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  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti





  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    The word Roti is derived from Sanskrit word

    rotika means bread . Roti is traditionally a

    South Asian bread made from stone ground

    whole meal flour , traditionally known asatta flour . Roti is thinner varient known as

    chapatti are an integral part of Indian cuisine

    . Its defining characteristic is that it is

    unleavened . It is normally eaten with curriesand cooked vegetable .

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    the world that is unleavened , but it came as a surprise

    to know that in the indian sub continent - the home of

    roti - it was originally made out of barley , wheat was

    around too but not used as widely. Corns came later.

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    India is great ,India is unique andpossibly only India has leavened

    bread , But is there anothernation where in the 21st century

    bread is made fresh for every

    meal ?Where Roti meansfood ?

    Yes , it is also the main foodingridient of Pakistan , Srilanka

    and Malasia and only two

    European nation Tirindad andTobago

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    But not one who enjoy sieving flour

    ,kneading it , leaving it to rest with

    little dimples of water , scooping it

    out of the paraat and in to another

    container, lifting out a heavy

    marble chakla (see theres no wordfor it in english),rolling

    fulkas/rotis/chapattis , dusting

    them one by one with dry atta ,

    rolling them again , shaking off

    excess atta , heating each on tawa, flipping it over

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    Transferring it on to a directflame , moderating the

    flame to make it puff up ,

    lifting it off on to a plate

    and serving it a hungary

    mouth . And talking aboutgood experienced cooks.

    Ifound that making parathas

    is easier than phulkas but

    with the ever present fearof calories and chalestrol

    thats not a frequent option


  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    Indian breads or rotis pack in plenty oftasty nutrition.No Indian meal iscomplete without Indianstyle bread orroti. While some of us are moreinclined towards rice, roti is thehealthier option, as we know. While allof us are habitual to the wheat variety,several other cereals and millets areused throughout the country to make

    rotis. From barley and millets to Bengalgram and chickpea flour, the range isextensive and healthy, even though itmay be unfamiliar.

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    High in insoluble fiber, ironand calcium, roti made of

    millets also pack in plentyof minerals and vitamins

    The average protein content of ragi is9.8 per cent with well balanced essentialamino acids composition along withVitamin A, Vitamin B and phosphorous.

    Bajra roti is particularly noted for itshigh iron content. It is also known topossess phytochemicals that lowercholesterol, folate, magnesium, copper,zinc, and vitamins E and B- complex.

    Both Bengal gram and chickpeas arerich sources of iron and are thereforehighly beneficial in the treatment of iron- deficiency anaemia.

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    Rice and roti are staple grains that are

    almost sacred to Indians and

    often referred to as ann without

    which no diet can be complete.

    While north Indians believe nothingcan beat roti to make an able body,

    rice is the favorite in the south and the east. The belief

    in the power of wheat is so entrenched that often even

    those diagnosed with gluten sensitivity (a life-

    threatening health condition, if untreated) are forced

    to eat this grain, which is virtually a poison for them.

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    Rice and roti have similar

    nutritional properties. Thedifference lies in the form

    in which they are

    consumed. Roti, made

    from whole wheat flour, is

    distinctly different from

    polished white rice (most

    familiar in an urban set-

    up) in its nutritional

    value. While roti madewith atta is a whole grain,

    white rice is like maida

    because it is refined

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    North Indian Tandoori Roti Sieve the maida and atta.

    Knead them together to make adough by mixing water.

    Make balls off the dough and rollthem into slightly thick rotis of

    equal size. Heat a tava.

    Apply water on one side of roti.

    Put the roti on the tava with thewet side facing downwards. Turnthe tava upside down and apply

    heat to the dry side of the roti.Keep moving the tava in circle overthe flame. Cook the roti till done.

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    Makkai Roti (Corn mealflat bread)

    Mix corn meal and 1 cups water.Add enough of remaining water (cup), 2 tbsp at the time, mixingafter each addition, till dough forma soft ball.

    Make 12 balls approximately 4.5cm in diameter. Keep covered.

    On a well floured board, roll a ballof dough lightly. Dust rolling pinfrom time to time to avoidsticking. Seal crack by pinchingedges and continue rolling into aflat round 14 cm in diameter.

    Heat tava on medium heat forabout 3 minutes. Brush with oil.

    Put round on tava. Cook tillunderside has light golden brownpatches (about 2 minutes). Turnover. Continue cooking.

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    Garlic Naan

    Place the sugar and yeast in a small bowl , add

    the warm water and mix well until the yeasthas dissolved. Let stand for 10 minutes.

    Sieve the flour. Add the oil and salt, and pourin the yeast mixture. Mix with your hands toform a dough, adding more water, if necessary.Turn out onto a lightly floured counter andknead for 5 minutes.

    Return the dough to the bowl, cover, and let

    rise in a warm place for 1, or until it hasdoubled in size

    Preheat the broiler to high, and grease a sheetof foil. Break off small balls with your handsand pat them into circles .

    Place the dough circles onto the grassed foiland cook under the very hot broiler for 7-10minutes, turning twice, brushing with thebutter and sprinkling with the onion seeds.

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


    Onion Kulcha

    Sieve the flour.

    Mix all ingredients thoroughlyand make a stiff dough .

    Knead the dough and divideit into 6 portions.

    Roll out each portion of the

    dough into a thin round withthe help of a little flour.

    Make a few light, horizontalslits on one side of eachround.

    Cook on a hot tawa (griddle)on both sides using a little oiluntil golden brown spotscome on top.

    Serve hot.

  • 8/3/2019 Project on Incredible Roti


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