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PROGRAMMERS SLANGFrequent acronyms

Page 2: Programmers slang


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FLOSFree Libre and Open Source

This is not something that you will hear too often, but its a good concept to follow. !The programmers community is huge and a lot of them have tons of things to share, so why not join them?

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/ə pē ī/


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APIApplication Programming Interface

Defines the way software applications can interact with each other.

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CRUDCreate Read Update and Delete

These are the basic operations for persistent storage. !It’s implementations are found in database systems and in API actions.

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/ō är em/


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ORMObject-Relational Mapping

A technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in OOP languages. !Some web frameworks implement their own ORMs for mapping to different database systems using the same structure.

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/em vē sē/


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MVCModel View Controller

It refers to a pattern for storing and interacting with information.

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MVCModel: refers to storing the information, usually the database layer. !View: how the user sees the information (eg HTML). !Controller: performs various operations to produce the expected output or modify the information.

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/em vē pē/


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MVPMinimum Viable Product

Represents a strategy used to release a new product with the least needed functionality in order to produce feedback from clients and enhance it later.

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SaaSSoftware as a service / Service Oriented Architecture

Represents a software architecture where all components are designed to be services. !Which means, the web is a client/server architecture.

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SaaSIt has 3 demands on the infrastructure: !Communication: allow customers to interact with service !Scalability: new services can be created rapidly to handle load spikes !Dependability: service and communication continuously available 24x7

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/tē dē dē/


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TDDTest-Driven Development

Is a programming strategy that consists of short cycles, where tests are written first and the actual implementation comes second. !It’s especially useful to ensure code quality. !A frequent strategy used with TDD is Red-Green-Refactor.

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def test_my_profile(self):! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert response.code == 302! !!!def test_my_profile(self):! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert response.code == 302!! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! client.login(‘foo’, ‘bar’})! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert response.code == 200!!!!def test_my_profile(self):! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! client.login(‘foo’, ‘bar’})! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert 'Hello foo' in response

TDDdef my_profile(request):! return redirect('/login/')!!!!!def my_profile(request):! if not request.user.is_auth:! return redirect('/login/')! return 'OK'!!!!!!!!def my_profile(request):! if not request.user.is_auth:! return redirect('/login/')! return 'Hello %s' % request.user

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/bē dē dē/


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BDDBehavior-Driven Development

Is a technique introduced to ensure that the software is doing what the client expects, while at the same time maintaining code quality. !Behaviors had to be defined first and implementation had to follow them, by providing test first and only then writing the actual code.

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As a registered user I can visit my profile page.!

BDDdef test_my_profile(self):! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert response.code == 302!! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! client.login(‘foo’, ‘bar’})! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert 'Hello foo' in response

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FIRSTFast Independent Repeatable Self-checking Timely

These are properties that a good test has to meet in order to be useful and effective.

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FIRSTFast: it has to run quick !Independent: a test has to be able to be executed isolated and not rely on other tests. !Repeatable: a test can be executed anytime and the outcome will still be the same. !Self-checking: it must automatically detect if it passed !Timely: refers to test being written before code (TDD)

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FIRST - FASTFast means fast...

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def test_my_profile(self):! self.client.post(‘register’, ! {‘user’: ‘foo’, ‘pwd’: ‘bar’})! client.login(‘foo’, ‘bar’})! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert 'Hello foo' in response

FIRST - INDEPENDENTdef test_create_user(self):! self.client.post(‘register’, ! {‘user’: ‘foo’, ‘pwd’: ‘bar’})! [...]!!def test_logged_in(self):! client.login(‘foo’, ‘bar’})! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert 'Hello foo' in response!!

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def test_last_login(self):! tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)! today = datetime.today()!! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! user.last_login = today - tdelta! ! tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days=30)! since = today - tdelta! assert user in User.objects.filter(! last_login > since)!

FIRST - REPEATABLEdef test_last_login(self):! tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)! today = datetime.today()!! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! user.last_login = ‘2013-09-01’! ! since = today - tdelta! assert user in User.objects.filter(! last_login > since)!!!

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def test_last_login(self):! tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)! today = datetime.today()!! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! user.last_login = today - tdelta! ! tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days=30)! since = today - tdelta!! assert user in User.objects.filter(! last_login > since)!

FIRST - SELF CHECKINGdef test_last_login(self):! tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)! today = datetime.today()!! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! user.last_login = today - tdelta! ! tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days=30)! since = today - tdelta! users = User.objects.filter(! last_login > since)! if user not in users:! print ‘We have a problem’!!!

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FIRST - TIMELY (TDD)def test_my_profile(self):! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert response.code == 302! !!!def test_my_profile(self):! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert response.code == 302!! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! client.login(‘foo’, ‘bar’})! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert response.code == 200!!!!def test_my_profile(self):! user = UserFactory(’foo’, ’pass’)! client.login(‘foo’, ‘bar’})! response = client.get(‘/myprofile/’)! assert 'Hello foo' in response

def my_profile(request):! return redirect('/login/')!!!!!def my_profile(request):! if not request.user.is_auth:! return redirect('/login/')! return 'OK'!!!!!!!!def my_profile(request):! if not request.user.is_auth:! return redirect('/login/')! return 'Hello %s' % request.user

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/sē ī/


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CIContinuous Integration

Is a practice of running tests and creating a build automatically.

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CIPrinciples you have to follow for CI: !Maintain a code repo Automate the build/deploy Make the build self-testable Keep the build fast Everyone can see the results of the build Automate deployment (Continuous Deployment)

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/drī/ vs /wet/


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DRY vs WETDon’t Repeat Yourself vs Write Everything Twice

Is a principle that refers to reducing repeated blocks of common functionality to a separate sequence that can be called independently. !It will help you achieve more reusability and automation.

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def login_required():! if not user.is_authenticated():! return redirect(‘/login’)!!def get(request):! login_required()! [ … ]!!def post(request):! login_required()! [ … ]!!

def get(request):! if not user.is_authenticated():! return redirect(‘/login’)! [ … ]!!def post(request):! if not user.is_authenticated():! return redirect(‘/login’)! [ … ]!!


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KISSKeep it simple, stupid

Is a principle that the implementation has to follow the simplest logic instead of a complex one. !It's probably the most difficult strategy in programming. Most user-friendly interfaces and interactions, are probably also the most over engineered.

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KISSDo not overcomplicate design or code, consider different approach and trade-off and finally choose the simplest one, based on system constraints and business rules. !It will improve testability, usability and your code would probably be self-documented and much easier to refactor in the future, if required.

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def add_user(uname, pwd):! epwd = md5(pwd)! user = User(uname, epwd)! user.save()! return user!

def add_user(uname, pwd):! epwd = md5(pwd)! user = User(uname, epwd)! user.save()!! send_email(user, ‘Hello World!’)! send_email(admin, ‘New User!’)!! stats = Stats.filter('country')! stats += 1! stats.save()!! login(uname, pwd)! redirect(‘/myprofile/’)


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/eks pē/


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XPExtreme programming

Is a software development methodology which is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements. !

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XPPractices: !Pair programming TDD CI Small releases KISS

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What are the acronyms you encountered? What are the principles you follow to deliver better code?


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