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HISTORY Electric boats have been plying waterways in Europe since around 1890. In 1905 the 'Victory' was launched on the river Thames, at that time the largest electric boat in the world.  She was 93 feet long and wood built.  The Victory could carry 350 passengers.

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Before the internal combustion engine became popular electric boating rivaled steam and horse drawn barges.  Battery powered pleasure-boats were charged-up by steam powered generators and overhead cables.  In England canals provided a comprehensive network for working narrow-boats carrying cargo. 

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After 1905 the internal combustion engine became popular, ironically, due the the invention of the electric starter motor.  Solar boats are electric boats, with independent, quiet and clean engines, whose batteries store free energy from the sun.

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ABSTRACT Sunlight is generated by the solar cell and then is transferred into electrical energy. We use this energy as a fuel to generate our boat as an alternative to replace the use of petroleum. The boat is engineered by us through our knowledge and trials. The boat now is ready to race.

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OBJECTIVE To build a boat that could save on gas money.

To provide a new version of transport that doesn`t use non-renewable source of energy.

To renovate a boat so that it can go faster on the water.

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Photons in sunlight hit the solar panel and are absorbed by conducting materials such as silicon.

Electrons are knocked loose from their atoms, allowing them to flow through the materials to produce electricity.

An array of solar cells convert solar energy into a usable amount of direct current (DC) electricity.

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INNOVATION We use three pieces of solar cell. We use bottle cap as a fan to generate our boat.

We use motor to move the fan.

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A body immersed in a flowing fluid is acted on by tooth pressure and viscous forces from the flow.

It relates an increase in flow velocity to a decrease in pressure and vice versa.

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All the material that we use are very light so that the boat wouldn`t become heavy thus causing it to move slower.

The costs for the materials are also cheap, so the product will be affordable for the buyer.

The materials are also very tough and long lasting.

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26 APRIL 2011

10.30 a.m low slow

28 APRIL 2011

12.45 a.m bright fast

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CONCLUSION Solar powered boat is a very inventive and smart discovery. Furthermore, it also help to save our money. Solar energy is cheap, easy to obtain , renew able and envimentally - friendly energy. The world would be a better place it solar energy is use widely in daily life.

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