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  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc



    Submitted by:Jyoti malik

    STUDENT OF BBSSESSION: july2009-2012

    Section-FRoll No-!"U"U#0$%B0&&

    CENTER FOR MANAGEMENT STUDIESJamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi 11!"


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc



    Pages1. Preface 3

    2. Acknowledgement

    3. Object!e of st"d#$. Com%an# o!er!ew

    &. 'stor# of PEP()

    *. R+J ,ottlng gro"%

    -. Pe%s cola jngles

    . /st of %rod"ct of PEP()

    0. Ad!ertsement stor#

    1. /ogos of Pe%s

    11. )R(T ,A// +A CAPT)ON

    12. Researc metodolog#

    13. 4"estonnares

    1$. ANA/5()(

    1&. (6OT anal#ss

    1*. Concl"son


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    1-. ("ggeston1. ,blogra%#


    Toda#7 t s te tme of management. E!er# walk of lfe s managementorented. 8anagement ed"caton toda# as become te essence of lfe. )nte com%ett!e en!ronment nobod# can s"r!!e wto"t management.6en we go n management nstt"ton7 onl# we get teoretcal knowledgetat s not f"ll# s"ffcent for com%lete management. (o t necessar# to"ndergo s"mmer tranng n a com%etent organ9aton b# wc we can

    %ractcal o"r teoretcal knowledge n to workng en!ronment of temarket.

    or gettng a clear !ew of a g!en condton or to fnd wa# of

    m%ro!ement7 researc %roject are of mmerse !al"e. After "nder gongs"mmer tranng n PEP()7 ) faced man# gro"nd realt# wc oterwsewo"ld not a!e been %ossble to e:%erence sttng n m# class. All tatcame beca"se of mmerse el% and s"%er!son lad b# 8r. (arad ;atss #a$%& 'e(e$a)e *t+, G$eate$ Noi+awo wt s e:%ertse knowledge and e:%erence el%ed me tme to tme.

    ) am gratef"l to tose entre %eo%le wo el%ed n m# s"mmer tranng7 b#

    wc ) a!e learned a lot of e:%erence wo wll el% me n m# job.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc



    ) am tankf"l to ;AR?N ,E;ERA@E /)8)TE= @reater Noda brancfor %ro!dng me te cance to cond"ct m# s"mmer tranng and %roject. )started m# marketng researc %roject of Pe%sCo co!erng te ct# noada7wc beng te %remer ct# of nort regon.

    8arketng researc re"re el% and coo%eraton of man# %eo%le togenerate new dea. ) was !er# fort"nate to a!e b# m# sde7 energetc andd#namc %eo%le wo rendered ter n!al"able el% and coo%eraton tog"de me n te rgt drecton to cond"ct m# %roject.

    ) wo"ld lke to e:%ress m# gratt"de to 8r. (arad ;atss wo as%ermtted me to do ts tranng "nder a well establsed b"sness o"setat s ;AR?N ,e!erage /td.

    ) am also gratef"l to te entre offcal7 es%ecall# 8r. P.(.Jak"b 78r. (.(. Rawat7 8r. Rakes Rawat7 8r. Ank"s7 and 8r. Aja# +"mar(ng for ter e:%ert ad!ce7 n!al"able s"ggeston and contn"o"sl# g"deme at eac and e!er# ste% for com%leton of m# %roject.

    ) also con!e# m# sncere and gratef"lness for m# nstt"ton N(, (cool of,"sness New =el wo m%orted me te e:%ertse for cond"ctng s"c a



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    /astl#7 ) can not forget te enco"ragement tat ) rece!ed from m#faml# wo %la#ed a major role n el%ng me to cond"ct te %roject.

    Aklendra Prakas


    O,JECT);E O (T?=5

    E!er# com%an# la"nc %romotonal sceme tme to tme for ter brand%romoton. Pe%sCo. also as la"nced a %romotonal sceme )R(T,A// +A CPT)ON for ter c"stomer and cons"mer. 8arket as become!er# com%ett!e for all. (o n s"c condton onl# tat com%an# cans"r!!e n te market7 wc wll a!e correct nformaton of ter own

    %rod"ct and affect of ter %romotonal sceme on ter c"stomer.

    (o te basc object!e of te researc %roject s tat to know te affect of

    %romotonal sceme on ter c"stomer7 s"c tat1. 'ow m"c o%%ort"nt# a!alable n te market for ter %rod"ctB2. 6at are te drawbacks of ter %rod"ctsB3. 'ow m"c %resent ad!ertsement strateges are effect!eB$. )s te com%an# gettng ter target sale or notB&. 8eas"re te satsfactor# le!el of retaler and cons"mer on te bass ofcom%an# ser!ce le!el and ts com%ettons and dentf# te area ofm%ro!ements.

    or all tese %"r%ose te com%an# wants to collect abo!ementonnformaton for makng new marketng strateges.



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    1 ="raton for !aldt# of ts %roject wo"ld be #ear 20.2 Regon were ts %roject s a%%lcable to wole NO)=A ct#

  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc




    1* J"ne103


    Relate+ .$o+%-ts


    RC Cola

    =r. Pe%%er


    Pe%sCo s world leader n con!enent food and be!erages7 wt re!en"esof abo"t ?($3.2&1 ,llon and o!er 1&7 em%lo#ees.

    e.siCo, I&-o$.o$ate+ s a ort"ne &7 Amercan m"ltnatonalcor%oraton ead"artered n P"rcase7 N5 wt nterests nman"fact"rng7 marketng and sellng

    Pe%s was frst made nNew ,ern7 Nort Carolna7 n te ?nted (tates nte earl# 10s b# %armacst Caleb ,radam. )n 107 F,radGs drnkF

    was canged to FPe%sColaF and later trademarked on J"ne 1*7 103.Tere are se!eral teores on te orgn of te word FPe%sF. Te onl# twodsc"ssed wtn te c"rrent Pe%sCo webste are te followngH

    1. Caleb ,radam bo"gt te name FPe% +olaF from a localcom%ettor and canged t to Pe%sCola.

    2. FPe%sColaF s an anagramfor FE%sco%alF a large c"rc acrosste street from ,radamGs dr"gstore. Tere s a %la"e at te ste ofte orgnal dr"gstore doc"mentng ts7 to"g Pe%sCo as denedts teor#.

    Te word Pe%s comes from te @reek word FPe%sF7 wc s a medcalterm7 descrbng te food dssol!ng %rocess wtn oneGs stomac. )t salso a medcal term tat descrbes a %roblem wt oneGs stomac todssol!e foods %ro%erl#.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Anoter teor# regardng te nameGs orgns s tat Caleb ,radam and sc"stomers sm%l# to"gt te name so"nded good and reflected te facttat te drnk ad some knd of F%e%F n t beca"se t was a carbonateddrnk. )t was made of carbonated water7 s"gar7 !anlla7 rare ols7 and kolan"ts. 6eter te orgnal rec%e ncl"ded te en9#me%e%sns ds%"ted.

    )n 1037 ,radam mo!ed te bottlng of Pe%sCola from s dr"gstorento a rented wareo"se. Tat #ear7 ,radam sold -70* gallonsof s#r"%.Te ne:t #ear7 Pe%s was sold n s:o"nce bottles7 and sales ncreased to107$ gallons. )n 102$7 Pe%s rece!ed ts frst logo redesgn snce teorgnal r"m% form"la

    desgn of 10&. )n 102*7 te logo was canged agan. )n 1020 a"tomoblerace %oneer ,arne# old feld endorsed. Pe%sCola n news%a%er ads as FA

    b"ll# drnk...refresng7 n!goratng7 a fne bracer before a raceF.

    )n 10207 te Pe%sCola Com%an# went bankr"%t d"rng te @reat=e%resson n large %art d"e fnancal losses nc"rred b# s%ec"latng onwldl# fl"ct"atng s"gar %rces as a res"lt of 6orld 6ar ). Assets were sold

    and Ro# C. 8egargel bo"gt te Pe%s trademark. Egt #ears later7 tecom%an# went bankr"%t agan. Pe%sGs assets were ten %"rcased b#Carles @"tI te Presdent of /oft )nc. /oft was a cand# man"fact"rerwt retal stores tat contaned soda fo"ntans. 'e so"gt to re%lace CocaColaat s storesG fo"ntans after Coke ref"sed to g!e m a dsco"nt ons#r"%. @"t ten ad /oftGs cemsts reform"late te Pe%sCola s#r"%.

    Sto-k E3-ha&)e *isti&)s

    Te New 5ork (tock E:cange s te %rnc%al market forPe%sCo common stock7 wc s also lsted on te Ccago and (wss(tock E:canges.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Pe%sCo commtment to s"stanable growt7 defned as Performance wtP"r%ose7 s foc"sed on generatng ealt# fnancal ret"rns wle g!ng

    back to te comm"ntes we ser!e. Ts ncl"des meetng cons"mer needsfor a s%ectr"m of con!enent foods and be!erages7 red"cng o"r m%act onte en!ronment tro"g water7 energ# and %ackagng ntat!es7 ands"%%ortng o"r em%lo#ees tro"g a d!erse and ncl"s!e c"lt"re tat

    recr"ts and retans worldclass talent. )n (e%tember 27 Pe%sCo wereagan ncl"ded on te =ow Jones ("stanablt# Nort Amerca )nde: andte =ow Jones ("stanablt# 6orld )nde:. Tese ndces are com%ledann"all#.Pe%sCo management montors a !aret# of ke# ndcators toe!al"ate s b"sness res"lts and fnancal condtons. Tese ndcatorsncl"de market sare7 !ol"me7 net re!en"e7 o%eratng %roft7 managemento%eratng cas flow7 earnngs %er sare and ret"rn on n!ested ca%tal.

    Key Challenges and Strategies for Growth

    To ace!e s fnancal object!es7 Pe%sCo consstentl# foc"s onntat!es to m%ro!e s res"lts and ncrease ret"rns for tersareolders. or 207 we a!e dentfed te followng ke# callenges

    and related com%ett!e strateges for growt tat we bele!e wll enable"s to ace!e o"r fnancal object!esH

    )n 27 te ?.(. l"d refresment be!erage categor# declned on a #earo!er#ear bass. ="rng 207 we ntend to n!est to kee% o"r total

    be!erage %ortfolo rele!ant to cons"mers of all ages. 6e %lan to ca%tal9eon o"r new LRefres E!er#tngM cam%agn7 wc feat"res new branddenttes for trademarks @atorade7 Pe%s7 (erra 8st and 8o"ntan =ew7as well as ke# %rod"ct nno!atons lke new (o ,e /fe water7 sweetened

    wt P"re ;a7 an allnat"ral7 9erocalore sweetener recentl# a%%ro!ed b#te ?.(. ood and =r"g Admnstraton. )n noncarbonated be!erages7 wewll work to dentf# "nta%%ed trst occasons and to del!er e!en moref"nctonal benefts.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Broadening PepsiCo Diverse Portfolio of Global Products

    Cons"mer tastes and %references are constantl# cangng. Tencreasngl# ontego lfest#les of cons"mers and ter desre forealter coces means tat t s more m%ortant tan e!er for "s tocontn"e to broaden o"r d!erse %ortfolo of global %rod"cts. 6e reman

    commtted to offerng cons"mers a broad range of coces to satsf# terd!erse lfest#les and desres. or e:am%le7 n 27 we broadened te

    be!erage %ortfolo b# %artnerng wt Te Pe%s ,ottlng @ro"% toac"re J(C /ebed#ansk# 7 R"ssaDs leadng J"ceCom%an#7 b# ac"rng ; 6ater n te ?nted +ngdom and b# e:%andngo"r s"ccessf"l /%ton Tea %artners% wt ?nle!er. 6e e:%anded ntoadjacent snack categores b# ntrod"cng Tr"e Nort n"t snacks andformng a jont !ent"re tat offers (abra refrgerated d%s. ="rng 207tro"g a combnaton of t"ckn ac"stons and nno!aton7 we %lan tocontn"e to broaden te range of %rod"cts we offer n o"r e:stngcategores and e:%and nto adjacent ones.

    we are also commtted to sec"rng o"r nno!aton %%elne7 and a!ecoordnated o"r researc and de!elo%ment de%artments across teCom%an# nto one global nno!aton team.

    Successfully Navigating the Global Economic Crisis

    We have also implemented our Productivity for Growth programwhich is expected to cumulatively generate more than$1.2 billion in pre-tax savings over the next three years.

    6e and o"r c"stomers7 s"%%lers and dstrb"tors a!e all been m%actedb# te contn"ng global economc crss. @lobal economc condtonsa!e res"lted n decreased cons"mer %"rcasng %ower7 !olatlefl"ct"atons n te %rces of ke# commodtes s"c as ol7 corn7 s"gar and


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    oats and ad!erse foregn c"rrenc# e:cange rates. To na!gate tro"gtese condtons we %lan to contn"e to foc"s on f"ndamentals7 s"c asens"rng tat we offer %rod"cts wt te rgt %rce to !al"e %ro%ostonand managng cas flow7 nterest e:%ense and commodt# costs. 6e a!ealso m%lemented o"r Prod"ct!t# for @rowt %rogram wc s e:%ectedto c"m"lat!el# generate more tan 1.2 bllon n %reta: sa!ngs o!er te

    ne:t tree #ears and tat wll also allow "s to ncrease n!estments nlongterm researc and de!elo%ment7 nno!aton7 brand b"ldng andmarkets%ecfc growt ntat!es.

    Epanding in !nternational "ar#ets

    O"r o%eratons o"tsde of te ?nted (tates contrb"te sgnfcantl# to o"rre!en"e and %roftablt#. ,eca"se %er ca%ta cons"m%ton of o"r %rod"ctss stll relat!el# low n man# of tese markets7 we bele!e tere s asgnfcant o%%ort"nt# to grow nternatonall# b# e:%andng o"r e:stng

    b"snesses and tro"g ac"stons7 %artc"larl# n emergng markets.="rng 27 we anno"nced sgnfcant ca%tal n!estments n ,ra9l7 )nda78e:co and Cna. 6e also strengtened o"r nternatonal %resencetro"g ac"stons s"c as 8arbo7 a snacks com%an# n (erba7 b#e:%andng o"r s"ccessf"l /%ton Tea %artners% wt ?nle!er7 and b#

    %artnerng wt P,@ to ac"re R"ssaDs largest j"ce com%an#. 6e %lan toseek o%%ort"ntes to make smlar n!estments to dr!e nternatonalgrowt n 20 and be#ond. 6e also %lan to

    contn"e de!elo%ng %rod"cts tat le!erage o"r e:stng brands b"t a%%ealto local tastes.

    "aintaining our Commitment to Sustainable Growth

    Cons"mers and go!ernment offcals are ncreasngl# foc"sed on tem%act com%anes a!e on te en!ronment. 6e are commtted tomantanng g standards for %rod"ct "alt#7 safet# and ntegrt# and to


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    red"cng o"r m%act on te en!ronment tro"g water7 energ# and%ackagng ntat!es. 6e %lan to contn"e to n!est n %rograms tat el%"s red"ce energ# costs7 conser!e more energ# and "se clean energ#so"rces7 s"c as o"r wnd t"rbne %roject n )nda wc s"%%les moretan twotrds of te %ower "sed b# o"r 8amand"r be!erage %lant eac#ear. 6e are also act!el# workng on new %ackagng ntat!es to f"rter

    red"ce te amo"nt of %lastc "sed n o"r be!erage contaners7 and wecontn"e to %artner wt comm"nt# organ9atons to ncrease rec#clngefforts.



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    1456 Caleb ,raam a #o"ng %armacst from New ,ern7 Nort Carolna7begns e:%ermentng wt man# dfferent soft drnk concoctons7 %atronsand frends sam%le tem at s dr"gstore soda fo"ntan.

    1454 One of CalebDs form"laton known as L,rand =rnkDsM a

    combnaton of carbonated water7 s"gar7 !anlla7 rare ols and cola n"ts7 srenamed LPe%sColaM on a"g"st 27 10. Pe%scola rece!e ts frst logo.

    15! Te nstant %o%"lart# of ts new drnk leads ,raam to de!ote allof s energ# to de!elo%ng Pe%s Cola n to a f"ll fledged b"sness. 'ea%%les for a trademark wt te ?.(. %atent Offce7 6asngton =.C. AN=orms te frst Pe%s Cola Com%an#.

    1570 ,raam %"rcases a b"ldng n New ,ern known as te ,so%

    actor#M for &7 and mo!es all bottlng and s#r"% o%eraton to tslocaton. Pe%s s sold n s: once bottles. (ales ncrease to 107$ gallons.

    15"0Pe%sColaDs frst bottlng francses are establses n carlotte and="ram7 Nort Carolna. Pe%s rece!e ts new logo. )ts frst cange snce10.

    1580Pe%s gets anoter logo cange7 te trd n egt #ears. Te modfedscr%t logo s created wt te slogan7 Lte orgnal %"re ood =rnk.M Tereare 1& ?.(. Pe%s bottlng %lants. Te Pe%s trademark regstered n

    Canada. (#r"% sales rse to 37*& gallons.1590Pe%s Cola Com%an# contn"es to e:%andI te com%an#Ds bottlngnetwork grows to $ francses. Pe%sCola sells more tan 17 gallonsof s#r"%.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    1540Pe%scola become one of te frst com%anes to modern9e del!er#from orse drawn carts to motor !ecles. Two "ndred fft# bottlers n 2$states are "nder contract to make and sell Pe%sCola.

    155 A"tomoble race %oneer ,arne# oldfeld endorses Pe%scola nnews%a%er ads as LA b"ll# drnk refresng n!goratng7 a fne bracer

    before a race.M

    1510Te frst Pe%scola bottlersD con!enton s eld n New ,ern7 NortCarolna.

    15! Pe%s teme lne s%eaks to te cons"mers wt L=rnk Pe%scola7 twll satsf# #o".M

    15!6 Pe%scola Com%an# s declared bankr"%t and ts assets are sold to a

    Nort Carolna concern7 Cra!en 'oldng Cor%oraton7 for for 37.Ro# C. 8ega gel. A well street broker b"#s te Pe%s trademark7 b"snessand goodwll from Car!en 'oldng Cor%oraton for 3&7 formng tePe%scola Cor%oraton.

    15!40After f!e contn"o"s losng #ears7 8ega gel recogn9es s com%an#as te Natonal Pe%scola Com%an#7 becomng te fo"rt %arent com%an#to own te Pe%s trademark.

    15610?.(. =strct co"rt for Eastern ;rgna declares te Natonal Pe%s

    Cola Com%an# bankr"%t7 te second bankr"%tc# n Pe%scola stor#.

    1033 ,# te end of te #ear7 @otDs new Pe%scola Com%an# s nsol!ent.)n a seres of mo!es7 e ac"res 8ega gelDs nterest n te com%an#7g!ng mself 01 owners% of Pe%s.

    15670A landmark #ear for Pe%scola Com%an#. Te drnk was a t andattracts e!en more salesI te com%an# begns sellng ts 12o"nce drnk for&. Te 12o"nce bottle deb"ts n ,altmore7 were t s an nstant s"ccess.

    Te cost sa!ng %ro!es rresstble to de%ressonworn Amercans and salessk#rocket natonall#.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Caleb ,raam te fo"nder of Pe%sCola and ,randDs drnk des at **.

    156" @"t mo!es te entre Pe%sCola o%eraton to long sland ct# New5ork7 and sets "% natonal terrtoral bo"ndares for te Pe%s bottlerfrancse s#stem.

    1568 Pe%s grant 0$ new ?.(. francses and #ear end %roft reac2717.

    1564 6alter (. 8ack Jr. ;.P. of Poen: (ec"rtes Cor%oraton s electedPresdent of te Pe%sCola Com%an#. 8ack7 wo consders ad!ertsng teke#stone of te soft drnk b"sness7. Pe%s t"rns nto a modern marketngcom%an#.

    1565 Te LPe%s and PetM comc str% ntrod"ce te Ltwce as m"c for anckelM teme n news%a%ers Pe%sCola com%an# names 8ack as CEO.Te board of drectors remo!es @"t from te Pe%s %a#roll after e %lansto %ersonall# ac"re a com%etng cola.

    157 Pe%sCola Com%an# makes ad!ertsng stor# wt LNckel7Nckel7M te frst ad!ertsng jngles e!er broadcast natonwde on rado.

    1571 Te New 5ork stock e:cange trade Pe%sDs stock for te frst tme.)n s"%%ort of te war effort7 Pe%sDs bottle crown colors cange to red7wte7 and bl"e.1576 Pe%s teme lne becomes L,gger =rnk7 ,etter Taste.M

    1574 Cor%orate ead"arter mo!es from /ong )sland ct#7 New 5ork tomdtown 8anattan.15" Alfred N.(teel becomes %resdent and CEO of Pe%sCola. 8r.(teelDs wfe7 'oll#wood mo!e star Joan Crawford7 s nstr"mental n

    %romotng te com%an#Ds %rod"ct lne.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Pe%s rece!es ts new logo7 wc ncor%orate te Lbottle ca%M look. Tenew logo s te fft n te Pe%s stor#.

    15"6 LTe lgt Refresment Lcam%agn ca%tal9es on a cange n te%rod"ct form"la tat red"ces calorc content.

    15"" 'erbert bar net s named %resdent of Pe%scola.

    15"5 Pe%s deb"ts at te 8oscow ar. (o!et %remer +r"sce! and?.(. !ce %resdent N:on sare a Pe%s.

    158 5o"ng ad"lt become te target cons"mers and Pe%sDs ad!ertsngkee%s %ace wt LNow tDs Pe%s for tose wo tnk #o"ng.M

    158! Pe%s rece!es ts new logo7 te s:t n Pe%s stor#. Te serratedbottle ca% logo deb"ts accom%an#ng te brandDs gro"ndbreakng Pe%sgeneraton ad cam%agn.

    1586 After te clmbng te Pe%s ladder from fo"ntan s#r"% salesman7=onald 8. +endall s named CEO of Pe%scola com%an#. Pe%scolacontn"es to lead te soft drnk nd"str# n %ackagng nno!atons7 wen te12o"nce bottle g!es wa# to te 1*o"nce s9e. 12o"nce Pe%s cans was frstntrod"ced to te mltar# to trans%ort soft drnks all o!er te world.

    1587 =et Pe%s7 AmercaDs frst natonal det soft drnk7 deb"ts. Pe%scolaac"re 8o"ntan =ew from te T% Cor%oraton.

    158" E:%anson o"t sde te soft drnk nd"str# begns. rto/a# of=allas7 Te:as7 and Pe%scola merge7 formng Pe%sCo. )nc. 8ltar#12o"nce cans were s"c a s"ccess tat f"ll scale commercal dstrb"ton

    begns. 8o"ntan =ew la"nces ts frst cam%agn L5aoo 8o"ntan=ew )tDll tckle #o"r nnardsM


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    159 Pe%s leads te wa# nto metrcs b# ntrod"cng te nd"str#Ds frsttwolter bottles. Pe%s s also te frst com%an# to res%ond to cons"mer

    %reference wt lgtweg7 rec#clable7 %lastc bottles.;c ,onomo snamed Presdent of Pe%sCola.Te Pe%s 6orld 'ead"arters mo!es from 8anattan to P"rcase7 New


    15970 rst Pe%s %lant o%ens n te ?.(.(.R. Tele!son ads ntrod"ce te

    new teme lne7 L'ello7 ("nsne7 'ello 8o"ntan =ew.M

    15980 Pe%s becomes te sngle largest soft drnk brand sold n Amercans"%ermarkets. Te cam%agn s L'a!e a Pe%s =a#M and a classccommercal7 LP"%%esM become one of AmercanDs bestlo!ed ads. As

    %eo%le get back to bascs7 Pe%s s tere as one of te sm%le tngs n lfe.

    1599 At 3-7 marketng gen"s Joan (c"lle# s named Presdent of Pe%sCola.

    1594 Te com%an# e:%erments wt new fla!ors. Twel!e cans arentrod"ced.

    154Pe%s becomes n"mber one n sales n te take ome market.

    1541Pe%sCo and Cna rc agreement to man"fact"re soft drnks7 wt%rod"cton begnnng ne:t #ear.

    154!Pe%s ree7 a caffenefree cola7 s ntrod"ced natonwde. Pe%s

    Callenge act!t# as %enetrated -& of te ?.(. market.

    1546 8o"ntan =ew la"nces te L=ew t to tM teme.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    1547 Pe%s ad!ertsng takes a dramatc t"rns as Pe%s becomes Ltecoce of a New @eneraton.M/emon /me (lces7 te frst major soft drnk wt real fr"t j"ce7 sntrod"ced7 creatng a new soft drnk categor#7 Lj"ce added.M )ns"bse"ent lne of e:tenson7 8andarn Orange (lce goes on to becomete n"mber one orange soft drnk n ?.(.

    =et Pe%s s reform"lated wt N"tra(weet brand sweetener.

    154"After res%ondng to #ears of declne7 Coke loses to Pe%s %referencetests b# reform"latng. 'owe!er7 te new form"la was met wtwdes%read cons"mer rejecton7 forcng te rentrod"cton of te orgnalform"laton as LCocaCola classc.M

    Te cola war takes Lone gant s% for mankndM wen a Pe%s Ls%ace canMs"ccessf"ll# tested aboard te s%ace s"ttle. ,# te end of 10&7 te newgeneraton cam%agn earns more tan & major ad!ertsng and flmrelated awards. Pe%s cam%agn feat"rng /onel Rce s te mostremembered n te co"ntr#7 accordng to cons"mer %reference %olls.

    1548 Carman =onald 8. +endall retres and s s"cceeded b# =. 6a#neCallowa#. -"% nternatonal were ac"red n Canada. Pe%s cola ac"re8"g Root ,eer.

    1549 Pe%scola %resdent Roger Enrco was named PresdentQ CEO ofPe%sCo 6orld wde ,e!erages.Pe%scola ead"arter mo!es from P"rcase to (omers7 New 5ork.After a 2- #ear absence7 Pe%s ret"rned to ,roadwa# wt te lgtng of as%ectac"lar new neon sgn n Tmes ("are.

    1544 Crag 6eater "% s a%%onted PresdentQCEO of Pe%sColaCom%an#.

    15450Pe%s l"nges nto te ne:t decade b# declarng Pe%s lo!ers LA@eneraton AeadM


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Pe%sCola begns dstrb"ton of /%tonGs lne of read#todrnk teasnatonwde

    1556 rto/a# la"nces new =ortos brand Tortlla Tns. 6tn f!emonts of la"nc7 Tortlla Tns breaks nto te ranks of te 1

    largestsellng snack c%s n te ?.(. After a 2-#ear absence7 Pe%s ret"rns to ,roadwa# wt telgtng of a s%ectac"lar new neon sgn n Tmes ("are. ,ot Pe%sCo be!erages and snack food o%eratng %rofts %ass te1 bllon mark. Pe%sCola ntrod"ces fresness datng. rto/a# ntrod"ces ,aked Tosttos brand Tortlla C%s. Pe%s ntrod"ces FTe C"be7F an nno!at!e 2$can m"lt%ack7 tatsatsfes growng cons"mer demand for con!enent large s9e softdrnk %ackagng. Pe%sCo ac"res East (de 8aroGs Resta"rants )nc. )t sells te $"nts n 100-.

    Pe%sCo ac"res =GAngelo (andwc (o%s can7 wc s sold n100-. Pe%sCola )nternatonal ntrod"ces Pe%s 8a:7 a soft drnk wt"n"e blend of sweeteners tat del!ers ma:m"m cola taste n a nos"gar %rod"ct. rto/a# natonall# la"nces 6a!# /a#Gs Orgnal and A" @ratnfla!ors. Pe%sCola ntrod"ces A"afna bottled water nto test market.

    15570 Pe%sCola s frst major soft drnk maker to begn %rod"cng anddstrb"tng ts %rod"ct n ;etnam. Pe%sCola la"nces ts s%orts drnk All (%ort. )t s sold n 21. Pe%sCola )nternatonal ac"res )ndan com%an#7 ts frst bg

    bottlng %lant n ,omba#.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    =ortos s ntrod"ced to te ?nted +ngdom7 markng te creatonof a new Fglobal brand.F rto/a# and +.C. 8aster%ece Orgnal ,rand ,arbec"e (a"cela"nces /a#Gs 8aster%ece brand ,arbec"e la!or Potato C%s7markng te frst tme /a#Gs as entered nto a cobrandng agreement. Pe%sCo and (tarb"cks form te Nort Amercan Coffee

    Partners% to jontl# de!elo% read#todrnk coffee be!erages. Pe%sCola lcenses te Ctr"s 'll trademark from Te Procter K@amble Co. to la"nc a lne of fo"ntan j"ces and drnks. Cna gets ceeseless Ceetos7 te frst tme a major snackfood

    brand wll be %rod"ced n Cna for Cnese tastes. Reba 8cEntre becomes frst celebrt# to a%%ear natonall# on arto/a# %ackage. rto/a# natonall# la"nces new baked Rold @old at ree TnsPret9els7 te frst fat free red"ced sod"m %ret9el ntrod"ced b# te

    com%an#. 6ake orest ?n!erst# names ts (cool of ,"sness andAcco"ntanc# n onor of 6a#ne Callowa#. Pe%sCo sales reac 3.$ bllon. Tere are $-7 em%lo#eesworldwde7 makng Pe%sCo te trd largest em%lo#er.


    Pe%sCola ntrod"ces FNotng else s a Pe%sF teme lne. Pe%sCola s to% ad scorer n ("%er ,owl. 8o"ntan =ew s%onsors te @ramm# Awards. Teme lne s F,eenTere7 =one Tat7 Tred Tat.F Te Pe%s /%ton Tea Partners% deb"ts new ad cam%agnem%as9ng FTereGs onl# one Orgnal.F

    Pe%sCola ntrod"ces (moot 8oos (mootes7 a lne of lowfatdar# sakes. -?% )nternatonal la"nces -?P )ce Cola7 a new clear cola. rto/a# aggress!el# e:%ands ts lowQnofat snack segment. ,aked/a#s s ntrod"ced.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    rto/a# tests ,aked Tosttos7 Rold @old at ree Pret9els7 R"fflesRed"ced at Potato C%s and Tosttos fatfree salsas and black beand% brands. Cam%agn lne s FTaste te f"n7 not te fat.F Pe%sCo wll ntrod"ce /a#Gs brand %otato c%s n 2 marketstro"go"t te world. Pe%sCo s onlne at tt%HQQwww.%e%sco.com

    1558 Pe%sCola la"nces Pe%s 6orld at www.%e%sworld.com FPe%s (t"ffF "n!eled. Cons"mers sa!e %onts for mercandse. Pe%sCo stocks s%lts twoforone. Pe%sCola domestc and nternatonal o%eratons combned ntoPe%sCola Com%an#. )nternatonal and domestc snack foodo%eratons combned nto one b"sness "nt called rto/a#Com%an#. 8o"ntan =ew la"nces a mass!e bee%er network called FTe8o"ntan =ew E:treme Network.F Pe%sCo7 )nc. and /"casflm /td. anno"nce te largest %romotonalallance n entertanment stor#7 lnkng e:stng and f"t"re (tar 6arsseres wt Pe%sCo be!erage7 snack foods and resta"rant brandsworldwde. Pe%sCola and 8T; establs a %artners% to de!elo%nternatonal %rogrammng7 cross %romotons7 marketng tens ands%ecal e!ents.

    lmng of te worldGs frst commercal n s%ace. Cosmona"ts soota large bl"e Pe%s can n orbt o"tsde te 8)R (%ace staton. )nternatonal retal sales of =ortos brand tortlla c%s e:ceed 2&

    mllon7 global e:%anson nears 2 co"ntres. Pe%sCo anno"nces %lans to s%n off ts resta"rant b"snesses as annde%endent %"blcl#traded com%an#7 sell ts food dstrb"toncom%an# and foc"s on ts core be!erage and snack food b"snesses.Te s%noff s com%leted October *7 100-. (areolders rece!e one


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    sare n te new resta"rant com%an#7 Trcon @lobal Resta"rants7 )nc.7for e!er# 1 sares te# old n Pe%sCo7 )nc. Pe%sCo s now a 2 bllon com%an# wt a%%ro:matel# 1$7em%lo#ees worldwde. Pe%sCola s to% ad scorer n ("%er ,owl. 8o"ntan =ew s%onsors te @ramm# Awards. Teme lne s F,een

    Tere7 =one Tat7 Tred Tat.F Te Pe%s /%ton Tea Partners% deb"ts new ad cam%agnem%as9ng FTereGs onl# one Orgnal.F Pe%sCola ntrod"ces (moot 8oos (mootes7 a lne of lowfatdar# sakes. Roger Enrco s"cceeds 6a#ne Callowa# as cef e:ec"t!e offcerand carman of te ,oard of =rectors.


    Pe%sCola ntrod"ces new ad!ertsng cam%agn wt te temeF@eneraton Ne:t.F Pe%sCola Nort Amercan bottlng o%eratons become a se%arate"nt called Te Pe%sCola ,ottlng Co. Natonal rollo"t of A"afna bottled water. rto/a# anno"nces %lans to b"# te 1$#earold snack7 CrackerJack7 a cand#coated m: of %o%corn and %ean"ts from ,orden oodsCor%. Pe%sCola kcks off te celebraton of ts 100 1t Ann!ersar#

    wt frst worldwde bottlerDs conference7 eld n 'awa. Te e!ent seld d"rng te same tme as frst bottlerGs conference. rto/a# ntrod"ces =ortos 3=Gs Tortlla C%s7 a tranglesa%edc%.

    1554 Pe%sCola ntrod"ces twolter %lastc bottle wt b"ltn Fgr%andleF tat makes t easer to gr% and %o"r.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Pe%sCo Carman and CEO Roger A. Enrco donates s salar# to%ro!de scolars%s for cldren of Pe%sCo em%lo#ees. Pe%s ntrod"ces new look called te F@lobeF wc %romnentl#feat"res a 3dmensonal @lobe aganst a bl"e ce backdro%. Pe%sCola anno"nces breaktro"g %rod"ctH Pe%s One7 greattastng7 onecalore cola s frst n ?nted (tates wt newl# =A

    a%%ro!ed sweetener ("nett. ormer Carman and CEO 6a#ne Callowa# des on J"l# 0t. 'e

    joned Pe%sCo n 10*- becomng ts Carman and CEO n 10*. Pe%sCo ac"res Tro%cana Prod"cts from (eagram Com%an# /td.7te bggest ac"ston e!er "ndertaken b# Pe%sCo. Tro%cana wasfo"nded n 10$- b# Anton# Ross. )ts major brand s Tro%cana P"rePrem"m J"ces. Te rto/a# Com%an# %"rcases (mtGs (nackfood Com%an# nA"strala from ?nted ,sc"ts 'oldngs7 )nc. )n No!ember te Pe%sCo ,oard of =rectors a"tor9es tecom%an# to con!ert a sgnfcant %orton of ts - bllon com%an#owned bottlng o%eratons7 Te Pe%s ,ottlng @ro"% nto

    %"blc owners%. Pe%sCo sgns gro"ndbreakng 1#ear agreement wt te 58CAof te ?(A tro"g wc bot Pe%sCola and rto/a# wll de!elo%natonal and local marketng %rograms to s"%%ort te organ9atonGsman# cartable efforts. rto/a# becomes te snack c% leader n (o"t and Central

    Amerca as t enters a jont !ent"re wt Em%reseas Polar (A of;ene9"ela. rto/a# ac"res ,arcel7 CleGs secondlargest snack com%an#. rto/a# ac"res an e:%anded state n Tast# oods Eg#%t. Pe%s and rto/a# meda b"#ng s consoldated. Pe%sCo %rod"cts contrb"te more tan an# oter %ackaged goodscom%an# to te sales growt n ?.(. s"%ermarkets7 massmercandsers and can dr"g stores.


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    Tro%cana Prod"cts7 )nc. ac"res Almentos del ;alle (.A.7 one of(%anGs leadng clled j"ce and so"% com%anes.


    Tro%cana ntrod"ces two new calc"mfortfed P"re Prem"mj"cesH P"re Prem"m @ro!estand Calc"m and P"re Prem"m R"b#

    Red @ra%efr"t Calc"m. Pe%s la"nces FTe Jo# of ColaF ad!ertsng cam%agn. )n 8arc7 Te Pe%s ,ottlng @ro"%7 te worldGs largest Pe%s

    bottler7 begns tradng on te New 5ork (tock E:cange. )t s lsted"nder te s#mbol P,@. Te 2.3 bllon %"blc offerng s among te

    bggest ntal %"blc offerngs n stock market stor#. (te!e Renem"nd named %resdent of Pe%sCo. 'alle Esenberg FJo# of ColaF commercals named S* of Fft#@reatest T; commercals of all tme7F b# T; @"de. /%ton ntrod"ces )ced Tea @reen Tea wt 'one# and =et Peac. Pe%sCo and ("ntor# /mted sgned an agreement to create a jont!ent"re lnkng bottlng networks n Nort Carolna and New 5ork.Te new com%an#7 Pe%s ,ottlng ;ent"res7 wll be te trd largest

    bottler n te Pe%s s#stem. Tro%cana j"ces are enterng te "ge )nda market for te frsttme. (%eareaded b# Tro%cana Asa Pacfc7 orange j"ce wll a%%earn te New =el and ,angalore markets. rto/a# ntrod"ces a new cor%orate logo. rto/a# sgns agreement wt Oberto (a"sage to be te e:cl"s!e

    dstrb"tor of te nat"ralst#le jerk#


    Pe%sCola re!!es ts FPe%s CallengeF ad!ertsng cam%agn.Callenge ncl"des Pe%s One and =et Coke as well as reg"lar cola. Pe%sCola teams "% wt 5aoo )nc.7 te bggest web na!gatoncom%an#7 n a m"ltmeda marketng cam%agn amed at teens and#o"ng ad"lts.


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    Tro%cana7 n a jont !ent"re wt @ala:# oods Co.7 wll ntrod"cean c# smoote so# mlkandfr"t drnk7 made wt j"ce7 fr"t %"reealong wt so#mlk and so# %roten. A"afna brand bottled water becomes te bestsellng brand ofsngleser!e bottled water n ?( retal cannels. Pe%s(t"ff.com7 a web ste for mercandse7 dsco"nts and dgtal

    m"sc fles from bggest names n mo!es7 m"sc7 !deo games7a%%arel and s%orts s la"nced n jont %romoton wt 5aoo. Pe%sCola la"nces F(erra 8stF a caffenefree7 lemonQlme soda. Te Nort Amercan Coffee Partners% la"nced Caramelfla!ored

    bottled ra%%"ccno Coffee =rnk te s:t fla!or addton to ts%o%"lar lne of read#todrnk coffee. Pe%sCo7 )nc. reaces agreement to ac"re a majort# stake n(o"t ,eac ,e!erage Com%an#7 wose gl# nno!at!e (o,e

    brand as made t one of nd"str#Gs most s"ccessf"l com%anes.

    Pe%sCo7 )nc. and Te 4"aker Oats Com%an# reaced an agreementto merge. Pe%sCo com%letes te ac"ston of a majort# stake n (o"t,eac ,e!erage Co. Pe%sCo sales are 2 bllon and te com%an# as 12&7em%lo#ees at #ear end. Pe%sCo la"nces =!erst#work7tt%HQQwww.%e%sco.comQd!erst# webste.

    21 Pe%sCola Com%an# la"nces =ole sngleser!e j"ces n !endngmacnes7 coolers and oter retal o"tlets tro"go"t te ?nted(tates. Pe%sColaGs flags% brand wll a!e new taglne7 FTe Jo# ofPe%s.F Tro%cana celebrates a com%an# mlestone 3 bllon fresoranges s"ee9ed snce te com%an# began makng co"ntr#Gs frste!er mass dstrb"ted7 notfromconcentrate j"ce n 10$-. Tro%cana ntrod"ces (mootes. A nat"ral j"cebased %rod"ct7smootes combne fr"t j"ces and nonfat #og"rt nto a smoot7fllng drnk tat del!ers n"trton7 taste and con!enence.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Pe%sCola la"nces te bold new 8o"ntan =ew Code Rednatonwde. )t s 8o"ntan =ewGs frst lne e:tenson snce tentrod"cton of =et 8o"ntan =ew n 10. 8a# 2 Te ,oard of =rectors of Pe%sCo7 )nc. elected (te!en (Renem"nd carman of te board and cef e:ec"t!e offcer7s"cceedng Roger Enrco wo wll become !ce carman. Te boardalso elected )ndra +. Noo# as a drector and ga!e er te addtonalttle of %resdent of Pe%sCo n addton to CO. rto/a# ntrod"ces /a#Gs ,stro @o"rmet %otato c%s. Pe%sCola Com%an# ntrod"ces a FPe%s Twst.F Reg"lar and det!ersons of te crs% new cola wt lemon are enterng retal o"tlets nselected ?.(. markets. (/A87 te orange brand 8rnda7 s la"nced n )tal#. Pe%sCo ac"res Tasal oods7 (a"d ArabaGs leadng snackcom%an#. On A"g"st 27 Pe%sCo merges wt Te 4"aker Oats Com%an#7creatng a 2& bllon food and be!erage com%an# foc"sed on tera%dl# growng cons"mer demand for con!enence.

    Tro%cana P"re Prem"m /ow Acd orange j"ce makes offcaldeb"t at Tro%cana $. =et (erra 8st s )ntrod"ced.

    22 rto/a# ntrod"ces @o (nacks7 cansters tat tr"l# go an#were. @atorade ntrod"ces new @atorade )CE n tree fla!ors Orange7/me and (trawberr#. Tro%cana P"re Prem"m anno"nces s%onsors% of =sne#Gs awardwnnng sow Te /on +ng.

    Tro%cana P"re Prem"m ntrod"ces 1$o9. sngleser!eresealable bottle #o" can take wt #o" for te ontego cons"mers. =et Pe%s as a new look. F8r. @reen7F a greentnted carbonated soft drnk wt caffene andgnseng7 s la"nced "nder (o,eGs New Age be!erage lne n A%rl.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Te Nort Amercan Coffee Partners% 7 a jont !ent"rebetween (tarb"cks Coffee Com%an# and Pe%sCo7 )nc. ntrod"ces(tarb"cks =o"blesot.

    4"aker Oatmeal ts #ear celebrates te 12&t ann!ersar# of tenatonGs n"mberonecoce for a n"trto"s7 ot breakfast cereal. @atorade t"rns 3&. )t was created n 10*s to el% %erformance oflorda @ators football team and now s te leadng s%ort drnk. New lne of @atorade brand drnks7 Utremo7 comes n tree new

    fla!ors 8ango7 Tro%cal and Ctrco. Pe%sCo and +ennet Coo%er7 8.=.7 8.P.'.7 of Coo%er Conce%ts)nc. 7 a d!son of te renowned Coo%er Aerobcs Center n=allas7 TU enter nto an agreement to %romote n"trton7 ftness andwellness. =ole ,e!erages enters clled orange j"ce b"sness as t la"ncesf!e new fla!ors and %ackages. A"afna deb"ts new lne of greattastng enanced waters.A"afna Essentals target act!e7 ealtconsco"s ad"lts n fo"rlgtl# sweetened !aretes ncl"dng ,Power7 Calc"mV7 =al# C and8"lt; n 2o9. bottles. Pe%sCo reorgan9es to "nte all Nort Amercan be!erageo%eratons7 ncl"dng Pe%sCola7 Tro%cana and @atorade7 nto onenew d!son Pe%sCo ,e!erages and oods Nort Amerca. Pe%sCo anno"nces & bllon sare re%"rcase %rogram. (tarb"cks "n!els wte !anlla and cocon"t crWme ra%%"ccno. Tro%cana as new ad cam%agn for Tro%cana P"re Prem"m'ealt# +ds T; s%ots desgned to ca%t"re te essence of cldrenGsneeds.

    @ala:# N"trtonal oods la"nces ?ltra (mootes made wtTro%cana j"ces. Pe%sCo %"blses 'ealt and 6ellness Ploso%#.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    rto/a# anno"nces t s elmnatng trans fats from =ortos7Tosttos7 and Ceetos. rto/a# anno"nces %lans to ntrod"ce /a#Gs Red"ced at c%s andCeetos Red"ced at snacks. 4"akerGs N"trton for 6omen team as de!elo%ed a ood @"deP#ramd for 6omen as well as an onlne n"trtonal assessment. ,rand Pe%s as a new look. ,e#once +nowles as joned te Pe%s faml# and wll collaboratewt Pe%s two new T; commercals7 rado7 and )nternet ads.

    Pe%sCo ntrod"ces 8araton +ds7 a %rogram tat enco"rages kdsand ter famles to be more %#scall# act!e. Te %rogram deb"ts n=allas7 TU. Tro%cana ntrod"ces a new cam%agn wt te tag lne F(o %"re. (oal!e. Tro%cana P"re Prem"m.F Tro%cana P"re Prem"m and 4"aker Oatmeal la"nc te 'eart and(o"l 8ates ("%%ort Network feat"rng n"trton t%s7 mot!atonal

    messages and coacng ad!ce7 to el% cons"mers t"rn ealt# abtsnto lfelong canges.

    23 Pe%sCola la"nces (erra 8st natonall#. Pe%sCo la"nces F@et Act!eQ(ta# Act!eF %rogram. 4"aker Cew# ntrod"ces 4"aker Cew# 6olesome a!ortes and4"aker Cew# Tral 8:. @atorade "n!els )nCar '#draton (#stem for NA(CAR =r!ers.

    (o,e s%onsors ?.(. O%en (nowboardng Cam%ons%s. Pe%s anno"nces %lans to la"nc 8t. =ew /!e6re7 an orangedrnk7 ts s"mmer. Pe%sCola sgns an e:cl"s!e fo"r#ear s%onsors% deal wt teCanadan 'ocke# Assocaton7 makng Pe%s te offcal soft drnk.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Pe%s anno"nces fo"r#ear s%onsors% agreement wt te ?+ootball Assocaton. rto/a# anno"nces new lne of snacks made wt organcngredents called FNat"ral (nacks.F FPe%s (t"ffF Cam%agn kcksoff n Canada. rto/a# fnds wnner of F6o"ld 5o" Name 5o"r ,ab# 'ortonF

    searc celebratng te FrebrtF of ts R"ffles brand. Te cld wllrece!e &7 college t"ton f"nd from rto/a#. Pe%sCo creates Pe%sCo )nternatonal7 te b"sness tat wll "nteall nternatonal snack7 be!erage and food "nts n an effort to dr!efaster growt and m%ro!ed %roftablt# aro"nd te world. Pe%sCo releases a (%anslang"age FPower of OneF tele!soncommercal starrng P"erto Rcan snger and actor7 Ponce7 and;elas"e97 8e:canAmercan snger and actress.

    Pe%sCola trademark t"rns 1 #ears old. 4"aker rolls o"t new Oatmeal ,reakfast ("ares. Pe%s ;anlla s la"nced n te ?nted (tates. Tro%cana ntrod"ces Tro%cana 1 J"ce ,lends. Pe%s "n!els a new taglneH FPe%s. )tGs te Cola.F )t s te brandGsfrst major cam%agn sft snce 1000 and glgts ow Pe%s goeswt e!er#tng from food to f"n.

    2$ Pe%sCo /a"nces G'ealtRoadsG 6ellness ,eneft for Assocatesand Ter amles Pe%sCoGs new F(mart (%otF %rogram s feat"red as an e:am%le ofte food nd"str#Gs foc"s on ealt and wellness n toda#Gs edton of

    ?(A Toda#. rto/a# /a"nces =ortos and Ceetos 'alloween Treat 8"lt(acks


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    rto/a#Gs 2$co"nt 8"lt(ack !aret# %ack won te )nstt"te ofPackagng ProfessonalGs )ntegrt# Award7 one of te nd"str#Gsto% awards7 at ts #earGs Amer(tar Packagng Awards. rto/a# )ntrod"ces =ortos ,lack Pe%%er Jack =et (erra 8st ,ecomes (erra 8st ree Pe%s ,ottlng @ro"% Pe%sCoGs bggest bottler bo"gt Pl

    @a"drea"lt et ls /tee7 a 4"ebecbased Pe%s bottler. (o,e /a"nces ("garree No ear Pe%sCo /a"nces G(mart (%otG (#mbol n Canada rto/a# la"nces =ortos Edge and Tosttos Edge lnee:tensons wt * fewer carbo#drates. @atorade ntrod"ces @atorade End"rance '#draton orm"la as%ecal9ed s%orts drnk to meet te needs of end"rance atletes. rto/a# ntrod"ces 4"aker Cew# Cookes K 8lk granola barsand 4"aker r"t K Oatmeal cereal bars.

    rto/a# Canada elmnates trans fats from c%s and la"nces alne of All Nat"ral and Organc %rod"cts. Pe%sCola to la"nc Pe%s Edge7 te frst f"llfla!ored cola wt& less s"gar7 carbo#drates and calores tan reg"lar cola.

    Pe%sCo %"blses frst Cor%orate Ct9ens% re%ort n ts 23Ann"al Re%ort.


    rto/a# ntrod"ces =ortos ,lack Pe%%er Jack

    =et (erra 8st becomes (erra 8st ree.

    (o,e /a"nces ("garree No ear.

    Pe%sCo la"nces F(mart (%otF s#mbol n Canada

    Tro%cana Teams 6t 6egt 6atcers to Offer Tro%cana /gt

    Gn 'ealt# as Part of GPontsG Program

    Pe%s /me and =et Pe%s /me /a"nc

    Tro%cana Twster (oda /a"nced n A%rl


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Te "ddr"ckers resta"rant can sgned a -#ear7 &.* mllon gallon

    agreement wt Pe%sCola Nort Amerca to ser!e Pe%s %rod"cts.

    Pe%s/%ton Tea Partners% Anno"nces New /%ton Orgnal )ced

    Tea and New /%ton )ced TeaI Reform"lated Read#to=rnk Teas't (tore (el!es

    Pe%sCola Nort Amerca adds to ts %ortfolo of =ole 1 j"ces

    R"b# Red @ra%efr"t as well as a new lne of & j"cebe!erages called =ole /gts.

    @atorade ntrod"ces @atorade End"rance orm"la

    Pe%sCola Nort Amerca anno"nced t wll add (%lenda brand

    sweetener to a newl# reform"lated Pe%s ONE7 creatng a f"llfla!orcola taste wt onl# one calore.

    rto/a# ,rngs 6asab "n#"ns to Contnental ?nted (tates

    4"aker snack bars rela"nced wt new brandng7 %ackagng and

    ad!ertsng Pe%sCo Celebrates $t Ann!ersar#

    Pe%sCo )nternatonal anno"nced te a%%ontment of Poneer oods7

    a leadng (o"t Afrcan food and be!erage com%an#7 as tsfrancsee n te Re%"blc of (o"t Afrca.

    Tro%cana as la"nced GTro%cana (ensatonsG7 a new lne of

    %rem"m fr"t j"ces n (%an

    Pe%sCo la"nces 4"aker 8lk Cllers

    @atorade Partners wt N/ to Ed"cate 'g (cool ootball

    Coaces on Pro%er '#draton ="rng Practce

    Pe%sCola Nort Amerca /a"nces 8o"ntan =ew Ptc ,lack ))

    4"aker )ntrod"ces 6egt Control )nstant Oatmeal =et Pe%s Presents te N/ Rooke Callenge 6nner Rece!es

    ("%erbowl Tckets for /fe

    Tro%cana /a"nces All r"t (mootes


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Pe%s s cosen as te e:cl"s!e be!erage %ro!der for (o"% +tcen

    )nternatonal7 )nc. and Te Orgnal (o"%8an

    Pe%sCo =onates 2 8llon to Pakstan Eart"ake ;ctms

    Pe%sCo /a"nces New (amba =rnk n A"strala

    Pe%sCola Nort Amerca /a"nces 8=U Energ# (oda

    Pe%s Partners wt 'ar!e#Gs7 (wss Calet and 8lestoneGsResta"rants

    Pe%sCo FTwstosF Cro"tons /a"nced n R"ssa

    @atorade /a"nces Pro%el Calc"m rst Calc"mEnrced

    tness 6ater

    rto/a# /a"nces 4"aker Oats n )nda

    6alkers to /a"nc New ,eef Jerk# Prod"ct n te ?.+. "nder ts

    Nobb#Gs brand

    Pe%sCo 'ealt K 6ellness /a"nces E!er#da# (mart 8o!es

    8aga9ne Pe%sCo7 Cnd# Crawford and +a,OO8 ,"ld rst (mart (%ot

    Pla#gro"nd n 6asngton7 =.C.

    Pe%s /atte /a"nces n Taland

    Tro%cana r"t6se Cam%agn /a"nces

    8o"ntan =ew (%onsored E(PN U @ames =eb"t n te 8ddle


    Pe%sCo /a"nces Pe%s Ca%%"ccno n Romana

    4"aker /a"nces ;anlla 5og"rt Cr"nc Cereal

    ,rt!c /a"nces Pe%s 8a: Cno



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    n addton to an assortment of fleece jackets made from rec#cled

    %lastc bottle materal

    /a#Gs )ntrod"ces 'ot Gn (%c# +C 8aster%ece ,,4 Potato C%s

    @ramm# award wnnng artst 8ara Care# wrtes and records

    orgnal rngtones for te Pe%s Cool Tones K 8otorola Pones%romoton.

    RceARon ntrod"ces a new lne of wolegran sde dses

    Pe%s Jons ,%artsan Allance7 Ado%ts New (cool Polc# to

    Promote 'ealter /fest#les for Elementar#7 8ddle and 'g(cool (t"dents

    rto/a# c"ts sat"rated fat n /a#Gs7 R"ffles b# more tan &

    wt mo!e to N"("nX ("nflower Ol

    Pe%s "n!els new =ole (%arklers and (erra 8st Cranberr#


    Pe%sCo anno"nces tat t wll be te offcal7 e:cl"s!e food and

    be!erage %artner of te gl# antc%ated ("%erman Ret"rns flm

    (tarb"cks and Pe%sCo sgn a dstrb"ton agreement for Etos

    6ater Pe%sCo7 te Natonal 'ocke# /eag"e

  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    =et Pe%s la"nces Ja997 a new lne of 9erocalore colas a!alable

    n rc fla!ors lke ,lack Cerr# renc ;anlla and (trawberresK Cream

    Pe%sCo ntrod"ces ,en K Jerr#Gs 8lksakes7 a rc7 cream#

    drnkable treat n tree classc fla!orsCerr# @arca7 C"nk#8onke# and Cocolate "dge ,rowne

    Tro%cana deb"ts Tro%cana P"rea new lne of 1 %rem"m


    Pe%sCo s added to te =ow Jones ("stanablt# Nort Amerca


    4"aker Oats deb"ts ts new 4"aker Oatmeal Cr"nc7 warm

    oatmeal wt te cr"nc# te:t"re of cold cereal

    )ndra Noo# named Cef E:ec"t!e Offcer of Pe%sCo as of

    October 17 2*

    rto/a# deb"ts acton c"%s

    rto/a# kcks of ts natonwde rollo"t of /a#Gs wt 1 P"re

    ("nflower Ol

    Pe%s ac"res )YYE be!erage com%an#

    Arb#Gs names Pe%sCola as ts ood and ,e!erage ("%%ler Award


    @olden Corral resta"rants and Pe%s anno"nce a m"lt#ear

    agreement makng Pe%s te canGs %referred be!erage s"%%ler nall locatons

    @randmaGs Cookes releases 2 lmtededton Gfall fa!ortesG fla!ors

    Z(%ced 8olasses and all "dge C%

    Cold (tone Creamer# anno"nces a m"lt#ear agreement makngPe%s ts e:cl"s!e be!erage s"%%ler

    rto/a# Nort Amerca sgned agreement wt te Allance for a

    'ealter @eneraton for a new %olc# for sellng o"r foods nscools


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    rto/a# la"nces new ,aked[Tosttos (coo%s[ Tortlla c%s7

    wt lower calore and lower fat benefts

    Pe%s sgns ear s%onsors% renewal wt 8ajor /eag"e

    ,aseball Pro%ertes makng Pe%s te FOffcal (oft =rnk of 8ajor/eag"e ,aseballF

    P,(@ Parkwood and rto/a# ead"arters assocates rase more

    tan 1. mllon dollars n te Amercan 'eart Assocaton 6alk

    Pe%sCo anno"nced ntent to ac"re Naked J"ce Com%an#

    ederal Trade Commsson clears Pe%sCo for Naked J"ce Co.


    Pe%sCo anno"nces t wll ac"re New Yealand snack com%an#

    ,l"ebrd oods

    2- Pe%sCo sgns 8ara (ara%o!a for )nternatonal endorsement of

    @atorade and Tro%cana Tro%cana la"nces Tro%cana 'ealt# 'eart wt Omega3s7 te

    frst natonal orange j"ce to ncl"de omega3s

    R"ffles "n!els new %ackagng to reflect ts swtc to 1 %"res"nflower ol

    Pe%sCo anno"nces new =!erst# K )ncl"son /eaders% Awardns%red b# (te!e Renem"nd

    8o"ntan =ew and A8P Energ# s%onsor te 6nter U @ames A"afna la"nces A"afna Al!eZa low calore7 !tamn

    enanced water be!erage 4"aker Oats deb"ts new 4"aker /fe Cocolate Oat Cr"nc Cereal lat Eart r"t and ;egetable Crs%s t stores natonall# rtos Corn C%s celebrates -&t Ann!ersar# wt retro %ackagng Near East celebrates ts $&t Ann!ersar# wt a rec%e contest Tro%cana la"nces Tro%cana r"t ("ee9e7 a 2calore drnk

    wt real Tro%cana fr"t j"ce


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    /a#Gs la"nces G(are te Jo#G %rogram to el% te 8ake a 6so"ndaton rase f"nds

    Pe%sCola Nort Amerca la"nces =et Pe%s 8AU O ,o#[ Oberto brand deb"ts 1calore Jerk# ,tes n Orgnal

    ,eef and Ter#ak T"rke# fla!ors )YYE /a"nces )YYE Es"e7 a lowcalore7 notng artfcal

    be!erage n tree fla!orsH (%arklng 8andarn7 (%arklng ,lackRas%berr# and (%arklng /mon.

    Pro%el "n!els new Gt 'as a eelngG cam%agn and New PowderPackets for OnTe@o

    New 4"aker 8n =elgts la"nces offerng great taste and %ortoncontrol n a satsf#ng ser!ng of mn snack cakes

    =et Pe%s Ja99 ntrod"ces new Caramel Cream fla!or @randmaGs Cookes offerng lmtededton fla!ors for s%rngH )ced

    /emon and ("gar fla!ors

    Pe%sCo la"nces (mart (%ot =ance[ )ntat!e wt celebrtes8aro /o%e9 and /aCan9e to el% Afrcan Amercan and 's%ancfamles lead ealter7 more act!e lfest#les

    6alkers s te frst major food brand n te world to ds%la# acarbon foot%rnt red"cton logo on ts %acks

    (o,e ,e!erages la"nces (o,e Essental Energ# Pe%sCo Anno"nces 2& =!dend )ncrease and Rases (are

    Re%"rcase TargetI Noo# Ass"mes Carman Ttle EPA Names Pe%sCo 2- ENER@5 (TAR Partner of te 5ear Pe%sCo 8akes /argest Cor%orate P"rcase of Renewable Energ#

    Certfcates Pe%s la"nces F=esgn O"r Pe%s CanF Natonal Promoton

    Tro%cana "n!els New Organc /ne Tro%cana Organc 4T@ faclt# earns an Energ# and En!ronmental =esgn

    F@oldF certfcaton from te ?.(. @reen ,"ldng Co"ncl PCNA and rto/a# la"nc F(rek te TrdF Natonal ("mmer



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    )ndra Noo# rece!es te O"tstandng Amercan b# Coce Award Pe%sCo makes ort"ne maga9neGs G1 ,est 8,A Em%lo#ersG lst =et Pe%s /a"nces New /ook7 New Ad Cam%agn and New

    Attt"de =et Pe%sGs F8ore Cola TasteF Pe%s7 =et Pe%s and 8o"ntan =ew to%%ed te 2- ,rand +e#s

    C"stomer /o#alt# Engagement )nde: wc tracks cons"mersG

    relatons%s wt brands Pe%sCo jons ?.(. Clmate Acton Partners% as %art of ts

    commtment to s"stanablt# /%ton ntrod"ces /%ton P"re/eaf EPA 'onors rto/a#Gs Jonesboro faclt# for ts s"stanablt#

    efforts to conser!e energ# and reso"rces Cold (tone Creamer# and 8o"ntan =ew Jon orces to )ntrod"ce

    =ew )ced 8o"ntan =ew ?n!els "n"e7 lmted edton al"mn"m bottles

    Tosttos ntrod"ce lo"r Tortlla C%s and two new =ar# =%sNatonwde Pe%sCo named a 2- 6orkng 8oter G,est Com%an# for

    8"ltc"lt"ral 6omenG

    Pe%sCo wns two awards ,est En!ronmentalQ6ldlfe Cam%agnand ,est Ca"se 8arketng E!ent at ft Ann"al Ca"se8arketng 'alo Awards

    rto/a# teams "% wt te 8akeA6s o"ndaton to el%cldren wt lfetreatenng dseases

    ="nknG =on"ts la"nces (o,e Energ# Coolatta Pe%s wns 6ebb# Award for ts e:ec"ton of te F,est (%orts


    Pe%sCo and Pe%s Amercas7 )nc jontl# ac"re (andora7 a /eadngJ"ce Com%an# n ?krane

    Pe%sCo earns s%ot n ,lack Enter%rse 8aga9neGs G$ ,estCom%anes for =!erst#G

    /a#Gs and =ortos Cam%agns wn To% PR Awards


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    =ortos GCras te ("%er ,owlG %rogram 6ns )nternatonalAd!ertsng Award at te )nternatonal Ad!ertsng est!al

    2 Pe%sCo o"ndaton anno"nces two major new grants to

    6aterPartners and (afe 6ater Network %rograms to %ro!de access

    to safe water and santaton n de!elo%ng co"ntres Pe%sCo Agan Named to te =ow Jones ("stanablt# )nde: Pe%sCo Agrees to ,"# ,"lgaraGs /eadng N"ts and (eeds

    Com%an# Pe%sCo Anno"nces )ntat!es 6t te Eart )nstt"te and '2O

    Afrca to =r!e ("stanable 6ater Practces orbes Names Pe%sCo Among )ts ,est ,g Com%anes Pe%sCo )nda Commssons rst Remote 6nd T"rbne to

    @enerate Renewable7 Clean Energ# CRO Names Pe%sCo to To% 2& 1 ,est Cor%orate Ct9ens 2 Pe%sCo to ,"# R"ssan J"ce /eader7 /ebed#ansk# Em%lo#ees /ead Effort to 8ake Ccago Pla9a rst /EE=

    Certfed Pe%sCo 'ead"arters @atorade /a"nces @atorade Tger wt Com%reens!e )ntegrated

    8arketng Cam%agn Pe%sCo 'onored wt 2 Energ# (tar Partner of te 5ear Award ?+ ;tamn 6ater ,rand ; 6ater Ac"red b# Pe%sCo

    4"aker Plant n Cedar Ra%ds Closes and Reo%ens aclt# ="e toloodng to Protect Em%lo#ees

    Pe%sCo oodser!ce and Naked J"ce E:%and (tarb"cks Presence @atorade (%orts (cence )nstt"te @aters 6orldGs /eadng

    Researcers on Proten N"trton Pe%sCo )nternatonalGs Cna oods 6ns FCnaGs To% /eaders

    2F Award 6all (treet Jo"rnal Artcle Recogn9es Pe%sCo for /eaders% n

    Em%lo#ment of Peo%le wt =fferent Abltes


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Pe%sCo and rto/a# Jon (mart6a# n Commtment to Red"ce@reeno"se @as Emssons

    Pe%sCo ,eats Coke n Race to /a"nc New Nat"ral (weetener

    Pe%sCo rance Recogn9ed as F@reat Place To 6orkF b# )nstt"te("r!e#

    Pe%sCo Commts to Red"cng Acr#almde /e!els n Potato C%Prod"cts and Restr"ct"red Potato (nacks n Calforna

    ("bwa# Names Pe%sCo F;endor of te 5earF for ("stanablt#/eaders%

    Ta9o Tea Jons Pe%s /%ton Partners%


    Te R+J @ro"% s )ndaDs leadng s"%%ler of retaler brand carbonated andNonCarbonated (oft =rnks7 wt be!erage man"fact"rng facltes n)nda and Ne%al. Te b"sness of te com%an# was started n 1001 wt ate"% wt Pe%s oods lmted to man"fact"re and marketng of Pe%s

    brand of be!erages n geogra%call# %redefned terrtores n wc brandand tecncal s"%%ort was %ro!ded b# te %rnc%al !9. Pe%s oods


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    lmted. Te man"fact"rng facltes were restrcted at Agra %lant onl#.;ar"n ,e!erage /mted s te flags% com%an# of te gro"%.

    rom te "mble begnnng wt one bottlng %lant at Agara R+J gro"% asrsen to encom%ass new !ent"re n te !ared feld of retals7 food and

    be!erage7 ed"caton7 and real estate wt o%eraton n Ne%al7 (rlanka7

    8a"rl"s7 ?ganda7 and Taland. Te ke# callenge for s to attract andretan te best talent to ntegrate n to a g %erformance c"lt"re wtncreased foc"s on leaders%.

    Te faml# man"fact"res and markets Carbonated and NonCarbonated soft=rnks and 8neral 6ater "nder Pe%s ,rand. Te !aro"s fla!ors and s"b

    brands are Pe%s7 8randa Orange7 8randa /emon7 8o"ntan =ew7 and -"%7 (lce 8ango7 (lce Orange7 E!er!ess (oda and A"afna.


    ;AR?N ,e!erage /mted s one of te leadng names n )N=)AN,e!erage nd"str#. )t s te flags% com%an# of te R+J gro"%. )t as!aro"s man"fact"rng o"se n !aro"s %art of co"ntr#. Tere are !aro"sdrnks man"fact"red b# ts %artc"lar com%an# n order to cater tedstng"s need of te socet#. =fferent drnks are made b# dfferent nameand te# a!e ter se%arate dentt# n te market.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    )t as te lcense to s"%%l# be!erages n te terrtores of 6estern ?ttarPrades7 Part of 8ad#a Prades7 'alf of 'ar#ana7 6ole of Rajastan7@oa7 3 dstrct of 8aarastra7 13 dstrct of +arnataka7 and wole of

    Ne%al. Te gro"% as n 1 bottlng %lants n )nda and Ne%al and sres%onsble for %rod"cng and marketng $$ of Pe%s re"rement n

    )nda. ;AR?N be!erage lmted also m%orter of s%ares %arts for bottlewasng and fller macneQ nk jack %rnter food %rocessng macner#


    1001030H L=E/)C)O?( K 'EA/T'?/M

    103010&H LT6)CE A( 8?C' OR A N)C+E/M


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    10&310&H LT'E /)@'T RERE('8ENTM

    10&10*1H L,E (OC)A,/E7 'A;E A PAP()M

    10*110*3H LNO6 )TD( PEP() OR T'O(E 6'O T')N+ 5O?N@M

    10*310*-H LTA(TE T'AT ,EAT( T'E OT'ER( CO/=. PEP()PO?R )T ONM10*010-3H L5O?D;E @OT A /OT /);E. PEP()D( @OT A /OT TO@);EM

    10-310-&H LJO)N T'E PEP() PEOP/E7 EE/)N@ REEM

    10-*10-H L'A;E A PEP() =A5M

    10-0101H LCATC' T'AT PEP() (P)R)TM

    101102H LPEP()D( @OT 5O?R TA(TE OR /)EM

    10310$H LPEP() NO6[ TA+E T'E C'A//EN@E[M

    10$1001H LT'E C'O)CE O A NE6 @ENERAT)ONM

    1002 L@OTTA 'A;E )TM

    2 LNOT')N@ O)C)A/ A,O?T )TM

    22H L5E' =)/ 8AAN@E 8OREM

    23 L5E' P5AA(( 'A) ,A=)M



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    =fferent drnks are made b# dfferent names and te# a!e ter se%aratedentt#. Te brands of %rod"ct wc are man"fact"red b# ts %artc"largro"% s"c as followH

    1. PEP() Cola2. PEP() =et

    3. 8)R)N=A /emon$. 8)R)N=A Orange&. 8O?NTA)N =E6*. -?P-. (/)CE. /E'AR (O=A0. N)8,OOY b# -?P1. TROP)CANA R?)T J?)CE11. A4?A)NA

    Pepsi is considered as cola drinks, it is generally preerred!y all seg"ent o cons#"ers$ T%is partic#lar !rand gi&es %andso"ere&en#e to t%e co"pany$

    it is one o t%e leading le"on drinks in ter"s o sales$ T%epartic#lar drink is "ostly liked !y yo#t% seg"ent$

    T%is partic#lar drink co"es in t'o la&ors orange andle"on$ Orange la&ors are "ore co""on in ladies and c%ildren$

    T%is is one o t%e "a(or drinks de"anded !y t%econs#"ers it is "ade 'it% t%e %elp o "ango p#lp$


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    T%is is le"on kind o drink$ It is also s%ort o colorlessdrink it does not %a&e proper penetration in t%e "arket and yieldsless ret#rn is a&aila!le on t%is$

    Ni"!oo) is t%e ne'ly la#nc%ed prod#ct o Pepsi$ Itcontain 'it% *+ o le"on, 'it% real le"on (#ice, no i)) and noartiicial la&o#rs, 'ill !e a&aila!le in t%ree packaging or"ats o --"l ret#rna!le glass !ottles, .*- "l PET and -- "l tetra packs,priced at Rs /-, Rs /* and Rs /-, respecti&ely$ Its co""#nicationtagline 'ill !e 0Ekd#" Asli Indian1, and t%e integratedco""#nication progra""e incl#des T2 co""ercial, press, radio,

    and so on, t%e release said$

    A3#aina4 T%e No$ / packaged drinking 'ater !rand int%e 5S is also a&aila!le in /6 Litre, / Litre and Litre

    !ottles, in India$ A3#aina7s eig%t8stage p#riication process 9A3#a :Tec%nology; red#ces any c%ances o conta"ination and ens#res

    t%at yo# only get p#re drinking 'ater o t%e %ig%est 3#ality$

    Tro%cana s a fr"t j"ce wc s %rod"ct of Pe%sCo.Tro%cana comes n dfferent flower s"c as orange7 gra%e7 a%%le7 /tc7g"a!a7 m:ed fr"t etc.



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc



    (PEC))+ C'ANNE/


    Regonal Pe%s =e%ot

    Te dstrb"ton network of Pe%s s !er# wder and as a !er# good%enetraton n to te r"ral as well as "rban areas smlarl#7 Pe%s also as a"b and s%oke dstrb"ton format. Pe%s also "se all %ossble means of




  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    trans%ort tat range from tr"ck7 a"to rcksaw7 c#cle rcksaw7 and e!encamel cart n Rajastan.

    =strb"ton network s also a !er# bg reason tat s Pe%s sn"mber one n )nda and as better market tan Coke. )n bot n r"ral and"rban areas Pe%s as better %enetraton network tan Coke.

    =)(TR),?T)ON CENTRE

    =strb"ton centre are regonal wse located7 from were te bottles aredstrb"tes n te %artc"lar areas. Tese dstrb"ton centres are called=e%ot. Te de%ot conssts of T=87 (A/E( EUEC?T);E7 (A/E( 8AN7 and P(R AN= 'E/PER(. All te sceme and %romotonal scemeare dstrb"ted from te =e%ot.

    Te basc strateg# of te com%an# s tat te de%ot so"ld be near toman"fact"rng %lant as well as te near located %o%"lated regon so as tored"ce te trans%ortaton cost and labor cost also.

    PRO8OT)ON/ =EC)()ON

    Pe%s marketng and comm"ncaton strateg# s alwa#s gro"nded n #o"tand s"ccess to %roject a "nfed brand mage. Te consco"s "se of localcelebrtes as enabled Pe%s to generate famlart# and credblt# and asmade t con!enent for te target a"dence to relate to te brand n a"man wa#. Te %o%"lar stars a!e g!en a "man face to te Pe%sDs

    brand !al"es lke #o"tf"lness7 rre!erence7 as%raton and s"ccess.Endorsement b# leadng crcket and ,oll#wood stars as contn"o"sl#ens"red a g le!el of brand awareness and brand recall. All celebrtes7des%te ter "man dfferences7 sare te common attrb"te lke s"ccessfresness7 #o"tf"lness and %ost!e attt"des. (ar"k kans7 (acn7


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    +areena ka%oor7 Pret# 9nta7 8aendra (ng don7 (ewag re%resentsdfferent facets and a #o"ng and fres a%%roac tat transcend ter

    %rofesson and age.


    Promoton s a form of cor%orate comm"ncaton tat "ses !aro"smetods to reac a targeted a"dence wt a certan message n order toace!e s%ecfc organ9atonal object!es. Nearl# all organ9atons7weter for%roft or notfor%roft7 n all t#%es of nd"stres7 m"st engagen some form of %romoton. ("c efforts ma# range from m"ltnatonal

    frms s%endng large s"ms on sec"rng g%rofle celebrtes to ser!e ascor%orate s%okes%ersons to te owner of a one%erson enter%rse %assngo"t b"sness cards at a local b"sness%ersonDs meetng.

    /ke most marketng decsons7 an effect!e %romotonal strateg# re"reste marketer "nderstand ow %romoton fts wt oter %eces of temarketng %"99le .Conse"entl#7 %romoton decsons so"ld be made wt an a%%recatonfor ow t affects oter areas of te com%an#. or nstance7 r"nnng amajor ad!ertsng cam%agn for a new %rod"ct wto"t frst ass"rng terewll be eno"g n!entor# to meet %otental demand generated b# tead!ertsng wo"ld certanl# not go o!er well wt te com%an#Ds

    %rod"cton de%artment

  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    decsons. Rater7 te o!erall s"ccess of a %romotonal strateg# re"resn%"t from oters n m%acted f"nctonal areas.

    )n addton to coordnatng general %romoton decsons wt oterb"sness areas7 nd!d"al %romotons m"st also work togeter. ?nder teconce%t of )ntegrated 8arketng Comm"ncaton marketers attem%t to

    de!elo% a "nfed %romotonal strateg# n!ol!ng te coordnaton of man#dfferent t#%es of %romotonal tecn"es. Te ke# dea for te marketerwo em%lo#s se!eral %romotonal o%tons to reac object!es for te %rod"ct s to em%lo# aconsstent message across all o%tons. or nstance7 sales%eo%le wlldsc"ss te same benefts of a %rod"ct as mentoned n tele!sonad!ertsements. )n ts wa# no matter ow

    c"stomers are e:%osed to a marketerDs %romotonal efforts te# all rece!ete same nformaton.

    A set of r"lesand g"delnesset fort b# a com%an#or organ9atontato"tlnes ow em%lo#ees are to nteract wt %otental c"stomers n te

    %romotonof a good or ser!ce. Te %romoton%olc#el%s te com%an#kee% controlof te messaget s sendng abo"t te good or ser!ce7 as wellas to dctate a%%ro%rate actons tat em%lo#ees can takewen dealngwt o"tsde %ersonnel. or e:am%le7 a %armace"tcal com%an# co"lda!e a %romoton %olc# tat ts feldre%resentat!esm"st adere to wente# meet wt doctors to%romotea dr"g. (ee also%romotonal strateg#.

    8anagement %rocess tro"g wc goods and ser!ces mo!e fromconce%tto te c"stomer. As a %loso%#7 t s based on tnkng abo"t te

    b"snessn termsof c"stomer needsand ter satsfacton. As a%ractce7 tconssts n coordnaton of fo"r elementscalled $PGsH dentfcaton7selecton7 and de!elo%mentof a%rod"ct7 determnaton of ts%rce7 selecton of a dstrb"ton cannelto reac te c"stomerGs%lace7 and de!elo%ment and m%lementaton of a %romotonal strateg#. 8arketngdffers from sellngbeca"se

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    emert"s %rofessor of marketng Teodore C. /e!tt> F(ellng concernstself wt te trcks and tecn"es of gettng %eo%le to e:cange tercas for #o"r %rod"ct. )t s not concerned wt te !al"es tat tee:cange s all abo"t. And t does not7 as marketng n!arabl# does7 !ewte entre b"sness %rocessas consstng of a tgtl# ntegrated effort todsco!er7 create7 aro"se7 and satsf# c"stomer needs.F 8arketng strateg#

    were a new%rod"cts ea!l# ad!ertsed before ts general dstrb"ton7to createa %ent "% demandwc draws c"stomersnto retalstoreswent s made a!alable. (ee also %"s %romotonal strateg#. All areas andas%ects n!ol!ed wt %romotng a com%an# or %rod"ct. Promotonal

    %olc# s sometmes e"ated wt ad!ertsng7 owe!er ad!ertsng s onl#one %art of a %romotonal %olc#. Oter m%ortant as%ects of a %romotonal

    %olc# ma# ncl"de%"blc relatons7 cons"mer%romotons7 and an# oterarea wc ncreases awarenessand s%readste word abo"t te tem.


    Pe%s rst ,all ka Ca%tanD s an nno!at!e dea of Pe%sCo wc arentrod"cng to s%ce "% ts #earDs to"rnament to add e!en moree:ctement to te matces and g!e o"r crcket cra9# cons"mers tecrcket e:%erence of a lfetme.M rst ,all ka Ca%tanD s a one of knd


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    %romoton tat %"ts m n te same leag"e as te (ewagDs and =onDsof te world. Te dea s del!ered as a sm%le stor# n wc te5o"ngstaan fan gets te %rase7 a"tentc mommade alwas7 andsomeoneDs l"ck# bandana7 cooses s team and of co"rse7 ca%tan tefrst ball of te matc. Pe%s s all set to gnte te crcketng fe!er at )CCT2 6orld C"% 20 wt ts frst of a knd crcketng ntat!e rst

    ,all ka Ca%tanD . Pe%sCo s %ro"d to be te global %artner of te)nternatonal Crcket Co"ncl and we are a%%# to el% n b"ldng "% tsglobal e!ent n o"r t#%cal Pe%s wa#. Takng a rc crcketng stor#forward7 ts latest ntat!e from Pe%s ams to em%ower 1* crcket fans

    b# g!ng tem a lfetme o%%ort"nt# to bowl te frst ball aganst alegendar# batsman n e!er# T2 6orld C"% matc n England. Telegendar# batsmen ncl"de crcketng greats from all o!er te world and)nda7 s"c as Jont# Rodes K =l% ;engsarkar. Te wnners wll be seen

    bowlng l!e on E(PN to mllons of !ewers. Pe%sCo )nda sad7 L6e

    want to g!e te Pe%s cons"mers a Lmone# canDt b"# e:%erenceM7 ano%%ort"nt# to f"lfll ter dreams. Centrestagng fans as te tr"e stars ofte cam%agn we am to em%ower tem and strengten ter connect wtcrcket tro"g rst ,all ka Ca%tanD. 6t ,kC 5o"ngstaanDs wll bete ones gettng fame K glor#D n ter fa!orte game.

    To %artc%ate n rst ,all ka Ca%tanD7 cons"mers need to eter collect s%ecall# %rnted L,/?EM colored crowns of Pe%s glass bottles or $s%ecal 6orld C"% &ml Q *ml PET %ack labels. Te# can e:cangetese for a scratc card7 at ter nearest redem%ton centre. /ocaton of tenearest redem%ton centre or nformaton on te %romo can be rece!ed b#sm%l# dalng an# of te Call Centre n"mbers 120& K22*1&&&. Tro"g te scratc7 e!er# cons"mer s g"aranteed to wn a8# Can7 and can also wn Cool Pe%s branded mercandse s"c ass%%ers and ?(,s. $ /"ck# Cons"mers get an alle:%ense %ad tr% toEngland to watc one of te ("%er matces7 wle 1* cons"mers wll gette oncenalfetme cance of beng te )R(T ,A// ka CAPTA)ND.Te natonal cons"mer %romoton s !ald tll 1&t 8a# 20.


  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Te rst ,all ka Ca%tanD s a g decbel cons"mer ntat!e s"%%orted

    b# 3* degree a%%roac for b"ldng awareness tro"g m"ltct# roadsows7 com%reens!e 3= act!aton le!eragng g !sblt# O"tof 'ome

  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    2. Promoton s !ald n )ndafrom A%rl 37 20 to 8a# 1&7 20 .&. E:cange $ s%ecall# marked labels of Pe%s &Q*ml or s%ecall#

    marked bl"e crowns of Pe%s 2mlQ3ml at te nearest redem%toncentre and get a scratc card. To get te detals abo"t te nearestredem%ton centre %artc%ant s re"red to contact 120& or te Call Centre at te n"mber 22 *1&&& between 1am to - %.m. e:ce%t %"blc olda#s.

    *. (cratc te card and #o" co"ld wn an# of te followng %r9esHa. Pe%s rst ,all +a Ca%tan .c. Pe%s (tar Pla#er Pen =r!es e. Pe%s 8# Can .-. or %r9e n categor# *Ha. Te %artc%ant as to be abo!e 1 #ears of age.

    b. Te %artc%ant sall a!e a !ald %ass%ort.c. Te Pr9e enttles te wnner to bowl one ball to a celebrt# before a matc of te )CC 6orld Twent#2England 20 n front of te entre stad"m a"dence. Te wnner sall also be enttled tomeet te ca%tans of bot te teams %la#ng te matc on tat da#.

    d. All costs relatng to tra!el from te 'ome town of te wnner7 boardng andlodgng

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    ngts7 food7 and tcket of one matc of )CC 6orld Twent#2 England20 for te wnner wll be borne b# Organ9ers. All oter e:%enses note:%ressl# ncl"ded abo!e wll not be borne b# Organ9ers or an# oteragenc# on Organ9ersD bealf7 and wll be te sole res%onsblt# of te

    %r9e wnner.e. Te wnners wll a!e to arrange te %ass%ort and !sa on ter own and at

    ter own cost7 tese doc"ments m"st be read# wt te wnner at least 1"da#s before te sced"led date of te de%art"re.

    f. Organ9ers ass"me no res%onsblt# n te e!ent of non a!alablt# of%ass%ort and !sa and reser!e te rgt to %ass on te %r9e to ne:t wnnerwt !ald doc"ments.

    g. Organ9ers sall not be res%onsble for an# loss7 nj"r# or an# oter lablt#arsng o"t of ts tr% for wc te wnners wll be re"red to sgn anndemnt# n fa!o"r of te organ9er.

    . Te a"dtors wll contact te wnner at te contact n"mber g!en b# m7

    collect te %r9e wnnng scratc card aganst a rece%t and !erf# te clambefore redeemng te %r9e. Award of %r9es s s"bject to te !erfcatonof te %r9e wnnng scratc card. After !erfcaton te %r9e wnner wll

    be nformed te entre %rocess of redem%ton of te %r9e.. )f an# 6nner fals to take te tr% wen s%ecfed b# te Organ9er te %r9e

    wll be forfeted n ts entret#.j. Organ9er sall not be lable for an# cancellatons andQor dela#s n te

    tranQflgtsQcars arranged for te wnner d"e to an# reason ncl"dng b"tnot lmted to force maje"re7 logstcal %roblems at te ar%ortsQralwa#statonsQroads etc and te wnner sall not a!e an# clam aganst

    Organ9er for te same and sall be deemed to a!e a!aled of sQer%r9e. Organ9er sall not be res%onsble for an# s"c e!ent"alt# and tewnner "ndertakes not to clam an# com%ensaton from Organ9er for tesame.

    . or Pr9es n categor# * Ha. Te wnner so"ld be abo!e 1 #ears of age and a !ald %ass%ort older.


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    b. Te %r9e enttles te wnner to watc a matc of te )CC 6orld Twent#2England 20 at an# of te !en"es at te sole dscreton of te Organ9ers.Te coce of te matc s at te sole dscreton of Organ9ers.

    c. All costs relatng to tra!el from te 'ome town of te wnner7 boardng andlodgng

  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    0. Pr9es n categor# * 7 * and * can be redeemed at te redem%toncentre "%on !erfcaton of te %r9e wnnng scratc card b# te retaler.Te wnner wll a!e to ando!er te scratc card to te redem%toncentre after rece!ng te %r9e.

    1.Organ9er reser!es te rgt to cancel7 modf#7 e:tend or wtdraw te offerat ts sole and absol"te dscreton.

    11.All scratc cards s"bmtted towards !erfcaton sall become te %ro%ert#of Organ9er.

    12.=ecson of Organ9er and te a"dtors wll be fnal and bndng wt regardto %romoton and %r9es and no corres%ondence wll be entertaned n tsregard.

    13.Pr9es are not transferable and no cas %a#ment n le" of te %r9es wll bemade.

    1$.Organ9er sall be at lbert# to "se te %otogra%s7 !oce7 moton %ct"resof te wnner for meda co!erage7 ad!ertsement or %"blct# n an# formwc s e:stng toda# or wll be known an#tme n te f"t"re wto"t an#f"rter consderaton to te wnner.

    1&.6nners wll a!e to bear ncdental costs7 f an#7 tat ma# arse for

    redem%ton of te %r9e.1*.Te %ct"res of %r9es de%cted on te %ress adsQ %ostersQ T;Ds etc. are onl#

    re%resentat!e and te act"al %r9es ma# !ar# from te de%ctons.1-.Organ9er sall not be res%onsble for an# loss7 nj"r# or an# oter lablt#

    arsng o"t of te offer.1.Organ9er sall not be lable for an# loss or damage d"e to Act of @od7

    @o!ernmental actons7 oter force maje"re crc"mstances and sall not belable to %a# an# amo"nt as com%ensaton or oterwse for an# s"c loss.

    10.Organ9er sall not be lable for an# loss of %r9e d"e to ncorrect address oran# oter nformaton %ro!ded b# te wnner.

    2.)ncom%lete entres wll not be consdered for te%r9e.

    21.All ta:esQle!es and carges on %r9es wll be te res%onsblt# of tewnner. Ta:es as a%%lcable wll be ded"cted at te so"rce for all %r9es.


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    22.All ds%"tes relatng to ts %romoton sall be s"bject to te e:cl"s!ej"rsdcton of Co"rts at New =el onl#.



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  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc



  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc




  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc




    O#tlet na"e

  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    =; o yo# reco""end to c#sto"er o t%e irst !all ka caption plan!ottle '%en co"e at yo#r s%op or t%e p#rc%ase o PepsiB

    a; Des !; no=.; Ho' "any c#sto"ers co"e at yo#r s%op or kno'ing t%e irst!all ka caption plan or dailyB

    a; /to * !; *to /- c; /-to /* d; "ore t%an

    /*=; '%ic% age person "ostly co"es to p#rc%ase t%e F?@Csc%e"e !ottleB

    a; /- to - !; / to .- c; ./ to - d; a!o&e -=*; Are yo# a'are 'it% t%e ot%er !rand pro"otional sc%e"eB

    a; Des !; no=; i yes 9please speciy;

  • 8/13/2019 Project Report on Pepsi Fbkc


    Anal#ss s te E:amnaton of data and factsto "nco!er and "nderstandca"seeffect relatons%s7 t"s %ro!dng bass for %roblem sol!ng anddecson makng. (o t s te G=!de and con"erG a%%roac a%%led tos#stematc e:amnaton and e!al"aton of data7 b# breakng t nto tscom%onent%artsto "nco!er ter nterrelatons%s. O%%oste of s#ntess.@ro"%e:ercsen wc%artc%antstr# to lst all %ossble ca"sesand ter

    effects assocated wt a %artc"lar%roblem or st"aton. )t ams at dsco!erng %ossble or %robable ca"salfactorsand ter o"tcomes and ma# lead to tecreaton of a ca"se and effect dagram



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