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30 series30 series

200 series200 series 70 series70 series

Caption CreatorEVC-500Caption CreatorEVC-500

Cache ServerVCS-1000Cache ServerVCS-1000

Network AV file deviceCF-90HD/SDNetwork AV file deviceCF-90HD/SD






















System IntegrationVideotron Corporation offers to you system integration service, making use of its conside-rable experience and achievements in video and computer technology.

Sports Programs and Time Difference Trans-mission System

Telop Auto-Transmission System

Telop Creating System

Caption Transmission System

Simultaneous Recording & Editing System

HD Editing System

Non-Linear Editing System

Multi-Media Contents Producing System

Video Routing Switcher

Program Transmission System

Time Display System

Logo Mark Display System

Emergency Filler Transmission System

Mid-night Filler Still-picture Auto-Transmission System

Disaster Information Transmission System

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Caption CreatorEVC-500

This device al lows the spott ing, creating and edit ing caption data on the basis of the video source of Mpeg1 and AVI. It allows audio output in reversing playback that is indispensable function in spotting. By equipping a video output board, it can perform spotting and temporary-mix by using the current line VTRs and main mix of HD-SDI. Also, an option enables you to convert your completed data into present DVD caption or next-generation DVD caption.


This product records, reproduces, and transmits continuously the station marks, logo marks, sounds, and so on. It records animation and still-pictures put together for a minute. The use of the semi-conductor memory allows continuous reproduction of the files for a long time. And a hard disk is used for data back up. It captures video source from LAN transfer and video input, and enables you to adjust positions and phases etc. The MF-9941HD supports HDTV; the MF-9941SD to SDTV. The MF-9941HD-D has NEXT output, and performs transitions such as fades, dissolves, wipes, slides, and scrolls.

Movie FilerMF-9941HD/9941HD-D/941SD

Video SwitcherVS-9210HD/SD

This is a 1ME and 20 inputs video switcher, based on the VS- 9220.

Master Control SwitcherMS series

The MS ser ies support up to 32 inputs and 8 channels audio of 24bits 48kHz. I t has AVDL function that switches same timing. The LCDs of operation panel display the audio level meters. Videotron offers some kinds of models for HD, SD, and HD/SD and their options that copes with AES/EBU audio input and controls up to 6 VTRs.

This is a 2ME video switcher having 20 inputs. You can install an optional EFFECTOR into the main unit. Equipping with two channels of DSK, i t at taches the edge up to 7H width. I t has chroma-key and luminance key features that generate key signal from fi l l signal. It has two outputs for AUX, SD-SDI and NTSC outputs for a monitor.

2ME Video SwitcherVS-9220HD/SD

SDI to HDMI ConverterSHM-30

T h e S H M - 3 0 c o n v e r t s S D I s i g n a l s o f 1080 i /59 .94 , 1080 i /50 , 525 i /59 .94 and 625i /50 in to HDMI s igna l and d isp lays a time code and audio level meters on screen o f HDMI output . I t a l so can mon i to r the embedded audio. Moreover you can use it as a LTC signal decoder by switching the set t ing to LTC s ignal output . I t supports the embedded audio of SDI 8chs, and the output s ignals of 1080i/59.94, 1080i/50, 525i/59.94, and 625i/50.

HDMI to SDI ConverterHMS-30

The HMS-30 is a small portable converter that converts HDMI signals of 1080i/59.94, 1080 i /60 , 1080 i /50 , 720p/60 , 720p/50 , 525 i /59 .94 , 625 i /50 , and 625p /50 i n to H D - S D I o r S D - S D I s i g n a l s . I t a l l o w s embedding audio on HDMI s ignal or two channels of analog audios into SDI signal. Input impedance of analog audio signal is swi tched between 600Ω and 10kΩ , and also SOL is switched between +4dBm and 0dBm. Its cable equalizer at input section compensates the cable length up to 30m.

Color FileCF-9945HD/SD

This is a HD-SDI/SD-SDI compatible still-picture filer that files FILL and KEY signals at the same time. It stores about 10,000 pictures in the HDD, and transmits in the transit ions of scroll, wipes (up, down, left, and right), slides, dissolves, and cuts. You can easily sort the fi les such as programs and sections due to hierarchical file structure.

SDI to HDMI Converter w/MarkerSHM-30M

The SHM-30M conver ts SDI s igna l i n to HDMI signal and displays time code, audio leve l meter, pos i t ion marker, and safety m a r k e r o n t h e H D M I o u t p u t s c re e n . I t supports the same specifications of signals with the SHM-30.

Video CheckerVC-202

The VC-202 is a compact and l ightweight l iquid crystal video monitor that monitors pictures and audios at live scene, filming and etc. You can use the VC-202 at locat ions without the AC power because it operates by the AC/DC adaptor and battery. It generates color bars and audios of tone 1kHz/400Hz, -18dBFS (-18dBm)/-20dBFS (-20dBm).Video format: 1080i/50, 1080i/59.94, 1080i/60, 1080sF/23.98, 1080sF/24, 720p/59.94, 720p/60, 525i/59.94, 625i/50, and analog composite signals (NTSC and PAL) Audio: 48kHz sync embedded, 48kHz AES/EBU, and monaural analog

VC-202 plus

Th i s mode l has t he ou tpu t f unc t i ons o f HD-SD I , SD-SD I , composite, and audio.

Cache ServerVCS-1000

The VCS-1000 is a cache server that transmits the video pictures on a network. In view of safety and stability, it stocks data into the internal flash memory. It reads data by network or SDI signal and reserves them with MPEG2-TS or MXF (MPEG2), and then it transmits in SDI signal. The capacity of memory is enough for storing more than two hours MPEG2-TS of 100Mbps.File operation such as registration, editing, play, and creating play list are allowed by VCS-1000 itself. Moreover, it allows transmitting FILL and KEY signals after synchronizing two outputs by adding two output boards. As the options of VCS-1000, there are remote panel, fiber channel board, encoder board, and decoder board.



Network AV file deviceCF-90HD/SD

T h e C F - 9 0 H D / S D i s a 1 U - h a l f c o l o r f i l e d e v i c e f o r c o n v e n i e n t u s e a t re l a y s p o t o r a ro u n d - t h e - c l o c k broadcast ing. I t supports the s ignals of 1080i/59.94, 1080 i /50 , 525 i /59 .94 , and 625 i / 50 and s tores up to 8000 still-pictures and up to 20 audio files separately on sol id state disk. I t a l lows simultaneously reproducing s t i l l -p ic ture and one minute 2ch aud io f i le , and a lso allows repeat replay of audio file. As to data movement, it supports baseband transmission, a CF card, and network transfer.

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Input Signal Output Signal

Down-converter HSC-70B ● ● ● ● ● ●HSC-70B-D ● ● ● ● ● ● ●HSC-70B-G ● ● ● ● ● ● ●HSC-70B-DG ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●HSC-70D ● ● ● ● ● ●HSC-70D-G ● ● ● ● ● ● ●HSC-70E ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Up-converter SHC-70HD ● ● ● ●SHC-70HD-E ● ● ● ● ●SHC-70HD-AE ● ● ● ● ● ● ●SHC-70E-AE ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Frame Synchronizer FS-70B ● ● ● ● ● ●FSL-70W ● ● ● ● ● ●

Color Super & Logo Keyer CK-70B ● ● ● ● ● ●LK-70HD/SD-CK1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●LK-70HD/SD-CK2 ● ● ● ● ● ●KM-70B ● ● ● ● ●

Error Monitor SM-70HD/SD ● ● ● ●SMS-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ●SMS-70AES-A ● ● ● ●

Changeover CHO-70SDI ● ● ● ● ● ●Net Cue Sender& Sender QRS-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ● ●

QRS-70DD1 ● ● ● ● ● ●A/D Converter ADC-70SD ● ● ● ●

ADC-70SD-E ● ● ● ● ●ADC-70AES2 ● ● ●ADC-70HD-E ◆ ● ● ● ●ADC-70HD-DC ◆ ◆ ● ● ● ●

D/A Converter DAC-70SD ● ● ●DAC-70A-A ● ● ● ● ●DAC-70A-B ● ● ● ● ● ●DAC-70AES2 ● ● ●

Audio Multiplex / Demultiplex MUX-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ●DMX-70HD/SD ● ● ● ●DAC-70EMB ● ● ● ● ●

Delay DLY-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ● ●DLY-70AES ● ● ● ●

Timer VT-70HD ● ● ●VT-70SD ● ● ●VT-70A ● ● ●RT-70HD ● ●RT-70SD ● ●RT-70A ● ●CI-70HD ● ●CI-70SD ● ●TLG-70HD ●TLG-70SD ●TC-70HD ● ● ● ●

Animation Generator AG-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ●Pattern Generator PG-70BHD ● ● ●

PG-70BSD ● ● ●Signal Generator SG-70HD ● ● ● ● ●Distributor DDA-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ●

DDA-70W ● ● ● ● ●DDA-70AES ● ●DDA-70AES-L ● ●VDA-70A ● ●ADA-70A ● ● ●

Switcher RS-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ●SW-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ● ●

L-Shaped Display LM-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Multi Viewer MV-70HD/SD ● ● ● ● ● ●Audio Remapping module ARM-70HD/SD ● ● ● ●



Audio Remapping moduleARM-70HD/SDThis module al lows to remapping the embedded aud io 8ch o f SDI s ignal to any audio channel . You can preset four audio remapping patterns and switch them by contact signal noiselessly.


Animation GeneratorAG-70HD/SDThis module plays animation with aud io and s t i l l p i c tu re . I t o f f e r s you long t ime continuous running b e c a u s e i t r e a d s s t i l l p i c t u r e f r o m H D D a n d a n i m a t i o n f r o m semiconductor memory. It stores still picture up to 8,000 (HD) or 32,000 (SD); audio (2chs) up to 20 minutes. It can transfer animation / still picture file (JPEG) and audio (WAVE) by FTP.








“Videotron 70 series” is the generic name of compact and high featured modules indispensable to daily broadcasting scenes. We provide more than 60 models that satisfy your demands.






















PAL compliant

Down-ConverterHSC-70BThis is a module that converts HD-SDI into SD-SDI and NTSC. It lets the embedded audio go through and is equipped with demultiplex feature (AES/EBU OUT). It outputs SD-SDI and NTSC even when SD-SDI i s inputted.

Down-ConverterHSC-70B-GThis module is the HSC-70B with GEN LOCK function added.

Down-ConverterHSC-70B-DGThis module is the HSC-70B with GEN LOCK function and DDA (2 channel) added.

Down-ConverterHSC-70DThis module converts HD-SDI into SD-SDI and NTSC, passes embedded audio, and is equipped with DDA (4 outputs). It outputs SD-SDI and NTSC even when SD-SDI is inputted.

Down-ConverterHSC-70D-GThis module is the HSC-70D with GEN-LOCK function added.

Down-ConverterHSC-70EThis module has an external control feature, based on the HSC-70D. It switches the output aspect of each module. There are each 1 channel in SD-SDI/NTSC output, and 4 channels in DDA output.

Down-ConverterHSC-70B-DThis module is the HSC-70B with DDA (2 channels) added.

Pattern GeneratorPG-70BHD, BSDThis module records and outputs the color sti l l pictures such as station marks and ne t ma rks i n to f l ash memory. We provide both HD-SDI and SD-SDI modules. The module only for FILL signal is also provided. (PG-70 BHD-F, PG-70 BSD-F)

Up-ConverterSHC-70HDThis is an up converter module that handles SD-SDI input. It is provided with a reference signal input, which enables you to synchronize output phase with the reference. It allows 32 steps of contour correction. I t has a by-pass feature that outputs HD-SDI provided for the situation when HD-SDI is inputted.

Up-ConverterSHC-70HD-AET h i s m o d u l e c o n v e r t s S D - S D I , e m b e d d e d a u d i o , a n d a n a l o g composite inputs into HD-SDI. I t a l so hand les the asynchronous camera image input.

Up-ConverterSHC-70HD-EThis is an up converter module that handles SD-SDI input and embe-dded audio.

Up-ConverterSHC-70E-AEThis module has an external control feature, based on the SHC-70HD-AE. It switches the output aspect of each module.

2 Key MixKM-70BThis module mixes FILL/KEY signals and output them in one unit of FILL/KEY signal. It allows self-keying and attaching edge with up to maximum 4 H w i d t h . I t a l l o w s y o u t o s e t transition for each input. If you mount 3 modules in the Vbus-73 chassis, it will mix 6 supers and then output it as one unit of FILL/KEY signal.

Logo Keyer w/ Filling featureLK-70HD/SD-CK1Th is i s a logo keyer modu le tha t files 30 sheets of the still picture. It registers the super sources with LAN transfer and colorizes supers and edges. The super is movable to your desired positions. It also supports the self-key.

Color SuperimposerCK-70BThis is a co lor super module that copes with both HD-SDI and SD-SDI signals. When there is no key signal in a picture, the self-key superimposes i t beau t i f u l l y. A l so , t he CK-70B allows colorizing the material with no f i l l signal. By mounting into the Vbus-70B, you can perform cascade connection of each module via the internal bus, thus handing up to 9 input supers.

Logo Keyer w/ Audio MixerLK-70HD/SD-CK2This is a module that mixes embedded audio overlaid on the fi l l signal into the one o f main v ideo s igna l . The super copes with the asynchronous, and can be moved to your desired posit ions. It deals with maximum 9 input supers by cascade connection.

Timer / CounterTC-70HDThis module displays date, t ime, and timer on the images of HD-SDI. You can start or stop a timer by the external contact point. As to the HD-SDI signal, it handles 1080i/59.94, 1080i/50, 1080i/60, 1080p/29.97, 1080p/30, and 1080sf/25, and can pass the embedded audio. 1PPS input allows to synchronizing a timer and to displaying the time's second to two places of decimals.

Remain TimerRT-70HD, SD, AThis module displays countdown of the end time of CM etc. on a studio monitor. The remaining time display trigger is controlled via RS-422 from Master APC. The display contents are remaining t ime, Q TAKE, real time, and timer.

Time & Logo GeneratorTLG-70HD, SDThis module generates real t ime, l o g o , a n d c a l e n d a r t i m e a n d outputs them by FILL/KEY signal. We prov ide HD-SDI and SD-SDI modules. You can give effects such as rotation when hours and minutes change, and overlay with a logo.

Video TimerVT-70HD, SD, ATh is modu le d isp lays rea l t ime , preset count timer/time difference count t imer, and remaining t ime. We provide HD-SDI, SD-SDI, and NTSC models. You can deal with the input of the master t ime signal by selecting RS-485 and LTC module.

Signal MonitorSM-70HD/SDThis module monitors the errors of HD-SDI and SD-SDI and ou tpu ts alarm signals. As to the error signal, it monitors approximately 10 kinds such as TRS, CRC, EDH etc. and preserves the error logs of up to 10,000 events.*

Signal Monitor & SwitcherSMS-70HD/SD, -WThis module monitors two inputs of SDI signal on primary and secondary lines. When an error occurs, it switches the primary one to the secondary one and outputs an alarm signal. As to the error signals, it detects approximately 10 kinds such as TRS, CRC, EDH etc. and preserves error logs of up to 10,000 events.*

Audio Signal Monitor & SwitcherSMS-70AES-AThis monitors the errors of AES/EBU signal in two inputs of primary and secondary lines, and, switching the output from the primary one into the secondary one, outputs an alarm s igna l . As to the er ror s igna ls , i t monitors several kinds such as AES SIGNAL and PROFESSIONAL CRC etc. and preserves error logs of up to 10,000 events.*

*By adding the optional module, you can bui ld up a system that monitors a whole chassis through a network (SNMP) with one IP address.

L-Shaped DisplayLM-70HD/SDThis module reduces the main video signal from 100 to 25%, and places the L shaped display in your desired positions. All the ancil lary data of main video signal passes the l ine. The external contact-point enables you to display or hide the L shaped display.

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DISTRIBUTOR Vbus-70B series










Vbus-70BThe Vbus-70B accommodates 10 modules of the 70 series. We have the DC-exclusive-use chassis. (accommodates 9 modules)

Vbus-73BIt accommodates 3 modules.

Vbus-71BIt accommodates one module. We have the DC-exclusive-use chassis (Vbus-71DC).

Vbus-74BIt accommodates 4 modules.

Vbus-74HIt accommodates 4 modules.


Model Power Mount module Dimensions Optional power duplication Optional vibration proof

Vbus-70B AC100-240V 10 2U (480W×88H×346D) ● ●

Vbus-71B AC100-240V 1 1U (200W×44H×347D) × ●

Vbus-73B AC100-240V 3 1U (480W×44H×346D) ● ●

Vbus-74B AC100-240V 4 1U (480W×44H×346D) × ●

Vbus-70DC DC9.2-16V 9 2U (480W×88H×346D) × Standard

Vbus-71BDC DC9.2-16V 1 1U (200W×44H×347D) × ●

Vbus-74H AC100-240V 4 2U (235W×88H×375D) Main power is an option. ●

A/D ConverterADC-70SD, -WThis module converts NTSC into SD-SDI. The comb-filter YC separation allows you beautiful conversion.

A/D Converter w/ Audio MultiplexerADC-70SD-EThis module converts NTSC into SD-SDI. It allows simultaneous multiplex of 2ch analog audio.Analog audio supports with balance/unbalance.

A/D Converter w/ Audio MultiplexerADC-70HD-EI t mult iplexes HD analog Y/Pb/Pr signal and analog signal 2ch, and outputs them as an HD-SDI.

2ch Audio A/D ConverterADC-70AES2I t c o n v e r t s 4 c h a n a l o g a u d i o s igna l in to AES/EBU s igna l wi th 1 /2ch and 3 /4ch each hav i ng 2 outputs and outputs it. It is equipped with a reference signal input, and a l s o o u t p u t s A E S / E B U s i g n a l synchronized with DARS signal and BBS signal.

HD A/D Converter w/ Audio Multiplex & Down-converterADC-70HD-DCI t conver ts 1080 i or 525 i ana log color d i f ference s ignal and RGB signal into SDI. Additionally it down-converts 1080i color difference signal to SD-SDI. It al lows embedding 2 channels analog audio signal and supports them in both balance and unbalance.

SDI Signal ChangeoverCHO-70SDIThis module monitors the level of SMPTE-259M-C, SMPTE-292M-A, and SMPTE-310 signals. When lev-e l er ror occurs in pr imary l ine, i t switches the output to secondary line and outputs an alarm signal. It allows switching to secondary line from primary one compulsorily by a contact input.

MultiviewerMV-70HD/SD, -WThis module scales down four videos to one-fourth size respectively, and displays them on a monitor. With bu i l t - in f rame memor ies in each input, it can input the asynchronous signals. I t al lows the format error detection of each input channel, the audio level meter display, the ON AIR tally display, and the character composition.

Digital Signal DistributorDDA-70WTh i s mode l d i s t r i bu tes HD-SDI or SD-SDI signal to six outputs. It allows distributing two inputs into three outputs separately.

Digital Audio Distributor w/ Level ControlDDA-70AES-LThis module d ist r ibutes an AES/EBU signal to 8 outputs and has the level control function to adjust the L/R levels for every output channel. It has two independent outputs so that two separate signals are distributed to 4 outputs respectively.

Analog Audio DistributorADA-70AThis module consists of 1 input and 4 outputs and distr ibutes 24dBm or 24dBu ba lanced audio s igna l into four 600ohm balanced loads. E q u i p p e d w i t h + 4 d B a n d - 4 d B attenuator at the input, it converts the audio signal with operat ional level of 0dBm/+8dBm family into +4dBm family to distributes.

Analog Video DistributorVDA-70AThis module distributes NTSC signal into 8.

Digital Signal DistributorDDA-70HD/SDThis module distributes HD-SDI or SD-SDI digital signal to 6 outputs.

Content IndicatorCI-70HD, SDTh is modu le rece ives the v ideo s o u rc e i n f o r m a t i o n f ro m V T R s and se rve rs and supe r imposes them such as video source name, comments, and remaining time. You can set up freely the display position and size of information, and colorize the supers and attach the edges.

3 Inputs SwitcherSW-70HD/SDThis is a compact switcher module handl ing wi th embedded aud io , which has 3 inputs and 1 output. The embedded audio deals HD 24 bits and SD 20 bits, 48kHz and 8CH, and performs cross fade in accordance with the transition of video.

4×1 Routing SwitcherRS-70HD/SDThis swi tcher has 4 inputs and 1 output. It supports HD-SDI/SD-SDI inputs. An optional panel enables you to control remotely.

HDTV Signal GeneratorSG-70HDThis module generates 2 patterns o f HD-SDI co lo r bar s igna l , and outputs 2 channels of BBS signal. It meets the requirements of the ON/OFF function of embedded audio (1K, 400K) and ID character display. An option wil l enable you to meet SD-SDI.

Frame SynchronizerFS-70B, -WThis is a frame synchronizer module that meets HD-SDI/SD-SDI. Equipped with color correction function, it not only adjusts the brilliance, hue, and setup level of an image, but a lso compensates the color by R/G/B. One operation panel controls 10 modules, and can be extended up to 100m with the use of one BNC.

Frame SynchronizerFSL-70WThis model copes with 1080i/50, 59.94, 525i, and 625i. But it doesn’t have color correct function.

Audio Demultiplexer w/ D/A ConverterDAC-70EMBThis is a module that captures the embedded audio signal recorded in the video signal of HD-SDI/SD-SDI and outputs ana log or AES/EBU signal. The embedded audio signal corresponds to 24bits and 48kHz, and mon i to r s 2 channe l s i n t he analog mode and 4 channels in the digital mode simultaneously among 1 to 8 channels.

Audio DemultiplexerDMX-70HD/SDThis module captures the embed-ded audio s ignal recorded in the video signal of HD-SDI/SD-SDI and outputs 4ch AES/EBU signal. 4ch AES/EBU signal allows you to delay audio by 1/4 frames (approx. 8 ms) up to 4 frames (approx. 134 ms).

Audio MultiplexerMUX-70HD/SD, -WThis is a module that embeds 4ch AES/EBU signal in HD-SDI or SD-SDI. Inputted HD-SDI and SD-SDI a re automat ica l l y swi tched and meet the asynchronous AES/EBU signal.

D/A Converter w/ Audio DemultiplexerDAC-70A-A, -WI t converts SD-SDI into NTSC. I t demultiplexes at the same time SD-SDI embedded signal, and outputs your desired analog audio 4ch.

2ch Audio D/A ConverterDAC-70AES2Th is modu le conver ts AES/EBU signal of 2 different channels of 1/2ch and 3/4ch each having 2 outputs it. AES/EBU signal corresponds to each format of 24bit 48/44.1/32kHz, and switches automatically depending on input sampling frequency. It has output delay feature, which enables you to delay audio output signal up to maximum 4 frames (approx. 134 ms) on 1/4 frame step (approx. 8 ms).

D/A Converter w/ Color LockDAC-70A-B, -WIt converts SD-SDI into NTSC and dea ls w i th the co lo r f r ame. I t i s equipped with four NTSC outputs, which contains two buffer outputs.

D/A Converter for MonitorDAC-70SD, -WThis module converts SD-SDI into NTSC.

Digital Frame Delay LineDLY-70HD/SDThis module delays HD-SDI/SD-SDI signal at your will within 0 to 60 frames.

Digital Frame Delay LineDLY-70AESThis module delays AES/EBU digital audio signal at your will within 0 to 99 frames (0 to 3.3 sec)

Net Cue Sender / ReceiverQRS-70HD/SDThis module transmits and receives t h e c o n t ro l s i g n a l a m o n g A R I B STB-B39 broadcasting stations. I t over lays and transmits the cue signal on the ANC area of input SDI signal, or receives the control signal overlaid in ANC area and outputs audio mode, video aspect ratio, etc. by GPI output.

Net Cue Sender / ReceiverQRS-70DD1This module converts the inputted c o n t a c t - p o i n t s i g n a l i n t o N A B technical standard T016-1984 TV net cue signal, and superimposes and sends/rece ives i t on the 19, 20, 282, and 283H of SDI signal. It t ransfers the control information s u c h a s a u d i o m o d e ( S T E R E O , D U A L M O N O , S I N G L E M O N O) , aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9), etc.

10 11






This is a HD-SDI/SD-SDI compatible version of the best-seller "K i r ibar i -kun" (n ick name of cut & past ing dev ice ) , a te lop corrector. It makes your correction work such as magnifying, reducing, moving, rotating, copying, synthesizing, and deleting of telops very easily using the trackball. The corrected telops will be stored in files, and scroll editing and transmitting can also be done.

Telop CorrectorTW-9950HD/SD

Logo & KeyerLK-90HD/SD

This is a 2-channel color superimposer with filing feature. It files maximum 1500 sheets, readsout to each of two channels, and superimposes. The super and the edge have colorizing feature. BY connecting to an optional panel selector, you can add up to 30 main units and 12 panels. The main unit corresponds to the control from APC.

Th i s i s a "K i r i ba r i " op t i on on l y f o r ST-390 . I t makes you r correction work such as magnifying, reducing, moving, rotating, and copying, very easily using the trackball. It also can edit the scrolling data. As to import and export, it can read Videotron's format; ST-300, TW-9950, TW-428, CF-50, and, general format with alpha channel; PICT, TIFF, TGA, BMP, PSD.

Telop CorrectorTW-300

2ch Color KeyerCK-92W

This is a 2 channel color superimposer based on the CK-90HD/SD. Dual pow-er supply is available with option. 1U full size.

Color KeyerCK-92HD/SD

This meets the requirement of power redundant and is based on the CK-90HD/SD. 1U full size.

Color KeyerCK-91HD/SD

This is a color superimposer CK-90HD/SD to which super input still-p ic ture memor ies (2 sheets ) a re added. It has a masking feature.

Color KeyerCK-90HD/SD

This is a 1U half-sized compact and light color superimposer. When the FILL signal and the KEY signal are inputted, it performs superimposing operation in the external key mode, and, when there is no KEY signal and then performs superimposing operation with the self-key. Also, the internal coloriz ing feature enables you to colorize supers and edges with only KEY signal. Cascading connection among multiple units performs multi-superimposition.

16×4 Routing SwitcherRS-94HD/SD

This routing switcher has 16 inputs and 4 outputs and is compatible with HD-SDI/SD-SDI. The bui l t-in c lean-switch c i rcui t changes the sound noiselessly. I ts power d u p l i c a t i o n g u a r a n t e e s y o u handling with ease.

16×2 Routing SwitcherRS-92HD/SD

This routing switcher has 16 inputs and 2 outputs and is compatible with HD-SDI/SD-SDI and AES/EBU audio signal. According to video input, it automatically switches between HD-SDI and SD-SDI. Also, video signal and audio signal switch together in linked operation. Dual power supply is available.

16×2 Routing switcherRS-90HD/SD

This routing switcher has 16 inputs and 2 outputs and is compatible with HD-SDI/SD-SDI signals.The bui l t- in clean-switch circuit changes the sound noiselessly. There is also AES/EBU input com-patible type. Dual power supply is available.

4×1 Routing SwitcherRSF-90HD/SD

This routing switcher has 4 inputs and 1 output. It is compatible with 1080i, 525i, and 50i formats. It ac-cepts asynchronous input.

Marker GeneratorMG-90HD/SD

This equipment generates safety marker. It generates 4:3 markers of 80, 86, 90, and 94% for a down convert-er. A lso, i t d isp lays 5 cross marker at your des i red p o s i t i o n s . B y u s i n g a c h a r a c t e r o p t i o n , y o u c a n superimpose the character output (NTSC) of an edit- ing machine.

Mosaic MaskerMM-90HD

This is a mosaic masking device that masks an HD-SDI signal with mosaic. You can change the position and the size of a mask freely, and the movement of the position complies with real time. You can set a masking position by frame and executer the key frame following the time code. It displays up to 2 masks, and you can add defocus and original mask using an option. By using an operation panel and a foot controller, one operator can perform the entire work efficiently.


Character GeneratorST-300HD/SD

This is a HD-SDI/SD-SDI compatible character generator that realizes creating, editing, and transmitting telops. A variety of expressions such as colorizing characters, attaching edges and gradations and effects such as cuts, fades, slides, vertical and horizontal roll transmission etc. can be realized. It reads out filers, ST-330, and general purpose picture files such as PICT, BMP etc.Since it meets the requirements of networks, you can build up a telop system at low cost by deploying it as input purpose at production/art department, and as transmitting purpose for the sub-master. We also supply off-line purpose software. There is a mobile model that can be used at a relaying site or for events. *ST-300SD model is compatible with D1, D2, and NTSC.

I t a l l o w s a v i s u a l t i m e m a n a g e m e n t u s i n g t i m e l i n e , a n d transmits up to three supers simultaneously. It performs event t ransmission by t ime code or external GPI. The real t ime 3D effect feature enables you to t ransmit 3D effect in rea l t ime without wasting the time for rendering. As to the effects, there are approx imate ly 300 k inds of te lop e ffect funct ions. The basic effects are: wipes, mosaics, zoom, 2D turn, double door, split slides, slides, rotation, and page turn. Also, by using the optional CK-301HD/SD, it puts telops in easily as a non-linear system DSK.

Character GeneratorST-390HD/SD

HD/SD Digital Signal GeneratorSG-90HD/SD

SG-90HD/SD is the HD/SD signal generator that has each two outputs of BBS and tri-sync and allows adjusting their phases. It generates two patterns of color bar s ignal and st i l l -picture respectively. Up to 32 ID character is displayed in blinking or plate display. Coping with the AC and DC power supplies, it is available in multi-field.

TS Signal GeneratorSG-90TS

This is a TS generator that saves two streams of 8 seconds TS (512Mbit) into 1Gbit user area. It also saves up to 8 streams by dividing the user area. You can feel free to make the materials and take them to the SG-90TS via LAN or CF card. It has MPEG-2 (TS) multi-format color bar (1920x1080) and SMPTE color bar (720x576). The semiconductor memory realizes safe transmission.

Network AV file deviceCF-90HD/SD

The CF-90HD/SD is a 1U-half color file device for convenient use at relay spot or around-the-clock broadcasting. It supports the signals of 1080i/59.94, 1080i/50, 525i/59.94, and 625i/ 50 and stores up to 8000 still-pictures and up to 20 audio files separately on solid state disk. It allows simultaneously reproducing still-picture and one minute 2ch audio file, and also allows repeat replay of audio file. As to data movement, it supports baseband transmission, a CF card, and network transfer.


ATTENTIONSeveral other non-relevant companies use the same company name. Please be careful not to confuse us with others. Our company was established and registered as "Videotron Corporation" in Hachioji, Tokyo in 1972."Videotron" is also a registered trademark #4991348 of Videotron Corp. We have been engaged in business activities as a maker of video-processing apparatus. We do not belong to any systems of other enterprises, nor have we any subsidiary or sister companies.

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