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Page 1: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression)

Page 2: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.


Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions.

Proteinspolymers of amino acids The sequence of nucleotides in DNA

contains information for assembling the string of amino acids that make up a single protein.

Page 3: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

RNA-Ribonucleic Acid

A. Differences between DNA and RNA

1. RNA is single-stranded (it looks like ½ of a zipper.

2. The sugar in RNA is ribose

3. RNA contains URACIL instead of thymine. Uracil pairs with adenine.


Page 4: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

RNA-Ribonucleic Acid

B. Role of RNA1. “Worker” for protein synthesis while DNA

is the “Commander-in-Chief”RNA takes the instructions on how a protein should be built and then assembles the protein, amino acid by amino acid.

Page 5: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

RNA-Ribonucleic Acid

C. Types of RNA1. MESSENGER RNA (mRNA)-Bring

information from the DNA in the nucleus to the cytoplasm

2. RIBOSOMAL RNA (rRNA)-Subunit of ribosomes which clamps onto the mRNA and use its information to assemble the amino acids in the correct sequence.

3. TRANSFER RNA (tRNA)-Supplier of amino acids to the ribosome

Page 6: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

A. TranscriptionLocation=nucleusThe information found in a gene in DNA is transcribed into an mRNA molecule

Steps:1. RNA polymerase binds to the gene’s “promoter” or

“start” signal2. RNA polymerase unwinds and separates the two

strands of DNA3. RNA polymerase adds the complementary RNA

nucleotides as it “reads” the gene (U=A; G=C)4. Transcription proceeds until the RNA polymerase

reaches a “stop” signal. At this point, it detaches and the mRNA molecule detaches from the DNA strand. The DNA strand will twist back up and the bonds will be restored.

Page 7: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.




Adenine (DNA and RNA)Cystosine (DNA and RNA)Guanine(DNA and RNA)Thymine (DNA only)Uracil (RNA only)

Page 8: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Synthesis: Transcription

Page 9: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

B. The nucleotide sequence transcribed from DNA to a strand of mRNA acts as a genetic message.

This message is written in a language that uses nitrogen bases as its “alphabet”.

The language of proteins uses an “alphabet” of amino acids.

A code is needed to convert the language of mRNA into the language of proteins.

Page 10: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

B. continued… There are 20 different amino acids, but

only 4 types of N bases in mRNA. How can these bases form a code for proteins?

Page 11: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

A group of three nucleotides codes for one amino acid. Each set of three N bases that codes for an amino acid is called a codon.

The order of nitrogen bases in the mRNA will determine the type and order of amino acids in a protein

64 combinations are possible when a sequence of 3 bases is used. Thus, 64 different mRNA codons are in the genetic code.

Page 12: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Synthesis: Translation

Page 13: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.




















































A Codon





Page 14: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

The Genetic Code

Page 15: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

Some codons do not code for amino acids; they provide instructions for assembling the protein.

UAA is a stop codon indicating that protein production should stop at that point.

AUG is a start codon as well as being the codon for the amino acid methionine.

Page 16: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

As you can see from the genetic code chart, more than one codon can code for the same amino acid. However, for any one codon, there can only be one amino acid.

The genetic code is nearly universal-the same codon can code for the same amino acid in many different organisms

Page 17: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Synthesis: Translation

Page 18: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

C. Translation Location=cytoplasm1. In eukaryotic cells, mRNA leaves the nucleus

through an opening in the nuclear membrane and travels to the cytoplasm.

2. When the strands of RNA arrive, ribosomes attach to them like clothespins clamped onto a clothesline.

3. The process of converting the information in a sequence of amino acids that make up a protein is known as translation

Page 19: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.




Eukaryotic Translation




Nuclear pores




Page 20: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

1. Role of Transfer RNA (tRNA)For proteins to be built, the 20 different amino acids dissolved in the cytoplasm must be brought to the ribosomes -> this is the job of tRNA. Each tRNA molecule attaches to only one type of amino acidCorrect translation of the mRNA message depends on upon the joining of each mRNA codon with the correct tRNA moleculeOn the opposite side of the tRNA molecule from the amino acid attachment site, there is a sequence of 3 nucleotides that are the complement of the nucleotides in the codon. These 3 nucleotides are called an anticodon because they bond to the codon on the mRNA by the process of base pairing

Page 21: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

2. Translating the mRNA codea. As translation begins, a tRNA molecule

brings the first amino acid to the mRNA strand that is attached to the ribosome.

b. The anticodon forms a temporary bond with the codon of the mRNA strand. This places the amino acid in the correct position for forming a bond with the next amino acid.

Page 22: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

c. The ribosome slides down the mRNA chain to the next codon and a new tRNA molecule brings another amino acid.

d. The amino acids form peptide bonds, the first tRNA releases its amino acid and detaches from the mRNA. This tRNA molecule is now free to pick up and deliver another molecule of its specific amino acid to a ribosome.

Page 23: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Messenger RNA

Messenger RNA is transcribed in the nucleus.

Transfer RNA

The mRNA then enters the cytoplasm and attaches to a ribosome. Translation begins at AUG, the start codon. Each transfer RNA has an anticodon whose bases are complementary to a codon on the mRNA strand. The ribosome positions the start codon to attract its anticodon, which is part of the tRNA that binds methionine. The ribosome also binds the next codon and its anticodon.

mRNA Start codon



Phenylalanine tRNALysine




Page 24: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Protein Production and the Genetic Code

e. A chain of amino acids (polypeptide chain) continues to form

f. When a stop codon is reached, translation ends, and the amino acid strand is released from the ribosome.

g. The amino acid chains then twist and curl into complex three-dimensional shapes and become proteins.

Page 25: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

Forming the Polypeptide Chain

The Polypeptide “Assembly Line”The ribosome joins the two amino acids—methionine and phenylalanine—and breaks the bond between methionine and its tRNA. The tRNA floats away, allowing the ribosome to bind to another tRNA. The ribosome moves along the mRNA, binding new tRNA molecules and amino acids.


Translation direction

Lysine tRNA



Growing polypeptide chain


Completing the PolypeptideThe process continues until the ribosome reaches one of the three stop codons. The result is a growing polypeptide chain.

Page 26: Protein Synthesis (Gene Expression). Review Nucleotide sequence in DNA is used to make proteins that are the key regulators of cell functions. Proteins.

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Section 12-3

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can be


Messenger RNA Ribosomal RNA Transfer RNA

mRNA Carry instructions rRNACombine

with proteins tRNABring

amino acids toribosome

DNA Ribosome Ribosomes

which functions to

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