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Page 1: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Public Transit Online

How Online Information Can

Encourage and Improve Carfree Mobility

Towards Carfree Cities Conference 2008

Bibiana McHugh, IT Manager

Updated April 24, 2008

Page 2: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)
Page 3: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Perl Scripts

Perl Scripts






Current SystemCurrent System














Web Service

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Page 5: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)
Page 6: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)
Page 7: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)
Page 8: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)
Page 9: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

TriMet Developer Resources

for Customer InformationPromotes use of transit and

information related to transit

TriMet Developer Resources

for Customer InformationPromotes use of transit and

information related to transit

Page 10: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Direct access to most current

Schedule Datain common open format

Direct access to most current

Schedule Datain common open format

“GTFS is a lightweight, open

format that provides a

common, easy way to

exchange transit data. You

don't have to be Google™

to use it.”

Tim Moore, Bart

“GTFS is a lightweight, open

format that provides a

common, easy way to

exchange transit data. You

don't have to be Google™

to use it.”

Tim Moore, Bart

Page 11: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Developers are

scraping schedule dataoff websites anyway.

GTFS offers a more stable

solution with Terms of Use.

Developers are

scraping schedule dataoff websites anyway.

GTFS offers a more stable

solution with Terms of Use.

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Who is using Schedule Data

in the GTFS format?

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Google Maps

Get Driving Directions


Public Transit Directions

Google Maps

Get Driving Directions


Public Transit Directions

Page 14: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)


Sits on Google Transit

Makes it easy to

save links to common trips


Sits on Google Transit

Makes it easy to

save links to common trips

Page 15: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Public Routes

“…believes in allowing

public information to be shared openly by municipalities across the country in hopes of maximizing

travel efficiency and better

serving the greater public.”

Public Routes

“…believes in allowing

public information to be shared openly by municipalities across the country in hopes of maximizing

travel efficiency and better

serving the greater public.”

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Schedules and Map Info for Mobile

Devices using GTFS data

Developer’s motivation is to encourage more

sustainable modes of transport.


Schedules and Map Info for Mobile

Devices using GTFS data

Developer’s motivation is to encourage more

sustainable modes of transport.

Page 17: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Stop & Service Finder

Built on the GTFS – other agencies coming Finds all stops, buses & trains in an area

Stop & Service Finder

Built on the GTFS – other agencies coming Finds all stops, buses & trains in an area

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Transit Maps

Draws route lines using GTFS

Transit Maps

Draws route lines using GTFS

Page 19: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Garmin StreetPilot

“…TriMet responded responded, and

pointed me to the GTFS developer

site… by far the easiest experience

I’ve had getting information from a

public agency.”

Brett Warden, TriMet Rider & Software Developer

Garmin StreetPilot

“…TriMet responded responded, and

pointed me to the GTFS developer

site… by far the easiest experience

I’ve had getting information from a

public agency.”

Brett Warden, TriMet Rider & Software Developer

Page 20: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

GPS Wayfinding


Sendero, TriMet & Google

working to integrate GTFS

with POI Database

GPS Wayfinding


Sendero, TriMet & Google

working to integrate GTFS

with POI Database

Page 21: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

TimeTable PublisherUses GTFS Data

T3 Webinar

How to Implement the TimeTable

Publisher: An Open Source

Application for Transit Agencies

May 14, 2008

TimeTable PublisherUses GTFS Data

T3 Webinar

How to Implement the TimeTable

Publisher: An Open Source

Application for Transit Agencies

May 14, 2008

Page 22: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Who is using our Web Services

for Customer Information?

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Direct access to

Real-Time Datavia web services

Direct access to

Real-Time Datavia web services

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Customer Information

at AirportPort of Portland’s Use of Data

Customer Information

at AirportPort of Portland’s Use of Data

Page 25: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

TriMet On My iPhone

Free Application for iPhoneTransit next arrival times

“At first I was just going to scrape the

Trimet site to get the information. But

then I came to find out that Trimet

actually has a really nice API to all their

tracking information!”

Matt King, TriMet Rider & Software Developer

TriMet On My iPhone

Free Application for iPhoneTransit next arrival times

“At first I was just going to scrape the

Trimet site to get the information. But

then I came to find out that Trimet

actually has a really nice API to all their

tracking information!”

Matt King, TriMet Rider & Software Developer

Page 26: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Portland Transport

Transit Surfer & Transit BoardNext arrival times for cell phones, handhelds,

full-size screens, text messaging

Portland Transport

Transit Surfer & Transit BoardNext arrival times for cell phones, handhelds,

full-size screens, text messaging

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Free SMS Services for

Cell PhonesAccess to transit next arrival times


Free SMS Services for

Cell PhonesAccess to transit next arrival times

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Presents arrival times and locations

of buses that are approaching a

selected stop


Presents arrival times and locations

of buses that are approaching a

selected stop

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Opera Award Winner

TriMet Widget

free program for use on your

desktop, mobile phone or TV

Opera Award Winner

TriMet Widget

free program for use on your

desktop, mobile phone or TV

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Future plans for


Page 31: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Web Service for

TriMet Trip PlannerAccess to Planned Trip Itineraries

Offers alternative to screen scraping

for applications like Dadnab

Web Service for

TriMet Trip PlannerAccess to Planned Trip Itineraries

Offers alternative to screen scraping

for applications like Dadnab

Page 32: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Mobile Trip Planning

Using my cell phone, I can

get public transit directions

to the nearest pizza place

from my current location.

Current GPS

Location, Current Time,

Requested Event/Place

En Route

Planned Itinerary

To Event/Place




(LBS) Formatted









Trip Planner Web Service Example

TriMet builds the API and the

applications are unlimited

Trip Planner Web Service Example

TriMet builds the API and the

applications are unlimited

Page 33: Public Transit Online: How Online Information Can Improve Carfree Mobility (Bibiana McHugh, TriMet)

Who else is making their

data publicly accessible

and why?

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Public Feeds Page

By making the GTFS data publicly

accessible, you can avoid addressing

multiple and varied data requests on

an individual basis.

Public Feeds Page

By making the GTFS data publicly

accessible, you can avoid addressing

multiple and varied data requests on

an individual basis.

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San Francisco Bay

“We want to foster innovative new

applications, reach a broader

audience and encourage more people

to choose BART.

…we just can't justify spending

time on some of the things our

customers have asked for.”


San Francisco Bay

“We want to foster innovative new

applications, reach a broader

audience and encourage more people

to choose BART.

…we just can't justify spending

time on some of the things our

customers have asked for.”

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