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Page 1: Public Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste ... · PDF filePublic Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste . Discharge Requirements (Dredge/Fill Projects)

Public Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste Discharge Requirements (Dredge/Fill Projects)

Del Norte County

Bird Box Movie Project 41.825683, -124.1143551 and other locations

ECM PIN CW-843184, WDID No. 1A171845WNDN On December 15, 2017, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) received an application from River Bend Productions LLC (Applicant), requesting federal Clean Water Act, section 401, water quality certification (certification) for activities related to the proposed Bird Box Movie Project (Project) in the towns of Hiouchi and Gasquet, Del Norte County. Receiving Waters Project activities would occur at up to ten locations within the Lower, South and Middle Forks of the Smith River Hydrologic Unit (Basin Planning Area No. 103.00). Proposed Project locations are included as an attachment to this Public Notice. Project Description The Applicant proposes to film a movie at several locations within and adjacent to the Smith River at locations shown at the end of this Public Notice in Figures 1.1 and 1.2. Film production within and adjacent to the river would result in temporary impacts associated with installation of floating docks, props, anchors, and metal platforms. All proposed Project activities may or may not occur, depending upon filming needs at the time of filming. Proposed Project activities within the Smith River include the following (refer to Figure 1.2 for referenced locations):

• To film a boat pushing away from shore, the Applicant proposes to install a small, four-foot by sixteen-foot floating dock at either 4913 North Bank Road or at the Douglas Park Drive site. Dock installation, use, and removal would last approximately three days;

• To film a sunken truck within the Smith River, the Applicant proposes to place a 2007 Peterbilt 379 Ultra Sleeper semi-truck cab in the river. The engine, radiator, rear axles, and other internal parts would be removed along with all liquids or fluids. All components would be thoroughly cleaned in advance, off site. Sections of the truck would be lowered by crane and assembled in shallow water, possibly on top of an aluminum platform. This activity would require approximately five days for installation, use, and removal. The Applicant has proposed to use the Day Use Beach gravel bar near the Jedediah Smith campground as its preferred location in the event of seasonally high water levels. The Hiouchi Bridge/Society Hole location would be used in the event that water levels are lower than usual for the season. Anchors may be installed in the river to allow use of cables for boat towing; and

1 WGS84 datum

Page 2: Public Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste ... · PDF filePublic Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste . Discharge Requirements (Dredge/Fill Projects)

Bird Box Movie CIWQS PIN CW-843184

-2- January 3, 2018

• Multiple locations within the Middle Fork Smith River between Panther Flat and Forks River Access are being considered to film a small boat floating downriver. The boat will be towed with cables attached to anchors in the river. Another boat scene utilizing anchors may occur within Jedediah Smith State Park at the Visitor Center Beach, Day Use Beach, and /or Peacock Bar.

Construction Timing Project implementation is proposed to occur over a 19-day period between January 21, 2018, and February 8, 2018. Impacts Project implementation would result in approximately 0.03 acres of temporary impacts to the Smith River as a result of installing floating docks, a full size Peterbilt Ultra Sleeper semi-truck cab, aluminum platforms, and anchors within the Smith River. Avoidance and Minimization Measures Proposed avoidance and minimization measures to protect water quality and the beneficial uses of waters of the state include:

• All equipment maintenance and staging, and dispensing of fuel, oil, and coolant, would occur within the staging areas and/or over liners. Equipment would be checked for leaks prior to leaving the staging area and repaired as necessary;

• Pre-activity surveys would be conducted at in-river locations for coho salmon redds. If any active redds are located, 50-foot buffers would be established. No activities would occur within these buffer zones;

• No prop or equipment installation work would occur within 24 hours of forecast rainfall. In the event of significant (> 0.5 inch) forecast rainfall, any potentially unstable platforms or small props would be removed from the river;

• No equipment other than boats, platforms, and specified props would enter the river. Vehicles will be limited to exposed gravel bars and designated roads, parking lots, bridges, and trails, and will be kept clear of steep banks or other erosion prone areas; and

• To prevent introduction of invasive mussels and snails or any oils and lubricants to the river, equipment used in the river would be cleaned and dried prior to placement, at a reasonable distance from the bank to prevent any runoff.

Mitigation Because Project implementation would not result in any permanent impacts, no mitigation is required. Other Agency Permits and Actions The Applicant has applied to the United States Army Corps of Engineers for an Individual Permit pursuant to section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The Applicant has also applied for a

Page 3: Public Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste ... · PDF filePublic Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste . Discharge Requirements (Dredge/Fill Projects)

Bird Box Movie CIWQS PIN CW-843184

-3- January 3, 2018

section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. CEQA Compliance As lead agency, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife is preparing an Initial Study and Negative Declaration for the Project. Public Comments Regional Water Board staff are proposing to regulate this Project pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1341) and/or Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act authority. In addition, staff will consider all phone calls and comments submitted in writing and received within a 21-day comment period that begins on the first date of issuance of this notice and ends at 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. If you have any questions or comments, please contact staff member Brendan Thompson at (707) 576-2699 or [email protected] within 21 days of the posting of this notice. The information contained in this public notice is only a summary of the applicant’s proposed activities. The Regional Water Board’s Project file includes the application for certification and additional details of the proposed Project, including maps and design drawings. Project documents and any comments received are on file and may be reviewed or copied at the Regional Water Board office, 5550 Skylane Boulevard, Suite A, Santa Rosa, California. Appointments are recommended for document review. Appointments can be made by calling (707) 576-2220. 180103_BJT_er_BirdBox_PN

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Page 5: Public Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste ... · PDF filePublic Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste . Discharge Requirements (Dredge/Fill Projects)

SiskiyouNational Forest

Six RiversNational Forest










197Pac i f ic




Six RiversNational ForestSmith



Patrick Creek

Bar-O Ranch




0 1.5 3 4.5 6


Project No.Revision No. -

11151104Date 12/15/2017

River Bend Productions, LLCBird Box - Fisheries Permit Consultation401 Permit Application

Map Projection: Mercator Auxiliary SphereHorizontal Datum: WGS 1984

Grid: WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere

Paper Size ANSI A

Data source: Esri, StreetMap USA, Copyright:© 2014 EsriSources: Esri, USGS, NOAA. Created by: jclark2

N:\US\Eureka\Projects\111\11151104 Bird Box-Fisheries Permit Consult\08-GIS\Maps\Deliverables\Permits\401Permit\11151104_401Permit_01-1_Vicinity.mxdPrint date: 15 Dec 2017 - 12:41

Proposed Project SitesHighwayMajor RoadLocal Road

RiversState ParkRedwood NationalParkNational Forests

Vicinity Map




Smith River

Crescent City



Page 6: Public Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste ... · PDF filePublic Notice for Water Quality Certification and/or Waste . Discharge Requirements (Dredge/Fill Projects)

Panther FlatPanther Flat

Stout Grove /Stout Grove /Summer BridgeSummer Bridge


Bar-O RanchBar-O Ranch

North BankNorth BankRoad ParcelRoad Parcel

Peacock BarPeacock Bar

Day UseDay UseBeachBeach

VisitorVisitorCenterCenterBeachBeach DouglasDouglas

Park DrivePark Drive

Society HoleSociety Hole





Howland Hill Rd

South Fork Rd


Patrick Creek

South Fork S m i th Rvr

Middle Fork Smith Rvr

S mi th River

North Fork Smith Rvr


0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2


Project No.Revision No. -

11151104Date 12/15/2017

River Bend Productions, LLCBird Box - Fisheries Permit Consultation

401 Permit Application

Map Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicHorizontal Datum: North American 1983

Grid: NAD 1983 StatePlane California I FIPS 0401 Feet

Paper Size ANSI A

Data source: Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong),swisstopo, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community

Copyright:© 2014 Esri. Created by: jclark2N:\US\Eureka\Projects\111\11151104 Bird Box-Fisheries Permit Consult\08-GIS\Maps\Deliverables\Permits\401Permit\11151104_401Permit_01-2_AllFilmingLocations.mxdPrint date: 15 Dec 2017 - 12:40

Proposed ProjectSiteActivity Locations

Major RoadLocal RoadStreams

All Filming Locations

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