and 1 deaire to say t o the council, and t o t h e good people of the Of East s t . Lolds. that I am under obligatlons to - 911 and I appreciate their work for servicea rendered during the flood.

= 0 The cost of protecting the city from the overflows was very expensive 0 and caused a n olrtlay Of a very large sum of money. All of the ex-

penses lncrlrred by of said water have been fully paid. The water from said flood caused a number of our streets t o give away and made some of them I m P m ~ b l e , but I am pleased t o say that all of the said ~ t r e e t sat time a r e properly replaced and in better

_ -

b b . v8#w&

100402 S. 4th S t n n c uaa-mJBM,Sullivan& Bros h a d e b

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D I N # N mOAR--I I . C . T o w m c N D ~ G . P ~ i T . A - - ST. LOUIS. WO.



condition than the). were Prior to the flood, and the expenses in re- -I pairing said streets a re paid. mDuring the past Year we have improved with paving, etc., the following named Streets. Eleventh. l'welfth, Thirteenth, veroacia C avenue, Bond avenlle and State Street and we have let for 0the improvement of Sllmmit avenue. Pennsylvania avenue, rollrteenth street, Ohio avenue, Market avenue and Fourth street, College 4 nu, and Nineteenth street and that work is now being done on said streets. U'e have also passed ordinances for the improvements Belmont avenue. Rebhan and Caroline streets, State street, ~ ~ ~ t h and Eighteenth streets, and tha t we have before the board of local improvements, petitions for the inlProvements of Fifth street, 1111-noia avenue. Cleveland avenue. St. Ciair avenue, Fifteenth 4 street and Bond avenue and we trust that before the end of this rea r that all of said streets will be im-proved, and that each and ever!' contract let for the improvement of streets have been let the bwes t responsible bidder, and .that an equal opportunity was granted to bid for xto all C O n t r a ~ t ~ r s sllch work, believing that no favors should be extended to any con- m tractor or material man.

We have passed an ordinance during the m s t \.ear providing for m an o~lt le t sewer system which in my opinion, is one of the greatest needs of our city and am pleased to say that the list of all property in said sublet Sewer district at this time is about Completed and that the assessment 1'011 1s almost completed-and that we will be able wgome time, during the nlonth of -11lne, to present the same to the (county court of St. C h i r county for ConflmIation, and a.e will be able m #to le t the contract, and have work begun on said outlet as soon as possible.

After the great flood of last Jane. af ter consulting with the 0 council and a great many of the citizens. it was decided that our city must have protection In the way of embankments, dykes, etc., yo prevent, if possible, a repetition of another expense, such a s we 2 4 had in June, 1903. and in Order carry out this much needed protm- 5tion a n ordinance was passed and approved by this council submitting .the question to the voters of our and a s by law provided a n elec- u" r tion was heid in accordance with ordinance, and was carried by a a large majority, authodzing the city council t o proceed by ordinance C "and raise money sufficient t o make the necessary protection of said ,.ity from further danger from and in my opinion we mur t have necessary protection of the by nWeSSary embankments, ? dykes, etc., and when the outlet sewer will have been completed, the

of E m t s t . Louis will maintain the confidence of the public, and m i)the growth of the city and the increase In Population will equal

exceed that a s shown by the last government census, and that if be maintained and the manufacturers and other in- ', 0

confidence dustries located in our city, and other factories, s m u d n g location, 4 % will in the future have no fear from further overflows; and we will 4 continue to be the great manufacturing c i t ~ . o f the great Mississippi I,0

P %-I88g "The Meteor" to TEXAS,

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- . .- ... . . . - - ----1522 C . B. CARROI.I,'S EAST ST. LOUIS AND

And in carrying out the plans for Mid protection, and with ualley. t.he orltlet sewer and improvements of street8 and the gencral uy-'bl l i l~l j l lg01 011r city I earnestly ask the cwperat ion and assistance of

H 'this city council.

f Z a,jditioll to what I have referred to a s having been done in and for said city during the past Year, we have erected and built a very1 handsonle new ofwl lce ststion which has cost in the n e l g h b ~ r h ~ d 2 dan M s20,000, a l l of sun1 has been paid except about $4000, and that. Said balance be paid a s Soon a s we receibe the balance of themil for this year. We have also establiuhed a new flre stationO, i kllown as NO. 4 , in the eastern portion of the city, which was verym -

3 ! badly needed. I would also recomnlend t l ~ a t a s .won a s it can be (lone another flre slation be euta1)llshed son~ewhere in our city, probs- % 0 $

2 bly south of Broadway. I am pleased to say that during the past

!2 . \-ear our Are department has beell supplied with considerable new hose, and other equbments necessary for use. in said Are departmeur, 2 . and that the service rendered by said dapartnlent has been guo.1,-

9 ; and the work (lone in the coming sear r l l l be much hetter than

% the past year, owing to the lac1 that nlost of the Rrenlen were new em-

= * ployes. 0 During the c o n l l n ~ year it will be necessary for us to carry on

the work of impl'oving streets that we now have ~ ~ n t l e r contract, and 3 ./I such others a s may be petitioned for i n ~ p r o v e m e ~ t .

I also desire to say that in the f ~ ~ t u r e . a s well a s in the past, that we continue to offer all induc.enlmts for the loeation of factories and

- new Industries in our city. I an, also pleased to say that daring llla last. year we have succeeded in having the old arc lights removed and the most nloclern and up-to-date electric light system installed

' that is nt the Present linle in 11s~. and that we appreciate the change, E which was made by t h r Citizens' Electric i,ighl and Power Company at the request of the city council.

I a111 also pleased lo say that no city in the linited Slates I5 - U , favored by any electric car syslenl that ha^ better car6 or rolling stock than the "Great East Sltle System," and that said street rail- = :: way CoInPanY have. during the past year, expended very large sunls

a a of money In iml~rovlng t l ~ e l r sys ten~ , and by extending their linesO ' ~ h r o ~ l g hvariolls parts of our city in or4el. to accon~~nodate peo.lJlrc*> :! ple in ollr city.

I do no1 desire to go into details with reference to the financial 0 I- 0 , militel's dllring the Paat year, but an1 pleased to say that the reports - .Iron1 r l ~ e city treasurer and the clerk's omce show that nearly double

pht? amOllnt of has been received for license to that of any E iformer W a r we endeavo~ed daring said year to fairly and ~ w - rr ) ~ a r t i a l l y tl'vat every Person the same. believing that all who do busi- = ness in ollr city shO1lld receive the same treatment. one with the r.l other, anti lotw withstanding the great anlorlnt of nloney we h ~ dto

I expend d~~l.illg. flood, that a t the end of the flscal year ending the l a t e ' .February 2s. 1904. we had on hand in the general city fnnd the sum

of $JSB690.ti5,and it is nly -pleanure to say to the city council today

- . . .. ---- - - - -_ ST. LOUIS


Everything Elegant for Fine, LEADING F~Monable UptcDate cRA NE ' S FIRM* 423-425 N. FOURTH ST. Residences

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. . . ..

EAST SIDE DIRECTORy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - ..

that every city warrant a s well a s every anticipation warrant for work ant1 improvement in the city the w s t Year has been *id, and that I (today there is not an outstanding debt unpaid, and that all claims I ,ncurl.ed during the Past fiscal Sear, except for the month of have been paid and that during the entire s e a r the city did not have

a stngle dollar. During ,he past Sear our Pllblic I.ibrary, a s shown by the

of the library board. shows an Increased interest in said library work n1ltl I desire to call the attention of the people of our city to the fact that we have a first-class library and that the same is supplied Cp with firstclass books and literature. and would earnestly request that our people give it their SuPDort and that in the coming -0 year, if our people s i l l ~ ~ ~ ~ n i z e said library and study Its benefits, we will have a large increase Over the Past sear. I desire to s ta te that East st. mui is and 11s citizens a re proud of our public schools and the and emcient manner in which they have been conducted in the past ?.ear, and Iha t as the city Wows, the schools will con-tinue to grow, and that the of olll. Rchools will be second t o I none in our great State.

D~lrlng the wnllng year we Rhall insist. that law and order must prevail and that it 1s the d u t y Of the police department during the corn- I ing year, a s it has been in the past year, to enforce the law irrespec- tiye of parties or conditionn. believing that all persons must abide Iby and be governed by the laws of our country.

~t is my pleasllre to say that during the past year that all of our city officials, inclllding colllptroller, treasurer, clerk. engineer, special

and the legal department have labored faithfully in dls- charging their duties. and have rendered aid and assistance in con. ducting all bltsiness pertaining t o l h e 4 1 ~ .not only in their own re-spectjve ofice. but in ever? interest in connection with the city.

As evidence of the continued growth of Ollr city during the year we call i3ttention I h e great number of good and sllbstantial b , , l l d l ~ s , which have been erected d"l?ng the past year, and a t the present t j n ~ e the outlook lor I h e Year is brighter, and that gthere will be more buildings erected than there have been for a number 0 3. of years, and we are inf0rnled, upon made of real estate men B 8 of our city, that there a re *lore denlands for house^ for rent than *,hey can supply and that real estate is steadily increasing in price, and that +he denland for real was never brighter than a t the

+ present time.

in the f ~ ~ t u r e from time to time add to these general ob- 1 my attention is called t o mattera that I deem i t my servat ion~,a s P f

dllt.v to bring to your notice. I conclude With the hope that our pe- e? saiation rill be p l e a a n t and pmfltab1e f o the City, and wIth t h e promise that I shall devote my time and energy to tbe welfare of the

of Raat St. 1.01lis. Very respectfr~lly.

S I J A S COOK, Mayor.

-........ - . . . . . . . - ... . - - -. .


WABASH to New York.

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L E A D -


THEFLOO - The High Water of 1903 Proves 4a 0 that East St. Louis by a s - System of Graded QlZl1 Streets Irr)

- -4 cn a Can Withstand any Flood. g 3*

- --- -. --- .---w a- % s All That Section of the City in which there f 1

OD >swere Improved Streets, Was Never in Danger. Gi ;ls?:;s

O S rThe older citizens of East St. h u i s a r e now confident that titer have mlved the problem of successfully battling with the waters ot

,r_ +

the Mirdedppi River. For years i t was believed that nothing could 0 L0 be done Which Would keep back the waters of the river. W ,..pie G

a r e convinced that. there 18 one system and believe that two would .O '.Iwork ~ u c c e s ~ f u ~ i y . ~ 5They know that the city, when all built up with streets equalling i t

in height those of Broadway and Missouri avenue, will be protected * % * from the direct force of the stream. Had the Illinois Central road, c_ on the southl been UP to grade, nothing but deep water would have " 3 reached East St. Louis proper.

-- q * It is now believed that an ordinance will be passed raising tile -4 s

grade of the to +he water mark of 1844. r A proposition is under way t o build a dike along the river @ $ $

from Chester t o Alton. k ? On account of the break in the Illinois Central roadbed about 6OOn '

people were ddven from their homes. These people have been cared 3 15

for by a of citizens, consisting or O a


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rPk11. Ilillr-e Orad- x f i s r #om 1- k . e S1. L M 1 0 . g



Mayor s i las Cook. Charles I. H I S S ~ C ~ , ~ h o m a sL. Fekete. W. S. Forman, Dr. R. C. F s i r b r o t h ~ . M. M.Stephens, W. H. Hill, C. T. Jones, Thomas Knoebel, \V. J. Smith, E. C. Krsmer. H U U ~~ I I ~ I E . T. J. Danlel, Paul W. ~ b t .


A. L.K&?chler, chairman. H. F. Parry. financial secretary and treasurer

J. J. Reader, secretary. These gentlemen, assisted by many ladies of the city, privided

the flood sufferers with food* etc.. and also secured articles of furniture for them when they returned t o their homes. The p w p]e atere distdbuted about the city in tents under the direction of Supemisor T. J. Demvy* assisted by M e ~ r 8 . Patrlck Kelley and A. A. Miller of the count r Board.

The Markings for the river during the high water of 1903 were .a follows:

June 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7.8 feet. JW 2..................................... 30.0 feet. June 3 . . . . . . . . a * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.1 feet. June 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2.1 feet. June 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 feet. June 6 . . .................................. . ; 3 4 feet. June 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.3 feet. June 8 ..................................... 3 7 feet. June 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 feet. June 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9 feet. June 10, 7 p. m.. ...........................woofeat. June 11....................................37.9 feet. June 12....................................377 feet.

On June 10, a t 7 P. m-. the river reached ita highest point. It practlcallY stationary lor Z4 hours, when It began t o fall

slowly.The high water for the p*t half century in order their

helghth, are: M~~ 2,1897.. ......................... ......31 feet. ~~l~ 5, 1882................................. 32.4 feet. M~~ 10, 1876 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a * . . . . . . . . . . 32.6 feet. hiay 5, 1881.................................33.7 feet. M , , ~ 6, 1892.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 feet. J~~~ 15, 1868.. ............................87;21feet. JunelO.lgO: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 feet. J,,no 27, 1844.. ............................ .41.4 feet.


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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL ROUTE For Kansas City, Colomdo and the West.



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4 4

- .-

C. B. CARROI~L 'S EAST ST. LOUIS A S ~ , _ -- -- --. - - -

T h e StRgeS of water a r e talien from the level of t h e lowest water mark a t St. Lonis.

~ l t l l o u g h the g o ~ e r n n l e n t register a t t he foot of Market a t w e t 111 St. l a l l l s indimred t l a t illere were ::8 feet of water in the .is-sissillpi, t he re is n o tlorlbt anlong engineers and old citizene that i t passet1 tile 40-e;aoge 111 East St. 1,011is. T h e cause of t h e change to

higher level on the eas t sitl~. is sirnple. T h e rnsh of the g ree t hIls- sollri l l w n the wa te r s of t h e Mississippi caused then1 to 1111sh obcr t y the east s ide (erritor?. T h e bend in the river also pashed !he cur- rent agalnat E a s t 81. Lollis. s o m e of the older cit izens bellere that t h e river was more than follr feet higher in 190:: t han it was in 1W2, when it lraeheci a s tage of 26.5 feet.

F. m j



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Eat St. lads Ict and Cold Storase Company. Y.L.--a Pd--, mwhdlj Ar.. M 4 F,b @& [email protected]

-----EAST SIDE D I R E C T O R ~ .

- .- -- - . .



Brid History of the Great I Institution. I



1 ~ollowedby a Special Directory ot the


One of t h e g rea t institutions of t h e Eas t S ide 1s t h e s t . ~~~i~ p+,jonal Stock Yards. The following fac t s were complied b,. officer of t h e yards. H e says :

~t your reqrlest I will endeavor to glve you a brief outline of 1 even t s as they have place a m o n g US, t h e yard men, from the ,

t ime t h a t ground was broken f o r t h i s g rea t enterprise, in ,5371, up to , t he present.

Although Unable get a l l . t he records a n d compelled t o searcll every channel tha t furnish Infornlatlon. I will still vo,lch for t h e absolrlte correctness o f al l th ings s ta ted .

T h e original projectors of these xa rds s e r e : Col. A. 11.Aller-'

ton John B. ~ u t c h e rand a Mr. bl0ol.e. of New York. who owned r o n t r o l l ~ d the One Hundredth S t r ee t Stoclc Yards in New york

~ 0 1 . AlIerlOn was the moat ac t ive one of t h e tr io, and if I correct, t he only One who had actual experience in t h e management Iof stocli yards. Mr. Dutcher was connected with t h e New yorli Cen. t ra l ~ ~ l and 5i.r. ~ ~ ~ was a capitalist.l Yoore d

An wa.s nrst nlacle to secure a s i t e near t he c i ty or at. ~ ~on t h e~ Missouri~ iside of~ the , river. because of t h e geographical Imsitlon 11 occupied. it being conslderetl almost t h e cen te r of me ~ ~ ~ i t ~ ds t a t e s , but for some reason t h e large holdere of real estate

to onel. them an?. intlucenlent to locate there, and John B. ! Rowman, then ~ a y o rof Eas t S t . I.()1llsP offered them a t rac t of I.ln(l . sllftat,lr for the , ) u r p s e . and known a s t h e old Gallagher farm. con- 1 sisting of 625 or 650 acres of grollntl, which was purchased. and on i

yal.(ls a1.r locatetl. An atltlillonal twelve ac re s were pur.which I

I . . .- - ..- . ... . -.

.- w-


WABASH toKansasCity

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! chased later, and my rec~llect lon 1s that about 670 acres of land.

this company now owns

anr The first stake was driven by the present gen- marrrrger. .Mr. m a r l e g h n e g , on june I d , ,871, 6, 0x1 the where the present. A u k ton & H a d n g t o n mule barn is now located. The Brat shovelltll of <nka dirt was ~ Y ( Ion June 18th. and from that time until November 23th. j~5 1873, the din of hammer and saw greeted the ea r in every dlrect l~n. o=z ~h~ company brought from New York, to aid In Its construction. mo@ man,.a-- ,,, all under the management of Mr. Sam Weed. Weel 1s probably the only man of all in the employ of thls company wbrse feet left an imprint that will doubtlesa remain as long as the yards last. i t can be found in the Cement between the joists under thr

2 3 flmf oppoelte the postomce window ln the old Exchange bulldlng, and a t

i*1 6

e f 8-




i ts ham-llke appearance was exposed to vlew a year o r so ago, when a new floor was being lald.

With Mr. Weed came two callow youths. One, now generai man-ager, Charles Jones. The other 1s Mr. Thomas H. ~ h l t e . tiorace B. Vall, asslstant cashier of the Bull's Head Benk, come here a few months later as timekeeper. Vall was killed in 1880.

The yards were fnmrporated In .18i3, the stock placed on tho market. and all preparations made to do buslness on 'a large wale. T h e 0r.t dlrrotory consisted of A. M.Allertm, John B. Dutcher, T. C. Eastman, Andrew Pearce, August Schell, A. If. Whlte and . \ /~ r lah Boody.

Tbene directora elected Col. A. M. Allerton president ord Capt. R M. Mmre secretary and treasurer. Some tlme lo the summer of 1873 the present vice-presldent, Mr. C. G. Knox, came to the yarda as chlef clerk of the 00mce.

Col. Allerton, from hls brusqueness, was dubbed "Old Rre:ld-ga~ge," a tltle he despised. Only those beyond his hearing ever t-xlled him that, and then only in fear and trembllng. H e wae n sta?itlch friend. a klnd employer, and could uncork a bottle of profanitj. nt a moment'a notice.

The chief characteristics of Capt. Moore were hls kindly dispo- tion and the alze of a chew of tobacco he could hold In ble mouth.

Col. Allerton was succeeded in February, 1875, by Col. 1-5 H. Knox, (father of the present vlce-president), who occupied that po-sltion his d a t h . which occurred on December 21st, 1888, a perlod of thlrteen y a n .

It 1s fm~oaeible for me t o describe the many qualltles of wlnd and heart possesm by thin Chrlstlan gentleman, and l t 1s unneceasury, as h i s memorv la enshrined ln t h e hearts of all who knew hlm

Col. Knox brollght wftb hlm from the East to make one of our circle the pdnce of good fellowse, Glle Foster, who passed away a few years af ter the Colonel.

rim death robbed of cholce material when it placed i ts clam- my fingers on Col. K n O ~ *0110 Foster, George T. Klrkpatrlch, Sam White and Charlie "Peace to thclr ashes." Such, however, 18 the way of all flesh.

J. 0. crane Pmltnn Do. sen"*FURNITURE 423425 N. 4thSbcd, St. Lovk Mo.

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I.mT)UnD,J 0N ES nrawnrulo. 309 N. h d W 8 9COMMERCIAL COLLEGE a+. roulm. mo


P !


T h e Orst superintendent of the yards was Mr. T h o m u Cole. Mr. Cole was a better judge of cattle than a atock yard man, and h e re- II signed to en te r the employ of Armour & Co.. a t Kansas city. ~ I I H( successor WM Mr. John Cheeny, of Bloomlligton, 111. I am eom-

rl plied to p a w Mr. Cheeny UP without comment. H e wan k n o w to ;LC2 - yard employes M "the sewing machine man ou a duncolored horse." I

Rowsey, and w e n bought by Deacon G=r for the Emt at.QP p.eklng and pmvislon company. n e second l a d . C . M. Keys n l d ,

for tLamP Wall to the same artl lea. These sales were made in November. and were reported in the

estsbllfjhed a t these yards by the 0 n l ~John Haps.

Z ---------- - - ---- --= J. H. CRANE FURNITURE GO. 423-425 N. FWRTH STREET


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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL -rough Trains for Colorado. 'CIIHorala and the W u t U






1 '

w 1


0I1 i

. . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .

C. R. CARROLL'S EAST S T . LOCIS AND . . . . - - . . - .. .- -

T h e first packing h o ~ l s e bull1 On these PreUIlSes was t h e old Whi te Hollrje, ownec] by Kent. Hutchinson Co.9 finished In 1873, and the first hogs were s laughtered the re in November.

T h e carbon works were built in the of 1874. From 1875 t o s 187: t h ree p lants were built by Arch Allen. Klopfer & Morris a n d m Hllnter & Evans, respectlvelY. They were all small and short lived. all being bllmed within a year Or 80 a f t e r being built. T h e Whl t taher m plant was brlilt In 1877. a n d in 1892 passed Into t h e hands of S w i V s , who have improved i t until t h e bulldlngs cover seven and one.half acres of ground, wlth a floor space of 17 5-8 acres, and who occ~ lp? <n

of ground in all. t o men -They give e m l ~ l o ~ m e n t 13002; 2.8 150 c a r s of coal and twelve c a r s of salt n ~ o n t h l y t h e ycar and Wround.

e r s t occupied It. T h e n 3 l r Samuel Allerton usecl it b ~ f Em d

l m ~ six acres. have a flcnr space of a h u t fifteen acrza, cover about employ 1000 peo1)le and ltae about t he s a m e amount of coal 3nd salt monthly a s Swift L& Co. T h e Armour plant is one of t he largest in

T h e yard company em])loys al)ol~t 275 men. ant1 t h e carbop works . ,A A ro11g11 e s t i~ l l e t e will show tllal these f o t ~ r indrlutries a lone frlr- nish employn~ent t o GOO0 people. IWO

T h e Brooklyn Packing Con~l,an?., a small plant. was establlslled in t h e summer of 1897. Baug:~.s 1)erfrtme factory, or. what is styled. f o r

husiness purposes, t h e rendering works, can raise a bigger stinli ;han H

!; a11 t h e o thers put together.

T h e total receipts for t h e year 1874 were 77G.484 heatl. T h e total for years a r e a s follows:

01Cattle--1898. 68::,777: 1899, GSZ.99S: 1900. ti98,ZiO: 1901, 899.270, and f o r 1902. 1,112,942. ! H E

Hogs-1899.1.800.94?: 1900. 1.79 1,986; 1901. 1.924.206. ! S h e e ~ 1 S 9 8 . 435.89::: 1899, 408,984 : 1900. 416,146; 1901, 528,213;

0 and for 1902. 52.D.201. ~ 0 r . e ~ .and .~lles-lsua. n,.*ir: 1899.1 i l . r r i : 19oo. 144,921 ; 1981, u a

i for' 1902, 109.995. 128.880: SOC~

/ On account of t he hard and persistent work done by the m a n a g e ! ment of the St. LolllS Natlonai Stocic Yartis dtlring t h e pas t year, t he I Sloclc Reporter 's figures show a n excellent condition a t t h a t -/ great institulion. T h e KoOrl work will g o 0" with renewed vigor, a n d

D e c e n l k r 19l'5, 11 i s claimed. will witness a deserved Increase In ) all liars. T11e " R e ~ u r t e r " says fo r the gear:


"The year Illst passed 1 Ihe ~lvt : slocli business at i

ceipts of 11~6s. silrep and j marlis were s e t for' !

w a s the mowt sr~ccessful in t l ~ e Illstory :IC the National Stock Yards. T h e total re-

and mules were broken. and n e w the dail!', weekly ancl monthly recorcl?.

. . . . . . . . . . . -. - -.. - .-- . .- . - - - a


Buthlu, Pins. Zulr b Stampsr COI) ALL 01)OANIZATION8

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Bt J. H. Crane Furniture Go.Buy Furniture LQ-~6'ur 423-425 N.4th St, ST.LOUIS. MO. -EAST SIDE DIRECTORY.

. . . -- --.......... 1531

T h e horse and m l l l ~ receipts were t h e most remarkable ever received I .+ any market. LVhile general ca t t le receipts dl11 not equal t l ~ e torn1 I C> of last year, t h e nat ive ca t t le ar r iva ls were some 110.000 head in \.x 1

cess of t h e p r e v i o u ~ year. T h e grand total of all live s tock receivecl was the heaviest the market. ha s eve r experienced." m

T h e work is be t ter shown by a n analysis of t h e following flgrlrcs:


Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -'I1 . , , 0 1 2 Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.074.12~; Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.954.902 Sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687.896 Horses ancl Mr~les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lSl ,:;41


Placed nearly t h e ent i re ca t t le depar tment under brick. Bullt a n addit ion to Exchange bt~llding. increasing t h e size r,.le-

third. Spent ove r $200,000 In Improvements t o t h e market. -Completed t h e mammoth new plant of Armour & Co.. t h e flncat 9in t h e world. 0Broke all t h e ca t t le records In t h e history of t h e market. Sold over 55 per c e n t of all t h e qua ran t ine ca t t le marketed. a Rearranged and refrrrnished t h e ent r re Exchange building. Constructed new quarant ine scale, facll i tat lng t h e movement I,v

at leas t 60 pe r cent. Built new double-decli sheep house. Increasing marliet capacity 0

o n e - f o ~ ~ r t h . ~ d d c d50,noo sqllare yards of vitrlfled brick ca t t le paving l o , h e 2

ca)ble yards. Increased ca t t le receiprs more lha11,,2:')! per cent. Completetl four new horse and ~nr l lerbarns . nlalring a rea of horse . . .

marke t t h e largest in t h e world. Held two sllccesefrll saltBs of ~)e(lip;reed live stock. and witlened the

field of t h e pure-breed industry. Expected sheep loss turned in to gain.

~ ~bankers. H., 1 4 . ~ i in fjrief-The t fll.st ~ ~ Newman & Co, : nrst 9 (c)postmaster, ~ a m l l e l Rrlclinell: f l ~ ts l l~e r ln t enden t hog house. C. T . 0

Jones: first yardn1aster. Thos. f i . LVhite; tinlekeeper. H. B. Vail: first night super in tendent , R. A. Hrrnn in~e r , first weighmaster. 9. A. Wh1.e: firat superintendent of stables, Janies Kennedy: first engineer. Pap Peyton; f lrst telegrapher, t(arry F. Parry; first watchman, John Clllen

Albert L. Keechler, o f caSsicly ~1.0s.. and 1. i-inehan, manager Wes te rn i?nion TelegrapI\ ComptinY. were both \vatel. boys when the

o ther p e r w n s have r a s e d f rom the yards were being bllilr, place t o positions of trust ancl tlistinction.

6 4 ~ ~ o wTlXEC FLAG."


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The Reliability of our



Abramsky l)aniel, horseshoer, r Natlonal Hotel. Adam8 Chambers, speculator, Exchange bldg. r Chartrand. Adamp Edward, bartndr Exchange, r National Hotel. Adam6 Julia, \vattress Exchange restaurant, r National Hbtel. A d m e J W,(Campbell, Hunt & Adams), r Kansas City. Adler B J, elk Swift & Co, r 463A Collinsvllle ave. Allen H B, proofreader, r 635 N 9th st. Allen L 8, cash Evane-Snider Buel Co, r 1104 College ave. Allison A D. yardmaster hog dept, r Pennsylvania ave. ~ 1 1 l s o nGeorge, checker Swift & Co, r 912 Winstanley ave. Andenson R, bartndr Natlonal Hotel, r same. Appell J F, mngr Nelson Morrls & Co, r 8 t Louis ave. Arndt Harry, clk Bwifi 6 Co, r 273A N 12th at. Archer W B, commission stable yard. A m o u r S W, mngr Robt Conway, manager yards. Arnold Henry R, pur a@. r 1126 Winstanley ave. Arnold J F,collector, r cor 9th and lllinols ave. A8h A B,yardman. r 809 N 8th st. Ash Mrs A E,bookpr. r 809 N 8th st. Ash Frank, foreman Nelson Morris & Co;r 464 Callinsville are. Ashlock E A, foreman Bwitt & Co. r 642 Collineville ave. Atnater A T, secretary Evans-Bdder-Buel Co, ma 33 & 34 Exchange

bldg, Nat Btk Yds. Atwood Mabel, waltress Natlonal Hotel, r same. Audsley J H, yardman, r 1015 Lynch ave. aver^ A. elk Swift & Co, r St Louis, Yo.

Babln Raleigh. bartndr, r Natlonal Hotel. Bacon Irene. atenoq Swift t ~ o ,r 1418 at Clair are. Balrd wm J. watch Swift & co, r 1406 -ugh ave. Baker J IF. barber Natlonal Hotel, r mme. Baldwln G E. asat bkpr Bwitt & CO, r 716 Ohio ave. Ball A M, cashier. r 620 N Dth st. Rallard E b a s h i e r , r 8t Loulr, &. Baltimore & Ohion RY, oQce Exchange bldg. Banahan John, foreman Morris & Co, r 1601 Cleveland Eve. Banard B, foreman Morrfsa a,r 21 Poverty row. Bangert F W. llve stk set, r Atton, 111. Bankhead ~ r c h i e , elk Swift a Co, r 8 t Louts, Mo. Barchardt H, foreman Morrlfl b C0, r 1232 Cleveland ave. Barnes Arthur forernan Swjft & &, r 724 N 7th st.


#)P C.lllaaville Avenue EAST ST. UIUIS, ILL

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P k l l m f t y h a m t Qrda M i l k Sold in k m t st. Lorla.* - --- -.---.. - -


1 -1533---. ------ . -. . - --- -- - - -

U ~ r rLester 0 , foreman s ~ i l t & CO, r Baugh ave. Barry R W,clk Morris & Co, r 454 Colllnsvllle ave. Rarse I ~ l v e Stk Com Co. 1st floor Exchange hldu. Barse IVm H , cash Barse IAve Stk Com Co. r 727 N 12th st. Basse F D. elk Vandalla Line. r Alton, 111. Rateman John Lv\.'.watch Swift & Co, r 536 N 1st st. Bangh. Edw, hog b u w r hIorrls & Co, r 325 Collinsville ave. Baugl~1, B. t Edom, Baagll & Co). r St Louis. 110. rrrDarlgh I,evi. Ken n x r E St 1, Rendering wks. r 911 B a w h ave. Baugh Levi T. 1)ur.i.hasing agl, r 1709 Exchange. C Beale C, elk Swift R: Co. 1' 725 S Clh st. Beason Andrew. foreman Slvift & Co, r 115 N 10th st. sBeck George, pres Ernpirt' Carl)on \Vks . r St 1.0llis. 110. -Becker Gertrude, waitress Natl Ilolrl. r same. Becker W k1, clli Swlft & Co, I. 191:: S St11 st. Beers G W. foreman Morris & Co. r 1::02 Baugh aye. Behrendson Thos C, scaler Swift & Co, r 4::s N 12th st. Beisley Wm. drlrer Swift & Co. r 1309 N loth st. Bennett C .I. clk Swift & Co, r 8115 Ohlo ave. Berliner H. mgr Brooklyn Packing Co, r St LO11is. Bernlt E W. foreman Nelson Worrls & Co, r 114 S Sixth st. Berry George. sales Drum Flato Corn Ca. r St 1a11ls. =-Berry John. yardman Carr Smlth & Bro, r G31 N Tenth st. co Berry I, M, buyer Swlft & Co. r GI2 S t Clalr ave. Reson S LA. clk Alorrls & Co. r 710 Pennsylvania ave. Berelot Clement, tagger Natl Stk Yds, r 221 Seventh st. 0 Hlbb A r t h ~ ~ r \\', stk exam. r St IAIII~R. 'rrBiedernlan N, elk Swift & Co. 1. 2504 Rocliroatl. Biermann J If. hlipr Scaling & Son, r St 1.onis. O m 0 Biesley Wm H, chief eng Swift & Co. r 919 Winstanley are . = D < ~ 1 1 1ot to , cllc Swift & Co. r s t 1,0111s. Binnettc 1,illlc M , opr Tel ('0. r 41 4 St Iau i s ave. -iIPI Blon Max, clk Nelson hiorrls & Co, r 820 X First ~ t . " aBlrclchead R F,horse (lcaler. H & M mkt, Natl Stk Ptls. Blrckhnad Pi. 11orse dedler. Bischoff Henry J r . brlyt'l. St 1, D B & Prov Co, r St I.ol~is. +Elschoff T.ouls, buyer St 1, B P1.0~ Co, r S t Lollis. Blajte Mabel, stenog Swift & Co. S t Louis. 0 Blakley ,l W. (Blakley Snnders Wan Co), r S t Louis. Blakley Sanders Man fE Co. con1 mrchnts. Exchange bldg. 0 Boesch W J . clk Swift g- Co. r 609 Pennsrlvanla ave. E Boley Wm R, scaler Swlft & Co, r 116 ( rea r ) Elaogh avc. -Bolte Miss Anna. fe l opl- Morris & C:O. r 726 Elg~htl l st. m G0nner l3 "u. rlli Morris & co, r 64:: CollIn~vllle ave. Bonner Wnl, horse dlr. Sat1 Stk Yda. r st I.oufs. Booth R d g e r s , llve stock. Exchange bldg. Boothe S T. tklesman Natl 1,lve s t k Corn Co. r 522 N Tenth at.. Borden B, dealer IF & hI Mkt Natl Stk Yds, r st Ianls . Rosley John. ydmsn Swlft & CO, P s t Iauis.


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kLYLSTFurlitur$ J. H. Crane Furniture CO. TO &Y 423-425 N* 4th St., St. Louis, Moi


I -

Bo~ighton 1. L. stenog, r 607 N Eleventh sL Bowler George \V, watch Swifi Co* I- 801 N Eighth st.( Bowles Chas W, clk Swift & Co. r S t I ~ u i s . Bowles Live Stk con1 Co. J F F r s mgr. rm 24 Exchange bldg. m y d WT,~ ~ ~ w e l l - H o w a r d Mule Co, r American House.

Terminals Stk Yd Co, Exchange bldg. Braden A, clk supt Bradford G H, cash Stk Yds bank, r St ~ A O U ~ S .

Bradford J R, sast bkpr Swift. & CO. r 815 N Eighth st. Blady Philip, foreman Swift t CO, r 1407 Baugh ave. Branch J C, buyer Sparks Bras, r Marshall. Mo. Bratton John S, horses. Natl Stk Yds, r Rockroad. Dreedlove Chas, yardman x a t l Live s t k Com Co, r 1402 Exchange. Brennan Thos, buyer S t L D B P ~ O V rC q St 1,ouis.

! I Brewer Frank W. m a t insp Natl Stk Yds. r 1106 St Clair ave.

Brigham George M, life ins agt. Natl Stk Yds, r N Eighth St. Brigham H C, sheep dlr Natl Stk Yda, r 616 N fleventh st.. ~ r l g h t c o y Com Co, Exchange bldg. Briggs O E, clk Swift & Co. r S t Louis.

I Brown Chas 51, f0reXmn swif t CO, r 1118 Lake ave. B ~ O W P C C, rm 19 Exchange bldg. S P ~ C U I ~ ~ O ~ . ,I ~ roo l i lyn Packing Co. * G Godair Pres. 2d flmr Exchange bldg. Rl*own Clarence M , watch Swift & Co, r 412 Missouri ave. 1 Brown Fry t Co. live stk corn mrchnts, rm 24 Exchange bldg. Brown Guy. clli Swift %: Co, r 1714 Ohio ave. Brown John, f ~ r e n l a n Swift & C0, r S31 ( rea r ) &ugh ave. Brown Lee, sales Camphell. Hunt & Adams, r 1 4 ~ 2Weinman. Brown 0 H , Ken framce nlRr Sty Y d s Co, Exchange bldn, r fist1-

0 Hotel.

Brown Ralsor? B, gen foreman Swift & Co, r 1602 Exchange aye. Brown R H.elk Swift & Co, r 803 N Eighth st. Brown R N, horse dlr, r 131% S t Clair ave. Browl~ing R W, horses and mulch, r S4 St Ciair ave. Broz James G . elk Swift & CO. r 914 Walter.

8 I Brunkey. Joseph. foreman swif t & Co, r 1309 Nsher.

Brunbergson, horses. r 100 Bowman ave. Bruton 0 R, st.k exam Natl Stk Yds, r 732 N Seventh st. Bruton .4 R, stk exam Natl Stk Yds, 732 N Seventh st. Uuchanm F.elk Swift & Co, r 1501 Baugh ave. Biick 0 A, hog buyer Swift & Co, r 816 N Ninth st. J311ckham T Rs Nelson Mwrls & Co, r 730 N Eleventh st.

I ~3~lck1cy.I, foreman Nelson Morrie 6t CO, r 819 Exchange ave. / Rliclinell Sanluel, chief elk s t k Yds Co, r 817 Pennsylvania ave.' Buclinell S K qelk Stk Yds Co, r 1112 College ave,

Bunch W 1. elk Swift & Co, r 619 Ohio ave. Burchard Bros. horses and mules, s tk yds, Burke J, forenlall hlorris Rr Co, r S t Clair ave and Plank rd. Burlington Rolite. J J Callahan live stk a@, basement Exchange hldg.

1 Rurham Geo S, live stk L N R R. St I ~ u l s . Burne John, folenlan & Cop r 1015 s t ClaiI' ave.

----- I -- .- - - ---

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Marti1's shoesFor All Seuoas of the Year are Correct in Styk, UI Price and Durability.

Y I ,F. MARTIN, 107 Colliluvilie h e . . Eut st. LOUIS,P 111. - - .-- - -.. -- --.. . . - .- ---- - --

EAST SIDE DIRECTORY. --- --..-. - . -. -.. . .- --

Duma John. yardman Tarlton, Coy & Irons. Burroughs Wm, buyer Katl S tk Yds, r Natl Hotel. Elurton G W. yardman Evans-Solder-Buel Co,r 713 N Eleventh st Bushhorn N. stenog Swift & Co, r S t 1.0~1s.

Cahn-Harrington Alllle Co, horse and mule nikt Sat1 S lk Yds. Cahn Henry (Cahn-Harrington Mule Co),r S t 1,ouis. Callahan J .I, live s tk agt Burlington Route, r S t 1,011is. Coll!mn C W. cat t le sa les Mmdy Con1 Co. r i l l N Eleventh st. Cameron Wnl, dr iver Swift & Co, r t i 14 Walnut ave. Campbell Elliot A, foreman Swift & Co, r 1022 S t Clair a r e Campbell George. ca t t le buyer Nelson Morr.is I Co, r 1 l c ) R Col!r.ge

ave. Campbell G IV, rln 19 Exchange bldg, I. Kansaa City. Compbell Bros, Iive s tk com nirchts. Exchange bldg. Campbell John A, horse and mule mkt , Natl Stli Yds, r 1,eland Horel. Campbell & Reid W S S Co, homes and nir~iea, horse and n111le n-kt.

Natl S tk kc!^. Canty James, cllc Nelson hlorris & Co. r 70% Ohio ave. Ca r r Joseph G, tagger Natl S tk Yds. r I4UG Welnnian. Carroll John M, asst foreman Swift & Co. r 1416 Gaty ave. Carson D 0,cancllrr Swift & Co, r St I,or~ie. Carson H B. stenog Natl Live Stk Con) Co, r 1518 Exchange ave. Car ter C I,, clk Swift & Co, r X29A N Eighth st. Car ter R L, as s t trafUc mgr S t k Yds Co, r 1516 Summit ave. Caudle C B, sol C M Keys & Co. r S t Clair ave. Caukine Wm C, ztorekeeper Swift t& Co. r 1000 N Tenth st . Case Thos, foreman Morris & Co, r 718 Minnie at. Cash E 'F, speculator, rm 19 Exchange bldg. r 910 Lotto ave. Cash V B. Com Co. Iive stock. r 921; Bangh a r e . Cassel Wm, head cat t le buyer Morris rE: CO, r S t I.o~ris. Cassidy n ros I,irc: Stock Corn Co. 2d floor Exchange bldg, National

Stock Yards C C C & St I. (Big- F o ~ l r ) . E -4 C ~ ~ P P , live stock agent. hanenlent e-:-

change brrild;nR. Chase Geo I.. clerk Swift & Co, r W2a S Twelfth st . Chase John H, ass t bkpr Swift & CO, r 535 Ninth st. Cheatham Walter. horse dealer. Cherry Fred. bkpr Moody Con1 Co. 1' 911 PennR~lvan iaave. Chicago and Alton Ry, F W Hangtart live stock agent. Exchange bldg. Chlcago. Peoria and St . 1 ~ 1 1 i s Ry, X R Bruton like ~ t w k agent., base-

men t Exchange bldg. Clancy Joseph B, chief inspector B ~ l r e a l ~ of Animal Indllatr).. E x c h a n ~ t ?

building, r National Hotel. Clancy Will T, scaler Swift & CO, r 1622 Parson. Clapp E A, live stock agent Rig Four, r Alton, 111.



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0 d a ' a9 00 $ O c ; ' i I


0 r




Clark Vltal, foreman McFralane. Evans Co, r 7 N Second st. CIaus Anna, opr W U Tel CO. r st 10ab. Clem H A, live stock agent FC'abaah R r 713 Summit ave.

r Sf lfiuis. ~ l c r n e n t sHT,m l e l ~ m w n . Fry 01 Clendennln Ben H, driver S W I ~ ~ & CO, r 718 1Nlnth at. elute joe,foreman Nelson Morls & CO. r 210 Exchange ave. c l y j e jauis, driver swift & Co. r 1102 N Third st. Clyde George, driver Swift & Co, r 1102 N Third st. ~ ~ k ~ l l~c I,, clerk swift ~ & Cd, r 710 Pennsylvania ave. Coddington E 9, hog sales, Cassldy Bros Live Stwlc Con1 Co, r 2 Cod

dington place- Coddington George M, weighmaster, r 812 N Eighth s ~ . Coney William, calf buyer Morris & Co, r 709 Illinois ave. ~ ~ ~ g e a h J i l l f0Wman Swift b: Co, r 1605 St Clair are . Abner ". Cohn Abe, yardman Barse IJve Stock Corn Co, r N Elghth st. Cole John, cle* Swift C Co, r S t Iauis. Colgan James, burer Swift & CO,r i19 N Tenth st. Colley. J C, clerk Swift & Co, r 903 N Eighth st. Colllna Vanlel P. sales Drum Flat0 Corn Co, r i34 N ,Seventh st. Combs Robert W. asst foreman Swift & CO, r 529 N sixth st . Conway Robert E. supt Armour & Co.1' Corrlston R. foreman Morris & Co, r Ill7 N Ninth

j coulter J M,buyer Maxrell-Howard M11le ~ 0 , b , l i s ,r/ Courtney Mathew, head cattle buyer, r s t I B ~ ~ S .

Covert M F. clerk swift & CO. r 601 Chartrand ave.l, covert pearl. stenog swif t &


r 601 Chartrand are . Cowan Thos S, clerk Swift & CO, r 76 s t clalr ave. Cowan G D, clerk Nelson Morris & Co, r 625 Wabash ave. Cox H E, foreman water 8uPPly S t 0 ~ k Yards Co, r Exchange a re . Coy Chaa, purch agent, 56 Exchange bldg. r Baugh ave. COY George, sales Caasid?. Broe Corn CO, r 1206 Pennsylvania ave. COY I H.clerk Swift & Co. r 831 N ~ i g h t h st. COY W H (Tarleton. COY & Irons), r ,209 Pennsylvania a r e . C o m e Michael, foreman Swift & CO, r ,qt rauis, M ~ . Craden Joseph 1.. editor Reporter, r 1446 Blair ave. Grandill GUY. blwer. r 10 N Newstead ave, s t b u l s , M ~ . Crane Roeie, wait National Hotel, r same, Crannler Austin E, Yardman C M Keys & co,r l&tta ave.

I Crannler ROY. clerk Swift & CO, r 1211 h t t a ave. ! C C ~ . I I ~ I

I Corn Co, 364 Ex change bldg.

Crawford Willi8m B, sorekeeper Swift & CO, r 1513 st Clair ave. Crawford William 8 , clerk, r Qodfrey, 111. Crenshaw C J. asst sale8 ste*e Com Co. r 1102 WinaUnley ave. Crockett H E* asst cash CO, r 454 Colllnsvllle ave. Crockett W A. Morris & CO,r 464 Collinsvllle ave. C m i n Janles. chief derk dept Stock Yard8 Co, r Baugh ave. Crosaett ~ e G l . a n d s. foreman & Co, r 1721 Henrietta ave. Crowell E, swif t & Co. r 628 CoIiInavi~le ave. C r m corn CO, roont 35 Exchange bdg.

k t r , VegrWir,

row02 s. 4th St. S,?.,,,,1,M,Sullivan8aBros hewhe,

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-0lNlNQ OARS-H. C TOWNSEND. G. P. & T, A. = - IT. LOUIS, MO.

EAST SIDE DIRECTORY. 1537- - - -. - -- -

Crunl U' \I' (Crnnl C o n ~ Co), r 1219 Rockroad. I Cudd C. forenlan Morris 6: Co, r lo02 S Fifteenth st. mCullen Chas, specnlator, rooms 19 Exchange bldg. Cllller Thomas, foreman Morris 6: Co. r 225 Winstanley ave. -Ir Cl~lenW, chief clerk Moris P Co, r National Hotel. 0Crlnningham Agnes Miss. tel opl- Morris & Co, r 126 N B st. C'l~nninglla~nOwen, speculator, roonls 80-82 Exchange bldg. Crlstis 1.: C, casll Swift 6 Co. r S t l,ouis, Mo.

rll D I

Daffion Robert, asst foreman Swift 6 Co. r 2114 St 1.ouis are . Daily Bros, horses anti mules, S t ~ c l i Yards. Daily H C, horse dealer. r S t Louis, >lo. Dale Chas G, head watch Swift 6r. Co, r 9211 \Valter ave. 1Ilaly C I,. Swift & CO. r St 1,011ia. Rfo. Daly 1, I,, cattle buyer Swift & Co. r St 1,ouis. Mo. Daly Mike. yardn~an Cassidy Bros. r 740 IS IJollrlenth st. Daniel T J , salea Evans-Snider-Bucl Co, r 532 N Eighth st. Darrah Frank, cash pck house mkt Swift P Co, r 1205 N Eleventh st. Darron Edward C, asst foreman Swift & Co, r G61 N Fifteenth st. Davidson J R', clerk Swift C Co, r i l 5 S t Idu is ave. Davinroy A, clerk Swift & Co. r 611 Pennsylvania ave. Davis Charles, messinger Swift P ('0, r 126 &. Davis K , sten0R Swift & Co, r 1119a Pennsylvania ave. Davis Maurice, bookkeei)er horse and n~rlle market, r St. I.ouis. Mo. Davis Warren U',clerk Swift g: Co, r 102; S Tenth s t . Davis \Vi'illianl \$', clerk Swift 9 Co, r 1408 Exchange a re . Dawson Monroe, yardman Cassidy Bros, r N Seventh st. Lleabold H C, Master nlechanic Reporter, r Belleville, 111. Dean Frank, live stlc P1lr agt. 5.5 Exchange bldg, r S t Louis. Dean J M, asst chemist Swift & Co, r 71G N Seventh at. Decker C E, clk Swift 9 CO, r 911A St Clair aye. Decker Harry, messenger Swift & Co. r 911.4S t Clair ave. Djebel L, sales Chas E Henry Sons Co, r S t Louis, Mo. Delaney John, clk Swift & (lo, r 1236 Gatr ave. Delmore Eel, c]k Swift 6: Co, 1' 235 h. Eithth st. De Lonchau. I.ouis, hressenger \\'abash R R. r 816 N Seond st. De Mars Cilman, hog dept Stk Tds CO. r 818 S t Clair ave. Denby C A, speculator, 2d floor ~ x c l l a n g e Derrick Janse. clk Swift & CO, r 814 First st. Dewey W W, foreman hforria & CO, r 1509 Summit ave. Dickerson D, clk Swift gc CO, r Tenth an3 Broadway. Dickson J H, clk Swift & CO, r S t Louis 310. Dlllard J 1. speculator, r Collinsville, Ill. Dinkgrave F 0,clk Morris & Co,. r S t Louis, 310.

I "The Meteor" to TEXAS,

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. . . --------. -1538 C. B. CARROLL'SEAST ST. LOUIS AND

Doerr C; W, secy and t r eas c a s s l d ~ Bras Llve 8 t k Corn Co, r S t 1 ~ 1 1 i s Mo.

wgg i t t D D, relmrter S t I A U ~ R S ta r , r st LOUIU Mo. 3 BurllnRton Rollte. r St. Louis MO.

." f ~~l~~ Thomas.t t ; COs ' St lmule. M".Donal(iwn Dan, clk s w f f i h;

g 6 28 mnar .d G~~ A, gateman horse and mrlle mkt. r 1608 Excbange ave.

anern hog r e c . r 1608 E x c h a n ~ e ,-1 c E, couoter are. D~~~~~ s1,erruan, live a tk agt 111 Central , I S t I ~ u l a , MO. k y l e Mayme, wait, r 1219 N Ninth st. 3, ~~~l~ Nellie, wait Nail Hotel, r same.3 (D.

00 - wle wil\ianl, cut ter Swift & Co, r 6-11 Collinsville ave. 3 m y l a w m J, taggar. r 467 Collinsvil~e a re .

Draggon ~ m e p h , driver Morris L Co. r 545 Chartrand.0' 8- Dregmn Ilouls, buyer Morris & Co, r 1615 Illinois ave. Drake C N: speculator. Exchange bldg, r S t 1 ~ 1 t l e &lo. Drake J R, (Drake & s o n ) . SW~ll la lor , Id. flwr Exchange bdlg, r7

st LOUIE, Mo. J r) ;; D m k e & SOW. speculators. Excliange bldg.

rakef ford T H,tel OPr Swift & Co, r St. l a ~ l l s , Mo. Draney M W, foreman MorriR & Co. r IOU D ~ l t c h e r ' ~ lane. Drum Com Co, H F Parry mgr. s- Dr~gdaleJohn. fOrenlan blorris & Co. r ti10 College ave.a

ul Dulahan T J , elk Swift di Co. r 126 Jone1,hine ave. Dunham Chas. ydrnan Natl S tk Com Co, r 203 Exchange ave. Duocar R. el* Swtft & CO. r Ninth and St Charles rra. Dunger C la l~de V, foreman Swift & Co, r 1610 Exchange ave.

Cr) ( Dunhanl W,hog sales Canlpbell. Hunt & Adan~s ,r 1104 Welnmau. Dunlap 3 M. elk Neimn Morris & Co, r j:):{N Ninth


I Dunmire C E, Swif t C Co. r St i.ouis, &lo. Dun. J a m e s P. elk Swif t & Co. r il, c ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~avp.

a> ' Dun. Wm s r , bog sales C E While & c0. r Howe ave.Cf3 5 ; D l ~ n n a w a r Samnel, clk Swllt & co, 100; s t e l a f r sve. W ,

E Eas t S t f.ouIs Rendering Works Natl ~ 1 1 ; yds.

c 0 : "beling I.elk swift C Co, r S t Iau(f i , M ~ . Ecker E. forelnan Morris & Co, r 729 N ~ i ~ h ~ h . 0 s t . Edgar philip P,watch Swift & Co, r.715 Exchange ave. f EdmondS Ellgene. wellh-ler hog house, r 112:) Natalie.E g l o n ~ ~ a l l e h Co. I. c a ln merahanta (Wm Edom, I. B Daugh). nli

rn 1; ~ x c h a n g e bldg. ; Edam W.'m, (Edorn* Ballgh CO), r st I.or~la, Mo. / Eller G w, elk Ir;el*n Morris & Co,r 624 X Sixth st.

Elakant F, elk SwiftPr Co, r 1403 Oaty ave.

f Elakan(, Fred [a, nleR-Rer 8wl f t & Co, r llO:l Caty ave ; Elskant G . s d m a n Swift& Co, r 1403 Gaty are.

J - - - -

ST. LOUIS~ Everythtnj Ekgrnt for Fine. tEADIN0 Fll)don&Ie Up-tbDak ?lltM0 423.425 N. FOURTH ST. Reidmeclr

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--- ISHORTHAND,Book-kcpin& W ~ W R I T I M ~ .J 0N E S 309 N. 'Brordwq

COMMERCIAL COLLEGE n+.roucm.uo. -..- -- - -.-

EAST SIDE DIRECTORY.- -- ..----- .- -- ---- --Ellis J , horse dlr Natl Stk Yds. r S t Irnuis. Mo. 611sorth Spencer. paymaster. ~ x c h a n g e bldg,-r 1600 Summit ave. Elvin Carl G. scaler Swift & Co. r 624 N Nlnth st. En~pl re Carbon Works, Natl Stk Yds, George Beck pres. Erhart Henry F, foreman Swlft & CO, r 627 N Tenth st. Escher Paul. chemtst Swift & Co. r 1706 Baugh ave. Esler (: T, bkpr Swift & Co, r S t Louis Mo. Estes Bedford. cattle sales, r Stephens hotel. Evans A A. (McFarlane-Evans Co), r S t 1,ouis Mo. Evans A I), secy and lreas Strahorn Hutton Evans Corn Co, r 8 t

I ~ u i s , Mo. Evans C H , clk Swift & CO, r i 2 3 N Twelfth st. Evans H C Jr, bkpr Maxwell-Howard Mule Co,r S t Louis Mo. Evans Robert C. bkpr CampbellReid W S 9 Co, r 622 N Elghth. Evans. Montague Con1 Co. Exchange bldg. Evans Snider Buel Co, live stk conl. Exchange bldg. Evans Wnl G, foreman Swift & Co, r 123 Exchange ave. Zvers E I.. foreman Morris & Co. r 1009 Baugh ave. Ewlng George W, bkpr, r 721 N Eighth st.

F Ferris L E. foreman sheep dept Stk Yds Co. r 111 Pearl st. Finch J E. speculator, Exchange bldg. Finch Wallace, mgr Green Mllls & Co, r 3311 Pine. S t Irnuis Mo. Rnley E J, clk Morris & Co, r S t Louis Mo. Fitzl)atrlck John T,foreman Swift & Co. r 1336 .leRerson. Planagan Ed. ydman Slrahorn. r S t Imuis, Mo. Flanagan Frank .I , fOremaln Swlft & Co:r 616 Collin~ville ave. Fiickner J E', cashler, r S t I-ouis 310. Flgnn \Vnl T, stk exam Natl Stk Yds, r 711 N Tenth st. Foitllc V V. asst chief clerk MorrfR & Co, r 1213 N Ninth st. Ford Davld, helper, r 412 M~amur i ave. Foeter G H.Swift & CO, r 743 N Seventh st. Fowler Richard C, drfver Swift & Co. r 540 Collinsville ave. Fraser W C, asst bkpr Swift Co. r 916 S ~ m m l tave. Fray J Ii.,ydmao Green, Mills 4 Co, r 713 N Tenth st. Freeman Samuel, clk C & A RP. r 1122 College avo. Frlebem I,ouls P, foreman Swift & Co. r 121 Winatanley ave. Frlor Tony, clk Swift & Co. r 632 Collinsvllle ave. Frost Charles, bkpr Tarlton. COY & Irons, r st I a u l s Mo. Frr~tger Fred, elk s t r a h o r n - ~ u t t o n - E ~ a n sC0m Co, r Bt Loul8 Yo. Fry J F, (Brown. Fry & Co), r St lfillis Mo. Fulcher James E. architect Swift & Co. r 913A N Elghth st Funk A. foreman Morris & CO, r 614 Wabasha. Funk George J, foreman Morris & Co. r 712 N sixth st. Fnnk John. forem- Morris & a, r S t J , o u i ~ Mo. F ~ ~ r b i n g e rOtto, clk gtk Yds co. r 710A N Eleventh st.

.---.- ---- . .-- .-. - . --.. - - . - -


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C. B. C A R R O L I , ' ~EAST ST. LOUIS ASD . - - - - - .- -----

Cannon E S , elk S ~ i f t& Co- r S t I ~ o u i s h10. ~~i~~~ Fred, c1k Daily Heporter. btls 1650 East Broadway. ~~~~~i~ma. opr w 17 Tel Co, horse and mule mkt. r S t 1,011is. ~ i b ~ ~ ~ ave . E C, s a l e s Godair Corn Co, r Baugh

Swift & Co, r 1219 K I.:lerenth s t .~ i J \\-,b ~ ~ ~ ~ i l b ~ ~ tL .A, elk Swift & Co. r St Imr~is>lo. ~ j l l Percy, y d n ~ a n Carr. Snlitll & Co. r N Tenth st. ill^^ Harry , pres Gillen-Hcinien Mule Co. r 814 Sumrnit ave.

Gillen-Heinien h l ~ l e CO. horses ant1 mules. Sa t1 Stli Ytls. Gillet te Geo \V, a s s t foreman Swift & Co, r 21-1 Hown~arl:iyth.

(:laser Edga r F. f o r m a n Swif t Co. r P ~ n n s y l v a n i a ave. Cleaves I, A. a s s t bkpr Swift. & Co. r s t . I , o ~ ~ i s 310. Goriar A G. Goriar Corn C0. 1. St I,ol~is Xlo. Godiar Corn Co. live stock con1 merchants. Eschange 1,ldg. Goedecker H, foreman hlorris & Co, r 171:: aye. S ~ ~ m m i t Gofl .I \Ir\'.biipr Swift 8. CO. 1' 522 E*' Seventh s t , Gordon Charles, forenIan Morris & Co, r S4 [,yon ave. (;orn~;ln Ellllcr -1, forenIan Swif t & Co, r 1i)r)l s Ninth s t . (;orton C 0,cilc Swift Rr CO, r 1500 road. Gould K , messenger Swif t Co. r 445 Columbia place. C,racey Wal ter , fole1ll:lll S\vift 8z Co. r 211 Pennsylvania ave. (;raham )I S,r lk hlorris & Co. r 729 N Eigllth st. Grant Ar~bry H.cik Swift & Co, r S t 1.011is Mu. Grant J E, ell; hforris cY. Co, r 712 N Sixth st . (;ray Har ry R. Swif t Co, r St I ~ u i s h.10. ( ; ray H ~ l r n e 11. elk Swift a Co, r 609 Pennsylvania avc. Gray Robert , LRXfer, r Tenth and Exchange. (;reen t i a r ry , elk Swif t R Co. r St IAUIS hlo. Greer. IvIills CV. rnls fi6-37 Exchange b]dg. (;regg Albert , f lr iver Swift & CO, r 726 N Sixteenth st. Gregg F 0 . ?dlnan (iotlair Com co. Grimn F. elk Swift & Co, r 311 Illinois ave. (;riWn Harry , elk Swifb & Co, r 311 lllinoia ave. ( ;r imes doe. asst hog sales, r 805 ~ l i ~ ~ b ~ t h . (:rin1111 Wnl A . fol.enian Swift & co, r 815 o l d Fifteenth st. (;rincsle!- F S . clk Swift g: CO, r st jdouis M ~ . ( ; r~et ing.lee F. rlk Swift 8z CO, r s t b u i s MO. (;\linoy Satlic. wait, r Sa t1 Hotel. (:utn.ald F r a n k -1, forc~man Swif t & co, r 503 N Sixth st. (;,,!.ton & Harr ins ton Mnle Co; Natl ~ t k yds . (;uyton .I 1). (G1lyton-Harrington Mule Co) , r Kansas City 110.

Hrirl;lnan F If'.Ir, hlipr h t l 1,ive S tk Corn Co, r 1520 S t Louis. &%alpMiss .Icssie. t('1 OPr hlorris & Co, r St Louis hIo.

SUITE 714 century Eldins ST. LOUIS,1110.


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Rklh Hidh-8 Grad* Millr Sold i n Itr.8 Sb -.-- ...-- -- - . . -

E.\ST S I D E DIRECTORY. -- -- -. - -- -- . --. . .. -.. .. .- .

I Haley Phil, foreman 3Iorris & CO. r 605 I; Thir teenth s t 1 Hall A E,chief clk Swift & Co, r s t Louis 510. Iha l lows Arthur J , bkpr C E IVhite & Co, r 1107 Baugh ave. !I-lallows Albert J . ydnlan C E \\'bite & Co, r 1218 N Ninth st . I landley C E. tel op r Swift & CO, r 815 Baugh ave. I lantl ler E Z.sa l e s Pomeroy Rr Handle?., r 815 Baugh ave. I Hand l ty J H, (Ponleroy & Handle?-). S a t l Stlc Yds, r S15 Uaugh ave. Hankins (; K, c,lk Swift & Co. r 1705 Gaty ave. 1 r = Hanlla C XI. I Brow11, F ry & CO). r 1115 Baugh avc. H a n n a D P, sol S t rahorn-Hut ton-Evans Com Co, r American House. Hannah IV S,mgr Daily Live Stocli Reporter. Natl Stli Yds, r 1422

S t Lollis ave. 11sHannon Patrick. watch Swift Q Co, r 71s Market ave. ai-Hanson A P, c a r insp Toledo S t 1, C IVestenl, r S Xinth s t . m Hardy Edith, s tenog Swif t & Co. r St I.oois .\lo. Harlin 1,eon. clk Swift & Co. r Jlndison. 111. 1 1.gHarmon F, srenog Swi f t & C o . r St 1,ouis Zlo. 1 en Harpe r Brothers. horses and mules, r S4 S t Clair ave. ' W n Harrington Henry, foreman Swift & Co, r 1117 N Second st. - $ Ilarrington R. J, (Cahn-Hnrrington Nule C o ) , r S t Lou16 310.

I n Harrington IV R. (Guston-Harrington 31ule Co) . r St Iaui r ; 310. Harrifi \Vm H, foreman Swift 6 Co, r 609 Minnie et. I S k ha r r i son J S, y d ~ n a n Drum-Flato Corn Co. r 1219 S t Clair ave. I ' [h'artwell Chas K. tagger S a t l S lk Pds . r 1022 N Tenth st. I _zHartwell Louis H. clk Swif t & Co, r 1011 N Ninth st . 1 = Z SHasse John A. cllt Nelson J lor r i s & Co. r 720 Ha11gl1 ave. Hank :\dol]:h bar tdr Natl Hotel, r sarnt-. i - 8 % I { o ~ ~ s s measenaer Co. r S l ~ m n ~ i t P B * C. Swift & i t 1 4 ave. r

Hawk 1,ida S. stellop; Swift & Co. r 7 ° C S Tent11 s t . ; = g z Haworth S F, nlgr mule (IePt C'arni~hell-Reid IV 8 S Co, r St 1,011is

310. ! so$f 5 4l iaynes 11 B. horse d l r Nail S tk Ytls. r St. 1,orlis JIO. I - 0l-lt>l)erle \VIII. t'ol-enlan Swift & ('o. r .losephi& ave. ] leer R a y , ~ 1 1 ;St\-ift g: ~ o ,r 211 x Eleventh s t . 1 f e a Heirnan .4. vice pres (; i l l?n-Heinla~~ . \ lr~lP Co, r S t 1,ouis ~ 0 . I - Y g14tain1an 1,. ho r se dlr Natl S t k y l l ~ . r St 1,ouis 310. f gHeir JOIIII, foreman >!orris 6r CCJ.1' 1029 S t Clair ave. ~&i l . on imr l sI., fo reman Jiol'ris & C0. 1. 7(;5 1,orraine. I F - Held Chas. elk Swift Q Co. I' 1517 Ohio a r e . 6 Hellman 31. clli Swift & ('0. 1. St I ~ ) l l i s 110. e ' mI c G Henders D n. trrig11nlnslcr hog hOllPp, I. GJ S Third st. - tt lenderson W 13, CIIC Swift. & Co. r 721 S Eighth st . Ifennessy Nicholas .I. foreman Srvifl & CO. r 1115 Natalia ave. I F -I lenry C'has E. Nat] st]<y d s , I. \Vtn~tlson. 111. Henry Chas E Sons Po. conl ~nprchnnts . Eschanze bldg. 1lr2nry E E. (('h:ls E Henry Sons ('0). I. 425 S Ninth 41. I3rnry .I 1,. lChas E Henry St,lls CO). r Sat1 Hotel. Iivron Curl (:. scaler Swift L (:o..r l j ? r ( $ gleventh st .



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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST MAIL ROUTE 4 For Kansas City, Colorado and the West.


1-92 C. B. CARROL1,'S EAST ST. LOUIS AND c.' 0

I ierzs tam E. elk Swlft & Co. r 918 S t Clair are.g - Hetherington (;eo, bar tdr Natl Hotel. r same.

3 H I C ~ SIfittie. wait Nnll Hotl. r same. e S Higgins ship clk hog d e w , r 1119 Cleveland ave. 2 ,,ilgert ~ ~ ~ e y .elk Swift & CO. r i l b S Twelfth st .

Hiller \h.m A. ass t forelnan ~ t ~ i f t ~r ~ o , 1521 ~ h i o r aye, Hillgyman \Vm, foreman Morris & Co. r 7 (:reen row.14 2

2' ' > Hinckley Walter, clk Karl 1-ire Stlc Heporte~-.

1 %

f (

Hincliley \\' R, C l l i Stli Ytls (:o. Hoffman John .I. Car insp S ~ i l l L C o . r 21.1 Exchange a re .

; Horges James. forenlan Swift & Co. r 207 Pennsylvania a re .= * Hoglle H C. clli alol-ris & Co, r 914 Pennsylvania avc.- Itohl JuckI k,s11l)l T e r n ~ i n a l s I l i Yds Co. r Emnger place. Holberg ti C. clli Swift & Co, r S t Louis 310. l+ollar[i .John .I. n l r s s m p r r Swift & Co, r 211 Bowman ave.

-;6 3

1 Hollanti .I 1,. nlgr Exchange restaurant. 1- 722 K Fourteenth st. Holllhan DI. t r l opr Swift L Co, r 917 Baugh a r e . Holllster Horace E. r lk Stl; Yds Co. r GI2 N Eleventh st. Ho l l~s t e rR R, clk Slli TO6 Banlc. r ti12 N Eleventh. l iomsan Oscar, clli Swlft & Co, r 809 K Eighth st. Hoplcins Frederick \\.. inap. 1. St l ~ u i nMo.

3(q3 2 *

Iiorn .fohn 9. clli Swift & Co. r St. 1101tis blo. Hornlwook T h o ~ t ~ a s S , Swift Co, r S t IKIII~S Mo. Horlon hl I,. weighmasrpr. r 11 18 Exchange ave. Howard .I H. auctioneer Stli Ycls, r 100:: St . Clair. Howard J \V. with bIaxwell-Howard h111le CO, r s t 1,ouls Mo. Howard 0 I\.',clli B Pr 0 RY. Exchange bldg. Hoyt Seymour R, tagger Katl Stk Yds. r 8%) Pennsylvania ave. ' Hubbell C E, ~ d m a s t e r Swift & Co, r 712 Winstanley ave.

)I Hughes E E, elk Swift 1 Co. i s 9 N Elerenth st .

W ~ ~ l g h e s Virgil Mr. watch Swift & CO. G29M Collinsville ave. ~ 1 1 d s p e t hG. elk Swift Pr Co. r St 1.oliis 310.A ~ 1 i e . l Anton. printer [.ire s tock Re la r t e r , r 108 Ellelid.m Hlllen L D. r d m a n Evans -Sn ide r -BI~~I Co, r 713 Summit ave. Hllll H C, !(llnan Swift & Co. r 290s S t \'incent S t I,ouis &lo. I l~ininLerR A. genl s l l l l Stli Ytls c o . r 112:; \\.instanley a v r . Hunt r i B. (Canlpbell. Hunt & Evans ) . 1. Kansas City. . Hltntoon R 1,. Swift & C o r lil( Sllnlmit ave. -1 Hut.lty' . I . hog counter Stk y d s CO. r 329 N F i n h s t . =I~ t l t c h\(. P. elk swi f t & Co, r ( i~il st. 2 !?-H I I ~ I I(; 'I, clIi Nelson Jlorris & CO, 1. s t 1,011is h i ~ . "r 1111ttonT S . \icx Strahorn. Hntton. Evans Con, Co., r Kansas ,f m

City .\lo. Hl~asey.I Jl . rel)ortt'r S t 1,ouis Star , rm 70 Exchange bldg, r St I N I L ~ S

Mo. H ~ l s s o n g ~ a n i e l \v. stOPlipr Swift & Co. 1. Gl-anite City Ill. Hyatt F, clli Swift & Co, r 1409 Weinnla11 place.



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East 55. Lou& ice and Cold Storage Company. - --.-- --- -- .- ..-

EAST S I D E DIRECTORS. 1543 . .> . . - .--- - -

l les E \Y,clk Swlft & Co, r 535 hi Ninth ut. Illinois Central R R, Shernian Downes, Exchange bide;. Irons \\'esle.v. (Tarlton. Cop & Irons). r 1009 St Clalr ave. Irwin I.rslie A, archirect Swift 510.& Co. r St I ~ ~ u l s 1


J .lackson Roy E;, avst ins]). 1' St I A P I I ~ S XIO. .lalegeas I,. clk Swift & Co, r 710 Srlnlnlit ave. . lame Eleanor. waitress Exchange 1-estanrant. r 814 N First st.. .Jtlnierwn \V E,nigr horse ant1 n1111e lnkt Stli Ytis Co, r S t Clair ave. a .Iran C F.clk Swift & (lo. r S t Imuin 310. .Irnklnu It B. axst genl live s tk agt , r St Imuis %lo. = .lennlngs .I .I, recelvlng and shipping clk Stk Yds Co. .lensch Wax \V, fireman Swlft & Co, r 729 I x u s t st. CP .lensen Carl H, foreman Swlft & Co. r 1524 Illlnois ave. .lohns A, clk Swift & (3).r 1446 S~lmml t ave. 3 .lobneon Benj, ca t t le sa les Barse Live S tk Com Co. u Johnson .I W, sales. 1' ::014 1,ucas a v e St Imuis. Johnson S J. clk Swift & Co. r St 11ot1ls Mo. Johnson Sadie. wall Natl Hotel. r same. cnIJones Brothers. homes and miiles. s tk yds. .]ones C E, rdman 8wlf t & Co, r 206 N Slxth at. pJ,.Jones T C, genl mgr s t 1, Natl S tk Yda. Exchange bldg, r 902 Pennsyi-

vania ave. a .]ones C S . elks ~ostoff lce , Exchange bldg, r 902 Pennsylvania ave. .lanes Ernest A. elk Swift & Co, r 634% Collinuvllle ave. .]ones E T. asst Pilr am. Exchange bldg. r 1512 S t ~ m n ~ i t V)avc, .]ones .] F,clli Evans-Snitler-Brlel Co, r 726A N Twelfth st. , 0.lordon Don C. foreman 1. Reporter. r 1111 I,otta ave. .jollbert John R, forenIan Swift a Co. r 1011 I.ynch ave. e J ~ l r g c n s \Villialn. clk Swift c t CO. r 1518 Clevelnnd ave. 3

aDK 93 cn -Keane D J , elk Swift & Co, r 1719 ave.

Keech]er A 1,. ca t t le sa les Casaid!. Bros 1. S Corn Co. Exchange bldg. Keil Theodore, aast live s tk agt Van line, rill Exchange Lldg. r St

I ~ r ~ l s Mo. Keith 1, G. clk Mor;is & Co. r St Iflnis No-I<elley & Douut, horses ant1 ~nn les . .ilk !.(I*. K e l l e ~ James, sheep dr iver Nelson i\lorris & ('0. r St IAuis Mo.

''FY)=w THE FLAG.')


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m ,etchltm J, bartdr Natl Hotel. r same.A- Kettler E,foreman lrielson Morris & Co, r St Iloltis 110. - K e y s c M & Co. live s tk com merchants, rms 2(1 floor Exchange l~ldg. U)ra Keys Joseph N,correspondent. r 509 Vemncia are . kU> Kilgore H R. buyer. r 1109 Baush ave. W h King J)r J E. vet Surg Stk Yds, r 802 Ohio arc1.

King \5'n1, ydman Carr, Smith & Bro, r S t I ~ u i s Ale.

Kircher Julirls C. mechanical asst Swift & Co, r 446 Colun~bia place. Kirk dames, horse dlr horse and mule nlkt Natl Stk Yds. 6 Kline E P, clk Swift & Co, r 229 Exchange ave. Knauss Ed. clk Swift & Co, r 518 Brads ave. Kneetller T, spec, r 539 Howe ave. Knorchilds E. foreman 1lorris & Co, r 909 U Eighth st. $ d KIIOWI~SR C . reseiv clk hog drpt, r N S ix t l~ st. 0 Knonlea S, messenger Swift & ('0, r 911 N Eighth st.

% 1 Konx C G . pres Stk Yds Uanli, r St Imtis 310. L.) Knox P 11, chief rate cllc Stli Yds Co. r St I ~ u i s hfo.

Koehler Fred C. foreman Swift L Co, r ti12 N Seventh st.3 ..en Albert ..tagger .at] s t , Y d , r 902 ..,,,h ave. a 0 Kolz Otto. asst foreman Swlft & Co, r 522 S Seventh st.

" Kraatz W .J, live stk agt. Exchange bldg, r St I ~ n i s hlo. Kraher Philip, elk Swift & Co. r 813: Winstanley ave. Krake 1, W, asst genl lngr Stlc Yds Co, Exchange bldg. r 728 N Tenth

st. Klogh Henry, elk Swift & Co, r i2:,4 N ~ ~ ~ l f i h


LI 1 , a n d ~ r s'r (;. COul merchant, Exchange bldg, I,;~mbct.t Robert. watch Swift & Co, r Ohio are . ~.untlg~.aft(;lls, foreman Nelson Morris & CO, r Thirteenth and Jef-

fcrson. I;~lltlsanl .lohll, asst folelnan Swift & CO, r 1010 N 2tl st. I,ang .lohn. nlessenger Swift & Co, r 140G Ohio ave. I,ang \ ir F,elk Swift & C0. r 1619 Hall st. ~ ~ a n ~ h a " s e r J . foreman, r 124: Cleveland ave.Fred nlach 1,angrill Wnl, s t m o p Canll)bell. Hunt & *dams, r 91s Baugh are. 1,ausaw John. forenIan Morris Co. r 713 l l innie st.

. . . . --. . .. . --

J. H.Grafle Fumlture Go. B&T FURNITURE 423 425 N. 4th Street. St. Lou& Ao.

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--- --

SHORT HAND,hk-lrrc*J. J 0N E S TYPEWPITI~.&nkin~,

309 N. BroadwayI Ite'e~"phhg* COMMERCIAL COLLEGE at. rout.. uo


e 1-a Shelle George R. clk l l o r r i s & Co, r 710 Pennsylvania avo.

z 0 L a l t a H .I, s ee Maxwell Crouch. r ti11 N Eleventll. 1.auck Edward C, stl< exam Sa t1 Stlc yds . r ti09 Pennsylvania ave.

d 1 , e a ~ u c Fred. foreman Swif t & Co, 817 Eschange ave. -2 I,ehnit?n Sol, vdnlan Stewar t . Son & hlcCol.mack, r Collinsvi!le ave. 1,ievy Sarah. s tenog Swift & C o , r 1221 s t ave.~ ~ u t sw' -. : 1,enz Sanlllel, forenlan l l o r r i s & Co, r 61:: N Tenth st.

0 1,eonartl \\.ni H. b11yer. r Gl i Collinsville ave. 1,ewis (' .\. clk Swift & Co, r S t i ~ u i s 310.

d r, Libby .\rehi+.. tel l)oy Stli Yds Co, r 120 N Ten th st. gV) Libby Etl\vartl F,as.it c2ng Swift & Co. r 1413 Baligli avt:. - 1,indsay Guy, cllc Swift & Co. r 820 Madison. C, Lindsay K,nlesscligrr Swift 8 Co, r 820 Madison.

H I .iuehan J 1, mgr \\' 1: l'el Co, 1. Soti Bang-h ave. 1,inehan I,ola, op r \V 1. Tel Co, r SO6 Da~lgh ave.

0' I.inxweiler R 31. Xrlson Morris & Co. r S t Louis 110. 3 g Idpe Hel-llert. n ~ e s s c n g r r \V IT Tel Co. 1.ittir A P. in rp d c r l a g e S t k Ylls Co, r 126 N S l n t h st.

5 1,ittle S H , sa les Natl I, S Com Co, r 915 S t Clair ave. 1,Ioyd .I P. cllc Swift 8 Co. r 608.4 N Tenth st. - 5.-.- cons S t k Yds Co. r S t Clair ave. I m k e r Fred. ~ I I I ) ~

3: Logan C. sheep buyer Swift & Co, r S t 1,ouis Mo. -.-C 1,ong Elmel- F,asst pack srlpt Swift & Co. r 1514 S t Clair a r e . 5 l n a g \Vnl .I. sa les Zeb T Sfeele Con1 To, r 121 N Eighth st . 0 - Iaudcnian H B. S\vift & Co, r S t Louis Mo.



.n 2 1 z

$0 gz2

=1~)11isvi l leant1 Xasllville R R. Geo S burn an^. live stlc ax t horse alitl : l: ninl r nllir, S a t l S ~ l c Ytls.

;; lawel-!. . lames, f o ~ . e ~ i ~ a n s t .Swift & Co, r 709 S Seventh 2 1,uben Henry .I. clli Swift. & Co. r 219 Illinois ave. .-n 2 I.yles .\lal.cr~sA. checker Swif t % C a . r 4::O IS lit11 st. loI)

c! ar) 1,ynotr N .I , clli Se lson 3lorrls & Co. I. (;.'!( S Ten th st.

I.ytle Thonlas 13, night s u ~ ) t S\Vifl C C o . 1. I Jlli Haugli ave. 0

0.-C Md

.-n L

l i a c e Frank. scaler Swifl & ('0. 1. 1G10 Exchange ave.r,U llaclc . l o i~n .I. messenger Swift L Co, r 1t;50 E Broadway.t .\lackcby H. iiirssenger Swift 6: a.r I:112 St Clair ave. :\l:lcl\cxy \V (:, cllc I ) r ~ ~ n ~ - F l a l o r R a ~ ~ g hCon1 C'o. '317 avc'.a. \ l . icl ;o~itcl~Frank , I . o~ . r~nan .\!orris fir Co. I;IN pennsylvaniic avP. lladilox ti S, vice pl.es 3faxwcll-Howartl hl11le Co. r S t I.orlis Mo.w Ilatitlen T R, chf cllc S t 1. C San Francisco <:o, r S t Imuis 310. ,\laballey .losc*l~h. !111nan Chas E Ilenry Sons Co. r S t Louis Jio. J lahoney D .I. heail 110: bl~yel. Swift C Co, r (;?I; N Elshlh st. hlallel L)aritl \\', fot.c,lllan Swift & C o . 1. $09 \ ~ ' i n a t a n l ~ yaVe.

z 0 .\ialonr J 11. salvs C:anll)bell & Reid \V S s co. I. ~ m e r i c n n IJol~etl.

l l a ~ ~ c h e s t e r13, s tenog Swift & Co, I, St i -o l~is >lo.


! - g"

- ---.. ----

Art Roomsthat are worthSeeingin St, Louis J. H. CRANE FURNITURE CO. 423-425 N. FOURTH STREET

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MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y FAST M A I L TTbrough Trains tor Colorado, Cdiforah and the West.-


- -

1q46 - -



A S D - --

hlandell N, foreman 3lwris & CO, r 741 Coll~nsville ave. >lanker Frecl W,clk Swift & Co. G29 Si*th st. lllann H W. Co), r s t 1~0uie.Mo.( ~ l a k e l ~ - ~ a n d e w - M a n n/ A1ann.S E(l. chf elk \Vabash. Exchange bldg. r 18276 Cleveland are .

I ,\lannion Thomas, live stk pur agt. Exchange bldg. r 912 piggott ave. I; Marcum hlary. wait Natl Hotel cafe. same. I hlarks I,eo, clk Swift & Co. r Venice 111.

swif t & Co. r I(; St Clair ave.i\larsh IV S, ~~~h~~~~~ w m H, see Empire Carbon \i7I'l;S, r 448 N Eighth st.

i JIatlack F, swif t CO, r 700 summit aye.

>Ieehan .l H. live s tk pur agt. Exchange b l d ~ , r 1116 Pennsylvani;~ ave. :vlelonn Perry, ydman Kall? Wills. r 1009 I,!-ncll ave. Menoshi Peter, foreman Swift C% Co. r 711 St Clair avp. hlenxie A B, asst insP h o ~ dept Stk Yds Co, r 915 N Eighth sl. Merltel Geo. sheep buyer St I. D B Prov Co. r S t Louis Mo. =1 hletcalf K. clk Swift & Co, r 916 Baugh ave. Jletcalf T A. sales Greer. Mills & Co, r 918 Ballgh are . 3lethlicly I.ee, clk Swift & Co, r St I a u i s Mo. Meyer Packing Co. pacliers. Arthur Godnir secy sll, yd. Myers Michael, foremsu Swift & Co. r St l a u i s 310.

0 Miller Jollu, clk Morris & Co. Excilange bldg, r 514 \\. bllssouri ave. hliles E W.cllc Toleclo St L & Western, r Eda7ardsville Ill. I Bllller C A j t , clli Drum Flato Com Co, r l lUn N Eleventh st. Miller David, cattle sales Evans-Snider-Brtel Co, r ' i 4 1 N Ninth st. Miller E. foreman Morris & Co, r 1911 Short st. Miller John, foreman Swift & Co, r 1315 Rockroad. htiller J P. elk Swift & Co, r Wless Hotel.

hlillci Hugh. C M Keys & CO, r 516 Sllmmit ave. hlills Joe I, cattle sales C M Keys & co, r 711 N ~ i ~ h + h . Mills Ivm. sdman Rarse I, S Com co, r ~ i ~ t hst.

1lon1.oe Rol)t. night ~ u p t Stk Yds ~ o .r Nail Hotel.

~ ~ ~ c l yOscar. buyer Morrls &irTo. 909 st Clair ave, 1 &lm:ly wnl A. I M W ~ YCorn CO). r N Eleventh ~ t . Moore 1, F, blil~r Calln-Harrington Mule Co, r 909X K Eighth st. Moore W 13, bkl)r E Pendleton SOU& Co, r St I ~ u i s 310. Moore Samuel. !(lnlan Natl 1, s C0m Co, r 1012 Baugh a re . Moore Z .\, hog sales Natl S Corn Co, r 1012 Barlgh ave.

11 N. ern STREET. ST. LOU18

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Bt J. H. Crane Furllture Go.BuyYGU~Furniture.

423425 N.4th St., ST.LOUIS, MO. -.---..- -- -

E.+ST SIDE DIRECTORY. 1547 -.. .. . . . . . -

I -=h b o r m a n E I.. swwt & (:o. MU.1. st l u l l ~ ~ Moose .lee. r d m a n Swlft & Co. r 1 Iu4 lllfnoiw ave. s forgan Fred 0. mgr Cree r MIIIe & Co. = M o r ~ n n Kate. Walt Exchange restallrant. r !I1 I,?'on ave. PI)1loriarit.v Patrick 5 , c lk S w l n & co, r 1 loci st ('lair avc . Alol'ris A Lv. (3 lorr l s Bros) . l lve s tk bllyers. Exchange blclg. r I.ebano~;.

111. u hlorrls Hros. l ive s t k b l~yern . rm 56 Exchange bldg. Alorsr Eda. asst f o r r n l a ~ l Swlft & Co. r St I A ) U ~ S $ 1 ~ . I l o r r i a H S. IJlorris I3n)cl. l i r e atli bayer. Exchangr bldg. r St lr111lx '

Mo. Morris I. I3.salt~s hlcFarlar~c~.Evanw Co. r Pennsylvanla ave . hlorrls Al~~inie . wall Natl Ho1t.l. r same. Morrla Nelson & Co. live ntk I ) ~ ~ y e r n , Exchange lbltlg. o m c r Alorrls W,elk Swlft & (lo. r 821.4 S Eighth s t . J l~~enc :hFrvd, b a r l ~ e r Exchange b a r l ~ e r nhol), r 11 111 St ( ' l a i~ ave. 1 -,.\lulberr.v S a n ~ u e lT, foreman Swlft & Co. r 9111.4 S Eighth sl.

1lnlhall Lee. spcr . rnls 80-82 E x c h a ~ i g e bltly. r S t I r ~ r ~ i r,\lo. i Hulholland F rank P. bligr McFar lane Evans C'o. r St I.ouis Jlo. Mullane M .I. bill clk Big Fonr. r 809 Penn*ylvanla nve. e-Xlunns Arthur , foreman Ywlft k Co. r 616 Wabasha ave. .\Illnos Chas. ~ c a l e r Swlft & Co. r C15 Wnbasha ave. .\lr~rl)hy Wni. clL Swlft & Co. r C31W Colllnsville ave. A111rph.v \\' T. ydrnan C E IVhlte & Co, r Belmont a r e . 3 I\Iurry .losel)h H. Lagger Kntl S tk Yde. r 9 0 Balrgh a r e . a hlytinger Al l~er tus , scaler Swlit ant1 Co. r 1408 Exchange ave. h[ytinger W H, clk Swift & Co. r S l r ~ t h anrl Illinois ti\-$.. JlcBrlde .I E, sa les Stewart Son & .\lcCorrnack. r ';::I1 S Thirtrc.11t11 sl. McCarthy Daniel. tylwslr I. 3 Helwrter, r 412 N E'iftll st. 0 McCarty Frank. checker Swift % Co. r ( i l l N T P ~ L I I st.


BlcCarthy Mrs T I.. bkpr (: E Henry S o l ~ x C'o, r 625 N Sixth st. McCarty Chas. anal flre nlarshal Swlft R: ('o, r 1i14 N Ninth s t . McCasky R I\',elk Swlft ki ('11. r St I r ) t ~ l s hl?~. E

a l-%IcClellan ,Miss 1.eila. stenOK Swift & Co, r 5:::: Rratton place.

McClure Eclwartl. spec. rnls MIS2 Exchange bldg, r I.ansclownt.. , R l c C l ~ ~ r e Exhange I j l t l~ . I' l ans t ioanc . Rlchard. spec. 1.111s XI)-$? a 63lcOollor1gh IVnl, clk Swift B! C'cl. r 1515 Ohlo ave. hlcConville, F. rllc Swift % Co. r 1217 N Eleventh s t . 5 hlcCormack C A , sa l e s S t ewar t . Son L hlcC'ormack, r l.ol111 ave. " gMcCrackrn .James A. foreman Swift & Co. r 919 N h'inth st. blcDade K W. clk Nelsoll Morris & Co. r 729 N Eighth st. McDavltt Chan b:, scaler Swift & Co. I . 72:: S Eight11 s t . a lcEnnls M J . clk Swift & C'o. r Klrkwood 310. 51cFarlane Com Co. horses and s t k ~ i ~ u i e s , ydu. AlcFarlane W R, r 1119 Pennsylvanla ave. McFarland H. scaler Swift & Co. r 609 Snmmit ave. AlcGraw Elmer E. llve stli apt Toledo St 1, & IVestefn. r 1221 St C'lair




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-- --

The Reliability of our

Houme Protects You! -


g 4 % JIcInt,re E. rrporter Daily NatI I. S Renofler, r 139 Collinsville a rc . JIcKce H C. clk Natl Hotel. r same. JIcl,aughli~i Etl J, checker Swift & Co. r 1016 Division ave. ),c,ean ~ a n i e s\\?, foreman S ~ i f t & Co, r S t h ~ i s Mo. JIc3Iahon Simon 8,watch Swift & Co. r 509 Collinsville ave. 2 $* 0 JIcStay .John, foreman Swift 6: Co, r 1G04 Ohio ave.

N -s U l;

Sally C \V D (Sally-\Veils I , S Con1 Co), r Louisiana ;\lo.

5 s a l l y .J \V ( N a l l y - W e ~ ~ ~ 4477 Page a r e St Louis. 1. s Con1 Co), 1-

K a l ~ yT .I lSal!y-\\'ells 1, s Com Co), r Louisiana Alo. 0 c Sally-\\-ells L S CO, rnis 45-1G Exchange bldg.

i; National Motel. Nat] ~ t l ; Yds, E E Wilson mgr. S + National 1,ive stock Con1 Co. Thos Kelly pres, E B Overstreet vie,> b a pres, rnm 25 26 25 Exchange bldg.

1 Nash Richard. cik Swift C CO. r 1106 St Clair ave. Neel R P. cili Swift & Co. r St. Louis Mo. Sester Ray, n ~ s s e n g e r Swift Co, r 1600 St 1,ouis ave. Kewgenr tf 11, elk Swift. Co, 1' 309 N Eighth st. Sewman George, cutter Swift & CO. r 118 Collinsvi~le are . Nichols Clayton, clli Swift t Co. 1. 144 Veronica ave. Nichols Etlith, stenog Swift. ft Co, 1. i23A N Twelfth st. Nichols Edw, spec. I s 1 fl(lor Exchange bidg. Nichols Warren, heat1 hog ))rl?'er Nelson JIorris & Co, 1. St. 1,ouis. Sicholson E .J, clk Swift & Cop r St 1,ouis Zltc Nien~eierJ \\', elk Swift Con 508 Sulnmit aye. Niemeier .\latiIda, StenOg Swift 6: CO. r 805 Summit avc. Norris W 1,. hog sales Drunl-Flato Con1 Co. r 1119 St Clair a re . North \V A, elk Nelson Xlol'ris & CO, r 729 N Eighth st. Novak Tony, foreman Xelson 3Ior1-is & (*o, r 90s N Secontl st. Nugent Bros. horses. horse and mule mkt. Sat1 Stk Yds. Nugent Geo. (Nugent Br(?s). horse and n111le ~narliet. r Second st. Nugerit .Josel)h ~Nllgent Hros), horse ant1 1n111e n ~ k t , r 107 St Clair

ave. Sn t te r C n. ins11 Joint Rate Insp B t ~ r e a ~ , ] . ( I ) ] College ace.1.

j O'I3riry1 \\'m, rllc Swift ('0. 1. i!9 N Seventh St. I O'Brit>n \V R. cllc N~ISOII 1lol.ris & CO, 1. St. l,ol,iS 110, O'('onliell Er\vill. asst foi't'lllan John S. Bmtton. r St L,o~~is blo. O'Connell \Vlll. fol't'nl"l1 J l o r r i ~& CO, r 901 S t Clair avr. Otlhler Rjc1lar.d. fo~.Prll;l~l S\rift & C o . r 22 1ronl.op st. O91<epfe Jlarrht.np. st!; exan1 Nall Stli Yds.

PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTKN0EBEL 1. .laira.KinlochM e s : Bell g u t 50)

209 Collinsville Avenue EAST ST. UIUIS,ILL.

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-11s H l / b m m t G t r d m Mlllt S o l d l a E r s t St. Lo u l m . S I - --- - .- - . -- -

EAST S I D E DIRECTORY. :549 - -. - . .. . . . - - . - - . - .. -. . -. P

Olwin Har ry C, cllc Swif t & <:o, r 62: S 7th s t . Olliver C IV, clk Natl Hotel. r same. O'Neill Frank, s tk exam Natl S t k Yds. r 71:: Ohio ave. O'Seil Thos. messenger Swift & Co. r (;::::A N E i r h t l ~ yt. Osborn C F, clk Swift & Co, r 7lc;X h' Si s lh s l . O'Toole John, beef r ibber Swif t & Co, r 1::s St C'lair a w . Ovcrs t rer t E B, vice pres Natl I, s ~ 0 1 1 1('0, r S t I.ollis 310. O\.erstret.t E E. cat t le s a l e s Natl I, S Con1 Co, r St I.oui.; 110. rrr 0verstret .f 1.W. ca t t le sa les Godair Con1 CO, r St I A I I I ~ S110. cObthrstreet J \V & Son. live s tk agts . Exchange bldg.

P i

F'ahst E. barber Exchange I)arl)er shop. r 71:: St Clair avc. Pai)st M. mgr Exch barber shop, r 71:; S f Clair a v ~ . Pain ter G e o D, ass t ins11 Xatl SIli Y,ls, r !+05,\ N Eigl~tl is t .

Pzlo I.:, s tenog Swift & Co, r St I.orlis hlo. Pale Geo . I . clk Swift & Co. r St 1.011is hIo. Pa lmer W C, bkpr nrown. F ry & Co, r 9lS Baugh ave . l'apineau George. hog dr iver Swift & Co. r 122 Winstanley a r e . Pa rk Belle, stenog Swift & Co, r St I,ouis hlo. F'nrku J a n ~ e s.I, watch Swift & Co, r 71s Baugh avc. Parry Ada, bkpr Pa r ry Con1 Co, r 443: N Eighth st. Parry con^ Co. Exchange bltl;. Parry John I,, lParr?- Com Cob, r 442 N Eighth s t . Par ry M, clk Swift & C O , r 1200 S t . . 4 n ~ c . Pastenheiruer E B. clk Swift & Co, r St I.o~lis 110. Pastenheimer R R, clk Swift & Co, r Sr 1.011is hlo. Payne Wm .J, clk Swift & Co, r 1910 Bates ave . Pencllettn X 11, E D Pentlleton Son & C o . r 11(I9 13a11gll a r e . r 'endleton E L). t E D Penclleton Son & C o ) . r l l (I9 Barrgh nve. Fendleton E M ( E D Pendleton Son & Co) , r 1109 naugh ave. Perkins I,ottie, tel op r Swif t & Co. r 614 IS Ninth s t . Peterson 0 E. bkpr Codair Corn Co, r Karl Hotel. Pe t t i s W m H',gen foreman Swift 6: Co. r Nail Hotel. Phar is C i ~ a s , hog sa les Jfood?- C:OIII Co. r Bough 2,-e. Pierce J W, hog and sheel) sa les Moody Com Co. i St 1.o11is 310. Finckerton F C. bkpr C M Keys & Co. r St Tmrlis Mo. Fipes Chas. ydman 1, S Con1 Co. r 76 St Clalr abe. Pollack Johl: H. s a l e s ? E B SLerle Corl~ C'o r St 1,ouis Mu. Pollitt F r a n k E , tagger Nail S tk Tds , r S20 Pennsylvania are. Ponleroy & Handle>-, l ~ o r s e s and n ~ ~ l l e s .Sat1 Stli Yds. Pomeroy FI (Pomeroy & Hanclley), Natl S t k Yds, r S t LOUIS hfo. Ponkey Barney, foreman Swi f t & Co. r 1509 St Clair avc. Pope \Vm, ydman Tarlton. Coy R- Irons. Pos t Omce. Exchange hldg. Natl S t k Yds 111. Thomas nThite P 31. Pos t Warren . checker Swif t & CO, r 711 Exchange a re .



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&" Furniture J. H. Crane Furniture Co. TO BUY 423-425 N. 4th St., S t Louis, hi -- ---- ---- - - .--


Postal Telegraph & Cable Co. Tho8 su l ly mgr, rnl 22 Exchange bldg. 130tts I,, scaler Swift & Co. r 206 St Clair ave. Pot ts Thoman, clk Swift & a,r 804 Baugh ave. Powell Norman C,.asst insp Natl S tk Yds, r 820 Pennsylvania ave. Power John, sa les Car r Smith & Bro, r 657 Colllnsville ave. Price John 0 T, insp Natl S tk Yds, r 805 N Eighth st. ]*rice W F,elk Nelson Morris & Ca, t. 728 N Eleventh st. Pritcllett Fay. checker Swif t & CO, r 718 N Ninth st. prickett Bert, scaler s w i f t & CO, r 1628 St Clair ave. Proetz Henry, forenlan Swift & C\>, r 1716 Hall st . Prr~nel l C W. yclman Drum-Flato Corn Co, r 1217 S t Clair ave. Prltnanl George, 10reUlan Swift & Co, r 687 N Ninth s t . Prirnam John W. gel11 foreman Swift & Co, r i l l S t .Cla i r ave.

4 1 Q i Qnllk John P. elk Nelson M o r r i ~& Co, r St 1,ouIs Mo.U I

R Ibffe t? Chas JI, nlgr Canlpbell. Hun t & Adalns, r 914 Baugh ave. Ranley .lohn. ca t t le tiriver Nelson Morris & Co, r 70s N Sixth st. Ranlytenthel Minnie, stenog Car r Smith & Bro, r Belleville Ill.

0 I Ranlse? R S, cik Swift & CO, r 804 Baugh ave.

Ray H R, hog sales Godair Com Co, r Stephens Hotel. Reavis Chas, hog driver Nelson M o r r ~ s& Co, r 621 K Ten th st. Heed John. foreman Swift & Co, r 522 Barlgh a re . Reid J F (Campbell & Reid W S S Co) , r Pennsylvania ave.

U J Rrigre F. horse d l r horse and mule mkt, Natl S t k Yds, r St Louis.

1 Releer Oscar. t speet r 1. S Reporter, r 1925 Cleveland ave.t-( , co, rRenard George, nlessenger swi f t & 618 lllinois ave. a Rrneau H T, tel oPr Nelnon Morris & Co, r S t Louls Mo. \ 1 IlepY H B. elk Swift & Co, r 1504 S t Clair ave.

Reoss Cha*. t r w a t r 1, S Reporter, r 31 N Forlrteenth st. I lheden~eyer-4 E. elk Swift & Co, r 442 N Eighth s t .

I Hhedenleyer 1"rancis. stenog Swift & CO, r 444 N Eighth st. Rhodes Thomas. driver Swift & CO, r 540 Collinsville ave.

' Riblelt F R, elk Swift & C0, r 831 N Elghth st. Rice .Innles. see and treat! Gillen-Heinlan Mule Co, r St I h u i s Mo.

a Rice .:31.iet. E. elk Nelson Morris & CO, r st i a u i s ~ o . Rice P. folT1llan Nelson Morris & Co, r 1626 S t Clair ave.

I ]lice \+-,,I .I. cash Qtrahorn-Hnt ton-~vans , r st Ilouls. / Richarcls~llG \v, calf buyer Swift & CO. r ?G:{A N Seventh st.

RLckard Cha.;. ~ \ l i d e S w ' f t & CO, r 731 iS Seventh st . Rlckarci Xoah, ('11( Swif t & Co. r 731 N Se \en th st. Rider E D, clk Swif t & Cot st Ilouia Mo. ,

= V) LI -II 3L ca Cn m


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For Ail Seasons of the Year are C o r m in Style, (, Price and Durability.Martin's sh.5 P. F. MARTIN, 107 Colliruvillc Avc.. Errt St. Louis, Ill..- ,

- - .-

EAST SIDE DIRECTORY. 1551 --- ..-.--

Ridgoway Beuj, aas t foreman Swift 8 Co. r 220 N Sixth st. Ridgeway J R, cat t le sa les C E White & Co, r N Elghth st. Hies F. foreruhn Nelson Morris & Co. r 1802 U'instanley ave. I mRives .)&!.ies, sa les .John S Bratton horse and mule mkt. Roberts . I . dr iver Swift & Co, r 814.i N Second st. -Rol~inson E B, ca t t le and sheep sa les C E White, r N Eighth st. w Robinson .I D, foreman Nelson Morris & Co. r 605 Pennsylvania avc w Roche M . foreman Nelson Morris L Co, r 911 \Vinstanley ave. -= Rorbekr Gus. clk Swift & Co, r S t I ~ r l i s 310. E-Rogers C, tel Oyl Swif t & CO, r 810 Ohio ave. Q = Rogers Lee, ycln1Rn Natl 1. S Con1 Co. r GO9 Josephine. o =Rogers &la t t l~ i a s G, chief ~ m l i r e Swift & Co, r 510 Ohio ave. Rogers Wm C. Corelllaa Swif t & Co, r 722 Minnie st. Rohm H %, col Swift Sr Co. r S t Louis Mo. Rolfe Thomas \V, foreman Stvift & Co. r 120 Exchange ave. Ronnan Anna, walt Exchange H ~ s t , r 832 N First st . Rose Henry H, clli Nelson h10ri:is & Co, r 1110 Clevelanrl ave. a3 Rosseiot Leo, nlrssenger Swift 6r Co, r ti?:; Gaty ave. fl-Hothamel \Vni, r agonrns t r SIk Yds Co. I* S t Clair a r e . 0 - Roundtrel Anna, wait Nati Hotel, r sanle. " C D Rudisill Chas E. forenlad Swift & CO! r 920 ( r e a r ) 1,ynch ave. Ruhlsnd W H, clk Swift & Co, r S t I ~ u i s Mo. Russell F l a to Corn Co. Exchange bldg. C=)=Ruston M E, clk Swif t & Co, r 3504 Rockraod. w Ruston N S. Swift & CO, r 3405 Rockroad:

0 Ryan ;Ma?.nle, wait Exchange restaurant, r Sat1 Hotel. 0 Cs

u C13

Saint 1,orlis Drrsse(l Beef ant1 Prov Co, Jlathew Courtnry heaci ca t - tle brlyel.. r111 ::3 Exchange bldg.

s S

I! " fSaint I,ouis & San Francisco R, Zack Mtillhali gen live s tk agt, h ~ : , e - nient Exchange bldg.

Sales Wni, forenian Nelson Morris & Co, r 731 N Ten th st. I;! Ju Pammon Daniel 0, forenla11 Swift & Co, r 1022 S t Clair ave. s Sanin~onnW .I. ydman C E White & Co, r 1400 Baugh ave. S a ~ ~ n d e r s asst 1124 lllinols ave. D .I. bkyr Swif t & CO. r Sanders H R, ydman Blal\el~-Sandera-Mann Co. r S t I lot~is Mo. Sanders .John W, (~la l te ly-Sanders-Mann Co) , r 1010 Baugh ave. Sanders Theo. clk Swift Rr Co. r St I Q I I ~ S Mo. u . Sanderson E, f o r e n ~ a n Morris & Co. r 90 St Clair ave. Sanderson .I, nlessenger Swift & Co, r 326 Illinois ave. Sandnsky R R, 1)kpr Sparks Bros, horses and mnles, r 732 N 8th st. Sappington Morep A, a s s t ins11 Natl S tk Yds, r 805 N Eighth :,L. Sargent W,forenifin hiorris & Co, r 816 VOSS lane. Scaling S a n ~ n e l& Son. live stli con1 merchants, rnl 17 Exchange


' ' m U 0 W TI33


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RENTED. - - --A

1552 C. B. CARRO1,L'S EAST ST. LOUIS AND .----

4 Scannel A , sheep br~ye!' Swift & Co, r Monroe a r e (1,ansdowne)., , Schaper \Vnl, clk Nelson Morris & C o , r S t Ia~r ixXlo. Scharpff 1,uc)-. stenog Swift & ('0, r St IAo1li~ )lo.0 'r Ycl~icrlllann John F. stk exam Natl Stli Yds. r 1620 Henrietta. Schlangcr R J. d l Srk \cis Co. r St lnllis 310. ScIlnlidt Fatricl;, scaler Swift & Co, r cor Seventh and Barlgh avc. Schneicler 1.onia P. ell, Xclson hlorrls & Co, r S t IAollis hlo.

I Schoelp?. d W, Swift & Co, r 1242 S t Clair ave. 6 a ' d ~ c h o l z21. cash Natl Hort.1, s same.

Sch\ra~.z \Vm. cllc Swift & C o . r 12::2 Cat?, ave. Schwei1)el ,\lfrecl, tlrirer Swift & Co, r 115 N Sixth st. 2 a 3 Scott 0 C, clli Swift & C o , I. i 3 Y Collinsville a re .0 .'r Scott Ma~irice T.ytlman C XI Keys L Co, r 61 I Ohio avc.

@ - O, Scotr Thos W.asst insp Natl Stk Yds. r S27A N Eighth sr. Scroggins Robert A, watch Swift & Co. r Venice Iill. Scarcy J J , (Campbell & Reid W S S C'o), r .\lo.St I ~ ~ r r i s Seaton James, foreman Swift & CO. r ' i l l S Seventh st. Siefcrd Peter, horse dlr Natl Stk Yds. Service Elmer, clk Swift 6- <:o.r SX (;Jla(lison a rc , Severenee Oscar. live st11 agt \';in line. rnl .:Y Exchange bltlg. r st.

Shackelforcl 11, stenog Swift fir. Co. r St 1 ~ ) l l i s11o. Shale Solonlon C', tagger Natl Stlc Ytls, r 714 Ohio avc. Shaw ;Miss Kate. stenog Selson Morris & Co, r 715 K 1311 st. Shaw Silas I,, asst insp Sa t l Stl; Yds, r 821 N Eighth st. Sha?- James .!. hog dept Xelson Morris & Co. r 436 S Eighth s t . Shellman I. C, clk Nelson Morris & Co, r SO? Ba11- ave. Sherwood Cco T,foreman Swlft &iCo, r 920 Pennsylvania a re . Sl~ollp Alice, wait Exchange rest, r 1129 N Secand st.

Q) Shoup Edna. wait Exchange rest, r 244 Collinaville a\-e. Georgia B. bkpr Barse L s con, CO, r 900 Pennsylvania

I ave. Simeoek I A. cattle sales Barse L S Com co, r 900 Pennsykanie ave Simcock P. ydman Swift & CO, r 900 Pennsylvania ave. Simon Jonas P. cattle sales C E White C O ~ Co. r 1400 Baugh a\-e. Simpson John N,vice Pres Strahorn, r Kansas City Mo. Skinner Wm H, tagRer Natl Hotel, r 1613 College ave. Slasson W E. agt B & 0 R R Co, a t Exchange bldg.

I Slatterj- T B sales Campbell Reid W s s Co, r Exchange aye. Sloane J S, clk Nelson Morris & Co, r 816 N Eighth st.

1 Smrad \Valter. watch Swift Co, r 617 Pennsylvania ave. Smith Cars (Carr Smith & Bra), r 1027 Baugh ave. Smith Carr & Bra. live stk corn merchants, rms 80-82 Exchange bldg. Smith D C, b l w Carr Smith & Bro, r 621 Pennsylvania ave. Smith E C, horse dlr horse and mule mkt, r Baugh ave. Smith Edward M, Bureau of Animal Industry, r 715 N '7th st. Smith Harry, rec and ship elk s t k Yd Co. Smith H C, eng Daily s a t 1 L S Reporter, r 923 Lake ave. Smith H L. pur agt Swift & Co, r 1119A Pennsylvania ave.

no8e8 100402 S. 4th St. Ill..A-lmJ, M,Sullivan8iBros Gmrkr, hak VegrW1r

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-0ININQ O A R a m n c*TOWNWD, 6. P. & T. A - ST* LOU&


+ --. ..--- -.I

smith H S. Swift & Co,r 610 Chartrand ave. Smith E IA. driver Swift & CO. r 1823 Parsons ave. Smith Malcolm. ydman car , smith a urn. Smith B, .olicltor, r Iloney Cmve Tex. Smith Robert A, elk Swift & CO, r 128 9 Fourth st. Sruith S P, 1106 sales C M Keys 6: CO, r N Eighth st. Smith Th- H, bkpr Stk Yd k i n k , r S t Louis Mo. Smith \Vm .I, Carr Snrith & Uro, r 717 Veroncia, Smithrick J G . asst chf 1 k Swift & Co. r St b u i s hlo. (IISoell John, stcnog Codair Com Co, r S t llouis Mo. Sollitlay Wm, clk Swift & Co, r 535 N Ninth st. Southern Ry, .Joseph 11 Timmcrman Hve s tk agt, horse and mule mlii.0 Sparks Hros, horses and mules, horse and mule mkt Natl S t k Yda. Sparka S $1. (Sparks Bros). horses and mules, r S t 1.ouis Mo. Spark. H m r y , (Sparks Uros,, ni,iles, r S t Louis Mo. Sparka 11 L. (Sparks E%ros). horses and mules, r S t 1,ouis hlo. Sparks lBt!rr?., horse sales. Carr Smith & nro, r S t Louis Mo. Speak KEdward 0, clk L(urttac~ Animal Industry, r 920 Winstanley ave. Sprecher 1)aniel l I , a i t t l e sales, r 1808 Belmont ave. Springer Guy, cattle driver Morris & Co, r St I a u i s Mo.

C) Springer John. cattle driver Morris & Co. r S t l a u i s Mo. Stanke Robert, foreman Morris & Co. r 736 Converse ave. Stapleton G F,transportation clk S tk Yd Co, r 657 Howe ave. Steeie Chus T, sol Ytrahorn-Ziutton-Evans, r S t Louis Mo. Steelc Etigor, hkpr Zeb T steeic Corn CO, r 827 N ~ i g h t hst. Steele. 1.0ng. Pollock & Co. con1 merchmts. Exchangc bldg. Stecle Zel) T,(Zcb T Steele Colu Cob, r St Idu is Mo. Steers Frank 1.. watch Swift & CO, r 910 N Second st. Stevenson Thomas A, forclnan Swift & Co. r 646 Coliinsviile ave. Stewart R B,cattit! sales S teWrt . Son & blc(.!ormacli, r St Louis. Stewart Son C McCotnlack, live stk corn agts, 1st floor Exchange bldg. Stewart \V \V, office W r Stewart, Son & 3lc<'ormack, r 520 13th st. Stickney .I C, cash Drum-Flat0 Corn Co. r 555 Chartrand ave. Stickney \i' L(, nlgr Drum-Flat0 Corn Co, r 617 N Ninth at. Stith Chester. cik Stk Ydu C!o, r S t Idouie b. Stock Yard Bank. Fachange bldg. C C: Knox, pres, C T Jonea vice

pres, G H Bradford cash. Str~horn-Hutton-EvansCon1 Co, live s tk w t s , rm Exchange bldg. s t ra i t John, elk s-qft & Co, r 519 Callinsville avo. Sullivan Joseph, tagger Nuti Stlc Yds, r 1621 Henrietta. Sullivan 0 J , clk Stk Yds Hank. r S t I m i e Mo. Sullivan W1n J, pork s ~ l p t Swift & Co, r 570 Veropica. Summers Anna, wait Exchange rest. r 125 Winstanley ave. Summers MPR Rosie, cash ICxchange rest, r 1015 N Ninth st. Sutheriand George, stk exam Natl Stk Yds. r 916 Baugh ave. Sweeney Peter, asst forenlan swif t & Co, r 916 K Eighth st. Swift & Co, live stk buyers, o a c e Eschange bldg. Swilling Mayme, stenog Wabash R H,r 713 Summit ave.

.. - . --


10. 1553=-

m -1 0+ 4 Sr= 3rC m m w m= 0


4% a a

I "The Moteor" to TEXAS,

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L E A D - . -. .. . - --- ... -. . ._. _... _. . _.._ - -

:SU C. 8. CARROLL'S HAST ST. WCIS AND -. _ _ _ . ... - . . -. . . . .... -- .-

I rrr Talkington Wnl. spec. Exchange l)ltlg. Tarlton, Coy & Irons. live Stk con1 nic!rchants. rms 41.1; Exhalige 1)ltic;. Tarlton R B (l'nrlton. COY & Ironsl, r 63%h' Ninth st. LTarter John W. for*.lnall Ywlft & Co. r 218 Exchange are . Taylor & Hermsu, horses and m~iltrs. r 126 St Clair are. Taylor It i?, cik Swift & (.lo, r S t I.o~lll, Mo. Terminal R It Asxn, \V .I Kraat.2. live 8tk agl, bast?mtmt Exc.hi~~~;c.

bldg. Thiel Harry, sct~lt.r Sv;if! & Co, r 81ti Liowrnan i I V t b . 'Theis .lacob, sr~pt Empire Carbon Wks, r 651 I lor( . avcb. -T h o n ~II C, liigr Swlft & Co. r St ldollia Mo. 4 Thonlss L B e r p , I l o r ~ e s and mtlles. 3d and St Clair ;rvc~. 0 T l ~ o ~ n a s CO, r 917 N Silkt.11 st. E. ydman Swift 6r

Tho~tias1, ~ U I I ~ .a u s co. r I 12:i 91 (:lair

-,-hog d e ~ ) t are .

'rhonlan W E,clk Nelmn htorris 8: Co, r 9(!PA ir; Eighth st. C31P Thornsen I I ~ , foreman N('laon alorrix & Co, r 1619 s t (:lair avcs. I q'hompson Abraham 1.. fire niarshnl Swift Ii CO, r 11111 St Clair. rnThomptlon I3 P. buyer Spitr)is Llws. horses and mules, I. St Ir)uir;. ThonipSon <: M , ydnlan Godair corn CQ. l'homl)son & Dcrr?', Ilorsee and 'nil~lcs, SIk xds.

C13 Thourywn sank1 C, forerrlan swif t Co,1. 720 N Fourteenth st. *IL Thompwn wnl J , foreman Swift & Co, r xlt; Exchange uve.

~ h ~ ~ r ~ l i u l t l and nolary pub Ca111pl)ell C Itrid. r Cl7 Coi Claude, ~ l . ~ n o g ' ltnsville rtve. C.). - b

Ti~nberlniie 1, 1). Clk 1. & N It H Itorre nlul,. nlkt, r 1x14 E*ell.'l:g> 2 are. s S =

Timmerllian Iicrman J . asst insp Nail ~ t k yds. r 9(13 b:ight)i. ' Tinmurnbau Joseph 1,l i re stk agt M (L 0 K K,Southern RY. &

1,ouis Mo. w ~2 Tipton 1. M. yd~nan Can11)bell. Hunt. & E:v;lns, l ~ r ~ ~ jr h t t a ' a ~ e . Tobtn J C,clk Swift & Clo, r St I ~ o u l ~M(). Toledo, St L & Western HZ.. Ellrier E Mc(;raw live s th ngt. m l .It, Ex-

change bldg. Tolle L311fford A, v d m n Swlft & Co, r 624 N xinth st. I Triisk Harry E, forenIan Swift & Co. r 609 Sl~niniit avc!. Trovillion .loseph, elk Swift & Co, r S t I a l ~ i s ~ o ./ ' l . l lrpi~~Yriink (Frank T u r ~ i n & M).live s tk corn nlrrhant, b(ts Civil.

fin's. Itaugh rive.

U 5~



i O - e9 S Ellnderwood Chas, scaler Swift & Co, r Sl I.oui& hfo. ~ t l c yc 1.1. spec, rnis 19 Exchall~Caye. 3;

----.----, -.--.-- ..-.-g3-,s 31 --a zSUITE 714 3 gTEETEIEL SERVICE,Century B'ldin~ 0



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ESLmrrt Orrlr Mill( SUM in tut S1. Lori..-. . . . . . . . . . . - ..... -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --

EAST SI L)E DIRECTORS. !555 ..-- .............. . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

iautlalia I.ine. Oscnr Sevcrenot! livr stli agr. r111::?i bltlgk:xcliunge Van~ilcti,rM' C. ytl~naster hog drpr. r 112 1Iow111au avca. Vaughn J, clk Swift L Co, r 83:iA N Eighth st. \ 'v;iur~~ian 1.:. elk Swift C Co, r $11 St Louie ave. Vcri;~c.c:ch S?.Ivclster A, f o r w l a ~ iSwift & (:o. r I 111 N Nilit.11 til. \'(.man R. ytlnlan LITOHII, Fry & ('0. r 915 N k:ight~i st. Vogt Harry, stenog Stk Yds ('0, 1,:xchange bldg. r 1904 Buni~nit trve. Vogt C; I;, clli Swift 8: CO, r St I&ilis Mo.

iVahasl~ Railroad. ii A Clem. livc* slli agt.. rni :;9 Exc.hangc bldg. Wadtl .lohri A, clk Swift t Co, r 64-Lb (:olli~~svillt:a r e . \Vaggalllann Hobcrt E, fore~nan Swift & Co, r ;:TO0 Rockroad. \iragner ti .&I,Cl l i Swift & Co, r St. I.oirir Mo. Wagner John, checker Swift & C'o. r 835 Jowcphlnr. Waite Y. foreman Nelson Morris & Co, r 818 Pennsylvania ave. Wakefield Hugh S. ~ e n lforeman Swift & Bt, r 624 N 9th nt. \Valkrr E:, fort-man Nelson Morris t Co, r 826 N Flrclt et. \Valkc.r John I\',watcll Swift t Co, r 131% St Clair are. \Val1 .\Iarli I . Iypestr 1. S Reporter. r Amerlca~l Ho~iscb. Wall \\' A. elk Sclson .Morris & C'o, r Sf 1,ouis Mo. Wallace 1.; . I . t r;r(.li:igt: clk St k Td Co. r 52s Vttronria avo. Wallace .la;lics. driver Swift & Co. r 520 Clrvelancl ave. Wals l~ Miss I31lr1ua 1'. St(!nog Morris & Co, r 617 Howe ave. \Valsti .losty)h 31. c h ~ ~ k e r Swift 6i Co, r B?u N Sixth at. \Valsli .iosic.. stc.nt1.r: Swift & C o . r 122 St Clair ave. \Vals11 aliss Jlaggic, cash N(>lsvr~ Morris 8 Co, r 517 HOW^ are . Ward T .I. :r~ic.tio~lt~t?r & Reid W S S Co, r Natl Hotel. C':l~ll~)bell Watkitls Tlio~nas I). bklW. r Sunlnlit ave. Watkirls \Vullucc C. scillc'r Swift 6i Co, r 3111 Illinois ave. Walffl~nF I X I I ~ , 5.12 Vemnciaclk Swiff & CO. r avc. Watson 1.. (:ih Swift L C'o. r 542 Veronica ave. Waylantl \V I.. asst hkpr C;issitl?' t%roe,r 91s Bai~gh rive.

Webhcr 1.t.o. (:hecl,(~r Swifr P ('0. r I(;::; Kansas ave. Weesc Joh l~ . y111llrin Swift 6. C o , r Monroe avt! t l>ansdowne). Weigvrs .loh;i. fi~rcb;lla;l Strift & (lo, r 1111 RwIiroa(i. Welstv J $1, swift & (',I, r 11;Io Iitrl~lio~lt ave. Welch Rrop, I I V C K x ( * ~ ~ I I ~ P ~ ~ SIOCI,. I)ltlR Wells C D.Xally b\'c,lls i . (('on1('0. r 726 N 13th St.

Wells Etlnzirtl. yti;llan ~ ; I I I \ \Vt:lls. r 726 N I::th st. Wells T <'. salt?s Xnlly Wells, r 734; N 13th st. Western I'nion 'I'c'lcgr~l)h (-0. .I 1 I,innehen I I I K ~ .Kxchange bldg. Wetzlcr Hol)c1rl, c-lk Swift & (:0, ;' 805 N Eighth st.

sune 714 Century B'ldinj ST.LOU& M a

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Whorton Frank. ydman CasSidy OH. P 802 Baugh ave. {Vhtreler Henry, foreman Swift & Co, r 710 N First ~ t . Wheeler klenry H. foreman Swift & Co, r 710 N First .st. *heeler R T & Co,live st.k com merchants, rm 17 Exchange bldg. White C E. (C E White Com Col. r 1106 Baugh ave. MXite c E & Co, live s tk corn merchants. 2d ' f l tnr Exchange bldg. White John, clk Swift & Co. r 719 N Eighth St. White John A. checlier Swift & Co. r S4!8 Exchange ave. \Vhite 1.~0. messenger Qwifi & Co. r 110:; Clevelitnd ave. \Vhitt! Oscar, slleej) driver S t ~ l s o ~ i &llorrisL Co. r Ir!f; N 18th st. \Vhite Timothy I', raggcr Sat i Stli 1-tls, r 2:;; N Sevetith st. \Vitlmkcn Allgust. strnog I'orl~croy L Ilandlcy, r St I.orlis >lo. \vilk('~011li' S. hog sales. r Ytcyhens tiouse. \Villianiu F'rmli. clk Swift & Co, r 207 Bowman ave. Willian~n William F:. forenran Swift & Cq, r 742 N h'lnth St.

Eighth at. Wiiliame He~lry. asst. foreman Swift & Co, r 21C E: Broadway. W i l l i a m W u h , rattle nales Camphell. Iiunt t Adams, r 811 S Williford C J, clk Swift & Co, r Natl Hotel. Williamson John. hog driver, r First and tVinstanley avc. Willor~ghbr John J , hog dept Swift & (:o. r 17 S F o ~ ~ r t hsf. \%'ilson E D, ydman Gillen-Heiman Mule Co, r 723 N First st. Wilson John. clk Swift & Co, r 211 Hawlnan ave. Wilton C H. clk Swift & Co. r 726 Baugh ave. Winder Homer. sales, r 720 Baugh ave. Wise John. clli Swift R Co, r 526 Veronica Rve. Withers .lames, clk McFarlane-Evans Co, r 909 N Eighth st. Wollsberger Henry, Exchange barber shop, r h'atl Hotel. Wood J B. table mgr Swift & Co, r Natl Hotel. Woods A, foreman Nelson Morrie,& Co, r 1409 Exchange ave. \Voodxon E I.. cattle sales Xatl 1. S Corn Co, r 1203 Baugh ave. Wright S V, pur a t Stk Yd Co. Exchange bldg, r 1508 Summit ave. Wright. Thon I.:. feed clk Stk Yd Co, r 818 Pennsylvania ave. Wyrick D Y. cattle sales Creer, Mills & CO, r 721 Summit ave.

Tingst IValter H. aSSt insp Natl Yds, r Ninth ancl Uauph are. To~ln!: C E,elk Nelsoc Morris & Co, r 802 B ~ ~ u g h ave.

Zahn V A, clk Swift & C0, r 911 N Eighth st.


1,M,Sullivan&,Bros Gsmrkr, Mu& VegctrHr

1100.102 S. b,th St n.nc -.A-lm

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-&A#----rr.\s.J . \$'A SC;I.HR, \'ice-\'tea.(%. F. WAS(;I.YR. \ ' r t~si( \ei~tr -7

j 7 ~ .-4. WANCI.RR. Secretary

Incorporated 18911 IEstablished 1884

1 IJOS. F. WANGLER k (I ll


Manufacturers of

j STEAM BOILERS [ d 14 And Al l Kihds of Shed Iron Work4

1Zitonpe Tanks for 011 Wfier. m.rlt$g and Brina Tank. h r I Ice Maohines Erected In any Part of the Country

1535 te 1547 Worth Ninth Sf. Corner N o l l a ~ b yi C t

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.. . -. . ..-..-..-.-.--rWE---.------



Surplus and Undivided Profits, $170,000

O C F I C L R S - . -

J. C. VASRIPER,P r e ~ i ~ l e ~ l t P a u ~W. ART, Vice-Pfesiclc~~t

Txros. I,. FEKRTF.,\'ice-President ISEN,1'. GOC)~\VI N, Cashier

JAS. H.Co~rns,Ass't Cashier




\ire11. ~ ~ I . I . I W ~ T

R.1,. KIXAMAS G . G . I I ~ L L R H

Un. 11. J. DI; 1 1 A . 4 ~




-xx--x-xxxxxx d

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Union Trust A N D

savings Bank EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL.

& .a'.#

Capital, $lSO,OOO.OO Surplus and Undivided Profits, - 75.OCiO.00 Deposits. 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

& & &




\\'I.: S O 1 , I C I T P O U R R U S I K R S S


A IIC. SCHf.A FI- 1'. Prrsrdtnl E D H ' A R r ) p . KESHh E R . IfARR Y GILLEN,

1st Vrcr- h c s . and Carh i r~ . . 4th I'rcr-Prrsidcnt. JOSEPII A KLIRR(JS. J . I.'. SCHLAFL 1:

2nd Vicr- P r t s i ~ r n l . Assl. Cashrrr and Sccrrlnry. C. 1.. c R . 4 1; 3rd I'rrr-Pvrsrdrnl. I f ' .C LOI'DEN. (buwsrl.

DlRECTORS. J n S E P H A. KuRRUS, Prcs. Kur r i l s YRRNK C. S M I T H . Master ill C h a n -

Livery a n d U n d e r t a k i n g CO. c r ry . S t Clnir County. PROSPER J . YOUCY, Renl E s t a t e , AU(;UST SCH1,APLY. Pres. Missouri

I.oatlS a n d I n s u r a n c e . T r u s t Co. C . L. GRAY. M a n a g e r y o u l h e r t ~ I l l i - WILLIAM R . NIMS.

no i s Cons t ruc t ion Co. Cap i ta l i r l . S ILAS COOK, Mayor o! t h e City of JOI lN H. DRURY. Pre r idcn t D r u r y

Rant St. 1.0~1.. Coal a n d I c e Co. P. H M U R P B I . P r e s i d c t ~ t S t a n d a r d WALTER S . I.OUDRN, Louden &

Rai lwry E q u i p m e n t C o . Crow. At to rneys a t Law. AL. YAKPER. P r w i d e ~ ~ t HARRY GILI.BN. H a r p r r Bros Pres iden t Gi l l en-

M u l e Co Heimat l Mule Co. CRANK 1 . KVRRUX, l ' r eanur r r of t h e 1. F. . ICHLAPLY.

Ci ty of Wast S t . Louis Secre ta ry . HDW P KXSHNHR. 1st Vice -Pres iden t a n d Cn%hier .

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