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  • Name……………..…………. … Class - I M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 mins Subject: English (15 marks)

    Q.1. Complete the given words by putting vowels: 1×3=3 a) b) c)

    Q.2. Look at the pictures. Fill in the missing letters and complete the puzzle: 1×4=4

    Q.3. Colour the opposite words using the same colour. 1×3=3




    B K

    T R

    W L L

  • Q.4. Write new words from the words given to you: 1×2=2 a) PEAR ____________________ b) SHUT _________________ Q.5. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow: 1×3=3

    My house is red- a little house, A happy child am I.

    I laugh and play , the whole day long I hardly ever cry.

    I have a tree, a green green tree To shade me from the sun.

    a) What is the colour of my house? _________________________.

    b) I am a ________________________ child.

    c) I have a _________________________________ tree.

    Subject: Maths (15 marks)

    Q.1. Colour the right number name: 1×2=2 a) b) Q.2. Write the missing numbers: 1/2 ×10=5

    21 24

    26 28

    32 33 35

    37 39 40


    Thirty Five

    Thirty Six

    Thirty Nine

    Thirty One 42

    Forty Nine



    Forty Two

    Forty One

  • Q.3. Colour the numbers greater than 40. 1/2 ×4=2

    Q.4. Add or subtract the following: 2×2=4 a) b)

    Q.5. Put ,= in the boxes. 1×3=3

    a) 45 54 b) 51 39 c) 38 83

    Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    प्र१. नीचे दिए गए रिक्त स्थानों पि एक से पााँच तक की गगनती लिखिए- १ x४=४

    T O

    3 8

    - 2 1

    T O

    2 5

    + 1 1










  • प्र२. नीचे दिए गए शब्िों को अिग-अिग किके लिखिए- १x२=२

    क) कि =

    ि) नम =

    प्र३. िािी स्थानों में िाईं ओि दिए गए व्यंजन-वर्णों से शरुू होनेवािी कोई भी िो शब्िों को लििे: १x४=४

    घ - क)

    क - ि)

  • Name……………..…………. … Class - II M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 minutes

    Subject: English (15 marks)

    Q.1. Read the given Poem: There is a painted bus, With twenty painted seats, It carries painted people Along the painted streets. They pull the painted bell, The painted driver stops, And they all get out together At the little painted shops. Answer the following questions a) How many seats are there in the painted bus? 1 ____________________________________________________________________________ b) Where does the painted driver stop the painted bus? 1 ____________________________________________________________________________ c) What does the bus carry? 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Q.2. Tick ( ) the word that is a proper noun: 1× 2 = 2 a) Every Friday, I visit my grandmother. i) I ii) Friday iii) grandmother b) Our exams start on 15th March. i) Our ii) exams iii) March Q.3. Complete the sentences with ‘a’ or ‘an’. 1× 3=3 a) I bought __________orange for ten rupees. b) The first animal I saw in the zoo was ________ giraffe. c) Yesterday, I saw __________ ant hill.

  • Q.4. Draw lines to connect words that are opposite in meaning: 1× 3=3

    Q.5. Place the words from the box in the right columns. 1× 4 = 4

    Person Place Animal Thing




    small short


    tall big

    father school girl India teacher town rabbit books parrot flower table horse

  • Subject: Maths (15 marks)

    Q.1. Observe the pattern and continue it: 1×2 = 2 a) _________ ___________ b) ____________ ___________ Q.2. Add or subtract the following: 1×3 = 3 a) b)


    Q.3. Answer the following questions: 2×2 = 4

    7 7

    + 9 2

    5 4

    + 1 9

    7 5

    - 1 9

    a) Huma had 12 colour pencils. Her mother bought her 16 more. How many colour pencils does she have now?

    b) Veena has 25 balloons. She gave 17 to her sister. How many balloons does Veena have now?

  • Q.4. Look at the picture given below and answer the questions: ½×6= 3

    My Hat has: My Face has: __________ circles __________ circles __________ rectangles ___________squares ___________squares _________ triangles Q.5. Put or = sign in the ⎕ given below: 1×3= 3 a) 25 52 b) 94 86 c) 55 55

    Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    |É1. xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB ¶É¤nùÉå EòÉä ºÉ½þÒ Gò¨É ¨Éå ʱÉJÉEò®ú ´ÉÉCªÉ ¤ÉxÉÉ

  • |É3. xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB ÊSÉjÉ EòÉä näùÊJÉB +Éè®ú =ºÉ {É®ú +ÉvÉÉÊ®úiÉ |ɶxÉÉå Eäò ºÉ½þÒ =kÉ®ú {É®ú () EòÉ

    ÊSÉx½þ ±ÉMÉÉ

  • Name……………..…………. … Class - III M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 minutes

    Subject: English (15 marks)

    Q.1. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below . 1×3=3 Mother, your baby is silly! She is so very childish. She does not know the difference between the lights in the streets and the bright stars. When we play with pebbles, she thinks they are real food. She puts them into her mouth. When I open a book she tears the pages and roars with joy. a) Who is silly? Ans _____________________________________________________________ b) She is so very ____________________.(childish/playful) c) What does the child play with? Ans_____________________________________________________________

    Q.2. Complete these sentences with the right nouns from the box.


    a) I always comb my _____________before I leave the house.

    b) I polish my school _____________ on Sunday.

    c) Sometimes, I help my parents set the __________ for lunch or dinner.

    hair shoes plants table clothes

  • Q.3. Fill in the blanks with the right plural forms of the nouns:


    a) Are all _______________ white? (mouses/mice)

    b) Both these ________________ look the same. (children/childs)

    c) Can you carry all these _____________________? (books/bookes)

    d) I have to collect the ______________________ of ten plants. (leafs/leaves)

    Q.4. Rearrange the jumbled words to get the homes of these animals:

    ½ ×4=2

    a) bird- sten __________ b) rabbit- buowrr ______________

    c) spider- bew ________ d) bee- vieh ____________________

    Q.5. Write two sentences about what you do on a Sunday. 1×2=2



    Subject: Maths (15 marks)

    Q.1. Write the numeral for each sum: ½ ×4=2 a) 300+50+7= b) 500+0+6= c) 600+10+2= d) 800+80+8= Q.2. Fill in the circles with a number each to get the answer at the centre: 1×3=3

    25 15 + 10 20 + ___


    30 - ____

  • Q.3. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order: 1×2=2

    i) 73, 45, 51, 77______________________________________________________________

    ii) 18, 62, 63, 28 _____________________________________________________________

    Q.4. Add or subtract the following numbers: 2×2=4

    a) b)

    Q.5. Solve the following sums and write suitable statements: 2×2=4

    a) In a school hall, there are 98 seats out of which 67 are occupied. How many seats are not occupied? b) My mathematics book has 80 pages and my science book has 64 pages. How many pages are there in both the books?

    T O 4 8 + 7 9

    T O 4 0 - 2 5

  • Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    |É.1 xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB +{ÉÊ`öiÉ EòÉ´ªÉÉÆ¶É EòÉä {ÉgøEò®ú |ɶxÉÉå Eäò =kÉ®ú nùÒÊVÉB -

    Ê´ÉxÉiÉÒ iÉ֨ɺÉä ½èþ ¦ÉMÉ´ÉÉxÉ, ½þ¨ÉEòÉä nùÉä BäºÉÉ ´É®únùÉxÉ,

    Ê´ÉtÉ , ¤ÉÖÊrù nùÉä ¦ÉMÉ´ÉÉxÉ , ½þ¨É ¤ÉɱÉEò UôÉä]äõ xÉÉnùÉxÉ*

    {Égø - ʱÉJÉEò®ú ½þ¨É ¤ÉxÉå ¨É½þÉxÉ* ºÉnùÉ Eò®åú iÉÖ̈ ½þÉ®úÉ vªÉÉxÉ,

    (Eò) ¤ÉɱÉEò ¦ÉMÉ´ÉÉxÉ ºÉä CªÉÉ ¨ÉÉÄMÉ ®ú½þÉ ½èþ ? 2

    (MÉ) ¤ÉɱÉEò EèòºÉä ¨É½þÉxÉ ¤ÉxÉxÉÉ SÉɽþiÉÉ ½èþ ? 2

    |É.2 xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB ÊSÉjÉ EòÉä näùJÉEò®ú nùÉä ´ÉÉCªÉ ʱÉÊJÉB - 2

    |É.3.xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB ´ÉÉCªÉÉå ¨Éå ʴɶÉä¹ÉhÉ ¶É¤nù UôÉÄ]õEò®ú ʱÉÊJÉB- 1+1=2

    (Eò) ªÉ½þ ±Éc÷EòÉ {ÉiɱÉÉ ½èþ*

    (JÉ) nÚùvÉ MɨÉÇ ½èþ*

    |É.4 xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB ¶É¤nùÉå Eäò ´ÉSÉxÉ ¤Énù±ÉEò®ú ʱÉÊJÉB - 1+1 =2

    (Eò) ÊSÉÊc÷ªÉÉ (JÉ) {ÉkÉä

  • Name……………..…………. … Class - IV M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 minutes

    Subject: English (15 marks)

    Q.1. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions

    given below . 1×3=3

    Mowgli was a little boy. He lived in a big jungle with the wolves. Father wolf and mother wolf looked after him. They also sent him to

    school. It was not a school like your school. Mowgli’s teacher was a big brown bear named ‘Baloo’.

    Baloo did not teach a) Who was Mowgli?

    Ans ______________________________________________________________

    b) Who did Mowgli live with and where did he live?

    Ans _____________________________________________________________

    c) Who was Mowgli’s teacher?


    Q.2. Underline the nouns and circle the verbs in the following

    sentences. 1×3=3

    a) The farmer planted wheat in the field.

    b) I cooked eggs for breakfast.

    c) Our class went to a museum.

    Q.3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×4=4

    a) Wednesday comes _______________ Tuesday.

    b) The bus arrived ________________ 07:30 am.

    c) Kanika is sitting ________________ a chair.

    d) We divided the sweets _____________ the children.

    Q.4. Write the opposite words for the following: 1 ×2=2

    a) Rich __________ b) More ______________

  • Q.5. Look at the picture and the clues given below. 1 ×3=3

    Write three sentences on camel.




    Subject: Maths (15 marks)

    Q.1. Fill in the blanks: 1 ×4=4 a) The numeral for four thousand nine hundred nine is ________________.

    b) The expanded form of 8809 is ________________________________________.

    c) 25 can be written in Roman numerals as _____________________________.

    d) The place value of 4 in 3429 is ________________________________________.

    Q.2. Change the improper fractions into mixed fractions: 1×2=2

    Walk and run on sand

    Hump, store food

    Eat thorns

    Lives without


    Thick padded


    a) 35/6 b) 56/9

  • Q.3. Solve the given sums: 3+2=5

    a) There are 25 sweets in a box. How many sweets are there in 35 boxes?

    b) There are 5890 books in English and 3875 books in Hindi in a school library. How many books are there altogether?

    Q.4. Draw clocks to represent the following time: 2×2=4

    a) Quarter to 3 b) 5: 45

  • Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    |É-1) ÊxɨxÉʱÉÊJÉiÉ गद्यांश EòÉä {ÉgøEò®ú ÊnùB MÉB |ɶxÉÉå Eäò =kÉ®ú nùÒÊVÉB-

    महयत्मय गयांधी एक महयपुरूष थे। उनकय पूरय नयम मोहनदयस करमचांद गयांधी थय। इनकय जन्म गुजरयत के पोरबांदर में 2 अक्टूबर सन 1869 में हुआ थय। पपतय कय नयम करमचांद गयांधी और मयाँ कय नयम पुतलीबयई थय। गयांधी जी बचपन में सीधे-सयदे बयलक थे। उन्होंने हमेशय सच कय सयथ दद्य थय।

    क) गयांधीजी कय पूरय नयम क््य थय ? 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................


    ख)गयांधी जी के मयतय-पपतय कय क््य नयम थय ? 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................


    |É-2) नीच ेददए गए वयक््ों में से एक-एक सांज्ञय शब्द छयाँटकर ललखखए- 13=3

    क) रोहन गयनय गय रहय है।......................................................................................

    ख) बच्चय गयनय गय रहय है।....................................................................................

    ग) बबल्ली सयरय दधू पी गई।................................................................................

    |É-3) ÊxɨxÉʱÉÊJÉiÉ ¶É¤nùÉå Eäò वततनी शुदध कीजजए- 12=2


    |É-4) नीच ेददए गए शब्दों के सही अथत पर गोलय लगयइए- 12=2

    क) स्नयन- रोनय नहयनय

    ख) घय्ल- ज़ख्मी मेहनत

  • Name……………..…………. … Class - V M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 minutes

    Subject: English (15 marks)

    Q.1. Read the passage and answer the questions given below: 1x3=3


    Penguins are among the most popular of all birds. They only live in and around the South Pole and the continent of Antarctica. There are 17 different kinds of penguins and none of them can fly. The largest penguin is called the Emperor Penguin and the smallest kind of penguin is the Little Blue Penguin.

    Penguins spend as much as 75% of their time underwater, searching for food in the ocean. When they are in the water, they dive and flap their wings. They are great swimmers and have thick layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in their freezing cold conditions, penguins still have to watch out for attackers such as killer whales and seals.

    i) Penguins only live in and around ____________________.

    a) the north pole b) the south pole and the continent of Antarctica

    c) South America d) Asia

    ii) The largest penguin is called the ____________________.

    a) Macaroni b) Little Blue c) Emperor d) Gentoo

    iii) Why do penguins spend most of the time underwater?



    Q.2. Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions from the given brackets: 1x3=3

    a) The bus stop is _______________ my grandmother’s place.(near/ in)

    b) The dog jumped ________________ the pool.(on/ into)

    c) Sanya always sits ____________________ me. (beside/in)

    Q.3. Fill in the blanks with the opposite of the underlined adjective: 1x4=4

    a) The little girl is thin but her sister is _________________ .

    b) Sugar is sweet but neem is _________________.

    c) Nikhil is very kind but his friend is _______________.

    d) Tea is hot but ice is ___________________.

  • Q.5. Write a paragraph on the topic- 5

    The Rainy Season. Take help from the hints given below.

    Hints: rain and thunder, cloudy sky, greenery everywhere, cool breeze, enjoy mango fruit, make paper boats, use umbrella and raincoat, take bath in rain.






    _______________________________________________________________________________________ Subject: Maths (15 marks)

    Q.1. Choose and tick the correct answer. 1×3=3

    i) When a number is subtracted from itself, the difference is ________.

    a)1 b)0 c) 6 d) number itself

    ii) Multiplicand x Multiplier = __________.

    a) Quotient b) Remainder c) Product d) Difference

    iii)The difference between the greatest 5 digit number and the smallest 6 digit number is:

    a)0 b) 99999 c) 1 d) 10000

    Q.2. Convert the following as directed: 1×2=2

    Q.2. Answer the following questions: 2 ×2=4

    ve the given sums: 3+2=5

    a) Rs15 25p to paise b) 3km 568m to m

    a) There are 45,363 men, 45,563 women and 18,657 children in a town. What is the population of the town?

  • Q.3. Write all the prime numbers from 10 to 20. 1


    Q.4. Find two common factors of the numbers in each pair: 2×2=4

    Q.5. Estimate the product by rounding both numbers to the nearest ten.: 1

    Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    प्र-1 निम्ननिनित गद्यांश को ध्ययि से पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर निनिए- 1x5=5 जीवि में कोनशश, प्रययस कय अत्यनिक महत्व होतय ह।ै जो व्यनि िगि व रुनि के सयथ कययय करतय ह ैवह सदय सफितय प्रयप्त करतय ह।ै मेहित से घबरयिय िहीं ियनहए। सयहस के सयथ आगे बढ़िय ियनहए। यदद हम एक छोटी-सी िींटी को भी दिेेंगे तो पयएगँे दक दीवयर पर िढ़िे के निए दकतिी बयर प्रययस करती ह।ै बयर-बयर नगर जयती ह ैिेदकि नहम्मत िहीं हयरती, दीवयर पर िढ़कर ही दम िेती ह।ै ऐसे ही मिुष्य को भी निरांतर अभ्ययस करिय ियनहए।

    क) गद्यांश कय उनित शीर्यक निनिए। …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


    a) 16, 18 b) 35, 14

    b) Which number is 2,128 less than 38,965?

    85 × 26

  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    ख) सफितय कौि प्रयप्त करतय ह ै? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


    ग) िींटी बयर-बयर नगरकर भी दीवयर पर क्यों िढ़ती ह?ै



    घ) नहम्मत कय क्यय अथय ह-ै i) सयहस ii) कोनशश iii) सफितय

    ङ) ‘हयर’ शब्द कय नविोम निनिए- i) जीत ii) कयमययब iii) सफि

    प्र-6 िीि ेददए गए मुहयवरों को उिके अथय के सयथ नमियएए- 1x2=2

    क) तूती बोििय प्रभयव जमयिय ख) िूि िौििय भयग जयिय ग) हयथ मििय क्रोि आिय घ) िौ दो ग्ययरह होिय पछतयिय

    प्र- 7 िीिे ददए गए नवशेर्ण शब्दों कय उनित नवशेष्य के सयथ नमियि कीनजए- 1x3=3

    क)गहरय मैदयि ख) भूिय कुआँ ग) हरय नहरि

  • Name……………..…………. … Class - VI M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 minutes

    Subject: English (10 marks)

    Q1. Read the following passage carefully:

    Miko is India’s first ‘emotionally intelligent’ companion robot for kids. This little robot can talk to children,

    and play with them, and it’s priced at Rs. 19000. The robot has LEDs on its sides, and these glow in different

    colours depending on what it is doing. If its battery is low, the LEDs glow red, and similarly the colours change

    to show you when Miko is talking, listening or dancing.

    Miko can talk to children who are at least five years old and it encourages them to speak to it by saying things

    like, “Ask me something.” It will respond to general knowledge questions, and answer queries on basic maths,

    or do fun things like tell stories or sing a song. Miko also tells children not to litter around, among other things.

    Now on the basis of your reading of the passage, choose the most appropriate option from the given options:


    (i) Miko is India’s first ‘emotionally intelligent’ robot made for:

    (a) old people (b) young men (c) children (d) kids

    (ii) The LEDs of Miko glow depending on what it:

    (a) sees (b) likes (c) does (d) eats

    (iii) Miko encourages children to:

    (a) read (b) speak (c) write (d) sing

    (iv) Miko can talk to children who are at least:

    (a) 5years old (b) 3 years old (c) 2 years old (d) 7 years old

    (v) As given in the passage, Miko advises children not to:

    (a) talk (b) run (c) litter around (d) scream

    Q2. Change the voice of the following sentences: 1x2=2

    (a) Nitin found a cat on the street.

    (b) Is he known to you?

    Q4. Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech: 1x3=3

    (a) She said to me, “My brother is an engineer.”

    (b) Mother said, “Why are you late?”

    (c) Roshni said to me, “Give me the book, please.”

    Subject: Maths (10 marks)

    Q.1. Write the following numbers in the decimal place value chart: 30.561 1 Q.2. Is 388 divisible by 9? Check by using divisibility test. 1 Q.3. Find the number of blocks to be laid to fill up a square of side 20cm, if the side of one square is 5cm. 2 Q.4. Write the factors of the following: a) 54 b) 86 2+2=4 Q.5. Find 20% 0f 400. 2

  • Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    |É1. नीचे ददेए गए गद्यांश को पढ़कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए- 1x5=5 एक बयर नयनकदेव िी ्यत्रय करते हुए एक नगर में पहुुँच।े वहयुँ के एक सेठ ने नगर-वयसस्ों को भोि पर ननमांत्रण दद्य। नयनकदेव िी को भी ननमांत्रत्रत कक्य ग्य। परांतु वे भोिन करने नहीां गए। सेठ ने बड ेआग्रह स ेनयनकदेव िी को बुलय्य थय। वह उनके घर न आने कय कयरण ियननय चयहतय थय। वह उनके घर न आन ेकय कयरण ियननय चयहतय थय। वह नयनकदेव िी के ʱÉB भोिन लेकर उनके पयस ग्य । उसी सम् लयलू बढ़ई भी उनके सलए भोिन लेकर वहयुँ पहुुँचय । नयनकदेव िी ने लयलू दवयरय लयई गई रोटी एक हयथ में रखी और सेठ की रोटी दसूरी हयथ में । लोगों ने आश्च्य से देखय कक नयनकदेव िी ने िब दोनों हयथों की रोदट्युँ दबयईततो लयलू की रोटी से दधू की बूुँदें और सेठ की रोटी से खनू की बूुँदें टपक पडी। नयनकदेव ने समझय्यतसेठ की रोटी गरीबों कय खनू चसू-चसूकर बनयई गई िबकक लयलू की रोटी सच्च ेपररश्रम की कमयई है । पररश्रम की कमयई ही भगवयन की सच्ची सेवय है। (क)सेठ ने ककस-ककस को भोिन पर बुलय्य? (ख) नयनकदेव िी सेठ के घर क््ों नहीां गए? (ग) नयनकदेव िी ने कैसे बतय्य कक लयलू बढ़यई की रोटी पररश्रम की कमयई से बनी है ? (घ) ईश्वर की सच्ची सेवय क््य है? (ङ) गद्यांश के सलए एक शीर्यक (नयम) दीजिए- प्र2. ननम्नसलखखत शब्द कय वणय-ववच्छेद कीजिए- त््ोहयर १ प्र3 .ननम्नसलखखत शब्दों के वचन बदसलए - १/२x२=१ क) कहयनी ख) बच्चय प्र4.ननम्नसलखखत शब्दों के सलांग बदसलए - १/२x२=१ क) गय्क ख) धोबी प्र5. ननम्नसलखखत वयक््ों में उचचत स्थयन पर ववरयम चचह्नों EòÉ प्र्ोग कीजिए- 1x2=2 Eò) रयमय्ण एक पववत्र ग्रांथ है JÉ) अक्सर तुम ककस तरह की बयतों पर रुठते हो

    Subject: Science (10 marks) I.Give one word for the following: 1x5=5

    a. It is an instrument used to listen to the heart beat.____________________

    b. A large area of land with trees, plants, animals, birds etc. ____________________

    c. The shaking of the earth (ground). ____________________

    d. A big cone-shaped tent is called. ____________________

    e. An agent who gives the details of the loan taken by each family of the village. ____________________

    II. Answer the following questions briefly. 1x5=5

    (i) Write two important characteristics of a good fuel.

    (ii) Why do Changpas graze their goats at higher and colder places ?

    (iii) What type of difficulties are faced by people during floods ?

    (iv) What would happen if girls are not allowed to play games, to study or do some other work of their choice ?

    (v) Write any two importance of forests.

  • Name……………..…………. … Class - VII M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 minutes

    Subject: English (10 marks) 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct options. 5 Before chocolate became an elixir fit only for the kings, Mayans drank a cold, frothy mix made from kakawa

    beans harvested from the Mexican rainforests. Found in rows inside foot-ball-size fruit filled with white pulp,

    the beans need two weeks for fermenting, drying and roasting. Then Mayans began bartering beans with the

    Aztecs. The Spanish court kept the source of the beans secret for nearly 100 years. Inevitably, word spread and

    chocolate travelled swiftly throughout Europe. The first chocolate shop in London opened in 1657, serving the

    drink in gold and silver cups.

    Still, the brew tasted rather fatty due to the cocoa butter and gritty from imperfect crushing of the seeds. A

    Dutch inventor separated the cocoa butter in the early 1800s, and before the century was out, a conching

    machine smoothed the chocolate. A Swiss chocolatier added evaporated milk to create the first chocolate bar.

    Soldiers who ate the bars for energy during World War I brought their taste home, creating a huge market for

    chocolate bars and snacks invented in the early 1900s.

    (a) The word, 'bartering' means ................. .

    (i) selling (ii) buying

    (iii) exchanging (iv) changing

    (b) .....................kept the source of the chocolate beans a secret for nearly 100 years.

    (i) Mayans (ii) The Spanish

    (iii) The soldiers (iv) Mexico

    (c) The first .................................. was made by a Swiss chocolatier.

    (i) cocoa seed (ii) cocoa butter

    (iii) evaporated milk (iv) chocolate bar

    (d) Mayans got kakawa seeds from ........................ .

    (i) the kings (ii) the Aztecs

    (iii) Mexican rain forests (iv) London

    (e) Cocoa brew tasted fatty because of ........................ .

    (i) bad crushing of the seeds (ii) cocoa butter

    (iii) brew (iv) vanilla flavour

    2. On account of rain, Ravi Kant, a student of Tamo Public School had to take off his wristwatch while playing

    in the school-ground. He only remembered it after reaching home. He is not able to trace it anywhere. Draft a

    notice informing the students about it in 50 words. You are Ravi Kant. 3

    3. Choose the best word from the options given below to complete the following passage: ½ x4=2

    Millions of people (a) …………(has, have, are, is) in trouble getting enough sleep. Recent research links lack

    (b) …………….. (of, from, with, in) sleep to health problems ranging (c) ……………. (with, in, from, as)

    hypertension to weight gain. You may have (d) ………….. (try, tried, trying, tryed) medication.

    Subject: Maths (10 marks)

    Questions 1 to 8 carry 1 mark each and question 9 carries 2 marks.

    Q1. Write a pair of integer whose sum is zero.

    Q2. Find the difference of(-12) and 15.

    Q3. Find the sum of 2+4/5.

    Q4. Express 35 mg in grams.

    Q5.What is the HCF of 17 and 23?

    Q6. Find the complementary angle of 68°.

    Q7. What is additive identity?

    Q8. Write down the prime numbers between 20 to 30.

    Q9. Side of a equilateral triangle is 13 cm. Find the perimeter.

  • Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    |É-1) ÊxɨxÉʱÉÊJÉiÉ MÉtÉÆ¶É EòÉä vªÉÉxÉ{ÉÚ́ ÉÇEò {ÉgøEò®ú {ÉÚUäô MÉB |ɶxÉÉå Eäò =kÉ®ú ʱÉÊJÉB - 1X5=5

    +ÉxÉä ´ÉɱÉä iÉÒxÉ ´É¹ÉÉç ¨Éå ®úÉVÉvÉÉxÉÒ +É

  • Name……………..…………. … Class - VIII M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 minutes

    Subject: English (15 marks) Reading Skill

    1. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:

    When we are young, we learn that tigers and sharks are dangerous animals. We might be scared of them

    because they are big and powerful. As we get older, however, we learn that sometimes the most dangerous

    animals are also the smallest animals. In fact, the animal that kills the most people every year is one that you

    have probably killed yourself many times: the mosquito.

    While it may seem that all mosquitoes are biters, this is not actually the case. Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar.

    On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal blood. They need this blood to live and produce eggs.

    When a female mosquito bites a human being, it transmits a small amount of saliva into the blood. This saliva

    may or may not contain a deadly disease. The result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy bump or as serious

    as death. 1x2=2

    a) What new knowledge dawns on us when we get older? b) State one difference between a male and a female mosquito.

    Writing Skill

    2. Describe what you see in the given picture. 3


    3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the Verbs given in brackets: 1 x 2 = 2

    a) I ... the book before your phone call came yesterday. (read)

    b) She … for evening walks every day. (go)

    4. The following sentences have an error in each. Identify and correct the errors by rewriting each sentence

    completely. 1 x 2 = 2

    a) The woman, with her children, are eating pastries in the food joint.

    b) The trains has reached the station.

    5. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences as in the example.

    Example: saw/ a rabid dog / being bitten/ a man /after/ in acute pain/ Louis Pasteur/ by. 1

    Louis Pasteur saw a man in acute pain after being bitten by a rabid dog.

    a) the/ red hot iron/ burnt / with /wound /to be/ had

    Syllabus: Class VIII English

    1) Unseen Reading Passage 2) Descriptive Writing 3) Tenses(Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the Verbs given in brackets) 4) Editing(Concord) 5) Sentence Reordering

  • Subject: Maths (10 marks)

    1. Answer the following questions. 1×2=2 a) Write down the numerical value of . b) Write down the formula for the area of a circle. 2. Use sign >,< or = in the box 21-19+11 23-16-10 2

    3. Find the difference: 5





    4 2

    4. Find the perimeter of a square park whose area is 49 cm2. 2 5. Which of the following can be the possible length of a triangle? Explain 2 a) 3,5,3 b) 4,3,8

    Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    प्र.1 निम्िलिखित गद्यांश को ध््यि से पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्िों के उत्तर लिखिए- विज्ञयि पदयर्थ जगत कय ऊपरी अध्््ि ि करके प्रत््ेक तत्ि की तह तक पह ुँचिे कय प्र्त्ि करतय है। विज्ञयि भौनतक जगत की घटियओां कय, स ्थ-चद्र-ग्रह-िक्षत्रों आदद कय, चचककत्सय कय, जीि-ििस्पनत, पश -पक्षी और मि ष््-जगत कय एक प्रकयर से अध्््ि करतय है। पथ् िी के गभथ म ्स्र्त ियिय धयत ओां, लमट्टी के विलभन्ि प्रकयरों, ियतयिरण के विचचत्र पररणयमों, गरहयइय़ों औऱ ऊुँ चयइ्ों कय भी अध्््ि करतय है। चचांति, तकथ , प्र्ोग एिां परीक्षण के बििय विज्ञयि ककसी ियत को ठीक िहीां मयितय। विज्ञयि स्पष्ट तकों पर आधयररत होतय है। विज्ञयि प्रत््क्ष जगत म विश्ियस रितय है, अप्रत््क्ष म िहीां। आज के ्ग म प्रकथ नत कय कोई भी विष् ऐसय िहीां जहयुँ तक विज्ञयि की पह ुँच ि हो। निरांतर अि सांधयि, छयििीि और आविष्कयर के दियरय विज्ञयि िे ऐसे सयधि मि ष्् को प्रदयि ककए हैं, जो अत््ांत चमत्कयरपूणथ हैं, सयर् ही उिके कयरण जीिि स विधयम् हो ग्य है।

    क) उचचत शीषथक लिखिए। 1 ि) प्रत््ेक तत्ि ककस तह तक पह ुँचिे कय प्र्त्ि करतय है? 1 ग) विज्ञयि ककस पर आधयररत होतय है? 1 घ) हमयरय जीिि िैज्ञयनिक आविष्कयरों के कयरण कैसय हो ग्य है? 1

    प्र.2 क) निम्िलिखित शब्दों के िणथ-विच्छेद की्जए- 1 ङ) i) आचर्थक ii) प्रिेश

    प्र.3 क) ) निम्िलिखित शब्दों म सांचध की्जए: 1 च) i) अनत + आचयर ii) चगरर+ ईश छ) ि) निम्िलिखित शब्दों म सांचध विच्छेद की्जए: 1 ज) i) रयकेश ii) प्यथिरण

  • प्र.4 ददए गए सांकेत बि ांद ओां के आधयर पर ककसी एक विष् पर िगभग 80 से 100 शब्दों म अि च्छेद लिखिए। 3

    ¨Éä®äú MÉÉÄ́ É EòÉ ¨Éä±ÉÉ

    ºÉÆEäòiÉù - ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ºÉƺEÞòÊiÉ ¨Éå ¨Éä±ÉÉå EòÉ ¨É½þk´É ¨Éä®äú MÉÉÄ´É EòÉ ¨Éä±ÉÉ

    ¨Éä±Éä EòÉ ´ÉhÉÇxÉ ´É =ºÉEòÉ ¨É½þk´É


    Subject: Science (10 marks)

    Q.1. Name the acid present in vinegar. 1

    Q.2. What is aerobic respiration? 1

    Q.3. Mention different ways of seed dispersal. 1

    Q.4. Write one use of laboratory thermometer. 1

    Q.5.Mention two properties of Loamy soil. 2

    Q.6. Give one difference between closed circuit and open circuit. Draw an open

    circuit and label it. 2

    Q.7. Why is a forest called green lungs? 2

  • Name……………..…………. … Class - IX M.M. : 40

    Admission Test Sample Paper Time : 60 minutes

    Subject: English (10 marks)

    1. Read the passage given below: 5 Ernest Rutherford was the son of a Scot emigrant to New Zealand. His parents had 12 children, of whom Ernest was the fourth. His education was in a state primary school from which children at the age of 13 could get grants of scholarships to secondary schools and

    to the universities. Rutherford had no intention of following an academic career. He was no bookworm. He was good in any rough-and-tumble and a keen football player. But he was good at Latin and he had a passion for music and a mechanical bent of mind. At Nelson

    College, a state boarding school, he was an outstanding pupil, he sat for a scholarship to Canterbury College and this was because his masters expected it of him, and he won it.

    There, Rutherford as a student was fascinated by Hertz’s work on radio waves and he began to conduct his own experiments in the cloakroom of the college, where the students hung their gowns.

    Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate: a) Rutherford was his parents’ ……………………. Child. i) last ii) only iii) fourth iv) second

    b) Nelson College was …………………. . i) a school in England ii) a state boarding school in New Zealand

    iii) a college in Scotland iv) a school in the United States c) Rutherford sat for a scholarship test because ……………………. . i) he was an outstanding student ii) he was a bookworm

    iii) he thought of following an academic career iv) his masters wanted him to do that d) Rutherford carried out his own private experiments in ………………… .

    i) some corner of the cloakroom of Canterbury College ii) some corner of the cloakroom of Nelson College iii) a corner of the room allotted to him in the boarding house

    iv) in the laboratory of Nelson College

    e) The phrase ‘mechanical bent’ suggests that Rutherford i) was quite mechanical ii) was devoid of human warmth

    iii ) lived as thoughtlessly as a machine iv) had an aptitude for the science of machinery 2. It is Road Safety Week in your city. Write an article on the importance of Road Safety and of the following the rules of the road, offering practical suggestions, in about 60-80 words. 3

    3. Read the conversation given below and complete the following passage: ½ x4=2 Detective: What were you doing yesterday between 10 – 10.30 pm? Bharat: I was walking my dog in the park.

    Detective: Did you meet anyone in the park? Bharat: I saw two men sitting on a bench. The detective asked Bharat (a) …………………………….. Bharat replied that (b)………………………….. . The detective then asked Bharat whether (c)………………………………..to which Bharat replied that (d) …………………………. .

    Subject: Maths (10 marks) Q.1. Classify the following as like and unlike terms: a) 2abc, bac b) x2y2z , y2zx2 1 Q.2. Identify the terms and their coefficients for the following expression:

    0.75x + 0.44 y + 1.56 zx 1

  • Q.3. Write the following rational numbers in the ascending order. 2

    Q.4. Find the value of x if the perimeter of the shape is 77 cm. 2

    Q.5. Expand the following using identities: 1052. 2

    Q.6. What is the volume of the cube of edge 21 cm? 2

    Subject: Hindi (10 marks)

    |É-1) ÊxɨxÉʱÉÊJÉiÉ MÉtÉÆ¶É EòÉä vªÉÉxÉ{ÉÚ́ ÉÇEò {ÉgøEò®ú {ÉÚUäô MÉB |ɶxÉÉå Eäò ú =kÉ®ú ʱÉÊJÉB- 1X5=5

    ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ nù¶ÉÇxÉ ÊºÉJÉÉiÉÉ ½èþ ÊEò VÉÒ´ÉxÉ EòÉ BEò +É¶ÉªÉ +Éè®ú ±ÉIªÉ ½èþ, =ºÉ +É¶ÉªÉ EòÒ JÉÉäVÉ ½þ¨ÉÉ®úÉ nùÉʪÉi´É ½èþ +Éè®ú +ÆiÉ

    ¨Éå =ºÉ ±ÉIªÉ EòÉä |ÉÉ{iÉ Eò®ú ±ÉäxÉÉ, ½þ¨ÉÉ®úÉ Ê´É¶Éä¹É +ÊvÉEòÉ®ú ½èþ*

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