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  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    Aspects of critical thinking:1. Critical thinking is a productive and positive


    2. Critical thinking is a process, not an


    3. Manifestations of critical thinking vary

    according to the contexts in which it occurs.

    4. Critical thinking is triggered by positive as wellas negative events.

    5. Critical thinking is emotive as well as rational.

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    1. Are all teachers aware enough of suchproductive process that might be missing during

    the note-taking in children classes?

    2. Do all teachers put the note-taking stage in

    account when teaching children classes?

    3. Have there been elicitations during the WB

    consolidation or what-so-called note-taking in

    children classes? Or do teachers just take it for


  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    Not all teachers are aware of the exploringprocess of the childrens English ability in thenote-taking stage.

    Some teachers, perhaps most teachers ingeneral, consider note-taking is just ataking-down-the-note activity, not an

    interactive student-centered activity in whicha lot of elicitations are involved.

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    Days and Months

    Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday,Saturday

    January, February,March, April, etc

    Days and Months

    What day is it afterSunday? The dayafter Sunday isTuesday.

    The day __________ isFriday.

    The month before

    March is April. The month _________

    is August.

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    Critical thinking is . . .

    Thinking outsidethe box

    Divergent thinkingForming logicalinferences

    Limitless thinkingHigher level thinking

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    (Involve students to create the dialogue)

    Teacher : It is 4:20 now. You are at ILP. What are you doing

    now? Are you playing basketball?

    You : No, I am not playing basketball now (Why?)

    because I am at ILP.

    Teacher : So, what are you doing now?

    You : I am writing now. (Ask each std to say differently)________________________


    Teacher : What about your mother? What is she doing now?

    You : She is working now._________________________

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    The question is:

    How to produce notes that candevelop critical thinking skillsof the children students?

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    Step 5: Provide feedback and assessment oflearning

    Provide feedback to students

    Create opportunities for self-assessment

    Utilize feedback to improve instruction

    learningStep 4: Review, refine, and improve

    Monitor class activities Collect feedback from students

    Step 2: Teach through questioning Develop appropriate questions

    Employ questioning techniques

    Encourage interactive discussion

    Step 3: Practice before you assess

    Choose activities that promote active learning Utilize all components of active learningStep

    Step 1: Determine learning objectives

    Define behaviors students should exhibit

    Target behaviors in higher order thinking

    5-Step Model to Move Students toward CriticalThinking

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    A. T. Wyatt, Ed. D, McMurry Universityhttp://cs1.mcm.edu/~awyatt/csc3315/bloom.htm

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    Showing the two different note contents withthe same title to some teachers and askingtheir opinion on which was more meaningful.And the answer was the one without grids.

    Surprisingly they said that because that notecould develop stds critical thinking skill.

    Giving out the sample of the meaningful notecontent, which was put inside the syllabusfolder of children levels.

  • 7/31/2019 Promoting Critical Thinking Skills With Children Classes


    Bear in mind that:

    The ability to solve problems is a

    necessary life skill

    And that is what we have to include inour students learning activity.

    Happy creating

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