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Page 1: Proven Strategies for Cell Growth and Replication

· God has ordained grass root growth as the focus for us as a commission this year � Ecc. 4:16

· This connotes a focus on the growth of the cells as the avenue for supernatural church growth � Eph. 4:12

· However, every house can only be built by the utilisation of wisdom � Pro. 24:3-5

· Furthermore, there is no expansion without the engagement of discretion � Jer. 10:12

· This is why we are exploring strategies that have been proven by a number of our operators with unusual cell growth and replication � 1 Sam. 17:49

What are some of these strategies?

· Engaging the prayer altar � Acts 6:4

· Everything in the kingdom demands the force of prayer for effective delivery � Phil. 4:6

strength � Dan. 11:32

· We must engage the youth particularly for outreaches and as missionary ministers!

· The youth must be given room be active at the various levels of the WSF operations as they represent the future of the commission � 1 Tim. 4:12

· As the seed of this commission, they have the ability to be examples of zeal for others to follow � Phil. 2:19-20

· Administering care � Gal. 6:2

· The love we administer to the challenged is a sickle of harvest � 1 Jn. 3:18

· Celebrate the birthdays, naming, and other occasions with the members of the cell � Rom. 12:15

· Meeting practical needs to the best of our ability and escalating genuine matters beyond our capacity for attention!

· Love feasts and occasional distribution of snacks to children who are then asked to invite parents to the fellowship!

These are some of the proven strategies that we have seem result in up to 15 replications from one cell � Jer. 6:16

Expect supernatural growth and replication as you engage the same � Acts 10:34

Jesus is Lord!

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Page 2: Proven Strategies for Cell Growth and Replication

· Our prayers must focus on the growth and replication of the cells (1 Cor. 3:6); for pre-cell outreach raids (Jn. 6:44); for the needs of the members of the cell (Gal. 6:2)

· We must pray for the territory where the cell operates disarming every resistance for the advancement of the cells � Deut. 2:24

· This can be done on individual prayer walks, in prayer groups!

· Engaging in soul winning � Acts 8:5

· We must seek for how to preach Christ house to house amongst others in any community where our cell is located � Act 5:42

· Outreaches can also be carried out in virgin areas with the aim of planting new cells in such neighbourhoods in the homes of the new converts � Acts 8:5

· Customised flyers, indicating the cell locations may also be used in this case!

· Outreaches may be carried out as individuals, soul winning partnerships, within cells, or as a zone based on the peculiarity of each location!

· Engaging the Missionary Cell Minister model � Rom. 15:20

· Therefore, ministers may be sent on missionary tasks into locations to plant cells as missionaries � Mk. 16:15

· The aim is to develop disciples within the space of a month and hand over to those within the community � Matt. 28:19-20

· This may be carried out along with the specialised outreaches in virgin areas!

· Our goal is to ensure that every virgin area within reach from us is invaded with cells this year!

· Engaging the power of impactful cell meetings � Pro. 16:1

· This requires adequate word preparation for each meeting � Pro. 16:1

· Word increase will result in eruption for each cell � Acts 6:7

· Engage the mysteries (the anointing oil, the blood of sprinkling etc) to prepare the environment for impactful meetings! � Eph. 3:10-11

· Engage deliberate participatory model for every fellowship to ensure every member is fully engaged!

· Following up on members, new converts and challenged brethren � Acts 15:36

· Ensure that the data of all cell members are accurately kept

· Be diligent to follow up on anyone not in fellowship immediately after fellowship (same day) � Pro. 27:23

· Make a point to visit challenged brethren and new converts ! � Acts 14:21�22

· We also take time to pray for neighbours during such visits!!

· Engaging the youth � 1 Jn. 2:14

· The youth must be engaged in every community because exploits requires

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