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  • 7/31/2019 Prssa Spring Newsletter-1


    POLYPR NEWSWIRE | Spring 2012


    PRSSA Hosts President

    Armstrong for the First Time

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    2 PRSSA Member Spotlight

    3 Meet the 2012-2013 E-Board

    6 Catching up with Katrina

    8 Internships, Jobs, Opportunities

    9 National Assembly Delegate

    11 Looking Back-PRSSA This Year

















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  • 7/31/2019 Prssa Spring Newsletter-1


    Q & A withAlly Dahl



    1.What company or organization did you work for?The past quarter I interned at the San Luis Obispo Downtown

    Association. I worked in an office with four other people, but members ofthe SLO community were constantly in and out of the office.

    2. What was your favorite aspect of your internship?Overall my favorite thing about this internship was getting to know many

    influential members of downtown San Luis Obispo. I loved interviewing thebusiness owners because they all had such interesting backgrounds. Also, due to the fact that they were

    all new business owners, I was one of the first people to hear about their business and/or product. Also, itwas really awesome to see my articles printed in a magazine attributed to me.

    3. What is a typical day for you on the job?I interned at the SLO Downtown Association every Tuesday and Thursday and the work I did on thesedays were very different. On Tuesdays I would set up interviews and conduct interviews with newbusiness owners in the downtown area. After these interviews I would write up an article about the newbusiness and then they would be published in the Journal Magazine. When not working on these articles Iwould be writing press releases for local events or helping the Promotions Coordinator set up for events.On Thursdays I would set up and work at the Information Booth at the Farmers Market.

    4. What was the most interesting project you completed on the job?

    The most interesting project that I worked on at this internship was creating the ballot for the Board ofDirectors election. I interviewed all of the candidates, wrote up their bios, and created the documents thatwere send out to all of SLO to inform them about the election.

    5. Do you have any advice for members on obtaining internships?My advice to get an internship is to have an outstanding resume. I recommend going to the careerservices offices on campus because they really helped me out. You get asked almost all of the samequestions in interviews, so before going in to the interview think back on past interviews and haveanswers for the questions that you have been asked before. Also, it is a MUST to do research on thebusiness that you are interviewing for.

    PRSSA Member Spotlight


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    At the second meeting of the quarter, Mary Verdin and Whitney Diaz of Verdin spoke to PRSSA. Both PR

    professionals discussed their recent rebranding and showed students their current client campaigns. Mary

    Verdin stressed the importance of professionalism in the workplace and offered valuable resume tips.

    Kory Raftery, PG&E Spokesperson, held a crisis communications workshop on the third meeting of the

    quarter demonstrating the importance of PR and having a crisis communication plan in an organization.

    PRSSA members were split into groups and given the chance to formulate their own crisis communications

    plan for their specific PG&E related crisis. Students gained hands-on experience dealing with crisis planning

    and response that they can apply in their future careers.


    Katie Maloney

    Digital Media Director

    Emilee TappenOutreach Director

    Chelsea KittaPresident

    Amy ChechoFundraising Director

    Kelsey HollenbeckVice President

    Heather McBirneyFinance Director Allyson Dahl

    Communications Director

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    I am so excited that I get the opportunity to take onmore responsibilities in PRSSA and help lead this strongorganization. I can't wait to work with the rest of theboard to give members helpful networking opportunities,great guest speakers, and awesome field trips.

    Fun Fact: Katie has gone skydiving twice and cant wait to go again!

    I am excited to spread the word about PRSSA and gettingothers to realize all of the great opportunities available tothem through our club! I cannot wait to work with thewonderful new E-board and continue to increase awarenessabout our professional organization on the Cal Poly campus.

    Fun Fact: Emilee was born and raised on the East Coast and she sometimesmisses the humidity!

    I cant wait to help our wonderful chapter develop and thrivenext year. I look forward to encouraging active membershipand a PR community by providing members with variousagency tours, engaging workshops, and valuable networkingopportunities. In addition, I am excited to continue shaping

    PRSSA into an open and collaborative environment foreveryone!

    Fun Fact: Chelsea loves thrift shopping, her iPhone, collecting seaglass,Facebook and grande nonfat lattes. She was also born on the Fourth ofJuly!

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    I am looking forward to learning more about PR throughnext year's events and speakers. I also look forward togetting better acquainted with all of the PRSSA members!

    Fun Fact: Heather rides motorcycles and has had a job for the last fouryears selling vintage motorcycle parts online.

    I am excited for the new e-board to keep up the momentumthat we achieved this year and continue to increase thevalue of your membership. I can't wait to bring youinteresting, diverse and educational speakers!

    Fun Fact: Kelsey pretty much bleeds espresso, absolutely adores cats andyou'll never catch her without painted nails.

    I'm excited to start helping members find internships to starttheir careers as PR practitioners. I'm really excited about thesocials because I want to get to know everyone in PRSSA!

    Fun Fact: Allyson can do a perfect imitation of Stitch from Lilo and Stitch.

    I'm really excited to work with PRSSA next year and to seeus grow. As fundraising chair I hope to raise a lot of moneyso we can continue to do amazing events and field trips!

    Fun Fact: Amy has seen Jack Johnson in concert four times!

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    CPPRSSAALUMNISPOTLIGHTCatching Up with Katrina Stern

    Company: Allison + Partners Title: Account Coordinator

    Graduation Date: June 2011:

    Contact: [email protected]

    1.Where are you currently working?As an Account Coordinator (a glorified intern) I get my hands

    dirty in EVERYTHING. I have five clients that are in all different fields. My clients include: Orbitz,Dropbox, National Restaurant Association, Samsung cameras and camcorders, and KINDhealthy snacks. The tasks I am in charge of doing are: monitoring in the morning for every clientand it is my goal to find all notable coverage before the client does (this takes time), agendas,

    action notes, media lists (they become your best friend), media trackers, deliveries to editors atlong-lead magazines (this is only because I am in New York), overseeing the new interns if theyever need help, coordinating brainstorms for current or future clients, research on editors asrequests come in, and compiling briefing books. However, the list can go on and on for an

    Account Coordinator in an agency since it is a very fast pace environment.

    2. What is the best part of your job?The best part of my job is a tie between the free stuff you get and the ability to know news aboutyour client before it even goes to the press. You get to know the ins and outs of the companythat no one else gets to usually see. Since the agency acts as the security guard to the press forhigh-end clients, in some cases you learn things that you would be shocked about.

    Not to mention the people in PR are the best people ever! I have met so many of my friends atthe agency.

    3. What have you learned thus far from working at Allison + Partners?I have learned A LOT. Working for an agency you will immerse yourself in knowledge. Some ofthe things I have learned are: time management (to a whole new level), roll with the punches andbeing overwhelmed is just going to happen, and how relationships can really go a long way. Mostof all, being able to know that I am capable of a lot!

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    4.What is a typical day for you on the job?There is no typical day, however, one thing remains constant and that is my monitoring. I domonitoring for each one of my clients in the morning. So I usually get here early to get caught up one-mails, which is usually around 100 e-mails, then I look at Google alerts and mark anything that

    seems urgent for any of my clients. After that I do actual monitoring documents for three of myclients and edit one that an intern does. By that time it is already 11:30am and I usually do anyagendas or action items that need to be done. I then update all of the media trackers that I am incharge of so all of the hits we have are reflected. After that, it depends on the day I usually get aton of demands throughout the day due to some event, a press inquiry, pitching (which is a maingoal of everyone in the office), brainstorm meetings, and client calls.

    5.What is the best advice you can give to CP PRSSA members?One, it doesnt matter how much experience you have, it is more about how much you want it orhow passionate you are. I would not be in New York if I didnt want to be in an agency this badly.Being a Psychology major who started PR in her junior year and is now working at the agency of

    my dreams should give everyone some hope.Second, be willing to make a lot of mistakes and learn from them. I promise you I make so manymistakes, but so does everyone at my work. You just need to take the advice and knock it out of thepark next time.Lastly, start getting your pitching voices ready because it will be the most vital component of PRand how you will build those relationships with the reporters that I now look at as celebrities.

    6. Any tips or advice on how to get internships and jobs? Are there any internship/

    job opportunities at Allison + Partners right now?The biggest tip I can give you is cover letters! This is how I got every interview. The steps include:the ability to do your research and find out what their mission statement is, finding out what thatcompany represents, and lastly applying it to the cover letter will get you an interview every time.

    Also, calling up any company to find out who you would be addressing your cover letter to puts youabove and beyond all of the others competing for that position.

    Allison + Partners is always looking to hire paid interns in any of their locations. If you have agencyexperience already, please dont be discouraged about having another internship because that wasme and I moved up rather quickly so there is always hope. Let me know if you are interested in anyof the locations of A+P and I can always help out a fellow Mustang!

    CPPRSSAALUMNISPOTLIGHTCatching Up with Katrina Stern

  • 7/31/2019 Prssa Spring Newsletter-1


    Internships,Jobs,andOpportunities ECOSLO

    what: Marketing InternshipThe Environmental Center of San Luis ObispoCounty is seeking a part time intern which willbe responsible for weekly campaigning for the

    organizations Coastal Clean-Up Day.

    when:Apply now! They are seeking a summerintern.

    where: San Luis Obispo, CA

    rate: Unpaid but will gain experience withConstant Contact and a variety of social mediatools.

    If interested, contact Kylee Singh [email protected]

    MLC PRwhat: Entertainment PR InternshipPackaging press kits, online research, eventassistance, writing assignments, coveringphones

    when: Apply Now! Visit this website, create anaccount, then apply!

    where: Los Angeles, CA

    rate: unpaid but offering internship credit

    City of San Luis Obispowhat: Communications and SpecialProject AssistantAssist Parks and RecreationAdministration with organization, planning,and implementation of marketingcampaigns and special projects.

    when: Apply now! Click the Apply Nowlink on the website.

    where: San Luis Obispo, CA

    rate: $12.96-$15.55 Hourly

    Kaleigh interned for Parks and Recreationand said I had a great experience. Iabsolutely loved my boss and learned a lotof new skills. It is a great opportunity togrow professionally.


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  • 7/31/2019 Prssa Spring Newsletter-1




    Check out the E-Board andPRSSA members at the

    Journalism DepartmentBanquet! Congrats to all of the

    graduating PRSSA seniors!

    Dont forget thoseuseful tips Ms. Etiquetteoffered us this year.

    Get excited for moreexclusive tours and

    agency visits next year.

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