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Protists can be defined as single-celled organisms that contain a nucleus

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Protists live in: Watery environments Moist soil Live inside larger organisms

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Characteristics Can be autotrophic or heterotrophic Most live as individual cells Some live in large colonies

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3 Major kinds of Protists Animallike Plantlike Funguslike

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The animallike protists are broken down into 4 major groups Sarcodines Ciliates Zooflagellates Sporozoans

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Sarcodines can be identified by their pseudopods or “false-foot” Pseudopod is a footlike extension that an

amoeba uses to move and capture food Ex. Amoeba (NNN) VIDEO!!!

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Ciliates have small hairlike projections on the outside of their cells Cilia act like tiny oars to move the

organism Ex. Paramecium Stentor, Spirostomum

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Zooflagellates are animallike protists that move using a flagella (usually 1-8 flagella)! Many kinds live inside other organisms

as symbionts a few are parasites Ex. Giardia

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All sporozoans are parasites that feed on the cells and body fluids of their host animals

Ex. Plasmodium malaria

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Plantlike Protists

Plantlike protists capture energy from the sun using chloroplasts

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Plantlike Protists

Three major groups of plantlike protists Euglenas Diatoms Dinoflagellates (WHICH IS WHICH????)

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All possess two flagella, eyespots (why?!), and green structures used in photosynthesis

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Diatoms are plantlike protists made of a tough glasslike, silicon material

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Dinoflagellates are plantlike protists that have two flagella and armor like cell walls

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Fungus-like Protists

Fungus-like protists are heterotrophic, have cell walls, and use spores to reproduce. An example are slime molds.

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Adios, ameobas…

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