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Data Intelligent Collaboration Network

Proton Network

Proton Global Foundation [email protected] www.proton.global|

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Table of Contents

1. Abstract

2. Industry Situation & Major Challenges 2.1 UID System Consensus & Achievement 2.2 UID System Situation 2.3 Huge Market Opportunities

3. Proton: A Public Chain for Digital Marketing 3.1 Value Definition & Vision 3.2 Core Concepts

UID(Unified Identity)

UP(Unified Profile)

UA(Unified Attention)

3.3 Industry Upgrade via UID & Blockchain 3.4 Data Collaboration on Proton Network 3.5 Structure Layout of Proton Network 3.6 Proton-empowered Ecosystem

4. Proton Token Circulation 4.1 PTT use case 4.2 Value of Token 4.3 Ways to obtain PTT

5. Technology & Deployment Overview 5.1 Application Layer 5.2 Service Layer 5.3 Data Analysis Layer 5.4 Trust Base (Blockchain) Layer 5.5 Data Storage Layer 5.6 Data Privacy







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Table of Contents

6. Business Analysis 6.1 Income Streams 6.2 Competitive Analysis

BAT(Basic Attention Token)

Data-driven Precise Marketing Platform 6.3 Advantages Vertical Industry Experience and Resources Existing UID System Test Partners Gene of Ecosystem & Network Effects Expansion potentials

Team member & Advisor

Development Milestones





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1. Abstract

The world is stepping into the digital era. Marketing, like all industries, has the opportunity to

transform itself by effectively engaging with the huge flows of data generated by billions of

smart devices.

Whilst the technology used by marketers is highly advanced, marketing methods themselves

are still stuck in the stone age. Theoretically, all activities in the digital world leave a trace.

Advertisers dream of being able to track consumers throughout the journey from first

impression to final purchase, however this currently isn’t possible because consumer's

digital traces are locked in ‘data silos’. This is due to a lack of cooperation between websites

and poor data interoperability.

Data is a valuable resource, so we are using the blockchain to facilitate trustless data sharing

so advertisers are able to track individual users across devices and platforms. Whats more,

for the first time consumers will actually be paid for the usage of their data.

Proton Network is a public chain for the digital marketing industry dedicated to achieving the

two most desired goals in the field:

1. Cross application unified identity (UID).

2. A Blockchain digital marketing ecosystem.


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2. Industry Situation & Major Challenges Five years ago, the SSP+DMP+DSP system started trying to further improve the accuracy of

digital marketing by using a series of analytical models based on cookies to define effective

user flow patterns. Sadly, the system was affected by fatal issues such as the short lifecycle

of cookies and the inaccessibility of data between websites and applications. The ultimate

results of digital marketing were not satisfactory. The original goal of bringing digital

marketing to an attributional analysis level eventually failed, Proton will not.


SSP = Supply Side Platform

DMP = Data Management Platform

DSP = Demand Side Platform


Figure 1: Advertising Industry landscape by Lumar Partners

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2.1 UID System Consensus and Achievement Years of wasted marketing budgets have led advertisers to the realization that they need

unified identifies for their customers. Alibaba, Tencent and other giants have consolidated a

large number of sites and applications into their ecosystems via acquisitions. By doing so,

the tech giants are able to connect data silos among members of their ecosystem and create

a UID system. This strategy achieved effective precision digital marketing in two years.

Lets take Alimama's Uni-Marketing as an example. Alibaba integrates Taobao, Tmall, Alipay

and other start-ups within the Alibaba Group in order to connect the data across Alibaba’s

whole ecosystem. They can then achieve highly precise digital marketing capabilities.

Alimama has helped Friso, Dyson, Estee Lauder and other brands instantly improve

marketing results by 1.2 to 3.8 times. Therefore, effective UID will fundamentally change the

whole industry dynamics.

But what do you do if you don’t want to pay for the quasi-monopolies of Alibaba and


"In two-week period since product launch, Friso acquired 3.8 times more consumers and 1.5

times larger the coverage of target population through Uni Desk by Carat ” - Case Study

from Morketing, an Industry Vertical Media

2.2 UID Walled Gardens Unfortunately, the success of the data giant also represents their monopoly in the market.

This phenomenon is also called a "Walled Garden" by industry experts.

Many advertisers cannot afford the high costs charged by these data giants, and most

independent applications and media cannot exchange data with each other due to mistrust.

Furthermore, a number of unique and efficient user analysis and rendering models have

failed to achieve business value due to a lack of common standards for formatting data.

Worst of all, customers have been totally neglected and have never really benefited from the

whole process.


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2.3 Huge Market Potentials and Opportunities According to the Internet marketing report released by the IAB United States, the online

advertising market reached 280 billion yuan in the first half of 2017 in the United States

alone, and the global Internet advertising market has exceeded 1 trillion yuan. According to

Global Digital Marketing Spending Report issued by Statista in 2018, global internet market

size will surge to over 2 trillion yuan starting from 2019. This represents a huge growth

market for new UID based advertising methods outside of the giants. One which could assist

and empower all involved parties to jointly accomplish an industry upgrade for such a huge

and thriving market. This is the mission of Proton Network.







2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020





Figure 2- Global Digital Marketing Spending 2015 - 2020 (Statista Reports)

Spending in billion U.S. dollars

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3. Proton Network

The first public chain for digital marketing. The Proton network will be the eco-system

consists of service providers in advertising industry, advertisers and end users who use

Proton’s API or products, and will utilize the Proton Token as a medium of exchange to

facilitate all transactions for services in the Proton network, so that all users of the Proton

network can deal efficiently with each other by means of a unified form of exchange.

3.1 Value Definition & Vision Proton provides a low-cost UID system solution and and an effective incentive mechanism to

website operators and applications developers through blockchain technology. All parties

can share data, confident it will be managed in a trustworthy way. Everyone will realize more

gains from the precision targeting, sites will be properly credited for bringing users, users

will be paid for their data and advertisers will get superb information.

In addition, the Proton network aims to create a blockchain digital marketing ecosystem.

Besides the advertisement market, we also hope that all players in the digital marketing

value chain can use our UID-based solutions for their own area of focus:

Service Providers:

A wide range of companies: agents, DSP / SSP/DMP platforms, Ad exchanges, BI teams

etc. They can upgrade existing systems via Proton’s API to access all-round authorized user

profile data with support of the ecosystem. The more accuracy during the campaign, the

more income for the service provider.

Publishers: Publishers can easily tap into Proton network via an SDK, API or the Proton empowered SSP

network. Publishers are able to use the authorized profile data providing more customized

service for their users.


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Advertiser: Advertisers can access the entire ad campaign process via a Proton-empowered DSP portal.

They can trace and measure the campaign’s result in real-time across the network, and

reward publishers and end users automatically.

End User: Users will for the first time ever, have full control of their data and can make a profit off of it.

They enrich information, give consent to brands and advertising service providers, and

receive rewards and discounts through Proton Client DApp. Thus fully protecting their

personal data privacy and gaining a fair return from brands.

3.2 Core Concepts UID (Unified Identity) The unique ID of each user throughout the entire network. Proton uses this ID for cross-

product, cross-platform user tracking and profile cross-matching, preventing the formation

of "Information Silos”. UID can be treated as a unified identity in the whole ecosystem, or as

a key to link the unified profiles (UP). Proton network, the UID is the key concept, it is also

the key for data exchanging across different areas. In order to build a complete UID data

system across the whole network, the Proton classifies UIDs into three different levels:

Top level: The user is verified and authorized through Proton client side Dapp.

Second level: The user is registered from the publishers/media in the ecosystem. These IDs

are generated from matching the encrypted standardized identity information.

Third level: IDs Generated through matching of collected multi-dimensional data. For

example: Mac address, cookies, etc. This is the current industry standard.

Publishers and the advertisers will no longer have to lead users to follow their pre-set

process to complete a transaction, nor encourage users to click on the corresponding ads.

They can even trace back VIP consumers’ behavior to optimize and modify the advertising

strategy accordingly.


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Case Study:

Ticket App[C] conducts a campaign in order to acquire customers. It advertises on travel

content App [A], expecting users to click on the ads at the end of the article to jump to

App[C] for submitting orders.

In most cases, the actual situation is that the user browses the travel articles about

Singapore in App[A] , then closes App[A] , opens a browser[B] and searches for tourist

routes in Singapore for more information. They then close browser[B], and reopen the

ticket App[C] for booking. An order is eventually submitted, but wouldn’t be traceable to a

non-UID-backed system. Media App[A] does not receive the advertising revenue it

deserves. Advertiser [C] is unable to understand and trace the source channel of the users.

If Ticket App[C] campaign comes under Proton network, it could’ve clearly tracked the

source of users and their footprint to adjust the campaign at any time. Media [A] can

therefore quantitatively measure previously unrecognized value. On top of that, the user

gets paid in Tokens for the usage of their data!


Expectation: Content App[A]


Browser App[B]


Ticket App[C]


Ads Purchase



A ??


Proton Solution:





Content App[A] Ticket App[C]

Figure 3- Example of how UID works

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UP (Unified Profile) The profile contains basic information and behavioral data, Tagged data generated from the

analysis process. Based on UID system, Proton can easily identify the most valuable

customers for their advertisers.

Within Proton network every user will have their independent UP in each application. Their

UP stores user's basic information (gender, etc.), key behavior defined by products, and

existing labels produced by publishers etc. Third-party companies can obtain encrypted

data for analysis once its authorized by the user.

Publishers can easily tap into the Proton network via an API and automatically collect data,

or they can enrich a users profile by using the Proton API with another publisher. Each UP of

the user has an independent Key, which is stored as a Proton UID. So in the Proton network,

a user’s global profile means the data set of all connected UPs.


App[A] is a news App. User[B] will generate huge amount of actions in App[A] such as

browsing, favoriting, forwarding, liking and commenting. App[A] also has a personal page

function for collecting User[B]’s information. When App[A] is connected to the Proton by

SDK, User[B]’s actions, basic information, will be automatically recorded and encrypted.

Proton will generate an independent Key for that as a User[B]’s UP on App[A].


User[B]’s UP on App[A]

browse Like CommentPersonal


User’s action & info will be recorded and encrypted

Figure 4- Example of how UP works


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UA (Unified Attention) UA is a comprehensive measurement system to evaluate user attention based on their UP,

the advertising content and user behavior (click and duration, etc.). UA is used to quantify

how long a user spends on certain content. Based on the measurement, a fair and

reasonable value distribution system can be designed to balance the interests of advertisers,

publishers and consumers.

UA serves as a basic unit of measure in the Proton, giving advertisers and service providers

a quantitative measurement of the user’s interest. UA version iterations are continuously

updated based on different smart contracts. Depending on the industry and its standards,

service providers or advertisers can also join the ecosystem to develop their own UA

standard smart contracts.

Case Study:

User[A] browses advertising content[C] in App[B], then the UA is generated through the

industry-specific UA smart contracts by entering the following data:

- User[A]’s UID

- User[A]’s UP (which can also be considered [A]’s UP in another App)

- Content[C]’s Corresponding tags and data

- The user’s current browsing behavior on App[B]


User[A] on App[B] browses Content[C]’s UA

User[A] UID:PTT532

User[A] UP:532

Content[C] Tag & Data

App[B] Behavior

Smart Contract


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3.3 Industry Upgrade via UID Solution As the infrastructure of digital marketing, the Proton network will integrate data from existing

players on the market. Through a simple plugin API, publishers and end users can join the

ecosystem. They’ll share data, and thus forming a unified user profile. At the same time,

insights generated from data analysis can empower publishers and provide value to the


Through Smart contracts, enterprises will not need to worry about mistrust. Publishers and

data management platform can exchange data seamlessly within the ecosystem. The

introduction of a token provides a useful medium of exchange between parties. It also

encourages more enterprises and users to join the system and speeds up the construction

of the entire ecosystem.


Figure 6 - The upgrade of existing Ads ecosystem with Proton network

Demand Side

Data Company

AI Company


Insurance Company

Supply Side

Online Behavior



Financial Industry

Car Network

…… ……

PROTON Smart Contract

Data Fusion


Mapping Condition

Secure Access


Data Rights Collaboration Data Values

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3.4 Exchanging Data on Proton Network Business-sensitive data leakage, unfair data exchanging, no unified data format. These

things lead to high communication and software development costs. Mistrust is the major

obstacle for publishers to exchange data with each other. However, with the Proton network

architecture, each publisher can conduct fast, secure, low-cost data exchange.

Proton Solutions:

- Through setting up rules in the smart contracts, the network can simultaneously solve the

problems of data leakage and high development and communication costs.

- Achieve the optimal balance between data offering and return via smart contract and

token mechanism.

- Standardize data format to eliminate additional development costs.


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Step1: User register APP1 and APP2 respectively, user is recognized and labeled with

UID:PTT532 .

Step2: APP1 and APP2 stores user profile for this particular user respectively.

Step3: APP1 and APP2 exchange encrypted user profile via smart contract on Proton


Step4: The user’s advertisement and content viewing behavior will be processed to a UA

after analyzing their user profile (UP1+UP2) and the corresponding viewed advertisement.

Step5: Based on calculated UA and preset smart contract, the advertiser will pay the

publisher and reward end user automatically.


User UID:PTT532

Smart Contract

Ads Content


User behavior

The advertiser will pay the publisher and reward end user automatically


Ads Content



Figure 7- Example of data exchanging on Proton network

User behavior

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3.5 Structure Layouts of Proton Network Proton network is designed with five layers.


Application Layer

-Proton SDK or API will be embedded into Apps and Websites to create a unified user profile.

-Proton Dapp for unified user information management, users can adjust at any time through

the App .

-Vertical industry App are encouraged to be developed based on the Proton network .

Service Layer

This layer mainly provides interfaces for small payments, querying, data exchanging and

attention measurement data, etc.

Data Analysis Layer

Provide fundamental data interface, support data query for service layer and raw data query

for data analysis partners.






User friendly operation interface to create mapping smart contract without coding

UID system that based on Zero-knowledge Proof

Data rights affirmation system

API service for professional data analysis company

Proton Virtue Machine, upgraded with high processing efficiency

POA, an upgraded consensus solution based on PBFT

High TPS design,using online-offline hybrid computing with optimized queue design in order to meet the industry needs

Hard shield protection to secure the source data from credential stuffing attacks Encrypted data storage with support of IPFS, Amazon S3, AliCloud OSS etc.

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Foundation Layer

The foundation layer of the proton network is an independent public chain to support smart

contracts and the consensus engine.

Storage Layer

Peer-to-peer data storage layer for decentralized storage of user basic information, behavior

trajectories and profile data etc.

3.6 Proton-empowered Ecosystem With fundamental support from the Proton network, the existing ecosystem is empowered to

evolve into a brand new one. We can encourage all stakeholders in the current digital

marketing landscape to contribute without undermining the existing interests. The Proton

network, which works in tandem with large service providers and mobile apps can quickly

reach and dominate the marketplace, resulting in a huge eco-network effect.

4. Proton Token Circulation Proton Token, also known as PTT, is going to be used as the medium of exchange for the

circulation of value between various parties of the entire eco-chain within the proton

network, and acts as the medium of settlement of value transfer and circulation internally.

The use of PTT will encourage the healthy development and growth of the internal economy

and ecosystem of the Proton network, and will improve the efficiency of ecological

operation. Various examples of the use of the PTT is provided below.

4.1 PTT use case - Advertisers can quickly settle with Publishers and Users through smart contracts.

- Settlement amongst Publisher / Advertiser /Service Provider during data exchange.

- Brands distribute incentives to reward user loyalty.

- Settlement of product transactions within future eco-system.

- Encourage and incentivize more users outside of the ecosystem to join in.

- Can be used to pay for and stimulate the computing power and storage contribution.

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Media A

Media B


Proton Network

Proton Fundation


Sale PTT Purchase PTT

PTT Mining

PTT Pay AdvertiserPTT Pay

Data exchange

Figure 9 - Proton token circulation

merchandise PTT

Pay PTT(out)

Mine to obtain PTT(into)

PTT MiningPTT Mining

4.2 Value of Token - Reduce cumbersome transaction calculations.

- Establish the standard for advertisement payment within the ecosystem, this establishes

value because advertisers will buy PTT to pay for advertisements.

- Basic exchange document for future DApp developed based on proton chain, i.e, Token,

which is based on the Proton Chain brand, is specially issued for its loyal customers.

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4.3 Ways to obtain PTT Following the establishment of the Proton network, participants are compensated with PTT

for contributing various resources to the Proton network. This is done in two ways:

1. Provision of Computing Power Each time a smart contract is summited on the Proton Network, the one who initiates the

contract will have to pay a small amount of PTT. Other users in the Proton network are

rewarded for contributing computing power used for analytics and accounting in the

settlement of such smart contracts (since these are settled by means of a consensus

mechanism). For example, if Enterprise A invokes a smart contract for settlement with

Enterprise B. Participant C will act as the settlor of the smart contract based on the

consensus mechanism, and then C receives a small amount of PTT paid by the Proton

network as a reward.

2. Provision of Storage Space The Proton network will require relatively large data storage capacity for the purpose of its

designed, and will therefore allow users to contribute data storage space and be

compensated relatively. Users will also be compensated with a small amount of PTT each

time if any data stored is been requested .

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PTT’s case studies (without consideration of computing power and storage


Case Study I

One example is how enterprises can pay data providers for requesting their data for

advertisements . During a campaign, specific individual data is generated and stored when

an individual interacts with the advertisement. This data will be marked with corresponding

right to related parties. If it is marked as "income right" , then each time such user data is

been used, the owner of such data will be reward with PTT as a form of payment as settled

in the smart contract. For example, if User A owns 30% and Company A owns 70% of such

data’s income right, then Company B wishes to use the data and is a charged 10PTT.

Company A will receive 7PTT and User A will receive 3PTT.

Case Study II

PTT is also used in advertising transactions between two or more parties. For example,

Company A set a total advertising budget of 100PTT, where every single click of its

advertisements will pay out 1PTT. If Company B and Company C nominated as service

provider within the smart contract, where Company B achieves 80 clicks and Company C

achieves 20 clicks, Company B will receive 80PTT and Company C will receive 20PTT.

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5. Technology & Deployment Overview

5.1 Application Layer This layer includes three major categories of products:

- Apps, websites and other products connected to Proton Network;

- Advertisers, service providers, publishers and client-side products powered by Proton


- Relevant DApps developed on Proton Networks.

5.2 Service layer Service layer provides a unified SDK and API for data exchange, token exchange, attention

measurement, payment/settlement, the entire network unified identity/unified profile, voting/

market forecasting, data query, etc.

Application Layer

Web Sites/ Portals

Mobile APP:SNS/ IM/Video/E-commerce

Consumers Data Provider DApps

Advertisers/ Agents

Proton Data Analysis Layer

Data Cleaning

Correlation Analysis

Entity Analysis

Machine Learning

Data Modelling

Text Processing

Semantic Analysis

Proton P2P Trust

infrastructure Layer

P2P Network Cryptography Consensus



Complete VMInter-Chain Integration

Smart Contract

Proton Service layer Data




Payment/ Clearance/ Settlement

Unified Identity/

Unified portrait

Voting/ Prediction

MarketData Query

Unified SDK / API

Proton Data Storage Layer IPFS Swarm Sia,Maidsafe,

Storj… S3 Google Drive AliCloud Azure Blob

Unified Data Storage API

Figure 10 - Proton Network Technology Structure

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5.3 Data Analysis Layer Unlike traditional analysis, the data analysis layer of the Proton Network introduces a

modular data analysis service. In addition to the service modules provided by the Proton

Network itself, third-party data analysis services may also be accepted into the ecosystem.

The Proton Network data analysis layer provides a series of data analysis services based on

raw data. Since user authorization data is often complex, disorderly and can not provide

valid information, and blockchain technology itself can not provide the ability to analyze

complex data. This layer should introduce independent semantic data analysis services, and

use smart contracts for the implementation of supervision, dispute mediation, service

settlement, and distributed service evaluation for the two or more parties of the service.

Third-party data analysis service providers will provide customized data analysis services

based on the encrypted data authorized by users and publishers (for encryption principles

and hierarchical principles, please check details in the data storage layer). The data analysis

service will use off-chain mode, which uses mature data analysis tools such as data

cleaning, correlation analysis, entity analysis, machine learning, data modelling, text

processing and semantic comprehension, and provide complete and accurate UA and UP

combinations for service requesters. The publisher/ advertiser will use the analysis results

for accurate advertising and feedback objective results. The entire transaction and dispute

handling are on blockchain, so the provider could improve the algorithm to form a closed-

loop. The precise acquisition of User Profile (UP) is based on the user's authorization and

hierarchical encryption of data usage, so providers improve algorithms and form closed

loops to fully guarantee the privacy and data security of users. Efficient data analysis

modules can take full advantage of effective high-quality data.

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3rd party Data


AdvertiserFundation layer: Smart Contract

Storage layer: Data classify

SC:Smart Contract


Proton Data Analysis Layer

Run Smart Contract




1Post request











1.Demand-side contract deployment.

2.The third-party data analysis service provider answers and the system automatically

arranges the distributed arbiter .

3.Third-party data analytics providers obtain data from storage layer through authorization


4.Off-chain analysis from Third-party data analysis service provider.

5.The raw data is deleted.

6.Analysis results are stored encrypted.

7.Blockchain on-chain response from third-party data analysis service provider.

8.Return the result to the requester and provide a data link.

9.Publisher/Advertiser to get the result and apply.

10.Publisher/Advertiser distributes the distributed evaluation result to the foundation layer of

blockchain or applies for arbitration, and closes the loop to improve the service quality.

Figure 11 - Proton Data Analysis Layer

Data analysis tools

Data storage Results

Data Cleaning

Correlation Analysis

Entity Analysis

Machine Analysis

Data Modeling

Text Processing

Semantic Comprehension


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5.4 Trust Foundation Layer The trust foundation layer is a core layer that distinguishes Proton Network from all existing

UID systems. This layer provides a P2P network based on blockchain technology, using

cryptographic algorithms to ensure data security and confidentiality. The consensus

mechanism will be different from the traditional POW (Proof of Work), to take more suitable

approach for Proton Network applications, similar to the DPOP (Delegated Proof of

Participation) or DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) approach.

The incentive module is the engine that drives the exchange of value between parties in the

decentralized system. Proton Network provides token-based incentive modules. Though the

foundation layer, Proton Network system service layer runs smart contract on the Turing

complete virtual machine, with related integration of modules on analysis layer.

In the long-term, Proton Network hopes to reduce the threshold of cooperation between

parties and realize the seamless connection of the industry ecosystem.

5.5 Data Storage Layer Proton data storage layer will be based on a unified data storage interface, also compatible

with mainstream distributed storage services and cloud service storage. Existing cloud

computing services also collapse to weight nodes in globally distributed network nodes. As

shown in the following figure, each point can communicate with each other. CN means there

are N nodes in the system.





Figure 12 - Data Storage

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User data stored in the Proton Network will be divided into two layers, one for the off-chain

raw data, which is a large volume of data and can use the existing structure or non-structural

database to store, then use on-chain pointer addressing call. Another part of the user data is

called meta-data, or data about data, such as user identity, user raw data pointer, the

original data usage records, authorization records that can be stored by on-chain. On-chain

storage of data can be audited by stakeholders and cannot be tampered with.

5.6 Data Privacy Because on-chain data storage needs synchronization with the whole network, sensitive and

private data such as users’ original data pointer, users’ original data call records which are

stored encrypted online, this data and information can only be accessed by the user or user

specified parties. The other part of the information such as identity information can be

stored online without encryption because it is anonymous. User off-chain data is stored in a

server provided by a different third party which is trusted by the user or user's own private

cloud. The following possibilities exist for on-chain and off-chain data storage:

The on-chain data user keeps the private key, which can be updated synchronously by

the Proton blockchain node after encrypted. It can be a strictly selected node provided by

the user private cloud or Proton Network.

Off-chain data encryption is stored in the storage layer, which is compatible with the

mainstream distributed storage service. The existing cloud computing service will also

collapse to a weight node in the global distributed network node. The benefits of doing so

take full advantage of the existing storage architectures, improve their structural

weaknesses, and provide possible ways for system evolution. Only the user has the right to

access and control the private key.

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Different from the traditional C/S architecture and central node storage, the main

advantages of a distributed storage structure supported by the blockchain are: It is possible

for user data stored by various third-party service providers to be uniformly called and

processed under fully user control. For a certain user, the relationship between a third-party

service provider and the user is C/S. A user may select multiple third-party service providers

to complete different types of services, like shopping, travel, entertainment and so on.

Block Chain

Key Servers Data OwnersData User

Resource Server

7 Data Analysis Requests

8 Information on Interests

4 Key Request

6 Receive Keys5 Token Verification

3 Token Generation

1 Publish SC2 Interaction with SC

Figure 13 - Data Privacy Management

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6. Business Analysis

6.1 Income Streams In order to maintain the day to day operations of Foundation, the business models of Proton

Network are as follows:

Transaction Fees: Each transaction on the entire Proton Network is charged an extremely

low transaction fee in PTT. The fees are managed by the Proton Network Foundation and

sold to advertisers with predefined price.

Certification and Authorization Fees: Under the Uni-Marketing ecosystem built via

blockchain technology on Proton Network, many service providers will emerge in many

subdivision market to provide value-added services, such as User Data Analysis, Advertising

Forecast, Brand Loyalty Degree Management, Brand Customer Data-bank Management.

Proton Network Foundation will charge a fee for its annual audit.

6.2 Competitive Analysis The major issue in digital marketing industry, such as unidentifiable fake flow, data silos,

unfair profit sharing, are well known and exist for a long time. Different teams propose their

own solutions based on their own interests. This chapter mainly discusses and differences

between Proton Network and other solution.

BAT (Basic Attention Token) BAT is proposed by Brendan Eich, JavaScript & Firefox founder, and his technical team. By

developing a Brave browser, monitoring users' attention anonymously and motivating

content providers using BAT token, BAT eliminates middlemen and reduce fraud, and content

providers can get more income. At the same time, users can block junk advertisement and

get fewer but more precise advertisements, while advertisers spend less achieve more.


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However, BAT has the following limitations:

Centralization:BAT can only circulate via Brave browser, a centralized product developed by

itself. Moreover importantly, it ONLY works when users, content providers and advertisers

are online simultaneously. And they will face huge resistance during the promotion since

their goal is to remove the middle layer of advertisement industry, so to make multilateral

collaboration impossible.

Limited market:BAT use browser and browser plug-in, ignoring the usage habits of Internet

products in many other countries overall the world. For example, Chinese people use Apps

for much longer than browsers.

Subject to fraud:BAT does not have a compelling anti-cheat solution. Instead, it will

motivate users to cheat as BAT token rewards based purely on user browsing and length of


Low scalability:Brave browser is a DApp based on ERC20 protocol. Richer application

scenarios (such as high frequency advertising exchange center) will be limited to the speed

of the Ethereum itself.


BAT Proton


Blockchain Technology DAPP based on ERC20 Public Chain

Layer Application Protocol

Data Collection Within Brave Browser Whole Proton Eco-system


Advertising Performance Moderate Good

Relation with existing eco-system Compete Empower

Scope of application Limited Whole Internet

Team Team member Tech Focused Tech Focused + Industry Resources

Fig1 - Proton & BAT

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According to current data of Coinmarketcap.com, the total market cap for BAT is over 600

million USD(DATE) and listed as top 50 crypto digital currency in the world. With the

advantages on technology, business model and team, We believe that Proton Network will

attract more attention and get recognition from digital marketing professionals and capitals

once it is released.

Comparison with existing data-driven digital marketing platform Apart from BAT team trying to quantify users’ attention and build up self-developed product,

a lot of other teams work on solutions that can improve advertising performance using data

analysis techniques. Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent also have similar initiatives with themselves’



Single product Data-driven


Multi-product Data-driven platform

Proton Network

Profile Dimension limited Varied Numerous

Mapping Precision Low Medium High

Cross-platform Tracking N/A Limited Complete

Customer Participation (Data-control) No No Yes

Data exchange mode N/A Centralized Decentralized

Data Exchange Transparency Black box Black box White box

Data Security Low Low High

Pricing Power Platform side only Platform side only Market

Advertising Performance Moderate Good Better

Cost-performance ModerateModerate(Price is not

friendly to most enterprises)High

Relation with other media system

Participate or Competitor Competitor Partner

Examples Weibo Alimama Uni-Marketing -

Fig2 - Proton & Existing data-driven marketing platform

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6.3 Advantages In the field of building a blockchain uni-marketing data system base on UID, Proton Network

has incomparable advantages in multiple aspects: business model, technology experience,

industrial resources and professional team.

Unique Vertical Market Experience and Resources Internet Advertisement is complicated and unequally distributed. In order to make a

difference, it requires not only strong technical support, but also a clear direction to unite

others within the industry. Proton network is built upon the recognized theory of “Uni-

marketing” combined with the blockchain technology. Our key to success is that our team

leaders were fully involved in the project that established and commercialized the UID

system instead of starting from the beginning.

Our Chief Strategy Consultant, Shuaimin Wang, was the former general manager of the

media innovation department in Alimama. He was also the head director of “Uni-Desk” – a

commercial product of Alibaba group which utilized the “UniMarketing” concept. He

participated in both the design of the framework and the process of commercialization,

which stimulated the brand transformation from pure “Media Buying” to AIPL uni-marketing.

During his 15 years of front-line work experience, he has accumulated enormous industrial

resources and unique understanding of the situation, which will lead the Proton team stay

focused and advance rapidly.

Confirmed UID System Test Partner Bangtuike Technology Development Pty. Ltd is founded in 2015 and located at On Bangtuike,

content will be processed through NLP layer and analyzed by LDA model which were

developed by Bangtuike to obtain its topic. The system will also tell the “emotion” of the

content via D2V and then abstract keywords to establish a keyword matrix for future

mapping purposes.


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Bangtuike and its API-embedded Apps have already implemented the basic UID system.

Due to its experience in the digital market, artificial intelligence and data mining , Bangtuike

will participate deeply in the development of Proton Network. Together with the first batch of

partners in the industry, they will become the first group of Internet applications that

connect into the Proton SDK network.

Gene of Ecosystem and Network Effects The Proton Network takes full consideration of the existing industry challenges and the pain

points of various participants pertain to building up technical structure and anchoring the

right market positioning.

Served as a public chain of digital marketing, Proton Network will perfectly solve the distrust

between disparate participants by taking advantage of blockchain decentralization and

unalterable features. Due to the design of collaborative data analysis modules and cross-

chain interconnection mechanism, the attempt to empower the ecological service providers

will be fully achieved.

While starting the project development, Proton Network will launch out the collaboration

with top-tier industrial advertising monitor companies and DSP\SSP . After the integration of

APIs and data by a serial of developmental service providers, one partner is able to complete

the Apps’ integration in a large volume immediately so as to have a big coverage of end


As a substantial amount of users’ data flow into the system of Uni-ID, the improvement of

advertising effect is arising continuously, and the number of brand advertisers and

publishers will be lifted largely. The covered end users can have more mutual interactions

with advertisers, which completes a closed loop eventually.

Extension Potentials Proton Network concentrates on its construction of fundamental protocol for users’ data

collaboration and enrich users' profiles, which will be a huge development and imaginable

space in near future. Once a unified online data structure is built up, the diversification of

data can be extended to offline settings. Additionally, not only will data be applied to

advertising filed and to many other areas such as researches of users’ profiles, brand loyalty

management, and prediction analyzation and so forth.


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Key Team Member

Hanson Li CEO Series enterpriser, founder and CEO of Bangtuike, an AI powered precise digital marketing App based on AI. Early member of world’s largest crowdsourcing platform Freelancer.com. He has more than 10 years full-stack development experiences.Master degree of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining from University of New South Wales.

Adam Zhao COO Early blockchain investor and enthusiast, Co-Founder of Bangtuike, an AI powered precise digital marketing App. He worked in British Telecom, Global Support Centre as Operational Analyst to serve client such as NYSE, Goldman Sachs, Reuters and BOT. He is in charge of project operations and coordination.

AI Wang CMO He is an industry veteran with more than 18 years experience in the advertising and marketing industry, and serves clients in numerous Fortune 500 companies including Apple, China Mobile and Unilever. Former Allyes Group executive strategy director, platform product Deputy General Manager, Chief Strategy Office of WPP's VML Teein. He is in charge of Marketing and Business Development.

Neil Yang CDO Expert in Big data, Blockchain technology and cryptography, participated in the big data statistical analysis of Sina Weibo gaming. The former tech leader of OkBuy and Oxygen APP, led the team develop the product that reached 10M level from 0. He mainly in charge of building the project data analysis framework and application development.

Dr. Ben CBO PhD candidate, researcher Blockchain and IoT. He was senior adviser of whole network solution for an international Telecommunication company. He holds PhD of Data Analysis from University of New South Wales. He is in charge of constructing the blockchain platform for Proton Network.

Shuaiming Wang CSC Former General Manager of Media Innovation of Alimama, He is Head of UniDesk (a commercialized Uni Marketing product of Alibaba Group), collaborate with publishers, media and Digital Marketing Agency. Before Alibaba, he was Vice President of Media Development Department and Senior Vice President of Innovative Business Department of AdChina. He is in charge of product direction and development strategy


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AdvisorMickey Zhang —— Industry Consultant CEO Mickey Zhang. Since 2012 She has joined GroupM and been in charge of the Chinese Program Business. She led GroupM China attained the achievement of sustainable development with market competitive search team and helped GroupM establish a Chinese characteristic Ecommerce department. The department provided E-commerce consulting services for GroupM’ international and domestic customers.

Andrey Shirben —— Investor / Project Consultant Australia's leading investor, with main focus in Oceania and Israel. Founded two funds, one of which is the venture capital fund FTS. Over the past 12 years, He invested in more than 70 early projects and helped several companies to complete their IPO.

Eliav Alaluf —— Investor / Project Consultant He has 13 years experience of PR and digital marketing and has served as senior executive and CEO of several well-known digital marketing companies including Comverse, AxisMobile and Rahav Social Media.

Richard Wang - Investor / Project Consultant Partner of DraperDragon, Master of Electronic Engineering of NCTU. Mr. Wang has over 20 years of business development, technical marketing and sales management in high technology space experiences.

GuangDong Yu – Project Consultant ALPHAX PARTNERS Founding Partner, life consultant of Qihoo360 company, President of alumni Internet society of CKGSB. As a senior vice President during the work at Qihoo360, taken on the responsibility of the development and marketing promotion of a couple of significant product lines, l led the commercialization team, helped 360 revenue steady growth for 16 consecutive months and kept three digits’ growth for several years.

Tian hua Li – Project Consultant Light Source Capital Partner. He worked at China's top three Internet companies, including 360, Alibaba, BaiDu and Tencent. The former chief product architect at Baidu —— P9 Level. He also held the position as Technical Managers, Senior Manager and Director.

Charley Dong – Project Consultant Academician of the royal college of MarketingҁFCIM), internet marketing expert, Angel Investor. Served at KFC、Playboy、Coca-Cola and other international top brands with more than 15 years of practical and consulting experience and expertise.

Marco Shen - Overseas Structure Consultant With more than 10 years working experiences in global financial market, Shen Heng worked for HSBC Group in Risk Management, Corporate Banking and Private Banking across Shanghai, Singapore and HK.


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Development Milestones








- Proton project initial idea - Sign contracts with key partners and start with enterprise toolkit - Publication of Proton’s white paper v1.0

- Proton get investment from more than 15 famous investors - R&D on v1 public chain - Proton API Modules internal test - Proton Token listing on LBank, BCEX, CoinTiger and DDEX crypto exchanges

- Proton v1 main net internal test - Release v1 enterprise developer toolkit and API to technology partner - Announce the first DApp that integrated PTT - Proton provides 3rd party data tracking and data rights service - Proton main-net v1 release - Proton blockchain explore v1 release - Proton wallet “ProToken” v1 internal test

- Proton wallet “ProToken” v1 official release - Start Proton main-net v2 improvement

- Upgrade public communication channel with PTT fans

- Finalized the case study "The First Marketing Campaign on Blockchain by Proton network, Xiaomi Marketing and Anchor" - Confirm the brand new design of Proton Virtual Machine - Won 4 gold prizes on the 10th Golden Mouse Digital Marketing

Festival, which include Smart MarTech, Innovation, Best Tech Application and the Prize of Festival

- Product planning of ToC marketing application based on Blockchain

- Development of business-user-facing product and commercialization - roadmap.list.item14.msg2

- Deploy Proton main-net v2



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Proton Global Foundation Ltd

[email protected] www.proton.global|

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