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  • Improved Detection of Rare HIV-1 Variants using 454PyrosequencingBrendan B. Larsen1☯, Lennie Chen1☯, Brandon S. Maust1, Moon Kim1, Hong Zhao1, Wenjie Deng1, DylanWestfall1, Ingrid Beck2,3, Lisa M. Frenkel2,3,4, James I. Mullins1,3,5*

    1 Department of Microbiology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States of America, 2 Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Seattle,Washington, United States of America, 3 Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States of America, 4 Department ofLaboratory Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States of America, 5 Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle,Washington, United States of America


    454 pyrosequencing, a massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technology, is often used to study HIV genetic variation.However, the substantial mismatch error rate of the PCR required to prepare HIV-containing samples forpyrosequencing has limited the detection of rare variants within viral populations to those present above ~1%. Toimprove detection of rare variants, we varied PCR enzymes and conditions to identify those that combined highsensitivity with a low error rate. Substitution errors were found to vary up to 3-fold between the different enzymestested. The sensitivity of each enzyme, which impacts the number of templates amplified for pyrosequencing, wasshown to vary, although not consistently across genes and different samples. We also describe an amplicon-basedmethod to improve the consistency of read coverage over stretches of the HIV-1 genome. Twenty-two primers weredesigned to amplify 11 overlapping amplicons in the HIV-1 clade B gag-pol and env gp120 coding regions toencompass 4.7 kb of the viral genome per sample at sensitivities as low as 0.01-0.2%.

    Citation: Larsen BB, Chen L, Maust BS, Kim M, Zhao H, et al. (2013) Improved Detection of Rare HIV-1 Variants using 454 Pyrosequencing. PLoS ONE8(10): e76502. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076502

    Editor: Art F. Y. Poon, British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, CanadaReceived March 4, 2013; Accepted August 27, 2013; Published October 2, 2013Copyright: © 2013 Larsen et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

    Funding: This work was funded by grants from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to J.I.M. (PO1AI057005, UM1AI068618 andR37AI47734) and the University of Washington Centers for AIDS Research Computational Biology Core (P30AI027757). The funders had no role in studydesign, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

    Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.* E-mail: [email protected]

    ☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.


    Pyrosequencing using the Roche/454 platform has beenused to study HIV-1 transmission [1,2], emergence of drugresistance [3-5], and superinfection [6,7]. Pyrosequencingallows many relatively long DNA templates to be sequenced inparallel (~350nt with product literature promising >600bp),generating more than 1 million sequences in a single run.However, the promise of “deep” sequencing of variablesequence populations such as within HIV infections, usingMPS on the 454 and other platforms, has been slow tomaterialize in part because of the complexities introduced byPCR. Nested PCR, often involving 70 or more rounds ofamplification of the typically low abundance HIV targetmolecules, is often required to obtain sufficient numbers fordetection and subsequent use in these instruments.Substitution errors that occur during these initial PCR steps willbe observed following parallel sequencing of the target

    molecules, and, in most cases, cannot be reliably distinguishedfrom true viral genetic variation.

    Accurate detection and quantitation of low-frequency variantsis dependent on four main factors: quantitation of amplifiableinput template molecules, removal of artifactual errors thatoccur during the pyrosequencing reactions (homopolymerlength variation and carry-forward errors), minimization ofmisincorporation error rates during preliminary PCR steps, andconsistent and adequate read coverage of the samplepopulation.

    In the case of HIV infection, plasma viral loads aredetermined using clinical assays using standard controls toaccount for inefficiencies in the extraction and reversetranscription of nucleic acids and compounds in the specimenthat inhibit amplification. Thus, reported values are oftenextrapolations of the actual number of genome fragmentsamplified [8,9]. Furthermore, the highly conserved regionsamplified by commercial assays are seldom of interest inresearch studies. Following clinical viral load assay a sample

    PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 1 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e76502

  • might also experience multiple freeze-thaw cycles that willdegrade virions and viral RNA. PCR efficiency is also highlydependent upon the specificity of the primers, the PCRconditions, and the length of the amplicon. Hence, incalculating the number of amplifiable templates, it is crucial touse the exact PCR conditions that will be employed foracquiring sequencing templates. Without careful estimation ofthe number of amplifiable input molecules, an incorrectrepresentation of the population diversity will result [10-12].

    Due to miscalled lengths of homopolymer runs,pyrosequencing results in a very large number of errors bycreating artifactual insertions or deletions (InDels) in thesequence reads. Several algorithms have been put forth toremove most of these errors [13-17]. To allow real variants tobe distinguished from errors that occurred prior topyrosequencing, a frequency threshold above the error rate ofPCR should be defined. Errors resulting from both PCR andpyrosequencing have been well described [18-20].Misincorporation errors during pyrosequencing are typically nota problem, as thousands of templates are extended onindividual beads during each flow cycle, and most willincorporate the correct base. The mean mismatch error rate of454 without any PCR has been reported to be 0.02% which issignificantly lower than the error-rate when PCR is used toamplify samples prior to 454 sequencing [19]. Therefore, thebiggest source of mismatch error in 454 sequencing comesfrom the PCR used to initially amplify the samples.

    Thus, pyrosequencing errors primarily result in miscalls ofthe length of homopolymers, while PCR amplification oftemplates prior to 454 is associated with substitution errors.Distinguishing background PCR misincorporation errors fromreal low-level variation represents a significant obstacle for theanalysis of pyrosequencing data. Some publications havenoted the problem of miscalling PCR and pyrosequencingerrors as real variants [21,22], and a variety of computationalmethods have been developed that attempt to distinguish realvariation from error [13-17]. Some of these computationalmethods rely on flowgram or quality score information to inferwhether a variant is real. Since quality scores and flowgramsare limited to the probability of only errors that occur duringpyrosequencing, they cannot be used to correct substitutionerrors that accumulate during the PCR stage before emPCR.Application of random bar codes on cDNA or PCR primersallows for determination of a consensus for each sequence,and thus will obviate much of the error that occurs during theinitial PCR steps. However, this approach is only practical forshort amplicons that include the 3’ end or both ends of thetemplate [23,24].

    Lastly, to detect low-frequency variants, there must besufficient sequence coverage. The term “coverage” hassometimes been used to mean the number of reads obtained inthe sequencing run. However, the number of reads cannot betaken to indicate the number of templates sequenced, unlessthere are fewer reads than the initial number of amplifiabletemplates in the PCR reaction and unless each readencompasses the full length of the amplicon being sequenced.Even when the number of reads is fewer than the number oftemplates, each read can only approximate the actual template

    sequence due to PCR and pyrosequencing errors. Ourapproach involves over-sequencing each template, and thenusing a frequency cutoff, derived from the number of templates,to estimate the detection limit of rare variants. Therefore, ourusage of “coverage” indicates the degree of over-sequencing ofeach template, and is defined as the number of reads at aparticular position divided by the number of templates.

    Coverage by either definition varies by position in a template,because the DNA is often sheared to build libraries forpyrosequencing. Shearing techniques tend to produce unevenread coverage, in which one position might have thousands ofreads, while another position a short distance away might haveonly a few reads. A comparison of three different libraryshearing methods found regions of uneven read coverage wasan issue in all three [25].

    The methods employed here included an attempt toovercome the problem of uneven coverage by creating a seriesof overlapping amplicons of approximately the length ofpyrosequencing reads. We designed a total of twenty-two 2ndround primers to amplify 11 overlapping amplicons that spanthe gag-pol and env gp120 coding sequences of HIV-1. Whilesuch methods could be applied to any template population orany region of HIV-1, we focused on developing a method forsequencing these regions because of their use as immunogens(gag) and control regions (env) in a recent HIV vaccine clinicaltrial [26,27].

    We report methods for increasing the sensitivity of detectionof low-level variants in sequence populations throughoptimization of PCR conditions and choice of DNApolymerases. Through these improvements we have reducedthe threshold of detection of low-level variants to 0.02-0.1%.


    RNA extraction and cDNA synthesisHIV-1 RNA was extracted from the plasma of infected

    individuals using the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen,Valencia, CA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. A totalof 560µL plasma was extracted and eluted in 80µL elutionbuffer. cDNA was synthesized using 10 µl of RNA and theTakara BluePrint First Strand Synthesis Kit (Clontech 6115A)according to the manufacturer’s protocol. cDNA wassynthesized with gene specific primers, R3337-1 (5’-TTTCCYACTAAYTTYTGTATRTCATTGAC-3’) for gag-pol andR9048 (5’-AGCTSCCTTGTAAGTCATTGGTCTTARA-3’) forgp120, at 400nM final concentration.

    PCR and sequencingFirst-round reactions used 2,000 copies of pNL4-3 [28], a

    plasmid containing a full-length HIV-1 genome, as thetemplate, except in the case of the enzyme sensitivitycomparison in which we used a patient plasma sample as asource of viral RNA. We also applied our methods tospecimens from five additional subjects recruited through theUniversity of Washington HIV Primary Infection Clinic [29]. Theplasma viral loads for these 6 specimens are shown in TableS1. To sequence a 2.6 kb fragment of the HIV-1 gag -pol generegion and a 2.1 kb fragment of env, first- and second-round

    Rare Variant Detection with 454 Pyrosequencing

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  • PCRs were performed using Kapa HiFi HS (Kapa Biosystems,Boston) (Table 1). In brief, first-round PCR reactions wereconducted in two separate 25 µL reaction volumes with 1-6 µLof cDNA as template, corresponding to 200 to 500 inputtemplate copies based on limiting endpoint dilution PCR usingthe template estimator program Quality [10] (http://indra.mullins.microbiol.washington.edu/quality/). Second-roundPCR reactions were conducted in 25 µl, using 2 µl of the firstround reaction as template. A total of five multiplex PCR andone Monoplex PCR were performed to generate 11overlapping PCR amplicons ranging from 384-603 bp in size.Primer sets and sequences are listed in Table 2. Toaccommodate the exceptional sequence diversity of HIVgenomes, we utilized nucleotide frequencies across the HIVgenome derived from the Los Álamos HIV database to designour primers to bind to conserved regions of the HIV genome.Second-round PCR reaction products were pooled and purifiedusing AMPure beads according to the manufacturer’s protocol(Agencourt, Beverly, MA). Briefly, 180 µL of PCR product wasmixed with 144 µL of AMPure beads. The solution was thenvortexed, incubated, washed, and purified. Finally the beadswere resuspended in 60 µL of 10mM Tris-Cl. A Nanodropinstrument (Thermo Scientific; Waltham, MA) was used todetermine DNA concentration and purity. The purified productwas then diluted to 100ng/µL with 10mM Tris-Cl. All purifiedproducts were stored at -20°C prior to sequencing.

    Comparison of DNA polymerasesTo compare the error rate and sensitivity of the PCR

    enzymes, four different DNA polymerases were used to amplifytwo amplicons (named gagp24b, 505bp, and env5, 597bp)within the HIV-1 genome. The enzymes used were Advantage2 (Adv2; Clontech, Mountain View, CA), Phusion High FidelityDNA polymerase (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA), KODHot Start DNA polymerase (EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA) andKapa HiFi Hot Start (Kapa Biosystems; Boston, MA). First-round PCR reactions were conducted in two separate 25 µLreactions with primers (gag-pol: F683 5’-CTCTCGACGCAGGACTCGGCTTG-3’ and R3337-1 5’-TTTCCYACTAAYTTYTGTATRTCATTGAC-3’) and (envgp120: F5957-1 5’- TTAGGCATYTYCTATGGCAGGAAGAA-3’and R8053-1 5’- CAAGGCACAKYAGTGGTGCARATGA-3’).Equal volumes of each first-round PCR were then combined,and 2 µL was used as template in 25 µL total reaction volumesin a second-round nested PCR. Multiplex second-round PCRsused one pair of primers (Primer set 3, Table 2), which targetedgenes of interest within the first-round PCR amplicons. Thesecond-round primers also contained universal adaptors A andB, as well as one of seven different MIDs described by Roche:ACGAGTGCGT, ACGCTCGACA, AGACGCACTC,AGCACTGTAG, ATCAGACACG, ATATCGCGAG, andCGTGTCTCTA (Roche, Basel, Switzerland). PCR conditionsand cycling parameters for each DNA polymerase are listed inTable 1.

    Second-round PCR products were visualized on a QIAxcel(Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Confirmed positive reactions werepooled and purified using AMPure beads as outlined above.

    454: PyrosequencingBriefly, each pooled and purified PCR product was quantified

    using the Quan-it PicoGreen dsDNA assay (Invitrogen,Carlsbad, CA). Each product was then diluted to a workingstock of 107 molecules/µl in TE buffer. All 11 amplicons werethen pooled together in equimolar ratios into a single tube forpyrosequencing.

    Emulsion PCR and sequencing were performed according tothe manufacturer’s GS FLX Titanium protocols (Roche, Basel,Switzerland). PCR products were added to the emulsion PCRat a ratio of 1-2 molecules per bead. The picotiter sequencingplate was prepared with a single gasket, creating two regions.Four million enriched beads were loaded equally across thetwo regions. All error rate comparison data were derived fromthe same sequencing plate, while the patient samples were runon separate plates.

    Error Rate CalculationsFirst, raw sequences were screened to remove any reads

    that were less than 100 bp or contained the ambiguous base‘N’. Sequences generated for each sample were then alignedto the pNL4-3 reference or a patient specific consensus usingBLAST [30] with the following parameters: match: 1; mismatch:-1; gap existence: 1; gap extension: 2. We performed pairwise

    Table 1. PCR conditions.

    1st Round PCR (25 µl reaction volumes)

    Enzyme Reaction composition Cycling conditions

    Advantage21X Adv2 buffer, 200 µMdNTP, 400 nM primers, 1XAdv2 Pol Mix

    94°C 3 min. 35 cycles: 94°C 20sec, 64°C 20 sec, 68°C 2 min. 1cycle: 68°C 7 min. 4°C hold

    Phusion1X Master Mix, 500 nMprimers

    98°C 1 min. 35 cycles: 98°C 10sec, 64°C 30 sec, 72°C 1 min. 1cycle: 72°C 7 min. 4°C hold

    KOD HS

    KOD 1X buffer, 1.5 mMMgSO4, 200 µM dNTP, 400nM primers, 0.5U KOD HSDNA Polymerase

    95°C 2 min. 35 cycles: 95°C 20sec, 64°C 20 sec, 70°C 1 min. 1cycle: 70°C 7 min. 4°C hold

    Kapa HiFi HotStart

    1X Kapa HiFi Fidelity Buffer,300 µM each dNTP, 500 nMprimers, 0.5 U Kapa HiFi HSDNA Pol

    95°C 2 min. 35 cycles: 98°C 20sec, 64°C 30 sec, 72°C 1.5 min.1 cycle: 72°C 5 min. 4°C hold

    2nd Round PCR (25 µl reaction volumes)Enzyme Reaction composition Cycling conditions


    1X Advantage 2 PCR Buffer,280 µM dNTP, 400 nMprimers, 1X Advantage 2Polymerase Mix, 2 µl 1stround PCR reaction

    94°C 3 min. 5 cycles: 94°C 15sec, 60°C 25 sec, 68°C 10 sec.25 cycles: 94°C 15 sec, 64°C 15sec, 68°C 10 sec. 1 cycle: 68°C7 min. 4°C hold

    Kapa HiFi HotStart

    1X Kapa HiFi Fidelity Buffer,300 µM dNTP, 400 nMprimers, 0.5 U Kapa HiFi HSDNA Polymerise, 2 µl 1stround PCR reaction

    95°C 2 min. 5 cycles: 98°C 20sec, 58° 30 sec, 72°C 10 sec. 30cycles: 98°C 20 sec, 64°C 30sec, 72°C 10 sec. 1 cycle: 72°C5 min. 4°C hold

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  • alignment by applying the NCBI BLASTN program to measuredifferent types of errors (insertions, deletions andsubstitutions). Second, a perl script was used to parse theBLAST pairwise alignment output XML file(parseBlastXML_calcErrRate.pl, available at http://indra.mullins.microbiol.washington.edu/). For each pairwisealignment between read and the reference, the script countsthe number of aligned nucleotides in the reference sequence,as well as the numbers of insertions, deletions andsubstitutions in the read compared to the reference. Byprocessing all the reads that aligned to the reference, the totalnumbers of aligned nucleotides in the reference sequence anddifferent types of errors were calculated. All site specific errorswere then tabulated and the mean frequencies and 95%confidence intervals were calculated

    Statistical AnalysesThe program Quality [10] was used to calculate the number

    of amplifiable templates in each sample with data generatedfrom nested PCR following endpoint dilution (positive ornegative amplifications monitored by gel electrophoresis).Quality is a web tool (http://

    indra.mullins.microbiol.washington.edu/quality/) based on theminimum chi method developed by Taswell [31] for limitingdilution assays.

    The difference in error rates between enzymes wascompared using a Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test with Dunn’smultiple comparison correction to compare multiple enzymessimultaneously. P-values < 0.05 were considered significant.All statistical tests were conducted using GraphPad Prism 6.0for Mac (GraphPad, San Diego).


    Sensitivity of PCR as a function of the PolymerasesUsed

    We first compared the sensitivity of 6 different enzymecombinations by limiting dilution endpoint PCR for PIC subject64236 (RNA) and the plasmid clone pNL4-3 (DNA) (Table 3).The sensitivity of different enzymes did vary, but notconsistently across different genes or samples. A seventhcombination that employed the use of Phusion in both roundsof PCR resulted in consistently low sensitivity, and was nottested further (data not shown).

    Table 2. List of primers used to amplify viral DNA prior to pyrosequencing.

    1st Round PCR



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    Rare Variant Detection with 454 Pyrosequencing

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  • Substitution errors varied up to 3-fold with differentDNA polymerases

    The rate of PCR error contributes to determining thesensitivity of variant detection in pyrosequencing byestablishing the minimum frequency at which a true viralvariant can be reliably distinguished from a PCR artifact. Wetherefore investigated the error rate in PCR amplification usinga variety of commercially available error-correcting polymerasemixtures (Figure 1). Two different regions were amplified in thesame multiplex PCR, “gagp24b” (corresponding to HXB2positions 1576-1960) and “env5” (HXB2 7530-7974), fromprimer set 3. Using the small starting amounts of HIV cDNAtypically available from biological samples we first attemptedone round of PCR (up to 60 cycles) to amplify HIV cDNA butwere unable to visualize the product on an ethidium bromidegel for the template input tested (visualization as required tocalculate the number of amplifiable templates). We thereforeused nested PCR to amplify sufficient levels of product.

    Use of a high-fidelity enzyme in the first round of PCRlowered the raw error rate significantly for both amplicons (Fig.1A,B). Using Advantage 2 in either the first round or bothrounds of PCR (Adv2/Adv2), the error rates were 9.6x10-4 forgag24b and 7.4x10-4 for env 5. When Phusion was used in thefirst round (Phusion/Adv2) the mean error rate was loweredsignificantly, to 5.8x10-4 and 4.3x10-4, respectively; bothp

  • Figure 1. Frequency of substitution errors for DNA polymerase combinations. Raw data from a (A) 597bp amplicon from envand a (B) 505bp amplicon from gag. Reads were aligned to pNL4-3 and the frequency of all errors for each site are shown. Theerror frequency for each site was taken as the number of incorrect bases divided by the total number of reads. Each dot representsa substitution relative to the pNL4-3 consensus. Error corrected data from (C) env and (D) gag. Carry-forward errors were correctedusing an in-house perl script as described in the Methods. Bars above each panel indicate which pairwise comparisons aresignificant at p

  • computational methods to detect low-frequency variants.However, little has been done to lower the threshold ofdetection in the sample preparation steps. We sought toimprove these protocols in order to identify real variants at thelowest possible frequencies.

    While we compared the sensitivities of different enzymescombinations, PCR sensitivity appeared to be sample as wellas enzyme dependent. Only the use of Phusion in both roundsof PCR showed a clearly lower efficiency. Additionally, ourresults demonstrated the shortcoming of relying on clinical viralload measurements to estimate the number of HIV templatesthat are being sequenced. In the patient samples evaluatedhere, the estimated number of copies was on average 4.7times lower than the clinical viral load estimate (Table S1). Thisis attributable to the amplification of longer products (2.6 and2.1 kb) for sequencing than the smaller fragments for clinicalviral load estimates (

  • Figure 2. Read coverage following sequencing of amplicons derived from three regions of the viral genome from six HIV-1infected subjects. Eleven amplicons, representing ~4.7kb of of the viral genome were aligned to a patient specific consensus. Theposition of each amplicons is shown relative to the HXB2 reference genome. The “spikes” in read coverage correspond to regions inwhich adjacent amplicons overlap. We did not have an amplicon that spanned the region around position 2000.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076502.g002

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  • Supporting Information

    Table S1. Sample characteristics and sequencing of viralgenome segments from 7 subjects.(DOCX)


    The authors would like to thank Dr. Morgane Rolland and Ms.Eleanor Casey for helpful discussions.

    Author Contributions

    Conceived and designed the experiments: BBL LC LMF JIM.Performed the experiments: LC MK HZ DW IB. Analyzed thedata: BBL BSM WD JIM. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: BSM WD. Wrote the manuscript: BBL LC JIM.


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    Rare Variant Detection with 454 Pyrosequencing

    PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 10 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e76502


    Improved Detection of Rare HIV-1 Variants using 454 PyrosequencingIntroductionMethodsRNA extraction and cDNA synthesisPCR and sequencingComparison of DNA polymerases454: PyrosequencingError Rate CalculationsStatistical Analyses

    ResultsSensitivity of PCR as a function of the Polymerases UsedSubstitution errors varied up to 3-fold with different DNA polymerasesRead coverage using an overlapping amplicon PCR protocol

    DiscussionSupporting InformationAcknowledgementsAuthor ContributionsReferences

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