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Page 1: Province of Naples


Pomigliano d’Arco

Progetto Comenius

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2008 - 2010

Page 2: Province of Naples
Page 3: Province of Naples

For its position the province of Naples represents the centre of Campania region.In 2001, the inhabitants of the province were 3,059,196 on a surface area of 1,171 square Kilometres.“Città del Fare” is the local system for the development of the area including ten small towns located North-East of Naples , among which Acerra , Casalnuovo, Pomigliano d’Arco.The partnership is based on common resources and common cultural, social, economical characteristics.The main sectors of employment are : public service and administration ( 30.7%), manufacturing ( 18%), trade (14%), transport (8%) , agriculture 5%), other activities (4.4%). There were more than 138,000 enterprises employing about 595,000 people in 2001. In 2005 they almost doubled up to 264,946 registered at the Chamber of Commerce. Most of them are little enterprises.Although there has been an average increase of employed people, the rate of unemployment is still high , being 27.5% for young people and 47.6% for adults.

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It is one of the pillars of the economy.The province mainly produces vegetables and fruit. The most common cultivations are: vegetables (tomatoes, cabbages, peas, beans), fruit-trees (apples, peaches , apricots, walnuts, cherries, nuts), citrus fruits (oranges, lemons), olive-trees and vine. Wine production has increased and retail trade has a central role in the services sector .There are over 4,000 enterprises in the agro-industrial sector, specialized in the production of preserved tomatoes and vegetables, pasta, milk products, soft drinks, liquors and wines, cereals and coffee roasting. The province has also expanded its production of plants and flowers grown in greenhouses, becoming one of the leaders in the sector in Italy. Animal breeding is also widespread as well as the production of milk which is used to process dairy products like the famous “mozzarella “.

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The province of Naples acts as a commercial broker for many production sectors. There are 66,912 retail outlets, 13,000 bars and restaurants, 32 department stores,  9 trading centers and 6 hyper-markets. The famous Wholesale Service Centre, the CIS of Nola, was built on an area of 1 million sq.m and has 325 specialized selling points for any goods (except food) and  4,500 employees, without considering satellite activities. Fashion is also a traditional sector for production in the Province of Naples with about  7,600 enterprises of clothing, leather and shoes . Export trade has recently fallen , because of the fall in exports of the car sector, as well as the textile and clothing sectors .

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The choice of Acerra as the site for an incinerator has been a decision that started a lot of controversies among people who are afraid of its emissions.Yet , the problem of waste treatment must be solved because many unauthorized dumps with toxic waste have been found in the area of Acerra .The soil , there, is very fertile due to its volcanic origins, but products cultivated and grown in the area are not easily marketed because consumers think all the soil is poisoned by toxic waste .There are 2,000 farms in the area ; experts say that only 6 square kilometres out of 54 square kilometres of the total area are poisoned .Yet, products are not sold and the economy is going down.

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*Click on the buttons to visualize the


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Surface Population Density

Acerra 4.08 km² 50808 939

Casalnuovo di Napoli 7.75 km² 50287 6488

* Istat data 1Jan 2006

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The city, among the most ancient ones in Campania, was inhabited since prehistoric times, for the presence of rich vegetation and fauna and numerous water courses. It was probably founded by the Ausini and then named Akeru by the Oscans (Acerrae is the latin name). Later on it became part of the Etruscan Dodecapoli in Campania.

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In 332 B.C. Acerra was the first of the Roman provinces to get the “civitas sine suffragio” ,that is the Roman citizenship without right of voting. It was faithful to Rome during the second Punic War and in 216 B.C. it was besieged by Hannibal who partially destroyed it.

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In 211 B.C. Acerra was rebuilt. During the social war it was besieged again by Papio Mutilo, but it was defended by the consul Lucio Giulio Caesar. It became Municipium and in 22 B.C., under the Emperor Augustus it became a colony.

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In 826 the Lombards built a castle on the territory of Acerra, later destroyed by Bono, duke of Naples. In 881 it was sacked by the Saracens and later became a Norman possession.As part of the kingdom of Naples it was the feud of the Aquino, the Origlia, the Del Balzo Orsini families and, from 1496 to 1812, of De Cardenas. Till 1927 it was part of the province of Terra di lavoro.

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Of Etrurian origin, the name Acerra comes from Acerrae, as testified by Plinio. According to some scholars it is related to the sacred word Acerrae, that means “ incense boat”; according to others it is related to the Greek name Acherrai or to the name of a river (Acqueron, in Greek language), because the site was a marshland and subject to floods.

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<< After the armistice Acerra was subject to a horrible and bloody reaction by the German Army, which killed many civilians, among whom many old people and children. The German Army burnt a large part of the town but Acerra faced the hardest pains with courage and began the difficult reconstruction with a deep spirit of solidarity. >>

September - October  1943

The golden medal for the Civil Award 

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According to the tradition, the city is the birthplace of the famous mask , Pulcinella, which has become the symbol of Naples. In the baronial castle, former site of the Town Hall ,there is one of the richest museums dedicated to the mask of Pulcinella,its life and history.The museum is famous because it is multimedial and visitors are involved in impromptu performances with Pulcinella.

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In some courtyards of the historical centre in the old town there is still the tradition to celebrate the death of Carnival. On Shrove Tuesday, in the middle of the courtyard , a funeral bed is placed. There, a puppet made of old clothes and straw, representing “Vecienzo Carnevale” is laid down. The story tells that Vecienzo Carnevale died because he had gobbled a meat ball which he was fond of . In the afternoon women gather round “the dead” and sing very old litanies, real funeral laments whose words are ironic and bizarre.

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Old Age Rate (2007) 41.2

Average Income Declared (2005) 15,510

Families Number (2001) 13,789

Houses Number (2001) 15,664

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People Aged 65

People Aged between 0 and 14 People Aged between 15 and 64

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54,08 km²50,808

939 inhabitants/km²

Population Surface Area


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Population: According to the census in 1991 Acerra had a population of 41,311 inhabitants. In 2001 the population registered was of 45,688 inhabitants, showing therefore a variation inhabitants' percentage of 10.60% in the decade 1991 - 2001. The inhabitants are distributed in 13,389 family nucleuses with an average family nucleus of 3.41 members.

Territory: The territory is between 19 and 54 meters above sea level. The average altitude range is 35 meters.

Employment: There are 137 industrial plants on the territory with 363 employees equal to 18.18% of the labour force, 394 activities on the service sector with 559 employees equal to 27.99% of the labour force and 6 administrative authorities with 304 employees equal to 15.22% of labour force. They altogether employ 1,200 people, who represent the 4.37% of the total number of the town.

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Primario Secondario Terziario

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The town Casalnuovo di Napoli is founded on the ruins of Archora an ancient village. In 1484 Angelo Como received from Ferdinando II of Aragona the territory with the ruins of the village .There, later on, a new  area was built. It became a hamlet of Naples and was called Casalnuovo di Napoli.

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By the royal decree of February 25 th 1929, the municipality of Casalnuovo was founded. It was later called Casalnuovo di Napoli and Licignano di Napoli was joined to it.

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In the 50s , Tavernanova and Casarea, two suburbs belonging to the town of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio were joined to Casalnuovo. Botteghelle, a hamlet between Casalnuovo and Tavernanova, continued to belong to the municipality of Afragola until the 70s.

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The name comes from the union of the word “casale” to the adjective “new”. The word “casale” derives from the Latin “casalis” that in the Middle Ages meant “houses defended by city-walls”. At the end of the fifteenth century a unit of inhabitants settled there founding Casale Nuovo, hence Casalnuovo

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Every year in September the ProLoco of  Casalnuovo di Napoli, together with the town council, organizes the sausage festival which involves many people. During this festival, you con taste good sausages with different salads and vegetables. In the past years music bands played and  fireworks were displayed.

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15,479Houses Number (2001)

14,322Families Number (2001)

15,805Average Income Declared (2005)

34.7Old Age Rate (2007)

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People Aged between 15 and 64 People Aged 65

People Aged between 0 and 14

A 15-64A 65

A 0-14

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Surface Area

7,75 km² 50,287

6,488 inhabitants/km²

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Population: According to the population census taken in 1991, Casalnuovo had a population of 32,134 inhabitants. In 2001 the population increased up to 47,940 inhabitants, thus showing a variation percentage of the inhabitants up to 49.19%. In the years 1991-2001 the inhabitants were distributed in 13,232 houses with an average of 3,62 members per house.

Territory: The territory of the town is between 14 and 43 meters above sea level. The average altitude range is equal to 29 meters.

Employment: On the territory of Casalnuovo there are 236 industrial plants and 2,101 employees who are the 29.92% of the labour force ,about 1,400 activities in the services sector with 3,400 employees who are about 49% of the labour force and 48 administrative authorities with 1,447 employees who represent 20.6% of the total labour force.

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Primario Secondario Terziario

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Page 39: Province of Naples

MyGroup Spa - Divisione MyResearch is based in Milan and

is specialized in the selection and recruitment of middle management profiles.

On behalf of an import/export company in Campania

we seek a stocks accounting expert who willl be responsible for

invoicing, accounting and database management .

We require a good knowledge of the English language,

accounting program and Excel .

We offer apprenticeship contract .

Please contact us

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Art Advertising Agency seeks qualified ,bright ,dynamic young person for a job in the advertising sector in Casalnuovo ,Casoria,Volla . Excellent wages and immediate profits are offered . For more information visit our website

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QuickGo is an agency specialized in property loans ,personal loans,issue of credit cards . We seek external collaborators like business agents ,records agents,credit brokers, estate agents . Interesting profits .Visit our site for further information

Page 42: Province of Naples

Junior business consultantsTo increase their staff in their offices in Naples, Milan, Rome, Bologna, Brescia, Firenze, Padova, Treviso, Verona

PMS are seeking junior business consultants.Requirements

3-4 year post-degree experience in similar business organizations;

excellent knowledge of the English language:motivation and enthusiasm for the professional activity;

initiative;knowledge of a second language;

strong communication and business skillsThe applicants can fill in the form , ticking as first

choice “tax and legal service”, then “fiscal advice” and quoting the reference code “DF/08”.

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Information Technology apprenticeship

Deco Tech s.a.s. seek information technology apprentices.

The applicants must possess a diploma and must be eager to be trained as computer technicians

Area : CampaniaEmployer : Deco Tech s.a.s

Date : 31/08/2009

Page 44: Province of Naples

Collaborators in NaplesOffer description : Prontocasa franchises screen applicants of both

sexes. Applicants must have a diploma , a good general knowledge , good

communication skills and at least a six month experience in a real estate

The working areas will be Acerra, Casalnuovo di Napoli, Pomigliano d’Arco, Somma Vesuviana. Portici, San Giorgio a Cremano.

Province city Campania - AcerraPublication date 26-09-2009Placement assignement EmployeeSector business Real estateFunctional area CommercialArea of residence Campania

Work permit European UnionNumber of vacancies 11

RequirementsStudies DiplomaMinimum experience 6 months

Contract and salaryContract of employment Long term contract

Work hours Full time Minimum salary 800 euro per month


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Manager Branch of NaplesBancamia Spa

as part of a new massive area development project,

is going to open new branches all over Italy.It seeks

Branch Managers/ Sales officers in NaplesRole : The employee will deal with sale and customer service for the

Bancamia productsRequirements : The ideal applicant must have

the following requirementsDegree/Dipolma Age 25/30

Sale experience and customer - service in retail sectorStrong communication and business skills

Full time and part-time employments are planned

Page 46: Province of Naples

Salaries - minimunProfession- Minimum -

Salary per month in Eurosbefore tax

Salary in Euros after tax and

government insurances(not married,

without children)

Bank employee 1957,40  1426,00

Industrial worker 1355,74  1056,00

Nurse 1750,59  1295,00

Mc Donald’s employee 1347,69 1027,00 

Police officer 1258,18  970,00

Waiter in a pub or restaurant 1322,69  1010,00

Teacher in his first year 1189,64  940,00

 Accountant  1338,87  1021,00

 Web designer  1298,32  995,00

 Graphic Designer  1298,32  995,00

Veterinarian 1672,36  1232,00

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Salaries - JuniorProfession- Junior Profession -

Salary per month in Eurosbefore tax

Salary in Euros  after tax and

government insurances(not married, without


Bank employee 1997,10  1451,00

Industrial worker 1405,84  1077,00

Nurse 1800,03  1326,00

Mc Donald’s employee 1380,74  1047,00

Police officer 1279,88  984,00

Waiter in a pub or restaurant

1355,74  1032,00

Teacher in his first year 1264,64  988,00

 Accountant  1356,09  1032,00

 Webdesigner  1314,00  1005,00

 Graphic Designer  1314,00  1005,00

Veterinarian 1698,14 1248,00

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Salaries - seniorProfession- Senior Profession -

Salary per month in Eurosbefore tax

Salary  in euros after tax and

government insurances(not married, without


Bank employee 2195,60  1577,00

Industrial worker 1480,99  1124,00

Nurse 1925,36 1405,00 

Mc Donald’s employee 1545,99  1152,00

Police officer 1388,86  1056,00

Waiter in a pub or restaurant

1520,99  1136,00

Teacher in his first year 1389,64  1067,00

 Accountant  1442,19  1087,00

 Webdesigner  1392,40  1055,00

 Graphic Designer  1392,40  1055,00

Veterinarian 1827,04 1330,00

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Accommodation a flat (80m2), in the city centre, middle standard, ( ) renting( ) own property

700,00 280.000,00

Food that you buy in a normal supermarket (not discounter)


• 1 roll• A can of sprite (0,5l)• coffee (500 g = 1 pound)• milk (1 l)• potatoes (500 g = 1 pound)• 1 lettuce• ham (100 g)• spaghetti (500 g)• A can tomatoes (250 g)• butter (250 g)• bottle of beer (0.5 l)• Palmolive Shampoo/Shower• Serious Daily Newspaper

 0,10 0,80 5,20 1,70 0,60 0,75 1,80 0,90 0,60 1,70 1,00 1,50 1,00

Price of a traditional meal for four people recipe, price for cooking, price in a restaurantHome : 36 ,00

Restaurant : 120,00

Leisure time 

• cinema ticket for Saturday night• concert ticket of an international band (Madonna, Cold Play etc.)• theatre ticket for a play• swimming-pool ticket• monthly fee for a gym• football ticket (average price)• Disco entrance on Saturday night• visit to a pub:            - a glass of Martini - a glass of juice (0.3 l) - a glass of beer (0.5 l) - glass of red wine (middle price, 0.25 l) - packet of cigarettes (20 pieces, Marlboro)• price of a youth magazine (music magazine like Bravo)• price of a new ipod• price of a perfume (Lou-Lou or Hugo Boss,     50 ml)


  3,00 2,00 3,00 3,00 4,50 2,50

 70,00 40,00


Meal at Mc Donald’s total price of a Big Mac, a big coke, large french fries with ketchup 6,80

Car price for a new VW Golf, petrol (no diesel), without any extras, 1.4 engine1 l petrol (95 octan) 27.000,00


 Mobile flatrate for one month ,                                  cheapest price for 1 minute and 1 SMS 

 SMS 0,15

Public transporta monthly student ticket for public transportation in your city a return flight ticket from the next airport to Paris and London

30,00 Paris : 270,56

London : 263,92

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Spaghetti with clams• Set the clams in salty water , rinse and let them drain.

Cook the pasta in boiling salty water.• Heat some oil in a pan, add a piece of garlic and parsley. • When the garlic is light-brown, remove it and the parsley

as well.Set the clams in the pan and let them open up.• Add three/four tomatoes and cook them very shortly.• Season with parsley and, if necessary, with salt.• When the pasta is ready, mix it with the clams and serve

it.• Buon appetito!!!

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• This project has been funded with support from the European Commission as a Comenius School Partnership.

• This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commision cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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