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I take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to those who have generously

helped me in providing the valuable knowledge and expertise during this


I am thankful to Mr. Rajiv Bedi and Mr. S.K.Gupta Lect of Beant College of 

Engineering and Technology, for their thorough guidance in making this project.   I shall

also like to specially thank them for giving me the required guidance and removing any

difficulties faced by us during the project.

I want to formally acknowledge my sincerest gratitude to all those who assisted and

guided me in completing this project report and making my work a memorable and

successful experience.

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1.1 Objective of the Proposed System

1.2 Project Profile

1.3 Project Detail




2.1 Requirement Analysis

2.1.1 Hardware and Software Specification2.1.2 Brief Description of Technology Used

2.2 Feasibility Analysis

2.2.1 Technical Investigation

2.2.2 Economic Feasibility

2.2.3 Operational Feasibility

2.3 System Development Life Cycle Model


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3.1 Data Flow Diagram

3.2 Entity-Relationship Diagram

3.3 Schema Design

3.3.1 Database Design

3.3.2 Description of Tables


4. Validation and Verification



5.1 Need of Testing

5.2 Types of Testing

5.3 Approach used for Testing

5.4 Maintenance

5.5 Security



6.1 Input & Output Design


7. Bibliography


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The motto of the proposed system is to create a system which makes sales and purchase of the

goods Online in the retail stores.

The following are the objective of the proposed system.

USER FRIENDLY INTERFACE  Since main interaction of the systemhas to be with the user, the user interface should be attractive andmeaningful.

MINIMUM EFFORT  Ensure that very less effort will berequired the site and generation of report

FLEXIBILITY  Provides maximum flexibility to theAdministrator in maintaining andmodifying the information about existingmodules and functionalities.

 ACCURATE  Accuracy is the main concern of the

Proposed system.

RELIBILITY  It’s the main objective so as to win theConfidence of the user and to provideinformation on which he can reliesupon.

SECURITY  Since the information entered is of vitalImportance to the organization and tothe owner of the website, it should bemade to allow only the website

developers to manipulate the data.

FAST  The system should be fast enough togiveuser of the system the feel of using thebest online system

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The project titled ‘Retail Management System’ is developed for NSPL Ltd., Amritsar .


A Retail Company may sell goods manufactured in its own company as well as goods

 purchased from other companies. It constitute of following units:

Retail CompanyPurchase



g Unit


t Unit


(Retail Stores)


Sales Reports


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• Purchase unit 

• Manufacturing unit 

• Management unit 

• Purchase Unit : A retail company may sell goods of brands other than its own.

Purchase unit deals with the goods purchased from other manufacturing companies.

• Manufacturing Unit : A retail company may manufacture goods with its own brand

name. These goods are produced in manufacturing unit of a company. E.g. Ebony.

• Management Unit : Management unit handles the functioning of all other units of an

organization or a company.

• Warehouse: All goods purchased/manufactured are kept in warehouse of a company.

• Franchise/Retail Stores: Different stores of a company are opened at different

locations where actual selling of the goods takes place.

All the above mentioned units must work together in some orderly manner for a

company to be profitable. And this is what we going to do in our project. We are

developing a web application which will affect the functionality of these units in one or 

another way.

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1.3 Project Details

There will be two logins in our project, one for the Administrator and another for the


Administrator Features: Admin will deal with the following assets of a company:

1. Franchise: A franchise is any retail store opened at any location. E.g. Amritsar’s

Franchise. Admin can add, modify and delete any franchise from a list of franchises a

company has.

2. Item Group: A retail company has goods of different brands as well as its own

manufactured goods. E.g. Reebok. Each brand will form a single item group. Admin

can add, modify and delete any item group.

3. Item: An item group may constitute different products/items. E.g. Reebok shoes,

Reebok track suit, Reebok cap, etc. Admin can add, modify and delete any item from

any item group.

4. Schemes: Admin can launch different schemes at different times.

5. Purchase Order : Admin can place a purchase order for goods manufactured at

different companies.

6. Reports: Admin can view following reports:

• Franchise’s Manager Report

• State Wise Area Report

• City Wise Area Report

Franchise Features: Franchise will deal with the following assets of a company:

1. Customer : A customer can be any individual that visits the retail store to buy an

item(s). A franchise can add, modify or delete the details of customers from a list of 


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2. Items: Franchise can add, modify and delete items that are currently in stock in

retail store.

3. Sales: It constitutes the actual selling of the goods by the franchise to its customer.

This form will include the sales bill that will be given to the customer on purchase of 

any item. The bill will constitute the adjustments for the schemes, taxes andmembership of a customer.

4. Sales Return: If somehow an item is found defected or is not as per the customer’s

requirement then it is returned to the retail store. Sales Return will deal these kinds of 


5. Purchase Order : Franchise can place an order for the goods from the Admin.

6. Reports: Franchise can view following reports:• Sales Report

• Sales Return Report

• Purchase Order Report

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System Analysis


The success of a system depends largely on how accurately a problem is defined. Thoroughly

investigating and properly carried out to the choice of the solution analyze the phase in which

the requirement of the system are identified. System analysis is a detailed study of the various

operation performed by a system and there relationships within an outside of the system.

The question is: what must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the

boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider 

other related system. During analysis data are collected on the available files, decision points

and transaction handle by a parent system. Data flow diagram, interviews on-site observations,

questionnaires are used as a logical system model and tools to perform the analysis.

Task, which are performed by an analyst:

• Gather all facts about the present system from the employees.

• Studied strength and weakness of the current system

• Determined “what” must be done to solve the problem.


Before designing a system, the requirement of the system has to be properly determined and

user need have to be properly determined and user needs have to be taken into account, initial

investigation is the first step in the development of the system. This is the way handle the

investigation of need i.e. the user request to change, improve or enhance an existing system.

During this phase that are to be considered:

How the present system works?

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Volume of the work type of transaction etc

Time taken to process the data through system

Frequency in issuing the reports

List of documents, files and repots associated with the system

By the following the above steps of initial investigation are carried out first the existing system

was carried out. The reporting format are gathered, the next step in initial investigation is to find

out and collect more information from users and respective users who actually carry the existing

system. From the discussion, the information about outputs, reports were obtained.

2.1.1Hardware and Software Requirements


The system must have the following software requirements:

1 Visual Studio 2005 (version 2.0)

2 .Net Framework (version 2.0)

3 SQL Server 2000/2005


The system must have the following hardware requirements:

1 Pentium IV Processors

2 256 MB of RAM

3 5GB of Hard Disk 

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4 Server Machine

5 Client Machine


IIS (Internet Information Server):-  IIS is the best place to install ASP.NET web sites,because it is likely to be closest to the configuration required when you deploy a web site.The security model is different to IIS - the application runs in the context of the current user 

rather than an ASP.NET-specific account.

 ASP.NET :- ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework & is a technology that allows for the

dynamic creation of documents on a web server when they are requested via HTTP. Thismostly means HTML documents, although it is equally possible to create WML documentsfor consumption on WAP browsers, or anything else that supports MIME types.ASP.NET provides access to all of the controls on a page as objects, in a rich environment.

HTML (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ):- HTML  is  the default output of ASP.NET

pages.The ASP.NET coding is complied & the output in the form of HTML is shown to the user bythe browser. You are presented with the basic code required for an HTML page following theXHTML schema, with a few extra bit of code. The most important extra is the <form>element, which will contain your ASP.NET code.

SQL (Structured Query Language):- SQL is a language that provides an interface to

relational database systems. SQL was developed by IBM in the 1970s for use in systemR.SQL is often pronounced as SEQUEL.In common SQL also encompasses DML (Data Manipulation Language) & DDL (DataDefinition Language).

SQL SERVER 2005 :- SQL Server 2005 is a new host of the .NET runtime. It allows running

a .NET assembly inside the SQL Server process, where it is possible to create storedprocedures, functions, data types, & triggers with CLR code. 

INTERNET EXPLORER: - It is the browser that is used by a lot of users, a browser throughwhich a user asks any web page to be used. 

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It is the second stage in the system development life cycle. Depending on the initial investigation

the survey is expanded to a more detailed study.

A feasibility study is the test of proposal according to its viability impact on the organization,

ability to meet user needs and effective use of the resources.

The objective of the feasibility is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense of its viability

scope. There are three key consideration involve in the feasibility analysis.

Feasibility study asks if the system will work when it is developed and installed. It tries to find out

the technical, operational, social, financial and other barriers, if any, in the project development.

For a project to be successfully implemented there should be sufficient support for the projectfrom management and users. There should be a curiosity for change from the management to

improve an existing system or to replace the older one because of its obsoleteness or to

introduce new technology for greater performance. The users should be involved in the project

planning. The project should not produce erroneous results, with proper security of company’s


(i)Technical Feasibility:- 

A system is said to be technically feasible if either there exists the required technology or the

company is willing to go for the technology after the ‘Cost & Benefit analysis’ is done and the

necessary technology exists. A project is also said technically feasible if further development of 

the software is possible. So far as this project is concerned, this project uses C# as the front-end

GUI tool. So, the users find the same ease in operating the software as if they were operating

the familiar Microsoft Windows based any other application. Further, the use of MS-SQL Server 

7.0 reduces most of the data maintenance activities like, inconsistencies in data, taking backups,

though a specialized Database Administrator is required to do so. On the hardware part, thecompany has two options to choose from. The first option is to go for a standalone system and

install the complete software on every system. The second option is to go for a client-server 

system, with the database server (MS-SQL Server 2005) installed on the server with an

operating system like Windows 2003 Server/XP and this software on every Client. Of course, the

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third option is to go for remote booting with dumb terminals depending for everything on the

server, including the processing needs.

This project is based on the second option of the ‘Client-Server’ based networking. This reduces

the inconsistencies in data that is possible with stand-alone systems and this also reduces the

chance of overloading the server with lots of processing with processors-hungry dumb-terminals,

which is caused by the third option.

(ii)Operational Feasibility:- 

Considering analysis of the preliminary information obtained, the volume of data, numbers of 

application and rough output requirements, it is possible to arrive at some options on the

hardware front. It is possible to arrive at some broad estimates of disk space requirements, data

entry loads and print loads. Getting details of hardware and system software selection required

the detailed input and output needs of the project, users of the developed application and

available resources.

The study yielded the following results:

Hardware requirements to run the Application under consideration:-

Option 1:The first option would be to go in for a PC. Automation will be done using a machine for all

concerned departments. The configuration of machine would have a large disk capacity with a

good printer attached to the main system for high volume printing. This configuration could be

considered in consonance with option1 for software development, with the common database

residing in the centralized system and having facility of either online or offline data storage as

well. This must for data security reasons.

Option 2:

The second option that could be considered would be to go in for a distributed network. The

hardware could consist of a LAN (Windows 2003 Server O/S) with multiple nodes and a server.

Each node would be located at the respective departments. All common files and databases

would be located and updated on the main server, with appropriate locks and security

mechanisms being built in the nodes would also enable local processing for standalone jobs, if 

any so that any node has a separate hard disk drive.

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(iii)Economic Feasibility:

Economic analysis is most frequently used method for evolution of a proposed system.

Costs/benefits and savings are determined. Those are expected from the proposed system and

compare with the cost. He different types of cost are considered as manpower cost andoperating cost.

• Man Power Cost

The system is designed and development in the company development department. So

on extra cost need to pay of redevelopment of the system no special training is required

to operate this software as it has a user friendly GUI interface so there is no need to extra

man power.

• Hardware Cost

Since the system is designed for internet use so no additional hardware are needed to

run this software and the company has enough computers at it hand to maintain this

software and to update according to its need.

• Operation Cost

The proposed system is designed for internet users and it is designed to provide easy,

fast, accurate data and information and work far way better than the existing system. So

the time to access and process information reduces considerably which make it cost


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This is also known as classic life cycle or linear sequential model or waterfall method.

This has the following activities.

• System/Information Engineering and modeling

• Software Requirement analysis

• System Analysis and design

• Code Generation

• Testing

• Maintenance

(i)System/information engineering and modeling 

As software is always of large system (or business), work begins by establishing requirements

for all system elements and then allocating some sunset of these requirement of software. This

system view is essential when software must interface with other elements such as hardware,

people and other resources. System is the basic and very critical requirement for the existence

of software in any entity. So if the system is not in place, the system should be re-engineered

and spice up.

Once the ideal system is engineered or tuned up, he development team studies the software

requirement for the system.

(ii)Software Requirement Analysis:

This is also known a feasibility study. In this phase the development team visits the customer 

and studies their system. They investigate the need for possible software automation in the

given system. By the end of the feasibility study the team furnishes a

document that holds the different specific recommendations for the candidate system. It also

includes the personnel assignments, costs, project schedule and target dates. The requirements

gathering process is intensified and focused specially on software. To understand the nature of 

the program to be built, the system engineer (analyst) must understand the information domain

for the software as well as required function, behavior, performance and interfacing. The

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essential purpose of this phase is to find the need and to define the problem that needs to be


(iii)System Analysis and Design

In this phase, the software’s overall structure and its nuances are defined. In terms of theclient/server technology, the number of tires needed for the package architecture, the database

design, the data structure design etc are all defined in this phase. Analysis and design are very

expensive to solve in the later stage of the software development. Much care is taken during this

phase. The logical system of the product is developed in this phase.

(iv)Code Generation

The design must be translated into a machine-readable form. The code generation step

performs this task. If design is performed in a detailed manner, code generation can be

accomplished with out much complication. Programming tools like computers, interpreters, ad

debuggers are used to generate the code different high level programming language like

ASP.NET, HTML, and SQL SERVER are used for coding. With respect to the type of 

application, the right programming language is chosen.


Once the code is generated the program testing begins. Different testing methodologies are

available to unravel the bugs that were committed during the previous phases. Different testing

tools and methodologies are already available. Some companies build there own testing tools

that are tailor made for there own development operations.


Software will definitely undergo change once it is delivered to the customer. There are many

reasons for the change. Change could happen because of some unexpected input values into

the systematic addition, the changes in the system could directly affect the software operations.

The software should be developed to accommodate changes that could happen during the post

implementation period.

-> Prototyping Model:

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This is a cyclic version of the linear model. In this model, once the requirement analysis is done

and the design for a prototype is made, the development process gets started. Once the

prototype is created it is given to the customer for evaluation. The customer tests the package

and gives his/her feedback to the developer who refines the product according to the customer’s

exact expectation. After a finite number of iterations, the final software package is given to the

customer. In this methodology, the software is evolved as a result of periodic shutting of 

information between the customer and developer. This is the most popular development model

in the contemporary IT industry most of the successful software products have been developed

using this model as it is very difficult (even for a whiz kid) to comprehend all the requirements of 

a customer in one shot. There are many variations of this model skewed with respect to the

project management style of the companies. New versions of software product evolve as a result

of prototyping.

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System Design


3.Structured Analysis & Detailed DFD

Structured analysis is a set of techniques and graphical tools that allow an analyst to develop a

new kind of system specification that are easily understandable to the end-user and other non-

technical and managerial people. The structured analysis tools used in this project are Data

Flow Diagrams, Structure Charts, and Flow Charts etc.

Software Engineering 

Software Engineering is a planned and systematic approach to the development of software. It is

a discipline that consists of methods, tools and techniques used for developing and maintaining


To solve actual problems in an industry setting, a software engineer or a team of engineers must

incorporate a development strategy that encompasses the process, methods and tool layers and

generic phases. This strategy is often referred to as a process model or Software Engineering

paradigm. For developing a software product, user requirements are identified and the design is

made based on these requirements. The design is then translated into a machine executable

language that can be interpreted by a computer. Finally, the software product is tested and

delivered to the customer.

Design is an activity of translating the specifications generated in the software

requirements analysis into specific design. The design involves designing a system that

satisfies customer requirements.

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In order to transform requirements into a working system, we must satisfy both the customer and

the system builders on development team. The customer understands what the system is to do.

At the same time, the system builders must understand how the system is to work. For this

reason, system design is really a two-part process. First, we produce a system specification that

tells the customer exactly what the system will do. This specification is sometimes called a

conceptual system design.

This mirrors the two parts of requirement description. The conceptual design concentrates on the function

of the system, while the technical design describes the form the system will take.


The conceptual design tells the customer what the system will do. The system is

described in terms of its boundary, entities, attributes, and relationships. In the conceptual

designing phase we have considered the following questions: -

• Where will the data come from?

• What will happen to it in the system?

• What will the system look like to user?

• What choices will user be offered?

• What will the reports and screen look like?

Moreover, the system is described in language that the customer can understand, rather 

than in computer jargon and technical terms.

The system description may even list acceptable user responses and the actions that may

result. However, the customer is not told how the data are stored in the system or what kind

of database management system is used for data manipulation. At the time of conceptual

design, we have written in the client’s language, which does not contain technicalities. It

describes the functions of the systems and incorporates all requirements in adequate details.

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The technical design explains the system to those hardware and software experts who will

implement it. The design describes the hardware configuration, the software needs, the

communication interfaces, the input and output of the system and anything else that

translates the requirements into a solution to the customer’s problem. The design description

is a technical picture of the system specification. Thus we include the following items in the

technical design:

The System Architecture: A description of the major hardware components and their 


The System Software Structure: The hierarchy and function of the software components.

The data structure and flow through the system.


Modular approach has been taken into consideration. A design is the determination of the

modules and inters modular interfaces that satisfy a specified set of requirements. A design

module is a functional entity with a well-defined set of inputs and outputs. Therefore, each

module can be viewed as a component of the whole system, just as each room is a

component of a house. A module is well defined if all the inputs to the module are essential

to the function of the module and all outputs are produced by some action of the module.

Thus if one input will be left out, the module will not perform its full function. There are no

unnecessary inputs; every input is used in generating the output. Finally, the module is well

defined only when each output is a result of the functioning of the module and when no input

becomes an output without having the transformed in some way by the module.

Modularity:  Modularity is a characteristic of good system design. High level modules give

us the opportunity to view the problem as whole and hide details that may distract us. By

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being able to reach down to a lower level for more detail when we want to, modularity

provides the flexibility , trace the flow of data through the system, and target the pockets of 


These all are interrelated with each other and also self sufficient among themselves and help

in running the system in an efficient and complete manner.

Level of Abstraction: Abstraction an information hiding allows us to examine the way in

which modules are related to one another in the overall design the degree to which the

modules are independent of one another is a measure of how good the system design is.

Independence is desirable for two reasons.

First it is easier to understand how a module works if its function is not tied to others. It is

much easier to modify a module if it is independent of others. Often a change in

requirements or in a design decision means that certain modules must be modified. Each

change affects data or function or both. If the modules depend heavily on each other, a

change to one module may mean changes module that are affected by the change.

Coupling : Coupling is a measure of how modules depend on each other. Two modules are

highly coupled if there is a great deal of dependence between them. Loosely couple modules

have no interconnection at all. Coupling depends on several things

• The references made from one module to another.

• The amount of data passed from one module to another.

• The amount of control one module has over the other.

• The degree of complexity in the interface between one module and another.

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Thus, coupling really represents a range of dependence, from complete dependence to

complete independence. We want to minimize the dependence among modules for several

reasons. First, if an element is affected by a system action, we always want to know which

module causes an effect at a given time. Second, modularity helps in tracking the cause of 

the system errors. If an error occurs during the performance of particular function,

independence of modules allows us to isolate the defective module more easily.

Cohesion: cohesion refers to the internal “glue” with which a module is constructed. The

more cohesive a module, the more related are the internal parts of the module to each other 

and to the functionality of the module. In other words, a module is cohesive if all elements of 

the module are directed towards and essential for performing the same function.

For example the various triggers written for the Subscription entry form are performing the

functionality of the module like querying the old data, saving the new data, updating records etc.

So it’s a highly cohesive system.

Scope of control and effect : Finally we want to be sure that the modules in our design do

not affect other modules over which they have the control. The modules controlled by the given

module are collectively referred to as the scope of effect. No module should be in scope of effect

if it not in scope control.

Thus in order to make the system easier to construct, test, correct, and maintain our goals had

been: -

• Low coupling of modules

• High cohesive modules

• Scope of effect of a module limited to its scope of control

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It was decided to store data in different tables in SQL Server. The tables were normalized and

various modules identified so as to store data properly create designed reports and on screen

queries were written. A menu driven (user friendly) package has been designed containing

understandable and presentable menus. Table structures are enclosed. Input and output details

were made which are enclosed herewith.

Number of modules and their description: 

The Project is divided into two modules ie. Administrator and franchisee


This module has only access to the administrator. The administrator only can check this module

and make the required modifications as per requirements and he can add and delete the

Franchisees. Administrator is also responsible for issues of goods to the Franchisee

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The Spiral model incorporates the best characteristics of both the waterfall and prototyping

model. In addition, the Spiral model also contains a new component called Risk Analysis, which

is not there in waterfall and prototype model.

In the Spiral model, the basic structure of the software product is developed first. After the basic

structure is developed, new features such as user interface and data administration are added to

the existing software product. This functionality of the Spiral model is similar to a spiral where

the circles of the spiral increase in diameter. Each circle represents a more complete version of 

the software product.


According to the requirement login is provided to Limited administrator and Franchisees. This

module is integrated with Restriction of unauthorized access. Each Franchisee can only access

those data, which are required for his/her work.


Data flow diagram illustrate low data is processed by a system in terms of inputs and outputs.

Data flow diagramming is a mean of representing a system at any level of detail with a graphic

network of symbols showing data flow, data stores, data process and data sources/ destination.

The data flow diagram is analogous to a road map. It is a network model of all possibilities with

different detail shown on different hierarchical levels. The process representing different details

level is called “leveling” or “portioning” by some data flow diagram advocated. Like a road map,

there is no start or stop point, no timeout timing or steps to get somewhere. We just know that

the data path must exist because at some point it will be needed. A road map shows all existing

or planned roads because the roads are needed.

Details that are not shown on the different levels of the data flow diagram such as volumes,

timing, frequency etc is shown on supplementary diagrams or in the data dictionary. For 

example, data store contents may be shown in the data dictionary.

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• Graphical eliminating thousands of words.

• Logical representing, modeling what a system does, rather that physical models showing

how it does it.

• Hierarchal, showing system at any level of detail

• Jargon less, allowing user understanding and reviewing.

The goal of data flow diagramming is to have a commonly understood model of a system.

The diagram are supposed by other techniques of structured system analysis such as

data structure diagrams, data dictionaries and procedure representing techniques such

as decision tables, decision trees and structured English.

Data flow diagrams have the objective of avoiding the cost of………

• User/developer misunderstanding of a system, resulting in a need to redo system or in

not using the system.

• Having to tart documentation from scratch when the physical system changes since the

logical system, what gets done often remain the same when technology changes.

• System inefficiencies because a system gets computerized before it gets systematized.

• Being unable to evaluate system project boundaries or degree of automation, resulting in

a project of inappropriate scope.


The procedure for producing a data flow diagram is to:

• Identify and list external entities providing inputs/receiving outputs from system

• 8 Identify and list inputs from outputs to external entities.

• Confirm through personnel contact sent data is received and vice-versa.

• Trace and record what happens to each of the data flows entering the system (data

movement, data storage, data transformation/processing).

• Attempt to connect any diagram segment into a rough draft.

• Verify all data coming out of store goes in.

• Redraw to simplify ponder and question result.

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• Review with informed.


 Not Valid

FranchiseeData Store


Data Store


Data Store

Payment Mode

Data Store

Administrator  Login












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Flow Diagram: FRANCHISEE

 Not Valid




Create Own



Data Store

Sales to


PurchaseOrder to



PurchOrder Data Store


Sales DataStore






Data Store

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3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram

Attributes of Login

Sales Bill : Sales Bill is issued by franchisee. It’s Inputs come from Accounts, Items, Items

Group, Payment Mode and Output is Sales ,Sales Detail, sales Charges.





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Accounts Items Items Groups Payment Mode


Sales Order  Sales Charges Sales Details

Accounts ID Payment

Mode ID  Items ID 

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3.3.1 DATABASE DESIGN  One of the most important factors in designing a database is a well executing application and

the design of the database tables. For a good database design, good understanding of the

normalization concept is needed.

The tables are the basic building material of data. A table is two dimensional grids with rows and

columns. The columns indicate fields of the tables while row indicate records of the tables. The

table has been so created that duplicity of the items and optimizing the database prevents

redundancy. The packages is made in mind that job mustn’t be time consuming and less man

power an efforts are required so that the user ids satisfied.


The database consists of ninety tables each has its own primary key and defines a unique

relation among data items each of the tables are described separately from the next page.

1) Accounts

2) Charges

3) Discount4) Franchisee

5) Item Groups

6) Items

7) Payment Modes

8) Purchase Order Details

9) Purchase Orders

10) Sales Detail

11) Sales Return Charges

12) Sales Return Details

13) Sales

14) Sales Charges

15) Scheme ,16) Users

Table 1: Accounts

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Table2: Franchisee

Primary Key AccountKey Numeric 10 No

FranchiseKey Numeric 18 Yes

AccountCode Nvarchar 15 Yes

AccountName Nvarchar 50 No

Business Nvarchar 50 Yes

ContactPerson Nvarchar 50 Yes

OfficeAddress Nvarchar 30 No

OfficeCity Nvarchar 30 Yes

OfficeState Nvarchar 30 Yes

OfficeCountry Nvarchar 30 Yes

ResidentialAddress Nvarchar 50 YesResidentialCity Nvarchar 30 Yes

ResidentialState Nvarchar 30 Yes

ResidentialCountry Nvarchar 30 Yes

Telephone Nvarchar 20 No

Fax Nvarchar 20 Yes

Email Nvarchar 50 No

RefferedBy Nvarchar 50 Yes

MaritalStatus Bit Yes

BirthDateCustomer Nvarchar 20 Yes

BirthDateCustomerSpouse Nvarchar 20 Yes

KidStatus Bit YesBirthDateKid1 Nvarchar 20 Yes

BirthDateKid2 Nvarchar 20 Yes

UsagePerMonth Numeric 10 Yes

PreferredBrand Nvarchar 50 Yes

Membership Bit Yes

MembershipCode Nvarchar 15 Yes

MembershipType Nvarchar 30 Yes

IssueDate Nvarchar 20 Yes

ExpiryDate Nvarchar 20 Yes

Terms Nvarchar 1000 Yes

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Key Constraints Column Name Data Type Length Allow Nulls

Primary Key FranchiseKey Numeric 10 No

FranchiseCode Nvarchar 10 No

FranchiseType Nvarchar 50 Yes

FranchiseName Nvarchar 50 No

FranchiseManager Nvarchar 50 Yes

ContactPerson Nvarchar 50 YesAddress Nvarchar 50 Yes

City Nvarchar 30 Yes

State Nvarchar 30 Yes

Country Nvarchar 30 Yes

Telephone Nvarchar 20 Yes

Email Nvarchar 50 Yes

BankAccountNumber Nvarchar 20 Yes

BankCity Nvarchar 30 Yes

BankName Nvarchar 50 Yes

VATNumber Nvarchar 20 Yes

CSTNumber Nvarchar 20 YesServiceTaxNumber Nvarchar 20 Yes

DateOfBirth Datetime Yes

MaritalStatus Bit Yes

AnniveryDate Datetime Yes

AreaState Nvarchar 30 Yes

AreaCity Nvarchar 30 Yes

AreaCityAbreviation Nvarchar 10 Yes

FromDate Datetime Yes

ToDate Datetime Yes

Terms Nvarchar 1000 Yes

Target Numeric 10 YesCommissionOnSales Numeric 4,2 Yes

Table3: Item Groups

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Key Constraints Column Name Data Type Length Allow Nulls

Primary key ItemGroupKey Numeric 10 No

ItemGroupName Nvarchar 50 yes


Primary key ItemKey Numeric 10 No

ItemCode Nvarchar 15 No

ItemName Nvarchar 50 No

ItemRate Numeric 10,2 Yes

ItemUnit Nvarchar 50 Yes

ItemGroupKey Numeric 10 YesOpeningStock Numeric 10,2 Yes

ItemType Nvarchar 50 Yes

Table5: Payment Modes

Primary key PaymentModeKey Numeric 10 NoPaymentModeName Nvarchar 50 Yes

PaymentModeName Nvarchar 50 Yes

Table6: Charges

Primary Key ChargeKey Numeric 10 NoChargeName Nvarcha 30 No

ChargeRate Numeric 10,2 Yes

ChargeMode Nvarchar 30 Yes

ChargeType Nvarchar 30 No

Table7: Purchase Orders

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Key Constraints Column Name Data Type Length Allow Nulls

Primary key TransactionKey Numeric 10 No

FranchiseKey Numeric 10 Yes

TransactionDate Datetime Yes

TransactionNumber Nvarchar 20 Yes

AccountKey Numeric 10 YesGrossAmount Numeric 10,2 Yes

Additions Numeric 10,2 Yes

Reductions Numeric 10,2 Yes

 NetAmount Numeric 10,2 Yes

PaymentModeKey Numeric 10 Yes

PaymentDescription Nvarchar 200 Yes

DueDate Datetime Yes

ReferenceTransactionKey Numeric 10 Yes

Table8: Purchase Order Charges

Primary key TransactionChargeKey Numeric 10 No

TransactionKey Numeric 10 Yes

ChargeKey Numeric 10 Yes

ChargeableAmount Numeric 10,2 Yes

ChargePercentage Numeric 4,2 Yes

ChargeAmount Numeric 10,2 Yes

Table9: Purchase Order Details

Primary key TransactionDetailKey Numeric 10 No

TransactionKey Numeric 10 Yes

Sno Numeric 15 Yes

ItemKey Numeric 10 Yes

Quantity Numeric 10,2 YesRate Numeric 10,2 Yes

Amount Numeric 10,2 Yes

Table10: Sales

Primary key TransactionKey Numeric 10 No

FranchiseKey Numeric 10 Yes

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TransactionDate Datetime Yes

TransactionNumber Nvarchar 20 Yes

AccountKey Numeric 10 Yes

GrossAmount Numeric 10,2 Yes

Additions Numeric 10,2 Yes

Reductions Numeric 10,2 Yes

 NetAmount Numeric 10,2 YesPaymentModeKey Numeric 10 Yes

PaymentDescription Nvarchar 200 Yes

DueDate Datetime Yes

ReferenceTransactionKey Numeric 10 Yes

SchemeKey Numeric 10 No

Table11: Sales Charges

Primary key TransactionChargeKey Numeric 10 No

TransactionKey Numeric 10 Yes

ChargeKey Numeric 10 Yes

ChargeableAmount Numeric 10,2 Yes

ChargePercentage Numeric 4,2 Yes

ChargeAmount Numeric 10,2 Yes

Table12: Sales Details

Primary key TransactionDetailKey Numeric 10 No

TransactionKey Numeric 10 Yes

Sno Numeric 15 Yes

ItemKey Numeric 10 Yes

Quantity Numeric 10,2 Yes

Rate Numeric 10,2 Yes

Amount Numeric 10,2 Yes

Table13: Sales Returns

Primary key TransactionKey Numeric 10 No

FranchiseKey Numeric 10 Yes

TransactionDate Datetime Yes

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Validation refers to the process of using software in a live environment using real data. The

process of validation refers to a set of activities that ensure that the software that has been built

is matching to customer requirement. Validation is successful when software functions in a

manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer.

Suitable validation checks have been put wherever need was felt so as to avoid wrong data

input. Coding has been done so as to avoid wrong entries in the tables. For example Numeric

characters are not allowed in the Student’s name. Various modules have different process logic,

which involves sorting of data on different attributes and selection of required attribute

depending upon conditions have been decided. Most of these are SQL queries.

Two types of V & V 

Verification:  This checks if we are building the product right (i.e. does it meet the

requirements specification?)

Validation: This determines if we are building the right product? (i.e. does the requirement

specification describe what the customer wants?)

The various kinds of validations performed in our system are as follows:

1) Date Validation: The validation on date data type has been specified to be of the format

DD/MM/YY. Any other format is unacceptable.

2)  Amount Validation:  There is a validation on amount that is entered in rupees in the

following format. “00,000,000.00” E.g. 15, 65,789.00

3) From Date to Date: The “From Date” always has to be less than the “To Date”, e.g. From

1 Nov, 2003 to 4 Nov, 2003 is correct and it cannot be other way round.

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4) Number Field Validation: The field specified with Number as then their data-type will

not accept Character or any other data type.

5)  User Authentication: When a user logs on to the system to access data from the

database, the password needs to be checked for user authentication.

6)  Password change Validation: Only authorized users are allowed to change the

password and the process requires asking the old password before changing it to the new one.



Software Testing

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Requirement Regarding testing:-

The requirement for the application testing is as follows:

• Test Guidelines

• Integration Strategy

• Special Considerations

• Test Documents

The development of software system involves a series of production activities whereopportunities for human fallibility are enormous. Errors may begin to occur at every inception of 

the4 process where the objectives may be erroneously or imperfectly specified as well as later 

design and development states. Because of human inability to perform and communicate with

perfection, software development is accompanied by quality assurance activity.

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate

reviews of specification design and coding.

The increasing visibility of software as a system element and attendant “cost” associated with a

software failure is motivating forces for well planned, thorough testing.

Testing Objectives:

A number of rules that can serve well as testing objectives:

Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an as yet undiscovered

error. A successful test is one that uncovers a yet undiscovered error. Our objective is to design

tests that systematically uncover different classes of errors and to do so with a minimum amount

of time and effort. Data collected as testing is conducted provide a good indication software

reliability and some indication of software quality as a whole.

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Three level of Testing 

Level 1 Testing (Alpha Testing)

At this level a test data is prepared for testing. Project leaders test the system on this test a datakeeping following point in consideration.

Proper Error handling.

Exit points in code Exception handling.

Input/Output format.

If the system is with testing phase at level 1, than it is passed on to level 2.

Level 2 Testing (Beta Testing)

Here the testing is time on the live database. If errors are not corrected it is send back to level 1

for modification otherwise it is passed at level 3.

Level 3

Here the error free and properly tested system is implemented.

Standard Software Development vs. Integrated Testing:

In normal software development mythologies, testing doesn’t begin until after code is

constructed. It a defect is found after coding, there is a good deal of scrap and rework to correct

the code, and possibly the design, test cases and requirements as well. Defects must be tested

out of the system, rather than being avoided in the first place. But in the other case as testing

begins at the requirements as well. Defects are avoided instead of being tested out of the code.

This is a less costly and timelier approach. User manuals and training materials can be

developed sooner. The entire software development lifecycle is compressed. Testing is

performed in parallel with development instead of the end.

Test case Design:

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• Testing begins at the module level and works “outward” toward the integration of the

entire computer based system.

• Different testing technique is appropriate at different point in time.

• Testing conducted by the developer of the software and (for large project) an independent

test group.• Testing and debugging are different activities but debugging must be accommodated in

any test strategy.

 A software testing strategy:

Unit Testing:

Unit testing focus verification effort on the smallest unit of software designs the module. The unit

test is always White-Box – oriented and the step can be conducted in parallel for 

Multiple modules. In our modules, different testing at module level is shown above in test


Integration Testing:

Integration testing address the issues associated with the dual problem of the verification and

program construction. Black box test case design techniques are the most prevalent duringintegration, although a limited amount of white box testing may be used to ensure coverage of 

major control paths.

Validation Testing:

Validation testing provides the final assurance that software meets all functional behavioral and

performance requirement Black box testing techniques are user exclusively during validation

testing is performed in terms of efficiency of coding and in terms of checking weather particular 

application is meeting its requirement.

System testing system testing tests the flow of data through the entire system. Data flows from

the table were checked. This also includes the preparation of test, checking the entire system

with this data to see if all the requirements are met and the system performs as specified by the


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A black box test examines some fundamental aspect of a system with little or no regard of the

integral logical structure of the software.

Graph based testing methods explore the relationships between and behavior of program likely

to exercise specific software function. Boundary value analysis probes the program’s ability to

handle data at the limits of acceptability.


Before applying methods to design effective test cases, we must understand the basic principles

that hide software testing.

• Al tests should be traceable to customer requirements, as we have seen the objective of 

the software testing is to uncover errors. It follows that the most sever defects (from the

customer’s point of view) are those that cause the program to fail to meet its


• The pair to principle applies to software testing. Stated simply, the pair to principle implies

that 80 percent of all errors uncovered during testing will likely be traceable to 20 percent

of all program modules and to thoroughly test them.

• Testing should begin “in small” and progress toward testing “in large”. The first test

planned and executed generally focus in an attempt to find errors in integrated clusters of 

modules and ultimately in the entire system.

• Exhaustive testing is not possible. The number of path permutations for even a

moderately sized program is exceptionally large. For this reason, it is impossible to

execute every combination of paths during testing. It is impossible; however to adequately

cover program logic and to ensure that all conditions in the procedural design have been

exercised.• To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third party by “most

effective”; we mean testing that has the highest probability of finding errors (the primary

objective of testing) for reasons; the software engineer who created the system is not the

best person to conduct all tests for the software.

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Experienced software developers often say “testing never ends” it just gets transferred from you

(the software engineer) to your customer. Every time your customer uses the program, a test is

being conducted. By applying test case design, the software engineer can achieve more

complete testing and thereby uncover and correct the highest number of errors before the

“customer tests” begin.

System Testing 

Once satisfied with all the modules work well in themselves and there are no problems. Then go

in to see how the system will work or perform once all the modules are put together. The main

types of system testing are:

• Peak load Testing:

It determines whether the system will handle the volume of activities that occur when the

system is at the peak of its processing demand.

• Storage Testing:

It determines the capacity of the system uses to process transaction generate report.

• Recovery Testing :

It determines the ability of the system to recover data or restart after failure

Procedure Testing :It determines the clarity of the documentation on operation and use of system.

• Human Factor Testing:

This test determines how the user would use the system when processing data and

preparing reports. As this system provides readability and user friendliness, the screen is

never left blank.


The systems operation and support phase begins when a system become operational and

continues until the system reaches the end of its useful life. Throughout the development

process, the objective has been to create an information system that is efficient, easy to use,

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and affordable. After delivering the system, the analyst has two other important tasks. He or she

must support users and provide necessary maintenance to keep the system operating properly.


Corrective Maintenance:• Diagnose and fix logic errors

• Replace defective network cabling.

• Restore proper configuration settings.

• Debug program code.

• Update drivers

• Install software patch.

 Adaptive Maintenance:

• Add online capability

• Create new reports.

• Add new data entry field to input screen.

• Install links to web site

• Create employee portal

Perfective Maintenance

• Install additional memory

• Write macros to handle repetitive tasks

• Compress system files

• Optimize user desktop settings

• Develop library for code reuse.

• Install more powerful network server.

Primitive Maintenance

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• Install new antivirus software

• Develop standard backup schedule.

• Implement regular defragmentation process.

• Analyze problem report for patterns.

• Tighten all cable connection.


Maintaining system security involves two main tasks. First there must be provisions to assign

and monitor user ids, Passwords, and access levels. Second the system security tools must

handle virus protection and detect any unauthorized access, including attempts by intruders to

enter the system.

Many security management software products are available, including he SAFE suite products.

Notice that the Internet security systems web site mentions three main areas security

assessment, intrusion detection, and security management applications.

In addition to built in controls and security software, company can take other steps to enhance

system security, such as user training safeguards for the physical security of hardware and

software, security audits, and strong security policies that is well understood and reinforced

throughout the organization.

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6.1 Input/Output Form Design

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Login Page:

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Administrator Home Page :

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Franchisee Home Page:

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Franchisee: Only Administrator Can Add Franchisee

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Accounts: Only Franchisee Can Add Customers

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Items: Available items

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Sales: Franchisee made Sales to the Customers

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Schemes: Administrator can offer various Schemes as per various occasions

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Change Credentials

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Sales Return: Customer can return Sales to Franchisee

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  www.123aspx.com/  www.microsoft.com/.net/  www.programmerheaven.com/  www.411asp.net/home/sites  www.devasp.net/  www.hotscripts.com/  www.myasp-net.com/



• ASP.Net 2.0 Website Programming Problem-Design-Solution.

• ASP.Net 3.5 Unleashed.

• Programming Microsoft ASP.Net 2.0 Core Reference.

• Essential ASP.Net 2.0.

• Microsoft ASP.Net 2.0 Step By Step.

Mastering Visual C#.Net by Jason Price.• Essential ADO.Net by Bob Beauchemin.

• ADO.Net Examples For C# Programmers by William R. Vaughn.

• ADO.NET Cook BOOK by Bill Hamilton.

• C#.Net 2.0 Unleashed.

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