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Page 1: Quantitative Forecasting

Quantitative forecasting methods in library


Prof. Dr. Algirdas Budrevicius

Vilnius University, Faculty of Communication

Course website: http://www.kf.vu.lt/~albud/progn/Engl

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Quantitative forecasting methods in library management


"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me. "

--William Shakespeare

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Quantitative forecasting methods in library management


• "It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee at all. "

• --Henri Poincare in The Foundations of Science, page 129.

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Course plan

• Lecture 1. Forecasting: history and current situation. Forecasting in management. Qualitative and quantitative forecasting. Time series forecasting. Visual data pattern analysis. Forecasting in library management. Naive forecasting methods.

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Course plan (continued)

• Lecture 2. Part 1: Moving average forecasting method. Errors of forecast. Part 2: Practical work with Excel

• Lecture 3. Part 1: Forecasting using linear regression. Trend analysis. Part 2: Practical work with Excel

• Lecture 4-5. Forecasting project: analysis of forecasting situations in libraries; examples. Practical work with Excel

• Lecture 6. Discussions

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Course materials

• Course description: Website http://www.kf.vu.lt/~albud/progn/Engl

• Lectures: PowerPoint presentations

• Data, demonstrations, task solutions: Excel workbooks

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Development of the forecasting technique

• Non scientiffic forecasting: e.g. Astrology, Book of Changes.

• 19-20 century. Demographic forecasts

• Development of the quantitative methods: middle-to-second part of the 20th century.

• New developments: Neural network based methods

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Current situation in forecasting

• Forecasting is widely used in management now• There exist a well defined set of quantitative

forecasting methods that changes very little during last fiew decades

• There exists computer software that may be quite simply applied in forecasting

• Excel program allows to solve simple forecasting tasks

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Forecasting in management

• Personnel management

• Resource management

• Finance management

• Organizational management

Forecasting is usedin various domains of management, such as:

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Taxonomy of forecasting methods

• Methods: quantitative and qualitative• Qualitative: judgmental (based on expert

opinions) and technological (used for long term forecasts)

• Quantitative: time series methods and reasoning

• Note: only time series methods will be considered in this course.

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Definition of a forecasting situation

• Data (time series, or historical data)

• Forecasting method (e.g. Moving average, Trend analysis)

• Forecast

• Error of forecast

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Quantitative time series based forecasting

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Naive forecasts NF1 and NF2

• Naive forecasts: (a “folk forecasting technique”) • NF1. (“The value tomorow will be the same as

today”). Example: Number of library visitors today was 120. Forecast NF1 for tomorow: 120.

• NF2. (“The value tomorow will be less (greater) by …10% ”). Example: Average temperature this month is 20 degrees. Forecast NF2 for the next month: Temperature will be 25 degrees (increase of 25%).

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Time-series methods of forecasting

• Time series analysis relies on historical data and attempts to project historical patterns into the future

• Note: only time series methods will further be considered

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Time-series example

Number of visitors in a library (in th.)

Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003


420 450 440 460 470 465

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Recomended form to present data and forecasts: an example

Year Number of readers Forecast Error




2005 (forecast)

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Example of real time series data concerning libraries

• Number of libraries (network)• Document stocks• Loan of documents• Number of users• Number of visitors, etc. (also see examples in

Excell worksheets)

Conclusion: good possibilities to apply forecasting methods, based on time series analysis

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Example of dataNework of Municipal Public Libraries in Lithuania in 1991-2002

Year Number of libraries 1991 16621992 15691993 15211994 15141995 15061996 14841997 14731998 14591999 14472000 14482001 14272002 1400

Source: Statistics of Lithuanian Libraries.

Municipal public libraries in Lithuania in 1991-2002











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Example of forecastingForecasting using linear trend. Demonstration

1. Calculating correlation: 0,995741Week Number of library visitors Signifficant correlation

1 1063 2. Plotting a chart (XY scatter)2 2369 3. Adding a linear trend line3 3159 Options: display equation4 3964 4. Calculating the forecast 5 5001 (by inserting number of the week x=6 into the equation)

6 5. Evaluation (using RSQ) 0,99Very good fitting

Forecasted number of visitors: 5953

Number of library visitors

y = 947,1x + 269,9

R2 = 0,9915






0 1 2 3 4 5





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Patterns of the time-series data

• Horizontal (random, irregular variation)

• Trend (linear)

• Periodical (cyclical, seasonal)

• Complex (a combination of part or all listed above)

A forecasting method should comply with the data pattern. There are 4 basic data patterns:

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Horizontal pattern

Horizontal (irregular variations)

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Trend (close to the linear growth)

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Periodical pattern

Periodical seasonal

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Complex pattern

Complex data pattern including random, trend and periodical variations

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Measuring forecast accuracy

What is the accuracy of a particular forecast?

How to measure the suitability of a particular forecasting method for a

given data set?

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Definition of the forecast error

• Error (e) of a forecast is measured as a difference between the actual (A) and forecasted values (F), that is,

• e=A-F,

• or, in a relative form: e=100% (A-F)/A.

• The error can be determined only when actual (future) data are available.

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Standard statistical measures to estimate errors (1)

• Mean (average) error (ME)

• Mean absolute error (MAE)

• Mean squared error (MSE)

•To preliminary evaluate a forecast and suitability of a method, various statistical measures may be used. In evaluating forecasts obtained by means of the moving average method, the following measures may be used:

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Standard statistical measures to estimate errors (2 - relative)

• Mean percentage error (MPE)

• Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)

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Statistical measures of goodness of fit

• The Correlation Coefficient

• The Determination Coefficient

In trend analysis the following measures will be used:

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The Correlation Coefficient

• The correlation coefficient, R, measure the strength and direction of linear relationships between two variables. It has a value between –1 and +1

• A correlation near zero indicates little linear relationship, and a correlation near one indicates a strong linear relationship between the two variables

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The Coefficient of Determination

• The coefficient of determination, R2, measures the percentage of variaion in the dependent variable that is explained by the regression or trend line. It has a value between zero and one, with a high value indicating a good fit.

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