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GotuKolaCentella asiatica

Gotu kola has a wide variety of healing attributes, many of which document the folk usage. The herb has prominent mention in the Shennong Herbal compiled in China over 2000 years ago. The Tai Chi Chuan master, LiChing Yun, was believed to have lived over 250 years by including gotu kola and other Chinese herbs in his longevity formula.

The herb gained its reputation for enhancing longevity, memory, and mental function in India when Surilankans noticed that the leaves were a favorite food of elephants that have both impeccable memories and long lives.

It is believed to have a mild, mood elevating effect and balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, bringing wholeness to both body and mind.*

Gotu kola is an ideal herb for cardiovascular support. Some literature show that Gotu kola may

help improve blood   ow while strengthening the blood vessels.* Active ingredients in Gotu kola have been shown to promote skin integrity and help with mild skin discomforts. In addition to skin, gotu kola works to nourish hair, nails and connective tissues.

In spite of its name, “kola” the herb contains no caffeine and does not have negative, stimulating effects on the body’s nervous system.

Bene� ts• Helps support brain and nervous system function• Contains magnesium that rejuvenates the nervous system and enhance brain functions

• Used as an ingredient in some longevity formulas

• Provides cardiovascular support

• Offers nutritional support for the hair, skin, nails, and connective tissue

• Promotes mental activity

• Helps reduce fatigue

Usage• For adults, take one (1) tablet once or twice daily, preferably with meals.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if seal under cap is broken or missing.

Gotu Kola #2709 | ps#103 -rev-00

Gotu Kola was

revered in the ancient

healing tradition

as a spiritual herb and

the most rejuvenating

of all other medicinal


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