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  • Biologically Active Food Supplements What Are They?Balanced nutrition forms the foundation of our health. Biologically active food supplements are precisely what you need to make your diet adequate and appropriate.Biologically active food supplements are natural complexes containing minerals, vitamins, dietary fibers, extracts of medicinal herbs, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, etc. They make up for the respective deficiencies in nutrition, enhance assimilation of healthy substances, boost internal powers of the body and mitigate the risk of many diseases.According to the scientists and doctors, accurate and regular intake of biologically active food supplements not only allows to retain youth, health and vitality longer. But also significantly improves the quality of life.Biologically Active Food Supplements Your Daily Allowance of Health!Biologically Active Food Supplements

  • Classic Hit

    Daily protection and nutrition of cells

    Healthy cellshealthy body. Classic Hit products provide for cellular protection of the whole body on a daily basis. No matter what disease you struggle with, start restoration of the body with the products of the Classic Hit line. Wide spectrum of action of the Classic Hit line addresses a whole range of problems: it purifies, regenerates and protects literally every cell of the human body, consequently preventing a great deal of ailments. The products prolong life-span of cells and revive them, so they regain ability to function as young and healthy. Efficiency of Classic Hit line products is not only clinically proved, but is also supported by thousands of positive feedback from consumers.

  • ANTIOX+ PROTECTS FROM FREE RADICALS, SLOWS DOWN AGEING *************************************************************************** Powerful unique antioxidant complex. Helps fight free radicals that daily attack our body, destroying its cells, and cause premature ageing and severe diseases. Antiox+ efficiently prevents ageing processes, protects cells from the disruptive effect of free radicals, regulates heart performance, strengthens capillaries and vessels walls and produces a pronounced reviving and immunomodulating action.

  • CHROMEVITAL+ BOOSTS ENERGY IN EVERY CELL*******************************************************************************

    Multicomponent energy tonic Chromevital+ stimulates energy processes at the cellular level. It contains specifically selected components to boost energy in every cell. Chromium within the complex participates in the processes of extraction of energy from fats and carbohydrates, and promotes reduction of blood sugar. Chromevital+ doesnt provoke exhaustion of the nervous system, but rather multiplies its reserves. Chromevital+ can help retain energy and vitality all day long.

  • DETOX+ CELLULAR PURIFICATION OF THE BODY, IMMUNITY REINFORCEMENT**********************************************************************************

    Purifies the body at the cellular level, removes toxins, enhances cellular immunity, which allows natural body self-purification systems efficiently eliminate toxic and bacterial threats. Uncaria tomentosa is renowned as a potent natural antibiotic and is widely used to fight a wide spectrum of diseases. Detox+ prevents cell degeneration. It effectively purifies the body after administration of synthetic medical drugs and significantly reduces side-effects of radio- and chemotherapy.

  • LIFEPAC SENIOR VITAMIN AND MINERAL COMPLEX WITH PROBIOTICS*********************************************************************************

    Its essential to take vitamins regularly, but with the disturbed microflora vitamins are not assimilated properly. Lifepac Senior is a unique combination of necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as living probiotic cultures. It sustains natural balance of the intestinal microflora, which facilitates complete assimilation of all consumed vitamins and minerals. It nourishes every cell and prolongs its lifespan; improves well-being, enhances immunity and surges energy within the body.

  • NUTRIMAX+ ALLEVIATES INFLAMMATIONS, NORMALIZES FUNCTIONING OF THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM**********************************************************************************Nutrimax+ is a true inflammation-buster. It operates at the cellular level, efficiently combating various acute infections, primarily of the urogenital sphere. It produces an antiseptic, antimicrobial and diuretic action, facilitates mild removal of sand and small stones from kidneys, renal ducts and bladder, and also prevents their further formation. It alleviates the course of urinary diseases and improves performance of the urogenital system.


    EVERYDAY DEFENCE AGAINST STRESS*********************************************************************************

    Pax+ forte is a powerful anti-stress complex that protects every cell of the body from the disruptive impact of stress. Enhanced by the elements of calmnessmagnesium and vitamin B6, it alleviates anxieties and discomfort, reduces excessive nervousness and excitability, improves stress-resistance. It promotes the feeling of calmness without reducing the working capacities and blunting reactions. Makes up for deficiency of vitamins and minerals that are quickly burnt by the stress.

  • SVELTFORM+ NORMALIZES METABOLISM, HELPS LOSE WEIGHT*********************************************************************************

    Sveltform+ deals with a major cause for gaining weightnormalizes metabolism at the cellular level. Ultimately balanced formula helps activate metabolism up to the exact degree that would facilitate intensive fat burning and transformation into energy. It slows down the process of turning of carbohydrates into fats, removing them from the body. Precludes retention of liquids in the body, diminishes edema. It helps reduce appetite, craving for sweets and pastry, enhances the effect of diets, decreases blood sugar and cholesterol.

  • Direct Hit Products-specialists with targeted action *********************************************** Every product of the Direct Hit line possesses targeted action and produces a localized effect. The line comprises products-specialists developed with specific capacities to deal with particular diseases and aim to fight a wide spectrum of health problems. These products significantly improve condition of the body in cases of chronic diseases, prevent ailments, relapses of diseases or possible complications.

    Direct Hit line products-specialists offer an efficient and safe way of improving health of precisely those parts of the body that require additional help.

  • BRAIN-O-FLEX EXPANDS BRAIN CAPACITIES*******************************************************************************************************

    Ingredients of Brain-o-flex complex reinforce microcirculation in brain vessels, which subsequently enhances supply of oxygen and nutrients to its cells, helps normalize blood pressure, mitigates headaches and dizziness, noises and tingling in the ears, clears mind. Increases the amount of efficiently functioning brain cells, activating the dormant ones. This consequently improves memory, IQ and attention focusing, and accelerates responsiveness. Effectively shields cells from breakage and slows down ageing of brain.

  • CUPERS NEO PROTECTION, PURIFICATION AND REGENERATION OF HEPATIC CELLS*******************************************************************************

    If liver functions are disturbed, it can not neutralize toxins, and they subsequently get into blood, spreading all over the body, poisoning and disrupting it. Cupers Neo maintains health of liver and restores its functions. It provides for the overall support of liver: careful purification, regeneration and fortification of its cells, and simultaneously launches self-purification functions of the body. Stimulates synthesis and outflux of gall, reduces its viscosity, preventing formation of stones. It also reinforces cell membranes of hepatic cells and precludes their damage. Improves digestion, thus reducing the load on liver.

  • ARTEMIDA NEO FOR WOMEN NORMALIZES ENDOCRINE PROFILE, HELPS ALLEVIATE MENSTRUAL PAINS ********************************************************* Artemida Neo maintains normal level and proper balance of hormones in the body. Normalizes menstrual cycle, relieves menstrual cramps and prevents inflammations in the genital system. Helps preclude and alleviate PMS symptoms, restores iron level in blood, prevents anemia. Regulates menstrual cycle, sustains reproductive (fertility) function, helps preclude mastopathy, metrofibroma, endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. Regular administration prolongs the reproductive phase and consequentlyfemale youth.

  • BEAUTY FOR WOMEN TRUE BEAUTY FROM THE INSIDE ************************************************************* Due to their high bio-availability active ingredients ofBeautypenetrate directly into deep layers of the skin.Beautyvisibly improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin, restores its elasticity. It also evens out the skin, nourishes and lifts it, elevates its resilience and tightens it up, thus stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It protects cells from the adverse impact of free radicals and internal stresses, thus decelerating ageing processes.Beautyefficiently combats skin imperfections, eliminates blackheads, micro-inflammations, freshens complexion and reduces pores. It renews cells of skin, hair and nails, activating regenerative processes.Beautywill make you look prettier and help preserve appealing look for many years to come.

    The unique action ofphytosterolsis that they reduce the level of bad cholesterol, simultaneously dissolving already formed plaques.

  • MEDISOYA+ FOR WOMEN POSTPONES MENOPAUSE, RELIEVES ITS SYMPTOMS ********************************************************* Medisoya+ is the source of phyto-estrogens, indispensable to every single woman. Contains efficient and safe phyto-estrogens with a hormone-like action that however dont have any side-effects of hormones. Regular administration may help postpone menopause. And during menopause this product is able to help alleviate its torturous symptoms: hot flashes, sweatiness, vaginal dryness, mood swings. Prevents washing-out of calcium from bones and contributes to prevention of osteoporosis.

  • NORTIA FOR WOMEN SOULS EQUILIBRIUM FOR WOMEN ****************************************************** Nortias unique formula is based on plants with calming properties, as well as on microelements and vitamins, required for normalization of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems in women. The formula is enhanced by iodine, vital for the female nervous system, as it restores functions of the thyroid gland, normalizes endocrine profile, stabilizes female psycho-emotional state, alleviates anxieties, during PMS as well. The complex regulates the level of serotoninthe hormone of happiness. It relieves nervous excitability and fortifies the nervous system, thus protecting female heart.

  • iCBerry FOR WOMEN IMPROVES INTIMATE FEMALE HEALTH ******************************************************* iCBerry is an innovative product with a unique formula. It contains cranberry extract that prevents propagation of pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary tracts and thus precludes cystitis. Lactobacteria produce biologically active substances that destroy pathogenic microbes and bacteria, provoking urogenital diseases. iCBerry restores the intimate microflora after administration of antibiotics, and is also efficient as part of comprehensive treatment of cystitis relapses. Innovative PPM technology allows to preserve living probiotic cultures among ingredients of the complex.

  • GRANATIN Q10 PROLONGS YOUTH*******************************************************************************Granatin Q10 combines power and energy of coenzyme Q10 with a mighty antioxidantpomegranate seed. Together they form a powerful rejuvenating tandem to facilitate cell renewal and regeneration. Granatin Q10 allows to decelerate ageing processes and postpone age-related changes. Boosts metabolism and prevents various related diseases. Supports performance of the cardiovascular system, invigorates and helps retain radiant appearance and preclude wrinkles.

  • KG-Off Fat Absorber WEIGHT REDUCTION, FAT ABSORPTION ******************************************************************************Effective absorber of excessive fat. Binds molecules of fats well before their assimilation by the body, binds and removes them from the body. Launches synthesis of energy from already existing fat deposits, which subsequently promotes weight reduction.

  • SupreFiber WEIGHT REDUCTION, CONTROL OF APPETITE*******************************************************************************Suppresses hunger, prevents overeating, and is completely calorie-free. Reduces appetite and allows to eat less. Helps get used to avoiding late dinners and observe diets without any effort. Most importantly, it promotes evolving of a habit of eating frequently and in small portions.

  • NATURE TAN PERFECT SUNTAN, PROTECTION OF SKIN FROM PHOTO-AGEING*****************************************************************************Nature Tan facilitates beautiful suntan, ultimately protects the skin from an adverse impact of UV-rays, prepares it for the impact of sun, reduces the risk of sunburns. As a result the suntan is acquired faster, it is even and lasts longer, without appearance of pigmentation spots. The product secures external skin protection and reinforces its defence barriers from the inside. Maintains optimal level of moisture, prevents dryness and thinning of the skin, which consequently helps preclude wrinkles, appearing as a result of the sun impact, prevents photo-ageing and cell degeneration.

  • CHEVITON GORGEOUS HAIR, STRONG NAILS**********************************************************************************************************Cheviton provides enhanced protection and structural material for hair and nails. It efficiently protects hair follicles, reduces hair loss, activates hair growth, contributes to thickness and volume of hair. Actively nourishing hair from the inside, it procures elasticity, resilience and healthy texture of hair, making it strong and shiny. Blocking the impact of free radicals, it prevents destruction of hair due to the negative environmental factors, as well as aggressive ingredients of shampoos and hair colour. It also stops premature canities and dandruff; successfully addresses such problems as dry, sparse, splitting and dull hair, uneven hair structure, and thin, brittle, flaking nails. As a result this product guarantees thick, gorgeous, shiny hair and strong even nails.

  • LCBalance NORMALIZES BLOOD CHOLESTEROL ****************************************************************************************************Excessive level of bad cholesterol in blood may ultimately cause many diseases. Nevertheless our body requires good cholesterol, which is why it is so important to watch the balance of bad and good blood cholesterol without reducing the latter. LCBalance allows to reduce bad blood cholesterol, simultaneously maintaining the level of the good one. It prevents absorption of cholesterol through the intestine and getting into the blood flow, and blocks the synthesis of cholesterol in liver. Purifies blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, which subsequently precludes many cardiovascular diseases, like atherosclerosis, hypertension, thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes. Improves blood quality and enhances supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Efficiently boosts central and peripheral blood circulation.

  • VINEX SUPPORTS FUNCTIONING OF HEART AND BLOOD VESSELS****************************************************************************Vinex is a unique fraction of red grapes, by far exceeding even the best red wine in its wholesome properties. Has a powerful antioxidant effect and improves heart performance. Normalizes vascular tone and microcirculation, as it primarily enhances capillary circulation. Prevents oxygen deprivation of organs and tissues. Nourishes heart muscle with oxygen, fortifies walls of blood vessels and capillaries, improves their elasticity, ensures free blood flow within vessels.

  • HIPER ANTI-STRESS COMPLEX NATURAL ANTIDEPRESSANT*************************************************************** It is recommended to take Hiper to alleviate depressive conditions and nervous breakdowns. It restores damaged nervous fibers and improves neural transmission. Mildly but efficiently mitigates the symptoms and consequences of depressive conditions, like melancholy, anxiety, oppression and apathy, improves sleep quality. This natural antidepressant boosts optimism. Not only it helps overcome depressions, but also has an overall beneficial effect on the mental condition. It has a sedative and tranquilizing action, but doesnt provoke daytime sleepiness. It guarantees habitual level of physical and mental activity, elevates mood and improves social adaptability.

  • MISTIK ANTI-STRESS COMPLEX NATURAL SAFE REMODY FOR DEEP SLEEP *********************************************************** Mistik allows to improve sleep quality and reduce nervous excitability. It provides for quick falling asleep and ensures easy and bright awakening. It produces a mild sedative effect, relaxing and alleviating nervous tension and anxieties. Addresses the problems of cat naps, prolongs profound sleep phase, contributes to making sleep calmer and more profound, helps get rid of nightmares, reduces sensitivity to light and noises. Ensures sound sleep at any age without necessity to take synthetic medical drugs, doesnt build up tolerance, nor provokes broken feeling in the morning or daytime sleepiness.

  • PASSILAT ANTI-STRESS COMPLEX EASES NERVES, HELPS HEART ************************************************************ Passilat is recommended as a calming remedy in cases of chronic functional nervous system disorders, neurosis or heart pains, vegetovascular dystonia. It restores functions of the nervous system and normalizes cardiac rhythm. Soothes, alleviates nervous tension and simultaneously tones up the heart muscle, thus improving coronary circulation. It has a sedative action and prevents nervous breakdowns. Doesnt produce a suppressive action on the nervous system, nor blunts reactions.

  • REVIEN ANTI-STRESS COMPLEX FIGHTS CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME ********************************************************** Perfectly balanced, Revien complex can help regain strength, stabilize emotional state and overcome anxieties. Ingredients of the complex contribute to maintaining the balance of excitation-inhibition processes in the nervous system, which allows to work and rest to the full extent. Normalizes performance of the nervous system, mitigates apathy and irritability. This complex invigorates the whole body, significantly improves mood, elevates activeness without provoking sleep disorders. Precludes nervous and physical exhaustion, inherent in people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • ENjoyNT COMPREHENSIVE PROTECTION FOR JOINTS*******************************************************************************If joints are constrained, crunch or ache, an innovative complex EnjoyNT serves as an indispensable remedy. It contains glucosamine and chondroitin that prevent destruction of joints and stimulate natural regeneration of the cartilaginous tissue. MSM enhances their effect, stimulates synthesis of the synovial fluid, alleviates inflammation and pain. Bamboo extract ensures active re-mineralization of the bone tissue and prevents its degeneration. EnjoyNT allows to restore joints, helps regain their flexibility and agility, diminish pains and constraint of movements in the morning.

  • ARTUM FOR MEN HEALTH OF THE PROSTATE **************************************************************** Prostatitis, adenoma, impotencythose are the problems no man would ever wish to encounter. Artum will help avoid them. It contains all known and clinically tested ingredients to contribute to the health of prostate. Artum has a targeted action: it alleviates inflammation, pain and edema, restores normal urination and potency. Improves circulation in the small pelvis, and consequently decongests organs of the small pelvis and restores the prostate functions. It efficiently combats prostatitis, prostate and bladder hyperplasia, and deactivates factors, regulating growth of adenoma. Artum comprehensively shields prostate and helps normalize its functions.

  • LAMIN FOR MEN SOURCE OF MANLINESS AND STRENGTH ********************************************** Lamin Vision is the best energy tonic for men. It charges with energy for the whole day, significantly enhances physical and mental working capacities, elevates endurance and stress resistance. But mainly it promotes synthesis of the natural testosterone, which is indispensable to reach success in social and sexual spheres of life. Ultimate level of testosterone refers to manliness, attractiveness for women, self-confidence and success. Lamin Vision prolongs male youth, improves sexual and reproductive health. It increases the amount, vitality and fertilizing capacities of spermatozoa, which allows to become a happy father at any age.

  • STALON NEO FOR MEN IMPROVES POTENCY **************************************************************

    Stalon Neo allows men to live up to the full, stay healthy and confident. Stalon Neo stimulates activity of the spinal cord nodes, responsible for erection; it activates sexual functions, enhances blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis and promotes ultimate synthesis of male hormones. It subsequently boosts erection, contributes to prolongation of sexual intercourse, elevates sexual endurance and enrich sexual sensations.

  • URSUL FOR MEN ANTI-INFLAMMATORY REMEDY FOR MEN *************************************************************** Ursul is a specifically created complex with an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action to address health problems men face. Successfully fights viruses, fungi, bacteria that provoke prostatitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other urogenital diseases. Its natural ingredients are enhanced by the action of copper, gold, and most importantlycolloidal silver that efficiently combats 650 types of bacteria. Ursul mitigates the risk of infectious diseases of the urogenital tracts and prevents them from becoming chronic. It boosts the local immunity, reduces the risk of veneral diseases.

  • HeparD FIGHTS ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY AND ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME ************************************************************************************************************************HeparD provides a two-way action: fights alcohol dependency and precludes alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It contains a unique plant, called kudzu, used back in Ancient China to cure alcohol intoxication and dependency. Kudzu mitigates the effect of an alcohol-splitting ferment, due to which fact craving for alcohol ceases incessantly. Natural ingredients of this complex prevent oppressive state in cases of abstinence from alcohol, promoting muscular and emotional relaxation. Administration of HeparD before drinking alcohol will contribute to prevention of hangover effect.

  • Junior Hit

    JUNIOR HIT- VITAMINS FOR CHILDREN *******************************************************Vitamin and mineral complexes for children have been created by the French pharmaceutical company Arkopharma and produced in Ireland. They comprise an optimal set of major vitamins, macro- and microelements for a growing body. These complexes contain all vitamins, minerals and plant ingredients, indispensable for proper development of a child.Junior Hitcomplexes for children strengthen the immune system, sustain formation of locomotor apparatus, support physical activity and ensure proper mental and physical development. Besides, they are very tasty. The effect ofJunior Hitcomplexes is obviousthey provide for balanced development of a child at all stages of active growth.

  • BE BIGThe source of calcium to strengthen bones and teeth of children in the period of active growth*********************************************************************************************************Complex for children, perfect for the phase of active growth, based on calcium, silicon and vitamin D3, that directly target development of the skeletal system. Vitamin D3 provides for assimilation of calcium within the body, which is absolutely indispensable for formation of the bone tissue, as well as for the proper performance of heart, nervous and muscular systems. Calcium is essential for formation of healthy tissue of both baby and permanent teeth. The product alleviates nervous and muscular over-excitability. Silicon in the bamboo powder improves assimilation of calcium, participates in the formation of ligaments, cartilages and joints. Apart from that it participates in phosphorus metabolism, and hence strengthens teeth enamel and prevents caries, which is particularly relevant for changing of baby teeth into permanent teeth.

  • BE WISE+ The source of iodine for physical, psychological and mental growth *******************************************************************************************************Selenium and iodinekey ingredients of the complexare indispensable microelements for kids health, responsible for thinking skills and energy of a child. Iodine contributes to normalization of the thyroid gland performance and improves the synthesis of its hormones that promote development of the nervous system and activity of neurons. The complex regulates metabolism as well as functions of the nervous system and brain. Enhances responsiveness, attention focusing, memory and assiduity. Balanced formula of the complex enhances performance of the digestive tract and promotes improvement of appetite.


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