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Herbal 55 Hair Oil

Aloe Vera Shampoo

Aloe Aroma Shampoo

Hair Care Products

Hair • Filamentous biomaterial,

• Grows from follicles,

• Found in the dermis,

• Primarily composed of keratin protein.

Hair refers to two distinct structures:

2. Shaft:

* Hard filamentous part,

* Extends above the skin surface.

1. Hair Follicle:

* Located in the dermis,

* Maintains stem cells,

* Re-grow the hair after it falls out.

• Human have between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on the head.

• The cortex contains the Keratin and Melanin.

• The only "living" portion of the hair is found in the follicle.

• The hair that is visible is the hair shaft, which exhibits no

biochemical activity and is considered "dead".

• The arrector pili muscles are responsible for causing hairs

to stand up.

• Blood vessels nourish the cells in the hair bulb and deliver

hormones that modify hair growth and structure at different

times of life.

• The average growth rate is around one-half inch per month.


• The average person loses about 100 hairs each day.

3 Phases of Hair Growth

1. Anagen : Growth Phase. Most hair is growing at any given time. Each hair spends 3 to 4 years in this phase.

2. Catagen: Transitional Phase. Over a few weeks, hair growth slows and the hair

follicle shrinks.

3. Telogen: Resting phase. Over 3 months, hair growth stops and the old hair detaches from the hair follicle. A new hair begins the growth phase, pushing the old hair out.

Hair Loss

1. Alopecia areata:

Round patches of total hair

loss, usually from the scalp.

Causes: Certain diseases,

Certain medicines,



Low protein diet,

Family history,

Poor nutrition.


Hair Loss

3. Female pattern baldness:

In women, hair loss usually includes uniform

thinning across the scalp, with a preserved

hairline. The crown may be affected, but hair loss

rarely proceeds to baldness as in men.

2. Male pattern baldness:

Male pattern baldness usually includes either a

receding hairline, hair loss at the crown, or both.

5. Piedra:

Fungal infection of the hair shaft sometimes causing

hair loss.

4. Telogen effluvium: A month or two after a personal shock (such as

surgery, severe stress, pregnancy and child birth),

hair can abruptly fall out in large patches.


• Dandruff is excessive shedding of dead

skin cells (flakes) from the scalp in faster

rate and in larger quantities than normal.

• Dandruff sticks on the scalp of the hair and block free flow of

air to the scalp.


1. Dry Dandruff (Pityriasis dermatitis):

White flakes falling from the scalp.

2. Waxy Dandruff (Seborrheic dermatitis):

Dead scalp cells mix with sebum & become yellowish in colour with

greasy consistency.

Causes: • Increased sebum production • Cold weather (winter)

• Infrequent shampooing • Fungal infection

• Hair curlers and blow dryers • Vitamin B deficiency

Other Hair Problems

• Hair Damage: Excessive styling and heat such as blow-drying,

straightening, highlighting, regular bleaching can

cause split ends, which occur when the protective

outermost layer of hair is damaged and peels back.

• Head lice: Tiny insects that live on the scalp and feed on blood.

Other Hair Problems

• Gray Hair: * Hair colour is created by pigment cells producing

melanin in the hair follicle.

* With aging, pigment cells die and hair turns gray.

• Greasy Hair: Sebaceous gland lubricates the hair. Sometimes

these glands work overtime and produce too much

sebum, leading to a greasy scalp, which looks dull,

limp, and lifeless and more difficult to manage.

Solve your hair problems with Aloe Vera

• Aloe Vera contains enzymes that directly promote healthy hair


• Aloe Vera’s keratolic action, breaks down the sebum and dead scalp

cells, stops hair falling, while helping the hair retain water and


Promotes Hair Growth

• Anti-pruritic properties are those that can alleviate itching and



• Aloe Vera can also reduce the redness, scaling, itching and inflammation

of scalp, which directly benefits the hair, as well.

• Because of the enzymatic breakdown of dead skin cells, Aloe Vera has

also been used for the treatment of dandruff.

Reduces Dandruff

• Aloe Vera also helps to boost blood circulation in the scalp, which

eliminates the dryness and itchy feeling that causes dandruff.


• The gel-like substance of the Aloe Vera leaf gives a similar chemical

composition of keratin, which allows for easier penetration in the


• The amino acids present in Aloe Vera add strength and luster to the

hair. It also enhances the beauty and suppleness of the hair. It control

frizzy hair and does not leave behind any greasy build up.

Regular Care

Naturally Cleanses Hairs and Scalp

Repairs Damaged Hairs

Ingredients Benefits

1. Aloe Vera: Protects the hair from free radicals,

nourishes & moisturizes hair,

reduces redness & itchiness of scalp.

2. Shikakai: Strengthens hair roots,

Combat premature graying and repair

damaged hairs.

3. Soya bean: Enhances hair manageability,

Improves the body and texture of


Ingredients Benefits

5. Coconut oil: Penetrates well within the hair shaft,

prevents hair from losing moisture.

6. Methika: Strengthens and moisturises hair,

keeps the hair free of lice.

4. Japakusum: Darken hair,

prevent premature graying of hair,

moisturizes hair.

Care & Repair

Gives Strength to Hairs

Reduces Hair Fall & Dandruff

Ingredients Benefits

3. Methika: Strengthens and moisturises hair,

keeps the dandruff away and

keeps lice away from hair.

1. Aloe Vera: Promotes hair growth,

gives luster & strength to the hair,

reduces dandruff.

2. Shikakai: Strengthens hair roots,

reduces dandruff.

4. Japakusum: Darken hair,

conditions and moisturizes hair.

Ingredients Benefits

5. Bhringaraj : Stop breakage which reduces split ends,

it has a darkening effect on the hair.

6. Calendula: Protects the hair from free radicals,

protects the scalp from bacterial growth,

7. Chamomile oil: Soothes the scalp,

conditions & Softens hair,

strengthens scalp tissues.

8. Rosemary oil: Improving blood flow to the scalp,

increases manageability and adds shine.

Direction For Use:

Take sufficient quantity and apply on wet hair and scalp.

Massage Gently and leave it for 2 minutes.

Lather and rinse thoroughly.

Repeat if necessary.

Promotes Hair Growth

Stops Hair Fall

Cures Baldness

Prevents Dandruff

Ingredients Benefits

1. Amla : Strengthens root of hair,

Improves scalp stimulation by

increasing blood circulation.

3. Sariba: Prevents Alopecia areata and

promotes hair growth.

4. Bahupad /Banyan Prevents hair loss and

boosts hair growth.

2. Bhringraj: Stimulates and rapidly increases

growth of hair follicles when hair

reaches the Telogen phase.

Ingredients Benefits

5. Kumud: Prevents premature graying of


Prevents Dandruff.

6. Daruharidra: Repair hair loss due to breaking,

damaging and thinning hair.

Helps to restore lost hair, healthy

growth and natural colour.

8. Sarshap: It helps revitalize and condition dull,

damaged hair.

Nourishes and softens the hair.

Direction For Use:

Massage gently Pukhraj Herbal 55 hair oil on the clean and dry scalp using finger tips until it gets

absorbed into the skin.

Keep overnight for better results.

Repeat 2 – 3 times a week for minimum of 4-6 weeks.

The oil can continue to be used to keep the hair strong and healthy

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www.pukhrajhealthcare.com www.pukhrajhealthcare.co.in

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