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  • 7/28/2019 Prosperity Mini Course Ef


    Demonstrate Prosperity Now!A Mini Course

    Based on the teachings of Dr. Emmet Fox

    Written and published by:The Emmet Fox Resource Center Golden Key Books

    P.O. Box 21 Farmingdale, New York 11735 USA

    This material is copyrighted 2008. All rights are reserved. No part of the material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from The

    Emmet Fox Resource Center Golden Key Books

  • 7/28/2019 Prosperity Mini Course Ef



    Making the decision to take this mini study on prosperity is opening the door

    to the source of all success, wealth, achievement, and material gain. You

    are now taking the first step in building your prosperity consciousness. You

    are going to change your consciousness out of the old mental equivalent of

    lack and limitation into the new mental equivalent of plenty. If you follow

    the simple laws of prosperity outlined in these three essays, you will be

    amazed at the beneficial changes and rich blessings that will manifest in

    your life.

    The purpose of this study should be that of increasing the understanding (the

    raising of the whole consciousness, both thought and feeling). Often people

    talk about prosperity rather than absorb the principles. Since we use the

    intellect to assist us to lift the understanding, but not the fullness of our

    approach, then it is important to remember not to struggle with new ideas

    and concepts. Place them gently in the depths of your consciousness. It is

    most important to establish the attitude, within yourself, that you are

    absorbing Truth principles and that they are being consciously incorporated

    in to every fiber of your being.

    In remarkable ways, divine activity will move into your affairs to bless and

    to prosper. In expected and unexpected ways you will draw all that is good

    to you!

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    Read through each lesson slowly and absorb and think about each paragraph,

    read it not just with your mind but with your heart as well.

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    Whatever you may require, God will provide, and will furnish ifyou are about His business. E.F.

    Prosperity Lesson 1

    To most people the word prosperity means nothing more than wealth in

    terms of dollars and cents. Prosperity is a full rounded state of well-being.

    It is health of circumstances, as well as the health of the physical body. It is

    harmony in relationships, work, and our environment. It is centered in the

    realization that God is all in all. Prosperity is really the Presence of God.

    Prosperity is really a state of consciousness.

    When you made the decision to take this study, you made a decision to

    enrich and re-vitalize your life. You made a decision that can transform and

    improve everything in your world. You are starting a flow of prosperity

    action that will drive lack and want out of your life, opening the door to the

    source of all Good.

    Emmet Fox wrote: "You can get all the money you want for any wise

    purpose through treatment (Prayer). There is no need for anyone who knows

    how to treat to be in money difficulties. But you must treat. The first thing

    necessary, is that you should be genuinely convinced that it is the Divine

    will for you to have all that you need. If you have any lingering doubts onthis point, they will make it difficult for you to demonstrate, and in that case

    you must begin by treating for wisdom." With this in mind, it is always wise

    to realize that, regardless of what anyone elses financial situation might be

    or the state of the economy, there is always plenty for you, and for everyone.

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    This is true because we live in an extremely prosperous universe. Remember

    that God is everywhere present, and He is the source, so all of His vast

    riches are always where you are.

    What are you seeking in life a better job, a house, a new business, more

    money, better health, to be debt free? Then take this idea of prosperity, and

    plant it in your subconscious mind and cultivate it with faith. As you begin

    thinking thoughts of prosperity, Divine Substance is shaping itself around

    those thoughts, and manifesting them in your life. It is important to keep

    your thoughts off of lack, limitation, and difficulties, and keep them centered

    on God. Begin here by thinking I Am Prosperous. Make this a basic

    thought. Emerson said, A man is what he thinks about all day long. It is

    important to change your basic thought. Edward Beals, in an early written

    booklet titled The Law of Financial Success stated that a piece of paper once

    folded in a certain manner will fold along the same lines the next time.

    The same law is observed in clothing and gloves, they form into creases

    according to the person using them, and these creases will always be in

    effect, notwithstanding repeated pressing. Likewise, he tells us, rivers and

    streams of water cut their course through the land, and therefore flow along

    the habit course. This law operates everywhere. It is important to realize

    that when you know how to change the basic thought, you will know how to

    change everything in your life. Remember this does not happen

    instantaneously. You will have to make new mental creases.

    Dr. Emmet Fox once said, Whatever we name, we claim. In the book of

    Genesis, the second chapter, the nineteenth verse, we read that the Lord God

    brought all the lower forms of life that He had created to Adam, to see what

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    he would call them. And whatever Adam called every living thing that was

    the name thereof. Dr. Fox in his notes on the Bible refers to this as a

    powerful lesson. Adam represents the intellect and the human will. Here

    Adam is given the chance to name the creatures; he is given the power of

    free will and choice. Whatever he named it; that is its name. So it is with

    our life and our prosperity. If we call ourselves poor, hopeless or limited,

    then through the law of mind action, we are accepting and attracting

    limitation. We are claiming it and giving it life. The object is to train

    ourselves to give a good name to a seemingly negative situation. For

    example dont say things like I do not have enough money in the bank, I

    cannot afford this, I am poor, Things dont work for me, I never get a break,

    or I always seem to struggle. Remind yourself that your needs are always

    met, then, whatever your situation name your supply as good, as abundant,

    not as lack and limitation.

    As you build this faith of prosperity and infinite Supply with conviction,

    divine activity will move into your affairs and bless and prosper you. In

    marvelous and unexpected ways you will begin to draw good into your life.

    Dont say that you want to get rid of poverty or lack. Be affirmative and say

    what you mean. If your thoughts are centered on getting out of poverty, you

    are increasing poverty in your consciousness. You are going to think

    prosperity even if the rent is due, if your bills are behind, or if you think you

    cannot afford something. We must understand completely that God does not

    give attributes or things to us because we are good. It does not give

    opulence as a reward for Spiritual acquirement; but if we want Spiritual

    qualities, we must use certain laws to receive spiritual things, and if we want

    material things, we must use the laws which govern the distribution of them.

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    It is time to release debt. The concept of debt is bondage. Since we know

    that our life is the out picturing of our consciousness, it is necessary to learn

    the basic of freedom from burden and debt. In the Lords Prayer we read,

    And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. This forgiving is the

    cleansing of our consciousness through divine Love and through a building

    of our faith. It is when we establish ourselves in the realization that supply

    manifests through our faith in the invisible working of Spirit. When you

    work in harmony with universal law, your every need will be abundantly

    supplied. Your part is simply to fulfill the law; that is to keep your mind

    filled with mind substance. You are not fulfilling the law, when you allow

    thoughts of lack, poverty and limitation to dwell in your mind.

    Erase the idea that prosperity is not for you, or that you are unworthy.

    Overcome any thought that you were meant to be poor. Deny any

    appearance of failure. Think prosperity, talk prosperity, affirm supply and

    give thanks for the abundance in your life. Law plus acceptance plus belief

    is the key. Keep your thoughts centered on I Am Prosperous. This with

    faith is the nucleus for it to grow.

    If you and your personal finances are in a state of misfortune, you can turn

    that around. If you have experienced a financial crunch, a job loss, chaos,

    failure, a sense of helplessness or discouragement, you can turn that around.

    We realize now that the first step to be taken is to make a new beginning in

    our mental outlook.

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    Emmet Fox tells us, lack of any kind is Always traceable to the fact that we

    have been seeking our supply from some secondary source instead of from

    God, Himself, the Author and Giver of life. He says, People think of their

    supply as coming from certain investments, or from a business, or from an

    employer, perhaps; whereas these are merely the channels through which it

    comes, God being the Source. The number of possible channels is infinite,

    the Source is one. The particular channel through which you are getting

    your supply is quite likely to change, because change is the Cosmic Law of

    manifestation. If your eye be single, thy whole body will be full of light.

    The eye is spiritual perception. Whatever you give your attention to will be

    what governs your life. If you direct your attention to God and infinite

    Supply, your eye will be single and infinite Supply will manifest in all areas

    of your life, your life will be full of life.

    Many believe and have always believed that certain things are not for them.

    Sometimes we have limited our good by thinking and saying, I dont want

    great wealth I only want to be comfortable. We limit our good when we

    say, I only want enough to meet my needs. Mary Katherine MacDougall

    in her book Prosperity Now, asks us to earnestly question ourselves. Do

    we really think deep down in our heart that there are some things too good

    for us to desire or have? Is there a height beyond which we are not to go in

    our thinking, our desires and our asking? What do we really think? If we

    have reservations about our good, about what we can expect, she says, then

    we need to start to correct them. The promise is given in the Old

    Testament. Those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing. Here is the

    promise that nothing is too much to ask. The Psalmist says: No good thing

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    does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly. Mary Katherine

    said, One good thought is worth countless negative thoughts. No matter

    how many negative thoughts and words we have thought, felt or expressed,

    we can start using wealth consciousness words, we can start feeling wealthy;

    we can start acting wealthy. Our powerful good words will counteract all

    the negation.

    If we believe that we can have only a little good, we can expand our mental

    and believing horizons, so that we can know with all our heart and mind that

    there is unlimited good ready for us NOW. Think of yourself as always

    going forward. Realize each day that you are nearer to your goal and your

    ideal, than you were the day before. Know that within you lies the power to

    progress. Nothing in the world can keep you from advancing; nothing can

    keep you from your prosperity when you know this truth.

    Now we have come to realize that we must look to God within as our

    Unfailing Provider. That we must pay no attention to outer appearances of

    failure, lack, or fear; that we must set our face to the Author of Power, and

    be immune from lack and limitation. We have come to realize that thoughts

    are things, and things are thoughts that are manifested visibly. Mistakes in

    thought produce discomfort. Correct the thought and the discomfort

    disappears. Jesus came to destroy false beliefs and to establish the Kingdom

    of God or Truth in this world. P.P. Quimby.

    Dr. W. John Murray tells us that poverty is a disease of the intellect through

    which foolish men convince themselves that prosperity is only for the few.

    The belief that poverty is an insuperable obstacle in the path of progress robs

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    man of initiative, depletes his energies, and produces the very thing he

    fears. We have read over and over again of the creative power of our own

    thoughts and that the Source of all power is unlimited. Therefore it follows

    that the Source of all Substance is unrestricted. The difficulty does not lie

    with any sense of limitation in the Source; it lies in our ignorance of how to

    draw from the source. Opulence is ours by divine right, but we can only get

    it as we comply with certain conditions.

    First, we must know that it is.

    Second, we must know that we have a right to opulence as children of God.

    Third, we must affirm that we have it. This is what Jesus meant when He

    said, when you pray (affirm), pray knowing that ye have received. That is

    when we pray or affirm that we are one with the Source of all supply, we

    must know that this Source is willing to give as we are to receive, and that it

    is only awaiting our demand upon it as a reservoir awaits the turning on of a

    tap before it can flow through the pipe.

    When you are afraid of approaching financial distress, it is time to affirm

    The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. This will impress the

    subconscious mind with hope and expectation; and as these increase, fear

    and doubt will decrease. Dr. Fox tells us not to outline. That is to say, we

    must not treat or look to any particular channel, person or position for our

    increase. We must not treat for any particular solution. The Source selects

    its own channels with greater wisdom than ours. Emmet Fox explained that

    we never know what is best for our future, although we may think we do.

    He instructed to leave the question of ways and means to Divine Wisdom.

    Gothe, the German philosopher, said the highest and most excellent thing

    in man is formless, and we should guard against giving it shape in anything

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    less than noble dress. This is another way of stating that within is the

    capacity to receive larger and richer gifts.

    Things to remember

    1. Supply is an invisible thing. It is receiving into consciousness the

    Spirit of God, Infinite Supply.

    2. Demonstration begins when prosperous ideas are put to work.

    3. Poverty is a state of mind

    4. We do not outline look to the world for things. We look within.

    5. We can be prosperous if we believe we already are.

    6. Prosperity is not a matter of more training, working or saving. It is a

    matter of understanding the Law.

    7. Prosperity happens when we mold our thoughts to God substance.


    1. For one week, affirm twenty five times a day There is no limit to my


    2. Write a note to God.

    In your note list your desires. Real wants - not just mere wishes. This

    could be an increase in pay, a new job, a house, a relationship, etc. State

    your thankful heart. Bless your note and give thanks that your desires

    have already been achieved. Keep a positive attitude.

    (Optional) E-mail it back to us for prayer and let it go. Or if you prefer,

    tuck it away in your Bible or favorite book.

    Next week you will receive lesson #2.

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    Prosperity Lesson # 2

    Everyone wants to express financial success and that is perfectly alright.

    Everyday challenges, of making money, are a major part of living, and the

    answer can be summed up in these words: Financial success is here foryou

    now! It only awaits your recognition and acceptance. Charles Fillmore

    tells us that Prosperity is the consciousness of God as the abundant,

    everywhere present resource, unfailing, ready for all who open themselves to

    it through faith. Man is both the inlet and the outlet of the activity of God.

    Since Substance is limitless, we need never fear that it becomes depleted.

    We must open the gate of our own consciousness for its consistent

    uninterrupted flow. Let us explore opening the gate to true prosperity.

    Let us re-cap from lesson one. Prosperity is not completely a matter of

    capital or environment, but rather a condition brought about by certain ideas

    that have been allowed to rule in the consciousness. When these ideas have

    changed, the conditions are changed in spite of the environment and seeming

    appearances, which also must change to conform to the new ideas. Dr. Fox

    tells us that people who come into wealth suddenly without building a

    prosperity consciousness, soon part from their wealth. Those who are born

    to riches usually have abundance in their lives, even though they never make

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    the effort to earn a dollar for themselves. Charles Fillmore tells us, This is

    because the ideas of plenty are so interwoven into their thought atmosphere

    that they are a very part of themselves. They have the prosperity

    consciousness, in which there is no idea of any condition under which the

    necessities of life could be lacking. Riches, is the out growth of a rich

    consciousness. Preparation of the consciousness to receive the increase is an

    important key. Fillmore once wrote, If you pray for rain, we should be sure

    that we have our umbrella with us. We read in the book of Kings how

    Elisha caused the water to come from the invisible to fill the trenches in the

    desert. An angel, a pure thought came to Elisha, and said, Make the valley

    full of ditches. Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain, yet the valley

    shall be filled with water. Metaphysically speaking, Elisha was being told

    that his demonstration was not going to come from the outer nor in a great

    drama, but from within. A valley is a low place or low spot in life. We

    often experience situations that seem hopeless. Elisha was instructed to dig

    ditches. As an act of faith the King had the solders dig ditches all over the

    valley. The trenches, had to be prepared, they had to be open and receptive

    to receive the rain. This was the transformation from natural life to a

    spiritual life through the power of thought, word and action. You have to

    prepare your consciousness for the inflow of spiritual substance. Emmet

    Fox gives us the key for preparing the way for supply.

    1. Start where you are, no matter what the outer appearance seems to be

    2. Choose your thoughts, words and actions.

    3. Give. Tithing is an act of faith also include paying your bills

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    4. Seek. Seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness (right mind-


    5. Believe that you are one with infinite Supply.

    6. Expect the highest and the best

    7. Be open and be ready for supply, which can come from any source.

    The key to success in life is to build a mental equivalent, by thinking rightly.

    Emerson taught: Let man learn prudence to a higher strain. Let him learn

    that everything in nature, even motes and feather, go by law and not by luck,

    and that what he sows he reaps.

    One of the great teachers of Truth, F.L. Rawson once told his congregation

    that he was addressing the fact that when he began his ministry, he was in

    need of finances. He decided he would treat fifteen minutes a day for one

    year solely for money, ease, comfort and prosperity. He reported that withina few weeks his whole financial condition changed. He never had to worry

    about money any more. He maintained the treatment for one year and told

    his students, I will never again lack in my life. I have erased lack out of my

    mind once and for all. It will never again happen to me. Regardless of a

    time of war and depression, F.L. Rawson never experienced lack again. He

    had built a prosperity pattern in consciousness.

    Law governs everything we do and have in life. It has been well known, that

    those that have get more, and those that have not, get not. This may seem

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    like an unfair law of life, however, if you analyze it you will understand why

    this is so, and how each and, every one of us set up our own set of laws that

    govern our lives. Everyone has a particular comfort zone. Unless you make

    a concerted effort to change your comfort zone, you will not change very

    much over the years to come. This has been proven many times over by

    people who have come upon large sums of money through inheritances,

    lotteries and the like. Research on this states that after a few years the

    majority of these people, have spent or in some way have lost the money

    they had acquired, ending up back in their comfort zone, where they began.

    Many people are not prepared to receive more than a meager supply in their

    life. Where would you feel comfortable? That is an important question you

    must answer within yourself. In a large home, a mansion, with hired help,

    with an expensive car and driver, belonging to a country club??? Could you

    adjust your comfort zone to fit such a lifestyle? If not, you need to think

    about what level of wealth you would feel comfortable. Once you

    determined that level then you can start thinking about manifesting at that

    level with all the amenities it would provide. Please do not make the

    mistake that many people do in their quest for wealth. That is, to think the

    quick way to wealth is to change what they are doing. The key is not in

    changing the thingorplace when you start, but to change yourself, and your

    thoughts. So you see just obtaining wealth is not the whole answer. You

    must mentally see yourself living comfortably in the lifestyle your wealth

    will place you in. Emmet Fox said that it is never good to condemn things

    that we wear or items in our home. Dont say things like My wardrobe is

    outdated, this is just an old shirt, I have nothing in my closet to wear, or

    things like this chair is shabby, my furniture is old. He said, We must

    praise, watch our words and keep always the idea of richness and

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    abundance. We must realize that our home is a magnet of love and

    prosperity always drawing to it good. See Substance everywhere and affirm

    it not only for yourself but for everyone else, especially for those who may

    owe you. Your thoughts at all times should be worthy of your higher self,

    your fellow man and God.

    To begin to remedy any limited state of finances or ill health that has been

    brought about by worry, one must begin to eliminate the worry. We must

    free our mind of the burden of debt or the burden of a difficulty. Most

    people who get into financial difficulties become worried, fearful and even

    depressed. Their thought of lack becomes an obsession and they cannot

    think of anything else. This is the very thing, that hold them back and

    defeats them from demonstrating. The outcome depends entirely on their

    attitude and their thoughts. Emerson said, assume a virtue if you have it

    not. What he is telling us is to make God the center of everything we say,

    think and feel. This is raising our consciousness. This is the Golden Key!

    Refuse to be depressed or disappointed, refuse to feel doubt, uncertainty,

    troubled or fearful. Follow the advice of Paul who said, None of these

    things move me. Know that you can change your circumstances by

    changing your consciousness.

    We are told by R. Ingalese in his early writings that there are three classes of

    workers. The physical worker, these are the people that make up the mass of

    humanity; then there is the physico-mental workers, these folks recognize

    the laws of mind and their powers to aid in drawing prosperity to

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    themselves, but use physical means for manifestation. The purely mental

    workers or the third class are those who use their minds fully and

    completely, that they receive whatever they desire without manual or

    physical labor of any sort. Each person places himself in one of these three

    classes of workers, according to his evolutionary development. Those who

    only work physically will earn a good living, plus some, but will never

    acquire true prosperity. Those who work on the second level will begin

    slowly manifesting as they develop and grow up through to the third class

    where manifestation will be expressed in fullness. Every person in the

    course of his or her evolutionary career must pass through each of these

    three classes. Most persons in Truth have reached the second point of

    development. This class is working with the laws of nature consciously

    while having a career or project in which money comes.

    For illustration, lets look at Dr. Emily Cady who was a member of the third

    class. She has a record of remarkable cures and has helped so many people

    around the world through her writings as much as any metaphysician of hertime. She used the law in healing, and her faith was great enough to believe

    that she could demonstrate on a more material plane. Her deep faith

    brought her into the third class by demonstrating and receiving a large sum

    of money she needed and was affirming for, to continue her work. She

    worked with the laws of prosperity, she accepted in her mind the amount she

    needed at that time, she claimed it and gave thanksgiving for it. Within a

    short time, she received a gift of what she needed from a stranger who had

    heard about her work. According to her faith it was given to her.

    Three things are necessary to put the law of prosperity in work.

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    First to realize that everything you want exists now in Divine Mind. There

    is no lack of anything in the world.

    Second, realize that all things belong to God, and you can only have

    temporary use of them. While we are alive here, we can borrow of God

    something or nothing according to our thinking.

    Third, we must realize that all things are distributed by Infinite Supply

    according to law. One man is not a millionaire and another poverty stricken

    by chance. Everything is distributed according to the law of mental demand,

    or of asking and receiving.

    Here are a few important rules for achieving opulence.

    1. Meditate asking God if there is any reason you should not have what

    you desire. This will remove uncertainty, if you have any, from your


    2. Keep a mental focus on your desire.

    3. Be positive that your demonstration will manifest. Dont ask for input

    and dont listen to suggestions from others. Dont petition or beg God

    for something to manifest. Stay mentally and spiritually centered.

    4. Be specific. For example: I now accept a better paying job. Demand

    what you want, not what someone else wants you to have or thinks

    you should have. Not what you think you ought to have, not what you

    believe its your duty to want, but what you yourself, deeply desire.

    Never demand what you do not want. If you want money do not

    demand work. This is a mistake made by many people. Unpleasant

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    situations are the result of demands we have made in the past for

    things we do not want now. Unhappiness, ill health and negative

    situations are the realizations of demands made in ignorance.

    5. Ask only when your desire is strong

    6. Be still and know. Enter into the silence and give thanks for your

    successful demonstration.

    7. Realize that anger, resentment, fear, worry, lack of self control, envy

    discontent or depression repel and delay a demonstration.

    8. Release the belief that God is going to reward you. That He will look

    upon you with special favor. Realize instead that you are using

    immutable law and that what you demand comes to you because you

    are using the law correctly.

    9. Tithe and have faith in achieving your desire and give thanks.

    10. Dont give up. If you are persistent in your faith, there can be no

    limit to your possibilities.

    Ingalese tell us - If you can cure a headache, you can in the course of time

    cure any disease. If you can be happy a week, you can be happy for a life

    time, If you can demonstrate a seat on the train, you can demonstrate a seat

    in Congress, because what you have done in small degree, can be done in a

    large degree.

    God loves a prosperous man. The more completely we realize and accept

    good in all its many fold expressions, health, wealth and happiness, the more

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    completely we do express God, that is; the more God becomes personified

    through us. We must realize that God is a creative Thrust, a Principle that

    we all respond to and give more dimension to. When you dont express

    success, prosperity, health and happiness, we are actually depriving Spirit of

    its celebration of itself in our life. This concept places everything back into

    your hands. And this is where it is at. What prosperity means to you will be

    different from what it means to someone else, but the specific attention you

    give it will be your own response. The law of attraction is the reason for

    supply. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all His righteousness; and

    all these things shall be added unto you. The law of supply is not salary,

    checks, gifts, handouts, honorariums. It is the formless Substance of God,

    the same substance that awaits every man who will recognize it and use it.

    This was a major concept I worked on understanding for many years. There

    is no reason why every minister in every discipline should not be

    prosperous. It is simply a matter of understanding the nature of God. The

    firm of God and man never fails. No matter what the junior partner does, the

    senior partner, God is always there. Gods infinite resources are always

    there waiting for you. Success and prosperity is an inside job and it will

    only happen as you allow it to happen.

    J. Lowrey Fendrich, Jr. said, We cannot live the law by knowing it we live

    the law by living it and living so profoundly as to be unable to escape a

    conviction of its eternal operation.


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    Fill out your personal partnership agreement with God and look at this and

    review it every day. Copy and paste it back to us as an act of the acceptance

    of your Good.


    PROSPERITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (Print out, fill out and sign) 2008 between (Write

    your name here) _____ and God.

    1. NAME AND BUSINESS. The parties hereby form a partnership under the name of: GOD AND

    MAN INCORPORATED. The firm of God and Man Inc. never fails, no matter what the juniorpartner does, the senior partner, God, always makes good. Pay clerks may come and may go,

    but Gods infinite resources are always there. The principal office of the business shall be in Heart

    and mind.

    2. TERM. The partnership shall begin immediately and shall continue until terminated.

    3. AGREEMENT. As I enter into this agreement, I feel worthy. My past is behind me. I am the

    worthy son/ daughter of God.

    4. POSSIBILITIES. I accept my possibilities. I must rely on the promises that the Father is the

    source of all good. Being in partnership with God does not mean that I must limit myself to arelationship of a human agent and a divine business manager. The possibilities of variety, in

    kinds of partnerships are infinite. A single drop in the ocean is in partnership with the ocean. The

    branch is in partnership with the tree. The focal point of individual life is in partnership with the

    vast Universal Substance, by means of which it lives and moves.

    5. RESERVATION. I remove reservation about money. I accept money because it is a necessary

    channel to the prosperity life I want and should have. Money is one of Gods gifts. I accept my

    prosperity now.

    6.THANKFUL. I am thankful. If I want good to increase I must bless it. Everywhere I look, there is

    divine surplus.

    7. THINKING. I change my thinking about prosperity through prayer and affirmations. I place my

    complete trust in God. I am now open to receive my good. Blessings come in expected and

    unexpected ways.

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    8. BANKING. I dwell in the midst of Infinite abundance. All good shall be received and accepted

    into my life bank. All withdrawals are tithes I send forth in the name of Love.

    9. ACCEPT. I now accept this partnership. I am now willing to say not my ideas, but yours God.

    Not my decisions, but yours. I do not worry because with complete faith I know the Senior Partner

    will: inspire me, give me ideas, supply my every need and do all things right. With God as mypartner, I have only good in my life. God and I succeed and prosper beyond my deepest


    10. REVIEW. I review this partnership agreement everyday for one month. I believe I am Gods

    partner. I shall think about it and meditate upon it. I shall think as Gods partner, act as Gods

    partner and speak as Gods partner.

    Executed this ___ day of ___, 2008___ in _____ [city], ________ [state].

    Signed God...

    Sign your agreement______

    Next week you will be receiving lesson # 3.

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    Prosperity Lesson 3

    Do you want to pay off your credit cards, save enough money for a down

    payment on a house, have enough money to travel, have enough money

    saved for a childs education, get ahead with bills, a job where you can earn

    more than $50,000 a year, be able to tithe without fear or reservation, get

    ahead in your payment of bills? It can happen. You can achieve all or any

    of these goals. The power is within you! Through our goals, our desires and

    our ideas, we are prompted really by Spirit. Sometimes we get a feeling of

    Spirit nudging us saying there is so much more.

    Ask yourself right now what goals you want to attain. Make your goals

    specific and realistic.

    Goal #1_____



    Listen to your desires. Listen to the feedback within telling you that you no

    longer want to be where you are. Telling you that there is a lot more for you

    to experience and explore, a lot more to express and realize. Remember God

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    meant for you to live on the top, not on the bottom. We have a right to be

    prosperous and successful, we have more than a right we have a

    responsibility. Through our thinking, Spirit seeks a fuller, richer, conscious

    expression of Itself. Before that can happen, we must understand and accept

    totally within our belief, the laws of prosperity, not just intellectually; we

    must become fully entrenched with our new direction. Here is where tithing

    comes in. Emmet Fox once said, You must tithe to thrive.

    Also, it is time to release negative money memories. The old theologies

    warned us that money is dangerous and that money is sinful. It is amazing

    how many people believe that. While they believe that money is the root of

    all evil (Jesus did not say it was), they are the same people asking their

    employers for a raise. If money is so evil, then why work for it? Why use

    it? Prosperity is the action of God. The moment you realize this, and shift

    your attention from money being evil, to the belief that money is wonderful,

    you will begin to have a greater circulation of money in your life.

    When I was growing up my dad was sick and unemployed. I had a negative

    money memory when I saw a special doll carriage in a department store

    window. Mom told me that she did not have money for bills and groceries,

    no less a doll carriage. Her words, we are not rich like other folks,

    remained with me for many years as a rooted fear that would pop up every

    now and then in life. As I came into new thought and began my prosperity

    path, I realized that I had to erase the negative money memories of my past

    to move forward. We all, at some level have experienced negative money

    memories. Dr. Fox once told the story of a young woman who arrived in

    New York from Ireland with little money and the promise of work. She

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    went to him for help when the job she was promised only lasted a few

    weeks, and her funds were low. When she told Dr. Fox that she feared her

    father was right by telling her that she would always be a poor peasant girl

    and never amount to anything, Dr. Fox told her it was time for her to erase

    your negative money memory. She had to deny that thought and begin to

    affirm success and happiness in her life. As she worked with the laws of

    prosperity, her life changed dramatically. She eventually became a very

    successful business woman who married a man of great wealth. Emmet Fox

    wrote, When you go down to the seashore, you find what is practically an

    unlimited supply of sea water at your disposal. There are billions upon

    billions of gallons there, but the amount, which you can carry away, depends

    on the vessel with which you have provided yourself. If you take a ten

    gallon can, you can get ten gallons, but if you only take a pint pot you can

    take away only a pint, and if you have nothing bigger than a thimble, you

    will not be able to take any more than a thimbleful. So it is with divine

    abundance. The only limit is the limit of our capacity to receive.

    If we are walking around with the thought of poverty, then that is our

    concept of God. If I am disappointed in life, locked in a terrible job that I

    cant get out of, then that is my concept of God. What I am really saying is

    that God intelligently expressing as me, is locked in and cant get out. It is a

    ridiculous thought. So, we set ourselves up for the experiences that we have.

    Mind expresses consciously what we give it. You already have prosperity

    because of who and what you are an expression of God. If we dont put

    value on ourselves, Mind is saying, If thats how you see it, thats how

    youll get it. If you were God, would you invest in you? In terms of what

    you have brought to this day and what you are thinking right now, would

    you invest in you? Or would you step back and say think I will wait

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    awhile? Our mental posture is the key. Our mental posture determines

    what value is coming into our world.

    How do we spend our consciousness? What do we give our consciousness

    too? How much time do we give to people who are really boring, who dont

    give to us in terms of mental stimulation and a sense of the joy of living?

    This is one area where we determine what value we place upon ourselves.

    Another crunch of our own self-evaluation comes when we use money.

    Who and what do we spend our money on? Do we invest in good clothing,

    education, healthy food, and spirituality? This is where we determine the

    value we place on ourselves. If we dont invest in ourselves, how can we

    expect the Creative Principle to respond? Money is a symbol of exchange.

    It means to you not only freedom from want, but beauty, abundance and

    refinement. It is merely a symbol of the economic health of the nation.

    When your blood is circulating freely in your body, you are healthy. When

    money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy.

    When people hold tight and hoard money, they become charged with fear.

    Money should not be your sole aim. Love of money and wealth with the

    exclusion of everything else will cause un-balance. You are here to use this

    power with wisdom. Here is a statement about money given to his students,

    by Dr. Joseph Murphy: I like money, I use it wisely, constructively and

    judiciously. Money is constantly circulating in my life. I release it with joy,

    and it returns to me multiplied in a wonderful way. It is good and very good.

    Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance. I use it for good only, and I

    am grateful for my good, and for the riches of my mind. Joseph Murphy

    believed strongly that all one has to do in life is to unite mentally, spiritually

    and emotionally with the good you wish to embody, and the creative powers

    of the subconscious mind will respond accordingly.

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    An important part of the prosperity principle is the law of giving and

    receiving. Through practicing the law of giving and receiving we open the

    way for increase of good in our lives. Helen Zagat once wrote, The law of

    giving and receiving applies in two ways. First in giving to God the Source,

    giving to His work and second, giving to our fellow man. This second

    giving can be in the form of prayers, blessings and material items. Emmet

    Fox tells us that we must also learn to receive as well as give. When we do

    not receive from others we are stopping their flow of expression. Receiving

    from others, does not mean simply taking from others or asking for freebies.

    This is not working with the law of prosperity, but the law of greed. A

    number of years ago there was a nun who would sit in New Yorks Penn

    Station with a donation basket. For many years she took her seat every day

    in front of a main stairway. Scores of people would stop and give her a

    donation. One day she was simply not there. Someone wrote an article

    about the little nun who peddled money gifts at Penn Station. It seemed she

    was no nun at all. She was a single mom raising children. It was estimated

    she collected over five hundred dollars a day in her little basket. She had

    accumulated a great amount of money over the years. A large sum of that

    money went to medical expenses. While carrying her folding chair down the

    steps and trying to juggle, her basket and some food and beverage her heel

    caught into her make shift robe and she fell forward down the steep steps.

    She was taken to a hospital but had no medical insurance. Her out of pocket

    medical fees were exorbitant. Dr. Fox wrote, Too often we choose to use

    our free will in a negative way. Instead of understanding that it is our

    essential nature to express God, to be about the Fathers business, we try to

    set up our own account. We abuse our free will, trying to work apart from

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    God; and the very natural results are sickness, sin and trouble that we find on

    the physical plane.

    Those who give to the service of God, not with the primary motive of

    getting, but simply because they feel it is the right thing to do, find that their

    prosperity increases by leaps and bounds. Many questions arise as to the

    subject of tithing. Tithing is one aspect of the law of giving and receiving.

    Author Helen Zagat tells us that God is omnipresent and there is nothing

    outside God, we know that all things remain in the universal Substance,

    taking on different forms or quality. For instance, wood burns and is

    apparently consumed, but really there has been a transmutation into

    chemical elements needed to make up the component parts of the earth, the

    atmosphere, etc. So, all returns to the Source, in the invisible spiritual

    realm. It is our act of tithing that returns to the Source, to God.

    If we think about it, a kernel of grain that lay in King Tutankhamens tomb

    is still but a kernel of grain; but another from the same years harvest

    planted, and its seed in turn replanted through centuries may have fed

    nations. A dollar hidden away in a misers hoard is only a dollar. Put into

    circulation it may serve a thousand uses. A man may treasure a thought

    within his mind and never using it permits it to die. Or he may share that

    thought with others and see it take form in countless lives, multiplying in

    usefulness and power with rapidity, returning to him with increase that shall

    bless him immeasurably. The practice of prosperity is prescribed in a

    number of places in the Bible. Emmet Fox wrote, In all the ages, there

    have been many believers in the True God who have made this habit a

    cornerstone of their lives and have built upon that cornerstone an edifice of

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    prosperity which insured them that freedom from material cares that is so

    essential to the development of the soul. In the book of Malachi (3:10) we

    read Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in

    my house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, If I will not

    open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there

    shall not be room enough to receive it. Most successful business men, and

    heads of corporations attribute their success, and rightly so, to having

    formed the habit of tithing and maintaining it. Thousands of Truth students

    have grown out of what looked like long standing poverty, into security and

    comfort by the practice of tithing, and more are doing so at the present time.

    Getting ready for wealth is like playing a game of catch. Obviously the

    game cannot begin if you dont release the ball. Neither can you hang on to

    the return throw, if you are not ready and properly positioned. You cannot

    just hold out your hand and wait for the ball to drop into it, no; you must

    open your hand, reach out, and grasp the ball. You may be thinking how can

    I tithe when my finances are in such terrible conditions? Lets analyze a

    body of water. A lake will become stagnant unless it gives up a small

    portion of its water. It is through this giving that the lake attracts new water.

    It is the giving and receiving that keeps the water in the lake fresh and clear.

    The water that the lake receives is the tithe from the inlet Source. It is

    through freely giving and receiving that you will attract wealth into your life.

    By tithing you are no longer thinking I cant, and you are now taking on

    the attitude of opulence. Once you do this you will place in motion the

    mechanism that will provide the opportunities for wealth to enter into your

    life. Dr. Fox said, To be rich in life, you must first be rich in

    consciousness. When you can believe and expect wealth and work with the

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    laws of prosperity, you will begin meeting your goals. It is just as important

    for you to feel good about receiving. What you receive is someone elses

    tithe and opens the channel in their lives to receive.

    When we understand the realization that the one and only source of our

    supply is God, then our prosperity is secure. Business, employment,

    investments, customers, and clients are only channels through which supply

    is at the moment coming to you from God.

    Dr. Fox in his booklet The Magic of Tithing tells us, Tithing does not

    include general charity or material giving. It is devoted to the spreading

    abroad of the knowledge of Truth in some form or other, usually in support

    of those institutions or activities which are thus employed. Anyone one who

    understands the Spiritual Idea, knows that the one and only thing that the

    world needs to deliver it from its difficulties is knowledge of Spiritual Truth;

    that until a man comes to this knowledge, no other thing will really benefit

    him; that until this knowledge becomes general, no amount of secular

    learning, know scientific discoveries, no schemes of social reform, no

    amount of political reconstruction, can do any real good; and that once this

    knowledge once becomes general, all political and social problems will

    adjust themselves automatically, and all forms of charity and patronage

    become unnecessary. We know that by virtue of possessing the knowledge

    of the Truth of Being, we are nothing less than trustees for humanity. Those

    who are without this knowledge will continue to donate their money to the

    promotion of general good works, but we know that our first duty is the

    dissemination of Truth. Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall

    make you free. There is no set amount when you begin tithing, and not the

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    least obligation upon anyone to tithe at all until he reaches that state of

    consciousness when he is ready to do so. Fox tells us, to give grudgingly or

    with misgivings from a supposed sense of duty, is really giving from a sense

    of fear, and no prosperity ever came out of fear. He goes on to say that a

    tithe is an extremely efficient act of Faith. Whatever a man soweth, that

    shall he also reap; no man escapes that law.

    When we are afraid of approaching financial stress, we should say with

    conviction, The Lord is my source and supply, I shall not want, and this

    will impress the subconscious mind with hope and expectation, and as these

    increase, fear and doubt will begin to decrease. Jesus said in effect, seek

    spiritual riches first and material riches will be added unto you. The

    prosperity you affirm must be supported by a rich consciousness.

    With this understanding of the laws of prosperity, you have taken the first

    step on the road of demonstrating opulence. Dont get discouraged if there

    are delays. If your sights are low they need to be raised, if your faith is

    weak, it needs strengthening and if your vision fades it needs to be

    brightened by the light of God. Victor Hugo said: Nothing is so powerful

    in the world, as an idea whose time has come. When you come to know

    that all that your Father has is yours, when you see with a bountiful eye,

    when you realize the boundlessness of your spiritual inheritance, when you

    can share and give thanks, then nothing shall be lacking in your world.

    Keep on keeping on until the Light breaks through and the shadows


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    Take some small business cards and place an affirmation on each card.

    Place these cards strategically in view; in your office, at the breakfast table,

    on the night stand, wherever you can readily see them. Use them throughout

    the day. Repetition and realization is a major key.

    1. I am prosperity, abundance is everywhere

    2. I draw to me the highest and the best

    3. I accept success in all areas of my life

    4. God has a perfect plan for me, my good comes to me in perfect timing

    5. Gods blessings flow into my life from all directions

    6. The law of prosperity, operating in and through me, blesses and

    enriches all who touch my life

    7. I give freely of all that comes to me from the one Infinite Source

    We would love to hear about your thoughts and your progress. Please share

    a line about what you gained from this mini study it will help us prepare for

    other mini studies.

    We see you as prosperous, successful, healthy, happy, peaceful, and filled

    with the Infinite Wisdom, and we accept this and nothing less in your life.

    God Bless!

    God will provide us fully with everything we need. E.F.

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