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R-PLAN 4M-747
REF. FILE No. 813-88
1.) INTRODUCTION The commercial land under consideration is proposed for a three-storey retail/office building development site. It is situated on the south side of Camelot Drive and east of Cleopatra Drive. The proposed three-storey retail/office building is approximately 750.0 sq. m in area size. The total gross floor area is reported to be 2,223.0 sq. m. The size of the site development property under consideration is ± 0.290 ha. In addition to the three-storey retail/office building, the other development features will comprise of two entrance asphalt access roads, parking areas, concrete walkways, landscape area, etc. to meet City of Ottawa site plan requirements. A geotechnical investigation report was prepared for this site by Houle Chevrier Engineering Ltd. (Project No. 14-001 dated February 11, 2014. This report will serve to provide the City of Ottawa with our serviceability brief to address the proposed servicing scheme for this site. 2.) EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND SERVICING Presently, the said commercial property is vacant and mostly asphalt for equipment storage use. The land is relatively flat and drains predominantly from an east to west direction across the lot. The existing ground surface of the lot across from the site is mostly asphalt covered with some vegetation cover at the north end of the property. As for the availability of underground services, there are existing municipal services along Camelot Drive consisting of the following main sizes: a 2100 mm diameter storm sewer, a 450 mm diameter sanitary sewer and a 300 mm diameter watermain. Two sets of existing services laterals were dropped off by the subdivision developer (see details shown on Annis, O’Sullivan, Vollebekk Ltd.’s topographical plan). 3.) PROPOSED RETAIL/OFFICE BUILDING SITE Two vehicle entrances with one located at the southwest corner and the other at the northeast corner of the site are proposed to serve this property along with access roadways from these entranceways to direct vehicular traffic in and out of the site. Vehicular parking will be available at the rear of the site south of the proposed building as well as along the east side of the building. A.) Water Supply Based on previous discussions with the owner, the building will not be installed with a sprinkler system, therefore, the three-storey building will be serviced with a 50 mm diameter water service pipe.
Based on the City’s current boundary conditions provided from an e-mail dated January 27, 2014 for hydraulic analysis at 60 Camelot Drive (refer to Appendix A) in which the three-storey commercial building development is being serviced from a 300mm diameter watermain, the calculated boundary conditions (HGL) are as follows: Minimum HGL = 126.4 m
Maximum HGL = 130.8 m
Max Day + Fire Flow (183 L/s) = 124.2 m
Max Day + Fire Flow (267 L/s) = 122.1 m Using the above stated hydraulic grade lines (HGLs), the resulting pressures at the ground elevation of 88.3 m (adjacent to the site) are determined as follows:
Minimum Pressures
Minimum pressure = (126.4 m - 88.3 m) x 1.422 psi/m = 54 psi (374 kPa); this value is above the minimum design guideline value of 40 psi (276 kPa) for typical 2 storey developments. Since the proposed development is to be 3 storeys, we allow for an additional pressure loss of 5 psi for every storey above 2 storeys to account for the difference in elevation head minor pipe friction loss. The resulting equivalent minimum pressure becomes 45 psi. The minimum reported boundary condition pressure is greater than 45 psi and therefore considered to be acceptable. Maximum Pressures Maximum pressure = (130.8 m – 88.3 m) x 1.422 psi/m = 60 psi (417 kPa); this value is below the City’s design guideline objective of 70 psi (483 kPa) and therefore also considered to be acceptable. Fire Flow Using the higher fire flow requirement (without sprinkler systems) 267 L/s as per the attached FUS calculation, the resulting residual pressure is (122.1 m – 88.3 m) x 1.422 psi/m = 48 psi (331 kPa). Therefore, the existing water distribution system is capable of providing the required maximum day demand and fire flow at pressures greater than the minimum allowable pressure of 20 psi (138 kPa). In summary, based on the boundary conditions provided as noted above, the existing water distribution network is capable of providing the projected domestic and fire flow demands at pressures that are within acceptable limits based on the City of Ottawa 2010 Water Distribution Design Guidelines. B.) Sanitary Flow Peak sanitary flow for this site is estimated at Q = 0.42 L/s with an infiltration rate of 0.04 L/s. This flow will enter the existing 450 mm diameter sanitary sewer on Camelot Drive via the
easterly located existing 150 mm diameter sanitary lateral previously installed by the commercial land subdivider. Refer to the sanitary sewer design sheet page 1 of 1 in Appendix B. C.) Storm Flow Stormwater outlet for this proposed property will be the existing 2100 mm diameter storm sewer located on Camelot Drive. Stormwater from the roof of the proposed building will be drained by (2) proposed controlled roof drains specified at a flow rate of 0.63 L/s per drain and on-site drainage by means of (1) catch basin, (2) catch basin/manholes, (1) storm manhole, underground stormwater piping ranging in size from 300 mm to 450 mm diameter and the proposed grades of the asphalt access roads and parking areas have been designed to provide self contained drainage as much as possible. Based on the site plan prepared by the developer’s architect, the commercial area post- development “C” value is estimated at C = 0.75 where A = 0.290 ha. For the 5 year storm event, the post-development allowable runoff off-site is calculated to be approximately 25.61 L/s. An estimation of the pre-development flow is calculated to be 28.37 L/s using C = 0.5 which was the runoff coefficient used to size the city storm sewer in this area. Therefore, based on this calculation and that the post-development “C” = 0.75 is greater than C = 0.5, therefore, on-site stormwater management retention is required for this commercial site. Storage volume for the 5 year and up to 100 year event will be stored by means of rooftops, asphalt roadway, asphalt parking lot, underground storm pipes and drainage structures. The maximum 5 year allowable release rate off-site was determined to be 28.37 L/s. Based on the Proposed Grading and Servicing Plan, the estimated 5 year high water level of 88.21 m will provide stormwater storage volume of 42.73 m3 which is greater than the estimated required storage volume of 39.55 m3. The estimated 100 year high water level of 88.28 m will provide stormwater storage volume of 90.86 m3 which is greater than the estimated required storage volume of 89.30 m3. Therefore by grading the parking lot surface area and installing the proposed underground drainage piping and structures as shown on the Proposed Grading and Servicing Plan Dwg. No. 813-88, G-1, the desirable 5 year storm event level of 88.21 m at detention volume of 42.73 m3
will be available on-site as well as the 100 year storm event level of 88.28 m at detention volume of 90.86 m3. This new three-storey retail/office building will provide rooftop storage and by installing the (2) roof drains at the locations as depicted on Dwg. No. 813-88, G-1 at the (2) designated attenuation roof areas with each drain having a release rate of 0.63 L/s and constructing the asphalt access roadways, parking lots, storm pipes and drainage system as detailed, the allowable controlled off-site flow of 25.61 L/s can be achieved by incorporating the specified ICD in ST. MH #1 at the downstream 200 mm diameter outlet pipe.
R-PLAN 4M-747
From: Robertson, Syd To: TL Mak ; Subject: 60 Camelot Drive - boundary conditions Date: Monday, January 27, 2014 2:04:36 PM Attachments: 60 Camelot Dec 2013.pdf
Hi Tony: The following are boundary conditions, HGL, for hydraulic analysis at 60 Camelot (zone 2W) assumed to be connected to the 305mm on Camelot Drive (see attached PDF for location).
Minimum HGL = 126.4m
Maximum HGL = 130.8m
MaxDay + Fire Flow (183 L/s) = 124.2m
MaxDay + Fire Flow (267 L/s) = 122.1m
These are for current conditions and are based on computer model simulation.
Disclaimer: The boundary condition information is based on current operation of the city water distribution system. The computer model simulation is based on the best information available at the time. The operation of the water distribution system can change on a regular basis, resulting in a variation in boundary conditions. The physical properties of watermains deteriorate over time, as such must be assumed in the absence of actual field test data. The variation in physical watermain properties can therefore alter the results of the computer model simulation.
Syd Robertson, C.E.T. Project Manager, Infrastructure Approvals Development Review Branch, Urban Services, Outer Core Planning & Growth Management Department 110 Laurier Ave. W., 4th Floor E Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1 (613) 580-2424 ext/poste 27916 [email protected] www.ottawa.ca
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Legend Pipe Ownership
Private Public
From: TL Mak [[email protected]] Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 2:42 PM To: Robertson, Syd Subject: 60 Camelot Drive
Hi Syd, Further to our meeting on December 11, 2013 held at the City with the developer and his architect, we are requesting the City boundary conditions for two servicing scenarios. The proposed development consists of a three-storey mixed use office/retail building. Each floor will have approximately 743 square meters of floor area. The total gross floor area is reported to be 2,223 square meters. The building will not have a level basement. Demands are estimated using the City of Ottawa 2010 Water Distribution System Design Guidelines. Here is the requested information regarding the boundary condition for the two scenarios. Scenario No. 1
1) Location of service is a proposed 100mmØ water service to be connected to the existing 300mmØ watermain on Camelot Drive with building sprinklers. 2) Type of development is a three-storey office/retail building.
3) Average daily flow (AVDY) = 0.207 L/s.
4) Maximum daily flow (MXDY) = 0.311 L/s.
5) Peak hourly flow (PKHR) = 0.560 L/s.
Fire flow requirement: The Fire Underwriter Survey (FUS) fire flow requirement for the development in question is determined to be 183 L/s (11,000 L/min). See the attached FUS fire flow calculations. Scenario No. 2
1) Location of service is a proposed 100mmØ water service to be connected to the existing 300mmØ watermain on Camelot Drive with no building
3) Average daily flow (AVDY) = 0.207 L/s.
4) Maximum daily flow (MXDY) = 0.311 L/s.
5) Peak hourly flow (PKHR) = 0.560 L/s. Fire flow requirement: The Fire Underwriter Survey (FUS) fire flow requirement for the development in question is determined to be 267 L/s (16,000 L/min). The attached fire flow calculations summarize the assumptions/values used to determine the FUS fire flow. The City is requested to provide boundary conditions for the Average Day, Maximum Day, Peak Hour and Fire Flow conditions indicated above for Scenario No. 1 and 2. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please forward the boundary conditions as soon as possible. Tony Mak T.L. Mak Engineering Consultants Ltd. 1455 Youville Drive, Suite 218 Ottawa, ON K1C 6Z7 Tel: 613 837-5516 | Fax: 613 837-5277 E-mail: [email protected]
This e-mail originates from the City of Ottawa e-mail system. Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than the intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify me at the telephone number shown above or by return e-mail and delete this communication and any copy immediately. Thank you.
Le présent courriel a été expédié par le système de courriels de la Ville d'Ottawa. Toute distribution, utilisation ou reproduction du courriel ou des renseignements qui s'y trouvent par une personne autre que son
Date: January 29, 2014 Building Type/Description/Name: Retail/Office
Data input by: Kevin Alemany
Table A: Fire Underwriters Survey Determination of Required Fire Flow - Long Method
Step Task Term Options
Single Family 1
Other (Comm, Ind, Apt etc.) 1
2.2 # of Storeys 3 3 Storeys
None 0
Water supply is not standard or N/A 0
Sprinkler system is fully supervised -0.1
Sprinkler not fully supervised or N/A 0
North Side 20.1 to 30.1m 0.1
East Side 20.1 to 30.1m 0.1
South Side 30.1 to 45.0m 0.05
West Side 30.1 to 45.0m 0.05
& Volume
Total Required Fire Flow, rounded to nearest 1000 L/min, with max/min limits applied:
Total Required Fire Flow (above) in L/s:
Required Duration of Fire Flow (hrs)
Required Volume of Fire Flow (m 3
standard or N/A 0 N/A 0
Sprinkler reduction None 0 N/A
Required Fire Flow (without reductions or increases per FUS) (F = 220 * C * √A)
Round to nearest 1000L/min
etc.) 1 Units
Average Floor Area (A) based on design with one hour rating for vertical openings
and exterior vertical communications:
Number of Floors/Storeys in the Unit (do not include basement):
3 Enter Ground Floor
Calculations based on: "Water Supply for Public Fire
Protection " by Fire Underwriters' Survey, 1999
R-PLAN 4M-747
R-PLAN 4M-747

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