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Page 1: Programmable Silicon Photonic Optical Thresholder(MRR) and a coherent background pathway (MZI) [17], [18]. III. SIGNAL CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT EXPERIMENT AND RESULTS The experimental


Programmable Silicon Photonic Optical ThresholderChaoran Huang, Thomas Ferreira de Lima, Aashu Jha, Siamak Abbaslou, Alexander N. Tait, Bhavin J. Shastri,

and Paul R. Prucnal

Abstract—We experimentally demonstrate an all-optical pro-grammable thresholder on a silicon photonic circuit. By exploit-ing the nonlinearities in a resonator-enhanced Mach-Zehnderinterferometer (MZI), the proposed optical thresholder candiscriminate two optical signals with very similar amplitudes.We experimentally achieve a signal contrast enhancement of40, which leads to a bit error rate (BER) improvement by 5orders of magnitude and a receiver sensitivity improvement of11 dB. We present the thresholding function of our device andvalidate the function with experimental data. Furthermore, weinvestigate potential device speed improvement by reducing thecarrier lifetime.

Index Terms—Optical thresholder, nonlinear silicon photonics.


THRESHOLDERS are at the heart of analog-to-digitalconverters, comparators and operational amplifiers.

Thresholders that are based on simple, effective and integrableall-optical components can have operating speeds well beyondthe limit of their electronic counterparts. Therefore, all-opticalthresholders have found their unique and indispensable rolein a variety of applications which require fast signal process-ing. Examples include neuromorphic photonics, optical codedivision multiple access (OCDMA), optical logic gate, opticalsignal regeneration, and physical layer security, etc [1]–[4].In these applications, all-optical thresholders play a crucialrole in effectively enhancing the signal contrast. A poor signalcontrast will lead to degradation of the system quality andresult in a large bit error rate (BER). An all-optical thresholdercan be used to improve the system performance.

Substantial efforts have been made to develop high-performance optical thresholders by exploring different non-linear effects and materials [2], [5]–[7]. However, most ofthese systems are constructed with bulky and discrete photonicdevices. Recent work [3] demonstrated an integrated, low-power optical thresholder by exploiting Fano resonances on anInP photonic crystal (PhC) membrane structure. This deviceimproved receiver sensitivity by 2 dB.

The development of the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platformsoffers the possibility to integrate optical thresholders on asilicon chip. The high refractive index of silicon enables effi-cient nonlinear interaction of lights within a short waveguide.

This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)(Award N00014-18-1-2297).

*Corresponding author: [email protected]. R. Huang, T. F. de Lima, A. Jha, S. Abbaslou, A. N. Tait, B. J. Shastri,

and P. R. Prucnal are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, PrincetonUniversity, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA.

B. J. Shastri is with the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics &Astronomy, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON KL7 3N6, Canada.

A. N. Tait is currently with the Physical Measurement Laboratory, NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305, USA.

Moreover, the nonlinearity of silicon can be further enhancedby cavity structures such as microring resonators (MRRs).Optical thresholders based on silicon MRRs in use withdifferent structures have previously been proposed. However,only numerical simulations have hitherto been shown [8], [9].

In this work, we propose and demonstrate an all-opticalthresholder based on resonator-enhanced Mach-Zehnder inter-ferometer (MZI) on a SOI platform, as an extension of ourrecent conference paper [10]. In addition to signal contrastenhancement demonstration [10], we present the operationprinciple of our device using a experimentally-validated the-oretical model. Using this model, we also characterize thethresholding function and the processing speed of our device.

In the ring resonator, near the resonance, the signal expe-riences a power-dependent nonlinear phase shift that variesrapidly with its optical power. In addition, the ring resonatorcan significantly enhance the circulating power of a signal.Our thresholder makes use of the power-dependent nonlinearphase, and the MZI can convert such phase shift to amplitudechange with a large extinction ratio [11]. The combined actionof these effects leads to a highly sensitive thresholder witha sharp power transfer slope of 44. In addition, we haveimplemented a Mach-Zehnder coupler (MZC) preceding theMZI together with thermally tuned biases on MZC, MZIand ring resonator. Such a design makes this device fullyprogrammable, therefore ensuring that perfect interference andhence largest sensitivity can be achieved. With the proposedthresholder, we experimentally demonstrate that two opticalsignals with very close power levels can be well distinguished,leading to 40x signal contrast improvement. This conse-quently leads to a BER improvement by 5 orders of magnitudeand a receiver sensitivity improvement of 11 dB.

In a silicon waveguide, both the Kerr effect and the freecarrier dispersion (FCD) can induce a nonlinear phase shifton traveling lights with fast dynamics. It is found that FCDpractically dominates over Kerr in the silicon MRRs [12].Therefore, in our current device, FCD is the dominatingmechanism that contributes to the nonlinear phase and resultsin the thresholding function. FCD, stemming from two-photonabsorption (TPA) induced carriers, has a long response timein the order of hundreds of picoseconds, and thus slow downthe device speed. Therefore, we propose to improve the devicespeed through active carrier removal, i.e., reverse-biasing a p-i-n junction transversal to the silicon waveguide to sweep awaythe carriers [13], [14]. We show that the proposed device canoperate at 10 GHz when the carrier lifetime is reduced to ∼ 18ps. The carriers imposed speed limitation can also be overcomeby other techniques, including the use of a silicon-organichybrid approach and other TPA-free nonlinear materials inwhich the Kerr effect becomes the dominated mechanism










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Page 2: Programmable Silicon Photonic Optical Thresholder(MRR) and a coherent background pathway (MZI) [17], [18]. III. SIGNAL CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT EXPERIMENT AND RESULTS The experimental


contributing to the phase shift [15], [16]. All these techniquesare compatible with our proposed thresholder.


The idea of the proposed optical thresholder is to exploit theoptical-power-dependent phase shift induced by the nonlinear-ity in silicon waveguide. An MZI is used to convert the phasechange into an intensity change with a large extinction ratio.With a sufficiently large phase difference due to the power-dependent nonlinearity, the interference between the signalsfrom the two arms of the MZI can switch from constructive todestructive, leading to self-switching. To achieve a significantself-switching under low optical powers, we load an MRR inone arm of the MZI, resulting in an all-optical thresholderbased on an MRR-enhanced MZI (Fig. 1(a)). This enhance-ment considerably reduces the required optical power supplyby increasing the effective interaction length and instantaneousoptical power through coherent power buildup.

To maximize the thresholding effect, it is critical to switchoff the low power signal through destructive interference.Perfect destructive interference requires the signals travelingin the two MZI arms to have equal amplitudes and an exactπ phase difference. Therefore, we designed a MZC precedingthe MRR-loaded MZI through a wideband 3 dB coupler. Thebias of the MZC (through the heater on one of its arms)can be adjusted to balance the amplitudes at the two armsof the MZI, while the MZI bias can be independently tunedto introduce a π phase difference. The bias on the MRR alsoneeds to be carefully adjusted to ensure that the thresholderis working around the resonance wavelength to achieve thehighest sensitivity.

Our all-optical thresholder consists of fully-etched, 500 nm-wide waveguides (Fig. 1(b)) on a passive-SOI platform withsilicon thickness of 220 nm, a 3 µm oxide passivation layer,a Ti/W heating filament layer, and an Al routing layer. TheMRR on the MZI’s arm has a radius of 5 µm and highcoupling coefficient (gap = 100 nm), yielding a Q-factor∼25000. The resonance of the MRR on the lower arm ofMZI is tuned away from the operating wavelength and is notused in our experiment. A microheater on the MRR providesflexible resonance control over a full free spectral range (FSR).Thus, input signals of different wavelengths can be easilyaccommodated. Two microheaters are deposited on the armsof MZC and MZI. These tunable elements can control theinterference condition of the device and enable us to locatethe sweet spot of thresholding for the signals.

Two typical transmission spectra under different micro-heater DC current biases are shown in Fig. 1(c). Whenthe biases are off (blue curve), the resonance features onthe transmission spectrum resemble a Lorentzian-like shapewith an on-off ratio of ∼7.5 dB. However, there is a slightasymmetry in the shape due to the residual path unbalancebetween the two MZI arms. When the bias currents are on andadjusted (orange curve), the optical power at resonance is ∼-90dBm denoting an off condition. The on-off ratio in this case isfound to be more than 45 dB. This result indicates that, loadingan MRR on the MZI can significantly improve the on-off ratio







(c)7.5 μm

Bias off Bias on


MRR Grating



Heater HeaterHeaterHeater

100 μm

Fig. 1. (top-left) Schematic illustration of the proposed all-optical thresholder;(bottom-left) Microscope image of the fabricated device. The resonance of theMRR on the lower arm of MZI is tuned away from the operating wavelength.(right) Optical spectrum of the MZI before and after tuning the heaters to thedesired regime of operation.





Square Wave






Data modulation

Pulse carving

Fig. 2. Experimental Setup: DFB: distributed feedback laser; MZM: Mach-Zehnder; PPG: pulse pattern generation; EDFA: erbium-doped fiber amplifier;BPF: bandpass filter; DUT: device under test; OSA: optical spectrum analyzer;OSC: oscilloscope; BERT: bit error rate tester.

of the device transfer function. This highly sensitive transferfunction can be explained by the Fano resonance effect, whichresults from the interference between a resonance pathway(MRR) and a coherent background pathway (MZI) [17], [18].


The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 2. The signal isgenerated by modulating a distributed feedback (DFB) laseroutput using two cascaded MZMs. The first MZM is driven byelectrical pulses from a pulse pattern generator (PPG) (AnritsuMP1763b). A pulsed optical signal with ∼80 ps pulsewidthand equalized peak power is generated. The second MZMis driven by programed patterns at a data rate of 400 Mb/s.This yields a 400 Mb/s return-to-zero (RZ) signal with twodifferent power levels, and the contrast between two powerlevels can be dynamically adjusted by tuning the bias of thesecond MZM. The data speed is limited by the decay time ofthe TPA-induced carriers. The optical signal is amplified to20 dBm by an erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) to triggerthe nonlinearity in the silicon waveguide and compensate forthe fiber-to-chip coupling loss. The optical signal is coupledto the device by free-space coupling through a sub-wavelengthgrating coupler with ∼8 dB coupling loss. The eye diagrams ofthe input and output signals are obtained by photodetectors andmonitored using a sampling oscilloscope (OSC) (TektronixDSA8300). The signal optical spectrum is monitored usingan optical spectral analyzer (OSA) (APEX AP2440A). Themicroheaters are independently driven by computer-controlledcurrent sources to optimize the parameters necessary to attaina high signal contrast ratio.

Page 3: Programmable Silicon Photonic Optical Thresholder(MRR) and a coherent background pathway (MZI) [17], [18]. III. SIGNAL CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT EXPERIMENT AND RESULTS The experimental


Input 1 Output 1

Input 2 Output 2

ER = 1.32Q = 5 dB

ER = 42Q = 11.4 dB

ER = 1.13Q = 0.7 dB

ER = 10Q = 8.7

Before Thresholder

Before Thresholder

After Thresholder

After Thresholder

100 ps 100 ps

100 ps 100 ps

Sensitivity improvementat BER= 10-7



Fig. 3. Eye diagrams of the signals before (left) and after (right) thethresholder for input signal contrast ratios of 1.32 (top) and 1.12 (bottom).

Fig. 3(a) shows the device performance using two sets ofsignals with different input signal contrast ratios. Both sets ofsignals have contrast ratios close to 1, resulting in significantlydegraded signal quality (Q-factor) even though the receivedaverage powers (0 dBm) are much higher than the receiversensitivity. After being processed by the thresholder, the lowerpower pulses in both signals are fully suppressed. As a result,the signals after thresholding have a significant signal contrastenhancement (∼40 times for signal 1, and 7.5 times for signal2), which leads to a Q-factor improvement of 6.4 dB forsignal 1 and 8 dB for signal 2. The result confirms that ourthresholder works well under signal contrast close to 1.

Fig. 3(b) shows the results of BER measurement of signal2 using a BER tester (BERT). Assisted with the all-opticalthresholder, the communication link can achieve an error-free detection (BER = 10−9) at a received signal power of−27.5 dBm due to the contrast enhancement leading to anopened eye. Without the thresholder, at the same receivedpower (−27.5 dBm), the link has a BER higher than 10−4. Thepresence of this thresholder can also effectively improve thereceiver sensitivity by 11 dB at a BER of 10−7(see Fig. 3(b).


To correctly model the thresholding behavior of our device,nonlinearities in the silicon waveguide including the Kerreffect, TPA, TPA induced free-carrier absorption (FCA) andFCD are taken into consideration. Thermal-optic effect isexcluded due to its long response time compared to the signalspeed. In our simulation model, the MZC and MZI are treatedas linear waveguides due to their short lengths. Nonlinearcoupled-mode theory is used to study the change in the signalcomplex amplitude and carrier density in the MRR [19]. Theevolution of the normalized complex amplitude a, and thenormalized carrier density n is governed by

∂a/∂t = i(δω − nKerr|a|2 + σfcdαtpan)a−

−(1 + αtpa|a|2 + γfcaαtpan)a+√γpPin(t)(1a)

∂n/∂t = |a|4 − n/τ, (1b)

where δω is the frequency detuning between the light sourceand the MRR resonance; t is the time variable normal-ized with Γ−1

0 = 2QL/ω0, QL is the total quality factor;Pin is the power input, and (nKerr, αtpa, σfcd, γfca, γp) ∝

Signal 1

Signal 2

17.4 dB

1 dB


(b.i) (b.ii) (b.iii)Signal 1Signal 2

Fig. 4. (a) Power transfer function of the proposed device; (b) Input (i) andoutput (ii) signal waveforms with two different peak powers; (iii) signal phaseevolution.

(n2ω0, β2, σe,hω0, σfca,Γc/Γ30), are the Kerr, TPA, FCD,

FCA, and quality factor coefficients, respectively. These equa-tions were simplified from Ref. [19], and renormalized so thatthe two-photon absorption term only appears in Eq. (1a) [12].

The input signals are Gaussian pulses with widths of 100 ps.Their wavelength is located at 150 GHz away from the MRRresonance, and the MRR Q factor is 25000. These conditionsare consistent with those in the experimental measurement.The power splitting ratio on MZC and the phase bias onMZI are optimized such that the slope of the transfer functionis maximized. The transfer function in Fig. 4(a) shows that,through our thresholder, a signal contrast of 1 dB (the signalcontrast is numerically equal to the extinction ratio (ER) of1.25) between the two input signals is enhanced to 17.4 dB(ER = 54.9) in the output signals, resulting a 44× signalcontrast enhancement. Fig. 4(b.iii) shows the nonlinearity-induced intensity dependent phase change in the MRR, whichrenders an amplitude shift in the MZI output. Along withthis phase change, we can optimize the biases applied to theMZC and MZI to maximize the ratio of the peak powersbetween two output signals. This can be accomplished whenthe phase difference of the 1-level signal and 0-level signalis approximately π, and a destructive interference occurs onthe 0-level signal while a constructive interference occurs onthe 1-level signal. In the simulation, we also verify that FCDsignificantly dominates over the Kerr effect and governs thenonlinear phase shift. Such a verification is conducted byobserving the difference in signal phase when the Kerr effect isincluded and excluded, and we find that the phase difference isinsignificant (the results are not shown in this paper) in thesetwo cases. The input and output pulses of the two signalsare plotted in Fig. 4(b.i) and (b.ii). The simulated contrastenhancement and the pulse waveform match well with theexperimental data.


Although FCD plays a dominant role in discriminatingthe signals, its long lifetime hinders fast nonlinear signalprocessing (>10 GHz) in silicon. Therefore, the processing

Page 4: Programmable Silicon Photonic Optical Thresholder(MRR) and a coherent background pathway (MZI) [17], [18]. III. SIGNAL CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT EXPERIMENT AND RESULTS The experimental


Current device

Fig. 5. Device speed as a function of the carrier lifetime; inset: zoom-in viewof red region.

speed of the current device is limited to 400 Mbit/s. A widelyapplied technique to overcome the speed limitation is byactive carrier removal, i.e., reverse-biasing a p-i-n junctiontransversal to the silicon waveguide to reduce the lifetime offree carriers. The carrier lifetime can be effectively reducedby increasing the reverse-biasing voltage [20].

Here, we study the device speed with active carrier removaland characterize the device speed under different carrier life-time τ using our simulation model described in Eq. 1. Indevice speed characterization, the input signal is an impulsewith a pulsewidth <1 ps. The device speed is defined as1/T , where T is the time that takes to reduce the free carriernumber by 99% compared to the peak carrier number. It isworth noting that the definition of T here takes the cavityeffect of MRR into consideration, and thus is not equivalentto the carrier lifetime. Fig. 5 shows the device speed as afunction of the carrier lifetime. As expected, reducing thecarrier lifetime can increase the device speed. With reducedlifetime, the similar thresholding function can still be achievedat the cost of requiring a higher signal power. Our currentdevice operates at a speed of 400 Mbit/s and is marked inFig. 5. The inset of Fig. 5 is a zoom-in view when the carrierlifetime is smaller than 40 ps. As shown in the inset, ourthresholder has the potential of working beyond 10 GHz whenthe carrier lifetime is reduced to ∼ 18 ps [20].

The processing speed limitation imposed by carrier effectscan be further relaxed by designing MRR with a lower Qfactor. Other alternative approaches include the use of asilicon-organic hybrid waveguide and other TPA-free nonlinearmaterials [15], [16]. All these methods are compatible with thedesign of our proposed thresholder.


We have proposed and experimentally demonstrated anall-optical programmable nonlinear thresholder based onresonator-enhanced nonlinearity in a Mach-Zehnder interfer-ometer. This device can discriminate signals with extremelyclose power levels due to its sharp thresholding transfer func-tion, as predicted by a theoretical model based on nonlinearcoupled theory. We experimentally demonstrated that thisthresholder enables an enhancement of 40 times in signal am-plitude contrast, and consequently, an improvement of 11 dB inthe receiver sensitivity. The proposed thresholder, developedon a CMOS-compatible silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform,can find uses in a number of high-performance optical signal

processing applications and can be monolithically integratedwith other on-chip functionalities.


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