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  • 8/13/2019 PRSSA November Newsletter


    PRSSA took anexclusive

    tour through

    WilliamRandolphHearstsmasterpieceand home,HearstCastle. It

    wasdecoratedfor theHoliday


    N o v e m

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    Inside the issue Holiday PR tips

    Meeting recap

    PRSSA outings

    Member spotlight

    Alumni spotlight

    Upcoming events

    and reminders

  • 8/13/2019 PRSSA November Newsletter


    C A L P O L Y P R S S A N o v e m

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    Holiday pitching

    The holidays are such a busy time for everyone,including Public Relations professionals! It is the

    perfect time to reach out to the media with a story ideaor angle because outlets need strong, holiday relatedarticles in their publications. Here are the steps youneed to take in order to land that story in thatnewspaper or broadcast story:

    1. Plan ahead. Determine what specicangle you can share with the media. Whether it betips for holiday outts or ways to cope with holidayrelated stress, nd something that can tie into yourclients business.

    2. Contact media. Target media and journalists who are more likely to run you story. Doyour research and look at what holiday stories theyran and wrote last holiday season.

    3. Send Pitch. Write a short and snappypitch that gets straight to the point. Attach a pressrelease with more details and quotes from keyplayers in your company. Dont be afraid to send avisual as well. If they dont respond to the email ina week, call the journalist.

  • 8/13/2019 PRSSA November Newsletter


    C A L P O L Y P R S S A N o v e m

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    Novembers meetingMegan Maloney, senior marketingdirector for Dignity Health,

    informed our chapter about PRand the health industry onNovember 19th . She told us allabout rebranding and renamingDignity Health from CatholicHealthcare West.The rebrandingcentered on the platform,Humankindness which tied into

    the seless work that nurses anddoctors do every day at thehospital. However, the websitefocused on little gestures andsacrices that all people make. Itis a platform that allows users toengage with the brand of thehospital. It also ties loosely into

    the new branding message ofDignity Health: healing beginswith the human connection.

  • 8/13/2019 PRSSA November Newsletter


    PRSSA Out and About

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    Nov. 15 PRSSA members attended Rosettasagency day and toured their new building. Theyspoke to current employees about their jobs andnetworked. (see photo directly above)

    Nov. 16 As seen on the cover of this newsletter,PRSSA toured Hearst Castle with advisor DanEller as their guide. They were able to see thedownstairs, upstairs, and kitchen quarters of thesprawling mansion.

    Fun Fact: In the Hearst Castleguest house alone, there are46 rooms. In Casa Grande,the main structure at HearstCastle, there are 115 rooms.

  • 8/13/2019 PRSSA November Newsletter


    PRSSA spotlights current member....

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    Major: Journalism with a Public Relations ConcentrationYear: SeniorPRSSA Member since: October 2012

    Current Job(s): Public Relations Coordinator for Mustang Media Group and serverat California Pizza Kitchen

    What they have taught her: CPK has taught me how to communicate effectivelywith the public and making me feel more comfortable when approaching newpeople. MMG giving me the opportunity to gain more experience in event planning,press release writing, and how to promote different stories to outside publications.My favorite thing about working for MMG is the real world experience I'm getting byworking in a newsroom and how to handle day-to-day PR tasks.

    Advice for younger members: Go to as many meetings as possible. PRSSA is agreat tool for young PR students. I've learned a lot from the speakers that havecome to speak to us and got to explore many of the local PR rms in SLO. Theserms are big supporters of the Cal Poly students and PRSSA gives you theawesome opportunity of networking with them.

    Kelsey Donofrio

    I've learned theimportance ofcommunicationand thebenetsof cultivating


  • 8/13/2019 PRSSA November Newsletter


    Alumni Spotlight on Lauren Goodacre

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    Quick Overview Graduated: June 2011

    Degree : Agriculture Science with aconcentration in Communications

    Current position: PR Specialist at PressKitchen

    Build your own

    brand-- you have todo good PR foryourself before youcan do it for others.

    Lauren Goodacre started off her publicrelations career applying to 50 different PR rmsin the rst three months after college. That

    determination paid off when she landed her rstinternship at Atomic PR.She now works as the sole contact for the

    San Francisco ofce of Press Kitchen, forgingrelationships with digital advertising agencies,production companies and entertainment techstartups around San Francisco.

    I spend most of my day monitoring socialmedia accounts, compiling company blog posts,analyzing client and competitor coverage,

    generating new business and creatingmeasurement reports, Goodacre said.

    However, when she rst started out, dailytasks included compiling media lists, arrangingspeaking and award opportunities, and lling outstatus reports.

    Goodacre had to learn the balancing actof managing multiple clients.

    In college, you may have only oneclient youre dealing with. Entering the working

    world, you will likely have multiple clients

    with a range of budgets who all expect thesame results, she said.

    Her advice to current PRSSA membersis to create a portfolio website, start blogging,manage an active Twitter account, and stay upto date on current events. Linked In is also animportant electronic networking tool. Using it tomeet up with people in person and askingcareer advice will enable you to stand out.

    PR is a right now type of career, and itis essential to be one step ahead of everyoneelse, she said.

  • 8/13/2019 PRSSA November Newsletter


    Upcoming Events mark your calendars...

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    Jan. 9First Meeting of the Quarter: TimeManagement Workshop to prepare for winterquarter.


    Sign ups for the mentor-mentee program .Get paired up with a seasoned member ofPRSSA to help you out with polishing yourresume, preparing for interviews, ndinginternships, or simply getting to know othermembers better.

    Late FebruaryClothing Sale!!!!

    This winter break start collecting all ofyour old clothes to make the secondannual PRSSA GIves Back asuccess. We are collecting womensclothing, mens clothing, accessories,and shoes. We will start acceptingthese donations at our rst meeting.

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