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Page 1: Qualities That Make A Video Go Viral

Qualities That Will Make Your

Video Go Viral

Page 2: Qualities That Make A Video Go Viral

Viral Videos

• Highly shareable content can boost your business by

drawing in new people to your website and increasing


Page 3: Qualities That Make A Video Go Viral

Viral Videos

• Having a video go viral is like winning the internet lottery– Every business dreams of attracting millions of new viewers to their

content and that’s what you’ll get

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Viral Videos

• It isn’t easy!!!!!

– For every video that goes viral there are dozens and dozens of

failed attempts, here are some qualities to keep in mind when

strategizing yours……

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Be Short & Sweet

• Attention spans are low nowadays, and people won’t stick around if they’re not entertained

• Actually, by the time you hit the .10sec mark 19% of your viewers have already left, and 44% are gone by the 1min mark

• Get your most interesting/funny/surprising information out first, viral videos are no place to use the “best for last” strategy

How many of you even read the first cartoon box?

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Be Upbeat

• Most highly shared content evokes strong emotions

• When people are sharing a video with their friends happy definitely outperforms sad when it comes to the emotion they want to channel

• Make sure your video strikes some sort of emotional cord, and remember positive vibes are more likely to be shared than negative ones

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Be Timely

• If your releasing a viral video, now would be a good time to brush up on current events

• Hooking your video into a popular topic will increase the chances of people watching because there are already interested parties

• It can be anything from a current world event to a pop culture reference

• Speak the same language as your target and they will be more likely to view/share your content

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Be Involved

• Engaging with your viewers is key to a viral video as it promotes

loyalty and interest on your side

• Everyone likes to be heard, so communicating with your viewers will

get them coming back for more content

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Be Informative

• Everyone likes learning new and useful things

• Videos are a great way to share new information and it greatly increases the chances of people sharing it

• Gather some new information your target will find useful and highlight it in the video

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Be Inspiring

• Audiences love a good inspirational story

• Whether it’s overcoming some struggle, standing up in the face of adversity or a simple success story, people like these themes and will share them with friends

• Think about incorporating these themes in your video to start inspiring some shares!

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• http://www.forbes.com/sites/ilyapozin/2014/08/07/6-qualities-to-


• https://medium.com/this-happened-to-me/10-ways-to-make-your-


• http://www.talentzoo.com/beneath-the-


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• Have any more tips for helping videos go

viral? Tweet me @serg_peppergang

• Learn more at peppergang.com

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