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I think that the combination of my main product and ancillary texts is very effective as I have made the narrative and the ideology of my products clear to the audience. I am very confident in the effectiveness of my products as I am a student of both film and media therefore I have experience in creating such products. As this was a combination of both of my strong suits, I wanted my main product to be memorable, this is why I chose to create a music video to a song about body image as this is a serious issues amongst girls my age. Whilst my main product shows my artist Mirneva as a vulnerable young girl, my ancillary texts then show her as a strong woman. I wanted my products to have this effect as the young girls that are dealing with such issues need reassurance that things will get better for them and that they too can make the transition from the vulnerable Mirneva from the music video to the strong Mirneva seen in my ancillary texts. Although there are two different types of personalities with my artist, there is still continuity within my products as for the ancillary texts, I used images from the same shoot as the music video therefore showing that she is still the same person.

I chose 'Pretty' as the name of my digipak as this is what most young girls are worried about not being. By using this word as the name of my digipak, it would attract my target audience as it lets them know that even famous people go through problems similar to their own and gives them a feeling of having something that connects them to a famous artist.

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In order to maintain continuity, I took print screens from my music video and Photoshopped them so that I could use the images as part of my digipak. I did this because I wanted the audience to be able to relate my products back to each other. For example, if they watched the music video, they would be able to link the location of the music video as well as the characters in it to my ancillary texts and vice versa. I did this because I wanted my artist to have a trademark look and not be seen in many different ways. This is so that the audience are able to recognise my products and so that they do not get confused should there be too many different things happening in my ancillary texts.

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During the editing process for my music video, I edited the brightness and contrast of every scene. I lowered the brightness and also added a blue tinted effect on top of it so that it would make the scenes appear more dull and would emphasise Mirneva's sadness. I think that my music video was effective in this way as the audience are able to tell that there is a negative atmosphere surrounding her just by looking at it which is the effect I intended to give them. This darkness and blue tinted effect continue to appear whilst Mirneva is running in the park. The moment the young man steps into view, the brightness increases and the blue tint disappears. This is very successful in terms of effectiveness as the audience are able to see how the atmosphere around her has changed just by his presence. This is effect because it also helps to build up the big finale at the end in terms of the lyrics of the song. The last line of the song is 'Are you happy with yourself? Yes.'. And the audience then do not need an explanation of what made Mirneva happy as they have just witnessed it happen in the music video. This makes them connect with the artist as they are being taken on Mirneva's journey with her and are able to see the end result.

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I think that the magazine advert I created for my digipak is very effective as the main image is very similar to that of the one used for the front cover of my digipak. Because of this, the audience are able to link the two products together as being a part of the same artist thus maintaining continuity. Another thing that makes the front cover of my CD and my magazine advert similar is the writing. On the front cover of my digipak, the writing consists of positive words on top of the image of my artist and on my magazine advert, the same exact words are shown, however they do not cover the image of my artist. I chose to do have these positive words on both ancillary texts to give my ancillary text a positive theme, much different than the music video. The words 'FAT' and 'UGLY' are seen being written on the mirror by my artist in the video as I wanted to create a contrast between my main product and my ancillary texts. Where my music video has a mostly negative atmosphere, my ancillary texts make up for it by being positive and I believe that this is very effective.

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I think the most effective thing out of all my products is the editing I have done in my music video. In my narrative, Mirneva goes jogging in park. Because she is running so much and eating so little, she faints. Prior to actually fainting, there are some quick edits to make the audience feel the same way as Mirneva does, dizzy. As the camera moves from side to side, a few edits of the words 'FAT‘ and 'UGLY' are seen between the other shots. I chose to do this because I wanted to reinforce to the audience the reason Mirneva was out running in the first place, because she thinks that she is fat and that running a lot and eating little will make her thinner. I think that this is the most effective thing about my products as the narrative fits in with the lyrics to the song 'Pretty Hurts' and shows the lengths that people are willing to go in order to change themselves. I think that this would attract my target audience as it is an issue most young girls have to deal with and to see it addressed on such a public platform lets them know that they are not the only ones having to deal with this problem.

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Despite thinking that my finished products are very effective, I had created another version of my ancillary texts. This version of ancillary texts was created before my finished products and were nowhere near as effective as my finished ancillary texts thus resulting in me starting from scratch. The digipak that I created the first time around did not match my music video as the images included bright and aluminous lights making it seem as though the digipak was made for a dance music album. My magazine advert also included bright lights in the background and the writing on this did not match the font style used on my digipak therefore my ancillary texts did not have any continuity. The images used for my ancillary texts gave the impression that my artist would be visiting a carnival my music video instead of being a narrative about a serious issue. My ancillary texts were not effective at all therefore I made the decision the start all over again and to put right all of the mistakes that I had made the first time. I think that my decision to start all over again with my ancillary texts was a wise one as I now see how much more effective my final ancillary texts are compared to my first attempt.

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