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Page 1: Programming with \'C\'

Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

C Programming by Mani Sridharan

All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or modified by any means without written permission from

Sridharan Mani.

Warning and Disclaimer:

This material is designed to provide information about „C‟ Language. Every effort has been made to make this material as

complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.

The information is provided on an “as is” basis. The authors, distributors and publishers shall have neither liability nor

responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book or

from the use of the programs that may accompany it.

Page 2: Programming with \'C\'

Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

Welcome to the Land of 'C'

'C' is a programming language developed by Dennis Richie & Kerningham. It standards between 2nd

and 3rd

generation languages. It is a powerful language for Business & Scientific applications. It can be used

for writing commercial applications like financial accounting, banking operations as well as scientific

applications like controlling a robot, electrical furnaces, nuclear reactors and so on. Some of the popular

packages written out of 'C' are

UNIX - Operating System.

C++ - Compiler.


Before we start looking at 'C' as a language, let us have a look over the generation of languages. Let

us understand the term language. Language is a method for communication. Assume an Indian wants to

discuss about building construction with a Mexican. Here the Indian and the Mexican should have some

standards for discussions. Basically they have to communicate by means of a common channel which both

of them can understand. Assume the Spaniard knows only 'Spanish' and the Indian knows only 'Hindi'. There

will be a lot of misunderstanding during the communication.

The computer understands only Zeroes and Ones and we need to communicate in Zeroes and Ones.

Hence, the MACHINE Language was introduced and it forms the First Generation Language. Machine

Language instructions were made of ones & zeroes that could be easily understand by the computer.


Why a computer can understand only Zeroes & Ones and not other numbers ?


First Generation Language:

First Generation Language is also known MACHINE LANGUAGE. Instructions are in binary

format. All the instructions were in zeroes and ones. For Example if you want to add two numbers, say 5 &

6, in MACHINE LANGUAGE for Intel 80586 processor. You need to type the instruction as

101110000000010100000000 101110110000011000000000 0000000111011000

Machine Language is highly complex to write. It is also processor dependant. No conversion of

instructions is required as it is in the host language and faster in execution.

Second Generation Language:

It is also known as Assembly Language. Here the instruction set is in simple English. For each

instruction in Machine Language a mnemonic code is given.

For example 10111000 -> MOV AX,

00000001 11011000-> Add AX,BX

For adding 5 + 6, the instructions in assembly language would be

MOV AX, 0005

MOV BX, 0006


Now AX will contain 000B(in hex) -> 00000000000010011(in binary)

Page 3: Programming with \'C\'

Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

Assembly Language was easy to write. But it required a lot of skills in writing programs, since

accessing of memory and device interfacing had be done directly. The language is also processor dependant.

If we write a program for the Motorola 68020 processor, the program cannot be compiled and executed in

80486 Intel processor. Similarly, if we write a program for 80286 processor with advanced instructions of

80286, it is not possible to run the same program in the 8088 processor. Even though it is as faster as

Machine Language, it is not portable across the system.

Conversion from Mnemonic code to Machine code should be done before executing the program.

The programmer‟s language is in simple English Mnemonic codes and the host language is in Bits. For

converting Assembly code to Machine an Assembler is used.

Two of the popular Assemblers are the TASM(Turbo Assembler) and the MASM(Macro Assembler).

Third Generation Language:

As we saw earlier, it is difficult to program using Machine language and assembly language is

machine dependant. Computer professionals started looking at a language that was machine independent and

could provide a satisfactory amount of performance.

Third Generation languages are machine independent and easy to program. They have the methods

of defining the data as number, character, date and so on. Here data definition statements and looping

constructs were provided to help the programmers to develop applications easily.

The software is like a book and resembles the English language. Let us have a look over a book

(Software) written in English („C‟) with a Third Generation Language.

Each book (software) is made of multiple chapters (programs). Each chapter (program) is made of

paragraphs (functions) and each paragraph (function) is made of statements terminated by a period(;) and

each statement is made of words (keywords and operators).

Keywords and operators are specific to a language. Keywords & operators can be compared to the 26

alphabets of English Language.

Third Generation languages are easy to write, but the performance is comparatively lower than

FIRST & SECOND generation languages. Conversion is required because Third Generation languages are

English like, whereas, the computer knows only binary instructions. To overcome this problem each

language comes out with its own converter to convert their code into machine code. The converter used in

conversions is known as a "COMPILER" or "INTEPRETOR", depending on the method of conversion. If

we write a program in third generation language, we need to have the compiler for that language to convert

into machine code. So Source code is machine independent whereas, the Compiler is processor dependant.

In simple terms, assume you (SOURCE) have a servant (COMPILER) who can talk in any language

(PROCESOR). Let us assume that you want to convey "How are you?" to a Spaniard, Polish, Tamilian &


In third generation language your will say "HOW ARE YOU?".

Your servant will convert this to “Que te pasa” in Spanish, “Jak Sie mast” in Polish, "eppadi

irrukirai?" in Tamil and "Thum kaisa ho?" in Hindi to allow different people to understand and proceed with

their normal operations. Here, you are the Source code and your servant is the compiler that converts the

code according to the system.

Examples of Third Generation Languages are: C, C++, JAVA, FORTRAN, PASCAL and BASIC.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

INTEPRETORS are used for converting the source program line by line while the COMPILER

converts in one stroke. BASIC is an example of an INTEPRETOR based language and all the rest of them in

the example are COMPILER based.


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a Compiler and an Intepretor in detail. Identify their

application areas.

Fourth Generation Languages:

As time passed, we wanted to have our lives to be made much simpler. It so happened that a

programmer needs to understand the basis of a programming language to work with the systems.

Professionals wanted to break this barrier. They wanted a language that resembles English and was easy for

the end user to use without having any knowledge of hardware and system.

The language that evolved out of this research is known as SQL (STRUCTURED QUERY

LANGUAGE). It is an easy language and simple to use. It is easy to write programs in this language as it

does not contain any device or memory operations as in the other generations of languages.

Here we do not worry about the location of the data or the format of the data for querying. We do not

bother to initialize printer or open a file to get reports as per requirements.

SQL is the language set of RDBMS. SYBASE's SQL is known as TSQL(Transact Structured Query

Language). ORACLE's SQL is known as PLSQL.

I hope this would give you a general idea of computer languages. Now we will look at a specific

third generation language 'C'.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


“C” lies between SECOND & THIRD generation languages. Using 'C' we can interface with devices

directly with the help of hardware interrupts; like a second generation language; or we can use standard

functions of 'C' to access peripherals without a knowledge of the device interfacing

mechanism(ABSTRACTION of the earlier).

Let us have a look over this example to have a clear idea of the statements made. Assume we want to

print "C" on the Screen.


Method 1:

char far *scr[]=0xB8000000L; refers to Video RAM Memory in VGA monitors.

scr[0]='C'; Writing a character 'C' on the memory area which causes

interrupt 10 to happen and the character is printed on monitor.

Method 2:

asm mov al,46 assigning al register with ascii value of 'C' in hex.

asm mov ah,0A assigning ah register with the function no.

asm mov cx,01 counter set to indicate only one character

asm int 10h invoking interrupt 10 to call the necessary BIOS

routines to handle the situation.

asm int 20h Exiting normally after printing the character on VDU


printf("C"); printf does all the operations above said and it is a

part of Standard 'C' library.

Don't concentrate much on the code as it is just an example. The example illustrates that „C‟ language

can behave either as a 2GL to directly interact with the devices or like a 3GL by using the standard library

functions of it.

The Computer can be defined as an electronic device that is capable of storing and processing

data. A Computer is a data oriented machine but not knowledge oriented. It cannot think or perform any

actions on its own. As professionals we need to program the way we want it to work.

From the above statements we could infer that we need to provide a mechanism for storing and

processing data. So a third generation language should provide means for storing and processing data. To

provide a clear picture, any third generation language should contain the following components.




Keywords & Operators are like alphabets to English language. They forms the words, sentences &

paragraphs of a language. „C‟ Language is made of 32 reserve words.

Keywords provides the mechanism for

1. Defining data (as String, Number, Date,...).

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

2. Iteration (Repeated operations).

Operators provides the method for doing arithmetic and logical operations.

Assume we are interested in printing the sum of 5,6. The computer is a dumb fellow. It doesn't know

what a number is or how to add numbers. So the language has to educate the computer and tell what the

number is and how to find the sum of it.

For defining the number we use KEYWORDS. For calculation we use OPERATORS.

In 'C' it would be

int no;


here "int" keyword defining "no" as number.

"=" is the assignment operator defined by the language.

"+" is the addition operator defined by the language.

Understand that "=","+" are like normal characters to a computer. The language has to associate the

appropriate meaning to it for usage.


1. Can you identify the differences between a LANGUAGE and a COMPILER and how a

LANGUAGE and COMPILER are related?

2. Define your own language say 'D‟. Identify the data defining keywords and the operations possible

with those datatypes with the symbol of the operator in the format shown below.

Data Type Type of Data Operation Symbol


The 'C' language is made of 32 keywords. Keywords are the alphabets to a language. They keywords

are used for:

defining the type of data they are going hold

decision making

iteration operations.

Computer stores data in terms of bits.

1 bit --> 0 or 1 (Binary Digit).

4 bits --> Nibble (Hex).

8 bits --> Byte (1 character (one alphabet in English)).

1024 bytes --> 1 Kilobyte.

1024 Kilobytes --> 1 Megabyte.

1024 Megabytes --> 1 Gigabyte.

1024 Gigabytes --> 1 terabyte.

Each and every symbol in the keyboard is associated with a number. The number is allotted by

ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange), an international organization.

The number associated with 'A' is 65.

The number associated with 'a' is 97.

The number associated with '0' is 48.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

When we want to represent 'A' in the computer, it would be represented as 65. 65 is converted into binary

format and represented in a byte. We will have a look at keywords and operators when we start



1. How many Bytes & Hex the following data would require?

a. “God is Love”

b. “Hello World”

c. “Y”

d. “No defeat is final, until we stop trying”

e. “Tough times never last but tough people do”

2. Express 67 in binary format and justify how it accommodates in a byte.

3. How many characters can be represented using a byte? Justify your answer.

4. What are the other standards defined for representing characters in Computer? Illustrate with


5. Statement : 'T' is equal to 't' in Computers. Is the statement true? Justify.


A 'C' program contains the following parts.

1. Header file --> contains information about the functions called.

2. main() --> Starting Point of 'C' program.

3. Statements --> The statements to be executed.

3. exit() --> Exit point of 'C' program.

NOTE:- 'C' program file names should always terminate with .c extension.

A sample 'C' program "first.c". Use vi for typing the code.


#include <stdio.h>



puts("Welcome to C");



#include is a keyword is used for including a header file. Here we are using a header file by name "stdio.h"

which contains the declaration of puts function.

main() is a function that indicates the starting point of execution.

puts() is a function that takes "Welcome to C" as parameter for printing on to screen.

exit() is a function that is used for terminating the 'C' program execution.

Note: Each and Every Statement is terminated by ';' like '.' in English. { } is used for representing the

beginning of function (or) paragraph and end of function (or) paragraph.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

main is the name of the function(in English - paragraph title) which is made of 2 statements(in English -

lines). '{' indicates the beginning and '}' indicates the end of the paragraph.


After saving the file, compile using cc as shown below.

$ cc first.c -ofirst

Then execute first and see what happens.



1. Write a program to print your name 5 times on Screen.

2. Write a program to print the following designs.

a) ******* b)******* c) *

****** ****** ***

***** ***** *****

**** **** *******

*** *** *****

** ** ***

* * *

3. In puts function instead of enclosing the parameter in double quotes, enclose in single quotes and

see what happens.

4. Use puts to print the value 5 on the screen without using quotes . Justify the reasons for error.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


Before we proceed further with the constructs of Language, let us try to figure out what a compiler does. We

have multi pass compilers and Single pass compilers. A pass refers to the scanning of Source Code from top

to bottom. 'C' Compilers are usually 2 pass compilers.

A compiler is a software program is used for converting the source code(Native Language) either into an

object code(Machine Language) for execution or Assembly code(2GL,Assembly language) for Assembler to

convert into Machine Code.

The compiler is made of following components.

1. Lexical Analyzer.

2. Syntactic & Semantic Analyzer.

3. Intermediate Code Generator.

4. Intermediate Code Optimizer.

5. Final Code Generator.

6. Error handler.

7. Symbol table.

Any process that has to be executed in a computer should be loaded in the primary memory of the

Computer(RAM). Computers can understand only ONE‟s & ZERO's. The Machine code contains the

variables, functions in the form of address loaded on the main memory. A compiler converts all the variables

and functions into the machine's memory addresses for proper execution. Each and every variable name and

function name in the source code is known as a symbol.


This component of a Compiler divides the source program into a set of tokens. A token could be a

keyword, or an identifier, or an operator or a constant value.



Lexical Analyzer

Syntactic Analyzer

Semantic Analyzer

Intermediate Code Generator

Intermediate Code Optimizer

Final Code Generator

Error Handler

Symbol Table

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

Let us have a look at this example.

char alpha='A';


Lexical Analyzer would split this as

char--> keyword.

alpha--> identifier

= -----> operator.

'A' ---> Value.

puts ---> function(identifier).

str ---> identifier

The statement is made of four tokens. The identifiers would be stored in the symbol table for future



The Symbol table contains the name, type, size and virtual address of the identifier. Virtual address are

usually represented in hex. To provide clarity in understanding the addresses are represented as

numbers in the entire book.


(start) (end)

alpha character 1 400 400

puts function 4 600 603


str character 25 700 724

Symbol table contains the information of all the variables and function defined in the program. It contains

the memory address pointed by the symbol. Any operation made with the symbol would be made in that

memory address pointed by it.

When we refer to variable 'alpha' in a program, it means we are operating memory address 400. Let us look

at this small piece of Code.


A -> 65 (ASCII value) = 01000001 Binary.

'alpha' is pointing to 400th byte in Memory Location.

As we know earlier a byte can hold 8 bits. 01000001 is stored in memory location 400 which is equivalent

of storing 'A' in that location.


What does the following statement do ? How does it operates on memory ?

Assume alpha containing 'C' in all cases.

alpha=alpha + 2

alpha=alpha / (2 * alpha)

alpha=alpha - 1

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


It is used for checking the syntax and semantics of the code as defined by the language. Syntax and

Semantics are predefined by the language. Syntax refers to the way the statements are to be framed.

For example: Syntax of 'if' is

if <condition>



In the program if use 'if' as

<condition> if



it is syntactically wrong.

Semantics refers to the grammar of the language.

For example: 'puts' is a function used for printing a stream of characters on Screen.

puts("Welcome") ---> valid usage.

puts(4000) ---> Grammatically wrong.

The above statement is syntactically correct but semantically wrong. It has been defined so that puts can

print a stream of characters on screen and not a number.

The Syntactic and Semantic analyzer creates a parse tree after scanning the tokes passed by Lexical

Analyzer. LR parsing, Canonical Parsing, Bottom-up parsing, top-down parsing are some of the methods

used for parsing.

Refer to Compiler Construction of Aho Ullman for more details on Parsing.


How a Compiler knows that puts can take only a string and not a number is an interesting question ? It is

very true that puts is not a part of 'C' language and arguments that it takes is not defined in the language

part. Can you tell me how the Compiler identifies the arguments passed to the functions are valid or not ?


Using the parse trees an intermediate object code is generated. It is one to one conversion of Source code

into machine language. All the Symbols are replaced by virtual machine addresses.


This part of the compiler optimizes the code that was generated earlier. For example consider the following

piece of source code.

if a == b goto Lab1

if a < b goto Lab2

if a > b goto Lab1

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

Object code generated after Intermediate Code Generation will also contain same steps. The Intermediate

code Optimizer would optimize it to

if a < b goto I2

goto I1

Now have a look over the no. of steps.(CPU operations are reduced drastically and hence improves


Intermediate Code Optimizer, Optimizes for Speed & Size.


The code generated after Optimization is the final object code. Object contains the one to one conversion of

source code.


The final code generated by the compiler contains the equivalent statements of source language in machine

code. In our program, if we have puts("welcome"), the same statement would be written as machine code in

object FILE. Now our object file doesn't know what it has to do when it encounters the puts

function.(???)The Source program doesn't contain the instructions of puts function and it not a part of 'C' the


'puts' is an external symbol(function) with respect to this program. So if our program has to run successfully

the code of puts should be also included in our program. So a linker is used for attaching the code of the

external functions used in our program.

So whenever we use cc compiler, first it creates an object code and then it creates an executable code.

Example :

$cc first.c -ofirst

is equivalent to

$cc -c first.c ---> COMPILATION

$cc -l first.o -ofirst ---> LINKING

Try this out:

Type a.c and b.c using vi and answer the questions.

Program 1: a.c

#include <stdio.h>






Program 2: b.c

#include <stdio.h>

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]



puts("In Program B");



Compile as

1. $ cc a.c b.c -oa

$ a

2. $ rm a

$ cc a.c -oa

$ a

Analyze the output and give reasons.


C has following data types for defining data. Size of data type int is machine dependant and it is equal to

the size of “word” of the processor. The size of the datatypes are enclosed in brackets.

Data Type Size(in bytes) Storage

char 1 alpha-numeric character

int 2 or 4 Integers

float 4 exponents(real numbers).

long 4 Long Integers (can store numbers beyond the width of int)

double 8 Long exponents (can store numbers beyond the width of float)

short 2 Short Integers(small integers).


1. Assume our machine has a memory of 640K out which 300K is available for us. Our Program code

occupies 200K in memory. Considering the situation and answer the following questions?

1. Max no. of Integer variables that can be defined in program.

2. Max no. of Character Variables that can be defined.

3. Max no. of Double variables that can be defined.

2. Assume virtual address for the following variables. Create a Symbol table and draw memory maps for


char first;

int number=25;

char name[30];

float basic;

double squareroot;

short empno;

long pointer;

3. Integer & float occupies 4 bytes of memory in „C‟. But how, float can store decimals which integer can‟t.


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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]




if ( <condition> )










If we have only one statement to processed after checking for the conditions, the {} braces are not required.

NOTE: „=‟ is used for assignment and „==‟ is used for checking. Any zero assignment in condition is

considered to be False and non-zero assigment is considered to be True. All the operators returns a zero

or a non-zero value in „C‟ to indicate True or False states.

Let us write a small program which accepts a character and checks whether it is '1' or '0'.

getchar, fflush, putchar & puts are standard library functions of C.

getchar() -> used for accepting character.

fflush() -> clearing the buffer (here input buffer).

putchar() -> printing a character on Screen.

puts() -> printing a stream of characters on Screen.

Note: “stdin” refers to the buffer associated with standard input device - keyboard. “stdout” refers to the

buffer associated with standard output device - usually Visual display unit. “stderr” refers to the buffer

associated with standard error device - usually Visual display unit. “stdin, stdout & stderr” are #defined

variables in „stdio.h‟


#include <stdio.h>



char alpha;



if ( alpha == '1' )




if (alpha == '0' )





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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


While Construct:

while ( <condition> )






Do While Construct:






} while( <condition>);

Note: The difference between while and do while construct is in while, it checks the condition and

executes the statements and in the case of do while it executes the statements and checks the condition.


Third.c - To display menu.(using while construct)

#include <stdio.h>



char choice=„1‟;

while ( choice != „0‟ )


puts(“1. Add”); puts(“2. Mod”); puts(“3. Del”);



/* do something/



Third.c - To display menu.(using do while construct)

#include <stdio.h>


{ char choice;


{ puts(“1. Add”); puts(“2. Mod”); puts(“3. Del”);



/* do something */

}while(choice != „0‟);


Note: In the above example we have initialized choice to „1‟ whene using while construct to ensure that it

enters the loop(in while it checks the condition and enters loop). But it in the case of do while(2nd


choice is not initialized because, it enters the loop and then checks the condition.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


1. Write a program to check whether the entered character is an alphabet, or digit or a special symbol. The

program should continue functioning till '0' is entered.

2. Write a program to accept 2 characters and print the greatest of them. ( using if and without using if or

any constructs)

3. Write a program to accept 3 characters and print the least of them.

4. Write a program to accept a character and it has to check with the previous character. It is has to display

whether the current character entered is greater or lesser or equal to the earlier character entered. The

program should continue till the user enters '0'.

5. Write a program that reverses the case of the character entered and prints on the screen. The program

should terminate when user enters '0'. It should take care of all possible errors.

3. Write a program to swap two characters using a temporary variable and without using a temporary

variable. The program should terminate when user enters '0'. It should take care of all possible errors.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


for ( <initialization>;<condition>;<new assignment> )







Fourth.c - To print from 1 to 100.

#include <stdio.h>


{ int i;


{ printf(“%d\n”,i); }


In the above example we are printing the first 100 natural numbers. Here we are using the for construct for

achieving the same. for construct is made of three parts

Part 1 is for initialization

Part 2 is for condition checking

Part 3 is for assigning new values;

In this example it assigns 1 to „i‟ (Part 1) and checks whether it is less than 101(part 2), then it executes the

statements enclosed in parenthesis which is “printf(“%d\n”,i)” and then increments „i‟ by 1(Part 3).

Then it goes to Part 2 for checking. If the condition is satisfied statements are executed and does the action

specified in Part 3 and hands the control to Part 2. This loop continues and the statements are executed till

the condition is satisfied.

Break Reserve Word

break is a reserve word used for exiting from a loop(while, do while & for).

Example: To illustrate the usage of „break reserve word‟

Fifth.c - To print from 1 to 100.

#include <stdio.h>


{ int ctr=1;



if (ctr > 100) break;





In the above example, the while loop terminates when the ctr contains the value 100. The termination is

made possible by the break reserve word.

Continue Reserve Word.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

continue is a reserve word used to place control to the top of the loop (while ,do while & for).

Example: To illustrate the usage of „continue reserve word‟

Sixth.c - To print from 1 to 100.

#include <stdio.h>


{ int ctr=0;





if (ctr < 101) continue;




In the above example, the do while loop continues till the ctr reaches 101. When ctr contains 101, the

condition in the „if‟ statement fails and executes the break reserve word to terminate from the loop. When ctr

is less than 101, the reserve word continue takes the control back to the top of the loop (i.e) ctr++ to

increment ctr by 1 and to proceed with rest of the operations.

Return Reserve Word.

return is a reserve word used for return the control back to the calling routine from the sub routine.

Example: To illustrate the usage of „return reserve word‟

Seventh.c - To return the character entered by the user to the shell

#include <stdio.h>


{ char alpha;

puts(“Enter a character”);



puts(“Entered Character is “);


puts(“At Shell prompt type „echo $?‟ to print the ascii value of the character”);

return alpha;


In the above example, return reserve word causes the ascii value of the character entered to be returned to

the shell.


Switch is used as a substitute to “if”. In a situation if we have different operations to be performed

depending on the value on a variable, the switch construct is usually replaced with “if” construct to reduce

the complexity of the code.



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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

case value1: statement;



case value2: statement;


case value3:

case value4: statement; /* for value3 & value 4 same set of statements are executed */

statement; break;

default : statement;


break; /* if none of the values tally */


Eight.c - To display menu & use switch case.

#include <stdio.h>



char choice;



puts(“1. Add”);

puts(“2. Mod”);

puts(“3. Del”);





case „1‟: printf(“In Add option”); break;

case „2‟: printf(“In Mod option”); break;

case „3‟: printf(“In Del option”); break;

case „0‟: return;

default : printf(“Invalid Choice: Range[0-3]”);break;




A look at library functions printf & scanf

printf: printf is a library function used for displaying a character or a stream of characters, integer, float,

double or long on the standard output device.

Syntax : int printf(const char *, arg1,arg2,....);

first parameter (const char *) refers to format.

Format Used for

%c Character

%d Integers, short int, long int

%s String

%ld Long

%x Hexa-decimal

%o Octal

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

%h Short

%f Float

%L Long Double

%e, %E, %g Float

%p Address of the variable

Example : printf(“%s”,”Hello World”);

printf(“%d”, 234);

printf(“%s%d”,”Hello World”,234);


printf(“%p”, “Hello World”);


printf(“%*.*s”, 15,15, “Hello World”);

printf(“%h”, 23);

printf(“%o”, 94);

printf(“%x”, 12);

printf(“%d”, 0x0004);

scanf: scanf is a library function used for accepting a character or a stream of characters, integer, float,

double or long from the standard input device.

Syntax : int scanf (const char *, (address of arg1),(address of arg2),....);

first parameter (const char *) refers to format.

Format can specify the sequence of characters to be accepted using [], ^ .

Format Used for

%c Character

%d Integers, short int, long int

%s String

%ld Long

%x Hexa-decimal

%o Octal

%f Float

%h Short

%L Long Double

%e, %E, %g Float

%p Address of the variable

Example : char c; char str[50]; int j; float f;


scanf(“%s”, &str); or scanf(“%s”,str);


scanf(“%25s”,str); / * Accept a max of 25 characters */



scanf(“%[A-Z]”,str); /* Valid Characters are only A to Z */

scanf(“%[^!]”,str); /* Accepts till factorial is entered */


NOTE: If we refer to the variable name, it refers to the content of the variable. If we want know the

address of the variable, we must put „&‟ before the variable name. When we use printf we are printing the

content and we just refer the variable name and in the case of scanf we have to store the details at the

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

location of the variable and hence we should specific „&‟ before the variable. Exception to this rule is in

the case of array, variable name and &variable name refers to the address. Arrays are vector quantities

and all base types are scalar quantities.


1. What would be the output of i,j at the end of each and every case:

a. for(i=0;i<100;j=i,i++);

b. for(i=0;i<100;j=i++);

c. for(i=0;i<100;j=++i);

d. for(i=j=5;(i<100) && (j < 200);i=i-5,j+=i);

e. for(i=j=5;(i<100) || (j< 200);i=i-5;j+=i);

2. Identify the errors (if there are any)

Assume „i‟ to an integer variable in all cases.

a. for(i=0, i<100, i++)

b. for( ; ; );

c. for(;i<100;);

d. for(;; i+=2);

e. for(;;i-=2) { printf(“hello”); }

f. for(i=0;i<100;printf(“%d\n”,i+1),i++);

g. for(i=0;;);

3. Write a program to print first 100 even numbers in reverse order.

4. Write a program to print first 100 prime numbers.

5. Write a program to print first 3 Armstrong number.

6. Write a program to print first 3 Perfect numbers.

7. Write a program to accept a number and check it is a prime.

8. Write a program to accept a number and find square-root of that no.

9. Write a program to accept a number and find cube-root of that no.

10. Write a program to accept a number and check it is perfect no.

11. Write a program to accept 30 floats and find the sum, max, min and avg.

12. Write a program to accept the first term(a) and the difference (d) and display the value of nth

term in the

Arithmetic Progression. [formula: Term n = a + (n - 1)d ]

13. Accept n & m.(m >= n) Write a program to print the sum of the series for

1 + 2 + 3 + …. n [formula: Sn=(n(n+1))/2]

n + (n+1) + (n+2 ) + (n+3) …. m

1 + 3 + 5 + .… n [formula: Sn=((n+1)/2)2]

n + (n+2) + (n+4) + (n+6) … m (m is odd )

12+ 2

2 + 3

2 + … n

2 [formula: Sn=(n(n+1)(2n+1)) / 6]

n2 + (n+1)

2 + (n+2)

2 + (n+3)

2 …. m



+ 23 + 3

3 + … n

3 [formula: Sn=(n(n+1)/2)


n3 + (n+1)

3 + (n+2)

3 + (n+3)

3 …. m


14. Write a program to accept length of Square (could be decimals) and print

a. Area of the Square b. Diagonal c. Perimeter.

15. Write a program to accept circumference of a circle and print

a. Area of the circle b. Diameter of the circle

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


This chapter introduces the concept of creating our own functions in „C‟. A user defined function

should be declared and then it has to be defined.


Declaration is to indicate the name of the function, arguments taken by the function and the type of

value returned by the function. The template for declaring a function is

<Return Type> <Function name> ( <arguments>) ;

Examples :

a. int Sum (int , int);

Here Sum is the name of the function that returns an int and takes two int as arguments.

b. float reminder(long, int);

„reminder‟ is the name of the function that returns a float and takes a long and int as parameter.

c. void display(int,char[]);

„display‟ is the name of the function that returns nothing(void) and takes a int and character array as


d. void Header(void);

„Header‟ is the name of the function that returns nothing(void) and takes nothing.

e. void setX(int *x);

„setX‟ is the name of the function that returns nothing(void) and takes a pointer to an integer. Pointers will

be discussed later in this material.


While defining the function we actually specify what the function has to do when it is invoked.

return statement is used for returning the value from the function.

Examples:(the code for functions declared earlier are given below:)

a. int sum(number1,number2)

int number1,number2;


return (number1 + number2);


b. float reminder(divident,divisor)

long divident;

int divisor;


float remind;


return remind;


c. void display(empcode,empname)

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int empcode;

char empname[];


printf(“Employee Code :- %d \n”,empcode);

printf(“Employee Name:- %s \n”,empname);



d. void Header(void)


printf(“\n\t\t\tSoftTech Consultants”);

printf(“\n\t\t\tC Programmers”);




nine.c To illustrate the usage of user defined functions.

Write a program to accept 2 numbers and print the minimum of two numbers.

#include <stdio.h>

int minimum(int,int); /* Declaring the function */

int main(void)

{ int no1, no2;

int minvalue;

printf(“Enter Number 1: ”);


printf(“Enter Number 2: ”);


minvalue=minimum(no1,no2); /* Invoking the function */

printf(“The minimum value is %d\n”,minvalue);


int minimum(number1, number2) /* Defining the function */

int number1,number2;

{ if (number1 < number2) return number1;

return number2;


Note: Some of the compilers doesn‟t support the argument declarations while declaring the function. In

that case, we can declare the function with out arguments by having dummy ( ) followed by „;‟. By default

„C‟ compiler automatically declares the functions which returns an integer and hence they could be

defined without declaring.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


1. Write a user defined function to return absolute value of a number.

2. Write a user defined function Greater that takes four numbers as arguments and returns the maximum of

the four.

3. Write a user defined function CheckUpper to take a character as an argument and returns 1 if it is in

upper case else zero.

4. Write a user defined function CheckDigit to take a character as an argument and returns 1 if it is a digit

else zero.

5. Write a user defined function CheckLower to take a character as an argument and returns 1 if it is in

lower case else zero.

6. Write a program to check whether the entered character is an alphabet, or digit or a special symbol. The

program should continue functioning till '0' is entered. Use the functions that you have created earlier.

7. Write a user defined function SI to calculate simple interest. The function should take principal, rate of

interest and no. of years and returns the SI value.

8. Write a user defined function check_right_angled_triangle. It should take the length of opposite side,

adjacent side and hypotenuse and returns 0 if it matches the sides of a right angled triangle or 1 if not.

9. Write a user defined function Area_of_a_triangle. It should take length of 3 sides as parameters and

returns the area of the triangle.

10. Write a user defined function FACTORIAL that returns the factorial of the number passed as parameter.

11. Write a user defined function GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) that takes 3 numbers as arguments and

returns the GCD of the three.

12. Write a user defined function LCM (Least Common Divisor) that takes 2 numbers as arguments and

returns the LCM of the two.

13. Write a user defined function that prints the multiplication table. It should take the table no. and

multiplication value till a no.

Example: multable(16,8)

Output Should be from 16 x 1 = 16 to 16 x 8 = 128

13. Write a user defined function that returns Square root of a number.(don‟t use sqrt library function).

14. Write a user defined function that returns Cube root of a number.

15. Implement user defined functions for SIN, COS and TAN.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


Arrays are rectangular arrangement of elements of the same type. Each and every element in the

array is referred using the subscript of the element.

Syntax for creating a single dimensional array:

<Storage identifier> <variable name>[<no_of_elements>];


char alphabet[26];

Creates a single dimensional character array under the variable name alphabet to hold 26 characters.

int marks[5];

Creates a single dimensional integer array marks to hold 5 subject marks.

float rate[12];

Creates a single dimensional floating point array to hold rate of 12 items.

Referring elements in an array:

Elements in the array are referred using the subscript, the subscript starts from zero. Thus if we want

to refer to element no. 5, the subscript should be 4. If we want to refer to first item, the subscript should be


Let us assign alphabet array with all alphabets.

Method 1:

We can initialize each and every array element by referring to subscript

char alphabet[26];







Method 2:

The better way of doing could be.

char alphabet[26];

int i;

for(i=0;i<26;alphabet[i]=„a‟+i, i++);

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Accepting data on to array.

Let us define array “name” to store the name of an individual(max of 30 characters). Let us see how

to accept the name in different ways. If we want to store 30 characters we need to define an array of 31

characters, simply because „\0‟ is used as a string terminator in most of the „C‟ functions. The String

Terminator „\0‟ is defined as NULL in stdio.h include file. In our code, we can check for String

Terminator by comparing with „\0‟ or with NULL.

Method 1:

char name[31];

int i=0;

printf(“Name : “);






name[30]=„\0‟; /*Placing the terminator to specify the end of the string. printf looks for

string terminator when %s is specified as argument. The other way of doing

the same is name[30]=NULL*/

printf(“Your name is %s\n”,name);

Method 2:

char name[31];

printf(“Enter Name(max 30 chars) : “);

gets(name); /* we can use scanf(“%s”,name); also*/


/*gets & scanf are library functions of „C‟ */

/*gets & scanf takes care of putting „\0‟ at the end of the stream */

/*fflush is a library function used for clearing the buffer associated with it */

printf(“Your name is %s \n”, name);

Note: In „C‟ single quotes and double quotes have different meaning. Single quotes is used for enclosing

one single character where as double quotes is used for enclosing an array of characters known as string.

For example in puts if enclose the argument in single quotes, it generate a compilation error as it requires

stream of characters as input. In general, single quotes refers to the value to be stored and the double

quotes returns the address of the location of the data in memory.

The subscript is again used for referring to elements in Integer and Float arrays. The format “%d” is

used for integer and “%f” is used for float while accepting and printing data using “scanf” and

“printf” functions. “gets” function cannot be used for accepting a float or an integer. It can be used

only for accepting a stream of characters(strings).

ARRAY Referencing in MEMORY

The memory address of an array element is found by

(Starting address + (subscript * sizeof(data type));

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sizeof is a reserved word in „C‟ used for calculating the total bytes associated with that datatype.

Example 1:

Let us define an array by name Alphabet to hold 26 characters.

char Alphabet[26];

let us assume Alphabet is memory location 300.

Alphabet[0] will be location 300.

Alphabet[1] will be location 301.

Alphabet[2] will be location 302.

Hence location of Alphabet[n]=(Starting address + (n * sizeof(char));

Alphabet[5]=(300 + (5*1)) ==> 305.

Example 2:

Let us define an array by name Rate to hold 5 characters.

int Rate[5];

let us assume Rate is pointing to memory location 400.

Rate[0] will be location 400 - 403.

Rate[1] will be location 404 - 407.

Hence location of Rate[n]=(Starting address + (n * sizeof(int));

Rate[3]=(400 + (3*4)) ==> 412.


For Exercises 2 to 9, you need incorporate by writing your own functions.

1. Identify the output of the following programming.

#include <stdio.h>



char alphabet[26]; /* alphabet is location 125 in memory */

int marks[5]; /* marks is location 200 in memory */














printf(“%d %d”, &marks[3],&marks[1]);


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2. Write a program to accept 30 characters and print the no of vowels, consonants, digits & special

characters in the group.

3. Write a program to accept 30 characters and print the length of the string.

4. Write a program to accept 30 characters and convert all uppercase to lowercase and print.

5. Write a program to accept 30 characters and convert all lowercase to uppercase and print.

6. Write a program to accept a string of 50 characters long and check whether it is palindrome or not.

7. Write a program to accept two strings (assume size) and check whether they are same or not.

8. Write a program to accept two strings(assume size), print both the strings and append the string string to

the first and print both.

9. Implement substring, ltrim, rtrim, left, right functions.

10. Write user defined functions ASortC, ASortI, ASortF to sort Character, Integer & Float arrays.

11. Write user defined functions ACopyI, AFloatF to copy contents of Integer to Integer, Float to Float


12. Write a program to accept 25 integers on to array. While Storing store it in ascending order.

13. Write a program to accept details of 5 items. Details are itemcode integer, rate integer, quantity as float

type variable. Incorporate the following options.

a. To print the details of all items.

b. To print the details of an item specified by the user.

c. To print the details of all items whose rate < accepted rate.

14. Implement a user defined function REVERSE, that takes a character array ( assume size) and reverses

and writes the string to the second character array passed as parameters.

15. Implement a user defined function to encrypt and decrypt a string. (one possible logic is to add 40 to

each character while encrypting and subtracting 40 while decrypting).

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

Syntax for creating a Two dimensional array:

<Storage identifier> <variable name>[<no_of_rows>][<no_of_columns>];


char names[5][31];

Creates a two dimensional character array under the variable name “names” to hold 5 names each 30

characters long assuming 1 byte for „\0‟(String Terminator).

int matrix [3][3];

Creates a two dimensional integer array “matrix” to hold integers for a 3x3 matrix.

Referring elements in an two dimensional array:

Elements in the two dimensional array are referred using the row subscript and column subscript, the

subscript starts from zero. Thus if we want to refer to third row, second element, it should be (2,1).

Let us initialize matrix array with unit matrix.

We can initialize each and every array element by referring to row, column subscript

int matrix[3][3]; int i=0; int j=0;


for ( ; j<3;j++)



Accepting and Accessing data on a two dimensional array.

Let us define array matrix to store a 3x3 matrix.

int matrix[3][3];

int i,j;

/* Accepting Details */

for(i=0;i< 3; i++)

{ for(j=0; j < 3; j++)


printf(“Enter value for row %02d, column %02d ”, i+1,j+1);

scanf(“%d”,&matrix[i][j]); fflush(stdin);



/*Accessing Details & Printing */


{ for(j=0;j<3;j++) printf(“%d\t”,matrix[i][j]);



Note: Similar method can be used for Accepting and Accessing details on to a character two dimensional

array. The library functions scanf and gets can be used for accepting details.

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1.Assume two 3x3 matrices A& B. Write programs for

a. Addition of 3x3 matrices

b. Subtraction of 3x3 matrices.

c. Multiplication of 3x3 matrices.

d. Inverse of a 3x3 matrix.

2. “The PLAYGROUP NURSERY” is one of the famous nursery in Bombay. They teach the kids with the

help of PLAYWAY method. The nursery current consists of 25 kids. They wanted to store the following

details in order to prepare a grade sheet for the kids. They have approached you to automate their

process. The task includes:

1. Accepting and storing details for 25 students. Details include, their name, age, ranking out of 10

in playing, grasping, listening, hearing, reading & writing.

2. Prepare a grade sheet and print the appropriate grade. Valid grades are Outstanding, Excellent,

Good, Average & Poor.

Total ranking

out of 10 Grade

9.0 and Above Outstanding

8.0 - 8.9 Excellent

7.0 - 7.9 Good

5.0 - 6.9 Average

less than 5.0 Poor.

You need to prepare the report in the following format.


Graded Mark Sheet

S.No. Name Age Total Ranking Grade

1. Ramesh 3 8.3 Excellent

2. Rajesh 4 9.1 Outstanding

.. ........... .... .... .....

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


All the string handling library functions are prototyped in „string.h‟. So whenever we use string handling

functions the file „string.h‟ should be included along with „stdio.h‟ in our program. This can be included to

our program with the help of „#include‟ preprocessor statement and it is shown below.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

Appending One String to Another:

a. char *strcat(char *s1, const char *s2); - Appends a copy of string s2 to the end of string s1. It

automatically terminates s1 with NULL(„\0‟) - String Terminator.

b. char *strncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); - Appends a maximum of n characters. It

copies fewer if s2 is shorter than n characters. Returns a pointer to the null-terminated result (the

value of s1).

Copying One String to Another:

a. char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2); - Copies the s2 on to s1 by overwriting the contents of

s1. Copying stops when it encounters a NULL byte. Returns a pointer to the null-terminated

result (the value of s1).

b. char *strncpy(char *s1, const char *s2,size_t n); - Copies a maximum of n characters. It

copies fewer if s2 is shorter than n characters. Copying stops when it encounters a NULL byte.

Returns a pointer to the null-terminated result (the value of s1).

c. char *strdup(const char *s); - creates a duplicate of s and returns the memory location of the

duplicate copy.

Comparing Strings:

a. int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);- Compares its arguments and returns an integer less

than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on whether s1 is lexicographically less than, equal

to, or greater than s2.

b. int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);- makes the comparison like strcmp but

examines a maximum of n characters (n less than or equal to zero yields equality).

Length of a String:

a. size_t strlen(const char *s); -Returns the number of characters in s, not including the

terminating null byte.

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]


Pointers are variables in „C‟ whose contents are addresses. Pointers are the backbone of „C‟. They are

used to refer to a particular memory address to change its contents. Any Pointer variable occupies 4

bytes of memory. To point to character type memory address, character pointers are used. For integer

type memory address, integer pointers are used. In specific, if the memory location of a storage type is

to be accessed using a pointer, the pointer needs to be defined of that type. Exception to this rule is

“void” pointers, they can point to any storage types memory location. In the case of a Pointer variable,

we don‟t know the exact size of data it is pointing to.

Pointers can be used for pointing to scalar and vector types.

Pointer variable refers to memory address it is containing i.e. the content of a pointer variable

is an address.

„*‟Pointer variable refers to the content in the memory address it is containing.

„&‟Variable refers to the address of the variable .


char *ptr; /* Declaring a Character Pointer */

int *ijk; /* Declaring a Integer Pointer */

float *x; /* Declaring a Float Pointer */

void *v; /* Declaring a Void Pointer */


Let us define two variables „a‟ & „ptr‟. „ptr‟ is a pointer type variable. Assume „a‟ is memory location 300

and „ptr‟ is memory location 400.

char a,*ptr; /* Declaring Variables */

a=„x‟; /* Assigning the value „x‟ to variable „a‟ */

/* At memory location 300, „x‟ is written as

Variable „a‟ is address 300 */

ptr=&a; /* Assigning the address of variable „a‟ to „ptr‟ */

/* At memory location 400, the address (300) of „a‟

is written */

printf(“%p”,ptr); /* Printing the content of ptr --- > 300 */

printf(“%c”,*ptr); /* Printing the content of content of ptr.

==> content of content of 400

==> content of 300

==> „x‟ */

(*ptr)++; /*Incrementing the content of content of ptr by 1

==> incrementing the content of content of 400 by 1

==> incrementing the content of 300 by 1

==> incrementing the value „x‟ by 1

==> at 300, the value would be „y‟ */

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

printf(“%c”,*ptr); /* would be printing „y‟ */

printf(“%c”,a); /* variable „a‟ refers to 300 and hence prints „y‟ */

Note: In the above example, „ptr‟ refers to the content of the variable „ptr‟ which is the memory address of

variable „a‟ and „*ptr‟ refers to the content of content of ptr which is the value in memory location 300

and it is „x‟ initially then incremented to „y‟.


Assume the character variable „myvar‟ is memory address 500 and character type pointer variable

„myptr‟ is memory address 625. With reference to this explain each & every line in the code and errors (if





































One might raise the question like, if pointers contents are memory address, why we need different

kind of pointers ?

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

To answer this question, let us get back to arrays. Let us take up our same old example character

array „Alphabet‟ and integer array „Rate‟. Assume Alphabet is memory location 400 and Rate is memory

location 500.

char Alphabet[26]; /* Alphabet is location 400 */

int Rate[5]; /* Rate is location 500 */

&Alphabet[0] is location 400,

&Alphabet[1] is location 401 and

&Alphabet[subscript]=(starting address+(subscript * sizeof(storage type))

Here &Alphabet[subscript]=(400+(subscript * 1)). (Since sizeof(char) is 1).

Hence &Alphabet[1]=(400+(1*1)) = 401.


&Rate[0] is location 500,

&Rate[1] is location 504,

&Rate[subscript] = (starting address +(subscript * sizeof(storage type))

Here &Rate[subscript] = ( 500 +(subscript * 4)). (Since sizeof(int) is 4).

Hence &Rate[1]=(500+(1*4)) = 504.

Let us have two pointer variables „MyCharPtr‟ and „MyIntPtr‟. „MyCharPtr‟ is a char type pointer varible

and „MyIntPtr‟ is a int type pointer variable. Let us make this pointers point to our earlier variables Alphabet

& Rate. With the help of this we shall identify the need of different types of pointer variables.

char Alphabet[26]; /* Alphabet is location 400 */

int Rate[5]; /* Rate is location 500 */

char *MyCharPtr; /* Character Pointer */

int *MyIntPtr; /* Integer Pointer */

MyCharPtr = &Alphabet; /* Storing 400 in MyCharPtr */

MyIntPtr = &Rate; /* Storing 500 in MyIntPtr */

Now the Pointer variable MyCharPtr is pointing to the address of Alphabet[0]. We want MyCharPtr to point

to the address of Alphabet[1]. As we know the sizeof (char) is one, we are incrementing the content of

MyCharPtr by 1 hence it will contain the memory address as 401 and that is &Alphabet[1].

MyCharPtr++; /*Increases the content of MyCharPtr by 1 */

Similarly, we want MyIntPtr to point to the address of Rate[1]. As we know the sizeof(int), we will

increment the content of MyIntPtr by sizeof(int) assuming “4”.

MyIntPtr=MyIntPtr + sizeof(int);

To check whether it has increment correctly, let us print the new memory address stored in MyIntPtr. It

should be 504.


We would be wondered to see the content is printed as 516 refering to Rate[4] instead of Rate[1]. The reason

is the scaling factor of int is „4‟ and hence when we say MyIntPtr + 4, it increments the content of MyIntPtr

by 4 times 4 and hence containing the address of Rate[4]. In our script we should have increment MyIntPtr

by 1 instead of 4 to point to Rate[1].

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

What we need to identify here is whenever we define a character pointer and any mathematical

operation is carried with it will be interms of sizeof(char) (i.e 1). Incase of integer pointers, it will be

in terms of sizeof(int) (i.e. assumed as 4).

In Specific whenever we carry a mathematical operation with the pointers, the operation will be

carried in terms of sizeof(storage type).

Secondly, the way in which the char, int & float data stored in memory differs and hence we can‟t

have integer type pointer pointing to char and char type pointer pointing to int as the scaling factor

and the data conversion technique differs.

Note: Pointer variable++ and „*‟Pointer variable ++ are not the same. Pointer variable++ increases the

content of the pointer variable by the scaling factor and „*‟Pointer variable ++ increments the content of

the content of Pointer variable by 1 in the case of single dimensional pointers. Scaling factor is value

required for skipping that element to move to next element in the sequence.

Example: Convert all UpperCase to LowerCase using Pointers.

Method 1: Without User defined Function.

#include <stdio.h>


{ char string[101];

char *ptr;

printf(“String (max 100 chars) : “);



printf(“The Entered String is %s \n”,ptr);

for(ptr=string;(*ptr != „\0‟); ptr++)


if ((*ptr) > „A‟ && (*ptr) < „Z‟))

(*ptr)=(*ptr) + 32;


printf(“The String in lowercase is %s”,string);


We cannot use ptr to print because, ptr is moved to the address

of „\0‟. If we want to print using ptr, again assign the address of

string to ptr and print



Method 2: With User defined Function.

#include <stdio.h>

void toLowerCase();


{ char string[101];

printf(“String (max 100 chars) : “);



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printf(“The String in lowercase is %s”,string);


void toLowerCase(ptr)

char *ptr;


for(ptr=string;(*ptr != „\0‟); ptr++)


if ((*ptr) > „A‟ && (*ptr) < „Z‟))

(*ptr)=(*ptr) + 32;



Note: Method 2 has great advantage as method 1 because, the size of the array is not taken into

consideration in Method 2 and it is modular.


1. Try the exercise 2 to 9 given for arrays using pointers.(refer to earlier example (Method 2) for


2. Implement a user defined function SearchReplace which takes the Main String, Search String &

Replace String and replaces all occurrences of Search String in MainString with Replace String.


Any variable (non Pointer Variables) defined in the program by default assumes maximum size of

the data it is containing. For example, if we define int j, we know j is going to occupy four bytes of

memory. If say, char name[31], it is very well known that name is going to occupy 31 bytes of memory.

Since these variables assume a define size of data they are going to store, they are created in STACK.

The Executable file contains the virtual memory layout of these variables in memory as the compiler

knows the size & type of these variables at the time of Compilation. All the non-pointer variables are

initialized variables.

Pointers are the technique used in „C‟ to point to a memory location and to manipulate the data in it.

If we take applications like word processor or spreadsheet the size of the data and the data it is holding is

known only at the run-time. Hence the memory allocation to be done dynamically at the run-time.

Dynamically Memory is allocated from HEAP. HEAP is the global memory and doesn‟t form a part of

current running process. Using Pointers and Standard „C‟ library functions, we allocate memory from

HEAP for processing. HEAP memory area can be pointed only by Pointers. Pointer variables are not

initialised variables. Pointers can refer to STACK and HEAP memory areas.


void *malloc(int);

The function used for allocating memory dynamically from HEAP. „malloc‟ takes the no_of_bytes required

from Heap as an argument and allocates that many bytes from Heap by returning a valid memory address

else returns NULL(or Zero). Since malloc returns a void pointer it can be type-casted to any storage type by

enclosing the storage type pointer in brackets.

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1. char *str;

str=(char *)malloc(16); /* Since malloc returns a void pointer and str is

a character pointer, we are type-casting the

void address returned by malloc to

char pointer by enclosing (char *) in brackets.

We are taking 16 bytes from heap to store 15

characters and „\0‟(String Terminator)

---> look the example */

2. int *iptr;

iptr=(iptr *)malloc(sizeof(int)); /* Since malloc returns a void pointer

and iptr is a integer pointer, we are

type-casting the void address returned by

malloc to integer pointer by enclosing

(int *) in brackets. Since any int requires

four bytes of memory, we are passing the

sizeof(int) as arguement.

---> look the example */


void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);

It is used for changing the size of memory allocated by earlier malloc function and returns a pointer to

the block(possibly new) where it is allocated. If ptr is a NULL pointer, realloc() behaves like malloc()for

the specified size. If size is zero and ptr is not a NULL pointer, the object it points to is freed and NULL is



1. char *str;

str=(char *)malloc(16); /* Since malloc returns a void pointer and str is

a character pointer, we are type-casting the

void address returned by malloc to

char pointer by enclosing (char *) in brackets.

We are taking 16 bytes from heap to store 15

characters and „\0‟(String Terminator)

---> look the example */

str=(char *)realloc(str,10); /* Re-initialising str to point to a location for

storing 10 bytes instead of 16 */


void free(void *ptr);

It is used for releasing the memory earlier allocated by malloc function.


1. char *str;

str=(char *)malloc(16);

free(str); /* Releasing memory thus allotted by malloc */

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Whenever we allocate memory from HEAP using „malloc‟ function, check whether it returns NULL or

not. If it returns a NULL that means it has failed the operation due to memory insufficiency. You need to

handle these errors.

It is a good programming practice to release the memory used by a pointer using „free‟ function as soon

as the operation with the variable is complete. This increases the HEAP memory area size and help other

processes to utilize it.


1. Write a program to accept a number, allocate memory to hold that many no. of characters. Accept data

from the user and print the details.

2. Allow the user to enter a text of unlimited size and print it in reverse order.


Like Multi-dimensional arrays we can have multi-dimensional pointers. This is an example of two

dimensional integer pointer to hold details of an 4x4 matrix. In the example, explanations are given in

normal comment entries and other method of doing the same operation in bold comment entries.

#include <stdio.h>



int **p; /*declaring a two dimensional integer pointer */

int i,j;

p=(int **)malloc(4*sizeof(int)); /*allocating memory to hold four rows */

/*allocating 16 bytes for 4 integers (4x4)*/

/*assume malloc returns 400, hence „p‟ points

from 400 - 415, and that could be divided as

400-403 for p[0],

404-407 for p[1],

408-411 for p[2],

412-415 for p[3]




printf(“Memory Not Available... Aborting “);



/*p[0] = p [points to 400-403],

p[1]= (p+1) [points to 404 - 407, simply because, scaling factor for

a integer is 4, hence „p+1‟ refers to next location of pointer „p‟ (i.e. 404).

p[2]=(p+2) [points to 408 - 411]

p[3]=(p+3) [points to 412-415] */

/* Since the p[0] - p[4] is pointing to junk, we need to initialize with a valid

memory area address. Again allocating 16 bytes for each subscript to ensure

proper storage of 4 bytes in each case. */

/* Let us assume p[0][0] is pointing to 500 - 515

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p[1][0] is pointing to 600 - 615

p[2][0] is pointing to 700 - 715

p[3][0] is pointing to 800 - 815 */

*p=(int *)malloc(4*sizeof(int)); /* (p[0])=(int *)malloc(16); */


{ printf(“Memory Not Available for p[0] ... Aborting “);




*(p+1)=(int *)malloc(4*sizeof(int)); /* (p[1])=(int *)malloc(16); */


{ printf(“Memory Not Available for p[1] ... Aborting “);

free(p[0]); /* freeing memory in descending order */




*(p+2)=(int *)malloc(4*sizeof(int)); /* (p[2])=(int *)malloc(16); */


{ printf(“Memory Not Available for p[2] ... Aborting “);






*(p+3)=(int *)malloc(4*sizeof(int)); /* (p[3])=(int *)malloc(16);*/


{ printf(“Memory Not Available for p[3] ... Aborting “);







**p=100; /*p[0][0]=100*/ /* we are initializing **p with 100

==> initializing content of content of 400

==> initializing content of 500 - 503 with 100 */

/* similarly compute for others */

*((*p)+1)=200; /* p[0][1]=200; */

*((*p)+2)=300; /* p[0][2]=300; */

*((*p)+3)=400; /* p[0][3]=400; */

**(p+1)=1000; /* p[1][0]=1000; */

*((*(p+1))+1)=2000; /* p[1][1]=2000; */

*((*(p+1))+2)=3000; /* p[1][2]=3000; */

*((*(p+1))+3)=4000; /* p[1][3]=4000; */

**(p+2)=-100; /* p[2][0]=-100; */

*((*(p+2))+1)=-200; /* p[2][1] =-200; */

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*((*(p+2))+2)=-300; /* p[2][2] =-300; */

*((*(p+2))+3)=-400; /* p[2][3]=-400; */

**(p+3)=-1000; /* p[3][0]=-1000; */

*((*(p+3))+1)=-2000; /* p[3][1]=-2000; */

*((*(p+3))+2)=-3000; /* p[3][2]=-3000; */

*((*(p+3))+3)=-4000; /* p[3][3]=-4000; */

/* Printing the values stored in the two dimensional pointer */













1. Accept two integers M & N from users and create two matrix with „M‟ as number of rows and „N‟ as

number of columns. Do operations like addition, subtraction and multiplication with it. Note the matrix can

contain decimals & negative.



Structures are widely used for creating data-structures in „C‟. We would be interested in creating our

own data-types for storing details rather than the system defined in most of the cases. To illustrate this, let us

create a data type „Employee‟ to store employee details in an organization. Some of the Employee details

include „Employee Code‟, „Employee Name‟, „Grade‟, „Date of Birth‟, „Date of Joining‟, „Bank A/c No.‟,

„Blood Group‟, „Designation‟ and „Department‟. It is better to bring all the logical attributes of employee in

to a single physical attribute for clarity in programming. Structures are used in implementing the same.

Structures can contain structures as data elements. Here DOJ & DOB is a date type made of day,

month & year. Structures are created using struct keyword. Let us create the new user defined types

Employee & Date.

struct Date


short int dd;

short int mm;

int yy;


struct Employee

{ int ECode;

char Name[26];

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char Grade;

struct Date DOB;

struct Date DOJ;

int AccountNo;

char BloodGroup[3];

int DesigCode;

int DeptCode;


Now we have created a user defined type by name „Employee‟. Whenever an instance of „Employee‟

is created, all the attributes will gain scope to store details. „Employee‟ is a data-type like „char‟. Hence we

need to create an instance for storing details. To create an instance of structure, the syntax used is

struct <Struct name> <Variable Name>;

In Employee Structure we have created two instances of Struct Date to contain DOB and DOJ.

Let us look at the example for creating an instance.

struct Employee emp1;

struct Employee *eptr;

Now we have created an instance of „Employee‟ as „emp1‟. Since „emp1‟ is not a pointer, the

memory is automatically allocated from STACK at time of compiling. In the second case „eptr‟ is a pointer

and hence memory has to be allocated from HEAP to store details. The sizeof the variable emp1 is the

total sum of all the attributes defined in the structure Employee. Here it is 54 bytes long.

Let us initialize the details of „Johnson‟ in emp1. Each and every attribute is referenced by

putting instance‟.‟attribute in case of STATIC variables and instance->attribute in case of POINTER


Initializing Static Variable:














Initializing Pointer Variable:

eptr=(struct Employee *)malloc(sizeof(struct Employee));

/* In sizeof reserve word, eptr is not given because, it is a pointer variable and it is four bytes in size. We

need to allocate 54 bytes hence we take the sizeof structure into consideration */




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Ten.c:- To illustrate the usage of structures.

/* This is a sample program to accept the details of 25 Employees using structures and to print them

accordingly. */

#include <stdio.h>

#define CLS system(“tput clear”) /* Used for substituting CLS with

system(“tput clear”) in the program

at time of pre-processing stage during

compilation. All CLS will be replaced

with system(“tput clear”) in code */

/* system() is a function used for escaping & executing commands in shell */

#define TRUE 1

#define NO_OF_ELE 25

struct Employee {

int Code;

char Name[26];

float Basic;


struct Employee myemp[NO_OF_ELE]; /* Global variable outside all functions */

void addopt(void); void printopt(void);void printoptP(void);






int menu(void)


char choice;



CLS; /*will be replaced with system(“tput clear”)

at pre-processing stage */

printf(“\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tMAIN MENU\n\n”);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t A. Add details \n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t P. Print details using MyEmp\n”);

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printf(“\n\t\t\t O. Print details using Pointer \n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t E. Exit \n\n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t Choice : “);




case „A‟:

case „a‟ : addopt();break;

case „P‟ :

case „p‟ : printopt();break;

case „O‟:

case „o‟ : printoptP();break;

case „E‟ :

case „e‟ : return;




void addopt(void)


int i=0;




printf(“\n\n\n\t\t\t\tAccepting Details for Employee:-%02d”,i+1);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Code : “);


printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Name : “);


printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Basic : “);

scanf(“%f”,&myemp[i].Basic); fflush(stdin);



void printopt(void)


int i=0;




printf(“\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPrinting Details for Employee:-%02d”,i+1);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Code : %d“,myemp[i].Code);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Name : %s“,myemp[i].Name);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Basic : %f “,myemp[i].Basic);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\tPress [Enter] to Continue“);



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void printoptP(void)


int i=0;

struct Employee *eptr;

for(eptr=myemp;i<NO_OF_ELE; eptr++,i++)



printf(“\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPrinting Details for Employee:-%02d”,i+1);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Code : %d“,eptr->Code);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Name : %s“,eptr->Name);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t\t Basic : %f “,eptr->Basic);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\tPress [Enter] to Continue“);





1. Write a program to accept details of 50 students(maximum per class). There are four class-rooms. Details

include Registration no, Rollno, name, DOB, marks in language 1, language 2, Maths, Science & Social.

Implement the following options. (Take care of all possible validations).

a. Details like name, dob is accepted on-line at the time of registration, Classroom is taken as a choice from

the user and the Registration number is automatically generated for that class for the new student.

b. Once the registration is complete an option for the sorting the details for each & every class to be

provided. It has to generate the Roll Number for each & every student in the ascending order of Name in

that class.

c. An option to be provided for accepting marks for each & every student in each & every class. This option

should display Roll number & Name to accept marks.

d. An option to be provided for displaying the first 3 toppers of the school.

e. Attendance list & Mark list to be generated from the system for each & every class.

A candidate is eligible for passing only the score in all subjects > 50.

f. Graded Mark list to be printed for those students who have passed the examination in each & every class.

Total Marks Grade

450 and Above Outstanding

400 - 449 Excellent

300 - 399 Good

250- 299 Fair


Unions are used for collecting a set of data elements like structures. In Union all the data elements

inside Union will share the same memory area. In otherwords the sizeof the Union is the sizeof the data-

element that has the maximum size in the Union. Unions are creating using union keyword.


union Pay


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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

float basic;

short int Wages;


In the above example, the size of the union Pay is 4 bytes because float is of maximum length. If the

employee is Salaried Employee, the value is stored in Basic else stored in Wages. To create an instance of

union, the syntax used is

union <Union name> <Variable Name>;


a. union Pay amount;

b. union Pay *value;

Accessing Elements in an Union:

Each and every attribute is referenced by putting instance‟.‟attribute in case of STATIC variables and

instance->attribute in case of POINTER variables.


amount.Basic=4000; /* writing to commonly shared area */

value=(union Pay *)malloc(sizeof(union Pay)); /* Allotting memory for

pointer variable */



Typedef is reserve word used for adding an meaningful alias to existing data types. While writing

large applications there could be possibility that two programmers defining a variable as different types in

their code that might lead to loss of data and ambiguity in definition. To overcome this problem, typedef‟s

are used.

A popular example is to store currency. Some programmers might define currency as float and others

as double and leads to confusion. In this case, it is better to create a type by name “MONEY” to define

currency in all their programs. If “MONEY” is defined as float in all the programs, where the instance of

MONEY is found it will be treated as float.

It is also used for maintaining the code. If in future, if the size is to be increased, it enough to change

the typedef of MONEY as double, since all the programs uses MONEY and reduces heavy manual effort in

maintaining the code.


typedef float MONEY; /* MONEY is treated as float in programs */

typedef struct Employee EMPLOYEE; /* EMPLOYEE is treated as struct Employee in Programs */

Creating an Instance:

MONEY basic;

MONEY hra;

MONEY inv_amt;

EMPLOYEE emp,emp1,emp2;

Note: Structures can contain unions, typedef & structures and pointers as data-members and the case is

also true for unions. Whenever we have a pointer pointing to structure or union, make sure it pointing to

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valid memory address before accessing and it can be implementing by allocating memory or by pointing

to an existing instance of that type.


Files in Unix Operating system are classified as Flat files, Directory files, Block devices, Character

devices, FIFO‟s and Symbolic links. In our discussion, we shall have a look over Flat files and its types



These files are used for storing data on the secondary storage for repeated usage. Flat files can be

further classified as text files & binary files. Text files contains the data in readable form and binary files in

compressed form. All the standard „C‟ library functions used for file operations are declared in „stdio.h‟. File

operations include opening a file, reading\writing contents.

Creating or Opening a Text or Binary File:

fopen(“filename”,”mode”) is the Standard „C‟ library function used for creating a new file or

opening an existing file. It takes the filename and mode in which it has to be opened as arguments. It

returns a pointer of type „FILE‟, a structure defined in „stdio.h‟. If fopen() fails, it returns NULL,

#define variable in „stdio.h‟. The various modes and their operations are provided in the following tabular


Mode Remarks Location of File Pointer

“w” Create a new file or overwrite the file(if exists). Beginning of File

“r” Open the file for reading. Beginning of File

“a” Open the file for appending. End of the file

“w+” Like „w‟ mode and allows updating. Beginning of File

“r+” Like „r‟ mode and allows updating. Beginning of File

“a+” Like „a‟ mode and allows updating. End of the file


FILE *f1;

FILE *f2, *f3;


if( f1 == NULL)


printf(“Error opening New.pc in write mode \n”);

perror(“The Reason is “);

/* Standard „C‟ library function to print the reason for failure */




if( f2 == NULL)


printf(“Error opening old.xc in read-write mode \n”);

perror(“The Reason is “);

/* Standard „C‟ library function to print the reason for failure */



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if( f3 == NULL)


printf(“Error opening add.xc in append-update mode \n”);

perror(“The Reason is “);

/* Standard „C‟ library function to print the reason for failure */



Closing a Text or Binary File:

fclose(FILE *); is the function used for closing the opened stream. It returns 0 on Success else

EOF on failure.


if (fclose(f1)==EOF)


printf(“Error Closing new.pc”);

perror(“Reason : “);



Writing contents to a Text file:

a. Writing Character by Character to the File:

fputc(int, FILE *); is the function used for writing character by character to the file. It returns the

character if the operation is successful else returns EOF indicating the failure.


char c;

FILE fp;


if(fp==NULL) { /* do error operation */ };

printf(“Enter [?] to stop entering to file”);

while( (c=getchar()) != „?‟ )




printf(“Terminating..[?] encountered”);


b.Writing a Stream of Characters to the File:

fputs(char *string, FILE *f);-The fputs function writes characters to the stream „f‟ into the array

pointed to by string. It returns EOF on failure.


char string[101];

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char reply;

FILE fp;


if(fp==NULL) { /* do error operation */ };



printf(“String : “);



printf(“Want to Write more Y/N “);


} while(reply==„y‟ || reply == „Y‟);


c.Writing Formatted output to the File:

fprintf(FILE *, format, arguments...);-fprintf works like printf. „printf‟ is used for printing the

details on the standard output whereas fprintf is used for writing on to the stream. It returns the number of

characters that it wrote to the stream.

Example:To write the details of Employee on to file using „fprintf‟.

#include <stdio.h>



int empcode;

char empname[26];

float basic;

FILE *fp;

char reply;









printf(“Employee Code : “);


printf(“Name : “);


printf(“Basic : “);


printf(“Writing to the File “);


printf(“Continue appending y/n”);


}while(reply==„Y‟ || reply==„y‟);



Reading contents from a Text file:

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a. Reading Character by Character from the File:

fgetc(FILE *); is the function used from reading character by character from the file. It returns the

character if the operation is successful else returns EOF indicating the end of the file.


char c;

FILE fp;


if(fp==NULL) { /* do error operation */ };

while( (c=fgetc(fp)) != EOF )




printf(“End of File reached.. Terminating..”);


b.Reading a Stream of Characters from the File:

fgets(char *string, int no_bytes, FILE *f);-The fgets function reads characters from the stream „f‟

into the array pointed to by string, until no_bytes-1 characters are read, or a new-line character is read and

transferred to string, or an end-of-file condition is encountered. The string is then terminated with a null

character. If we want to read 100 characters, array size should be 101 and no_bytes should be 101. Returns a

pointer to the null-terminated result (the value of s1) if the operation is successful else returns NULL on

failure indicating End of File.


char string[101];

FILE fp;


if(fp==NULL) { /* do error operation */ };

while(fgets(string,101,fp) != NULL)




printf(“End of File reached.. Terminating..”);


c.Reading Formatted output from the File:

fscanf(FILE *, format, arguments...);-fscanf works like scanf. „scanf‟ is used for accepting details

from standard input whereas fscanf is used for reading from stream. It returns the number of characters that

it read from the stream. While reading using fscanf make sure the arguments are read in the appropriate

fashion like it is written using fprintf. Since fscanf doesn‟t return EOF, the feof(FILE *) function is used for

checking whether EOF is reached or not. feof() returns non-zero value on reaching EOF. Before calling

feof() function, ensure atleast a read operation happens. EOF flag is set only if read fails.

EXAMPLE:To read the details of Employee on to file using „fscanf‟.

#include <stdio.h>

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int empcode;

char empname[26];

float basic;

FILE *fp;

char reply;








while(feof(fp) == 0)


printf(“Employee Code : %d\n“,empcode);

printf(“Name : %s\n“,empname);

printf(“Basic : %f\n“,basic);





Writing contents to a Binary file:

fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream); - is the function used for writing

the contents to the stream in the binary format. ptr is the pointer pointing to the array containing the data.

size is the length of the individual row in the array. nitems refers to the no_of_rows in the array to be

written to the stream. fwrite returns 0 on failure or number or items written on success.


a. int rate[5]; FILE *fp;


/* check for errors */






/* About to write first 3 elements of the array. */

/* Since rate is vector, rate and &rate returns address location of rate */

if( fwrite(rate,sizeof(int),3,fp) != 3) { perror(“fwrite - failure”); return; }

/* reading from address location of rate to write, hence first parameter */

/* Each row is of four bytes, hence sizeof(int) as second parameter */

/* writing 3 such rows, hence 3 is the third parameter */

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/* writing to stream pointed by fp, hence the fourth parameter */

b.To write the details of Employee on to file using „fwrite‟.

#include <stdio.h>

struct Employee {

int ecode;

char name[26];

float basic;


typedef struct Employee EMPLOYEE;



FILE *fp;

char reply;










printf(“Employee Code : “);


printf(“Name : “);


printf(“Basic : “);


printf(“Writing to the File in binary format“);


printf(“Continue appending y/n”);


}while(reply==„Y‟ || reply==„y‟);



Reading contents From a Binary file:

fread(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream); - is the function used for reading

the contents to the stream in the binary format. ptr is the pointer pointing to the array for holding the data.

size is the length of the individual row in the array. nitems refers to the no_of_rows in the array to be read

from the stream. fread returns 0 on failure or number or items read on success.


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a. int rate[5]; FILE *fp;


/* check for errors */

/* About to read first 3 elements from the array. */

/* Since rate is vector, rate and &rate returns address location of rate */

if( fread(rate,sizeof(int),3,fp) != 3) { perror(“fread - failure”); return; }

b.To read the details of Employee from the file using „fread‟.

#include <stdio.h>

struct Employee {

int ecode;

char name[26];

float basic;


typedef struct Employee EMPLOYEE;



FILE *fp;








while(fread(&emp,sizeof(EMPLOYEE),1,fp) == 1)


printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Employee Code : %d“, emp.code);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Name : %s“, emp.name);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Basic : %f“, emp.basic);





Manipulating File Pointer:

Whenever an update operation is to be carried out, the data has to be read first and then move the

pointer back to the original location to write the new data. For moving pointers back & forth in the stream

the following functions are widely used:

a. fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int Location);- Location could be SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR and

SEEK_END and it is defined in „unistd.h‟. offset refers to the no_of_bytes it has to move. If the Location is

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SEEK_SET it moves exactly that many bytes from the beginning of the stream indicated by the offset. If

the Location is SEEK_CUR it moves exactly that many bytes from the current position in the stream

indicated by the offset. If the Location is SEEK_END it moves exactly that many bytes from the End of

the stream indicated by the offset.

offset could be positive or a negative long. If it is positive it moves forward in the stream else it moves

backward in the stream.

b. rewind(FILE *stream):- the function is used for positioning the file pointer to the beginning of the


c. ftell(FILE *stream):- used for returning the current offset of the file pointer in the stream.


1. Write a program to accept a filename and print each character in the file twice.

2. Write a program to implement add, mod, del & query facility for student file. Student details include Roll no,

name, marks in maths, science, social, language 1 and language 2.

3. Write a program to accept a filename and print the contents in reverse order line by line.

4. Write a program to accept a filename and print the contents in reverse order character by character.

5. Write a program to encrypt a file. Write another program to decrypt it.

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Data Structures are used for speeding the search algorithm and to provide data in a low response

time. Data Structures finds greater application in the area of graphs, database designing and any real-time

application where response time plays a major role. Some of the popular data structures are

1. Link lists(single, double, stack, queue, circular).

2. Trees(Binary, B, B+, AVL).

Here in our discussion we are limiting ourselves to Linklists.


Limitations with the array is the size. Array operations like deleting a row or a column is also

complex. To overcome these difficulties linklists are used. A list is created by linking the elements. A real-

time example could be HUMAN CHAIN. A HUMAN(node) is connected to ANOTHER HUMAN(node) to

form the chain(list).

Each and Every individual in the human chain is known as a node. The node contains the information

part and the linking part. To pass on the chain, the first person of the chain plays an important role to

indicate the beginning of the chain. Chain keeps on increasing as the individual joins. Similarly the list

keeps on increasing as the nodes join the list.

Creating a list:

Initially the list is empty. First node joining the list will be given a special preference (like engine in

the train) as it is leader of the list (usually indicated as root node). Other nodes will be attached to their

previous nodes for creating a list.

Let us create a list for storing EMPLOYEE details:

As we discussed earlier the list is made of nodes. Node contains the information part and the linking

part. Info. Let us define a node for storing the detail of an Employee. Information part of employee contains

„Employee code‟, „Name‟ and „Basic‟. The linkage part contains the pointer pointing to the next node of the


struct Empnode


int code;

char name[26];

float basic;

struct Empnode *next;


To indicate the beginning of the list, we will have a pointer „root‟ pointing to the beginning of the node.

Since the list is empty, let the pointer be initialized to NULL.

struct Empnode *root = NULL;

Since the details are append to list. Let us have a pointer as „last‟ to indicate the last node in the list. Since

the list is empty, let the pointer be initialized to NULL.

struct Empnode *last = NULL;

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We will implement a function by name Getnode to accept the node details and returns the memory

location where the details reside. Getnode function returns a pointer of type struct Empnode to indicate

the memory location of details.

struct Empnode * Getnode(void)


struct Empnode *new;

new=(struct Empnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct Empnode));

printf(“Enter Code : “);


printf(“Enter Name : “);


printf(“Enter Basic : “);


new->next = NULL; /*indicating the final node */

return new;


Now, we need to trap the memory location returned by Getnode and accordingly insert the node to

our list. If this node is the first node, then „root‟ has to be given a special attention, since it indicates the

beginning of the list else we append the node with help of last pointer to the list. Since last contains the

memory address of final node, we will append this node to last‟s next by re-initializing next with the address

returned by Getnode. Then last should be re-initialized with the address returned by Getnode indicating it

as the final node. Let us look at the code for implementing the same using the Addnode function.

void Addnode(void)


struct Empcode *ptr;


if ( root == NULL) /* Indicating First node */


printf(“Initializing the list\n”);





printf(“Appending the node to the list\n”);





Printing the details from the List

Printing the details is a simple job because the starting location of the list is already known with the

help of „root‟. Using the next pointer, details of consequent nodes can be accessed and printed. Let us

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Mani Sridharan – [email protected]

implement with the help of Displaylist function. Displaylist function calls Displaynode function for

displaying details.

void Displaylist(void)


struct Empnode *ptr;



printf(“List is Empty”);




for(ptr=root;(ptr != NULL); ptr=ptr->next)





void Displaynode(ptr)

struct Empnode *ptr;


printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Code : “,ptr->code);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Name: “,ptr->name);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Basic : “,ptr->basic);

printf(“\n\nPress [Enter] to Continue”);



Searching details using Code:

Let us implement a Searchnode function. This function takes Employee code as the parameter and

returns the location if the Code is found in the list else returns NULL.

struct Empnode* Searchnode( int Code)


struct Empnode *ptr;



if( ptr->code == Code) return ptr;


return NULL;


Modifying the details of an Employee using Employee Code:

Let us implement the Modifynode function. This function is used for modifying the node contents

based on the Employee Code. Primarily, an Employee Code is accepted from the user. Using the Searchnode

function, the location of the Code in the list is found. Then the details are modified.

void Modifynode(void)


struct Empnode *ptr;

int Code;

printf(“Enter the Employee Code : “);


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printf(“\nEmployee Code not Found ”);





Deleting a Node of a Particular Employee.

Let us implement the Deletenode function. This function is used for deleting a node based on the

Employee Code. Primarily, an Employee Code is accepted from the user. The location of the Code in the list

is found. If the location is equal to the root node in the list, root is moved to root‟s next else current node‟s

previous next is initialized with current node‟s next.

void Deletenode(void)


int Code;

struct Empnode *ptr,*prev;

printf(“Enter the Employee Code “);


for(ptr=prev=root;(ptr != NULL); prev=ptr, ptr=ptr->next)


if( ptr->code == Code)



if (ptr == NULL)


printf(“The Employee code is not found in the list”);



if(ptr == root)


printf(“First node in the list is deleted \n”);





{ printf(“Not the First Node \n”);





Deleting the List:

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As a good programming practice, once the operations with the list is over, it better to release the

memory back to HEAP for the other process to utilize it. The Deletelist function implements the same. It

uses the pointer ptr to point to the current node and moves the root to point to next node. Then it frees the

memory occupied by ptr using free function. This operations continues till root points to NULL.

void Deletelist(void)


struct Empnode *ptr;







EXAMPLE: Let us integrate all the functions to implement a Link List Program for storing Employee


#include <stdio.h>

#define CLS system(“clear”)

struct Empnode


int code;

char name[26];

float basic;

struct Empnode *next;

} ;

struct Empnode *root = NULL;

struct Empnode *last = NULL;

void menu(void);

void Deletelist(void);

void DisplayANode(void);

void Addnode(void);

void Modifynode(void);

void Deletenode(void);

void Displaylist(void);

struct Empnode *Getnode(void);

struct Empnode *Searchnode(int);






void menu(void)


char choice;



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printf(“\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tMAIN MENU\n\n”);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t 1. Add a Node \n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t 2. Delete a Node \n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t 3. Modify a Node \n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t 4. Display a Node \n\n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t 5. Display List \n\n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t 0. Exit \n\n”);

printf(“\n\t\t\t Choice : “);




case „1‟ : Addnode();break;

case „2‟ : Deletenode();break;

case „3‟ : Modifynode ();break;

case „4‟ : DisplayANode();break;

case „5‟ : Displaylist();break;

case „0‟ : return;




struct Empnode * Getnode(void)


struct Empnode *new;

new=(struct Empnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct Empnode));

printf(“Enter Code : “);


printf(“Enter Name : “);


printf(“Enter Basic : “);


new->next = NULL; /*indicating the final node */

return new;


void Addnode(void)


struct Empcode *ptr;


if ( root == NULL) /* Indicating First node */


printf(“Initializing the list\n”);



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printf(“Appending the node to the list\n”);





void Modifynode(void)


struct Empnode *ptr;

int Code;

printf(“Enter the Employee Code : “);





printf(“\nEmployee Code not Found ”);





void Deletenode(void)


int Code;

struct Empnode *ptr,*prev;

printf(“Enter the Employee Code “);


for(ptr=prev=root;(ptr != NULL); prev=ptr, ptr=ptr->next)


if( ptr->code == Code)



if (ptr == NULL)


printf(“The Employee code is not found in the list”);



if(ptr == root)


printf(“First node in the list is deleted \n”);





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{ printf(“Not the First Node \n”);





struct Empnode* Searchnode( int Code)


struct Empnode *ptr;



if( ptr->code == Code) return ptr;


return NULL;


void Deletelist(void)


struct Empnode *ptr;







void DisplayANode(void)


struct Empnode *ptr;

int Code;

printf(“Enter the Employee Code : “);





printf(“Employee Code not Found”);





void Displaylist(void)


struct Empnode *ptr;



printf(“List is Empty”);


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for(ptr=root;(ptr != NULL); ptr=ptr->next)





void Displaynode(ptr)

struct Empnode *ptr;


printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Code : “,ptr->code);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Name: “,ptr->name);

printf(“\n\n\t\t\t Basic : “,ptr->basic);

printf(“\n\nPress [Enter] to Continue”);




1. Using the Link List data structure, store the student details of „THE HOLY ENGLISH SCHOOL‟. The

details include Rollno, Name, Marks in Science, Maths, Social, Language 1 and Language 2. Implement the

following options.

a. List should be created in ascending order of node. If the file (Student.dat exists the data from the file to be

appended to the list.

b. An option for deleting and modifying the node to be provided.

c. An option to write the details on to the file(student.dat) to be provided.

d. An option for displaying a node, displaying the list to be provided.

e. Provide an option for printing Graded Mark Sheet.

Total Marks Grade

450 and Above Outstanding

400 - 449 Excellent

300 - 399 Good

250- 299 Fair

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