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Promoting conceptual understanding in high-school physics Exploring the effects of using an audience response system Diana Diez




Promoting conceptual understanding in high-school physics Exploring the effects of using an audience response system Diana Diez

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING AND IN EDUCATION Title in English: Promoting conceptual understanding in high-school

physics: Exploring the effects of using an audience response system.

Title in Swedish: Att främja konceptuell förståelse inom gymnasiefysik: Undersökning av effekterna av att använda ett publiksvarssystem.

Supervisor: Kristina Edström, School of Industrial Engineering and


Co-supervisor: Linda Kann, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer


Uppdragsgivare: Niklas Ingvar, Mentimeter AB.

Examinator: Cecilia Kozma, School of Industrial Engineering and





Research shows that students may be proficient in solving physics problem mathematically

but still lack a fundamental understanding of the phenomena in question. One reason may

be that a traditional approach to physics instruction emphasises instructors transfer of

material to the students and problem-solving, sometimes at the expense of conceptional


This master thesis combines socio-cultural and behaviouristic perspectives to analyse the

effects of audience response systems in learning environments, in particular physics

instruction. An audience response system is a tool that collects responses from the

participants. It is commonly used to create interaction, thus moderating the approach of

pure transmission of information. The current state of research shows that the effects of

audience response systems depend on how it is used by the instructor.

Audience response systems have been popular for use in peer instruction in physics and part

of this study was to evaluate the design of conceptual problems. Using a mix-methods

approach with interviews, observations, and tests, this thesis explores teachers’ experiences

from using audience response systems to stimulate thinking and discussion on conceptual

questions. Different modalities of systems are also compared. The study was affected by the

school closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however the remote teaching situation also

makes the topic even more important.

The findings confirm what is previously established about the role of the instructor and that

the effects depend on their intention. This study demonstrates that an audience response

system can be used for formative assessment, initiate discussions, simultaneously engage

multiple participants, prompt instructors to reconsider their methods and support a

productive learning environment. Important features of an audience response system are

ease of use, clear display of responses, synchronous participation, and anonymity.

Keywords: Audience response system, Mentimeter, formative assessment, peer

instruction, physics



Tidigare forskning visar att studenter kan vara skickliga i att lösa fysikproblem matematiskt

men ändå sakna en grundläggande förståelse för fenomenen i fråga. En möjlig förklaring är

att fysikundervisning traditionellt fokuserar på överföring av material från lärare till elev

med ett fokus på problemlösning, ibland på bekostnad av den konceptuella förståelsen.

Detta examensarbete kombinerar sociokulturella och beteendemässiga perspektiv för att

analysera effekterna av publiksvarssystem i lärande miljöer, primärt i fysikundervisning. Ett

publiksvarssystem är ett verktyg som samlar in respons från deltagarna. Det används

vanligen för att skapa interaktion, och därmed reducera fokuset på ren överföring av

material i undervisningen. Det aktuella forskningsläget visar att effekterna av

publiksvarssystem beror på hur det tillämpas av läraren.

Publiksvarssystem har populärt använts i peer instruction (kamratlärande) i fysik och en del

i denna studie har varit att utvärdera design av konceptuella frågor. Med hjälp av kvalitativa

och kvantitativa metoder (intervjuer, observationer och tester) undersöker detta arbete

lärares erfarenheter av att använda publiksvarssystem för att stimulera tänkande och

diskussioner om konceptuella frågor. Vidare jämförs modaliteten hos olika system. Studiens

utformning påverkades av skolstängningarna till följd av COVID-19-pandemin, dock ger de

förutsättningar som kommer med distansundervisning ytterligare relevans för ämnet.

Resultaten bekräftar vad som tidigare har fastställts om lärarens roll och att effekterna beror

på dennes intentioner. Studien visar att ett publiksvarssystem kan användas för formativ

bedömning, initiera diskussioner, engagera flera deltagare simultant, uppmuntra lärare att

ompröva sina metoder och hjälpa till att skapa förutsättningar för en produktiv

inlärningsmiljö. Viktiga funktioner i ett publikresponssystem är användarvänlighet, tydlig

presentation av svar, möjlighet till synkront deltagande för många personer samt


Nyckelord: Publiksvarssystem, Mentimeter, formativ bedömning, kamratlärande,




Little did I know when I attended the Armada banquet way back in 2018, that I would

stumble upon my thesis project, or at least run into my supervisor-to-be, Niklas Ingvar.

Thank you for welcoming me to Mentimeter one year later and helping me set out the

direction of the project. You have always made time for me, no matter how busy you were.

Your thirst for knowledge is so inspiring and I have truly enjoyed our sessions when we tried

to make sense of the science.

Stort tack till mina handledare, Kristina Edström och Linda Kann. Utan er hade detta blivit

dubbelt så jobbigt och hälften så bra. Kristina, tack för dina kloka insikter kring utmaningen

och tjusningen med ett forskningsarbete. Du har alltid haft ett gott råd och en bra referens i

ärmen, för att inte tala om hur du magiskt vet hur man får ett textstycke att lyfta. Linda, din

positiva inställning och ditt stora lugn har varit ovärderliga - det märks att du har varit med

förr! Du har en underbar förmåga att få hopplösa saker att kännas buslätta.

Att skriva den här rapporten har varit en lång och snårig process och jag är glad för att min

examinator Cecilia Kozma och min opponent Holly Lindkvist har funnits där för att reda ut

det sista. Tack för era värdefulla kommentarer och feedback.

Patrik – tack för att du har hjälpt mig att ro det här i hamn. Många gånger har jag velat ge

upp, men det fick jag inte göra för att du alltid har funnits där. Jag tror att alla tvivlar på sig

själva när de skriver sitt examensarbete och jag är absolut inget undantag. Du har dock alltid

fått mig att känna mig kompetent och att jag kommer klara det till slut. Tack för att du har

trott på mig, och tack för kaffet.

Det finns en person utan vilken detta arbete inte skulle blivit möjligt – läraren som har ställt

upp på min idé och låtit mig samla in data i mängder. Trots en minst sagt ovanlig och

omtumlande vår har du tagit dig tiden att få in projektet och lagt en massa tid på att planera

och planera om. Det har varit både roligt och lärorikt att få smyga in i dina fysiska och

digitala klassrum – tack för att du unnade mig det!



Table of contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 9

1.1 Purpose and objective .................................................................................................... 10

1.2 Research questions ........................................................................................................ 10

2 Background ............................................................................................. 11

2.1 Mentimeter ...................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Misconceptions in physics ............................................................................................. 12

2.3 Quality education for everyone ..................................................................................... 13

3 Theoretical framework .......................................................................... 14

3.1 Pedagogical theory ......................................................................................................... 14

3.2 Previous research ........................................................................................................... 18

4 Method ................................................................................................... 25

4.1 Research design .............................................................................................................. 25

4.2 Research context ............................................................................................................ 26

4.3 Data collection ................................................................................................................ 26

4.4 Data analysis................................................................................................................... 32

4.5 Ethical considerations.................................................................................................... 33

5 Results ................................................................................................... 34

5.1 Results from the pre-study ............................................................................................ 34

5.2 Results from the main study.......................................................................................... 37

6 Discussion .............................................................................................. 49

7 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 52

7.1 Future research .............................................................................................................. 53

References ........................................................................................................ 54

Appendix A - Observation scheme ............................................................................................. 57

Appendix B – Guidelines on writing multiple-choice questions ............................................ 58

Appendix C – interview questions ............................................................................................. 63

Appendix D – presentation slides .............................................................................................. 65


1 Introduction

Traditional education refers to customs that have been established over time in a society’s

educational tradition, and these vary depending on cultural and historical context.

Traditional education is often described as adopting a transmissive instructional model,

which is based on the standpoint that learning happens as a result of transfer of knowledge

(Xie et al., 2018). This makes for a teacher-centred approach, where lecturing is a main part

of the instruction and the students’ role is to memorise and demonstrate that they have

registered the content.

The passive nature of absorbing information spurs students towards surface learning as

opposed to deep learning. Therefore, including more student-centred teaching is beneficial

to promote deeper understanding of fundamental principles of a subject. (McCarthy &

Anderson, 2000). Furthermore, the process of retrieval is essential for consolidating

knowledge, which is why it is helpful to design learning activities that incorporate

reconstruction of facts (Karpicke, 2012). Letting the students take active part in their

learning process is based on the idea that an individual is constructing their knowledge by

interacting with their surrounding and making meaning of what they percept (Piaget, 2008).

Piaget’s constructivism theory can be expanded by adding a social dimension, emphasizing

how social interactions with other people and use of tools shape cognitive development

(Vygotsky, 1999). The contrast between deep and surface learning and importance of

interaction is well-known among educators, but the question is how it should be done in

practice to achieve the desired effects.

The term interaction implies a dynamic process of exchange between several parties, i.e.

communication between people or the use of a computerised media device. The type of

interaction that occurs between a presenter and their audience is called audience response.

This interaction is typically created using an audience response system. Audience response

systems have been around since 1960s, starting with eliciting responses from movie and

television show audiences. The first patents for voting machines were granted in the 1970s

(Gordon & Becker, 1973; Simmons & Marquis, 2010).

The audience response system technology evolved over time and a typical setup consisted of

specialised hardware combined with presentation software. The audience used handheld

wireless devices called clickers to record their answers to multiple-choice questions and the

results were displayed on a screen for the presenter or through a projector to the audience.

The recent development in the technology has made a shift from hardware-based audience

response systems to web-based applications. A software-based audience response system

utilises personal computing devices that the audience typically has access to such as

smartphones or laptops. This has resulted in a significant reduction in cost for the

institutions that utilised audience response systems. Furthermore, instructors experience

that abandoning clickers saves time and hassle that comes with setting up the system and

distributing the devices

Along with the practical aspects, software-based audience response systems open the

possibility of including a broader range of features beyond multiple choice questions. One

example of a software-based audience response system is Mentimeter. Mentimeter is an

interactive presentation tool that incorporates an audience response system to create

audience engagement in lectures, workshops and meetings in both educational and

corporate settings. This thesis will explore the effects of using this audience response system

in a learning environment and how it supports instructors in their pedagogical



The practice of using an audience response system embodies the behaviourist principle of

stimulus-response patterns (Fies & Marshall, 2006). Posing a question (stimulus) induces

changes in behaviour of the audience (response), along with feedback when the results are

displayed. This means that audience response systems can be understood from a

behaviouristic point of view and this thesis will use this framework along with the socio-

cultural perspective on learning.

1.1 Purpose and objective The aim of this thesis is to explore the implementation of an audience response system in a

learning environment, namely a high-school physics class. The objective is twofold: given

that an audience response system is merely a tool in the hands of the instructor, it is

interesting to analyse how the instructors use such a tool in their teaching. The other goal is

to assess the effects on the audience.

Conceptual understanding of science is crucial to master more advanced theory and

applications. However, conventional physics instruction often focuses on problem solving.

This is reflected by the design of textbooks and tests that are usually heavy on calculations

and emphasise a strictly mathematical approach to physics. While students may become

proficient in setting up and solving equations, they can still lack fundamental understanding

of the phenomena in question. There is a risk that this consolidates serious misconceptions

about physics. A popular method to foster greater conceptual understanding is peer

instruction, which is typically supported by an audience response system. Part of this thesis

is to evaluate conceptual questions used in physics instruction on motion of objects.

1.2 Research questions This study aims to answer the following research questions:

1. How can an audience response system be used to facilitate learning in a Swedish

high-school physics class? 2. What are the effects of using an audience response system in a learning



2 Background

2.1 Mentimeter Mentimeter is an interactive presentation platform that collects responses from the audience

using smart devices. Mentimeter supports a range of features including content slides and 13

interactive questions types (see some examples in fig. 1). During a presentation, the

audience can interact anonymously with the questions using a laptop or smartphone (see fig.

2). The responses are visualized in real-time and the data can be exported and analysed after

the presentation. Running Mentimeter requires a web browser and Internet connection for

both the presenter and the audience. The presenters need to create an account on

mentimeter.com. Mentimeter has several pricing options and a freemium plan among them.

This means that the product is free of charge but full access to all features require payment.

Mentimeter also offers discounted educational plans for teachers and students. The software

includes functions such as multiple choice-questions, quizzes, word clouds and questions

from the audience. (Mentimeter, n.d.) A few examples are presented below:

Figure 1. Examples of slides and question types in Mentimeter. From upper left and

clockwise: Content slide, Multiple choice, Word cloud, Scales. (Mentimeter, n.d.)


Figure 2. The smartphone user interface in Mentimeter. (Mentimeter, n.d.)

2.2 Misconceptions in physics Understanding fundamental concepts is crucial for building knowledge and mastering a

certain discipline. If a conceptual misunderstanding gets to propagate over time, it will

inevitably create obstacles in future learning. It is important to properly learn the basics, as

a misconception can be difficult to correct once consolidated and can sometime derives from

early stages of school (Liu & Fang, 2019).

A typical example of a misconception in physics is the idea that for an object to move, it

must be acted upon by continuous force. This is despite students being able to recite

Newton’s first law; that an object will remain at rest or continue moving at a constant

velocity, unless a force acts upon in. This means that a book sliding over a table will continue

moving after letting it go, but also slow down because of the friction.

Another misconception about motion is illustrated by the conceptual question in figure 3,

the confusion between speed and velocity. Speed is a scalar quantity that represents the rate

of change of position of an object. Velocity, being a vector quantity, has both magnitude and

direction. A car rounding a curve may have constant speed but since it is changing its

direction, the velocity is not constant. The implication of Newton’s first law in this case is

therefore that there is a net force on the car.


Figure 3. A conceptual problem about Newton’s first law. Figure by the author.

In addition to this, there is also a linguistic aspect of the mix up between speed and velocity

in Swedish. In physics instruction, teachers often use cars to exemplify principles about

motion. Speed, for instance, is the value shown by the speedometer. However, in Swedish

the speedometer is called hastighetsmätare, which means velocity meter. This adds another

dimension of confusion to a concept that the students already perceive as tricky.

A common instrument to assess students understanding of concepts are so-called concept

inventories. A concept inventory consists of a series of problems about the subject designed

to evaluate understanding and pick up common misconceptions. The problems are typically

multiple-choice questions for testing content knowledge and identifying the number of

students that have a certain opinion about the topic. Depending on the curriculum, the

inventories are used by teachers across different educational levels. Some examples in

physics are the Force Concept Inventory, the Mechanics Baseline Test and the Dynamics

Concept Inventory that target student misconceptions about force and motion (Liu & Fang,


2.3 Quality education for everyone One of the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals is to “ensure inclusive and

equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” (United

Nations, n.d.). The target is to guarantee equal access to quality education for all girls and

boys, on all levels. To have equal and qualitative access to education can also mean to be

able to take active part in the learning process, on equal terms with other students. It is

therefore interesting to explore methods of instruction that aim to create engagement and

interaction in the classroom.

As of 2020, this goal has taken a serious hit due to the spread of COVID-19. The pandemic

has had a significant impact on education of children and young people, 1.5 billion of them

being affected by the means taken to slow the spread (United Nations, n.d.). School closures

and limited social contacts inhibit the development of children, especially those who live in

vulnerable conditions. This study was conducted during the early stages of the pandemic


and the transition to remote teaching is therefore incorporated in this thesis, adding further

relevance with respect to the UN sustainability goal of quality education.

Not everyone can take part in remote learning and there is a risk of a widening in the already

existing digital gap. For instance, less than one half of primary and secondary schools in

sub-Saharan Africa have access to necessary services and facilities such as electricity, the

Internet and computers. Thus, the use of information and communication technologies in

education must be reviewed in the light of these facts. (United Nations, 2020)

3 Theoretical framework

3.1 Pedagogical theory

3.1.1 Socio-cultural perspectives on learning From a socio-cultural perspective, learning is a result of how people interact with each other

and how they act within their cultural environment. What people think or know is

understood by analysing their speech and actions (Jakobsson, 2012). These actions are

supported by cultural tools, so called artefacts. Artefacts are objects that humans have

created and that in turn shape how we think or act (Vygotsky, 1999). Physical tools, such as

hammers, needles or computers and representations, such as the numerical system,

calendars and the musical notation are all examples of artefacts. An audience response

system is also an artefact in this sense. The human interaction with artefacts is called

mediation, which means that an individual acquires mental abilities using tools – the

abilities are mediated by artefacts (ibid).

One of the most important cultural artefacts that humans have developed is speech.

Communication through speech is essential for describing and discussing the surrounding

environment and shaping our understanding of the world. Thus, the socio-cultural

perspectives put emphasis on interaction between people as the key component for

acquiring knowledge. This implies that an individual’s learning is not necessarily restricted

by their inherent capabilities, since these can be expanded with help from others. Vygotsky

(1999) describes this in a model called the zone of proximal development (ZPD). The ZPD is

the distance between what an individual can learn by themselves and what they can learn

with help from a more knowledgeable part (see fig. 4). For that individual, articulating

thoughts and explaining concepts is also positive for consolidating their own understanding.


Figure 4. Zone of proximal development. Figure by the author.

3.1.2 Behaviouristic perspectives on learning Behaviourism is empiricist by its nature, emphasising what is observable and measurable. It

does not seek to understand cognitive processes – from a behaviouristic point of view, it is

more interesting to analyse observable human behaviour. The basic premise is that every

action is followed by a consequence, which moderates our behaviour. This leads to the

concept of stimulus, which is an object or event that triggers a response from the exposed

individual. This is an associative learning process named operant conditioning, where the

behaviour can be moderated by additional reinforcement. (Skinner, 2008)

The instructions on the top of a Mentimeter slide (see fig. 5) is a stimulus that prompts the

participant to visit a web page for that presentation. When responding to that stimulus by

following the instructions, the user is met with another stimulus – a Multiple choice

question for instance. This stimulus may trigger a more elaborate change in behaviour;

considering the question, evaluating the options and submitting an answer. Finally, as the

votes are displayed, the feedback can act as a reinforcement or further moderate the

behaviour of the audience.

Figure 5. Instructions on top of a Mentimeter slide.

A behaviouristic perspective is rooted in the belief that an individual is shaped by their

environment. The ability to learn is affected by their acquired experiences and can be

facilitated with directed instruction. (Skinner, 2008)

3.1.3 Formative assessment There is no unambiguous definition of formative assessment and the theoretical principles

behind it can be dated to the 1930s (Hirsh & Lindberg, 2015). The concept has been


popularised at the dawn of the 21st century thanks to Black and William (1998), who base

their review on the following interpretation:

”All those activities undertaken by teachers, and/or by their students, which

provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning

activities in which they are engaged.”

Based on this definition, the standpoint in this thesis is that formative assessment is an

action undertaken by teachers and students to gather information that helps them make

relevant considerations regarding the instruction.

In a report on 21st century international and Swedish research on formative assessment,

Hirsh and Lindberg (2015) note a rise of information and communication technologies (ICT)

for formative assessment. They acknowledge that formative assessment demands much

effort from the teacher and that ICT tools can streamline the process. As the definition of

formative assessment dictates, there is not one distinct way of using ICT for that purpose.

The assessment is therefore dependent on the tool in question and particularly on how it is

used. Audience response system is a category of ICT and this thesis will focus on how it can

support formative assessment.

3.1.4 Peer instruction Peer learning is a method where discussions between students are part of the instruction.

This approach utilises the fact that students, thanks to their similarity in age and previous

knowledge, are good at helping each other understand the content and explain difficult parts

of the material. This method has been linked to better student performance in terms of

higher grades and learning outcome, compared to traditional methods of instruction such as

lectures (Caldwell, 2007).

There are some variations of peer learning. In this study, we will focus on the method that

has gained popularity thanks to Harvard professor Eric Mazur, who put it into practice in his

introductory physics classes (Mazur, 2014). In Mazur’s model of peer instruction, the

lessons consist of several small lectures about core concepts, each followed by a ConcepTests

on this format:

1. Question posed 2. Students given time to think 3. Students record their individual answers (optional) 4. Students convince their neighbor (peer instruction) 5. Students record revised answers (optional) 6. Feedback to teacher: Tally of answers 7. Explanation of correct answer

The posed question should be purely conceptual, as opposed to a computational problem.

According to Mazur’s studies (2014), students that receive conventional physics instruction

have more trouble solving conceptual questions than problems that require several

calculations. This highlights the difference between memorisation and understanding, as

many students prioritise learning step-by-step strategies for problem solving. This kind of

problems typically appear on physics tests and although it can be rewarding to focus om

memorising the recipes, gaps in understanding of fundamental concepts can make it

difficult to handle unexpected cases.

The answers are typically recorded using an audience response system. Show of hands or

holding up flashcards with labels for each option are common ways that are simple to

implement but vulnerable when it comes to accuracy and the lack of anonymity. A digital


audience response system that displays the outcome of the voting gives immediate feedback

to the teacher and provides anonymity to the students.

The outcome of the second voting (step 5) provides the instructor with insights about how

well the class has grasped the concept in question, thus introducing an element of formative

assessment. The teacher can then decide whether the topic requires further lecturing, or if it

is time to proceed to the next concept. This procedure limits the time that the teacher

mediates information in favour for peer learning. (Mazur, 2014)

Students find that the discussions help them learn and better understand the material and

they feel engaged while working in groups (Caldwell, 2007). This is also reflected by

improved academic achievements (ibid). When comparing the results, the second round of

responses shows an increase in number of correct answers. The students further report a

higher grade of confidence when voting for the second time (Mazur, 2014). Mazur did his

research on university physics classes, but there are studies that show positive outcomes for

high-school students as well (Cummings & Roberts, 2008).

Orienting the physics instruction towards conceptual understanding does not mean that

development of other important abilities suffer; in fact, there is evidence for improved

problem-solving skills thanks to this approach (Mazur, 2014). There is also some concern

about reduced content coverage in favour for working with conceptual questions, but the

reviewed literature implies that active learning is still more effective (Caldwell, 2007).


3.2 Previous research

3.2.1 Current state of research on audience response systems A literature review by Fies and Marshall (2006) claims that most literature on audience

response systems up until then is anecdotical or based on unfair premises. The comparisons

between audience response system-supported learning and other environments differ in

several aspects. Some studies compare traditional practices without any elements of

interaction with interactive audience response system-lessons, thus creating vastly different

starting points and making it difficult to isolate the effects of the system itself. The lack of

randomized controlled studies is still apparent in the 2012 literature review by Boscardin

and Penuel, which indicates that it is troublesome to evaluate the magnitude of impact of

audience response system. On the other hand, introducing an audience response system to a

learning environment seems to result in adaptation of more interactive methodologies.

Apart from the lack of rigorous studies, the authors point out shortage of research on

audience response systems that support complete anonymity where the identity of the

respondent is hidden.

Fies and Marshall’s review covers 24 publications on pedagogical theory and use of audience

response systems. Throughout the literature, there is consensus that audience response

systems are successful when used with proper pedagogical methodologies. This conclusion is

supported by Kay and LeSage’s review of 52 papers on audience response systems (Kay &

LeSage, 2009). There are indications of benefits of audience response systems in peer

instruction and some results that show that students value audience response system-

supported discussions (ibid). Using audience response systems in class is perceived as

interactive, engaging and enjoyable. Boscardin and Penuel (2012) found several studies that

report significant knowledge gains in lessons with audience response systems compared to

traditional lecture formats, but these results are attributed to formative assessment and

student engagement stimulated by the tool. Fies and Marshall (2006) conclude that

audience response systems should be viewed as pedagogical tools with multiple ways of use

and propose controlled studies with more controlled variables, where use of the audience

response system is varied.

Hunsu et. al. (2015) aim to address the concerns raised in both Fies and Marshall’s (2006)

and Boscardin and Penuel’s (2012) papers. They conducted a meta-analysis to compare

cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes in audience response system-supported and

traditional environments. A total of 53 studies were included, based on experimental

research design and the possibility of computing effect sizes from original data. Studies with

multiple interventions were rejected to isolate the effects of the audience response system

itself. They found small but significant positive effects on cognitive outcomes (retention,

knowledge transfer and achievement) and larger positive effects on non-cognitive outcomes

such as engagement, participation, self-efficacy and interest. The effects varied with class

size and were greater in smaller groups. When comparing audience response system

questions with similar question-driven instruction without audience response systems, the

effects were negligible. This indicates that it is not the audience response system itself but

rather the questions designed for the instructions that leads to a positive outcome. The

authors conclude from the overall result of the meta-analysis that emphasis must be put on

strategic preparation and facilitation during the lessons. Developing effective questions,

encouraging peer discussion and providing feedback is important for optimising the

outcome of audience response system use. Finally, the authors suggest more randomised

studies with observation of pre-intervention baseline for future research. (Hunsu et al.,



The meta-analysis by Castillo-Manzano et. al. (2016) yields similar conclusions about small

but favourable effects of audience response systems and implies that there are underlying

factors such as educational context that influence these results. In addition to this, they

found some evidence for greater impact in lower levels of education (i.e. high school and

elementary school), although the sample was considerably smaller than the university level-

studies. Unlike the above referred reviews, the authors do not comment on how pedagogical

strategies synergise with audience response systems. Instead, they emphasize the practical

aspects of implementing audience response systems in teaching, with focus on the

accessibility of modern systems and gradual introduction while continuously evaluating the

tool (Castillo-Manzano et al., 2016).

3.2.2 Pedagogical goals of using audience response systems Caldwell (2007) has published a summary of current research with examples of

implementations of audience response systems across a variety of disciplines and subjects.

This paper is a contemporary of Field and Marshall’s (2006) review but also includes best-

practice tips on how to use audience response systems in teaching. Several purposes for

using audience response systems emerged across the reviewed studies: increasing

interaction, assessing student preparation, formative assessment, tests, making lectures

more fun, and prompting discussion. These goals are not solely dependent on using an

audience response system – in fact, teachers have used interactive questions for a long time,

originating from Socrates methods of questioning. Caldwell’s analysis is therefore in line

with Field and Marshall’s (2006) findings – that an audience response system is a tool that

enables different instruction methods. Apart from creating a conversation about the course

material, the questioning approach helps drawing the students’ attention towards important

topics and stimulates their meta-cognitive processes when they reflect upon their knowledge

(Boscardin & Penuel, 2012).

A review by Key and LeSage (2009) unveils similar motives associated with use of audience

response systems. They divide them into following categories:

• motivational strategies to enhance participation and engagement

• assessment based strategies for contingent teaching and formative or summative


• learning based strategies for stimulating attention, preparation and discussion

There is consensus across the literature that audience response systems enhance

participation, which can be considered a crucial condition for any learning to take place

(ibid). Audience response system usage is sometimes linked to a portion of course grade by

giving credits for scoring on ARS-tests. This has naturally a significant impact on student

participation (Caldwell, 2007; Kay & LeSage, 2009). The increased engagement can also be

explained by the adaption of interactive teaching that comes with audience response systems

or the novelty of the technology itself (ibid). Boscardin and Penuel (2012) state that there is

a positive correlation between active participation and learning gains, and there is evidence

of high-quality interactions that comes in audience response system-supported activities –

verbalisation of students’ thoughts, focus on relevant areas and probing questions (Kay &

LeSage, 2009).

3.2.3 Formative assessment with audience response systems One of the main features of using an audience response system is the ability to easily assess

the students’ understanding and further adjust the mode of instruction, i.e. formative

assessment. This kind of intervention leads to high learning gains and requires continuous

monitoring and adjustments by the instructor (Boscardin & Penuel, 2012). A digital

audience response system gives a quick overview and helps to identify misconceptions that


need to be addressed. The ability to conduct contingent instruction may be dependent on

instructors experience and confidence in dropping some of the control that naturally comes

with a completely pre-planned lesson (Kay & LeSage, 2009). Boscardin and Penuel (2012)

state that successful implementation of formative assessment requires both deep knowledge

of the content as well as pedagogical skills, which implies that these factors are crucial to

exploit the full potential of the audience response system.

Caldwell (2007) agrees with Fies and Marshall (2006) that it is difficult to determine

whether it is the audience response system itself or the combination with interactive

methods that is responsible for the positive outcomes of the reviewed studies. Audience

response systems have a neutral or positive effect on learning outcomes but seem to be

particularly powerful in cooperative learning such as peer instruction (Boscardin & Penuel,

2012; Caldwell, 2007; Fies & Marshall, 2006; Kay & LeSage, 2009). However, Caldwell

points out that interactive questioning becomes more difficult to adapt in larger lectures and

that assessment of smaller samples of the class is often misleading. There are other ways to

collect responses from the whole group, although the low-tech methods such as show of

hands are more difficult to estimate and do not keep the responses anonymous. A digital

audience response system can provide anonymous voting and quick display of responses,

and the records can often be saved for further analysis (Caldwell, 2007). The pressure to

vote with the majority is also reduced by anonymous audience response systems (Boscardin

& Penuel, 2012). Just as Fies & Marshall (2006), Caldwell concludes that using an audience

response system is prompting teachers to rethink their instruction and lowers the threshold

for adapting interactive methods.

3.2.4 Students’ attitudes towards audience response systems When it comes to students’ attitudes towards audience response systems, they are in general

favourable – Caldwell (2007) found positive ratings of 70% and above or 4 out of 5 on a

Likert scale. The students express that the tools are fun and helpful and are particularly

happy with the anonymity and the opportunity to compare their answers with their

classmates’. They also recognise the importance of collaborative learning. Some

disadvantages that students note are technical problems, costs associated with clickers and

uncertainty about the learning value of audience response systems. Technological advances

that help overcome these obstacles, such as smartphones, Wi-Fi and necessary technical

equipment are more available than ever (Castillo-Manzano et al., 2016). There are some

concerns regarding using an audience response system just for the sake of having an digital

tool and not because it is fit for the course material (Caldwell, 2007). Furthermore, some

students find little value in deviating from traditional teaching, think that an audience

response system is distracting, or do not feel comfortable with answering or discussing

questions. On the other hand, there is some indication that audience response system use is

reducing the influence of the most vocal students and gives an opportunity for those who are

more shy to participate on equal terms (Kay & LeSage, 2009). Throughout the literature,

this effect is attributed to the anonymity component of the audience response system

(Boscardin & Penuel, 2012).

3.2.5 Best practices for using audience response systems Given the consensus that an audience response system is more of a tool than a teaching

approach, it is important to have a clear purpose for using it and keep that purpose in mind

when designing audience response system questions (Boscardin & Penuel, 2012). The

purpose should also be explained to the students so that they understand the expected gains

of the audience response system activities. (Caldwell, 2007; Kay & LeSage, 2009)

Well-designed questions are essential for successful use of audience response systems,

according to Caldwell’s review (2007). Conceptual questions are more useful than questions


that require calculations and recall of facts, because they focus on understanding rather than

memorisation. Questions that yield a wide distribution of responses and expose

misconceptions are beneficial for spurring discussion. The voting options should include

common mistakes that students make. Preparing good questions can be challenging and

places heavy demands on the teacher to invest time into the task (Boscardin & Penuel, 2012;

Caldwell, 2007; Kay & LeSage, 2009). Collegial work or using concept inventories that have

been developed in different subjects can be a way of managing the initial workload (ibid).

As for the number of questions during one session, there are some indications of 2-5

questions per lecture hour being a reasonable amount (Caldwell, 2007; Kay & LeSage,

2009). Attention drops occur approximately after 15-20 minutes and an audience response

system question can help regaining focus (Boscardin & Penuel, 2012; Caldwell, 2007; Kay &

LeSage, 2009). The number of options that is suggested in the literature is four to five and

the wait time before closing the voting is up to the teachers judgement based on topic,

difficulty and pedagogical goals (Kay & LeSage, 2009). When a peer discussion precedes the

voting, the noise level in the class seem to be a common indicator for the time to move on

(Beatty et al., 2006).

After the display of responses, the students should be allowed to discuss the outcome and

explain their thoughts on the concepts. Small group discussions are preferred compared to

class-wide discussions. The wrong options should be explored as well, to ensure that the

students understand why these are wrong. It is also important to summarise the discussions

afterwards and add further explanations or lecture more if needed (Caldwell, 2007).

3.2.6 Research specifically focusing on Mentimeter There are a few published papers on Mentimeter, most of them taking a descriptive

approach. Little (2016), Rudolph (2018), and Moorhouse and Kohnke (2020) have

published technological reviews that cover some use cases, benefits and drawbacks of

Mentimeter in educational contexts. Case studies further illustrate these points, as seen in

publications by Skoyles and Bloxsidge (2017) on lectures on reference systems, Mayhew

(2018) in political science, Vallely and Gibson (2018) in teacher education department, and

Hill (2019) on large lectures for undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels.

All the above papers point out the benefit of the bring your own device (BYOD)

characteristic as it reduces costs for both institutions and students. Traditional audience

response system systems require access to specific hardware, and sometimes the students

must purchase the clickers themselves. Another advantage is that Mentimeter is device

agnostic with no installation needed, and the students can use any device that has an

internet connection (Little, 2016; Mayhew, 2018; Rudolph, 2018). This saves time for more

teaching and learning during class (Little, 2016; Skolyes and Bloxsidge, 2017).

It is not uncommon to raise concerns about cell phone use in classrooms. Some teachers

find it disruptive, and students can quickly lose their attention during class. Rudolph

recognises the negative effects of the off-task use of cell phones on knowledge retention and

students’ performance. However, he argues for using devices for educational purposes,

transforming the problem into an opportunity (Rudolph, 2018). According to him,

“technology is a mere enabler of best practices in teaching and learning”, further stressing

the importance of the facilitator for positive outcomes (ibid). The case study by Skoyles and

Bloxsidge (2017) exemplify this approach; the authors felt frustrated by the non-interactive

traditional lecture style that merely engaged the front two rows of students. They noted that

many students already used their phones and computers during class and decided to take

advantage of that.


Unlike hardware-based audience response systems, Mentimeter provides several question

formats beyond the traditional multiple-choice, giving more freedom to the practitioners

and their judgement (Little, 2016; Mayhew, 2018; Skoyles and Bloxsidge, 2017). Mayhew

recognises the potential of the integrated audience response system and presentation

software in Mentimeter, further providing flexibility for the educators and the tool being

user-friendly because of its familiar look and features (Mayhew, 2018).

Hill (2019) states that because of their scalability, large lectures continue to dominate higher

education. Large lectures are cost-effective arrangements; however, they fail to engage

students in active learning. She proposes, referring to Habel & Stubbs (2014), that an

audience response system is a useful tool for engaging students and presents some use cases

for Mentimeter in large lectures. The Quiz feature test students’ understanding, Word cloud

is suitable for ice breakers and initiating further discussion, and Open-ended questions

collect arguments on a topic and visualise those for the audience. This shows, as previously

stated by Little, the range of possibilities for educators to utilise Mentimeter for didactic

purposes. The reviews agree with previous research on audience response systems that the

crucial part is how educators choose to use the tool and how it supports their pedagogical

intentions (Mayhew, 2018; Skoyles & Bolxsidge, 2017; Wood, 2017).

The research indicates some downsides due to the design of the Mentimeter presentation

tool. The character limitation on slides might force the educator to abandon their intended

activity and reconsider the question format (Hill, 2019; Skoyles & Bloxsidge, 2017).

Furthermore, verbal discussions risks being reduced in favour of digital responses, which is

however mitigated by giving the participants time for group discussion (Moorhouse &

Kohnkhe, 2020). There are some concerns raised about the need to have a personal device

and access to reliable Internet connection (Mayhew, 2018; Hill, 2016) and lack of certain

question types or features (Hill, 2019; Mayhew, 2018). Skoyles’ and Bloxsidges (2017)

experience, students spontaneously share devices if needed, and still benefit from seeing the

voting results displayed.

Vallely and Gibson (2018) discuss three possible applications of Mentimeter; gauging

opinion, engaging discussion, and voicing concerns. Gauging opinion can be done with the

Scales feature, for instance, to identify gaps in students’ knowledge and to adjust the

curriculum accordingly. The authors state that “the tool has proved useful for

asynchronously collecting student responses and using these to shape future

teaching.”(Vallely & Gibson, 2018, p. 2), thus demonstrating the opportunity of using

Mentimeter for formative assessment. Skoyles and Bloxsidge draw the same conclusion;

“The variety of question styles moves beyond simple yes or no answers, which enables

deeper learning and provides a range of formative assessment options.”

Word cloud or Open-ended questions can be used as prompts for engaging discussion and

initiating debate (Vallely & Gibson, 2018; Hill, 2019; Moorhouse & Kohnke, 2020). The

instructors can also give students opportunities to anonymously voice concerns and collect

real-time feedback, which further supports dialogic teaching (Vallely & Gibson, 2018;

Moorhouse & Kohnke, 2020).

Beyond the technological reviews, some studies evaluate the impact of Mentimeter on

student engagement and efficiency in large lectures (Wood, 2019), creative mathematical

thinking (Andriani et al., 2019) and productive skills in English (Puspa & Imamyartha,

2019). Furthermore, a study by Hill and Fielden investigated the participation in quizzes

and student’s perception of anonymity provided by Mentimeter (Hill & Fielden, 2017).

Andriani, Dewi and Sagala (2019) used Mentimeter to develop “blended learning media” to

improve students’ mathematical creative thinking skills. The authors define blended


learning as a process that combines face-to-face learning with computer-assisted learning

and learning media as “technologies that are utilised to deliver lecture material” (Andriani

et al., 2019). The effect is measured by the normalised gain of the test scores before and after

the intervention. The result is a gain of 0.2. The value is indeed a low score according to

Hake’s definition of the normalised gain (1998), which is defined as the actual average gain

divided by the maximum possible average gain. The authors conclude that “this media is not

effective to improve the ability of creative mathematical thinking” (Andriani et al., 2019).

However, the paper would appear to be over-ambitious in its claims. The main weakness of

the study is the failure to give a comprehensive overview of the methodology. There is no

information on the content of the learning material, how it was used in the intervention or

discussion of pedagogical implications. This would be particularly important to include,

given what is already established about technology primarily being a tool in the hands of


Puspa and Imamyartha (2019) have explored students’ attitudes towards introducing

Mentimeter in the English classroom by gathering data from a cross-sectional survey

involving 120 students at the university level. The survey covered three categories:

employment of a web-based application, the use of Mentimeter in English education and

the impact of Mentimeter on the students’ productive skills. A majority of the respondents

are first-time users of Mentimeter. They show a positive attitude towards web-based tools

and Mentimeter in particular – the respondents agree that it’s comfortable to use and helps

with motivation. At the same time, the students report that they do not have enough mobile

data for using online apps and that they expect the authorities, presumably their university,

to provide the necessary internet access. They also recognise that there is a character

limitation for responses, which is similar to Hill’s (2019) remarks on the slide format from a

teacher’s perspective. The survey section about Mentimeter’s impact on productive skills

reveals one of the limitations in this study’s method. The questions posed are not necessarily

an accurate operationalisation of the “impact on productive skills”, which makes the

conclusions somewhat weak.

The ratio of respondents to the number of attendees in Mentimeter activities varies across

the reviews and studies, from 50-75 % (Vallely & Gibson, 2018), two thirds as observed by

Skoyles and Bloxsidge (2017) to 80 % estimated by Hill (2019). Hill and Fielden (2017)

measured the participation in Mentimeter quizzes in a series of university lectures on

ecology, finding the engagement being 79.3 % (n = 17.4 in average) over five sessions in 3

quizzes each. Finally, Wood (2019) conducted a study over three academic years posing

questions with Mentimeter in each lecture. The participation percentages varied from a

minimum of 40 % to a maximum of 84 % (n = 101 in the first year, n = 110 in the second

year, n = 150 in the third year).

Both Skoyles and Bloxsidge (2017) and Mayhew (2018) discuss how using an audience

response system impacts the teacher’s attitude and role during a learning session.

Mentimeter prompts the teacher to rethink their way of delivering the content and take

advantage of the interactive features (Skoyles & Bloxsidge, 2017). This enables a switch from

a traditional, teacher-centred, lecture style to a less passive approach. Mayhew argues that

the teacher needs to be confident in handling that transition and accept a lower level of

control in return for more student-centred instruction (Mayhew, 2018). However, findings

from Wood’s (2019) study suggest that “in theory, staff say that they want contingent

teaching but when presented with the opportunity, it can be overly demanding.”

Mayhew (2018) further stresses the importance of investing time in developing

pedagogically sound audience response system-activities. Questions should have a clear

learning purpose, encourage interaction and discussion and explore links between concepts


and ideas, as stated by Beatty (2004). It is also essential to allow time for discussion of the

voting results and be prepared to explore any issues that may arise and explain why an

audience response system is used, claims Mayhew (2018) with reference to Caldwell (2007).

The first part of Hill & Fielden’s (2017) study aimed to explore the Quiz feature in

Mentimeter with focus on students’ perceptions and engagement. In a group of 22 students,

they found that although lecture attendance decreased over time, the proportion of

attending students that participated in the quizzes did not. The findings from the following

questionnaire suggests that students think that interactive online quizzes are a fun way to

break up lectures and that it helps them consolidate learning, which is consistent with data

from Wood’s (2019) study. A majority (76.5 %) of students responded to the questionnaire,

and they all said they would recommend Mentimeter for other lectures.

In the second part of the study, Hill & Fielden used Mentimeter for gathering anonymous

questions from students during a Q&A session. Students’ perceptions of this feature were

investigated in a series of closed and open questions, with 6 of 14 students participating in

the questionnaire. Three themes emerged from the analysis; creating a voice and being

heard, the learning context and Mentimeter ease of use. The respondents recognise that

their confidence in posing questions depends on the setting (i.e. smaller groups creating fear

of embarrassment) and appreciate that Mentimeter allows them to be heard in a safe way.

One of the students expresses the following:

Yes, I feel it’s important that the least vocal of us are given the opportunity to have

our voice heard as some members of the group can often dominate classes with

questions and information that isn’t really relevant to the topic (Hill & Fielden,

2017, p. 21).

The anonymity provided by Mentimeter is a recurring theme across multiple reviews and

studies. Rudolph points out that it’s usually a small group of active students that answer the

oral questions posed by the teacher, and that more reluctant participants can respond

thanks to Mentimeter (Rudolph, 2018). His claim is supported by Hill (2019), Valley and

Gibson (2018), Wood (2019) and Mayhew (2018). Their studies establish that anonymity

creates a safe environment for students to interact with the material without fear of

judgement. In particular, Mayhew proposes that anonymity is “…being of particular value

to less confident students who might otherwise remain silent because they fear being

wrong or they fear asking ‘silly’ questions.” (Mayhew, 2018, p. 549).


4 Method

4.1 Research design This study aims to explore the use of an audience response system (Mentimeter) and

examine the effects of using this audience response system. The goal was to do a randomised

case study with a mix-method approach, collecting qualitative data from observations and

interviews as well as quantitative test scores. To gather and observe data on a phenomenon

from several standpoints is in line with the principle of data triangulation (Denscombe,

2008). Triangulation helps in achieving concurrent validity, by demonstrating whether

different data-collecting instruments are aligned in their results (Cohen et al., 2007). On the

other hand, gathering data from multiple sources can lead to increased complexity of

analysis and contradictory results compromise the ambition to get a consistent picture of the

studied phenomena (Denscombe, 2008).

A pre-study preceded the main study. The goal of the pre-study was to identify potential

topics for the main study and test some of the data gathering methods that would be used

later. The pre-study included two lecture observations followed by interviews with the

teachers, along with a literature study. The results from the pre-study helped to set the scope

for the main study and are also presented in 5.1 Results from the pre-study. An overview of

the whole process is shown in figure 6.

Previous research has established that there is a lack of rigorous studies on the effects of

audience response systems, with equal instruction methods in both the test group and the

control groups (Boscardin & Penuel, 2012; Fies & Marshall, 2006). Thus, the original aim of

this study was to create a randomised controlled design, only varying the presence of the

audience response system in the test group. Many studies also noted the lack of observations

before the intervention, so a baseline observation was planned. Furthermore, most studies

on audience response systems seem to be on university level, making the high-school

perspective relevant. As there is consensus among the meta reviews that the effects of an

audience response system depended on the instructor’s pedagogical approach and

experience (Caldwell, 2007; Fies & Marshall, 2006), this was considered when designing the

interview questions and during the planning session with the teacher.

4.1.1 Complications following the 2020 outbreak of COVID-19. The study was scheduled for mid-March 2020 with the lessons for the test group and control

group scheduled the same week, starting with the control group. However, this happened at

the same time as the Swedish government issued a recommendation to close the upper

secondary schools to limit the outbreak of COVID-19. By this time, the control group

observation had been performed, but the test group lesson had to be cancelled. This meant

that the original controlled designed could not be followed, as all teaching was done

remotely from there on, thus introducing a fundamental change in the setup of the lessons.

Lesson 2 was postponed as the teacher and I adjusted the plan. We tried to keep as many

similarities between lesson 1 and 2 as possible, although acknowledging that the comparison

would be skewed because of the new circumstances. Furthermore, we added a third lesson

with the whole group where we made some adjustments based on our experience from

lesson 2. The data from lesson 3 is not included in this thesis due to time restrains. The

section 4.3.5 Main study describes the final design of each part of the study.


Figure 6: A flowchart showing the working process. The first part consisted of a literature

study and two case studies and the second part consisted of planning and observation of two

lessons for the main study.

4.2 Research context The study was performed in a Swedish high-school class in the first physics course (Physics

1a) of the national science program with specialisation in social science. The physics subject

was chosen due to its tradition in audience response system-supported peer instruction, as

well as being one of the authors majors. The selection of the class resulted from convenience

sampling, where previously established contact with the teacher was the main reason. The

preconditions in the class matched the scope of this research and the teacher was interested

in incorporating the study in the planning for the semester.

After reviewing the curriculum and matching it to the timeline of the thesis, we decided to

design a lesson on motion and distance-time graphs, including concepts of displacement

and distance travelled. The curriculum for Physics 1a describes what the students are

expected to learn in the course along with core content and knowledge requirements for

grading. The following core content was covered by the material in the lessons in the study

(Skolverket, n.d.):

• “Speed, momentum and acceleration to describe motion.”

• “Identifying and studying problems using reasoning from physics and mathematical modelling covering linear equations, power and exponential equations, functions and graphs, and trigonometry and vectors.”

As for the knowledge requirements, the goal was to give the students the opportunity to

“give an account […] of the meaning of concepts, models, theories and working methods

from each of the course's different areas. Students use these […] to look for answers to

issues, and to describe […] the phenomena and relationships of physics.” (Skolverket, n.d.)

[…] indicates the phrases used for distinguishing between different grades.

4.3 Data collection

4.3.1 Literature study This study began with a systematic literature study to get an overview of the current state of

research on the topics of this thesis. The first attempts to search for “audience response

system” produced a substantial amount of publications that spanned over several decades.

In order to grasp the vast range of research, I prioritised looking for meta-reviews and

highly cited articles in four databases: Scopus, Web of Science, ERIC and IEEE.

Additionally, I performed a search adding relevant keywords related to the research


questions and ideas from the initial skimming of publications. The following query was used

for searching in titles, abstracts and keywords:

“clickers” OR ((“audience” OR “personal” OR “mobile” OR “student” OR

“classroom”) AND (“response-system*” OR “participation-system*”)) AND

“physics” AND (“peer-instruction” OR “anonymity” OR “formative-assessment”))

Up until now, there have been a few publications specifically on Mentimeter, most of them

from 2018 onwards. A total of 11 articles on Mentimeter were found by February 2020 and

all of them are included in the literature study of this thesis. Finally, some literature on peer

instruction, formative assessment and research methodology was reviewed in the process.

4.3.2 Interviews Interviews can be used for understanding complex and deep issues and to collect qualitative

data from a certain group of people. An unstructured interview is suitable when the

researcher needs to understand what is not known and to identify topics of interest. The

explorative approach is therefore good for gathering hypotheses rather than facts, so that

the interviewer gains insights about the topic with the interviewees help (Cohen et al.,

2007). A semi-structured interview is a method to explore the informant’s motivations and

thoughts in depth and requires more preparation of questions and topics, while having the

flexibility to deviate into interesting topics that come up (Denscombe, 2008).

The pre-study interviews had dual purposes; to understand what teachers think of using an

audience response system and to gather ideas for the main study. For this reason, the

interviews hade a certain level of structure with some open-ended questions prepared

beforehand but otherwise, the respondents could freely elaborate on their thoughts.

According to Denscombe (2008) it is important to have a list of issues to address and some

knowledge of the area to be able to pose relevant questions and prompt the interviewee to

elaborate further. Therefore, I read some of the literature on audience response system in

advance and discussed the interviews with my supervisors. See appendix C for the interview


The aim of the main study is to gain understanding of the reasoning behind pedagogical

strategies, which is why semi-structured interviews were chosen as one of the methods of

data gathering. A weakness in using interviews is that the number of informants is usually

limited due to the time and effort needed for organising the meetings (Denscombe, 2008).

This can lead to doubts when it comes to reliability of the results, which is why I did

observations as well for data triangulation.

4.3.3 Observations An observation is a more direct way of extracting data from a natural setting instead of

relying on what the informants say about the situation. The data gathered from an

observation describes what happened in a certain setting and it is important not to disturb it

(Denscombe, 2008). In every observation, I was sitting in the back of the classroom so that I

could get an overview while not being in the groups visual field. When using a recorder, I

informed the group about the recording but made sure that the equipment was not too

visible to make the participants feel more comfortable. I also took notes in my observation

schemes to register what I saw and my interpretation of the situation. The process of

observation is prone to be compromised by memory flaws and selective perception. The

systematic note-taking helps keeping the recording on the right track and mitigates the

impact of personal factors (Denscombe, 2008).

The grade of structure in an observation depends on how the information is registered. The

scale spans from notes from the observation without any categories to systematic


registration of events minute-by-minute. When the observation has a specific focus, the

registration of data should be more structured. An open and explorative focus, on the other

hand, goes well with an unstructured approach (Björndal, 2005). Just like with the

interviews, the pre-study observations had an explorative approach and some level of

structure in the recording. The main study observations were mostly focused on capturing

the events surrounding the audience response system-sessions and were recorded in an

observation schedule as seen in Appendix A. I case study A, I took notes by hand without a

specific template, while case study B was recorded in the observation schedule shown in

figure 7.

4.3.4 Pre-study Two exploratory case studies were conducted to understand how an audience response

system can be used in practice and to explore the educator’s opinions on using the tool.

Exploratory case studies can be useful for generating hypotheses for further research (Cohen

et al., 2007). The selection of informants was based on recommendations from the

supervisors and their availability for participation within the time span of the pre-study.

Both case studies included observation of a lecture, followed by an interview with the

lecturer. Although the lectures were at university level whereas the main study in this thesis

is about high-school physics, they were found to provide relevant insights about

incorporating audience response systems in the instruction. Large-lecture teaching is a

common method at university level due to their scalability but is ineffective when it comes to

engaging students (L. Hill, 2019). As the number of students in a high school class is seldom

over 30, one can assume that it is less challenging to create interactivity in that setting.

However, this does not mean that the problem is not occurring and teacher-oriented

instruction methods are dominating high-school physics instruction (Cummings & Roberts,

2008). Case study A

The observed lecture was part of a first programming course for first-year university

students, where the teacher used a clicker-based audience response system for posing

multiple-choice questions. This first observation was unstructured and recorded by taking

computer-written notes on what happened in each audience response system-session during

the lecture. The following topics were identified prior to the observation and prioritised

during the note-taking: introduction of clickers, presentation of each question, time for

consideration and voting, evaluation of voting results and transition to the next part of the

lecture. The selection of topics was based on the literature study and discussions with the

supervisors. The purpose was to narrow down the scope of the observation to the parts of

the lecture most interesting to the topic of this thesis.

A semi-structured interview with the lecturer followed immediately after the class, using

pre-written open questions combined with discussion of notions from the lecture. The

interview covered the teacher’s purposes in using an audience response system, creating

multiple choice questions, posing questions during a lecture, effects on the audience and

advantages and limitations of the tool. Instead of recording the interview, I took notes on

the computer and summarised them the same afternoon. The interview questions are found

in Appendix C. Case study B

The case study B was a rhetoric class at university. This time, the teacher used Mentimeter.

The observation in case study B had a somewhat higher grade of structure than case study A.

This observation focused more on exploring how different functions in Mentimeter worked

in practice. For this purpose, an observation protocol template was prepared, as seen in

figure 7. Each Mentimeter feature (e.g. Multiple choice, Open ended, Content slide, etc.) was


assigned a code that was noted in the leftmost column whenever it came up during the


This observation was audio-recorded, mainly for practising capturing the audio in a

classroom and distinguishing between voices when listening to the record as part of the pre-

study was to get familiar with different types of data gathering. The audio from the follow-up

interview was recorded and auto-transcribed by the transcription software Vocalmatic.

Figure 7: Observation schedule for case study B.

The case studies provided insights on what audience response system-supported instruction

looks like in practice and how teachers experience working with different tools and the

results are presented in section 5.1. The main takeaways from the case studies regarding the

pedagogical aspects were the importance of having a purpose for each question and using

the opportunities for formative assessment. Furthermore, the informants discussed how

using an audience response system affects their own role and that it helps them rethink the

way they deliver content and create interaction in the classroom. To further explore these

insights, I formulated research questions about the use of an audience response system, with

an underlying focus on understanding the pedagogical intentions of the teacher.

4.3.5 Main study Planning and writing guidelines

The teacher and I met to discuss the subject content, methodology and to prepare the

lessons in the study. At the same time, I did a small unstructured interview to assess the

teacher’s previous experience with interactive instruction. The aim of the planning session

was to gather data on the teachers reasoning about the intended activities to compare them

to the coming observations and the follow-up interview. Another purpose of joint planning

was to give the teacher autonomy over the process while providing support from the findings

and best practice tips from the literature, as well as helping to get started with Mentimeter.

The planning session was supposed to be audio recorded for further analysis, but the

equipment failed, so that I had to summarise what I remembered as soon as possible.

Additionally, I could discuss further with the teacher over chat and there received some help

with clarifying the parts that I did not recall. We had ongoing contact before and after the

planning session, where we exchanged ideas on the planning and useful material.

During the literature study, I found a number of resourceful articles on how to work with

audience response systems in the classroom. As a part of the planning I summarised some of

them to create guidelines for the teacher to facilitate the implementation of conceptual

questions in the instruction. The material is based on best practices for using audience

response systems by Martyn (2007), the revised taxonomy of multiple-choice item-writing

guidelines by Haladyna et. al. (2002), and a question-driven instruction method formulated

by Beatty et. al. (2006). Beatty et al. work focuses on physics instruction while Haladyna et

al. and Martyn provide general advice on both pedagogical and stylistic matters. I

summarised the main points of these works and revised them so that they would be more

relevant for this study, the purpose being to provide pedagogical recommendations to the


teacher. We discussed the guidelines to make sure that they were useful. As a result of the

discussion, I did some additional clarifications to make the recommendation more

comprehensible. The guidelines are found in Appendix B.

I gave the guidelines to the teacher along with links to relevant concept inventories from

Physport.org, an physics education resource, developed by the American Association of

Physics Teachers (McKagan, 2020). The teacher used this material to create lecture slides

with concept questions which we discussed and refined before carrying out the lessons. We

were also using Erik Mazur’s book on peer instruction to identify useful problems. Baseline observation – lesson 0

Before splitting up the class in two groups for the study, I observed one of their regular

lessons. Hunsu et. al. (2015) recommend that studies on audience response systems should

compare audience response system-supported instruction to pedagogical methods used pre-

intervention. Furthermore, the teacher reported that the class typically worked with

diagnostic questioning, where the teacher poses multiple choice questions to check on

student’s understanding during the lesson. Therefore, it would be valuable to see how the

teacher’s instruction is affected by introducing a different method of interactive instruction.

The observation was audio-recorded and noted in an observation scheme, as seen in

Appendix A. The same scheme was used in the following observations as well. Control group observation – lesson 1

The class was randomly split into two equally big groups for the parallel lessons. The control

group was scheduled before the test group. The reason for this was to create a natural

progression from the teacher’s regular style of instruction (diagnostic questioning with show

of fingers) to peer-instruction with show of fingers, before introducing Mentimeter as the

method of voting.

Lesson 1 was held in a classroom designed for doing lesson studies. The classroom was

equipped with multiple microphones that recorded the sounds across the room, along with

cameras in both front and back. The students sat in pairs so that they could discuss the

concept questions with each other. The teacher alternated between lecturing using the

Google Slides presentation, drawing and showing examples on the whiteboard and posing

the questions from the presentation. The lesson was both video- and audio-recorded, along

with my observation notes.

The lesson outline alternated short bursts of lecturing with conceptual questions. Each

conceptual question followed the ConcepTest structure described in 3.1.4 Peer instruction. A

total of three multiple choice-questions were posed, along with an open question about the

possible interpretations of a graph that the students got to discuss before the teacher called

them out to present.


Figure 8. The classroom used in lesson 1 Test group observation – lesson 2

The test group lesson was postponed due to the restriction introduced after the COVID-19

outbreak and needed to be done remotely. The teacher used Google meet for setting up the

virtual classroom and shared his screen to alternate between a Mentimeter presentation and

Microsoft Whiteboard. The initial goal was to keep lesson 2 as similar as possible to lesson 1.

This was compromised by the fundamental difference between the remote and the physical

classroom. Furthermore, we had to abandon the peer instruction-element and limit each

conceptual question to one round of voting. The teacher and I considered some alternatives

for the students to discuss their answers with each other but could not find a suitable way to

incorporate it given the remote conditions. This meant that we kept the following from the

ConcepTest steps:

1. Question posed 2. Students given time to think 3. Students record their individual answers via Mentimeter 4. Live display of answers

The teacher had the liberty to decide on how to follow up each question, which was part of

the subject that this study aimed to investigate. In addition to observing the teacher’s

pedagogical consideration during the lesson, the focus was to understand the interaction in

a remote setting. Apart for voting on Mentimeter questions, the students could use either

the chat in Google meet or create a private chat with the teacher to ask questions. They could

also unmute their microphones to speak to the class. The number and type of questions

posed were the same as in lesson 1 – three Multiple choice and one Open Ended, where the

students recorded their answers in a free text field.


Figure 9. The virtual whiteboard from lesson 2. Test

At the end of the each of the lessons, the group got to do a small test to assess their

comprehension of the whole lesson. The test provided some quantitative data from all the

participants and was effective to administer. On the other hand, it does not capture how the

student’s reason, which could have been assessed by a focus group. The test consisted of one

conceptual question that was designed to cover all the different themes that were discussed

in class. The control group did the test in writing, while the remote test group got an

additional question in Mentimeter. The test is presented in the results section. Interview with the teacher

The follow-up interview took place right after lesson 2 and was done remotely in a semi-

structured way. The aim of the interview was to understand the teacher’s intentions with the

instruction, how the questions worked in practice, differences between the physical and the

remote lessons, explore the decisions based on the feedback from the audience response

system and the user experience of Mentimeter. The interview was captured with a screen

recorder. The interviews were transcribed, and any quotes used in this report are translated

from Swedish by the author, thereby paraphrased in English. The interview questions are

found in Appendix C.

4.4 Data analysis Transcription is time-consuming and laborious, but there are several benefits in converting

audio records into written form. Transcriptions makes it easier to get an overview of the

data and analyse it, as well as extracting quotes for illustrative purposes (Denscombe,

2008). Therefore, all the interviews and observations in the main study – except for the

baseline observation – were transcribed, along with the interview in case study B. Using an

automatic transcription software saved some time, although I still needed to go through the

recordings to double check the quality of the transcriptions. At the same time, I took notes

on relevant issues that I identified. Proofreading the transcripts was the first step of the

thematic analysis that followed, based on the process described by Kuckartz (2014). The

thematic categories were determined by an inductive approach using the themes that

emerged in the texts. The themes differ between the pre-study and the main study and are


accordingly presented in the result sections 5.1 and 5.2. In the next step, I went through the

data a second time and assigned relevant parts to the themes.

4.5 Ethical considerations There are multiple ethical aspects to consider when conducting observations on human

subjects. The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, 2002) states four ethical

principles for research in humanities and social sciences.

• Information – the researcher is obliged to inform the participants about the purpose

of the study. The information must state their role in the project, how the study will

proceed, and that the participation is voluntary and can be cancelled at any time.

The participants need to receive information before the study.

• Consent - the subject has the right to make an independent decision about their

participation in the study. The researcher needs to obtain informed consent, and the

participant can withdraw their consent at any time, without penalty.

• Confidentiality - research data must be handled with confidentiality and protected

from unauthorized access. Personal information must be recorded in a way that

prevents the identification of individuals and staff members that handle sensitive

data should sign a confidentiality agreement.

• The use of data - the gathered data may only be used for research purposes, not

commercial. It is not allowed to use the research to make any decisions or take

measures that affect the individual without their consent.

The following measures were taken in order to meet the above criteria: The participants in

all the interviews and observations received information about the purpose of the study and

how the data would be used. The interviewees gave their explicit consent to their

participation and allowed me to record the audio. I ensured that they understood that they

could withdraw at any time and that any data that they had provided by then would be

discarded. The students in the observed lessons were offered to be excluded from the

notions in the observation schemes and the transcriptions of the recordings if they did not

want to participate, since they were required to attend their class. All the data was

anonymised so that the identity of the informants and students would not be revealed. Only

the author and the supervisors had access to the data and the participants were informed

that it would be stored for a maximum of one year after the end of this study.


5 Results

This section presents the results in the following order: first the results from the pre-study

(section 5.1) and second the results from the main study (section 5.2), including the

questions used in the lessons.

5.1 Results from the pre-study During the interviews in case study A and case study B, the informants discussed the

following aspects of using an audience response system:

• Creating interaction and engaging students

• Inspiring and prompting discussion

• Formative assessment

• Purposeful use of technology

• Social aspects

• Technological aspects

• Prompting the teacher to reconsider their instruction

These themes emerged during the data analysis and are elaborated below.

5.1.1 Creating interaction and engaging students The interviewee in case study A pointed out that there are several ways to create interaction,

but clickers usually have a high response rate. Posing a multiple-choice question and asking

the students to vote by show of hands yields lesser activity than using a digital audience

response system. In case study B, the teacher reported that the students are used to hands

up-answering and there are typically just a few that participate that way. The teacher

explains further how a discussion about participation in the classroom was initiated.

“I noticed that there were a few students who were not really participating actively in

class and because that doesn't have an exam it is really important to me that the

students not only are prepared to the lessons but that they show that they are prepared

as well […] I said (to a student) you know, you have some really good ideas – why do

you not show them more frequently or openly? And they said, ‘well you know, I do not

really like to speak up and that is why I do not think it is the best way of learning.’ “

Introducing an audience response system to the class helped getting input from the shyer

students and follow up with activities that engaged more people. The interviewee also noted

that with voluntary raise of hands, it sometimes feels like the students are responding what

they think the teacher wants to hear. With Mentimeter, the teacher felt that all the students

submitted more honest responses.

5.1.2 Inspiring and prompting discussion In both cases, the displayed responses inspired conversation between students, especially

small group discussions where everyone felt more comfortable to participate and articulate

thoughts that might be perceived as unconventional. The teacher in case study B noted

comments from the students that they believed would not have come up if they students had

to raise their hands to speak. Using Open ended questions in Mentimeter was particularly

useful in order to get creative responses.

“We don't want students talking over one another but what we do is, we do want

them to feel that they can come up with half an idea and another one can run with it

and then you build this idea up and that's something that's great about the tool.”


Although being sceptical about using cell phones and computers in the class because of

potential distraction, the teacher found that the students worked more closely together in

Mentimeter-supported activities and that the quality of interaction increased.

“But what I was absolutely amazed about was that it forced them to communicate

more with one another […] it's very open-ended and the students are forced to talk

about their own experiences.”

5.1.3 Formative assessment The teacher in case study A reported that the outcome of the voting helped with the planning

of the next step of the lecture. Normally, the teacher can anticipate how the students will

vote but sometimes the results are surprising, which makes it important to adapt to it. This

can mean that the teacher goes back a few slides to repeat something or skips some of the

next slides because there is no need for further explanation. The feedback received via the

audience response system steers the pacing of the lecture and adding a feedback question at

the end of the session helped the teacher make changes to the instruction between lectures.

5.1.4 Purposeful use of technology A range of different interactive activities were observed in the case studies, audience

response systems and interactive slides being some of them. The teacher in case study B

explained that Mentimeter was not always used during class as different situation required

different approaches. When talking about using Mentimeter in different subjects, the

teacher reasoned that it would be good if instructors would not use it all the time and that

they should use it in different ways for the sake of variety. Both informants reasoned that

using an audience response system can be done for several reasons, depending on the

situation. A few examples came up; checking students’ understanding, repeating a concept,

identifying common misconceptions and posing easy questions to boost students’


The interviewee in case study B was a bit sceptical beforehand because the students already

use their phones and computers much. However, flipping the classroom so that the students

do more learning at home and then use the class for problematising and discussion proved

to be effective.

5.1.5 Social aspects Dependence on the group – The lecturer in case study A experienced that there is a higher

acceptance for active participation in lectures in higher grades. In some classes, the student-

teacher interaction is limited to a small group of students, who typically have high self-

confidence and tend to speak more. This may isolate other, less confident students.

Increase focus and boost energy – the informants reported that the students are more

focused on the task when an audience response system question is posed, unlike during the

regular lecturing. Adding a few questions throughout the session helps to activate the class

and boost the energy in the room.

Boosting self-confidence – One of the interviewees argued that it is important for the

students to see that they are not alone in their assumptions about the topic. The teacher

believed that the students were more prone to ask for clarifications if they knew that their

peers also had trouble understanding. Sometimes, the teacher also posed easy questions to

show the students that they already have some knowledge.

5.1.6 Technological aspects There were a few obstacles when using the clicker-based audience response system in case

study A; compatibility with different operating systems and difficulties with posing


questions spontaneously. The teacher who preferred clickers explained that it was to avoid

the students getting distracted by other notifications on their phones. In case study B, the

interviewee reported that missing some typographical features in Mentimeter compared to

other presentation tools. On the other hand, the teacher had started to put less information

on the slides and talk more about the content. At the same time, the teacher reported that

the tool was intuitive to use; “I don't feel like a technologist at all […] but this is the closest

thing I have found that does work […] I got it right just by my hunch”.

5.1.7 Prompting the teacher to reconsider their instruction The teacher in case study B described that they typically have lots of interaction in their class

and considered themselves to be quite good at that. However, using an audience response

system provided new insights on how the teacher usually managed the interactions and

rethink those methods.

“The biggest advantage for me is that it has made me reconsider interaction in the

classroom […] When I used Mentimeter for the first time it made me completely

rethink things - it made me realise the limitation of hands up. It made me realise the

limitation of calling out – and a knew that not all students like to be called out.”


5.2 Results from the main study This section present data from the main study, starting by describing the teacher’s previous

experience with interactive instruction and the planning of the lessons in this study. This is

followed by themes regarding pedagogical considerations and reflections that emerged in

the data analysis.

• Transition to remote teaching

• Introducing the element of formative assessment

• Practical aspects of audience response system modality

• Supporting interaction between the students

• Interface and user experience

• Giving every student a voice

• Using an audience response system to support didactic choices.

The section is completed by an overview of the conceptual questions used in the study. The

table below shows a summary of the different data sources that were analysed in the main


Table 1. Overview of data from the main study, presented in chronological order.

Source Data format Description Lesson planning & interview

Written notes

Planning session with the teacher. Discussion of methods. Interview about the prior experience of interactive techniques.

Lesson 0 Audio recording

Observation protocol Observation of pre-intervention instruction.

Lesson 1 Video recording Google slides Test results Observation protocol

Group 1: Peer instruction with analogue audience response. Physical classroom.

Lesson 2 Screen recording Chatlog Mentimeter slides Test results Observation protocol

Group 2: Synchronous remote teaching with digital audience response. Online classroom.

Interview Video recording Interview with the teacher about the pedagogical considerations and reflections on both lessons.


5.2.1 Previous experience with interactive teaching During the lesson planning and the initial interview, the teacher described several

techniques that they have used for creating a more interactive learning environment. The

first is that the teacher themself select a student to answer, rather than letting them raise

their hands voluntarily. This allows more students to contribute, but at the same time keeps

them more anxious. The teacher stressed the importance of having a good relationship with

the students, believing that it boosts their willingness to learn. To avoid the intrusive

questioning, the teacher implemented other interactive methods. They One method is to

frequently encourage the students to discuss with the person sitting next to them, which

allows the teacher to pick up how they argue on the topic.

In the teachers experience, when students respond to the posed questions, they sometimes

just try to say what they believe that the teacher wants to hear. That is not the point of

questioning, as the teacher’s goal is to understand what the students struggle with and help

them with that or adjust the instruction. The teacher reports communicating the purpose of

questioning to the students and reminding them that it is to support their learning and not

to judge their performance. The overall goal of interactive teaching is to help students learn

more. The teacher also points out the importance of assessing their understanding and

planning the tuition accordingly, as well as encouraging active learning and contribution

from everyone.

Another method described by the teacher is diagnostic questioning, which is a way to assess

the students’ understanding of key concepts and identify their misconceptions. The

questions are posed to the whole class and have several response options. The students

answer the questions simultaneously by raising the number of fingers that corresponds to

each alternative. This way, all students can respond as opposed to one student at a time. The

teacher mentioned one disadvantage of this method; the students in the back of the

classroom can see the hands of those in front of them. This leads to an instant change of

responses based on what other students believe.

Diagnostic questioning was part of the instruction in the baseline observation (lesson 0). On

several occasions, the teacher posed a question and asked the students to vote. A few times,

the teacher encouraged the students to discuss with their neighbours and sometimes the

students initiated the group discussions themselves.

5.2.2 Planning the lessons The teacher planned the first pair of lessons with my support. We used the lesson plans from

the previous school year and modified them to introduce the element of peer instruction.

The teacher and I reviewed examples of concept questions that covered the physics content

in question and the meaning of different response options. We also discussed the

implementation of the questions in class and the differences between using Mentimeter and

the analogue counterpart, i.e. show of fingers. The limitations of multiple choice-questions

were discussed; the teacher felt somewhat limited by the inability of an audience response

system to capture more open questions and qualitative responses. However, this concern

was mitigated when we explored the features in Mentimeter, where the teacher agreed that

Open ended was a suitable option. Please refer to section for a full description of the

planning process. This is how the teacher reflected upon the effort that must be put into

designing good conceptual questions:

It takes some time to create these questions and figure out the options. It was good

to have a book [Peer Instruction: A User’s Manua] with some suggestions, but I

think that to get the best result, one must think about which options to include.


Two separate presentations were created for each lesson: lesson 1 in Google Slides and

lesson 2 in Mentimeter. Slides are found in Appendix D. The presentations are equivalent –

the only difference is how the questions were framed.

5.2.3 Pedagogical considerations and reflections Transition to remote teaching

The original study design aimed to keep lesson 1 and 2 as similar as possible, varying only

the modality of the audience response system. The sudden shift to remote teaching triggered

a deviation from that plan, meaning that the peer instruction element had to be removed.

Apart from that, the teacher reports that experiencing little difference in the lesson planning

itself. Both lessons were planned simultaneously and had the same lecture outline and

presentation slides. As for the necessary adjustments for the remote lesson 2, the main

concerns were finding a combination of programs for the intended activities, i.e. Mentimeter

and Microsoft whiteboard. The teacher pointed out missing a big part of both verbal and

non-verbal communication that normally goes on in the classroom.

Teachers have very big ears when the students discuss in the classroom, or at least

I do, and I absorb as much as I can. This way, I can check how much the students

have grasped without them understanding that I am listening. This is something

that is missing [in a digital setting], you also miss a lot of facial expressions and

things that I need to know if I should proceed or go faster or slower when I teach ...

The lack of interaction in lesson 2 was somewhat mitigated by using Mentimeter - the

teacher had been experiencing a palpable loneliness in other remote lessons that did not

have the element of audience response system. Talking in an empty classroom without

students physically present added insecurity to the teaching. The teacher stated that the

interactive slides helped regaining a sense of participation from the class and allowed every

student to speak. With Mentimeter, the small interactions helped the teacher understand

the audience and make minor adjustments. This was opposed to non-audience response

system remote lessons where the teacher had trouble getting responses from the students.

And now that everyone had to open the app and vote and I know that everyone has

reflected upon the question and what they think about it, or at least the majority of

the students. And it felt like a huge benefit to me - to feel that I am not actually

sitting alone and talking in an empty hall without any students, but rather that

they are with me and they think and listen.

The teacher expressed some concerns about whether the less strong students in the class were able to follow the remote lessons properly. Normally, those students refrain from asking questions in the classroom and the teacher believed that it is even less likely that they would write something in the group chat. In a physical setting, the teacher can approach each student directly and check on them.

But it is very difficult for the weaker students, I feel it is hard to make sure that

they keep up. How do I know that they listen and understand? They hardly dare to

ask questions in the classroom and now ...

The teacher felt that the audience response system was compensating for some aspects that were missing in the remote classroom, such as small interactions – facial expressions, affirmation from the students – that helped the teacher determine the pace of the lesson. Continuous check-ups using Mentimeter provided some support in that matter. An audience response system in a remote lesson might give a better opportunity for the students to follow and raise concerns anonymously.

40 Introducing the element of formative assessment

Using conceptual questions in both lessons provides several opportunities for formative

assessment. Please refer to section 5.2.4 Conceptual questions for a list of the problems.

Most students voted for the correct alternative in question 1, lesson 2 (see fig. 11). However,

the teacher explained the decision to go through every option anyway in order repeat the

main concept in the question and emphasize the meaning of the slope of the distance-time

graph, i.e. the velocity of the object. As this is a core concept for further understanding of the

material, the teacher stated that it probably would have been repeated anyway, regardless of

how the voting went.

There are examples of how the voting outcome helped the teacher to determine the next step

of the lesson. The results of the voting on question 3, lesson 2 (see fig. 13), indicated that the

vast majority of the students could tell the difference between displacement and distance. In

this case, the teacher did not find it useful to lecture further on the subject. Voting on

question 2 in the same lesson led to a different decision made by the teacher. This time, the

votes were more evenly spread among the options, with 50% of the students picking the

correct alternative and 42% voting for the second most popular. The teacher put more effort

into exploring how the students’ reasoned and explaining the correct answer and why the

other alternatives were wrong. This method can help the students to use the flipped

approach on their own and solve problems by exploring why some alternatives do not work.

This way, they know that some options are wrong and then they become a bit

more attentive and try to detect why something might be wrong […] I felt when I

saw the response rate that I wanted to emphasise this question. I thought that this

is way to go to get the students to reflect more upon it. Practical aspects of audience response system modality

Picking show of fingers as the analogue audience response system was due to practical

reasons – the teacher had been using that method before, and the class was used to it. The

teacher referred to Craig Barton’s argument for show of fingers, that the students can always

simply raise their hands. This method was also easier than distributing coloured papers for

voting, according to the teacher. Ease of use was also in favour of the digital audience

response system – the teacher noted that the students always have their phones. The teacher

also stressed that the instant display of votes makes it easy for the students to see each

other’s opinions.

Furthermore, the teacher expressed some concerns regarding the limitation in the number

of response options using just one hand. When designing the questions for lesson 1 and 2,

they intended to have six options per question but had to cut one of them so that the

students would be able to vote with up to five fingers. Effects of this manipulation can be

seen in question 3 (see fig 13) about displacement and distance, where every possibility

could have been covered by six options and the teacher had to cut one of them. When

reflecting upon question 1 (see fig. 11), the teacher stated that they would probably have

made another exclusion. The question was about the motion of a car that slows down before

a red light, and the excluded option was a graph that illustrated the belief that slowing down

means a negative velocity. This is a common misunderstanding about how velocity works. Supporting interaction between the students

Lesson 1 incorporated elements of peer instruction, which enabled more interaction between

students as they were discussing the questions and explaining their thoughts to each other

before a second round of voting. Most students voted for the correct answer after the

discussion, which is also recognised by the teacher. In the interview, the teacher reflected

upon why that happened. There could be some influence from seeing other students vote,


but the teacher felt confident that the improvement was mostly due to the discussion. The

teacher also stated that the peer discussion reduced the need for additional explanation by

the teacher. The teacher explanation played a bigger role in Lesson 2, because it was difficult

to properly simulate a peer instruction-session in the remote classroom. The teacher

considered splitting up the students in smaller meeting rooms, but it was not an easy

solution, and they would not be able to hear the students discussing. Interface and user experience

When planning the lessons and preparing the Mentimeter presentation, the teacher

reported that they wanted to be able to share the presentation with others for collaborative

editing. This feature is not yet available in Mentimeter. The teacher had also some trouble

fitting the question text in the template due to the character limitations of the fields. The get

around was rephrasing the questions and in one case (the exam question) the teacher had to

create an image and paste it into the presentation.

The teacher also had some trouble with adding a picture to the Multiple choice question

type. The image and the votes are not displayed at the same time (see figure below), and the

presenter must hover over the votes to show the picture in their place. The teacher would

have preferred to be able to display both at the same time and point directly in the graph in

the presentation during the explanation after voting. However, the graph was displayed in

the voter interface on the phones. During the lesson, the teacher kept an eye on their own

phone to make sure that everything worked properly for the students. The teacher

encountered the same issue while exporting the presentation as a PDF file, where the image

was layered over the voting results.

Figure 10: A multiple choice question that contains a picture of a graph; the image and the

votes are not presented simultaneously.

As for the live display of votes, the teacher thought that it might have influenced how the

students voted. The teacher recognised that it would have been a good idea to hide the

answers until all students had submitted their votes, which the teacher realised was possible

to do in Mentimeter. The votes typically converged around one or two options, which in

practice eliminates all the other alternatives from consideration. On the other hand, the


teacher pointed out that it is not necessarily bad that the students see which options are

more justifiable than others.

Overall, the teacher had a positive experience using Mentimeter and reports that it was easy

to quickly gather responses from the students. The teacher acknowledged that it had been

difficult to get any interaction with the students in the remote lessons, especially when

posing questions. The teacher had trouble getting any responses at all, which was also

observed during lesson 2 whenever an open question was posed to the whole group. On the

other hand, getting responses on the conceptual questions via Mentimeter was notably

easier and all students participated in the voting. Giving every student a voice

The whole class voting on conceptual questions has significant differences compared to asking a question and waiting for the students to volunteer to answer. The teacher believed that one can be easily tricked into thinking that everyone is on the same page if one student gets the correct answer. Seeing the distribution of votes helps avoiding this pitfall.

As a teacher, one believes that one has a gut feeling about the students’ progress

and what they think. I think that one can often be mistaken or accidentally apply a

broad-brush approach. As if now that I have listened to 5 out of 32 students, it

would be a good indicator for what everyone thinks – this is not really the case.

The teacher further pointed out the efficiency of synchronous voting appreciated the possibility to see all Open ended submissions on question 4 simultaneously and exploring various explanations about the graph. Getting qualitative input from all students would not have been possible in a setting without Mentimeter. Normally, the teacher only has time to let a few students present their thoughts and it is possibly that other students may get away with not thinking about the topic or vocalising their own reasoning. Anonymity was believed to be of great importance to get the students to participate in the interactive elements of the lesson. The teacher thought that it provided a sense of safety for the students and helped them get comfortable with responding to questions posed. When Mentimeter was introduced during lesson two, one of the students asked in the chat whether or not they would respond anonymously, which the teacher thought was an indicator of how important it was to the students to avoid being judged.

It was nice to get a quick overview of what everyone thinks, even those who barely dare to speak up in the classroom.

The teacher noted that some students do not want or dare to speak up in the classroom, but given the opportunity to do so anonymously, most of them did indeed respond (12/13 during lesson 2). The response rate did not seem to differ from lesson 1 with show of fingers, although it could be observed that some students showed signs of worry (i.e. not displaying their hands clearly, looking around the classroom for other students’ votes) when they voted. Using an audience response system to support didactic choices

One major aim of the lessons was for the students to understand the connection between

motion of objects and distance-time graphs. This concept was introduced in lesson 0, which

preceded the pair of audience response system-lessons. The teacher wanted to repeat the

material from lesson 0 and create a smooth transition to the next part of the curriculum. We

designed question 1 to emphasize the meaning of the slope of the distance-time graph. This

was easily done using the Image choice feature in Mentimeter in lesson 2, where each

picture of a graph was automatically assigned to a response option. For lesson 1, the images

were manually added to the slide and labelled with numbers.


The teacher stated that the multiple-choice format is not suitable for all purposes of questioning. Question 4 was about interpretation of graphs – instead of connecting the motion of an object to a graph as in question 1, the students were supposed to derive possible events depicted by a given graph. This makes for many possible responses, which means that a multiple-choice question is not a meaningful way to assess the students’ understanding. In lesson 1, the students got to discuss with their neighbour and then some of the groups presented their explanations. Sharing was part of the teacher’s intention so that the students would hear different interpretations of the same graph. The discussion was omitted in lesson 2, but this time, every student was able to share their opinion and view the input from their peers in an Open ended question type in Mentimeter. Their responses were shown on the shared screen giving both the teacher and the students an overview. The teacher reported that using Mentimeter has helped to rethink some of the ways of teaching. During the planning, the teacher assumed at first that it would not be possible to collect qualitative answers and therefore dismissed question 4 about graph interpretation. Exploring all the features did however give a different perspective on how certain activities could be done and inspired a different approach.

I thought that this was very inspiring, that the limitation is rather how I think the teaching should be, and that I had to rethink it a bit.

5.2.4 Conceptual questions The selection of conceptual questions is based on the current area in the curriculum, which

is motion of objects. The teacher and I defined the main learning objectives and concepts

that were of importance. As part of the preparation, we looked through concept inventories

linked on Physport (2020) and Peer Instruction: A User’s Manual (2014) for examples of

question formats and inspiration for content.

During the process, we discussed the style and phrasing of the questions, as well as the

answer options and their meaning. Catching common pitfalls was of particular interest, as

well as prompting discussion between students. The questions were also checked against the

course curriculum and the content in the textbook that was used in class. For more

background on the methodology, please refer to section

There are a couple of concepts that are important to understand regarding motion that these

questions aim to cover, as well as several misconceptions to address. One concept is the

distance-time graphs and their derivative, i.e. the velocity. A positive slope of the graph

means that the velocity is positive and vice versa, meaning that the velocity is different from

speed because it considers the direction of motion. The steepness of the graph is also

important to consider, as it indicates the magnitude of the velocity. Finally, the difference

between displacement and distance is addressed. The displacement between two points in

the graph that have the same value on the distance axis is zero, but to get the distance

travelled, one must add up the lengths of each elevation and drop. This means that the

distance travelled will always be equal to or greater than the displacement of an object.

44 Question 1

Figure 11: Which graph is the best representation of a car stopping before a red light?

The main concept in this question is that the slope of a distance-time graph is the velocity of

the object. The correct answer is E. It is possible to misunderstand the meaning of the origin

of the graph and believe that the object should stop when the graph hits zero on the distance

axis. This is addressed by option F. Furthermore, one might believe that a decrease in

velocity mean that the graph has a negative slope, as seen in options C and F. Option C does

also represent the confusion between distance-time and velocity-time graphs and the belief

that the braking is continuous.

45 Question 2

Figure 12: The graph shows two trains running on parallel tracks. Which of the following

options is true?

The main concept in this question is that the slope of a distance-time graph is the velocity of

the object. The correct answer is 3) – the trains will have the same velocity at some point

before tB. It is important to understand that two objects have the same velocity if their

graphs have the same slope. A common misconception is that the graph itself represents

velocity, which is implied by option 1) that states that both trains have the same velocity at

time tB. Option 2), saying that the velocity of both trains is constantly increasing, addresses

the idea that a positive derivative of the graph means that the velocity increases. The fourth

option is that the trains will never be next to each other which further checks the student’s

understanding the of what the speed-velocity graph shows, i.e. information about the

objects’ position at a given time.

46 Question 3

Figure 13: Victor walks from one place to another. After he stops, his displacement is [pick

option, e.g. always bigger or equal to] the distance travelled.

The main concept in this question is the difference between displacement and distance. The

correct answer is the fourth option. This question is designed to cover every possible answer

that can be given to check whether the students have grasped an important definition. The

displacement is a change in position while the path between the initial and the final

positions can look different. One of the alternatives had to be omitted in lesson 1 to keep the

number of options to 5.

47 Question 4

Figure 14: What event can be described using this distance-time graph?

The main concept in this question is interpretation of graphs and drawing parallels between

the information given in the graph and real-life events. This question is open to allow the

students to formulate their own understanding and illustrate the variety of possible

explanations to the same graph.

48 Question 5 – test question

This is the test question that was used to evaluate the students’ understanding at the end of

the lesson. The question was designed to cover multiple topics that were discussed during

the lesson, thus being more complex with blanket coverage of different concepts – the slope

of the graph representing velocity, difference between displacement and distance travelled.

For instance, the difference between 2) and 4) is the steepness of the graph. The student

needs to understand that fast movement mean higher velocity and therefore higher

steepness in that area. 94 % (16/17) of the students in lesson 1 and 67 % (8/12) in lesson 2

provided a correct answer to the question.

A person starts at point P in the image below, staying there for a while and then moves along

the axis to Q, where they stop. Then the person runs quickly to R, stops again and then walks

slowly back to P. The unit in the graph is arbitrary.

Which distance-time graph represents this persons’ motion?


6 Discussion

The aim of this thesis was to understand the effects of using an audience response system in

a learning environment, with focus on physics instruction. This section will discuss the

results from the study with respect to the theoretical framework and address how the

findings contribute to the field of research on audience response systems. Methodological

issues are also discussed.

Both lessons were ended with a conceptual test to assess the learning outcome of each

session. As stated in the, 94 % of the students in lesson 1 and 67 % in lesson 2

answered correctly. Attributing these results solely to the modality of the audience response

system is impossible due to the vast difference in the setting and instruction of each lesson

necessitated by the pandemic. In the light of previous research, the outcome of audience

response system-supported teaching is more dependent on the type of instruction rather

than the tool. There can be several explanations to the higher proportion of the students

passing in lesson 1. A simple reason is that lesson 2 might have been perceived as more

difficult, even though the content is the same. It is impossible to recreate the exact same

setting, as learning is dependent on the social context and hence the participants in that

situation. No teacher acts the same on two occasions, even if the content of the lesson is

identical. From a behaviouristic point of view, the actions and responses of the individuals

are essential for the outcome.

Nevertheless, there is support for peer instruction having a positive impact on learning, as

presented in section 3.1.4. This indicates that the first lesson might have incorporated a

more efficient teaching strategy than the second, which only had the element of question-

driven instruction. Furthermore, the modality of the lesson might have played a part –

although no research on remote learning has been reviewed in this study, the nature of the

setting can be assumed to have an impact. From a socio-cultural point of view, the obvious

lack of interpersonal communication between the students is a clear disadvantage.

Furthermore, the results themselves may have been affected by the modality of the test. In

lesson 1, the students got the test on paper. The graphs were printed clearly and some of the

students used them to draw and make notes as they solved the problem. In the second

lesson, the students could only watch the graph on their screens, where the graphs had a

smaller size and lower resolution. The intention in the original design of the study was to

examine the content in the same way, to avoid this particular issue.

The use of an audience response system for facilitating learning depended on the modality.

There are a number of characteristics that were relevant. Both analogue (show of hands) and

digital audience response system were reported to be easy to use. Show of fingers was

deemed flexible and quick – there was not necessarily a need for pre-writing questions and

raising hands usually went fast. However, coming up with questions on the go was not

common practice as the teachers in the pre study and main study agreed that creating

pedagogically sound problems required an effort. This notion recurs throughout the

research and is advocated for by Mazur (2014) when it comes to fostering conceptual

understanding in physics.

The ease of use of the web-based audience response system was explained in a similar was as

the convenience of show of fingers– the students always have their phones and it is easy to

ask them to vote on a question. This raises the question whether the different modalities are

interchangeable from a simplicity aspect. It is important to bear in mind that a web-based

audience response system such as Mentimeter has some technical requirements. These

requirements were easy to meet in a Swedish high-school environment, but in a global


context, there are still many areas where lack of proper IT infrastructure is a problem. On

the other hand, smartphones can be more accessible and affordable than hardware-based

audience response system.

Once set up, Mentimeter grants access to a broad range of features, such as the possibility to

collect open-ended responses simultaneously. It also comes with the option to show the

responses in a clear way, thus giving the instructor a more accurate overview of the state. As

one of the informants pointed out, it could be helpful for the students to see each other’s

responses. This way, the feedback does not necessarily have to come from the teacher. The

zone of proximal development is defined as the distance between what a person can learn on

their own and what they can achieve with help from a more knowledgeable individual. This

person does not necessarily have to be the teacher, as the students may be able to discuss

something with their peers and sort out any issues among themselves. Furthermore, the

teacher may happen to provide an explanation on a level that is not comprehensible for the

students at all. Display of answers can therefore be seen as a way to put the students in their

zones of proximal development, as they are exposed to variety of input and can thus find

plausible ways of understanding the material.

It was observed in lesson 1 that not all students were interested in the voting as some

refrained from participating or did not raise their hand clearly, which can be interpreted as a

sign of reluctance or lack of time to make up their minds. In lesson 2, the number of

registered votes was shown on the slides and the teacher insisted that everyone should vote

before closing the poll, which resulted in a constant level of participation. The conclusion is

that a digital audience response system creates a better overview and provides the students

with a higher sense of accountability. It also helps the teacher to ensure that the students

can take the time they need for consideration, although this can prove to be time-inefficient

and the last respondents can still just hurry through the voting.

As for the live display of votes, there can be several effects that occur. As mentioned above, it

can on one hand serve as a push in the right direction when the students consider the

problem. On the other hand, the responses may converge around the wrong option or the

students may quit thinking for themselves and just go with the majority. With show of

fingers, the voting was done completely simultaneously as the teacher counted down. This

may have resulted in more honest votes, but it was also observed that some students in the

back of the room instantly changed their responses when they saw how their peers voted. In

lesson two, the teacher realised they could disable the live display of responses in

Mentimeter, thus avoiding the priming effect of the early votes.

The informants discussed how an audience response system was beneficial for social effects

such as motivation and engagement that they deemed important for a fruitful learning

process. This reasoning was based on their experience of audience response system as they

usually got high response rates and could therefore conclude that the students took an active

part in the instruction. This notion is in line with the belief that active participation is

necessary to consolidate knowledge on a deeper level. Previous research has also established

that audience response systems have positive effects on participation and interest and that

they are often used for motivational purposes.

The evidence for whether an increase of positive learning outcomes can be attributed to an

audience response system itself is weak, but there is also consensus that using a tool should

be a conscious decision on the behalf of the instructor. Hence, a teacher may deem it

valuable to support student engagement with an audience response system and thus

indirectly facilitate the instruction. The conclusion is that an audience response system can

be part of a pedagogical strategy, but not stand alone.


In the case of the remote teaching, the mere presence of an interactive tool seemed to play

an important role. The teacher reported that they missed the verbal and non-verbal

communication that normally goes on in the classroom. In a physical setting, the teacher

gets some response from the students through their facial expressions and body language. It

is difficult to get an overview in a conference call, which makes it even more important to

receive direct feedback from the participants.

The audience response system was used to elicit answers from the students and the teachers

reported that they used the information to decide what to do next. In a way, the answers

served as a stimulus for the teacher, prompting them to give relevant response back to the

students. Some of the observed strategies were repetition, rephrasing, initiating peer

discussion, asking a student to explain or elaborate their thoughts, giving an example,

confirmation and praise and proceeding to the next part. These are all examples of a

teacher using an audience response system for formative assessment and for adjusting their

instruction. At one point, the teacher still went with their original intention despite what the

feedback from the class indicated, because they still deemed necessary to put extra emphasis

on the concept in question. Making a decision like this after the inquiry is always a

possibility, as the teacher always weighs their professional experience into their judgement.

Formative assessment does not only cover the role of the teacher, it is also an action

undertaken by the students to provide feedback for modification of instruction. In the case

of an audience response system, it is therefore completely necessary that the students take

an active part in voting, not only for the sake of the teacher, but also to gain important

insights about themselves and figure out what they can do to improve their own learning.

This strengthens the importance of the stimulus to vote, as well as reinforcement and the

response provided by display of answers.

It is not possible to comment on how the students acted upon seeing the tally of votes in

Mentimeter due to the remote setting. However, some reactions were observed in lesson 1

after the show of fingers, as the students looked around and sometimes changed their vote

or conferred with the person next to them. The instant change of vote may be due to a

sudden revelation thanks to seeing others vote or out of pure conformity – this was not

further explored in this study. Assessing the cognitive processes is difficult, but the

behaviour changed. Although we do not know why these occurred, it can be assumed that

the audience response system had something to do with it. The change of votes after a

discussion might be thanks to the opportunity to articulate one’s thoughts, as dialogue

(speech) is one of the most important artefacts for mediating knowledge, and the interaction

with a peer puts the student in the zone of proximal development.

Audience response systems were shown to prompt the teachers to incorporate interactive

elements, lowering the threshold to introducing conceptual questions. The teachers

themselves reported that they found the tool helpful and inspiring. The findings in this study

support the standpoint that the tool serves as a catalyst for interactive teaching. There is a

risk that the instruction becomes completely technology-driven, which makes it important

that the teacher is mindful of this pitfall. Furthermore, there are always limitations to a tool

– as seen in show of fingers limiting the number of possible responses, character limitations

affecting the wording on the slides and the inability to display both an image and the options

at the same time. This is why a pedagogical mindset is required in any activity in the

classroom and the research agrees that the learning goals should be put first. The

informants in this study agreed with this and reported that they use the audience response

system when they have a purpose of doing so. At the same time, the teachers acknowledged

that a web-based audience response system offered possibilities that they did not think of

before, making the technology an enabler rather than a limitation. Examples of this is


reducing the domination of a few vocal students and using open ended questions to gauge

the students’ understanding on a deeper level.

7 Conclusions

This thesis aimed to address the topics of how audience response systems can be used to

facilitate learning in physics and the effects of using them in a learning environment. Several

examples of usage of audience response system in education were found over the course of

this study, and the main findings concern designing and evaluating physics instruction in

high school. Below is a summary of the findings and the answers to the research questions of

this study.

1. How can an audience response system be used to facilitate learning in a Swedish high-school physics class?

• Audience response systems can indirectly support active participation and deep learning as the teachers that come across such tools are prone to use them for more interactive instruction. Both interviews and observations showed that the audience response system inspired teachers to reconsider the methods they use. This implies that the tool can contribute to the development of innovative ideas and backs up the previous conclusion about the importance of the user.

• As for using an audience response system to facilitate learning, the tool proved to be efficient to simultaneously assess the understanding of the whole class. This helped the teacher to make more informed choices about their instruction – i.e. formative assessment. A clear display of answers by a software-based audience response system helps the presenter to get more accurate feedback from the audience. Several examples of how the teacher’s subsequent actions were affected by the response from the audience emerged; repetition, initiation of peer discussion, asking a student to explain or elaborate their thoughts, confirmation and praise, proceeding to the next concept.

• The study demonstrated how teachers intentionally used audience response system to create a productive learning environment. Among the purposes were boosting students’ self-confidence, increasing the engagement of participants who would not otherwise speak out, unveiling common misconceptions in the audience, reducing the influence of a small but vocal crowd, increasing focus and boosting energy in the room. The anonymity of software-based audience response system was reported as a particularly important feature for these purposes.

• An audience response system proved to be useful in the process of peer instruction, thus supporting an evidence-based method for teaching physics. The interface of a software-based audience response system makes it easy to administrate conceptual problems and prompt discussion among students, as seen in the case study B. The very creation of the questions is rather dependent on pedagogical considerations and knowledge of the subject. These deliberations also constitute opportunities for the teacher to exercise and strengthen their pedagogical content knowledge.

2. What are the effects of using an audience response system in a learning



• The results imply that the effects of using an audience response system depend on why and how it is used, which emphasises the role of the user and suggests that an effective audience response system should be developed with some of the following aspects in mind: ease of use, variety of features, inspiration and flexibility in supporting a broad range of use cases.

• The display of student responses by an audience response system helps to initiate conversations in the audience and shapes the social context for interaction between participants. Software-based audience response systems excel in this respect, because of the quick and comprehensive overview that is shown to the audience.

• Although this study originally had the aim to evaluate the impact of audience response system modality on learning outcomes, it was impossible to assess this properly. When the school changed teaching mode to remote due to the pandemic, other factors could not be kept constant so as to isolate the effects of using the audience response system.

7.1 Future research This study shows a number of applications of audience response systems in both physical

classroom and remote settings. The changed conditions for the study led to an unexpected

focus on remote teaching, which turned out to be of great interest because of the rapid

expansion of distance education due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While research on E-

learning and massive open online courses can be helpful, the extensive closures of schools

globally exposed an urgent need of pedagogic recommendations for remote teaching, across

all educational stages.

This study concludes that audience response systems can be used to support engagement in

learning – an issue that many teachers, children and families worldwide struggle with given

the circumstances of distance education. It would be fruitful to further study remote

learning that implements software-based audience response systems. Furthermore, as

previous research points out a lack of studies on equivalent instruction methods that either

incorporate an audience response system or not, it remains interesting to recreate the study

design originally proposed in this thesis.

As one of the main conclusions of this thesis is the importance of the role of the instructor

and how and why they use an audience response system, it is of great interest to further

explore the actual behaviours and motives that prove to be effective. The precise process of

evaluation of the student responses that happens on the go during a lesson, and the

subsequent actions from the teacher remain to be unravelled. Finally, as this thesis did not

investigate students’ perception of software-based audience response systems, further work

focusing on their perspective is needed for a more complete understanding of the effects.



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Appendix A - Observation scheme

Theme Description Interpretation


Appendix B – Guidelines on writing multiple-choice questions

Question-driven instruction

Figure 15: The question cycle for question-driven instruction (Beatty et al., 2006)

Beatty et. al. (2006) describe this model in their paper Question driven instruction:

Teaching science (Well) with an audience response system. Question-driven instruction

differs from Mazur’s peer instruction; instead of mini-lectures combined with conceptual

questions, the authors advocate for the question cycle in the figure above. The questions

cover not only conceptual understanding but also target cognitive skills and metacognition

about physics. The authors also state that instructions need a better understanding of the

audience response system-questions and their underlying potential, which they claim is

limited by the design of concept inventory questions.

Every question needs to have an explicit pedagogic purpose.

• Content goal - what piece of the material is covered in the question?

• Process goal - what cognitive skills are important to promote?

• Metacognitive goal - what kind of beliefs about physics is this question reinforcing?


There are four tactics in the table that help to meet the above goals.

Tactics for directing students’ attention

Removing nonessentials Avoid distractive features and unnecessary steps. If the question

is about conceptual understanding, don’t add calculations.

Compare and contrast When presenting two things for comparison, the attention will be

drawn to differences. Create a sequence of questions on the same

situation with slight differences.

Extending the context Asking familiar questions about an unfamiliar situation, by

adding or changing some features (e.g. additional forces, angles,

curves etc.).

Reusing familiar question


Avoid interpretations of the question that require too much effort,

so that students can focus on understanding the point instead.

Oops-go-back A sequence of two related questions. The first question is a trap

for common misconceptions and the second shed new light on the

problem that makes students go back and rethink the previous


Tactics for stimulating specific cognitive processes

Compare and contrast

Extend the context

As described above. Use these tactics to develop corresponding

habits of mind.

Interpret representations Ask questions the help students get more familiar with different

representations, such as graphs and verbal descriptions. Many

students are attached to algebraic representations in physics.

Constrain the solution Include instructions about which approach to use or avoid

pushing students to seek alternative methods.

Reveal a better way Ask a question that students usually solve in a complicated way

and demonstrate a more elegant approach during the discussion.

Strategize only Ask the students to present an approach for a solution without

actually solving the problem.

Include extraneous

information and omit

necessary information

These questions help students consider what information is

needed to solve a problem.


Tactics for formative use of response data

Answer choices reveal likely

student difficulties.

This helps the instructor to know if something needs to be

addressed further. Make sure that the spectrum of choices is


Include “none of the above” This allows for alternative responses that were not included.

Make it the right answer sometimes so that the students can be

comfortable with not agreeing with any of the anticipated


Tactics for facilitating productive discussion

Qualitative questions Qualitative questions are better for promoting discussion of ideas,

concepts and general relationships than quantitative questions.

Analysis and reasoning


Ask questions that require decision making rather than

calculation or memory recall.

Multiple defensible answers Create questions that require unstated assumptions or questions

where the answer depends on the interpretation.

Catching misconceptions Design questions that deliberately catch common misconceptions

to make students aware of those.

Emphasize reasoning over


When moderating the discussion, make sure that it’s focused on

the articulation of ideas rather than the correct answer.

Check list for writing multiple choice questions

The checklist is based on the revised taxonomy of multiple-choice item-writing guidelines

Haladyna et. al (2002).

Content concerns

1. Every question should reflect specific content and specific mental behaviour 2. Focus on important concepts and avoid trivial content 3. Use novel material and language to test higher-level learning and avoid memory

recall 4. Avoid over specific and over general content 5. Keep vocabulary simple for the group

Style concerns

1. Use correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling

2. Minimize the amount of reading in each item


Writing the question

1. Ensure that the directions in the question are very clear.

2. Include the central idea in the question instead of the options.

3. Avoid excessive wordiness.

4. Word the question positively, avoid negatives such as NOT or EXCEPT.

Writing the options

1. Develop as many choices as you need, but research suggests three is adequate.

2. Vary the location of the right answer according to the number of choices.

3. Place choices in logical or numerical order.

4. Keep choices homogeneous in content and grammatical structure.

5. Keep the length of choices about equal.

6. Avoid All-of-the-above.

7. Phrase choices positively; avoid negatives such as NOT.

8. Avoid giving clues to the right answer, such as

a. Specific determiners including always, never, completely, and absolutely.

b. Clang associations, choices identical to or resembling words in the stem.

c. Grammatical inconsistencies that cue the test-taker to the correct choice.

d. Conspicuous correct choice.

e. Pairs or triplets of options that clue the test-taker to the correct choice.

f. Blatantly absurd, ridiculous options.

9. Make all distractors plausible.

10. Use typical errors of students to write your distractors.

11. Use humour if it is compatible with the teacher and the learning environment.

Best practices for using audience response systems

The list comes from Martyn’s (2007, p. 73) compilation of recommendations on

implementing clickers in the classroom.

1. Keep slides short to optimize legibility.

2. Keep the number of answer options to five.

3. Do not make the questions overly complex.

4. Keep voting straightforward and simple.

5. Allow enough time for students to answer questions. Some general guidelines:

● Classes of fewer than 30 students: 15–20 seconds per question

● Classes of 30 to 100 students: 30 seconds per question

● Classes of more than 100 students: 1 minute per question

6. Allow time for discussion between questions.

7. Encourage active discussion with the audience.

8. Do not ask too many questions; use them for the key points.

9. Position the questions at periodic intervals throughout the presentation.

10. Include an “answer now” prompt to differentiate between lecture slides and

interactive polling slides.

11. Use a “correct answer” indicator to visually identify the appropriate answer.

12. Include a “response grid” so that students know their responses have registered.


13. Increase responsiveness by using a “countdown timer” that will close polling after a

set amount of time.

14. Test the system in the proposed location to identify technical issues (lighting, signal

interference, etc.)

15. On the actual day of the session, allow time to start the ARS.

16. Rehearse actual presentation to make sure it will run smoothly.

17. Provide clear instructions on how to use the ARS to the audience.

18. Do not overuse the system or it will lose its “engagement” potential.

Links to physics concept inventories Where can I find good questions to use with clickers or Peer Instruction? from Physport




Appendix C – interview questions

Case study A The interview was in Swedish; the questions are therefore translated.

• How long have you been using an audience response system in your instruction?

• What is the purpose of using an audience response system?

• How do you formulate the questions in your presentation?

• Could you please describe how you act when a question is posed?

• How do the student responses affect your next actions in class?

• What immediate effects can you see among the students when you pose a question?

• Can you see any long-term effects?

• Can you please name the three biggest advantages of using an audience response


• What drawbacks have you experienced using the audience response system?

• Is there any functionality that you miss?

Case study B

• How long have you been using an audience response system in your instruction?

• What is the purpose of using Mentimeter?

• How did you formulate the Mentimeter questions in the presentation?

• What immediate feedback did you get from the student’s answers?

• How did that feedback affect your next actions in class?

• Can you please name the three biggest advantages of using Mentimeter?

• What drawbacks have you experienced with Mentimeter so far?

• Is there any functionality that you miss?

Main study The interview was in Swedish; the questions are therefore translated.


• If you compare the classroom lesson and the digital lesson: How did you plan each

lesson? Can you name any differences in the planning itself?

• In lesson 1, you used finger pointing as the response system. Why did you choose

this method? What purposes does it serve?

• Which features of Mentimeter did you use when planning lesson 2? Why did you

choose these features? What were your intentions with the interactive slides?

• How did the features of Mentimeter inspire you?

• Can you name any limitation you experienced in Mentimeter?

• Can you name any limitation in planning the classroom lesson?


• What are the biggest challenges of remote teaching?


• Could you describe any challenges in switching lesson 2 to remote at such short


• How do you create interaction in your other remote lessons?

• How did you feel about teaching remotely with Mentimeter?

• How was the process of asking questions and receiving responses from the students

through Mentimeter?

• How did you use the feedback from the class in the next part of the lesson? Do you

have any examples of decisions you could make using the information you received?


• Can you name three things that went well in the remote lesson?

• Can you name three things that you would like to improve in the remote lesson?

• What would you do differently if you were to teach another remote lesson with

Mentimeter now that you have this experience?


Appendix D – presentation slides The slides start on the next page.


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TRITA-ITM-EX 2021:18

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