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Page 1: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms;

A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape.

Brett Grimm

Dissertation for Doctorate of Philosophy

School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design

University of Adelaide 2009

Page 2: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation


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Text Box
NOTE: Appendices 5 and 6 are included in the print copy of the thesis held in the University of Adelaide Library.
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Appendix 8


Appendix 8.1 Viewpoints for Assessment

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Appendix 8


Page 58: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Appendix 8.B

Internet Survey

Page 59: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 60: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 61: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 62: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 63: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 64: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 65: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 66: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 67: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 68: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 69: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 70: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 71: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 72: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Page 73: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Appendix 8.C

Letter to participate

Page 74: Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A …...Quantifying the Visual Effects of Wind Farms; A Theoretical Process in an Evolving Australian Visual Landscape. Brett Grimm Dissertation

Appendix 8


Dear Colleagues and friends,

I would invite you to take part in a survey that aims to help appreciate strategic planning of wind farms.

As an important part of my PhD studies at the University of Adelaide, I have prepared a survey of wind farm visual assessment.

This survey is being distributed to individuals with general interest in landscapes and renewable energies.

This survey will ask you to rate the scenic quality of a range of scenes in which wind farm developments will and will not be present. You will be asked to qualify your impression of the scenic quality through a series of landscape pictures. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes.

No qualifications or experience are required to participate and all responses will remain anonymous. Anyone over 18 years of age can participate. If you have any questions about the survey or project you can contact me on

08 8303 4818 or by email: [email protected] or my principal supervisor, Dr David Jones at the University of Adelaide on 08 8303 4589 or [email protected]

I would be most grateful if you could forward the details of this survey to other members within your respective community groups, who may be interested in taking part.

The survey is available on the Internet at the following location:


Thank you for participation.


Brett Grimm

PhD candidate

School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design

University of Adelaide

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