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Three-lobed (Basketbush) Sumac – Rhus trilobata (roos try-lo-BAY-tuh)

Family: Anacardiaceae (Sumac Family)

Native to: Thoughout western N. America, including much of coastal and mountain CA; canyons and

washes in coastal sage scrub, chaparral and southern oak woodland.

Growth characteristics: mounded woody shrub mature height: 3-4+ ft. mature width: 4-8 ft. Winter-deciduous woody shrub with mounded to sprawling habit. Attractive three-lobed leaves are glossy

dark green, turning yellow/red in fall. Roots deep and extensively branched. Spreads by sprouting from

underground rhizomes. Less sprouting in drier conditions. Rapid growth for first few years the slows.

Lives 20-30 years. Foliage has an unusual aroma when crushed.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms Mar-Apr or earlier. Flowers yellow/white, small, in dense clusters opening before

leaves. Male/female flowers on same plant. Dark red, sticky berries in summer – may persist into fall if

not eaten by birds. Fruits edible; make a lemonade-like drink or for jams/jellies.

Uses in the garden: Increasingly popular as a water-wise garden shrub. Easy to grow, long-lived,

responds well to pruning, and has attractive red, orange to yellow fall color. Good as ground cover on

slopes and banks; spreading root system reduces soil erosion. Useful as windscreen or hedge (can take

shearing). Lovely contrast to light colored foliage plants. All parts used as natural dyes.

Cultivar ‘Autumn Amber’ is a good low-growing ground-cover.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native dense shrubs such as Cotoneaster, Elaeagnus, Photinia

Attracts: Great habitat plant. Excellent cover for small birds, mammals. Berries important fall/ winter

food for many bird species. Occasionally browsed by deer, rabbits. Butterfly nectar plant.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part shade

Soil Any texture (well-drained best) and local pH; tolerant of many soil types

Water Drought tolerant when established, though can take a little summer water.

Becomes leggy with too much water. No seasonal flooding.

Fertilizer Can take light fertilizer; but does fine without


Management: Requires little management. Can be pruned to shape (even shearing). Cutting back to

ground every 3-5 years promotes long, unbranched stems. May need to remove suckers.

Propagation: from seed: hard seed coat; treatments required by cuttings: dormant root cuttings

& divisions (suckers); also semi-softwood cuttings in summer.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19 11/8/06 © Project SOUND

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Rhus trilobata

Sourberry; Three-lobe sumac

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