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Conde Nast should probably sell my magazine as they are lacking a magazine with a genre like mine. Conde Nast specialise in fashion magazines like Vogue and Vanity Fair, so there is definitely a gap in their market for a music magazine with a young target audience. The market is obviously very competitive so them not having any other magazine like this means that they a) don’t have to compete with any of their current magazines and b) can try to compete against the other big magazine publishers.

Conde Nast’s current magazines a refined with sophisticated readers, so publishing a magazine like mine may go against their convention but it will also bring in a wider audience. Which is probably why this company would publish my magazine.

Bauer media and IPC media are the biggest music magazine publishers with a £580 million profit between them from last year. IPC media is one of the most successful magazine publishing companies with various genres of magazines to offer to a wide range of readers. IPC media publishers the well respected music magazine NME which covers rock, indie and some pop music in their magazine. My magazine would not succeed in this company as only last year they sold 20 of their magazines to concentrate on successful magazines like NME, meaning that music magazine would be their main priority and Gig magazine could be risked being put to the back.Bauer media is probably the most experienced publishing house when it comes to music magazines. They own various music magazines including Q and Kerrang which are both huge success’s in the music magazine industry. Both magazines have grown and now have their own

influence on the music industry as they are so well respected in music terms. My magazine could do well at Bauer Media because of how well they have handled their other music magazines, but there isn't really a gap for them at the moment because there are so many other music magazines published by them.

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