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Page 1: PRSA Ethics Panel 10-26-11

PRSA Phoenix PRSA Phoenix State of Ethics State of Ethics PanelPanel

October 26, 2011October 26, 2011

Today’s Twitter Hashtag: #PRSAEthicsToday’s Twitter Hashtag: #PRSAEthicswww.phoenixprsa.orgwww.phoenixprsa.org


Paula Pedene, APR, VA Public Affairs Officer

Don Lange, PhD, Professor of Managerial Ethics, W.P. Carey School of Business Rodo Safranac, MBA, writer,

teacher and consultant

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PRSA Member Code of PRSA Member Code of EthicsEthicso Advocacyo Honesty o Expertiseo Independenceo Loyaltyo Fairness

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PRSA Ethics Code PRSA Ethics Code ProvisionsProvisions

o Free Flow of Informationo Competitiono Disclosure of Informationo Safeguarding Confidenceso Conflicts of Interesto Enhancing the Profession

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PRSA Ethics Decision PRSA Ethics Decision GuidelinesGuidelines1.Define specific ethical issue or conflict.II. Identify internal and external factors that may influence decision (legal, social, political)III. Identify key valuesIV. Identify the parties who will be affected by decision and define PR obligation to each.V. Select ethical principles to guide decision-making process.VI. Make a decision and justify.

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Old Adages to Consider for Old Adages to Consider for EthicsEthicsIf your actions or words were to

be published in tomorrow morning’s newspaper, would you still do it? Would you be proud of what you did or said?

What if your mother found out what you did or said, how would you feel?

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What Would You Do?What Would You Do?“What Would You Do?”– ABC reality,

staged ethical dilemma show of public situations.

Illustrates everyday people’s views, reaction or apathy toward potentially unethical or immoral behavioral situations.

Reveals altruism gestures, selfish actions, group think & “not my problem” / “you’re on your own” sentiments.

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What Motivates or Causes Ethics What Motivates or Causes Ethics Breaches?Breaches?o Competitiono Organization / customer demandso Pressure to distribute information

and create contento Limited internal policies,

compliance controls or fear of enforcement

o Lack of perspective / lapses in judgment

o Pride / morals

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What Form Do Ethics Breaches What Form Do Ethics Breaches Take?Take?Gaffes and blunders Seemingly “honest” mistakes or

oversightsPremeditated maliceIntentional disparagementMisappropriation of information

or copyright infringement.

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Redner Group Twitter Redner Group Twitter SnafuSnafuRedner Group Twitter scandal for criticizing media for negative client product reviews.oKey mistake or transgression: Disparaging information, poor judgmentoResults: Bad PR, reputation damage, dismissed by clientoLessons learned? Panel discussion

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Other Twitter #FailsOther Twitter #Failso Commenting on International Affairs Kenneth Cole – Tweeted about Egypt

uprising connected with spring collection; poor timing and judgment; apology issued.

o Self-Promotion & Charitable GivingBing – Donation effort for Japan tied to self-

promotional re-tweets.

o Agency Error / DisparagementChrysler feed criticized Detroit drivers

despite being known as the Motor City.

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Facebook PR “Smear Facebook PR “Smear Campaign”Campaign”Facebook retains Burson-Marsteller in alleged public relations campaign to spread negative stories toward Google.oKey mistake or transgression: Sabotage?oResults: Really bad PR, “mea culpa” and blame game ensued.oLessons learned? Panel discussion

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News of the World News of the World ScandalScandalAlleged phone-hacking of subjects by staff reporters leads to massive scandal that brings down the paper and creates PR nightmare for Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. oKey mistake or transgression: So many!oResults: Hearings, firings & closureoLessons learned? Panel discussion

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Digital Content Copyright Digital Content Copyright

o Best practices for protecting your original content online?

o Tips for avoiding claims of copyright infringement or plagiarism

o In a world of sharing, re-posting and repurposing, how can original content be sourced or credited anymore?

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Social Media Disclosure Social Media Disclosure ProtocolProtocolBest practices for managing social media channels on behalf of client:oHonest disclosures to customer/followers

- Representation, compensation issuesoUsing real testimonials & claimsoAvoiding “fictionalizing” content (misrepresentation in blogs, misleading product or service information)

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Libel & Slander in Social Libel & Slander in Social MediaMediao Is it slander if criticism or

disparagement is done via video form on YouTube et. al.?

o Are the parameters and criteria for libel claims the same in social channels as traditional media?

o Are the repercussions the same?o How to avoid potential for libel or

slander accusations?

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PR Competitive PR Competitive LandscapeLandscapeo Client “theft”o Staff “poaching”o Disseminating privileged

informationo Confidentiality agreements

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Organizational Best Practices & Organizational Best Practices & ResourcesResourceso Access to ethics code, performance

policieso Review standards, periodic trainingo Communicate values with clients,

stakeholderso In-house counsel / staff attorneyo Human Resources policieso Designated compliance officer

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PRSA Phoenix Ethics & Dialogue PRSA Phoenix Ethics & Dialogue ResourcesResources

PRSA: http://www.prsa.org/AboutPRSA/Ethics/

PRSA Phoenix: http://phoenixprsa.org/code-of-ethics/

PRSA Phoenix LinkedIn Group: Search PRSA Phoenix (access to 260 Valley PRSA colleagues) http://www.linkedin.com/ (read ethics blogs, post questions or discussions)

Consult with PRSA Master Practitioners Group

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