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121LÓPEZ-LASTRA ET AL. Biol Res 38, 2005, 121-146Biol Res 38: 121-146, 2005 BR

Protein synthesis in eukaryotes: The growing biologicalrelevance of cap-independent translation initiation


1 Laboratorio de Virología Molecular, Centro de Investigaciones Médicas, Santiago, Chile.2 Departamento de Pediatría Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.


Ribosome recruitment to eukaryotic mRNAs is generally thought to occur by a scanning mechanism, wherebythe 40S ribosomal subunit binds in the vicinity of the 5’cap structure of the mRNA and scans until an AUGcodon is encountered in an appropriate sequence context. Study of the picornaviruses allowed thecharacterization of an alternative mechanism of translation initiation. Picornaviruses can initiate translationvia an internal ribosome entry segment (IRES), an RNA structure that directly recruits the 40S ribosomalsubunits in a cap and 5’ end independent fashion. Since its discovery, the notion of IRESs has extended to anumber of different virus families and cellular RNAs. This review summarizes features of both cap-dependentand IRES-dependent mechanisms of translation initiation and discusses the role of cis-acting elements, whichinclude the 5’cap, the 5’-untranslated region (UTR) and the poly(A) tail as well as the possible roles of IRESsas part of a cellular stress response mechanism and in the virus replication cycle.

Key terms: protein synthesis, translation initiation, internal ribosome entry segment.

Corresponding author: Marcelo López-Lastra, Laboratorio de Virología Molecular, Centro de Investigaciones Médicas,Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Marcoleta 391, Santiago, Chile. Tel.: (56-2) 354-8182,Fax: (56-2) 638-7457, E-mail: [email protected]

Received: april 8, 2005. Accepted: june 16, 2005.




Following transcription, processing andnucleo-cytoplasmic export, eukaryoticmRNAs are competent for translation. Theregulation of translation rates – thefrequency with which a given mRNA istranslated – plays a critical role in manyfundamental biological processes, includingcell growth, development and the responseto biological cues or environmental stresses(172). Deregulation of translation may alsobe an important component in thetransformation of cells (38, 166). Indeed,modulation of mRNA translation exerts aprofound effect on global gene expression(172). In effect, even though two transcriptsare present in the cytoplasm in identicalquantities, they may be translated at very

different rates (172). This phenomenon isdue, in part, to the fact that the ribosomedoes not bind to mRNA directly but mustbe recruited to the mRNA by the concertedaction of a large number of eukaryotictranslation initiation factors (eIFs) (78,222). This recruitment step, also referred toas the initiation phase, can be defined as theprocess in which a special initiator tRNA,Met-tRNAi, is positioned in the P site of aribosome located at the correct initiationcodon (98). When the initiation stage iscomplete, the 80S ribosome is capable ofdipeptide formation (Fig. 1).

Translation initiation of eukaryoticmRNAs in general occurs by a scanningmechanism. Key features of this modelinclude the recognition of the 5’ terminusof the mRNA and its cap structure(m7GpppN), followed by binding of the 40S

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Figure 1. Schematic diagram of translation initiation in eukaryotes. Translation of mRNA intoprotein begins after assembly of initiator tRNA, mRNA and both ribosomal subunits. The complexinitiation process that leads to 80S ribosome formation consists of several linked stages that aremediated by eukaryotic initiation factors. See text for details. The 40S ribosomal subunit iscaptured for initiation via complex arrays of protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions. In thecap-dependant mechanism, the pre-initiation complex binds to the mRNA at the 5’ terminal capstructure with help of the eIF4F protein complex and then migrates along the mRNA until itencounters the initiation codon where the 80S ribosome is reconstituted. Upon release, the eIF arerecycled. This simplified model has been adapted from Pain (190). Updates include the ribosomaljoining model proposed by Unbehaun et al. (263).

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ribosomal subunit and scanningdownstream to the initiation codon (98,200). A consequence of cap recognition isthat eukaryotic mRNAs are monocistronic,since an mRNA contains only a single 5’terminus. On the other hand, cap-dependency allows the cell to control geneexpression by modulating the assembly andactivity of the cap-binding complexcomponents. Translational control therebyallows the cell to fine-tune gene expressionby stimulating or repressing the translationof specific mRNAs, usually through thereversible phosphorylation of translationfactors (79, 221). The study of thepicornaviruses allowed the characterizationof an alternative mechanism of translationinitiation. Picornaviruses can initiatetranslation via an internal ribosome entrysegment (IRES), an RNA structure thatdirectly recruits the 40S ribosomal subunitsin a cap and 5’-end independent fashion.Therefore, in general and depending onhow the 40S ribosomal subunit is recruitedto the mRNA, translation initiation can takeplace by a cap-dependent or a cap-independent fashion.


All eukaryotic mRNAs present a 5’terminal nuclear modification, the capstructure. This structure integrates severalimportant functions and affects RNAsplicing, transport, stabilization andtranslation. In translation, the cap structureserves as a “molecular tag” that marks thespot where the 40S ribosomal subunit is tobe recruited. Important in this recruitmentprocess is the eIF4F complex (78). EIF4F isa 3-subunit complex composed of eIF4E,eIF4A and eIF4G. EIF4E is the cap-bindingprotein and is therefore obligatory for thestart of cap-dependent translation initiation.EIF4A is a member of the DEA(D/H)-boxRNA helicase family, a diverse group ofproteins that couples ATP hydrolysis toRNA binding and duplex separation (227).EIF4A participates in the initiation oftranslation by unwinding secondarystructure in the 5’-untranslated region ofmRNAs and facilitating scanning by the

40S ribosomal subunit for the initiationcodon. EIF4A alone has only weak ATPaseand helicase activities, but these arestimulated by eIF4G and eIF4B (227).EIF4B, an RNA-binding protein, stimulateseIF4A helicase activity and promotes therecruitment of ribosomes to the mRNA byinteracting with the 18S ribosomal RNA(rRNA) to guide the 40S ribosomal subunitto the single-stranded region of the mRNA(98). EIF4GI and eIF4GII (here genericallyreferred to as eIF4G) serve as a scaffold forthe coordinated assembly of the translationinitiation complex, leading to theattachment of the template mRNA to thetranslation machinery at the ribosome.EIF4G brings together eIF4F, as it has twobinding sites for eIF4A and one binding sitefor eIF4E, but more importantly, it bridgesthe mRNA cap (via eIF4E) and the 40Sribosomal subunit (via eIF3) (86, 97, 215)(Fig. 2). EIF4F is recognized as the keyfactor in selecting mRNA for translation, itis understood that the binding of eIF4F toan m7G cap commits the translationalapparatus to the translation of that mRNA.The 40S ribosomal subunit is recruited tothe mRNA as part of the 43S initiationcomplex, composed of the subunit bound toeIF2-GTP/Met-tRNAi, eIF1A and eIF3 (98,204, 222). EIF1A and eIF1 are required forbinding to the mRNA and migration of the43S complex in a 5’ to 3’ direction towardsthe initiation codon (199). The 5’ to 3’migration of the 43S complex towards theinitiation codon (ribosome scanning) is aprocess that consumes energy in the form ofATP. EIF1A enhances eIF4F-mediatedbinding of the 43S complexes to mRNA,while eIF1 promotes formation of the 48Scomplex in which the initiator codon is basepaired to the anticodon of the initiatortRNA (199). These proteins actsynergistically to mediate assembly ofribosomal initiation complexes at theinitiation codon and dissociate aberrantcomplexes from the mRNA (199). EIF1also participates in ensuring the fidelity ofinitiation by acting as an inhibitor of eIF5-induced GTP hydrolysis (discussed below)(263). The ribosome stops when it bindsstably at the initiation codon to form the48S initiation complex, primarily through

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the RNA-RNA interaction of the AUG(mRNA), and the CAU anticodon of thebound Met-tRNAi (associated to the 40Ssubunit via eIF2). The initiation codon isusually the first AUG triplet in anappropriate sequence context (G/AXXAUGG, where X is any nucleotide(nt), downstream of the 5’cap (140). Oncepositioned on the initiation codon the eIFsbound to the 40S ribosomal subunit aredisplaced (98, 204). Thus, the first step inribosomal subunit joining is hydrolysis ofeIF2-bound GTP and release of eIF2-GDPfrom 48S complexes (49). EIF5 induceshydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP, leading todisplacement of eIF2-GDP; the inactiveeIF2-GDP is recycled to the activated eIF2-GTP by eIF2B, a guanine nucleotideexchange factor (98). In the absence ofeIF1, eIF5 induces rapid hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP in 43S complexes. However,the presence of eIF1 in 43S complexesinhibits eIF5-induced GTP hydrolysis.Interestingly, the establishment of codon-anticodon base pairing, in the 48Scomplexes, relieves eIF1-associated

inhibition of eIF5-induced GTP hydrolysis.Thus, hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP in 48Scomplexes, assembled with eIF1, takesplace (263). Therefore, eIF1 plays the roleof a negative regulator, which inhibitspremature GTP hydrolysis and links codon-anticodon base pairing with hydrolysis ofeIF2-bound GTP. Hydrolysis of eIF2-boundGTP and release of eIF2 leads to release ofeIF3 from 48S complexes assembled onAUG triplets (263). Finally, eIF5Bmediates joining of a 60S subunit to the40S subunit, resulting in formation of aprotein synthesis-competent 80S ribosomein which initiator Met-tRNA is positionedin the ribosomal P site (149, 206) (Fig. 1).

The canonical scanning mechanism rulesinitiation of most mRNAs, but three non-classical cap-dependent initiationmechanisms have been described: leakyscanning, ribosomal shunting andtermination-reinitiation (Fig. 3). Thesealternative means of cap-dependenttranslation initiation are expected to allowthe scanning complex to overcome a varietyof limitations imposed by the 5’UTR.

Figure 2. Mechanism of cap-dependent translation initiation. Schematic representation of theclosed-loop model of translation initiation. In this model, the eIF4F complex interacts with both the5’end of the mRNA (via eIF4E) and the poly(A) tail (via PABP) and recruits the 40S ribosomalsubunit via its interaction with eIF3. For simplicity, other proteins, as well as a second eIF4Amolecule known to interact with eIF4G, have been omitted.

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The scanning model predicts thatribosomes should initiate at the first AUGcodon encountered by a scanning 40Ssubunit. In most mRNAs, initiation usuallydoes indeed occur at the AUG triplet that isproximal to the 5’end of an mRNA.However, the first encountered AUG codoncan be by-passed if it is present in a poorcontext. In this case, the 40S subunit willinitiate at an AUG in a better contextfurther downstream, in a process known as“leaky scanning” (Fig. 3A) (139). Leaky

Figure 3. Alternative mechanisms to the classical scanning model. Alternative mechanisms tothe classical scanning model can be used to avoid inhibitory effects imposed by the 5’UTR. Theinitiation complex initially recruited in proximity to the 5’ cap structure may (A) scan pass anencountered putative initiation codon if this is in a non-optimal context. In the mechanism knownas leaky scanning, translation will initiate in a downstream AUG in an optimal context, (B) jumpover the secondary structure or upstream initiation codons in a process termed ribosomal shunt, or(C) initiate at an upstream AUG codon and translate the upstream ORF, terminate and thenreinitiate at a downstream AUG codon, termination-reinitiation. For diagram simplicity, eIF andother proteins known to participate in these processes have been omitted.

scanning is widely used in viruses, where itpresumably helps economize on codingspace. In HIV-1, for example, the envelopeprotein (ENV) is translated from an mRNAthat contains an upstream ORF encoding anaccessory protein Vpu in a different readingframe. To permit Env synthesis, the vpuinitiation site is in a weak context (235).Similar examples exist for the hepatitis Bvirus (HBV) (153), the humanpapillomaviruses (HPV) (250), the rabiesvirus (36), and the simian virus 40 (238).

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The scanning model also postulates thatwhen a scanning 40S ribosomal subunitencounters a hairpin loop in the 5’UTR, itdoes not skip over the loop but unwinds it(141, 142, 196). Nevertheless, there aresome cases when a scanning 40S ribosomalsubunit encounters the structures present inthe 5’UTR and skips or shunts over a largesegment, bypassing intervening segmentsincluding AUG codons and strongsecondary structures that normally wouldblock the scanning process (Fig. 3B). Firstcharacterized in cauliflower mosaic virus(CaMV) 35S RNA (68) and plant-relatedpararetroviruses, shunting has also beenobserved in Sendai (147), papillomaviruses(224), and adenovirus late mRNAs (278). Inribosome shunting, ribosomes startscanning at the cap but large portions of theleader are skipped. Thereby, the secondarystructure of the shunted region is preserved.

In the reinitiation mechanism, a secondORF located in the same mRNAs can betranslated without the 40S subunitbecoming disengaged from the mRNA afterreaching the first ORF stop codon. If the 5’-proximal AUG triplet in a mammalianmRNA is followed by a short ORF, asignificant fraction of ribosomes resumescanning after termination of short ORFtranslation and reinitiate at a downstreamAUG (Fig. 3C). For example, translation ofyeast GCN4 mRNA occurs by a reinitiationmechanism that is modulated by amino acidlevels in the cell (99). Ribosomes thattranslate the first of four upstream openreading frames (uORFs) in the mRNAleader resume scanning and can reinitiatedownstream. The frequency of reinitiationfollowing uORF1 translation depends on anadequate distance to the next start codonand particular sequences surrounding theuORF1 stop codon (99).



Most eukaryotic mRNAs, with the notableexception of histone mRNAs, possess apolyadenylated [poly(A)] tail (50-300 nt inlength) at their 3’ end. The majority of theeukaryotic transcripts are post-

transcriptionally polyadenylated in thenucleus (273). The poly(A) tail interactssynergistically with the 5’cap in stimulatingtranslation (22, 70, 178, 181, 214). Thepoly(A) tail of most transcripts is coatedwith multiple copies of the poly(A)-bindingprotein (PABP), a 70-kDa protein with fourhighly conserved RNA recognition motifs(55, 82, 125). PABP is a ubiquitous,essential factor with well-characterizedroles in translational initiation and mRNAturnover (82, 87, 267). Both yeast andhuman PABPs interact with the translationinitiation factor eIF4G, thereby causingcircularization of the mRNA via bridging ofits 5’ and 3’ termini (eIF4E/eIF4G/PABP)(Fig. 2) (110, 125, 256). This circularmRNA complex has been reconstituted invitro using purified components andvisualized by atomic force microscopy(271).

An ongoing debate exists regarding themechanism by which PABP-inducedcircularization of the mRNA stimulatestranslation. The current closed-loop modelsuggest that circularization of mRNAimproves translat ion eff iciency byfacilitating the utilization or recycling of40S ribosomes (117, 125). This notion hasbeen reinforced by reports that establish aclear link between translation initiationand termination. Eukaryotic release factor3 (eRF3) is a 628 amino acid proteinimplicated in translation termination (281).ERF3 interacts with eRF1, whichrecognizes the stop codon of the mRNA,and together they release the newlysynthesized polypeptide (135). Recently,eRF3 was shown to interact with the C-terminal domain of PABP (262). The largedistance between the translat iontermination codon and the poly(A) tail inmRNAs with long 3’ UTRs has served asan argument against the role of thepoly(A) tai l in r ibosome recycling.However, the interaction between eRF3and PABP may provide a physical linkbetween translation-terminating ribosomesand the 3’ poly(A) tail for recruitment tothe 5’ end of the mRNA (262). Long3’UTRs can be “looped-out”, bringingterminating r ibosomes and the 5’translation initiation complex into close

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proximity, in such a way that would allowthese ribosomes to re-initiate a round oftranslation. Alternatively, it can be thatcircularizat ion al lows for eff icienttranslation of only intact mRNAs, thusdiminishing the possibility of generatingpotentially dominant-negative forms ofproteins from nicked mRNAs. A thirdhypothesis posits that PABP promotes 60Sribosomal subunit joining at the startcodon (237). Finally, PABP binding toeIF4G may engender conformationalchanges that promote eIF4F activity. Arecent report might have shed light on thisissue by showing that in mammals PABPexerts its stimulatory effects at multiplestages of translation initiation (126). Thework of Kahvejian and colleagues suggeststhat PABP would regulate both initiationfactor binding to the mRNA (thuscontrolling 40S recruitment) and 60Sjoining (thus 80S assembly) (126).

Even though the mechanism by whichPABP enhances translation initiation is notfully defined, experimental evidence doessupport the need of mRNA circularizationfor efficient protein synthesis. Furtherattestation for this model comes from thestudy of viral RNAs that lack a 3’poly(A)tail (Fig.4). Rotavirus, a member of theReoviridae , contains eleven double-

stranded RNA segments (191). Allsegments are transcribed into mRNAs thatpossess a 5’cap structure but lack 3’poly(A)tails. Instead, the 3’ end sequences containa tetranucleotide motif that is recognized bythe virus-encoded protein NSP3. NSP3protein binds specifically to the conservedviral 3’ end sequences and to eIF4G (84,210, 211, 265). Because eIF4G has a higheraffinity for NSP3 than PABP, theinteraction between PABP and eIF4G isdisrupted in rotavirus-infected cells (56,178, 211, 265). The two consequences ofNSP3 expression, then, are reducedefficiency of host mRNA translation andcircularization-mediated translationalenhancement of rotavirus mRNAs (Fig. 4).

Two PABP-binding partners have beenidentified: PABP interacting protein 1 and 2(Paip1 and Paip2) (45, 132). Paip1 is a 54-kD protein that shares homology with thecentral region of eIF4G, stimulatestranslation in vivo, interacts with eIF4A,and is involved in mRNA turnover (45, 87).Paip2 inhibits 80S ribosome complexformation thus inhibiting translation (132).Paip2 competes with Paip1 for binding toPABP. Moreover, the binding site for Paip2and eIF4G on PABP overlap, suggestingthat they compete for binding to PABP.Paip2 is also capable of displacing PABP

Figure 4. Translation initiation in rotavirus, an alternative to the closed loop model. Therotavirus NSP3 protein binds to the 3’ end of viral mRNAs, can displace PABP from eIF4G andassure rotavirus mRNA circularization for translation.

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from the poly(A) tail (132). Consequently,Paip2 strongly interdicts the interaction ofPABP with both the poly(A) tail andeIF4G, thus inhibiting translation bydisrupting circularization of mRNAs.These observations further bolster the ideathat mRNA circularization is a key step intranslation and represents a target fortranslational control. Thus, it can beconcluded that the 5’ and 3’ termini ofmRNAs communicate to facilitate efficienttranslation initiation through interaction ofPABP with the translation initiation factoreIF4G. Interest ingly, the functionalrelevance of this interaction is not limitedto translation initiation. During the processof mRNA decay, the poly(A)-specificribonuclease (PARN) interacts with the 5’cap in a manner that increases theprocessivity of poly(A) tail shortening(53). In serum-starved culture conditions,PARN phosphorylation is increased, thusincreasing its affinity for the 5’ cap,whereas the phosphorylation of both eIF4Eand the 4E-binding protein, 4E-BP1, isdiminished (236). The eIF4E-eIF4Ginteraction is of central importance forcap-dependent ini t iat ion and can beblocked by small regulatory proteins thatbind to eIF4E, known as 4E bindingproteins (4E-BPs). Mammalian 4E-BPsinhibit cap-dependent protein synthesis bybinding to eIF4E. Three members of the4E-BPs have been described. 4E-BP1 and4E-BP2 share 56% identity, while 4E-BP3shares 57% and 59% identity with 4E-BP1and 4E-BP2, respectively (193, 213). 4E-BPs act as molecular mimics of eIF4Gs(90, 163, 167). EIF4Gs and the 4E-BPsoccupy mutually exclusive binding sites onthe surface of eIF4E. The interaction of4E-BPs with eIF4E is modulated by theextent of 4E-BP phosphorylation (76, 77).The 4E-BPs strongly interact with eIF4Ewhen in their hypophosphorylated stateand dissociate from eIF4E uponhyperphosphorylation. Therefore, underserum-starved conditions eIF4E-4EBP1interactions prevail granting PARN accessto the 5’cap-structure (236). Therefore, itappears that for both mRNA translationinitiation and degradation, the 5’ and 3’termini of mRNA must be brought into

close proximity to effectively performeither process. This suggests that mRNAcircularization may be a pivotal controlpoint that determines the fate and regulatestranslation rates of a given mRNA.


In 1988, it was discovered that translationof the uncapped picornaviral mRNA ismediated by an RNA structure whichallows assembly of the translationalmachinery at a position close to or directlyat the initiation codon, the internalribosome entry segment (IRES) (Fig. 5)(121, 195). This finding broke one of thecardinal rules of translation initiation, thatis, that eukaryotic ribosomes can bind tomRNA only at the 5’ end. Functionally, theIRES was identified by inserting thepoliovirus (PV) 5’ UTR into theintercistronic spacer of a bicistronicconstruct coding two proteins (Fig. 6)(195). Expression of the second cistrondocumented the ability of the insertedsequence to promote internal ribosomebinding and translation independent of thefirst cistron. In general, IRES-mediatedtranslation is independent of the nature ofthe extreme 5’ end of the RNA as it doesnot require a cap structure (115). In theartificial bicistronic mRNA model,translation of the downstream cistronoccurs even when translation of theupstream cistron is abolished (115). As analternative to bicistronic constructs, circularmRNA can be used to identify IRESs (34,35). The principle behind this strategyrelies on the observation that in cell freesystems, eukaryotic ribosomes are unable tobind to small circular RNAs, 25-110nucleotides in length, suggesting thateukaryotic ribosomes can only bind RNAsvia a free 5’end. However, by in vitrotranslation of a circular mRNA, Chen andSarnow (34) showed that spatial constraintsimposed by circularization of IRES-containing RNA molecules do not interferewith IRES function, confirming that IRESsallow recruitment of the 40S ribosomalsubunit totally independently from the 5’and 3’ ends of the mRNA.

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Figure 5. Schematic representation of internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-mediatedtranslation initiation. Internal initiation is an alternative mechanism to cap-dependent translationinitiation which allows loading of the 40S ribosomal subunit on the mRNA in a 5’ end- and cap-independent fashion. Among the different IRESs canonical initiation factor requirements arevariable. However, most IRESs require specific cellular proteins, IRES trans-acting factors(ITAFs), to be functional. See the text for details. For diagram simplicity, other proteins, as well asa second eIF4A molecule known to interact with eIF4G, have been omitted.

Figure 6. Bicistronic mRNAs. In bicistronic constructs, the first cistron is cap-dependent while thesecond cistron will be translated only if the intercistronic sequences can function as an IRES sinceribosome recruitment to the intercistronic spacer is independent from the 5’cap structure. Fordiagram simplicity, eIF and other proteins known to participate in these processes have beenomitted.

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At present, IRESs are defined solely byfunctional criteria and cannot yet bepredicted by the presence of characteristicRNA sequences or structural motifs. Forcellular IRES elements, Le and Maizel havepredicted that a Y-shaped, double-hairpinstructure followed by a small hairpinconstitute an RNA motif that can be foundupstream of the start-site codon in a varietyof cellular IRESs (148). However, currentlythere is no experimental evidence tosupport this prediction. Despite theseapparent restraints, since the initialcharacterization of picornavirus IRESs,other RNA and DNA viruses have beenshown to initiate translation internally.These include members of the Flaviviridae(212, 225, 242, 261), the Retroviridae (10,13, 14, 26, 30, 52, 157, 184), and theHerpesviridae (15, 88, 111). IRESs alsohave been found in insect and in plantviruses (tobacco etch virus and thetobamovirus) (71, 114, 275) and have beendescribed in insect and rodentretrotransposons (14, 158, 174, 228). As ageneral rule, there are no significantsimilarities between individual IRESs(unless they are from related viruses). Themechanism of internal initiation is notrestricted to viruses, and IRESs have beenincreasingly recognized in cellular mRNAs(reviewed in 94). Although capped, somecellular mRNAs – including those encodingtranslation initiation factors, transcriptionfactors, oncogenes, growth factors,homeotic genes and survival proteins –contain IRES elements in their 5’UTRsequences that may allow them to betranslated under conditions when cap-dependent synthesis of proteins is impaired.For an extensive list of cellular IRESs, wedirect the reader’s attention to the IRESdatabase: http: //ifr31w3.toulouse.inserm.fr/IRESdatabase/.

IRES-mediated translation initiation isstrictly dependent on the structural integrityof the IRES. Small deletions or insertions,and even substitution of single nucleotidesin the IRES elements, can severely reduceor enhance their activity (64, 121, 169, 171,195, 279). The tertiary structure of theIRES is supported by both RNA-protein(discussed in the next section) and long-

range RNA-RNA interactions betweenfunctional domains (144, 168). The latterinteractions are strand specific and, in vitro,dependent on RNA concentration, ionicconditions and temperature, suggesting thatIRES folding is a dynamic process. It islikely that the structural dynamism shownby IRESs plays an important role in theirbiological function, that is, IRESs mayadopt specific structures, showingdifferential translational activities,depending upon the specific environmentalconditions (168-170).

In vitro reconstitution of the translationinitiation event using theencephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) IRESshowed that formation of 48S complexes isATP-dependent and requires almost thesame factors as the cap-dependent initiationmechanism except for eIF4E (203, 208).Specifically, the cap-binding proteincomplex eIF4F can be replaced by acomplex of eIF4A and the central domainof eIF4G (lacking the eIF4E bindingdomain, see below) (155, 186, 187). BotheIF4A and the function of the centraldomain of eIF4G are essential for 48Scomplex formation, exemplified by theprofound inhibition of EMCV IRES-mediated translation by dominant negativemutant forms of eIF4A, which sequester theeIF4A/4G complex in an inactive form(194). IRES requirement of eIFs is not ageneral feature. Biochemical reconstitutionof the initiation process on the hepatitis Cvirus (HCV) and cricket paralysis virus(CrPV) IRESs revealed that in theseparticular cases, formation of the 40S/IREScomplex is eIF-independent. For theformer, studies show that the 40S ribosomalsubunit binds specifically to the HCV IRESwithout any requirement for initiationfactors, in such a way that the ribosomal Psite is placed in the immediate proximity ofthe initiation codon (123, 137, 189, 207).Subsequent addition of the eIF2-GTP/Met-tRNAi complex to the 40S/IRES complex isnecessary and sufficient for formation ofthe 48S complexes. Although eIF3 is notneeded for 48S complex formation, it bindsspecifically to the HCV IRES and is likelyto be a constituent of the 40S/IREScomplexes in vivo (123, 189, 243).

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Significantly, initiation on the HCV IREShas no requirement for ATP or any factorassociated with ATP hydrolysis and, aswould be expected, is resistant to inhibitionby dominant negative eIF4A mutants. Forfurther insights into the mechanism of HCVtranslation initiation, we direct the reader tothe 1999 review by Hellen and Pestova(93). The case of the CrPV IRES is evenmore astounding as this element cannotonly recruit the 40S ribosomal subunit in aeIF-independent fashion but does notrequire eIF2, initiator tRNA, eIF5B, or GTPhydrolysis to form an 80S/IRES complex(119, 202, 205, 247). Most interesting is thefact that for CrPV the first encoded aminoacid is not methionine and that initiationdoes not occur at a cognate AUG codon oreven a weak cognate codon such as CUG orGUG (120). The N-terminal residue of theCrPV capsid protein precursor is eitheralanine (encoded by GCU or GCA) orglutamine (encoded by CAA) (120). Studiesaimed at understanding the molecular basisof this mechanism revealed that for theCrPV, IRES translation initiates from thetriplet positioned in the A site of theribosome (274).

Supplementary support for the notion ofcap-independent translation initiation camefrom studies conducted to examine themechanism by which picornaviruses inhibittranslation of capped cellular mRNAs (60,154). Infection of cells by PV, rhinovirusesand aphthoviruses results in a rapidinhibition of host cell protein synthesis.During infection eIF4Gs are cleaved by viralproteases 2A of PV, coxsackievirus (CV)and human rhinovirus (HRV) or the leader(L) protease of foot and mouth disease virus(FMDV) into an amino-terminal fragment,which contains the eIF4E-binding site, and acarboxy-terminal fragment (p100), whichcontains the binding site for eIF3 and eIF4A(91, 145, 187). Consequently, cleavage ofeIF4Gs following viral infection results inthe inactivation of the eIF4F complex withrespect to its ability to recognize cappedmRNAs and hence in a severe inhibition ofcap-dependent translation initiation (21, 145,187). Yet, while p100 supports cap-independent translation initiation, itsinteraction with the IRES requires host

factors (11, 21, 145, 187). Therefore, uponinfection with these viruses, host proteinsynthesis is blocked, and the viral genome istranslated without competition from cellularmRNAs for the required host components.Inhibition of cap-dependent translationinitiation by cleavage of eIF4G by virus-encoded proteases is a strategy that has beenrecently extended to other IRES-containingviruses. In fact, the retrovirus-encodedprotease, a protein responsible for virusmaturation, cleaves eIF4G, affectingtranslation initiation (8, 185, 197, 266). Notall Picornaviridae use this cleavage strategyto inhibit cap-dependent translationinitiation, however. The cardioviruses inhibithost cell protein synthesis by inducingdephosphorylation of 4E-BPs (80).

Despite being independent of thepresence of cap-binding complexes,translation of some IRESs is stimulated bythe presence of a poly(A) tail (12, 72, 156,177, 178, 192, 254). However, particularlyin the case of the cellular IRESs found inBiP and c-myc (257), as well as somepicornaviruses, the mechanism by whichpoly(A) enhances IRES-mediatedtranslation is far from clear. In theseexamples, IRES activity is increased eventhough eIF4G is cleaved, under whichcircumstances poly(A) enhancement ofIRES activity must be PABP independentas the eIF4G-PABP interaction and eIF4G-IRES recognition domains are cleavedapart. Nonetheless, it is possible thatinteractions between the IRES and 3’ RNAregions can be established by as-yet-undetermined mechanisms. This isexemplified by the RNAs of barley yellowdwarf virus (6), satellite tobacco necrosisvirus (152) and HCV, which lack both a5’cap and a poly(A) tail (138) yet whichcontain sequences in the 3’ UTR that arerequired to confer efficient IRES-dependenttranslation initiation (47, 113, 175, 176,258, 269). These observations suggest thatan RNA-RNA or an RNA-protein bridge isestablished between sequences or factorsinteracting with specific elements within the3’UTR and the IRES. There are certainly anumber of proteins, unrelated to PABP,capable of interacting with viral 3’ UTRsthat are also implicated in IRES interaction,

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providing potential links between 3’ andIRES sequences (81, 112, 159, 248, 249).This notion has not been demonstratedexperimentally and thus remainsspeculative. There is one notable report,however, in which an RNA-RNAinteraction between the 5’ and 3’ UTRs ofan uncapped, nonpolyadenylated plant viralmRNA confers translation initiation (89).


The precise molecular mechanism by whichthe host translation apparatus recognizesIRESs is unknown, but accumulating datastrongly suggest the utilization of bothcanonical initiation utilization of bothfactors, as well as specific cellular proteinsknown as IRES trans-acting factors(ITAFs), the later are normally not involvedin cap-mediated initiation. ITAFs areimportant in this recognition process (Fig.5) (11, 226). Initial support for the notionthat some IRESs might require additionalfactors to enable their activity came fromthe observation that IRESs of theencephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV), foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) andTheiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus(TMEV) were all active in rabbitreticulocyte lysate (RRL), whereastranslation mediated by poliovirus (PV) andrhinovirus (hRV) IRESs was inefficientunless the lysate was supplemented withHeLa cell extracts (19, 27, 57). Thisphenomenon turned out not to be restrictedto PV and hRV, as similar evidence wasreported for the fibroblast growth factor 2(FGF-2) and the human immunodeficiencyvirus type 1 (HIV-1) IRESs (17, 26, 179).

The list of known ITAFs is continuallygrowing. Among the most studied factorsare the human La autoantigent (La), thepoly(rC) binding protein-2 (PCBP2),upstream of N-ras (Unr) protein, and thepolypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB).La and PTB are important for the IRESactivity of some picornaviruses (24, 44, 83,109, 127, 128, 134, 173, 223, 260), La isrequired by the HCV IRES (5, 44, 216),while Unr specifically activates the IRES ofHRV and PV (25, 108). Functional in vitro

assays revealed that some IRES elementsrequire not just one, but a specificcombination of two or three ITAFs forefficient translational activity: PTB plusITAF45 –the latter a cell-cycle-dependentprotein homologous to Mpp1 (murineproliferation-associated protein)– for theIRES of FMDV (209); PTB plus PCBP2 forthe PV IRES (109); PTB plus Unr plusPCBP2 for the HRV IRES (108); andPCBP1, PCBP2, the heterogeneous nuclearribonucleoprotein C and K (hnRNP C andhnRNP K) activate the c-myc IRES (62,133); while La, hnRNP C1 and hnRNP C2activate the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis(XIAP) IRES (100, 102).

The mechanism by which ITAFsfacilitate the recruitment of ribosomalsubunits is so far unknown. One hypothesisposits that ITAFs possess chaperoneactivity and help to fold the IRES into theconformation required for translationalactivity (94, 116). This hypothesis is basedmainly on the structural properties of theseRNA-binding proteins. All ITAFs possessmultiple-RNA-binding domains, such ascold shock domains in the case of Unr (108,118), RNA recognition motif (RRM)domains for La (3, 131, 188), and PTB(198) and KH domains for PCBP2 (54, 150,268). Furthermore, most of these proteinsdimerize in solution (46, 198). Accordingly,these proteins may make multiple contactswith the IRES and modulate IRESconformation by a concerted interactionbetween several RNA binding sites (180).



Regulation of translation initiation is acentral control point in gene expression(172). Interestingly, several oncogenes,growth factors and proteins involved in theregulation of programmed cell death, cellcycle progression and stress responsecontain IRES elements in their 5’ UTRs.Internal initiation escapes many controlmechanisms that regulate cap-dependenttranslation. Thus, a distinguishing hallmarkof IRES-mediated translation is that itallows for enhanced or continued protein

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expression under conditions where normal,cap-dependent translation is shut-off orcompromised. For instance, IRES elementswere found to be active during irradiation(102), hypoxia (146, 251), angiogenesis (2),apoptosis (252) and amino acid starvation(63). Together, these observations suggestthat IRES-mediated translation initiation ofcertain mRNAs represents a regulatorymechanism that helps the cell cope withtransient stress. Moreover, IRES activitymay also participate in the maintenance ofnormal physiological processes such asadequate synthesis of some proteins duringcell cycle progression (42, 219, 230).

Since 1966, it has been known thattranslation is inhibited during mitosis inhigher eukaryotes (239). In fact, while cap-dependent translation is prevalent in the G1/S phase, it is inhibited in the G2/M phase(42, 219). Our current understanding of howtranslation initiation is inhibited at mitosissurmises that it is the result of multipleevents that lead to disruption of the eIF4Fcomplex, there by inhibition of cap-dependent translation (219). Two suchevents are the dephosphorylation of eIF4Eand the hypophosphorylation of 4E-BPs atmitosis, which prevent eIF4F function andassembly, respectively (59, 217, 219). Incontrast to cap-dependent translation, IRES-mediated translation initiation is independentof the cap and is therefore independent ofeIF4F integrity (78). In agreement, thesynthesis of some proteins required for thecompletion of mitosis, such as ornithinedecarboxylase (218) and the cdk-likep58PITSLRE (43), is maintained by an IRES-mediated mechanism. Other examples ofIRESs that are active during the G2/M phaseof the cell cycle are those harbored by thehepatitis C virus (HCV) (103), somemembers of the picornaviridae (18), HIV-1(26), the human cysteine-rich61 protein(Cyr61) (220), La (220), nucleosomeassembly protein 1-like 1 (NAP1L1) (220),and c-Myc encoding mRNAs (133, 136,218). These reports all provide importantinsight into cell cycle-specific modulation ofIRES activity and support the notion thatunique, IRES-mediated mechanisms oftranslation initiation are activated during G2/M to specifically translate IRES-containing

mRNAs (219, 230). Even though highlyattractive, this hypothesis may not beadequate, as a recent report showed that notall IRES containing mRNAs are selectivelytranslated during mitosis (220). This suggeststhat the switch from cap- to IRES-mediatedtranslation initiation is not mediatedexclusively through the increased availabilityof canonical translation initiation factors dueto the inhibition of cap-dependent translation.Therefore, it is plausible to propose that theenrichment in the cytoplasm of the specificfactor(s), ITAFs, required for certain IRESsto function during the different phases of thecell cycle, would collectively play a role inmodulating IRES activity.

Intriguingly, most of the known ITAFshave a role in nuclear RNA metabolism andare therefore preferentially confined to thecell nucleus. However, these factors areexpected to diffuse into the cytoplasm duringthe G2/M phase of the cell cycle due tonuclear envelope breakdown. Thiscytopasmic enrichment of specific ITAFs, inpart, may be responsible for the increasedactivity of some IRESs. Consistent with thispossibility, ITAF45 (209), heterogeneousnuclear ribonucleoprotein C (hnRNP C)(133) and Unr (259) are enriched in thecytoplasm during the G2/M phase of the cellcycle. The IRES of FMDV requires ITAF45(209), the c-myc IRES activity is increasedby hnRNP C (133), and the cdk-likep58PITSLRE IRES interacts with the Unrprotein (259). Additionally, complementaryDNA microarray studies show that a numberof other factors known to bind or interactwith IRESs such as PCBP2, PTB, hnRNP L,eIF3 and La protein are induced during the Sand G2/M phases (106).

It is also possible that RNA-bindingproteins differentially inhibit the activity ofsome IRESs. Consistent with this possibility,HuD and HuR –members of the Hu family ofRNA-binding proteins known to interactwith AU-rich elements and the poly(A) tail–decrease p27 protein expression by reducingthe p27Kip1 IRES activity, while PTB isknown to enhance the p27Kip1 IRES activity(9, 37, 143). Interestingly, this interplay ofRNA-binding proteins and the p27Kip1 IRESactivities occurs in a cell-cycle-dependentfashion (37, 143).

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IRES activity is crucial in determining thefinal cellular fate, namely survival or deathby apoptosis (102). Induction of apoptosisis characterized by a general inhibition ofprotein synthesis that is attributed to theproteolytic cleavage of translation initiationfactors (reviewed in (39)). Caspase-dependent as well as caspase-independentcleavage of eIF4G has been reported, andthis event correlates with the shut down ofprotein synthesis. Interestingly, theapoptotic fragments of the eIF4Gs arecapable of supporting IRES-mediatedtranslation initiation. This overallphenomenon is not general to cell death.During necrosis, protein synthesis issustained in the dying cell, up to the pointwhere the cell loses its membrane integrity(231). Stringent control of caspase activityis thus critical for cellular homeostasis.Opposing the cellular destruction bycaspases are two classes of cellularapoptotic inhibitors, members of the Bcl-2and inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) genefamilies. Whereas the Bcl-2 proteins canblock only the mitochondrial branch ofapoptosis by preventing the release ofcytochrome c, the IAPs block both themitochondria- and death-receptor-mediatedpathways of apoptosis by directly binding toand inhibiting both the initiator and effectorcaspases (232). Cumulative data suggestthat cell commitment to death by apoptosisdepends on a delicate balance between theIRES-driven translation initiation of anumber of mRNAs coding for both anti-and pro-apoptotic proteins (reviewed in102). Indeed, mRNAs coding for IAPs,such as the cellular inhibitor of apoptosisproteins c-IAP1 and HIAP2 (264, 270),BCL-2 (240) and XIAP (101), as well assome pro-death proteins, including Apaf-1(40), and the death-associated protein 5(DAP5) (96) are translated via an IRES.DAP5 is a member of the eIF4G family andshares the central segment of eIF4GI/IIresponsible for eIF3 and eIF4A binding butlacks the N-terminal domain responsible forinteraction with the cap-binding proteineIF4E. DAP5 thus resembles the cleavedversion of eIF4GI/GII, devoid of its N

terminus, which can result from infectionby several members of the picornavirusfamily. Such cleaved C-terminal fragmentsof eIF4GI/GII fail to mediate cap-dependenttranslation but retain their ability topromote IRES-mediated translationinitiation (95). The identification of DAP5as a positive mediator of apoptosiscomplicates the correlation between themodulation of IRES activity and cell death.

While the exact molecular pathways thatregulate the balance between IRES-mediated translation of pro-survival andpro-death mRNAs need to be furtherinvestigated, it has become clear that IRESsare critically involved in the regulation ofthe overall processes of apoptosis.


Viruses are obligate intracellular parasitesand depend on cells for their replication.However, they have evolved mechanisms toensure that their replication can be achievedin an efficient and, in some instances, acell-type-specific manner. Yet during theearly stages of infection, viral mRNA mustcompete with their host counterparts for theprotein synthesis machinery, not forribosomes as much as for the limited poolof eukaryotic translation initiation factors(eIFs) that mediate the recruitment ofribosomes to both viral and cellular mRNAs(201, 245). To circumvent this competition,we have described how viruses oftenmodify certain eIFs within infected cells sothat ribosomes can be recruited selectivelyto viral mRNAs. We also have outlined thatthis strategy implies that such viral mRNAscontain structural features such as the IRESthat are distinct from most polymerase II-derived host mRNAs (116, 130, 204, 233).In the following section, we will discuss therelevance of viral IRESs in virus tropismand control of the viral replication cycle.

Factors related to both the host and theinfectious agents determine pathogenesis ofvirus-induced disease. In this sense, there issignificant genetic evidence that IRESscontain determinants of cell specificitysupporting the notion that viral tropism canbe modulated at the level of viral protein

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synthesis. In the case of poliovirus (PV), theefficiency of viral mRNA translation is amajor determinant of neurovirulence anddisease pathogenesis (160-162, 255). Inabout 1% of humans infected with PV theneurovirulent phenotype is expressed,resulting in paralytic poliomyelitis. Repeatedpassages of PV strains in animals andcultured cells generated the correspondingattenuated vaccine strains (Sabin types 1-3).Thus, the improved ability of these PVvariants to grow in non-nervous tissuecompromised their ability to grow in thenervous system, as demonstrated by thedecreased neurovirulence in monkeys (162).The live, attenuated Sabin vaccine strains ofPV were shown to contain single pointmutations within the IRES resulting incompromised translation efficiencyspecifically in neuronal cells (7, 32, 161,162, 165, 182, 253, 272). This reduction ismediated by impaired binding of eIF4G,eIF4B and PTB to the IRES leading to animpaired association of ribosomes with theviral RNA (183). In agreement with thesefindings, the reversion of the Sabin strainstowards a pathogenic phenotype, a majorcause of vaccine-associated paralyticpoliomyelitis, is associated withcompensatory mutations in the IRES with aconcomitant recovery in secondary structureand translational activity (61, 75, 165).

The ability of PV to adapt to differentcell types also correlates with IRES-specific mutations. Most PV strains onlyinfect primates. Since transgenic mice aremade PV sensitive by introducing thehuman PV receptor into their genome, itwas assumed that the host range of PV wasprimarily determined by a cell surfacemolecule that functions as virus receptor(58, 107). However, the PV-sensitivetransgenic (PV-Tg) mouse model led to thecharacterization of a number of adaptivemutations which allowed PV to replicate inprimate cells and the central nervoussystem (CNS) of monkeys but not in mousecells or in the CNS of Tg mice (277). Thefailed capacity to replicate in both PV-Tgmice and in mouse cells was due to animpediment at the level of translationinitiation, suggesting that not only the viralreceptor but also interactions between the

viral IRES and host factors are importantdeterminants of virus host specificity (241).Further genetic evidence correlating IRESactivity with virus cell specificity camefrom the study of a mutant poliovirus inwhich the IRES had been substituted by therhinovirus IRES. This chimeric virusreplicated as well as wild-type poliovirus inHeLa cells, but replication of the mutant(but not wild-type) viruses was completelyrestricted in neuronal cells (85).

Another example is the Hepatitis A virus(HAV), sole member of the hepatovirusgenus of the picornaviridae. HAV ischaracterized by its lack of sequencerelatedness with other members of thepicornavirus family and by several uniquebiological characteristics, including slownon-cytopathic growth in cell culture andan inability to shut down host-cell proteinsynthesis (20, 51). HAV possesses an IRESin its 5’ UTR, and translation is the rate-limiting step for virus replication (28, 29,67). However, and in sharp contrast to themajor types of picornavirus IRESs, theactivity of the HAV IRES requires intacteIF4F (4, 20, 23). In common with PV,highly replicating HAV was recoveredfollowing successive passage in cells thatnormally allowed poor virus replicationonly. HAV was shown to have acquiredmutations in its IRES that enhancereplication by facilitating cap-independenttranslation in a cell-type-specific fashion(33, 65, 66, 234). Interestingly, passage ofHAV in different cell types engendereddifferent sets of mutations; however, alladaptive events were clustered within theIRES (33, 65, 66, 234).

The activity of the HCV IRES alsovaries depending on the cell type (129, 151,276), and studies comparing the efficiencyof the IRES element from different HCVgenotypes have established differentialtranslation initiation capabilities (31, 41,104, 105). Interestingly, the biologicaldifferences among HCV genotypes in termsof quantity of virus in serum or sensitivityto antiviral drugs directly correlates withthe translation efficiency of the IRES (31).Furthermore, recent studies correlated invivo tropism of HCV with the ability of theviral IRES to support translation initiation

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(276). Taken together, these observationssupport the notion of IRES-dependent virustropism and stress the role of IRESs in viruspathogenesis.

Upon establishment of a competentinfection, IRESs also can play other pivotalroles during viral replication. For example,positive-stranded IRES containing virusessuch as PV and HCV utilize the genomicRNA (gRNA) as a common template fortranslation and RNA replication. Bothprocesses cannot occur simultaneously on aunique RNA template, as they proceed inopposing directions. Consequently, the viralpolymerase is unable to use the gRNA as atemplate for RNA synthesis, while it isbeing used by translating ribosomes (73,74, 280). Modulation of IRES activity byviral and cellular factors is required tocoordinate these two antagonistic processes.In PV, the binding of the cellular proteinPCBP to the IRES enhances viraltranslation, while the binding of the viralprotein 3CD represses translation andfacilitates negative-strand synthesis (73,74). In HCV, the viral core protein down-regulates translation allowing initiation ofviral RNA transcription (280). A similarmechanism directed at modulatingtranslation and gRNA encapsidation alsohas been proposed for retroviruses (26, 48,184), and a correlation between inhibitionof translation and gRNA encapsidation hasbeen reported for the Rous sarcoma virus(RSV) (16, 246). Even though the case forcomplex retroviruses such as HIV-1 has notbeen demonstrated experimentally, similarphenomena may be at work, as supportedby a number of studies that clearly establishthat the full-length HIV-1 5’ leader regionthat contains the IRES element can adopttwo mutually exclusive secondarystructures (the branched multiple hairpinconformation, BMH, and the long-distanceconformation, LDI) that may befunctionally different (1). Interestingly, thetwo conformations differ in their ability toform RNA dimers, structures required forgRNA encapsidation. Moreover, the RNAregion, including the first start codon, foldsdifferently in each of these conformations.This region forms an extended hairpinstructure in the LDI conformation while

creating a long-distance interaction withupstream sequences that occludes the startcodon of the viral protein open readingframe in the BMH conformation (1). Theconformational switch from LDI to BMHwould be favored by the viral protein Gag.This model has been reviewed recently byDarlix et al. (48).

Enormous efforts have been directed atunderstanding the mechanism underlyingviral IRES-mediated translation initiationand the involvement of these elements invirus replication. A better knowledge of themechanism by which viral-IRES activity isregulated may lead to the design andvalidation of drug candidates thatspecifically inhibit virus replication bytargeting translation initiation. In the case ofHCV, this notion already has receivedattention (50, 69, 124). Indeed, a number ofreports have described specific HCV IRESinhibitors (92, 122, 164, 229). Moreover, atleast one phase I dose-escalation clinicalstudy using an HCV IRES inhibitor has beenreported (244). Protein synthesis inhibitorsare well known in antibacterial therapy,however, to date no antiviral agents havebeen identified that target viral proteinsynthesis despite the fact that several virusesof extreme medical significance (e.g. HCVand HIV) possess unique cis-acting RNAelements, such as IRESs. that are essentialfor mRNA translation. Therefore,understanding the molecular mechanismsunderlying viral IRES function will proveinstrumental in the development of novelantiviral strategies that specifically targetviral protein synthesis.


Much remains to be learned in the excitingfield of translational control. Since theelucidation of the scanning model foreukaryotic translation initiation, alternativehypotheses such as IRES-mediatedtranslation initiation have gained support.Indeed the cap and 5’ end-independentmechanism of ribosome recruitment andprotein synthesis initiation is now widelyaccepted for picornavirus. However, thenotion of IRES-mediated translation

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initiation continually has expanded toinclude other viral families and a growingnumber of cellular mRNAs. Experimentalevidence suggests that IRESs have evolvedas a strategy to ensure the synthesis ofcertain proteins under physiological stressconditions, where cap-mediated initiation isrepressed. The existence of a functionallink between disease and regulation ofIRESs has been proposed, however, directevidence remains elusive. Clearly, a moredetailed understanding of the molecularmechanisms underlying IRES-mediatedinitiation of protein synthesis will impactnot only on our understanding of geneexpression as a whole but also on thedevelopment of treatment strategies forcertain diseases. As discussed herein,several oncogenes, growth factors andproteins involved in the regulation ofprogrammed cell death contain IRESelements in their 5’ UTRs. A growing bodyof evidence supports the hypothesis thatselective IRES-mediated translation ofthese genes may contribute to the survivalof cancer cells under conditions of stress(such as nutrient deprivation, hypoxia ortherapy-induced DNA damage) to thedevelopment and progression of cancer andto the establishment of cancer cells that areresistant to conventional therapies.Moreover, the mRNA of some viruses ofextreme medical significance such as HCVand HIV-1 are also capable of IRES-mediated translation initiation. Together,these observations highlight IRESs andtheir ITAFs as potential targets for thedevelopment of novel agents thatspecifically target IRES-mediatedtranslation initiation. The diversity inlength, primary sequence and structuralrequirements of IRESs, together with theobserved variety of trans-acting proteinsrequired for their activity suggests that thepossibility of developing a broad-spectrumdrug to target general IRES activity isremote. However, these very characteristicsmay instead permit the development ofstrategies capable of specifically targeting asubpopulation of IRESs, or hopefully asingle IRES, increasing the potentialtherapeutic benefits of targeted inhibition oftranslation initiation.


Special thanks are given to Drs. M. Rau andY. Svitkin for critical reading of thismanuscript. The work in the laboratory ofM.L.L. is supported by grants from thePontificia Universidad Católica de Chile(DIPUC 161/2004/06E; 2005/14PI) andFONDECYT (No 1050782). This manuscriptwas funded by the Department of Pediatricsand the office for Research Affairs, schoolof Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católicade Chile.


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