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  • 1. An Initiative by
    Dr. DheerajMehrotra
    Principal, De Indian Public School, Delhi

3. 4. Raising a child can be very difficult. We sometimes forget that children need to learn how to become adults from us and that they are not little adults.
5. Being a Good Parent is GODLY
A good parent takes care of themselves as well as their children. If a parent is not mentally/physically/spiritually healthy they will not be able to take care of their childrens mental physical/spiritual health.
6. A good parent accepts that they make mistakes and learns from them.
7. A good parent appologizes when they are wrong.
8. A good parent is not a child's friend.
9. A good parent loves their child for who they are not who they will be.
10. A good parent allows their children to be responsible for their behavior.
11. As parents, we sometimes are quick to judge our child's actions or choice of words, that we do not hear their cries for love, attention, or help. We should listen to their feelings, reactions, and opinions. Try to understand their point of view. Look at them when they are talking to show that you are hearing their every word. Put down that book, turn off that television, stop what you are doing and listen!
12. We should treat our kids as our equals and not as subordinates. The "do as I say and not as I do" mentality doesn't work. Teach your child how to be responsible, caring, a hard worker, patient, etc by exhibiting those characteristics within yourself. It's not too late for you to do so.
13. It's true that many of us have to work to provide our family with the essentials. In doing so, remember that material things cannot substitute love and quality time from a parent. Your child should know that they are important to you. They should not have to compete against your job. The position and title that you hold and your job cannot be passed on, but the love, the traditions, and time put into your family can be carried throughout generations
14. Respect their interests, do not down play them as mediocre. Share in some of the activities you enjoy. Become familiar with the current trends. It may be a little different than what you're used to, but that doesn't mean you can't learn to at least respect it.
15. Love your child no matter what. Never allow them to have a doubt in their minds of your love for them. At times they may disappoint you, anger you, or even disrespect you, but even during those times they should know that they are loved by you. No one is perfect, we've all made mistakes and will continue to. Shower those imperfections with love.
16. Thanks for being a
proud DIPS Mother

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