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Promoting Positive People

&Positive Living

Positive Public Image, Inc.

Page 2: Promoting Positive Lifestyles Mar 2012 - Positive Public Image

Positive Public Image, Inc.


As editorial and promotional photojournalists, our mission is to publicly champion individuals, businesses,

sponsors, community organizations and events that demonstrate positive values and lifestyles.

We hope you will choose to do business with us!


Page 3: Promoting Positive Lifestyles Mar 2012 - Positive Public Image

Do We Eat to Survive, or Feed Our Self Image?Aug 10, 2011

“A squirrel in the wild eats to survive, and so do people. But in our quest to control our home and work environments, we sometimes find ourselves eating to feed our self images. So, how do you see yourself today?Since our eating behavior is guided by how we truly see ourselves, and we want to change or ingrain an eating habit, why not first try changing our self image? That way, when we are free to make marginal food decisions (i.e., What should I eat now, or Shall I have another piece of my favorite cake?), instinctively and automatically we can subliminally "check in" with the self image we created that works best for us..... Many Southern U.S. states successfully nurture obesity, as compared to other U.S. regions, depicted on CDC map……. Just a little food for thought:  It's good to "eat like a healthy animal", but first you may want to figure out "which animal you want to be", then take it to heart, and eat to your hearts' content."....so you see, it's all up to you, you could be better than you are.....you could be swinging on a star...." (J Burke and B Crosby)

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Another Birthday…Who’s Counting?Nov 7, 2011

“There is nothing like having another birthday to raise philosophical thoughts of mortality--or positively speaking, the possibility of “immortality”. The case is still out as to whether human immortality is even achievable; at the moment, immortality can only be attributed to the Turritopsis nutricula[i], otherwise known as the “immortal jellyfish”. This jellyfish reverts back to a juvenile form after becoming sexually mature, so in its continuing cycle of life stages, its exact age is untraceable…hence, immortal.

“…….We heard the other day that the first person who will live to be 150 is already alive.[iii] Fifty years ago, a statement like that belonged in a science fiction novel, but today our reaction is simply, “I wonder who it is!........................(cont’d)”

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“(cont’d) ……. Probably the first thing to come our way will be affordable “anti-aging” breakthroughs. And the result? We may not live a whole lot longer, but we will look pretty darn good all the way until the end! Ok, we won’t pretend that this doesn’t intrigue us, because we just don’t feel very old! …….When you are as happy with life as we are, we view even our age as a positive thing in our life—“healthy aging” we call it. And the idea that living beyond what is considered to be the normal “limits” is a target we have already identified as one that we want to achieve!………….(cont’d)

Another Birthday…Who’s Counting?Nov 7, 2011

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Another Birthday…Who’s Counting?

“(cont’d) …….In many ways I feel younger now than I did in my mid-thirties, when the responsibilities of raising kids was always at the forefront of my decisions and choices. Now with kids grown, and grandkids growing, I have finally figured out how to be a better partner and have been blessed with a terrific partner that feels the same way I do.

Living things move, and we keep moving! We both spend our days working and playing, learning new things, going new places, surrounding ourselves with positive family and friends, keeping us internally younger than our years”…………(cont’d)

Nov 7, 2011

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Another Birthday…Who’s Counting?Nov 7, 2011

“ (cont’d) ……..As baby boomers, we have experienced back to back decades of amazing technological breakthroughs, and have both grown up believing that most things are achievable, when just enough “elbow grease” is applied. The “elbow grease” we currently use is our mutual encouragement to learn new things, fueled by our passion to experience more life adventures together. Most of our days end wishing there were a few more hours left—we still have so much stuff left to do!

Perhaps the real “Fountain of Youth” is simply this spirit of youth, keeping us younger than our years. That being the case, we definitely expect to “live long and prosper”!”

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Positive Prescription for Healthy AgingNov 21, 2011 “Most of us over 50 share the desire to both“feel”

and “look” good, and hopefully we also look younger than we really are! As we noted in our article “Another Birthday…Who’s Counting?” it does not seem likely that immortality will be an option for people during our lifetime. Since we both like to have as much control of our lifestyle as possible, the positive thing to do was load up the car and “Road Trip here we come”!

So we set off last week for the Anti-Aging & Healthy Living Expo in Melbourne, Florida. Our target: to find more positive solutions for our own healthy aging, and then promote them to our fans…..

We left the Expo, and walked outside of the hotel. Our ears perked up and our steps quickened as we heard live music drifting our way through the breezy November sea air. We quickly found our positive balance, and taking our own healthy aging prescription and advice to heart, we danced together on the beach as the sun was setting. Ahhhh.....the spirit of youth: we feel younger already!”

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“During this time of miracles, it’s pretty amazing that large families with in-laws and outlaws can come together peacefully from multiple directions, to meet in one place for a few hours. Husbands have their immediate families, and wives have theirs. Children from previous marriages with two sets of households create a wishbone effect. If the children have children, get out the abacus! And, if a family member just got engaged, this Christmas they received invitations from at least two households.

The three kings came from afar, but they were not southern fireman! Some families come from afar, but not talking about geography here either. Thing is, in our large family, the greater the age disparity, the further apart we are in lifestyle, expectations, obligations, or what is considered cool……..(cont’d)”

Christmas and Family: God Bless Us EveryoneDec 25, 2011

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“ (cont’d)……..It mostly works out though. Maybe it's the hunger for good food and semi-witty banter. Maybe it's the exchange of presents in a carnival but thankful atmosphere. Maybe it's the family ping pong championship, and the satisfaction of beating up on someone bigger than you. Maybe it's the ensuing popcorn fight, or chasing around with suction dart guns (not just the children either). There are Secret Santa and Dirty Santa gift exchanges to contend with, where someone always ends up with re-gifted last year's fruitcake, or a 10lb bag of birdseed. Some things you can count on. Maybe that's the point.

With technology changing weekly (excuse me, daily), kids growing up faster than a speeding bullet, and the passing of friends while the birthing of others... maybe we all unknowingly appreciate a positive constant on which we can depend.Whether you believe in Christmas, or Hanukkah, change of seasons, or sanctity of family, we wish for you special strength and hope that comes from your belief, and that it works as a constant for you and your family!”

Christmas and Family: God Bless Us EveryoneDec 25, 2011

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“The month of January is named after Janus, the mythical Roman king (153 B.C.). King Janus had two faces: he could look backward to past events and look forward into the future. So January became a time for resolutions. Hmmm...wonder if other months should have two faces as well! Anyway, January 1st is just around the corner, and people tend to make resolutions and plans when they have something to look forward to, care about, or feel passionate about. So here's our plan of attack.

After diligent on-line chatting and surfing, we learned last year's top 5 resolutions:• Stop smoking• Drink less• Get more exercise• Go on a diet• Not to make resolutions at all--don't even try…

that sucks!………………….(cont’d)”

"To Resolve or Not to Resolve?” That is the Question!

Positive Public Image, Inc.

Dec 20, 2011

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“(cont’d) ……So what do you look forward to; what are you passionate about? What do you want to make happen this next year? After all, we believe you can "Make Life What You Want": If a beautiful castle can be made of sand, what can you make of your life when you truly believe you can "Make Life What You Want"?

For us, the best resolution this coming year is simple! “Choose to be POSITIVE”. We plan to fill our cups and happily exhaust ourselves with positive things. Then we won’t have room, time, or energy for the bad stuff… Work Smart, Play Often, and Encourage Others…”

"To Resolve or Not to Resolve?” That is the Question!Dec 20, 2011

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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"Booming" Through Winter with a Positive View

“Have to be honest here: Winter is not our favorite season.

Both of us separately lived in cold (very cold!) snow country in previous years . We have paid our dues to what a “real winter” feels like, and last winter we even shared had a bit of fun during the brief Atlanta snowstorm.

So you would think that this milder winter climate of Atlanta would go almost unnoticed to us…not!……………..(cont’d)”

Jan 5, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“ (contd)……… A little internet research this morning surfaced an article on the “Science of the Cold” where we discovered that being cold is NOT a sign of us Boomers having bad circulation, or of premature aging. In fact, we are essentially (a little fanfare please!) “Tropical Animals”. Yes—now that’s what we’re talking about!“Humans are essentially tropical animals and are not equipped to deal with even mild cold. That we can live in cold climates is a result of behavioral adaptations such as wearing appropriate clothing and building shelters….”

And, we might add, by overcoming common sense! Bodies hunched to keep warm, numb faces, slurred words from frozen lips, zero color coordination and so many layers you forgot what you put on 3 layers ago!”…………….(cont’d)

"Booming" Through Winter with a Positive ViewJan 5, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“(cont’d)……We positively love Spring in Atlanta!

The mid-day warm spring sun encourages us that Summer is just around the corner. Piedmont Park on our bikes and picture taking at Botanical Gardens are both part of our editorial calendar and a must for the season.Summer sends long daylight hours our way, giving us more time to play.

The 4thof July finds us sidestepping all the discarded paper cups during as we walk-run the course of the Peachtree Road Race; and summer just wouldn’t be summer without a family trip to watch the Stone Mountain Laser Show...(cont’d)”

"Booming" Through Winter with a Positive ViewJan 5, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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( Cont’d)………“Fall days often give us a lingering warmth, reminding us of our summer pleasures.

All this enjoyment culminates in the wonderful holiday season with family and friends, ending just as Winter sets in--what to do until our beloved Spring arrives?

So here’s the Plan. This Winter we have already placed positive targets along our path, carrots to motivate us and spur us on through this Winter’s journey: We joined a gym just around the corner, Planet Fitness, where we make dates with each other to work out; we joined a Winter Tennis team, generating enough physical activity to keep our blood flowing even on the coldest day; we scheduled a trip to Arizona to visit Dad in a few weeks; and we will be celebrating Bill’s 65th birthday with family and friends in mid-February.

Top this off with a 3 day weekend at the beach in March, with warm breezes, seagulls and rhythmic waves to surround us. Oh yeah, and just sharing this with all our readers is pretty good winter medicine as well. Spring here we come!”

Jan 5, 2012

"Booming" Through Winter with a Positive View

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Positive Public Image, Inc.

Mix Work With Play – How’s Your Yin-Yang?Feb 26, 2012

“Work is serious “sh**! It is that focused, rigid, goal-directed responsibility, accomplished by mature, disciplined adults. On the other hand, Play is frivolous, flirtatious, and fun, performed by immature, silly, whimsical children…right? Is this what “getting older” for us Boomers is all about? Hope Not!

.........Do you catch yourself at the end of each work week saying, "Thank God it's Friday", or getting all tingly over the rebel shout, "Road Trip!!”

And try this shoe on: Could we contribute to "Whirled Peas" (check out our previous blog), if we made "play" just as much part of our daily lifestyle as work is, no matter what our age? Wikipidia defines Yin-Yang as “complementary opposites that interact within a greater whole, as part of a dynamic system…” We’ve found that mixing work and play together keeps us positive, balanced, young and happy…simply put, we got Yin-Yang out the Wazoo!……..(cont’d)”

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“ (cont’d)……So who says we have to work now and play later? In our blog “Booming Through Winter with a Positive View” we mentioned our plans for a visit out west to see family and friends--a little rejuvenation and play, a little time to smell the roses-- or should we say cactus?

Talk about an adult playground: what better place to play than…Viva Las Vegas, Baby! And you just never know where a client may turn up--ever try networking with Elvis and Big Bird (check out our video)?!……(cont’d)”

Mix Work With Play – How’s Your Yin-Yang?Feb 26, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“ (con’td) ………..Another stop in the Mohave Desert to meet “Joshua” further convinced us that the spirit of youth is alive and well. Joshua (tree) manages to survive in the desert for thousands of years, and since Joshua lacks annual growth rings, you can’t even tell if Joshua is 10, 100 or 1,000!

We think this is what mixing work and play does for us: it eliminates all those worry lines (growth rings) that we get that instantly age us--that “frayed around the edges” look we all get when we are "all work and no play!.......(cont’d) "

Mix Work With Play – How’s Your Yin-Yang?Feb 26, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“ (cont’d) …..Now for a rejuvenating stop to visit Dad, who, just like Joshua, doesn’t show any “growth rings”. He will be 89 in a couple of weeks and he is still going strong. His overall appearance is one of a man much younger in years. In fact you have to look really hard to find any wrinkles at all on his face!

His positive daily routine mixes work with play. He fully takes care of himself and home, and offers assistance to many neighbors, friends, and girlfriend Nancy. And yes he plays: cards, books, socializing, clever, semi witty conversations, outings, and his favorite: the casinos! He seems to have found his positive balance of work and play.

So, tell us: Have you found that positive mix of work and play that nurtures your spirit of youth--what’s in your Yin-Yang?”

Mix Work With Play – How’s Your Yin-Yang?Feb 26, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Just Turned 65…So What? “It is the year 2012. I like walking hand in hand on the beach at sunset; but not pina coladas. I like long slow wet kisses that last for three days, the theme song from Rocky, and the sound of a well struck tennis ball.

I'm happily married with 3 kids and 4 grandkids; and I'm being truthful about the happily married part--not just because my wife is reading this, but because we both know how to keep smiles on each others faces……………”

“…….Today is my 65th birthday, and I have lots of company. Did you know that for the next 17 years boomers will continue to turn 65 at a rate of 8,000 per day, and today 13% of the US population is 65 or older. By 2030, people 65 and over will make up nearly 20% of the US population... almost one in five of us.

And here's one I like: The first person to live to be 150 has likely already been born! We will transform the institution of retirement, as we have transformed other aspects of American life…..(cont’d) ” Positive Public Image, Inc.

Feb 15, 2012

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“ (cont’d) ………How will this transformation affect you? Today's economy is showing faint signs of recovery, but the world's recessionary tsunami already damaged the land. Our retirement nest eggs are cracked, and it's "Hi ho, Hi Ho", back to work Boomers go…………”

Half of us expect to work at least part-time when we "retire". We'll have offices in our homes, high speed internet, computers, and smart phones. We'll buy homes at beaches, mountains and college towns, where physical and intellectual action is the place to be. We have a renewed interest in health and fitness, because we have to keep up with our realigned passions and goals. We not only retire FROM something; we retire TO something!.....(cont’d)”

Feb 15, 2012

Just Turned 65…So What?

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Feb 15, 2012Just Turned 65…So What?

“ (cont’d) …….all of my running and all of my cunning, led me to a couple of positive light bulb moments: Work smart, play often, and encourage others. Create value for yourself and others. It feels good. Surround yourself with positive people, events and

places. They help make life worth living, and they are fun to watch.

Make your healthy decisions a lifestyle; not just the beginning of a diet or fad.

Laugh at stuff... yourself mostly. All living things move. Shake your booty, and keep moving. Maintain your spirit of youth. Remember what it was like

when you first saw the ocean, or accidently stepped bare footed onto a bee?

Tell her you love her, and hang on for the ride of your life.

Keep learning! Do new things, and get better at something; even if it's playing the guitar.

Eat and drink things that boost your lifestyle; not weigh it down.

Smile, and people smile back. Walk with a "feel good" posture, and you'll feel better.

"Things are literally looking up." Above all, never try to light 65 candles at one time!” Positive Public Image, Inc.

Page 24: Promoting Positive Lifestyles Mar 2012 - Positive Public Image

“It's Spring, a light-hearted, lyrical time for Snoopy's Spring Dance to celebrate life! Spring is hope, nature's rejuvenation right before our eyes.

What lyrics put Spring in your step? How about, "It's a lusty time of year when everyone goes blissfully astray." Get ready: there's more…. (cont’d)”

Mar 15, 2012

“Younger Than Spring Time" - Boomers in Bloom

Positive Public Image, Inc.

Page 25: Promoting Positive Lifestyles Mar 2012 - Positive Public Image

“(cont’d) ………Walk outside and enjoy this "brief shining moment". Buds pop out on hardwoods, and flowers birth themselves from "far beneath the bitter snow". Just remember, "In the Spring becomes the rose." Tears of joy even well to the eyes of Rogers and Hammerstein, Buffett and the Beatles.

No denying, we Baby Boomers are infatuated by rejuvenation, and in love with our music; hence, the spectrum between searching for the Holy Grail, and gyrating to upbeat rhythms and motivational lyrics…..(cont’d)”

“Younger Than Spring Time" - Boomers in Bloom

Positive Public Image, Inc.

Mar 15, 2012

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“ (cont’d) ……….Boomers, a positive lot, believe that with "high apple pie, in the sky hopes" we can go "beyond where no man has gone". We just combine available knowledge, common sense, and "a little bit of luck", to bloom into a life embracing, rejuvenated giant bean stalk, and live happily ever after. You know... eat right, exercise and enjoy life…….(cont’d) ”

“Younger Than Spring Time" - Boomers in BloomMar 15, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

Page 27: Promoting Positive Lifestyles Mar 2012 - Positive Public Image

“ (cont’d) ………We choose to work smart, play often, encourage others, laugh at ourselves, look both ways before crossing the street, drink lots of Dehydrogen Oxide, keep a song in our heart, and surround ourselves with positive, active people.

Find yourself a friend, "somebody to love", or better yet a friend with benefits. Play "all along the waterfall"...Enjoy the Spring…Rejuvenate! Dance and giggle. Laugh and squirm. "Turn it all about". "Twist and Shout". "Feel it in your fingers, and feel it in your toes". "It's a wonderful day"!

If there is a song called, "Health-E for Life", and we can dance to it, I'm sure it will soon be a number one Baby Boomer hit.What songs make you feel like Spring is in the air, and put "Locomotion" in your step? What song makes you feel “Younger than Springtime"?”

“Younger Than Spring Time" - Boomers in BloomMar 15, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Active Positive People Flock Together - But Where?Mar 26, 2012

“Surround yourself with Active Positive People (APP)! "Birds of a feather flock together." "Survival of the fittest." Sounds a little violent, but picture this: crossbreed these classic “one liners,” and what do you get? An optimistic, physically and mentally fit, friendly bird, with a positive electrode hooked to its tail, possessing advanced skills to survive. So, what kind of bird are you? Are you a unique species, with colorful plumage? Animal, vegetable, or perhaps like us, you are a Baby Boomer…or even better, are you an Active Positive Person?...........”

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Active Positive People Flock Together - But Where?Mar 26, 2012

“ (cont’d) …..We often identify ourselves as “Boomers,” since we fit the age criteria, born between 1945 and 1964. But we also strive to be Active Positive People…hence our search for other APP with whom to “flock”.

We started our search with our proud bunch of fellow Boomer hooligans. But alas, we only found some of our Boomer peers to be positively motivated, while others were content to “sit down, settle down and slow down.” So we kept looking...(cont’d)”

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Active Positive People Flock Together - But Where?Mar 26, 2012

“ (cont’d)……. It finally hit us in the face that chronology in itself does not account for a positive view on life. Anyone can be positive and active, with opportunities to embrace, challenges to surmount, history to influence, and people love. Yes, some of these folks definitely are fellow Baby Boomers, but we have found many APP of all different ages.

"Rich” in life experiences, why not take advantage of years of accumulated knowledge, apply it to something about which you are passionate, challenge yourself to learn something new, conquer a fear; or fill your plate with more things than there are hours in each day? Aging is inevitable, but the rate of aging is not! “Do not go gentle into that good night”…….(cont’d) ”

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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“ (cont’d)…..Try this definition on for size: Active Positive People are social beings, with positive attitudes and passions, creating value for themselves and others. Active Positive People make life decisions that better themselves, and encourage others to do the same; a definition that alludes to what you are today, where you are going and the type of influencer you choose to be.   Today’s world needs to have more active positive people, don’t you agree? They are fun to watch and they encourage us all! We believe that soaring with APP is a good flight plan and survival strategy. Maybe you do too. Tell us about Active Positive People in your in your life, and let's encourage all of our “fine feathered friends”!

Active Positive People Flock Together - But Where?Mar 26, 2012

Positive Public Image, Inc.

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Positive Public Image, Inc.

Positively yours, Sheri & Bill

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