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Page 1: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet

Deadline for Next issue June 30, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Please drop all articles and ads at Lucy’s Flowers & Gifts Send a subscription to someone - only $40 per year

Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community Gardeners

Planting day is almost

upon us! The gardeners

have been preparing the

flower beds at the Gar-

den and now we are

looking forward to do-

ing the planting on

Monday, June 1st, as

we do our best to Social

Distance!! We hope you are anticipating the

delight of the Garden's bright colors as much

as we are. The hanging pots are also com-

ing along nicely and will be hung a little

later in the month.

If you find yourself downtown and

can swing by Lucy's Flowers and Gifts,

Shirley will accept donations and we would

appreciate it if you could "Buy Us A Six-

Pack". It will help us bring the sunny cheer-

fulness to our Community that the bright

flowers bestow!

May Kreklewich, for your Wawanesa

Community Gardeners

This page sponsored by Wawanesa Mutual Insurance.

This month‟s paper is again available only

online. If you know someone that isn‟t able

to access it online, please let us know

at [email protected]

Make sure to click on the

“Follow" link on our website,

so that you can be notified

each month when a new pa-

per comes out.


To give third and final reading to By-

Law No. 03-2020;

To undertake road repairs at SE10-8-


To approve Subdivision Application

No. 4157-20-8175 subject to Condi-

tional Use and Variation Order;

To support the funding application by

Central Assiniboine Watershed District

for construction of a dam located on

municipal right-of-way on Road 10211;

To submit projects and priorities list for

the 2019 Water and Wastewater Re-

newal Plan for the 2021-2026 Program;

To authorize connection to fiber optic

service to 319 Main street Wawanesa

with expenses allocated to the Fire De-

partment Operating Budget;

To authorize connection of fiber optic

services to 106 Fourth street Wawanesa

with expenses allocated to the Office

Operating Budget;

To provide acknowledgment to En-

bridge Pipelines Inc. that the material

they provided on Public Awareness

Program 2020 has been received, un-

derstood, and posted on social media;

To authorize Cross-Man Direct Under-

ground to conduct drilling and con-

struction of Commercial Street water

loop to the hospital and to apply for

funding through Water Services Board

with the remaining expenses allocated

to the Utility Reserve subject to confir-

mation from MR that this can be ap-

proved prior to budget approval;

Council met in a regular meeting

on May 19, 2020 at 9:00a.m. In

the Nesbitt Hall in Nesbitt,

Manitoba. Council members pre-

sent were: Councillors, Cory, McDonald,

Hatch, Sowiak, and McGregor. Councillor

Hargreaves was absent. Head of Council

Dave Kreklewich presided.

The following motions were approved:

To accept the agenda for the May 19,

2020 meeting with additions;

To approve the minutes of the meeting of

April 21, 2020;

To approve general accounts payable in

the amount of $47,349.74;

To approve the Direct deposit No. 0133

in the amount of $11,428.99;

To approve Direct deposit No. 0135 in

the amount of $13,384.96;

To approve Direct deposit No. 0134 in

the amount of $5,179.48;

To approve Utility accounts payable in

the amount of $9,771.74;

To receive the Statement of Revenue and

Expenditure Report to April 30, 2020;

To receive written communications;

To support the resolution that AMM

lobby Manitoba Infrastructure to improve

road conditions and that AMM to lobby

the provincial government to re-establish

funding programs that allow municipali-

ties to enable partnership with Manitoba


To receive verbal and written committee


To give second reading to By-Law No.

03-2020; Continued on page 4….

Page 2: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


[email protected] * Visa, MC & Debit

WIFI Available

Hours: 6:30 am – 5:00 pm Sat. 7 am - 5 pm

For assistance after hours, please call 204-824-2369 or cell 204-724-4997



Instruction can be

provided if you need help.


204-824-2369 Fax: 204-824-2008 Text: 204-724-4997

Box 344, 112 - 4th Street, Wawanesa, MB R0K 2G0

We are OPEN according to Provincial regula-

tions. Take-out or food/beverages on the deck

(South side of building)

Seniors Independent Services Office

Printing, faxing, photocopying, posters, resumés office supplies, banners, and custom made cards

Gourmet Village Hot Chocolates and Dips...

Manitoba Maid Jams… ...make great gifts and look very

attractive in our Gift Baskets!!!

Seeds are here,

bedding plants too!

Come see if we have

something for you!

Buy a 6-Pack for Community Gardeners!


To deny request for water use reimburse-


To support in principle a development

plan amendment for SW1/4 36-8-17 sub-

ject to formal application;

To request a 30-day extension for filing of

the annual financial plan to allow for a

decision from the Municipal Board re-

garding special service By-Laws and;

To amend the 2020 Interim Budget to al-

low for expenditures up to 75% of the

proposed budget to ensure services and

operations may continue;

To adjourn to meet again on June 16,

2020 at 9:00 am at the Nesbitt Hall;

General Business

See website for full video and minutes at


Correspondence: - Read and filed.

The complete texts of the minutes are on file

and can be viewed by anyone during regular

office hours.

R.M. News continued from page 2

Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class

“The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing

about your life, is that there is no core cur-

riculum. The entire place is an elective”.

Jon Stewart

“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it

probably doesn't lead anywhere”.

Frank A. Clark

“You‟re going to fall down, but the world

doesn‟t care how many times you fall down,

as long as it‟s one fewer than the numbers of

times you get back up”. Andy Sorkin

“If you think you are too small to be effec-

tive, you have never been in bed with a

mosquito”. Bette Reese

“The only thing that ever sat its way to suc-

cess was a hen”. Sarah Brown

“A graduation ceremony is an event where

the commencement speaker tells thousands

of students dressed in identical caps and

gowns that „individuality‟ is the key to

success”. Robert Orben

“When they hand you your diploma, keep

moving, just in case they try to take it back”.


Page 3: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30

8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Dr. Lee

Vicki Wenger Nurse Practitioner

Please call for appointment

(204) 824-2993

Lab Direct Line:

(204) 824-6252

Wawanesa Medical Clinic June 2020

Wawanesa Express Items, with payment, may be dropped off at:

Lucy’s Flowers & Gifts Between 6:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Sat.

Box 341 or [email protected]

Fax: 824-2008 For information: [email protected]

Deadline is 10:00 a.m. on the

last Tuesday of the month.

Deadline for Next issue June 30, 2020

Please don’t delay in submitting your articles

and ads. The earlier the better!

COMPILED AT Lucy’s Flowers & Gifts

Glenboro Pharmacy

204-827-2841 [email protected]

Monday – Friday 9:00 am-5:30pm

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, please

email or call your orders in advance.

It is optimal to have 5-7 days supply on

hand at all times when possible.

FREE Delivery to your

home in Wawanesa!

Medical students/NP students working in

clinic with Dr. Lee/Vicki

Reminder to have your MB Health Card each visit to the clinic or lab.

Jamieson’s Funeral Service Willmor Chapel

415 Broadway St.

A Family Tradition of Personalized Service

Serving the Wawanesa District since 1949 Traditional Burial & Cremation Services

Funeral Planning www.willmorchapel.com

Granite & Bronze Monuments Inscriptions & Monument Renovations

Funeral Directors, R. Moray Jamieson

Dayna Jamieson Box 369, Glenboro, Man.

Bus. 827-2480 Fax. 827-2093 email: [email protected]


Much appreciation to all who con-tinue to donate to the Food Bank. Your regular donations of canned goods and monetary funds keep us operating. Much appreciated!

THANKYOU! If you know of someone who could benefit from this service, please let us know. Contact info: Call Shirley at 204-824-2369.

Reminder: Just a few days left!

Marguerite Cory Volunteerism Award for 2020

All details on the award and the nomination forms are accessed through

www.oakland-wawnesa.ca website. Go to "view all notices" and scroll to

"Marguerite Cory Community Volunteerism Award.

Other information can be obtained from Glenn McGregor (204 761-7596)

or by email ([email protected])

Deadline date for submission …… June 1, 2020 Completed nomination form can be mailed to:

The Wawanesa Community Foundation lnc.

Box 209, Wawanesa, MB ROK 2G0

or emailed to: [email protected]

Page 4: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


HUNTER: When Dale passed away on

April 20th, we were flooded with over-

whelming support. Thank you for all the

kind words, stories, photos, phone calls,

cards, flowers, food, gift certificates and fi-

nancial contributions towards Dale‟s memo-

rial, to support his adopted grandson Korbyn.

A special thank you to Moray at Jamieson‟s

Funeral Services for your expertise and kind-


We sincerely appreciate all the love sent our

way. It has eased the pain of his sudden pass-

ing. Like you, we cherish the time we spent

with Dale and will forever hold him in our


From Gord, Marlene, Kim, Kirby and

Korbyn, Lana and Drew, Tasha and family,

Teagan and family, Lew Dalman

and Esther and Byron Clark

“Thank you”

BROWN: I would like to extend my heartfelt

thanks to so many friends and neighbours

who called to see if I was doing all right and

to see if they could bring me anything.

Thanks also, to those who brought delicious

baking, and those who volunteered to clean

up my yard and cut down the huge limb that

was damaged in the big wind. It was all very

much appreciated, the way folks look after

one another during this strange and difficult


Emily Brown

St. Paul’s Anglican Church

Services Suspended

to comply with

Provincial guidelines.


April 12, 1943 - June 19, 2018

If roses grow in Heaven,

Lord please pick a bunch for us.

Place them in Mavis‟s arms

and tell her they‟re from us.

Tell he we love her and miss her,

and when she turns to smile,

place a kiss upon her cheek,

and hold her for a while.

Because remembering her is easy,

we do it every day.

But there‟s an ache within our hearts that

will never go away.

Ross, Diane, Phil, Harper & Hudson


Have you or someone you know moved away from the community? Please submit a

photo and few lines update so we can include you in an upcoming issue.

Marge & Henry Hanssen : We left Wawanesa in 2012 to live close to our children and 5 grandsons. We

live at a small lake, called Nakamun, one hour northwest of Edmonton. Our 2 sons live 35 and 60 minutes

away, so we see them often. Its fun in all seasons. We do miss the friendly folks at Wawanesa.

Here is Betty-Anne Crisinel (Clark) in Switzlerland,

now a Grandma holding Jeff, her eldest daughter

Shawna‟s first baby.

Page 5: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


Wawanesa United Church All services are postponed for the

present time, in light of the COVID 19 outbreak.

Facebook Service 11:00 am

Rev. Harvey Hurren Cell: (204) 724-8701 Home Phone: (204) 726-0625 Email: [email protected]

Things have not changed a great deal

since last month other than we are enjoying

the warmer weather and the gradual easing of

the COVID-19 guidelines. Our United

Church continues to function effectively

thanks to the interest and assistance of the

Church Council, the congregation and the


The „live‟ services on the Wawanesa

United Church Facebook page have done

wonders in bringing worship to our homes

each week. It is so special to be able to see

the inside of our church on Sunday mornings

as we are invited to listen to the wonderful

music and the spiritual messages. Heartfelt

thanks go out to Rev. Harvey and Shirley for

their inspiration, to Tannis and Maureen for

their wonderful music and to Kevin for his

camera skills.

And, of course, it‟s a special treat when

Brian & Dorothy Granger are able to add

their special music. Their Brandon Hills tal-

ent fills a void because we are unable to

broadcast from their church due to technical

difficulties. All are welcome to join in until

we are able to worship together sometime in

the future.

Join us on „Facebook‟ - Sunday, May

3lst for Pentecost - Sunday of the Holy Spirit

Special Music – extra singers to lead a lively

Pentecost Service. Hymns. „Names Day for

Kids‟. Rev. Harvey will be preaching. Joy-

ous Sunday - Birth of Christ‟s Church.

In the meantime, please carry on God‟s

work in the church by praying and by com-

municating with others in the congregation

and community. A cheerful phone call goes a

long way to ease the loneliness or pass the

time for someone experiencing the side

effects of these very difficult times.

Unfortunately, while we wait pa-

tiently for the lifting of the COVID-19 clo-

sures, the church continues to have bills to

pay. If you are currently on PAR, thank

you for your financial support. If not, there

are other options such as Interact e-

Transfer to:

[email protected] or a

cheque mailed to: Wawanesa United

Church, Box 206, Wawanesa, MB


Stay well!

Margaret Martin

Council Chair


Improve your home. Improve your life.

Remodelling Foundation Parging Roofing Stone Work And More…

Enes Muheljic Carpenter

Wawanesa, MB Phone: (204) 720-3863

[email protected]

Are you needing

new cupboards?

For a free


call Enes.

Wawanesa Express *Price List*

*Please prepay personal ads. - If in-voiced, a $2.00 fee will be charged*

(Mail: Box 341) Full Page $50 1/2 page $30 1/4 page $20 1/8 page $15 Greeting & photo (Max. 1/4 pg.) $20 Memoriams (Max. 1/4 pg) $20 Obituary (1/2 pg.) $30 Back page ad $75 Community news (1/2 pg max.) FREE Thank You (4 lines) $5 Classified (4 lines max) $5

If submission exceeds the maximum

length, you will be charged accordingly.

Subscription Rates:

Online: Free


Follow our blog and you‟ll be notified

when each new issue comes out.

NEW: Mailed Paper Subscription Rates:

Canada $40

U.S. $50

Other $80

Send us an email:

[email protected]

Bethel Christian Assembly - Wawanesa

Services resuming at the

hall May 31- social distanc-

ing practices in place.

Pastor Calvin Young New Office Location:

Monday -Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Park Plaza, Wawanesa


Page 6: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


Graduation 2020 Wawanesa School will be proceeding with Convocation on Tuesday, June

23, 2020. We will be the following public health directives. More informa-

tion will be posted on our website when available: http://wawa.shmb.ca

Wawanesa School Undergrad Awards Due to public health group size restrictions, there will be no Awards Day cere-

mony this year. Awards will be distributed from the school at the end of the

school year.


Page 7: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


Hockey Registration 2020-2021 Season

*Online Registration will open on JUNE 1, 2020 to JUNE 30, 2020*

Website - https://registration.hockeycanada.ca/Registration/

AccountLogin.aspx?ReturnUrl=% 2fregistration%2f%3fID%


Credit Card Payments ONLY

Can pay in full, staggered payments, OR $100 retainer with remainder paid

on September 25th.

**staggered payment schedule: $200 initial payment, July 24, August 28,

September 25 **fees will be divided by balance of fee minus the $200 initial

fee. This is automatic if you choose this function.

Fees applied:

Initiation: $325

Novice: $400

Atom: $450

Pee Wee: $500

Bantam Female: $500

Bantam Male: $550

Questions: please contact via Email at [email protected]

Visit us at Wawanesa Minor Sports – Facebook Page - for a list of updates or


It is VERY important to register in June.

We need our numbers going into the hockey season, to ensure the children

have a place to play Hockey.

ALL registration must be done in JUNE, 2020.


We welcome summer as the month of

June is the beginning of summer events.

For Manitoba, it was to be a year of celebra-

tion. So many extra events were planned to

celebrate the province of Manitoba, being

the fifth province of Canada. We as a

church, were looking forward to being part

of those celebrations in Treesbank. As all

those activities have been put on hold for a

year, they are postponed, not cancelled.

As a church, our weekly services had

to be adjusted. The gathering together was

postponed not cancelled. Through this time,

the need to connect with people, to visit

family, became heightened as we were told

by the government not to meet in groups. A

quick lesson on the technology to livestream

on Facebook, helped with continuing the

teaching time.

With the easing of restrictions and

having a congregation smaller than 50, we

are looking at being able to meet outdoors at

the church. Our series on the book of He-

brews finishes with the urging to be hospita-

ble and share with others. The people at the

time were going through hardships and

needed the encouragement to keep their

eyes open to the needs of the people around

them. It is surprising, when some will say

the Bible is outdated, but the value of look-

ing out for others, is as applicable today as it

was 2000 years ago. We have now experi-

enced the cries of many, across our country,

that have lacked attention. Our care homes

and seniors are one visible group in our

community that have felt the impact of be-

ing isolated.

We are beginning the reopening of

church slowly, with outdoor services,

Services inside the Church

postponed for present time.

Facebook Service 10:00 am

Pastor Garnet Hodges Cell 204-871-5586

Email: [email protected]

weather dependant of course, and bring your

own lawn chair. The services will be at 10

am. We will do our best to monitor the 50

person limit and to have hand sanitizer and

cleaning protocols in place. Other events for

the church are still to be considered at this


Birth Announcement Calder and Asher are very excited to an-

nounce the arrival of their little sister

Stella. Born April 23 at 8:20 am, Estelle Do-

reen Plett weighed in at 6 lb, 4 oz and meas-

ured 18.5 inches long. She is welcomed by

proud parents Mark and Lisa as well as

grandparents Leonard and Luella Plett of

Wawanesa and Doug and Darlene Boake of


Page 8: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


Seniors Independent Services 55+ Newsline... Shirley McBurney, Coordinator

112-4th Street ~ Phone: 204-824-2369

The next date for the Handi-van trip to Brandon is Tuesday, June 9. Unfortunately, due to the COVID 19 outbreak, this trip has been cancelled until further notice. Although I can not encourage people coming to the SIS office, or scheduling home visits, I am always happy to help you in any-way I can by phone. Although all non-essential businesses are mandated to be closed, I have a phone line in my home and will be available to answer to your needs in that way. Victoria Lifeline is your best choice for peace of mind

while living comfortably in your own home. Help can be there at the touch of a button if needed. Call for info. We can discuss how it could be beneficial to you and a comfort for your family to know you are being looked after 24/7. It is our mandate to keep seniors and disabled persons independently in their own homes for as long as possible.

Donations: Wayne & Val Gullett

Leonard & Josie Lindley

& family

Emily Brown

Your generous donations help to keep this volunteer

newspaper viable. We appreciate your support.


This effort has been working. Your lo-

cal Lions Club is missing their activities and

the chance to see friends and neighbours.

Things are changing and as we can go more

places and do more things, please remember

that it means there are more places where you

can physically distance and more chances to

wash your hands and keep things clean. Lions

look forward to being active in the commu-

nity whenever that can happen, They appre-

ciate the support of the community in all their

projects. Stay well.


Loved for 90 Years! Georgina Gullett - June 26th, 1930

You've seen so many things

throughout your life.

Experienced joy, sadness, laughter, and strife.

In this month, we celebrate a milestone year,

and wish we could celebrate

together and cheer.

Your friends from near and afar

Will raise their glass to toast

how special you are.

We hope your day is as beautiful as can be.

You are loved, Mom, Grandma,

Great-Grandma for all eternity!

~ Love, Your Family

Page 9: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


Thanks to a generous donation from the Wawanesa Agricultural Society, the Lioness Ex-

press would like to invite all community members to send in their photos pertaining to

our community. Photos can be sent to [email protected] and may be included based on

available space in the paper.

May 12 - Happy Manitoba 150 Day - Snowbirds: Opera-tion Inspiration - as seen high over Venture Accounting Group office in Brandon.

On May 7, a certain house was tagged… Happy 60th Birthday!!!

May 9 Blizzard! Scene in Downtown

Wawanesa at 5:00 a.m.

MPI Accredited

I-CAR Gold Class certified

I-CAR Platinum certified technician

Collision repairs - Private and MPI

Free estimates

Accessories - retail purchase and installation

Glass replacement (Auto & Ag Equipment)

Stone chip repairs

Headlamp Restoration

Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) available

Free pick up/drop off in Wawanesa area. Courtesy vehicle available. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.meadowviewautobodyandglass.com

Wawanesa ~ 204-824-2696

Lifetime Refinish Guarantee


Tristan Bisson Plumbing and Heating


Established in 2018, I have been plumbing residential

and commercial projects since 2012.

Have experience in heating and ventilation, pumps and septic systems.

Specializing in water treatment.

I also provide drain cleaning services for Wawanesa

and surrounding areas.

Call or text 204-741-0954 for booking your next

plumbing project or unexpected issue.

Page 10: Published by Wawanesa Women’s Club Wawanesa Community ... · 6/30/2020  · R.M. News continued from page 2 Inspirational Quotes for the Graduating Class “The unfortunate, yet


Wawanesa Belmont Transfer Ltd.

Box 1719, Killarney, Manitoba ROK 1GO

Call 1-800-442-0492 or (204) 523-8393 Local and Long Distance Hauling

Grain, Fertilizer

Karla L. Dane B.A., LL.B.


Every Tuesday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Guild Insurance, 115 – 4th Street, Wawanesa

Phone: 204.727.8461

Including Your Community in Your Will It’s easy to leave a bequest to your Community through the Wawanesa Area Foundation.

The bequest/donation will be tax deductible to your estate and you can leave as much

or as little as you want, after providing for your family.

- No better way to remember your Community -

- No better way to be remembered by your Community.

The Wawanesa Community Foundation Inc. For further info: Bruce Gullett 824-2313, Glenn McGregor 761-7596, Leonard Plett 824-2475, Box 172

T. J. Matchett Trucking

Livestock Hauling Service Troy Matchett

Belmont, MB

(204) 537-2695 (If no answer, please

leave a message).



Wawanesa Transfer Station

Hours: Tuesday & Thursday

3:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Due to the safety concerns during the

COVID 19 outbreak, the June edition of

the Wawanesa Express will only be

published online.

For those who don‟t have access, please

call Lucy‟s Flowers and Gifts and we

will do our best to print a paper copy

for you. 204-824-2369.


Delta-12 inch portable planer, Master-

craft-10 inch press drill, Delta-16 inch

scroll saw, router (with guide), Makita-

10 inch mitre saw, Black & Decker

variable speed reciprocating saw, elec-

tric pressure washer, Craftsman - 7-1/2

inch circular saw, power planer, hand

saw, Mastercraft-Hawkeye laser level,

small ratchet sets, 30 inch snow

blower. There are a lot of other tools,

hammers, screw drivers, wrenches,

drill bits, barbecue and more… Phone

804-824-5154 or call at the house -

215 James Street.

1 Deadline for nominations for the Marguerite

Cory Volunteerism Award (pg 6)

16 Oakland-Wawanesa Council meeting 9:00 a.m.,

Nesbitt (pg 4)

23 Wawanesa Graduation Convocation (pg 12)

30 Deadline for the July Wawanesa Express

10:00 a.m.


If you drink, that's your business. If you want

to stop it‟s our business. Alcoholics Anony-

mous meets every MONDAY night at the

back door of the United Church at 7:30 p.m.


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