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    Why is Maties the right place for you? Its simple: here you get a top-class

    education to prepare you for success in the business world; plus a unique

    student experience that is not available anywhere else.

    Stellenbosch is reckoned among the best universities in the world, and has

    the highest research output of all universities in South Africa. It also has an

    excellent undergraduate pass rate and one of the highest rst-year through-

    put rates in the country.

    We offer high-quality teaching, innovative academic programmes and

    effective learning opportunities in a wide range of disciplines. And we

    support our students to do their best, among others by way of our First-year


    The world is changing so fast that, in the future, students will end up in

    careers that do not yet exist. We therefore provide a foundation for success by

    developing versatile and adaptable individuals well rounded and equipped

    for a variety of challenges.

    We offer opportunities for leadership development so that our graduates can

    be responsible and critical citizens of the world people who can play a role

    in the sustainable development of our country and our continent; role models

    who can make a difference in peoples lives.

    Multilingualism is an asset not a burden and therefore we use

    Afrikaans and English as languages of instruction, as well as Xhosa as an

    additional administrative language. We regard language as an instrument of

    empowerment, denitely not as a hindrance.

    As far as extramural activities are concerned, Maties also is tops. Our choir

    was again crowned world champion in 2012, and our achievements on the

    sport elds are legendary. You will have the opportunity to live out your

    interests to your hearts content.

    We encourage our students to participate in society life, community

    interaction and leadership opportunities such as house committees and the

    Students Representative Council, and to join our famous student newspaper,

    Die Matie, and our student radio station MFM.

    Being a Matie is a unique experience and a privilege. I really look forward to

    welcoming you as Maties on one of our campuses next year!

    Prof H Russel Botman


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    01 Student life02 Language at SU

    10 AgriSciences15 Arts and Social Sciences22 Economic and Management Sciences29 Education34 Engineering37 Law40 Medicine and Health Sciences44 Military Science47 Science53 Theology

    ABBREVIATIONSNBTs = National Benchmark Tests

    NSC = National Senior Certicate

    EDP = extended degree programme

    Prospective students portal:www.maties.com

    Stellenbosch University website:www.sun.ac.za

    Open day:Friday 2 August 2013 from 9:00 to 16:30 at the Langenhoven Students Centre (the Neelsie)

    Visit us! Come and nd out for yourself by meeting our lecturers, speaking to some students, nding

    out more about our programmes, checking out our facilities and by tasting the food of the Neelsie.

    The University has the right to adjust the information in this brochure at any time and as the need may

    arise. This information may therefore be incomplete or out of date. The information for 2014 is given here

    as accurately and fully as, to the best of our knowledge, was possible at the time of going to press.

    Verifying the given information remains the responsibility of the prospective student. The latest

    information is available on www.maties.com and at the telephone numbers below.

    03 Admission and registration04 National Benchmark Tests

    05 Fees06 Bursaries and loans

    07 Academic support for rst-year students09 Accommodation

    55 Centre for Prospective Students55 Centre for Student Counselling and Development

    56 Centre for Student Affairs56 Campus Health Services

    56 Sports Medicine Services (SUSPI)56 Language Centre

    57 Library and Information Service57 Campus Security

    58 Campus map

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    I want to be a Matie

    Students of Stellenbosch University (and sometimes even the lecturers!)are known as Maties. We are not quite certain where this name comes from.

    It might have arisen on the sports grounds, where our athletes would have

    called one another things like ou maat(old friend), and this might have been

    turned into Matie (maatjie) by their opponents.

    This should tell you something about the spirit on our campus the student

    life, the sport, studying together in the library and chatting in the Neelsie

    over a mug of coffee or tea. We can boast that students of all cultures choose

    Stellenbosch University as theplace to study.

    What all can I do?There are a large variety of academic and non-academic societiesthat you

    can join. There denitely is something for everyone! Whether it is dancing,

    doing good or debating, or whether you would like to be involved in

    something spiritual, natural or communal Find your place at the SocietiesCouncil. Feel free to visit us at www.sun.ac.za/verenigings.

    You are granted an opportunity to develop your leadershipcapacities

    within a variety of areas, such as the Students Representative Council, the

    Academic Affairs Council, House Committees and other organisations.

    Through these structures, the University endeavours to provide its students

    with an opportunity to contribute to the management of the University.

    Stellenbosch is renowned for its sporting achievements. We have excellent

    facilities and coaches to help you reach your full potential on the sports


    It is also very important to the University that we make a difference in the

    community. The Matie Community Service (MCS) offers a variety of

    projects in which you can become involved and thereby make a difference in

    the lives of other people. Vensters, a multimedia display on campus, is one ofthe big projects in which most rst-year students become involved.

    e-Campus, here I comeStellenbosch University is regarded as a technologically clever institution.

    This is largely thanks to the more than 80 Wi-Fi hot spots from which you

    can gain remote internet access. This means that you have access to the

    internet from just about everywhere on campus. We thus use our cutting-edge

    technology to facilitate and improve teaching, learning and research.

    As a student you can access the campus network and IT systems from the

    close on 2 500 computers in the various computer user areas across the

    campus, or from your residence room.

    Bring along your laptop or tablet device to campus. Our campus computer

    initiative allows students to buy laptops at a reduced price computers thathave been approved by the Universitys IT division and come standard with

    Windows 7 and Ofce 10 Pro.

    The www.MyMaties.com portal also gives students access to everything they

    need: information on bursaries and loans, lodgings, and much more. Once

    you are a student, you use this portal every day for everything from e-mails

    and Webstudies to booking your meals at your residence and looking for

    resources in the library.

    How can we help you?The Centre for Student Affairs coordinates virtually all the non-academic

    activities on campus. Take a look in the back of this brochure, under

    Services, for the contact details (page 55). Or contact us on Facebook

    (www.facebook.com/stellenboschuniversity) and Twitter (@stellenboschuni).

    The Rooiplein, Die Laan, the Neelsie, MAD2, vensters, Victoria Street, oak trees, sr...All of these form part of the world of a Matie. To be a student at Stellenbosch University is aboutmore than just swotting and getting a degree. Here we want to know who, and not what, you want tobecome.

    The heartbeat of campus life of truly being a Matie is linked to the large variety of activities thatare presented here: from sport and culture to intellectual and social activities. Whether you live in aresidence, or lodge privately, all Maties share a spirit of solidarity on campus. Here you will make friendsfor life with whom you will reminisce about your experiences at Stellenbosch for a long time.

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    How does this impact you as a student?You may encounter one of the following situations in the classroom:

    - Your lectures are presented in Afrikaans and the teaching and learning

    materials (excluding text books) are in English and in Afrikaans;

    - Your lectures are presented in English and in Afrikaans, and your teaching-

    learning materials (excluding text books) are in English and in Afrikaans;- Your lectures are presented in English. This usually happens when

    programmes or modules are unique to this University and at faculties

    offering the rst year of their study programmes in separate streams in

    English and in Afrikaans (parallel-medium instruction).

    The following applies to each of these situations:- You can do assignments, exams and tests in English or Afrikaans, as well

    as oral communication and discussions in the lectures.

    - With the exclusion of modules in language instruction, you may expect to

    receive examination and test questions and assignments in Afrikaans and

    in English.

    What are our expectations of you?The University wishes you to respect the spirit of the Language Policy and

    Language Plan. You can do this, by developing your skills in at least the twolanguages of instruction, by respecting other language users, and actively

    participating during lectures.

    Who can assist me with my Afrikaans or English?The Universitys Language Centre (see under Services on page 56) offers

    language support in the development of your academic language skills

    in Afrikaans and in English. It is important that you make use of these

    opportunities offered for language development.

    How do I know in what language my classes will be?The individual faculties present the modules of the teaching programmes

    in their calendars. These modules are denoted by means of a language

    specication (refer to the table on the right) should a specication other than

    the A specication apply.

    Stellenbosch University (SU) is a multilingual university which usesAfrikaans (predominantly), but also English, as medium of instruction.In addition, the University makes provision for the development ofsubject terminology and communication skills in Xhosa. This approachto language aims at producing multilingual graduates and promotingAfrikaans as academic language.

    You can therefore establish, prior to registering for a programme, which

    language specication applies to each module. See also on www.maties.com

    under What can I study?

    If you make use of e-registration (electronic self-registration), you will nd

    the language specications of the modules for which you are registering

    on the registration system. If a module is presented in separate streams inAfrikaans and English, you are free to choose which stream you want to join.

    The full text of the Universitys Language Policy and Plan is available in

    English at www.sun.ac.za/language. The guidelines for the language of

    learning and teaching in the classroom are also available here.

    Language specication

    The A specication(Afrikaansas the principalmedium of instruction)

    The T specication(Bilingualclasses: 50% Eng-lish and 50% Afrikaans)

    The E specication(Englishas medium of


    The A&E specication(Separate streams in Afri-kaans and English)


    - The teaching is done mainly in Afrikaans.- The teaching and learning materials

    (textbooks excluded) are in Afrikaans

    and English as far as possible.

    - The teaching is done in Afrikaans for notless than 50% of the time.

    - The teaching and learning materials

    (textbooks excluded) are in Afrikaansand English as far as possible.

    - The teaching is done mainly in English.- The teaching and learning materials

    (textbooks excluded) are in English andin Afrikaans whenever possible.

    - This could mean that there are separateclasses that are presented entirely inAfrikaans or entirely in English, or it could

    mean that the class is presented entirely ineither Afrikaans or English, and that inter-preting into the other language is offered.

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    REGISTRATION&APPLYING FOR ADMISSIONThe University makes its ofcial application form available in two formats:

    an electronic application form and a paper application form.

    Applying with the electronic form

    Many prospective students nd it convenient to apply for admission elec-

    tronically via the Internet on the web portal www.maties.com under Apply

    and Apply online. However, for this you will need an e-mail address so

    that the University can correspond with you electronically.

    Applying with the paper form

    Application forms are available from the enquiries desk in the foyer of Ad-

    ministration Building A, or can be requested from our Client Service Centre

    at the numbers and addresses below.

    Application feeWhen applying via the Internet, the application fee can be settled at the same

    time. When using the paper form, the required application fee mentionedon the front page of the form should accompany the application by cheque

    or postal order, or deposit slip in case of an electronic transfer (see banking

    details on page 5; use the rst eight digits of your ID number as reference).

    Closing dates for applications- Programmes in Medicine and Health Sciences: 31 May

    - Programmes in Law, Education and Engineering, as well as BA (Sport

    Science) and BSc (Sport Science): 30 June

    - For the BA (Visual Arts), BA (Drama), BA (Music), BMus programmes:

    see under the various programmes

    - All other programmes: 30 June, with acceptance of late applications until

    30 September, provided that the University reserve the right to close late

    applications for any programme at any time prior to 30 September

    - For accommodation in a residence: 30 June

    Your student numberWhen the University processes your formal application for admission, it will

    assign you a unique student number for identication purposes. This number

    will remain your student number at Stellenbosch University for the rest of

    your life. Once you have been informed of your student number, you will be

    required to quote it in all future communication with the University, when ap-

    plying for bursaries, and also when you register at the start of the academic year.

    Our admission requirementsTo study at Stellenbosch University, you are required to:

    Have obtained a National Senior Certicate (NSC) as certied by Umalusi

    with admission to Bachelors degree studies, which means that you must

    obtain a mark of at least 4 (50%) in each of four school subjects from the

    list of university admission subjects*

    All our programmes are selection programmes, because large numbers of prospective students apply forthem. Unfortunately we can accept only a limited number of students. Therefore, even though you maymeet the minimum admission requirements of a programme, you are not guaranteed admission to theprogramme of your choice.

    Have written the National Benchmark Tests (see page 4)

    Also meet further requirements specic to the programme of your choice

    as set out in the programme outlines under the various faculties

    If you have not yet taken the nal NSC examination, use your grade 11 nal

    marks as a provisional guide.

    *University admission subjectsAccounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Consumer Studies,

    Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography,

    History, Information Technology, Languages (one language of learning and

    teaching at a higher education institution and two other recognised language

    subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physi-

    cal Sciences, Religion Studies and Visual Arts.

    Old matriculation requirements

    For the requirements according to the old matriculation curriculum (until

    2007), contact our Client Service Centre (see Enquiries below).

    Tuition fees

    Approximate tuition fees for a number of representative programmes are

    given on page 5.

    REGISTRATION AS A STUDENTOnce you have gained provisional admission to the programme of study

    for which you have applied, the University will send you information as

    of October on when you should report to Stellenbosch for the Welcoming

    Programme and how to register. There are two ways to register at the begin-

    ning of the year: electronically via the Internet, or on the campus during the

    Welcoming Programme at the start of the academic year. Attendance of theWelcoming Programme is compulsory, as you will receive important infor-

    mation of cardinal value to all rst-year students during the programme.

    EnquiriesClient Service Centre

    Tel.: 021 808 9111

    Fax: 021 808 3822

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Postal address: Admissions, Stellenbosch University,

    Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602

    Level of performance 3 4 5 6 7

    % 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-100

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    What will it cost me? AQL only: R110

    AQL and MAT: R195

    Applicants who do not report for their registered tests must register and pay

    again in order to reschedule the missed tests. Scores are not released unless

    fees have been paid.

    How do I register to write?You will only be able to write the NBTs upon successful registration and

    payment for a test session. You can register on the internet, using either a

    computer or cell phone.

    This is how to book your seat

    Using a computer:

    Go to www.nbt.ac.za and click on the tab Register to Write.

    Follow the prompts.

    After youve clicked on Submit, a letter conrming your registration

    (with EasyPay barcode) will be available to download and print.

    Using a cell phone:

    Go to the NBT website in the same way as you would MXit or Facebook.

    After entering your personal information, you can obtain your NBT

    registration letter and EasyPay barcode in one of two ways:

    Enter your e-mail address and the letter will be sent for you to

    download and print later; or

    When you have access to a computer and printer, return to

    www.nbt.ac.za, log in with your ID, and then print the letter.

    This is how to pay

    Take your NBT registration letter to an EasyPay pay point near you to pay

    the testing fees. You may also pay on the EasyPay website (www.easypay.

    co.za) and print out your receipt.

    You must show both the letter of registration and receipt of payment at the

    test venue on the day of the session to be allowed to write the NBTs.

    What time are the tests and how long do they take? The AQL (3 hours and 5 minutes writing time) is written during a morning

    session. Applicants are required to report at 7:30 on the test date.

    The MAT (3 hours writing time) is written in the afternoon session of the

    same day, with a short lunch break between the two tests.

    What must I bring along to the test session? ID book, passport, or certied receipt of application for a South African ID. Registration letter and EasyPay receipt of payment of test fees.

    Two HB pencils, an eraser, and a pencil sharpener.

    Lunch, if you are writing both tests.


    Where and when can I write the NBTs?Visit www.nbt.ac.za for a list of test dates and venues for 2013.

    Where can I obtain more information?NBT Call Centre: 021 650 3523

    Website: www.nbt.ac.za









    What are the NBTs?The NBTs are an assessment for prospective rst-year students for entry

    into higher education. The tests measure levels of prociency in Academic

    Literacy, Quantitative Literacy and Mathematics as related to the demands of

    higher education study. The NBTs consist of two tests: (1) the Academic and

    Quantitative Literacy test (AQL) and (2) the Mathematics test (MAT).

    Who should write the NBTs and why?All undergraduate applicants who wish to register as rst-year students at

    SU. The NBTs provide additional information that assists in the selection and

    placement of students in regular or extended degree programmes.

    Which of the NBTs should I write?This is determined by the admission requirements of the programme you

    apply for:

    In the rst test, the Academic and Quantitative Literacy domains

    are combined into one multiple-choice test (AQL). Applicants to all

    programmes write the AQL.

    The second multiple-choice test, Mathematics (MAT), is written by

    applicants to programmes for which Mathematics is a requirement.

    It is compulsory for all prospective students atStellenbosch University (SU) to write the NationalBenchmark Tests (NBTs). The NBT project ismanaged by the Alternative Admissions ResearchProject at the University of Cape Town.

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    Amount payable on day of registration(Please note that these amounts are for 2013.)

    - First instalment on tuition fees R9 000

    - First instalment on accommodation fees R7 950

    Therefore, students who stay in university residences pay the rst instalments

    of tuition fees and accommodation fees (R16 950) at registration. Students

    who stay at home or in private lodgings pay only the tuition fees instalment

    (R9 000) at registration.

    Accelerated procedure for paying fees onregistrationYou can avoid the long waiting time at the cashiers when registering by

    paying your fees electronically; by sending it to the University by crossed

    cheque or by postal order to reach us before or on the day of registration;

    or by paying it at the cashier in person before this date. All you then need

    to do at registration is to have your student card activated at a control point.

    Students who register via the Internet have the option to pay electronically at

    the same time in order to prevent interest accumulating.

    How to payThe University accepts various modes of payment: online with a credit

    card (see web address below for payment options), cash, crossed cheques

    made out to the Stellenbosch University, electronic payments, direct bankpayments, debit cards, crossed postal orders and debit orders (forms available

    from web address below or from Mr Davidse at 021 808 3530).

    Bank details:

    ABSA Stellenbosch

    Branch code 632005

    Account No. 0410 204 789

    Provide your student number as reference.

    Fax deposit slip to Ms Amerika on 021 808 3739.

    After paying the rst instalment at registration, you may choose between two

    systems to pay the balance of your account:

    1 According to the debit order system, you pay the outstanding fees in seven

    instalments (the rst one on 1 May).

    2 If you do not make use of the debit order system, the balance of yourstudent fees account must be settled in two instalments:

    - On or before 31 May 75% of the outstanding fees.

    - On or before 30 September the outstanding balance on your student

    fees account.

    Payment of fees on registration by students withbursaries or loansBursary and/or loan fees received by the University are credited to the

    account of the student concerned. If such fees, or a copy of the ofcial letter

    awarding the bursary and indicating the amount awarded, are received in

    good time and adequately cover the applicable amounts mentioned above,

    the candidate concerned may also follow the accelerated procedure. It is the

    responsibility of the student to arrange with the bursary or loan institution to

    have these fees paid over to the University by the day of registration.

    Estimated tuition fees for 2013Below is a representative sample of the Universitys study programmes along with

    the estimated tuition fee for each per annum. Please bear in mind that these gures

    are simply meant as a rough indication of the cost of tuition. (Tuition fees increase

    annually by between 10 and 15%.)

    EnquiriesClient Service Centre

    Tel.: 021 808 9111Fax: 021 808 3822

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Bursaries and Loans:Disbursements

    Mrs J Swart

    Tel. 021 808 4522

    Ofce hours:Administration Building A, Stellenbosch

    For payments: Mon. to Fri. 08:00 to 15:30

    For enquiries: Mon. to Fri. 08:00 to 16:30

    Website for payment options:www.maties.com under Fees

    BA 28 232

    BA in Law 33 596

    BMus 30 358

    BA in Drama and Theatre Studies 26 946

    BA in Visual Arts 26 971

    LLB (Undergraduate) 33 686

    BSc 35 382

    BSc in Forestry (1st 4th year) 31 255

    BScAgric 32 685

    BSc in Food Science 33 696

    BComm 27 327

    BComm (Law) 34 686

    BComm in Actuarial Science 39 894

    BAcc (1st 2nd year) 31 517

    BAccLLB 35 837BEng 38 369

    BEd in General Education 27 804

    BTh (B in Theology) or BDiv 28 553

    MB,ChB (1st year) 43 149

    MB,ChB (2nd 6th year) 45 239

    B of Occupational Therapy 36 290

    B of Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy 30 906

    BSc in Physiotherapy 32 545

    BSc in Dietetics 34 636


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    Merit bursaries for first-year studentsMerit bursaries are awarded according to grade 12 aggregates in the

    following categories of achievement:

    85% to 89,9%90% and higher

    You will be awarded a merit bursary if you obtain a grade 12 average of 85%

    or more (excluding Life Orientation) in the nal exams. Merit bursaries are

    calculated as a percentage of the tuition fee by means of a sliding scale, with

    the smallest rebate for the lowest category (85%+) and the biggest rebate for

    the highest category (90%+). The rebate for the category 8589,9% will be at

    least 40%, increasing for the following category.

    Merit bursaries are awarded automatically; however, grade 12 learners who

    have taken their examination with a body other than a provincial department

    of education have to apply for a merit bursary.

    Sibling benefitsThe University offers a 10% rebate on tuition fees when three or morechildren from the same family study at the University simultaneously. An

    application form for rebate is available on the website below or at the Client

    Service Centre.

    Sports bursariesA number of special bursaries are available for those who have excelled at

    sport. You may obtain further particulars of these bursaries from the Director:

    Sport on tel. 021 808 4642

    Other bursariesA large number of general bursaries for study in any faculty, as well as

    bursaries for study in a specic faculty or department, are described in

    Part 2 of the University Calendar and are available to students who are

    academically deserving and/or nancially needy.

    Bursary loans for needy studentsThe University also offers bursary loans for needy students.

    Closing dates for applications:- All bursary and loan applications administered by the University: 30 June

    - Private companies have different closing dates for their bursaries. See the

    University Calendar Part 2 for the particulars.

    Please note: The information about bursaries and loans, including the

    information about categories and rebates, is subject to change. So, before

    registering for studies, you need to check any such information at the

    contact numbers or website below

    Enquiries and applicationsWebsite: www.maties.com under Bursaries and loans

    Prospective students who have already applied for admission and received

    their student numbers may apply online for bursaries and loans. The

    University Calendar Part 2 is also available here.

    Postal address: Bursaries and Loans (Undergraduate)

    Stellenbosch University

    Private Bag X1

    Matieland 7602

    Client Service Centre

    Tel.: 021 808 9111

    Fax: 021 808 2954

    E-mail: [email protected]

    University study is expensive and requires nancial planning. The University offers nancial aid forqualifying students, but students and/or their parents have the primary responsibility to make sufcientnancial provision beforehand. For further particulars of the various forms of nancial aid sketchedbelow, see Part 2 of the University Calendar (ask for a copy at tel. 021 808 9111 or download one fromthe web address below).



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    FIRST-YEAR ACADEMYUnique to Stellenbosch University is the First-year Academy (FYA), an

    initiative that focuses specically on success in the rst year. The FYA entails

    a large variety of activities that are coordinated in a purposeful way. You

    will be introduced to the FYA on the day that you arrive at the University.

    For example, the Welcoming Programme is arranged under the banner of

    the FYA. In your rst few weeks on campus you will complete an early

    assessment in all your modules these marks will be made available to you,

    your lecturers and your parents by the end of week six to provide an early

    indication of how you are progressing and whether you need additional

    assistance. Furthermore, the FYA supports a large number of tutorial

    programmes that form part of many of your rst-year modules. The FYA also

    rewards its top achievers during a prestigious dinner held annually.

    EXTENDED DEGREE PROGRAMMES (EDPs)The EDPs are programmes of full status that provide an alternative route to

    academic success. They are offered in the following faculties: AgriSciences,

    Arts and Social Sciences, Economic and Management Sciences, Engineering,

    Medicine and Health Sciences, Science, and Theology. The programmes are

    intended for students with the potential to have successful academic careers,

    but whose schooling has not adequately prepared them for university studies.

    What are the EDPs?The structure of the EDPs may vary from faculty to faculty. Usually the rst

    academic year of an EDP extends over two years, with a reduced workload of

    mainstream modules (in the case of Science, AgriSciences and Engineering

    the rst year is preceded by a foundation year). In addition, academic

    foundational modules are included in the programme to provide studentswith a stronger foundation for their studies. More information on the content

    of each facultys EDP is available in its Calendar part (see www.sun.ac.za/

    university/jaarboek/ for the respective faculties calendars).

    In most cases all your rst-year work (including the foundational modules)

    will be completed by the end of your second year. After successfully

    completing the rst two years, you will be able to enter the second

    mainstream year (you are then in your third year at university, but are

    ofcially in your second academic year), which will enable you to complete

    your degree. This qualication is the same as the corresponding mainstream

    degree awarded by the University.

    How do I qualify for an EDP?Access to the EDPs differs from faculty to faculty. The faculty ofcers deal

    with all applications from students and will notify you if you qualify for

    the EDP route. It is important to remember that admission to the EDPs is

    still subject to certain minimum requirements and selection criteria (see the

    faculty Calendars for these minimum requirements). For more information

    regarding the EDP, please see contact information below or visit the Centre

    for Teaching and Learnings website on stbweb02.stb.sun.ac.za/sol/.

    ResEd PROGRAMMEThe ResEd programme is a comprehensive initiative that aims to improve

    the academic success of students by facilitating their transition from school

    to university. It entails, for example, that residences and Private Students

    Organisation (PSO) wards are divided into ResEd groups (clusters) to

    provide support to rst-year students. The most important aspect is theappointment of senior students as mentors to rst-year students to help them

    adjust to university study. The programme was strengthened considerably in

    2010 with the appointment of more mentors for rst-year students in private

    accommodation. The mentors also arrange small-group discussions with rst-

    year students on various topics: managing my nances, time management,

    stress management and getting the most from my classes.

    SportEd PROGRAMMEThis programme is aimed at rst-year students who participate in sport at

    the provincial or national level. It makes use of mentors to help rst-year

    students to adjust to university life and, specically, to reconcile the demands

    of academics and sport.


    PROFICIENCYFor a signicant number of students with high academic potential, low levelsof academic literacy (academic reading and writing) or inadequate language

    prociency levels in Afrikaans and/or English can put their academic success

    at risk. The Language Centre therefore presents a variety of academic literacy

    and language acquisition courses as well as other services to support you in

    this regard. Refer to the back of this prospectus under Services for more


    OTHER FORMS OF SUPPORTThe Centre for Student Counselling and Development offers professional

    academic counselling and psychological support to students.

    Stellenbosch University cares about its rst-year students and wishesto support every student in the achievement of academic success. Overand above the day-to-day support that you receive from your lecturers,assistance is offered in a variety of ways. Read more on this and on theSciMathUS bridging programme below.


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    SciMathUS BRIDGING PROGRAMMESciMathUS, our one-year bridging programme, offers educationally disadvantaged learners who do not meet the admission requirements for university

    programmes an opportunity to qualify for study at university. Students can choose between a Science stream and an Accounting stream.

    In the Science stream you rewrite the grade 12 examinations (NSC) in Mathematics and Physical Sciences. In the Accounting stream you rewrite only the NSC

    Mathematics examinations. Accounting and Economics are offered and assessed by the University. If your results improve, you can again apply for university study.

    The programme is not a revision year. You are taught to think for yourself and to take responsibility for what you want to learn; skills that are absolutely

    necessary for university. You will also be helped with career planning.

    You only have to pay part of the costs of the programme; the programme

    is funded by the private sector. Accommodation and nancial support is

    available to some students. SciMathUS is also held at Worcester.

    Visit our website at www.imstus.sun.ac.za and click on SciMathUS, or

    phone the number below.

    Admission requirements

    You are currently in grade 12 or have passed grade 12. You have at least four University admission subjects (see page 3). Your grade 12 average is at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation). You have at least 50% (level 4) in Afrikaans or English (Home Lan-

    guage or First Additional Language). For the Mathematics and Science stream:You have at least 30%

    (level 2) in Mathematics or 80% (level 7) in Mathematical Literacyand 30% (level 2) in Physical Sciences.

    For the Mathematics and Accounting stream:You have at least 30%

    (level 2) in Mathematics or 80% (level 7) in Mathematical Literacy. You need to provide proof that circumstances (nancial, school or

    home) led to your educational disadvantage.

    Enquiries about Contact person E-mail address Telephone

    SciMathUS Ms Adele Pool [email protected] 021 808 3032

    SportEd programme Ms Karin Swart [email protected] 021 808 4585

    ResEd programme Mr Pieter Kloppers [email protected] 021 808 2810

    Academic counselling Ms Elmien Strauss [email protected] 021 808 4707

    Workshops (academic and personal development) Administrative assistant [email protected] 021 808 4703

    Academic literacy and language skills Ms Nawaal Jansen [email protected] 021 808 2905

    Extended degree programmes per faculty:

    AgriSciences and Science Ms Wilma Wagener [email protected] 021 808 3063

    Arts and Social Sciences Ms Anita Jonker [email protected] 021 808 2081

    Economic and Management Sciences Mr Gert Young [email protected] 021 808 4937

    Engineering Mr August Engelbrecht [email protected] 021 808 4205

    Medicine and Health Sciences Dr Alwyn Louw [email protected] 021 938 9389

    General EDP enquiries Mr Gert Young [email protected] 021 808 4937

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    How to applyProspective students wanting University accommodation must ll in the

    section for accommodation on the same form on which they apply for

    admission to the University. If you are a minor, your parents or guardian

    must complete and sign the application form. The nal closing date for

    applications is 30 June of the year before the accommodation is needed.

    Allocation of accommodationYour application for a place in a University residence will be considered onlyafter the University has granted you conditional admission to a programme

    of study. Therefore, if you apply for a selection programme, name a non-

    selection programme as a second choice to ensure that you can be considered

    for placement in a residence.

    First-year students may be placed in any of the various residences, which are

    under the supervision of a warden, assisted by senior students acting as mentors.

    The way in which students are placed in University residences are under

    revision. When available, the revised information will be published on the

    website below and on www.sun.ac.za/ssg.

    When your application has been successfulThe University will notify you in writing that a place in a residence has beenreserved for you. If you want to accept it, you have to pay the prescribed

    deposit immediately. The University will then allocate you a place in a

    specic residence and notify you of this by letter.

    The University requires all rst-year students to report a week or so before the

    start of the academic year for a thoroughly planned programme of orientation

    and guidance to prepare you for your new study environment. First-year

    students assigned to a University residence may move in during this week.

    Each room in the residences has a network point for connecting your own

    computer to the Universitys network, electronic information resources, the

    Internet and web-based e-learning tools. Before buying a computer, check

    the recommended minimum requirements on blogs.sun.ac.za/it/support under


    Approximate accommodation fees(Estimated fees for 2013 double-room facilities)

    Women R23 920

    Men R24 420

    Meals: Various options, e.g. 3 meals a day, 7 days a week R14 040 per year

    Note: The tariffs will increase by about 10% annually. See our website for

    current information.

    Private accommodationStudents looking for private accommodation should visit the website below.

    All students not staying in residences are assigned to one of ten wards of

    the Private Students Organisation (PSO). The PSO wards are grouped into

    clusters with residences. For each of these clusters a hub is being built, where

    day students can spend free time. The rst hub, amaMaties, has already been

    built with two to follow.

    In this way, day students in PSO wards can enjoy the same benets that

    residence students enjoy, such as the support of mentors.

    Medicine and Health Sciences students are in the Osler Tygerberg ward.

    Stellenbosch students can expect a letter from a ward conrming their

    membership, or they can visit the website below for conrmation.A membership fee is charged annually.

    EnquiriesClient Service Centre

    Tel.: 021 808 9111

    Fax: 021 808 3822

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Website: www.maties.com, following the links Accommodation and to see

    whether your application has been successful Status of application.

    University residence accommodation on the Stellenbosch and Tygerberg campuses is very popular.Accommodation, especially at Stellenbosch, is rather limited because the Western Cape has a stable,strongly growing economy and is a beautiful part of the country, making it a popular place to work andto retire. And Stellenbosch is one of our countrys most popular tourist attractions, which makes thepressure for accommodation even more intense.

    About 6 000 students can be accommodated in about 28 University residences and other Universityaccommodation on the Stellenbosch Campus. The ve residences on the Tygerberg Campus, wherethe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences is situated, house a further 1 200 students. Most Matiesstudying on these two campuses (about 28 000 students) have to arrange private accommodation inStellenbosch and its environs.



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    soil scientistanimal production manager

    food scientistand many more...

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    Agricultural, forestry and conservation ecology education

    Worldwide the biggest challenges are to supply food to rapidly growing

    populations; to ensure that food and food sources are unpolluted and safe for

    consumers and that the environment is used and managed in such a way that

    it can be preserved for posterity.

    For the past 90 years, the Faculty of AgriSciences has played a key role in

    meeting these major challenges. We train experts in each of the four broad

    areas of the agribusiness labour market, namely plant, soil and conservation

    sciences, animal production systems, food and wine production systems,

    agricultural economics and managementand, in collaboration with

    the Cape Institute for Agricultural Training: Elsenburg, also in applied

    agricultural production and management. Our programmes focus on

    providing students with the theoretical, technological, practical and genericskills essential to sustainable food production and food security. Our

    graduates are well equipped to make use of a creative and problem-solving

    approach to managing complex and challenging agricultural systems.

    Stellenbosch University is the only South African university that offers

    complete undergraduate programmes in conservation ecology, viticulture

    and oenologyand in forestry and wood sciences. These programmes have

    become renowned as foremost in their elds in Africa. Students from all our

    neighbouring countries and from further aeld in Africa, Europe and even

    South America come to Stellenbosch to study these degrees. Our training is

    scientic, but with a practical orientation. From the outset students participate

    in excursions, visits to the industry and eldwork.

    All our programmes lead to a bachelors degree that will equip you to compete

    successfully in almost any profession of your choice in one of the broad areas

    of agribusiness. After obtaining a bachelors degree, you may broaden your

    career opportunities considerably by obtaining further qualications through

    postgraduate study. You may follow a masters degree and then a doctorate in

    one of the specialised elds of the academic programmes under the guidance of

    one or more of our world-class researchers.

    At the end of each programme description, we include the postgraduate

    programmes that can follow. On completion of a four-year bachelors degree,

    you can register directly for a masters degree. After a three-year bachelors

    degree an honours degree or postgraduate diploma precedes a masters degree.

    Strengthen your academic basis

    Some prospective students face challenges in realising their full potential.This could be due to a host of factors, including inadequate schooling. If you

    are one of these students or if you would like to strengthen your academic

    foundation to make sure that you complete your studies successfully, you

    could consider doing an extended degree programme.

    Extended degree programmes (EDPs)

    In the Faculty of AgriSciences there are two types of extended degree


    If you study the BAgricAdmin in Agribusiness Management, the BScAgric in

    Agricultural Economic Analysis and Management or the BScAgric in Wood

    Product Science, the workload of the rst academic year is spread over two

    years. In these two years you do support modules in addition to the ordinary

    rst-year work. When you have successfully completed the rst two years

    Agricultural economics and managementBScAgricBAgricAdmin*Agricultural production and management (Elsenburg)BAgricAnimal production systemsBScAgric*

    Conservation ecologyBScConsEcol*Food and wine production systemsBSc Food Sc*BScAgric in Viticulture and Oenology or in OenologySpecialised*

    Forestry and wood sciencesBScFor*Plant and soil sciencesBScAgric*

    * These programmes are also offered as extended degree programmes (EDPs). See below and page 7.

    Programme guide

    If you have a degree in agrisciences, you have a qualication with which you can compete on nationaland international levels. You will be part of a group of experts who are highly sought-after in SouthAfrica, Africa and the rest of the world. There is a range of challenging employment opportunities inthe agricultural, forestry and conservation industries, ranging from the most practical to the highlytechnological. These include various management aspects, such as those relating to human resources,nance, plants and animals, equipment and the environment. Graduates can choose to work in theoutdoors, in laboratories or in the business environment. The success of our former students in the workenvironment is widely recognised, with several of our graduates accepting senior management positionsor leadership rolesearly in their careers.

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    12of the extended degree programme, you complete the rest of the degree

    programme without additional help and within the remaining time (usually

    two or three years).

    In all the other elds of study the EDP entails an extra year of study taking

    foundation modules before you start with your mainstream modules. Also see

    the information on academic support on pages 7-8.


    BScAgric or BAgricAdminThis programme develops skilled agricultural economists and agricultural

    managers who have a thorough understanding of agricultural economics

    and agricultural management techniques for the public and private

    sectors. In order to satisfy all the agricultural economics and agricultural

    management requirements of the target markets, the programme consistsof four related elds of study with corresponding degree qualications:

    agricultural economic analysis (BScAgric), agricultural economic analysis

    and management (BScAgric), food-processing management (BScAgric) and

    agribusiness management (BAgricAdmin).

    BScAgric fields of study (4 years)Graduates will come in line for careers as researchers for macro-economic

    analysis (impact assessment and the design of agricultural and food policies),

    as agricultural economists at nancial or marketing organisations (valuations,

    risk analysis, business plans, cash ow), as well as managers and specialists

    at organisations in the public sector or at international organisations

    concerned with economic development (for instance the World Bank).

    Food-processing management, a brand new eld of study, combines

    Agricultural Economics with selected Food Science modules. The purposeis to train students as managers with a deeper insight into food processing,

    enabling them to manage food processing concerns effectively. This

    qualication should even enable primary producers to process their own raw


    BAgricAdmin field of study (3 years)Students choosing the eld of study Agribusiness Management can follow

    careers as production, marketing, purchasing and general managers of

    businesses supplying agricultural input and doing agricultural processing,

    imports and exports. Working as an agricultural economist at commercial

    banks and other nancial organisations is also an option. Such work may

    include viability studies and drawing up and evaluating business plans and

    cash ow plans.

    Postgraduate programmes- After BScAgric follows MScAgric, PhD or DSc in Agricultural Economics

    and Management

    - After BAgricAdmin follows BAgricAdminHons, MAgricAdmin, PhD or

    DSc in Agricultural Economics and Management


    BAgricThis degree programme is being offered in collaboration with the Cape

    Institute for Agricultural Training: Elsenburg. Students reside on the

    Elsenburg campus where they receive all of their training. For more

    information, phone the Institute on 021 808 5451.

    This programme in applied agricultural production and management is

    practically oriented, at the same time providing the necessary scientic depth

    to full in the needs and challenges of modern agriculture. The emphasis

    is on the economical and technical management of commercial farming

    and agriculturally related production systems. According to their interest

    students may choose two majors from a wide range of study elds consisting

    of combinations of agritourism, agronomy and pastures, animal production

    (large stock and small stock), vegetable production, cellar management,

    entomology, pomology, extension and viticulture and oenology. You also

    take a variety of basic and support modules such as Soil Science and Crop


    You will therefore be well equipped for managerial positions in a wide range

    of agribusinesses. You will also be able to enter careers in disciplines such as

    research, extension, training and education.


    BScAgricThis programme integrates knowledge of the ecology, biochemistry,

    physiology, nutrition, breeding, production and product quality of animal

    production systems. It also covers the management of animal production

    systems in an environmentally fr iendly and economically effective way,

    to ensure increased production and production efciency. In the broad

    area of animal production systems you can choose a eld of study from

    the following: animal sciences alone or in combination with agriculturaleconomics, agronomy, aquaculture or conservation ecology.

    The study of one of these elds prepares you for a career as a consultant,

    entrepreneur, technician, adviser, production manager in animal sciences

    and related industries (such as animal nutrition, meat science, animal

    reproduction, animal physiology, animal breeding, etc.) or in the aquaculture

    industry, or as livestock or game farmer.

    Postgraduate programmes

    - MScAgric (Animal Science or Aquaculture), PhD or DSc in Animal

    Production Systems

    - Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Production Systems (Animal Science or



    BScConsEcolThis unique programme, with an emphasis on social-ecological systems,

    equips you to work at solving the worlds conservation challenges. You

    will have a choice of careers in environmental impact assessment and

    monitoring (terrestrial and freshwater), restoration ecology, game farm

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL and MAT (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation)

    English or Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 Mathematics 4 Physical Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Life Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Agricultural Sciences 6

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL and MAT (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation) English or Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 Mathematics 4 Physical Sciences 4 OR

    Physical Sciences 3 and Life Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Agricultural Sciences 6

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL and MAT (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation)

    English or Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 Mathematics 4 Physical Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Life Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Agricultural Sciences 6Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4)

    For the NSC an aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation) Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 Mathematics 4 or Mathematical Literacy 5 Physical Sciences 4 OR Life Sciences 4 OR

    Agricultural Sciences 4

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    1management, ecotourism, community-based natural resource management

    and environment-oriented, sustainable production in agriculture and forestry

    (including organic plant management), in conservation planning, and in

    conservation biology research.

    The four-year programme kicks off with modules in Biology, Chemistry,

    Geo-environmental Science, Computer Skills and Mathematics. During your

    second year you will be studying subjects dealing with conservation ecology,

    biodiversity and applied sciences, such as Geographical Information Systems

    (GIS), Biometry and Microbiology. And in your third year the focus will be

    on Conservation Ecology, Biodiversity and Ecology, as well as a choice of

    Soil Science, Environmental Sociology or Genetics. During your fourth year

    you integrate all the skills that you gained in the rst three years in order to

    focus on the big and burning issues in conservation.

    In addition to all of this, in all four years of the programme, we keep you

    in touch with hands-on practicals throughout the year. You will also, in

    your fourth year, have a choice either to develop your own comprehensive

    conservation plan for a game farm, game reserve or nature area or to conduct

    a research project on a pre-determined conservation issue. You can also

    choose specialist topics, such as insect conservation biology. Because of

    the extinction crisis, the demand for such specialised knowledge is growing


    Postgraduate programmes

    - MScConsEcol and PhD or DSc in Conservation Ecology

    FOOD AND WINE PRODUCTION SYSTEMSThis area is subdivided into two elds of study, namely food production

    systems and wine production systems. In food production systems you may

    obtain a BSc in Food Science (BSc Food Sc), and in wine production systems

    you may obtain a BScAgric in Viticulture and Oenology or in Oenology


    BSc in Food Science (BSc Food Sc)If you have the ability to solve problems and are creative, and have a strong

    interest in the science of food, this is the programme for you!

    This four-year programme trains students to convert raw materials into the

    innovative, safe, wholesome and tasty food products that are available in

    supermarkets. You will learn to apply the knowledge of the fundamental

    sciences such as chemistry, biochemistry, physics, mathematics and

    microbiology to food processing, preservation, packaging and product


    There is close contact with the South African food industry in thisprogramme, through regular factory visits and compulsory industry training.

    This will expose you to a wide variety of aspects of food science.

    Students who have obtained the BSc Food Sc degree can be appointed as

    innovative product developers or as managers in various divisions of food

    companies, such as production, product development, quality control,

    research and development, and technical. They can also be researchers in

    tertiary and research institutions or entrepreneursand, once sufciently

    experienced, consultants to the food industry. Stellenbosch Universitys food

    scientists are sought-after worldwide.

    Postgraduate programmes

    - MSc Food Sc, PhD (Food Sc) or DSc Food Sc

    BScAgric in Viticulture and Oenology or in OenologySpecialisedThis programme covers the eld of wine production systems and equips you

    with knowledge of the grapevine, its structure and its scientic manipulation.

    In this way you are trained to develop, in harmony with the environment,

    sustainable products that can be used to produce unique wines. You also

    acquire a thorough knowledge of the chemical and biological processes

    involved in the production of wine and brandy products. Students spend a

    signicant portion of their programme in service learning and internships.

    This gives them work experience, exposure to the industry and knowledge of

    their chosen professional working environment early on.

    Students who have qualied in this eld are equipped for a career in the wine

    and related industries, for example as winemakers, viticulturists, grapevine

    breeders, wine analysts, production managers, marketers, technicians,

    consultants or as entrepreneurs in wine-related businesses.

    Postgraduate programmes

    - BScHons, MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology), PhD or DSc in

    Oenology, Viticulture or Wine Biotechnology

    - Postgraduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology for students who did

    not graduate with a BScAgric and who wish to gain access to MScAgric

    (subject to accreditation)


    BSc in Forestry (BScFor)

    In this four-year programme students may choose to specialise in one of twoelds of study, namely forestry and natural resources sciences or wood and

    wood products sciences.

    Forestry and natural resources sciences:This eld of study deals with

    forests, plantations, woodlands and other tree-based land use systems. The

    programme introduces you to the entire forest and forest products value

    chain, including the growing and harvesting of timber, socio-economics,

    management and conservation ecology. In your rst year you start off with

    modules in Biology, Chemistry, Geo-environmental Science, Computer Skills

    and Mathematics, together with a module in Forest Science. From the second

    year you study the basic applied natural sciences, such as Soil Science and

    Biometry and in your third and fourth year, you take several Forest Science

    modules, culminating in a comprehensive forest management plan.

    Wood and wood products sciences:This eld of study presents as anengineering programme with a difference, because 51% of its modules are

    offered by the Faculty of Engineering (40% are wood products science

    modules, 7% are modules from natural sciences and 2% are from other

    elds). Knowledge of wood products science is combined with modules such

    as Quality Management, Industrial Ergonomics, Environmental Engineering

    and Enterprise Design to create a degree which delivers sought-after leaders

    in the forestry environment.

    Ample bursaries are available in 2010 70% of wood products science

    students obtained full bursaries for their undergraduate studies! Besides,

    students who complete this programme usually dont have any problems

    in obtaining work. They pursue careers as managers, but they could

    also become consultants, contractors, entrepreneurs, extension ofcers,

    environment planners and researchers.

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL and MAT (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation) English or Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 Mathematics 4

    Physical Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Life Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Agricultural Sciences 6

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL and MAT (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation) Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4For the eld of study forestry and resource sciences, also: Mathematics 4

    Physical Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Life Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Agricultural Sciences 6For the eld of study wood and wood products sciences, also: Mathematics 6 Physical Sciences 5

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    14Postgraduate programmes

    - MScFor, PhD (For) or DScFor in Forestry and Wood Sciences

    - Postgraduate Diploma in Forestry and Wood Sciences for students with a

    three-year bachelors wishing to gain access to the MScFor


    BScAgricThis four-year programme in plant and soil sciences covers training in

    producing agronomic and vegetable crops, pastures, aromatic plants,

    deciduous fruit, citrus, fynbos and grapevines. For each crop, knowledge of

    the following is integrated into a meaningful whole: agricultural economics,

    biochemistry, biometry, crop production, entomology, genetics, nematology,

    plant pathology and soil science.

    In this programme there are three elds of study from which you may choose.

    Crop production:In this eld of study you receive training in the production

    and quality management of, amongst others, agronomic crops, deciduous

    fruit, citrus, fynbos, grapevines and greenhouse crops.

    Crop protection and crop breeding:This eld of study trains you as

    an expert in crop protection (entomological and nematological plagues,

    plant diseases and their control) and genetic crop improvement (genetic


    Soil and water management (majoring in Soil Science and Chemistry):

    This eld of study gives you the expertise to understand the nature,

    importance and management of soil and water as they relate to cropproduction.

    Taking one of these three elds of study prepares you for a variety of careers

    in the agriculture industry or agriculture-related industries, including careers

    such as adviser, consultant, entrepreneur, manager, technician and researcher.

    Postgraduate programmes

    - After BScAgric follows MSc or MScAgric, PhD or DSc in Agronomy,

    Entomology, Genetics, Horticultural Science, Plant Pathology, Soil

    Science or Viticulture

    - MSc in Plant Pathology for students with a background in natural sciences

    (i.e. BScHons)

    - MSc in Applied Plant Physiology for students who have obtained

    a relevant BSc degree majoring in Botany, Biochemistry, Plant

    biotechnology or Genetics

    EnquiriesClient Service Centre

    Tel.: 021 808 9111

    Fax: 021 808 3822

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Website: www.sun.ac.za/agric

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL and MAT (see page 4)

    For the NSC an aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation) English or Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 Mathematics 4 Physical Sciences 4 OR Physical Sciences 3 and Life Sciences 4 OR

    Physical Sciences 3 and Agricultural Sciences 6For the eld of study soil and water management as above, BUT:

    Mathematics 6

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    jewellery designerand many more...






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    Extended degree programmes (EDPs)

    Students are selected for the EDPs at the discretion of the Faculty. See page 7

    for more information on EDPs.

    GENERAL PROGRAMMESBA in the Humanities

    The BA in the Humanities is a three-year programme that teaches you to be

    academically versatile and exible and to solve or deal with current problems in South

    Africa in a wide variety of professions. Further training will prepare you for professions

    such as teacher, psychologist, language practitioner, journalist and town planner.

    Programme content

    The subjects from which you may choose are divided into two groups of

    thematically related subjects. The programme is constructed in such a way

    that a student will eventually study two subjects on an advanced level fromany of the two groups, together with (1) a 24-credit module or two 12-credit

    modules of a third-year subject, or (2) a module from a metadiscipline that

    coheres with those two subjects. The metadiscipline of a study area analyses

    and evaluates its methods.

    The rst group focuses on human thought, language, culture and art

    (including subjects such asAfrikaans en Nederlands, Afrikaans Language

    Acquisition, Ancient Cultures, Chinese, English Studies, Applied English

    Language Studies, French, General Linguistics, German, Philosophy,

    Psychology, Sport Science, Theatre Studies, Xhosa and Basic Xhosa).

    The second group focuses on humans and society (including subjects such as

    Geography and Environmental Studies, History, Visual Studies, Philosophy,

    Political Science, Psychology, Socio-Informatics, Sociology and Sport Science).

    The metadisciplines you can choose from are Dimensions of Historical

    Understanding and Scientic Language Study as Detective Work.

    BA in Language and Culture

    This three-year programme comprises instruction in a variety of modern and

    ancient languages, as well as their cultural contexts. It will equip you with

    the knowledge and skills needed for careers in professions requiring expertise

    in languages and culture, professions in the media, the diplomatic service,

    education, publishing, tourism and the translation industry.

    Programme content

    You are able to choose from language subjects such as Afrikaans en

    Nederlands, Afrikaans Language Acquisition, African Languages, Applied

    English Language Studies, Biblical Hebrew, Chinese, English, French,

    General Linguistics, German, Greek, Latin, Basic Xhosa and Xhosa. In

    addition to languages, the programme also includes culture subjects such

    as Ancient Cultures, History, Visual Studies, Philosophy, Psychology andTheatre Science. You may take either two language subjects, or a language

    and a culture subject as majors. All the subjects, with the exception of

    Afrikaans Language Acquisition and Basic Xhosa, can be taken as majors, as

    long as there are no clashes in your timetable.

    BA in Social Dynamics

    General programmesBA in the Humanities*BA in Languages and Culture*BA in Social Dynamics*Specialised programmesBA in Development and the Environment*BA in Drama and Theatre Studies

    BA in Human Resource Management*BA in International Studies*BA in LawB of Music (BMus)BA in Music (Routes: General and Music Technology)Diploma in Practical Music

    Higher Certificate in MusicBA in Political, Philosophical and Economic Studies (PPE)Programmes with PsychologyB of Social Work*BA in Socio-Informatics*BA in Sport ScienceBA in Value and Policy Studies

    BA in Visual Arts

    * These programmes are also available as extendeddegree programmes (EDPs). See Extended degreeprogrammes below.

    Programme guide

    This faculty now offers you a wide choice of elds of study through its programmes programmes thatdidnt just happen overnight, but are based on a tradition of 138 years of developing very specic valuessuch as respect for knowledge and thought, renement of tastes, multilingualism, intellectual balance,tolerance and profoundness. They are geared for South Africas needs in the 21st century and abreastof the latest international thinking on the economic and social applicability of a training in literature, the

    arts and social sciences. These programmes will not only equip you to hold your own in a demanding la-bour market by providing you with a thorough knowledge of your subject, but will also teach you generalskills such as thinking skills, communication skills, computer literacy and the ability to recognise and tosolve problems. All our programmes are selection programmes. Where a programme has its own selec-tion criteria, we mention them under the programme itself.

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60% Home Language 4 First Additional Language 3If Socio-Informatics is taken as a university subject, then also: Mathematics 4 or Mathematical Literacy 6

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4)

    For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60%

    Home Language 4 First Additional Language 3

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60% Home Language 4 First Additional Language 3If Socio-Informatics is taken as a university subject, then also:

    Mathematics 4 or Mathematical Literacy 6If Economics is taken as a university subject, then also:

    Mathematics 5

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    1This programme prepares you for work in the social sectors of the labour

    market. You will learn how to analyse, interpret, understand, explain and

    inuence the socio-economic, social and political aspects of changing

    a society. In this way, you increase your competitiveness as a potential

    participant in the labour market, because you will have learnt how to hold

    your own in a changing environment, how to understand the complex

    processes of a dynamic social world, and how to increase its sustainability.

    Programme content

    You choose your two majors from the following Social Sciences: Economics,

    Geography and Environmental Studies, History, Political Science,

    Psychology, Sociology and Social Anthropology. The other three rst-year

    subjects and two second-year subjects you choose from various languages

    and/or Ancient Cultures, Philosophy, Public and Development Management,

    and Socio-Informatics.

    These subjects offer you the full spectrum of the multiple dimensions of

    social dynamics. It includes, among others, topics such as the structures

    of society, ideas on social change, processes of change, the identity and

    diversity of people, public policy, communication and information.

    SPECIALISED PROGRAMMESBA in Decision Making and Knowledge Management

    This thought leadership programme is not a merely theoretical and

    philosophical programme. It is designed for self-motivated, forward-

    looking people who are keen to exercise leadership by their lucid thinking,

    and to apply such thinking within the reality of present-day organisations.

    Thinking in itself has little value but should lead to action. The programme

    leads students to develop the skills required to apply advanced analysis,

    constructive planning and strategy formulation.

    The programme has a unique, two-dimensional approach. Firstly, itintroduces students to the tools necessary for organisational decision making

    such as visualisation, scenario building, decision analysis and knowledge

    management. Secondly, it brings a values perspective to bear on organising,

    economising, decision crafting and thinking in organisations and in society.

    Many leaders in industry and society start off specialising in a particular

    area, but they often nd that they lack the human and social insights that

    philosophy and the social sciences would have provided. On the other hand,

    students who start with the social sciences and wish to go into management

    often nd that they have a very tortuous route into acceptance by industry

    as they only know about soft issues and are often not considered to have

    practical abilities or much rigour in their thinking.

    In the Value and Policy Studies programme, however, students have the

    advantage of majoring in Philosophy or in one of three social science subjectsand in one of ve economic and management science subjects. Value and

    Policy Studies therefore provide a broad and solid launching pad for careers

    in management, aiming at leadership in organisations. For more information,

    see www.informatics.sun.ac.za/bws.

    BA in Development and the Environment

    The three-year programme imparts basic knowledge about how communities work,

    about the processes of economic development and the natural environment and

    understanding the nature and results of interaction among communities, socio-

    economic development processes and the natural environment.

    The programme builds basic and management skills for entrepreneurs and for

    managers, planners and administrators in the public and private sectors and in

    local and national authorities. Specic occupational elds include community

    development, population development, town and regional planning, tourism

    planning and management, resource planning and management, and environmental

    planning and management.

    Programme content

    This is truly an interfaculty programme allowing possible further study in one

    of your three majors. From your rst year until your third year, you will take

    three compulsory major subjects: from the Arts and Social Sciences Faculty,

    Geography and Environmental Studies, and Sociology; and from the Economic and

    Management Sciences Faculty, Public and Development Management. Economics

    is compulsory in either your rst or second year in your second year you may

    choose the special Economics module for social scientists that doesnt have

    Mathematics as a prerequisite. During your rst and second yearsyou must also

    choose one of the following subjects: History, Philosophy, Socio-Informatics or a

    language skills course (Afrikaans en Nederlands, English Studies or Xhosa).

    BA in Drama and Theatre Studies

    The training in this three-year programme results in well-informed, creative and

    well-equipped theatre practitioners and scholars, who can make a meaningful

    contribution to the theatre industry and related elds in the South African context.

    Programme content

    In the rst two years the programme focuses primarily on drama or the

    theatre in the traditional sense of theatre as an art devoted exclusively to the

    stage. In the third year the training focuses also on the performing arts and

    the entertainment industry in the broader sense. The practical specialisation

    areas are underpinned by a strong theoretical basis, including text analysis,

    principles of theatre research, basic marketing and business skills.

    There are two areas of specialisation.

    Acting and performance training:Improvisation, acting, movement, voiceand speech, stage make-up, playwriting, cabaret, puppetry, physical theatre,

    applied theatre and/or acting for the camera or radio.

    Technical and management training:Stage and production management,

    decor, props, costumes, lighting, sound, design, make-up, video production.

    The major subjectsare Theatre Studies, Theatre Skills and Theatre Arts.

    Information Skills is compulsory. In your rst year you must choose two

    additional subjectsfrom the following selection: Afrikaans Language

    Acquisition, Afrikaans en Nederlands, Ancient Cultures, Visual Studies, English

    Studies, French, German, Practical Music Studies, History, Psychology or Xhosa

    (basic or advanced). In the second year you have the option to carry on with a

    language, History or Psychology, or to take Theatre Practice.

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4)

    For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60% Home Language 4

    First Additional Language 4

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4)

    For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60% Home Language 4 First Additional Language 3If Socio-Informatics is taken as a university subject, then also: Mathematics 4 or Mathematical Literacy 6If Economics is taken as a university subject, then also:

    Mathematics 5


    Applications close 15 August A limited number of candidates are selected Selection requirements are available on tel. 021 808 2508 (mornings) Candidates must be available for auditions and/or interviews at the end

    of September

    All auditions and interviews take place at the Drama Department inStellenbosch

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60% English or Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 5 Mathematics 5 or 6 (depending on your choice of modules; see options


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    18BA in Human Resource Management

    This three-year programme prepares you for a career in the management of

    human resources in organisations something of which South Africa has a

    particular need. You will learn to understand peoples behaviour, in particular

    in a working environment; to improve the working and living conditions of

    people; to understand the South African working environment and to identify

    career opportunities; to identify social problems; to communicate clearly and

    meaningfully with people; to undertake planning, recruitment and selection of

    human resources professionally and to deal with problems in labour relations.

    Programme content

    First year: Information Skills, Industrial Psychology, Philosophy, Statistics

    or Statistical Methods, plus two subjects from Political Science, Public and

    Development Management, Sociology, Psychology, Decision Making and

    Value Studies; plus one of the following subjects: Afrikaans en Nederlands,Afrikaans Language Acquisition, Basic Xhosa, English Studies (if an African

    language is your home language or a matric subject, you choose one of the

    Afrikaans modules or the English one, otherwise you take the Xhosa module).

    Second year: Industrial Psychology, Economics, plus continued study

    in two of the following subjects: Political Science, Sociology or Social

    Anthropology, Public and Development Management, Psychology.

    Third year:Industrial Psychology, plus continued study in two of the

    following subjects: Political Science, Sociology or Social Anthropology,

    Public and Development Management, Psychology.

    Note:BA students who are selected for postgraduate study in the

    Department of Industrial Psychology will migrate to the BCommHons

    programme. For admission to the BCommHons (Psych), which maylead to registration as an Industrial Psychologist, Psychology is required

    as the second major, while Public and Development Management are

    recommended as the second major with the view to BCommHons (Human

    Resource Management).

    BA in International Studies

    This programme aims to provide, within three years, a broad insight into the

    complexity of political, cultural and economic interaction across national

    boundaries, sensitising you to the role of identity issues in the international

    arena, and to prepare you to become an informed and critical world citizen.

    This training opens up a range of possible career opportunities, for example

    in the diplomatic service; the international ofces of the Departments of

    Labour, Commerce and Industry, and Defence; the International Division

    of Parliament; the National Intelligence Agency; the tourism industry;

    international telecommunications; international journalism; international

    research institutions; public liaison work; regional and country-wide

    institutions that promote commerce and investment (e.g. WESGRO); the

    head ofces and regional ofces of international organisations such as the

    UN, the World Trade Organisation, Amnesty International and the World

    Economic Forum; international aid organisations such as Save the Children

    and OXFAM; multinational concerns; and the export and import industries.

    First-year subjects:Decision-Making and Value Studies; English Studies;

    French or German or Chinese; History; Information Skills; and Political Science.

    Second-year subjects:Decision-Making and Value Studies; Economics;

    French or German or Chinese; History; Sociology; and Political Science.

    Third-year subjects:Decision-Making and Value Studies, History, Political

    Science, Sociology and two metascience modules or German or French or

    Social Anthropology.

    BA in Law

    BA (Law) does not by itself qualify you to practise as an attorney or

    advocate that requires an LLB degree in addition. The three-year BA

    (Law) programme provides a twofold benet, however: It enriches your

    understanding of human behaviour and social issues, while it lays an

    excellent foundation for a more advanced study of the law. In fact, students

    who hold the BA (Law) degree will be exempted from the rst two years of

    the four-year LLB programme. These students may join the LLB programme

    for its last two years, and can obtain the LLB degree after two years.

    The BA (Law) is compiled in such a way that you take law modules in each

    year of study and a number of non-law modules.

    First year:Indigenous Law, Introduction to Law, Private Law and Writing

    Skills. In addition you take at least one language and two modules fromEconomics, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology or another language

    (to name only a few) and a compulsory basic module in Information Skills.

    Second year:Private Law, Criminal Law and Roman Law. You carry on with

    two of the non-law modules of your choice.

    Third year: Constitutional Law, Interpretation of Enacted Law, Civil

    Procedure and Criminal Procedure, and one and a half non-law modules.

    B of Music (BMus)

    This four-year programme offers you academic and performance training in music.

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60%

    English Home Language 4 or English First Additional Language 5

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60% (excluding Life Orientation)

    Home Language 5 First Additional Language 3If Economics is taken as a university subject, then also:

    Mathematics 5

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4)

    For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60% Home Language 4 First Additional Language 3 In the main instrument (or in singing) at least a practical standard in

    classical music equivalent to the Grade VII examination and theoreti-

    cal knowledge equivalent to any of the examining bodies Grade Vtheory examination

    If Mathematics is taken as a university subject, then also:

    Mathematics 6


    Applications close on 30 June Write the National Benchmark Tests before June A limited number of candidates is selected See also General admission information under the Faculty of Law on

    page 38


    Applications close on 31 August Selection based on an audition and theory test at the Music Department

    in the year before studying, during which candidates must demonstrate

    proof of the standards in classical music mentioned below. Information available at [email protected]

    Admission requirements

    Write the National Benchmark Tests AQL (see page 4) For the NSC an aggregate of at least 60%

    Home Language 4 First Additional Language 3 Mathematics 4If Statistics 186 is taken as a university subject, then: Mathematics 5

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    1Practical instruction is given in piano and all modern orchestral instruments, as well

    as in singing, the harpsichord, guitar, organ, recorder and choir conducting. Ample

    opportunities are available for music-making in such groups as the US Symphony

    Orchestra, the Collegium Musicum, the Stellenbosch Symphonic Winds,

    Konsubrass, choirs and many smaller ensemble groups.

    The programme offers various specialisation options. In the rst two years

    everyone takes the same basic subjects (apart from the chosen practical

    major), but from the third year you can choose a particular specialisation

    option by means of elective modules. These options (each with a specic

    focus on an essential aspect of music) are performance, musicology, music

    education, music technology and composition.

    If you need more academic support in accordance with your identied needs, you

    may take, among others, additional modules such as Music Skills and Practical

    Music Study: Preparatory, or you may, in preparation for re-auditioning, rst do

    the Department of Musics Higher Certicate for a full year.

    The various options will prepare you for a variety of professions, such as

    music educator (teacher or lecturer), performing artist (soloist, orchestra

    player, singer, choir conductor or accompanist), music director, musicologist,

    composer, music technologist, music journalist or music arranger.

    BA in Music

    This three-year programme offers you two routes: (1) a general route

    covering academic and performance training in music and (2) a music

    technology route covering the use of computers and electronic hardware to

    arrange or compose music, and to design interactive multimedia systems.

    General route

    Academic and performance training in music consist of practical

    instruction in piano and all modern orchestral instruments, as well as in

    singing, the harpsichord, guitar, organ, choir conducting and recorder.Ample opportunities are available for music-making in such groups as the

    Stellenbosch University Symphony Orchestra, the Collegium Musicum,

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