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For Private Circulation Only Vol. XII Issue XXXXVIII Monsoon 2010

Quarterly In-house Magazine

Human DevelopmentIpca among the 100 Best Companies

to work in India

Creating the future

Team Building Program & Power of 'N'

HR Meet & Yoga

TQM Champions Meet

Project Management Workshop

Welcome & Farewell








Corporate News 1

News 16-17Clinical Research & Studies

Appreciation from USP




Lighter Moments 28-30Youngster’s Achievement

Poem - Jai Activa

Poem - Suraksha, Team Strength

Brain Twister, Winners, Did U Know

Smile a While






Medical 15NextGen Conference 15

World Environment Day 18-19

Indore 21-22lsokfuo`fRr lEeku lekjksg

fj;k;rh njksa ij dkWfi;ksa dk forj.k

'kwU; vuqifLFkfr (Zero Absenteeism) vokMZ o"kZ 2010




Kandla 23-24Ghana Audit, Oman Visit

Award ceremony & Adieu at Kandla



Aurangabad & Athal 25Aurangabad - Long Service Award

Athal - New Machine Installation



Real Life Story 27Great Freedom Fighter 27

InternationalIpca's Cardiac Safari


DomesticActiva entering Antigout market

Rx Plus & Zerodol

3C & 3D division to multiply

Fastclav of the Year

Snap shots of Fastclav






Ayurved 20

Piparia 26Distribution of biscuits, Say No to Tobacco 26



n behalf of the Board of Directors, Mr.

Premchand Godha, Managing Director

announced in Annual General Meeting

(AGM), about Mr. A. K. Jain’s elevation as

Joint Managing Director of the Company.

{ZXoeH$ _§S>b H$s Amoa go à~§Y {ZXoeH$ lr ào_M§X JmoYm

Zo dm{f©H$ gmYmaU g^m (EOrE_) Ho$ Xm¡amZ lr E.Ho$.

O¡Z H$mo nXmoÞV H$aVo hþE H§$nZr H$m g§`wº$ à~§Y

{ZXoeH$ ~ZmE OmZo H$s KmofUm H$s &

ratCong ulations

Mr. A. K. Jain is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a Science Graduate and is

employed with the Company since 1980.

He was first appointed as a Director of the Company designated as Executive

Director on August 21, 1994. He is a professional, Wholetime, Non-promoter

Director of the Company.

Mr. A. K. Jain, is elevated and re-designated as the Joint Managing Director by the th Board of Directors of Ipca Laboratories Ltd. at their meeting held on 29 July, 2010.

lr E.Ho$. O¡Z EH$ gw`mo½` MmQ>©S>© AH$mC§Q>oÝQ> h¢, do {dkmZ go ñZmVH$ h¢ VWm do Bg H§$nZr _| 1980 go

H$m`©aV h¢

CÝh| 21 AJñV, 1994 H$mo nhbr ~ma H§$nZr Ho$ {ZXoeH$ Ho$ ê$n _| H$m`©H$mar {ZXoeH$ Ho$ Vm¡a na

{Z`wº$ {H$`m J`m. do H§$nZr Ho$ EH$ noeoda, nyU©H$m{bH$, J¡a-àdV©H$ {ZXoeH$ h¢

BßH$m bo~moaoQ>arµO {b. Ho$ {ZXoeH$ _§S>b Ûmam 29 OwbmB©, 2010 H$mo Am`mo{OV AnZr g^m _| lr

E.Ho$. O¡Z H$mo nXmoÞV H$a g§`wº$ à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Ho$ ê$n _| _ZmoZrV {H$`m J`m




A K JAINJoint Managing Director


thAnnual General Meeting in process, 29 July 2010



Wildlife is Kenya’s biggest asset and tourists often travel Ipca’s stall was one of the most visited stall by doctors.

to Kenya for the Big Five wildlife attractions of Kenya – Doctors appreciated Ipca’s range of products and showed

Lions, Buffaloes, Rhinos, Leopards and Elephants. But our genuine interest in the future launches.

purpose of travelling to Kenya was to introduce Ipca’s Big From Kisumu, Ipca’s cardiac safari moved to Nairobi,

Five - Revelol XL, Presartan, Presartan H, Tenoric and where we had organized a seminar on “Modern

soon to be launched Cardoz to the cardiologists in Kenya.Management of Myocardial Infarction” at one of the most

th prestigious hospital – MP Shah Hospital, Nairobi. The The 28 Annual Scientific Conference and Annual

seminar gave us the much needed launch pad for newly General Meeting of Kenya Cardiac Society (KCS) was held

in Kisumu, (commercial and communication hub of East introduced brands like Revelol XL and Presartan H in nd thAfrican community) from 22 to 25 July’10.The theme Kenyan market.

for this year was “Emergence of Atherosclerotic Disease in Like others, Dr. I.A. Ochieng and Dr. Paul Wangai Jr. had all

Africa”.praise for Ipca Laboratories for organizing an unbiased

seminar on issue pertaining to current need of medical We had invited Dr. Narender Bansal, Head of Cardiology at fraternity in Kenya.J. J. Hospital, Mumbai to be the guest speaker at the

conference. Dr. Bansal’s presentation on “Coronary Dr. Ruguru Nyaga Thuo, Cardiologist at Kenyatta National Angioplasty” was well received by the cardiologists in Hospital, appreciated the session a lot and said that there is Kenya. an increase in the incidences of Myocardial Infarction (MI)

due to changing lifestyle in Kenya and the seminar was very Prof. Gerald Yonga, Hon. Chairman, KCS thanked Ipca comprehensive in dealing with the management of MI.Laboratories for bringing such an eminent clinician to

speak on a topic which is still at a very nascent stage in With this cardiac safari, we are sure to make a mark in Kenya. Kenyan cardiovascular drug market with our Big Five

Cardiac Brands. Topic was close to the heart of the cardiologists and they

enjoyed every bit of it including Dr. Harun Otieno, leading The entire cardiac safari was an experience in itself that International Cardiologist at Agakhan Hospital, who taught us a problem-free philosophy, Hakuna Matata, cherished the various case studies discussed by Dr. Bansal. which means 'don't worry be happy'.

R-L: Dr. Narender Bansal, Mr.Gopakumar, & Mr.Neelesh Katakwar Ipca’s stall at the KCS meet 2010


Ipca Laboratories domestic marketing division, Management includes patient education,

Activa has ventured into a new segment with new information, lifestyle advice and urate lowering

molecule febuxostat and brand is Ebuxo. therapy when appropriate.

Gout is a medical condition, which involves the big In India today, ̀ 2 Cr. people are suffering from gout

toe, usually characterized by recurrent attacks of pain and it happens due to protein rich diet- like Cereals,

with redness, swollen joint and has been often Chicken, Red meat etc.

recognized as king of diseases. All traditional kings After 40 years a new medicine has been discovered and royal family members like Benjamin Franklin, and Team Activa launched the same with a unique Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Henry VIII and symbol of big toe.many more… suffered from Gout.

Brand immediately got the attention from medical Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis in

fraternity and already 200 prescriptions got men and is caused by hyperuricaemia and is

generated in the first month of associated with the deposition of

launch.monosodium urate crystals in the

joints causing inflammation and We are sure, Team Activa is

eventually tissue damage. destined to break the 40 years

Many risk factors may interact old pen habits of Doctors to write

and lead to development of gout Allopurinol and convert them to

like Genetics, Gender, Age and write Ebuxo in days to come.

Osteo Arthritis (OA), Diet (Red Ebuxo Patient Information cell meat, Soft drinks with sugar, for Gout.Alcohol, Drugs like diuretics,

cyclosporin, Metabolic syndrome - Team Activa

and Renal disease and gout.

entering in to Antigout market



Ipca Laboratories domestic marketing, Pharma division

welcomes the new recharging brand RXPLUS.

The self explanatory brand name justifies its need as a

co-prescription along with the main line of treatment

in every patient. The blend of 44 ingredients to treat the

underlying weakness is RXPLUS and it has successfully

crossed ̀ 2 crore mark in 81 days of launch.

Pharma team is all set to recharge the market with


– Team Pharma

Zerodol the flagship brand of Ipca has touched new

height i.e. crossed 25 lac units internally in Jun’10. This

is the highest unit wise sales recorded so far.

Zerodol has also created one more record of touching

internal ` 7 Cr mark in July’10. This is also the highest

value wise sale till now.

This year’s Zerodol average monthly sale is ` 6.35 Cr

and marching towards new benchmark of crossing

` 75 Cr in 2010-11.

Zerodol family is now also addressing uncovered

segment of smooth muscle spasm with launch of

Zerodol Spas. Zerodol Spas has generated a very

high excitement in Zerodol promotion.

Zerodol is also introducing with once daily

formulations in muscle relaxant category which will be

of great advantage to patients. This will be first time in

India formulation.

Zerodol is proudly marching on its way of becoming st1 brand of Ipca to cross ̀ 100 Cr mark.

– Team Pharma



in ORG



The Recharging Entry of RXPLUS


The Mumbai cycle meeting of this financial year (2010-2011) Managers hoisted the flags of 3C & 3D. An oath was taken thon 29 March 2010 manifested an era of a new beginning, by all the members pledging that together both the divisions

newer aspirations, through the launch of a novel cardio- will march ahead in the next 3 years towards ` 200 Crs. The

diabetic division 3D. team members of both the divisions then disbursed into their

respective meeting halls. 3C has been a comprehensive cardio diabetic care division

since 1997. In March 2010, 3C successfully became a Both the meeting halls were mesmerized with sheer

enthusiasm and positive energy as the entire `100 Cr division. To exploit the vast cardio diabetic

launch was based on the theme of Kings. The market and to ensure brand building of older meeting halls were decorated with banners brands the birth of 3D has taken place. showcasing the brands being compared to

India being the diabetic and hypertensive capital of brave kings of the past. The meeting tables were the world, both 3C and 3D will now synergistically decked up with the flags of 3C & 3D.facilitate service to more cardio-diabetic patients all

over India, ensuring a healthier life to many Indians.

The meeting ended on an elated note as team members of

The launch ceremony was initiated with a traditional both the divisions committed with immense dedication that

welcome of tikka and rose buds to all team members. The this focus would pave the way for every brand to become a

meeting commenced with prayers to the Almighty, and a block buster.

message by Sr. GM - Mr. Viraj Save & DGM - Mr. Ganesh Pai.Let us all wish both the divisions’ great luck on their dream

Mr. Hitesh Saravia – NSM-3C & Mr. Johnny Edwin - NSM-3D mission towards the milestone of ̀ 200 Crores by 2013.

along with their respective Zonal Managers and the Regional – Team 3C & 3D

Division To Multiply&C


T n l eraditio al We come to a team memb r

Praying to the Almigh y t

ath b ing take b s RBM Ms O e n y the ZBM , s & AB

L h ng of 3 D v y B saunc i C & 3 di ision b Z Ms & RBM

Altus Stars witnessed their first international trip to the

the dream destination, Bangkok-Pattaya .The award

function was from July 6 to July 10, 2010. Fastclav

Stars across the country were felicitated at this award


The 4 day trip to Bangkok & Pattaya included some

breathtaking sightseeing and also some great

adventure for the Stars. The magnificent safari at

Bangkok which included a variety of awesome shows

and adventure, the thrilling under sea walk and the

river cruize was indeed great and the Star performers

enjoyed every bit of it.

All the Stars were felicitated at an evening function in

Pattaya where Mr. Sunil Ghai, Sr. VP - Marketing & Sales

addressed the group and congratulated them for their

performance of Fastclav. Mrs. Chakshu Momin , DGM

Marketing and Mr. Kuldeep Tyagi, NSM also

congratulated the team for their efforts on Fastclav.

All the Stars were then presented with certificates on

their outstanding achievement. All of them vowed that

they alongwith more of their team members would

surely attend the international trip in 2010-11 to yet

another exciting destination.

- Team Altus

Fastclav Star of the Year 09-10

Felicitation and trip to the dream destination






Fastclav StarsPSNA SHOTS


Ipca Laboratories participated in “India's Best improvement through benchmarking and achieve

Companies to Work For-2010 Study”. This survey lasting improvement in workplace relationship.

was conducted across the industries in India by, The ndIpca has participated 2 time in this survey. The survey

Great Place to Work® Institute, India and The was conducted in two parts. In the first part,

Economic Times. information was gathered from randomly selected

'The Great Place to Work® Institute' is the world employees through online questionnaire. In the

pioneer in studies on workplace relationships which second part, the company submitted information on

are the largest and the most recognized studies world various policies, procedures and initiatives. All

over. organizations are ranked based on these information.

For over 20 years The result of

a n d i n 4 0 “ I n d i a ' s B e s t

countries, The Companies to

Great Place to Work For–2010”

Work® Institute S t u d y w a s

h a s b e e n published in The

conducting one Economic Times t h o f t h e m o s t on 20 June

a c c l a i m e d 2010.

w o r k p l a c e We are pleased s t u d i e s to announce that worldwide.Ipca has been

In India, The a w a r d e d a s Great Place to “Among the Work® Institute

1 0 0 B e s t is conducting a

Companies to survey since last

Work in India”.6 y e a r s i n

partnership with By participating “The Economic Times”. in this study we would be able to benchmark employee

perceptions of our workplace environment with Objectives of this study is to recognize the Best

selected benchmarks from our industry and elsewhere. Companies in India and help companies across all

This would enable us to realize our strengths and business sectors to transform themselves into Great

identify focus areas for improvement. Workplace, discovering their strengths and areas of

Among the 100 Best Companies to Work in India




In this era of the fast life, the advantages and This program was designed in such a way, that the

disadvantages a youngster and a parent goes through, is teenager would experience the happiness of

incredible. All working class families have learnt the art of accompanying his/her parents to their workplace in the

balancing family and work. A small facilitation would be morning (to) and evening (fro). Hence the travel and

an attraction for both, Ipcaites and their youngsters. safety part of the youngsters was taken care of.

Hence, we planned in May ’10, Youngster’s day out.

The first half included session on self awareness, setting Today, there are so many options available for a targets (percentage of achievement in studies), how to youngster to choose his/her field of interest. We plan and study, learning style, memory skills, organized a Half-Day Workshop by Youngbuzz India Ltd. concentration techniques and in the end a career talk (India’s Premier Career Guidance Company) for teenage that both parent and youngster had to attend students. This program was a good experience and for future.provided an outlook to the young participants about the

competitive life outside home.Post lunch i.e the second half of the day was fully of fun &

frolic, a short video on “Whale Done” and games like Youngbuzz facilitator, Ms. Brinda Shah, a counseling musical chair, kho-kho, follow the leader etc., were psychologist, provided guidance to these star performers played for their piled up energies to gush out. It was a about the various things they need to know about at this delightful to see, youngsters teasing and enjoying play at age. Planning and Implementing starts when one the work place.understands the importance of it.

C a r e e r T a l k P r o g r a m

Creating The Future


Managing emotions and the art of dealing with

others for productive results.

Participants were from various departments / divisions

which made the program challenging with so many

experienced people sharing their views. The program Team work is the fuel that allows common people to was felicitated by Ms. Bhairavi Soni, Solaris People attain uncommon results. To develop and strengthen Solutions. This workshop was conducted at The Club in our inter-relationship, two days workshop was June 2010.designed to enhance the relationship we share

internally and externally. The objectives of the program Apart from many takeaways, one or two major points were: noted were :

Enhancing the self awareness and managing the i) Improving the quality and productivity on

self better.interpersonal transactions for effective team

Managing relationships with people, processes and building.customers in a complex workplace.

ii) Learning to manage

disagreements and


Positive Relationship and

positive strokes improves

the performance of the

team member. Give a

positive stroke and see

the change taking place.


Teamworkis the FUEL…


Noun – (formal, disapproving) The habit of admiring yourself too

much especially your appearance


Noun – the habit of finding small mistakes in subordinator's work

or paying too much attention to small details that are not



Noun – go down, drop etc. to fall down or become ill sick in great



Noun – (disapproving) Giving unfair advantages to your own

family if you are in a position of power, especially by giving the jobs


Noun – (slang) A person who is friendly with criminals and who

gives the police information about them.


Adj.– (informal) Easily becoming angry or annoyed




HR Meet 2010HR Challenges in today’s new ways of employee bonding

context is not what was activity have brought about a

happening yesterday, the change in the outlook of the out-

new face of HR is in, going employee.

developing people and To discuss on the new role HR has

building the cohesiveness of to play, HR Meet 2010 was

employees. Listening and thplanned on 18 & 19 June addressing to a concern and

2010 at Evershine Banquets, Malad, Mumbai.

Managing Director - Mr.

Premchand Godha, Joint

Managing Director - Mr. A K

Jain & President Operations -

Mr. J L Nagori briefed their

views and expectations to the

team. HR representatives

f r o m a l l l o c a t i o n s

participated for bringing-in

the same culture and working

which reflects throughout



Mr. Premchand Godha

Mr. A. K. Jain

Center: Mr. Prakash Shanware & Mr. J. L. Nagori with HR team

To create health awareness among our employees, thYoga camp was organized at H.O., Mumbai from 14

thto 17 June '10.

Focus of the program was on creating consciousness

among employees to maintain body fitness and

improve mind power.

The yoga sessions were conducted by Mr. Ashok

Sharma, GM - HR who demonstrated to participants would help them in day to day life. The participants the skills required for various pranayams, aasanas and were given vegetable juice and healthy breakfast after yogic exercises. each session.

During these sessions, they were also provided health Participants felt that the camp was very useful and gave awareness tips such as water therapy, food habits, them new insight on healthy habits and suggested that stress relieving and relaxation techniques etc which the camp should be held more frequently.

- Way of Lifeyoga




MeetTo take our TQM journey ahead and to plan on how to the overview of the program and expectations from

improve involvement of people in the TQM journey the participants. He emphasized that “We have to get

was the theme. ‘Champions Meet’ was organized on out from the routine and need to take new steps in nd2 July 2010 at H.O., Mumbai. The purpose of this TQM journey. We have to think out-of-box and

meet was knowledge and experience sharing and to exchange/ share ideas with each other. Continuously

evolve action plan for speeding up TQM activities for search for opportunities to spread TQM, implement

further development at all plants. ‘Champions Meet’ new things at our location. People always give

main agenda was “How to improve involvement of importance to weakness, but we have to concentrate

people in the TQM journey”. on one’s strength and how to improve them, to and

utilize their strength. Take up your responsibilities,

identify people’s skill and encourage them to utilize it.

We should encourage people to follow process. Create

it as a culture in the company. Participant as a catalyst

should spread the message to all employees through

TQM about “Doing things in the right way”.

Mr. Md. Ismail (TQM - Consultant) said that we need to

create quality culture in the organization. Do ordinary

things, extraordinarily. We have to spread this message

so that others can feel the difference. We need to

change the perception.

Setting the context, Mr. Ashok Sharma (GM - HR) Representatives from M/s. TQM - International Pvt. Ltd.

explained the objective of the program. Action plan of were invited as special guests to address at this meet.

last meeting were discussed in detail and The guest speaker Mr. Mandke presented the latest

improvements, suggestions were added. All the development in “Total Quality Management” area

Champions & Coordinators agreed to implement the which was an eye opener. The detail description of

action plan committed by them during the meeting‘TQM activity chart’ added value to the presentation.

He cleared the Past - Present and Future of TQM Mrs. Niveditha Rai discussed and finalized the themes

movement for the Indian Industry. He presented the for TQM activities for year 2010-11 such as l Do things

achievement of various industries in TQM area which right, first time. Get it right, every time. l Power

was an inspiration to all of us.conservation l Energy l Solvent conservation. It was

decided that “Do things right, first time. Get it right, Mr. Prakash Shanware concluded the meeting with a

every time.” would be the focus for year 2010 -11.briefing on actions to be taken to take the TQM journey

ahead. Mr. Prakash Shanware (President - HR) discussed about



A project is as a multi-task, one-time job, with a defined The first batch of Project Management this workshop was ththstarting and ending point, well-defined scope of work, conducted on 28 to 30 June 2010 at HO Mumbai.

and a budget. Participants from CRD, Export Marketing, Purchase and

HR have gone through this workshop.Project Management is facilitation of the planning,

scheduling, and controlling of all work that must be done The well structured workshop was taken through case to meet project objectives. It is about creating an studies and live projects of Ipca for getting hands on environment conducive to getting critical projects done. experience with projects management methodology.

To strengthen the Ipca - Project Management System, we At the end of the program the four-team members have identified M/s. Project Management Institute-India presented their live projects in presence of Dr. Ashok (PMI - India) who are the world’s leading association for Kumar. He appreciated the effort taken by the team the project management profession and help members during the course.organizations to develop Project Management skills.

While concluding the workshop Dr. Ashok Kumar PMI, Indore has helped us identify a freelance Project

suggested that, we focus on results but process is more Management consultant who can help our people important. We have to do SWOT analysis, 80% of manage projects efficiently with reference to PMI problems are created by 20% of reasons. Knowledge is guidelines. important, but presence of mind is very important. How

we are able to correlate, minute details are important, Mr. K Rajaram- B.Tech (Hons.) Chemical Engineering, IIT however small it may be if they are missed may create Mumbai, PMP certified, has 30 years of corporate problem. experience in various projects.

For implementing the world class Project management He is also a certified Instructor of The Lewis Institute Inc.

techniques and completing the projects efficiently the USA. - A Project Management System Company.consultant provided that hand holding and follow-up

Since 2001, he is working as consultant for many support to the project team.

industries in India across the sectors in Project

Management area.


Standing (Left to Right):

Mr. Umeshkumar Ninawe, Dr, Sanjay Nandavadekar, Mr. Umesh

Luthra, Mr. M. Palani,

Mr. Dinesh Bhadra,

Mr. Sunil Kagwate,

Mr. Byju N T, Dr. Bishram

Singh Chauhan,

Mrs. Akshata Gaitonde,

Mrs. Anagha Marathe,

Mrs. Pratibha Ahaluwalia,

Mrs. Sonali Pandharkar,

Dr. Pravin Karmuse,

Mr. Mukesh Gupta.

Seating (Left to Right):

Dr. Vijay Ojha,

Dr. Dharmendra Singh,

Mr. Ashok Sharma,

Faculty Mr. K. Rajaram,

Dr. Satish Soudagar,

Dr. Kishor More,

Mrs. Vandana Gupte




Mr. Himanshu K. VoraManager - HR & Administration

Administration, Kandla

Mr. Balwant Singh KadkotiManager - EngineeringMaintenance, Kandla

Mr. Jagdish W. BiroleManager - Quality Assurance

Q A (Formulation), Kandla

Mr. Sushant Panda

Packaging ManagerPacking, Athal

Mr. Shashikant D. Sonaje

Production ManagerProduction General, Kandla

Mr. Nishant Dale

Business Dev ManagerExports (Frm), Mumbai

Mr. Rajendra N. Dadhich

Vice President (Corporate Quality)QA (Formulation), Mumbai

Ms. Rajshree Gupta

Dy. General Manager - Marketing Innova (H.O.), Mumbai

Ms. Bhavana Umrigar

Sr. Product ManagerIntima (H.O.), Mumbai

Mr. Vineet Luhariwala

Chief Operating Officer (COO)Covenance, Mumbai

Mr. B. M. Sundaram

Country HeadRussia

Mr. Soumen Dam

Business Dev ManagerExports (Frm), Mumbai

Retiring HappilyThe key to retirement is to find joy in little things.

th26 May, Mrs. Peggy Murzello’s retirement was well-planned by her

department. Corporate HR supported by arranging the program. A

feeling of mixed emotions was seen on Peggy’s face. Apart from R&D

(Formulations) team members, other seniors who graced the occasion

to wish Peggy a happy retired life were, Mr. A K Jain, Mr. Prakash

Shanware & Dr. Anil Pareek. All others took the opportunity to make

Peggy’s day memorable, by sharing their experience with Peggy.

Peggy’s smile said it all. In retirement, every day is Boss Day and every

day is Employee Appreciation Day.





India is emerging as a hub for global generic market. To give

better boost to Indian pharmaceutical players CPhI

conferences recently organised a two-day strategic

conference - NextGen: Innovation in Generics India 2010' in


Dr. Anil Pareek, President – Medical Affairs & Clinical Research

was invited as a guest speaker to present on ‘Leveraging

Innovations in Generics – A business imperative for Indian


Extract taken from news article (below) which appeared in

Express Pharma on June 24-25, 2010.

“The event organiser observed overwhelming participation

from across the industry. During the two-day conference

industry speakers discussed the latest updates on

government health reforms, regulation and investment in

innovation to drive the generics industry forward, analysing

the global market for innovative generics and establishing

new revenue opportunities for Indian generics


Dr. Anil Pareek



Clinical study entitled “Efficacy and Safety of Etodolac-

paracetamol Fixed Dose Combination in Patients with

Knee Osteoarthritis Flare-up: A Randomized, Double-

blind Comparative Evaluation” is published in The

Clinical Journal of Pain - official journal of eastern pain


The Clinical Journal of Pain is a peer-reviwed journal that

explores all aspects of pain and its effective treatment,

br inging readers the ins ights of leading

anesthesiologists, surgeons, internists, neurologists,

orthopedists, psychiatrists and psychologists, clinical

pharmacologists, and rehabilitation medicine specialists.

Clinical Research department conducted this study in

220 eligible patients at three medical institutions of the

country; namely; B.J. Medical College and Sassoon

Hospital, Pune; Grant Medical College and J.J. Group of

Hospitals, Mumbai; and Indira Gandhi Government

Medical College, Nagpur.

The findings of this study demonstrate that the etodolac

paracetamol combination can provide an effective

treatment for Osteoarthritis flare-up. Moreover,

etodolac-paracetamol combination is more effective in

the treatment of OA flare-up than etodolac alone.

Contributors: Mr. Ravikiran Payghan, Mr. Mitesh Sharma

and Mr. Mukeshkumar Jha.

Ipca’s Seventh Clinical Trial in Pain Management Get Published in “The Clinical Journal of Pain - OfficialJournal of Eastern Pain Association”

Clinical study entitled “Efficacy and safety of

aceclofenac and drotaverine fixed-dose combination

in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhoea: a double-

blind, double-dummy, randomized, comparative

study with aceclofenac” is published in European

Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive

Biology. It is the leading clinical journal which provides

a forum for scientific and clinical professional

communication in obstetrics and gynecology

throughout the world.

This is the first study in the world to demonstrate the

efficacy of aceclofenac - drotaverine combination in

patients with primary dysmenorrhoea. This study was

conducted in 200 patient at four leading medical

institute of the country, namely; Government Medical

College & Hospital (Nagpur); G.R. Medical College & JA

Group of Hospitals (Gwalior); M.S.Ramaiah Medical

College, (Bangalore) and B.J. Medical College &

Sassoon General Hospitals (Pune). The results of this

study suggest that addition of drotaverine to

aceclofenac provides significant therapeutic benefits in

relieving pain associated with primary dysmenorrhoea.

Contributors: Ms. Smita Talekar, Mr. Mitesh Sharma

and Mr. Mukeshkumar Jha.

Ipca’s Sixth Clinical Trial in Pain Management Get Published in European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology

The authors would like to thank all the contributors for their contribution in

execution and publication of this study in such a reputed journal.



Clinical study entitled “Evaluation of Efficacy and Gandhi Government Medical College & Mayo Hospital

Tolerability of Gliclazide and Metformin Combination: A Nagpur & G. R Medical College & J. A. Group of Hospitals,

Multicentric Study in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Gwalior.

Mellitus, Uncontrolled on Monotherapy with The findings of this study demonstrate that the addition

Sulfonylurea or Metformin” is published in American of gliclazide to metformin can provide an effective

Journal of Therapeutics.treatment for patients inadequately controlled on

American Journal of Therapeutics is an international peer- sulfonylurea or metformin alone. Moreover, this

reviewed journal publishing original findings rapidly and combination achieves good glycemic control without any

accurately. This journal features original articles on the extra risk of adverse event.

latest therapeutic approaches and clinical drug trial Contributors: Mr. Onkar Rathod, Ms. Shruti Kulkarni, Mr.

information. This is an indispensable resource for all Mitesh Sharma and Mr. Mukeshkumar Jha.

prescribing physicians who want to access

pharmacological developments.

This study was conducted in 124 eligible patients at two

leading medical institutions of the country; namely; Indira

Gliclazide and Metformin Study Published in American Journal of Therapeutics

June 3, 2010

Ms. Catherine Raphael Manager, Corporate Quality IPCA Laboratories Ltd. 48 Kandivli Industrial Estate Kandivli (West) Mumbai 400 067 India

Re: USP Reference Standards

Dear Ms. Raphael:

On behalf of the USPC, Inc., I would like to extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to you and your staff for your valued participation in our Reference Standards program. We especially wish to thank you for the material you have supplied for our use. In this respect, we acknowledge receipt in good condition of:

Reference Standard

Your Lot #

QuantityChloroquine Sulf a te 0006S3R J 200g Chloroquine RC A 0098DCR J 50g

Your generosity in donating this material is acknowledged in the interest of our mutual commitment to better drug standards.

Sin cerely,

Shawn Dressman, Ph.D. Vice President

Standards Acquisition Department

The authors would like to thank all the contributors

for their contribution in execution and publication

of this study in such a reputed journal.

A pp reciationApp c ionre iat Letter of appreciation received from The United States Pharmacopeia (USP), for contribution made by Ipca towards monograph development and Impurity procurement.

API Team & Regulatory Team “Good Work Done”

American Journal of Therapeutics

Every 5th of June is a day used by the United

Nations to stimulate worldwide awareness of

environmental issues. All over the world this

day is celebrated. At Ipca, the day was remarkably

observed and followed by every employee, at

manufacturing location.

Conserving our environment has become heart-

touching issue for humans. Animals convey this

message in a different manner and we can do

better by taking this initiative forward seriously.

All locations played a key role of conveying the

message through slogan, poster competition and

addressing to the team by conveying importance

of the day. Planting sapling is not the only activity

we need to undertake, we have to nurture them

and see them grow.







June 5, 2010


June 5, 2010













Vaidya Balendu Prakash was invited from the Office of the promyelocytic leukemia a form of blood cancer in 1997.

Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine The result of the study was quite encouraging, 11 patients

(OCCAM), National Cancer Institute (NCI), National who completed the mandatory 90 days treatment

Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA for discussion on his became cancer free and no adverse side effect was noted

Ayurvedic approach to treat cancer. He visited OCCAM on in any of the patients. Later, all these patients were taken th30 June and interacted with the scientists of OCCAM- to Shri K R Narayanan, the then President of India at

NCI. Vaidya Balendu's road to OCCAM-NCI was quite Rashtrapati Bhawan.

difficult and protracted. Despite these efforts no further clinical research work was

He started treating cancer patients after demise of his taken up by any government agencies. With his own

father Vaidya Chandra Prakash in 1984 at Meerut. Vaidya efforts and resources Vaidya Balendu established Vaidya

Chandra Prakash successfully treated many cancer Chandra Prakash Cancer Research Foundation at

patients with his self prepared Ayurvedic medicines. Dehradun. He kept on treating cancer patients and

Vaidya Balendu carried forward his father's legacy. collected evidences about the effectiveness of his

Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol. In 1988, on the initiative of Prime Minister's office, Union

Minister of Health & Family Welfare investigated the After Vaidji (popularly known) joined Ipca, he and his

treated cases of cancer with Ayurvedic therapy by Vaidya associate Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Pal submitted a compilation of

Balendu Prakash. An investigation made by the Central long term follow up of 13 cancer patients successfully

Council for Research on Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) on treated with the Ayurvedic therapy under the 'Best Case

7 patients treated by Vaidya Balendu establish the prima series Program' to OCCAM. Twelve cases were selected for

facie evidence to his claim. However, CCRAS expressed its discussion at OCCAM. Vaidya Balendu is among the very

inability to support further research work due to lack of few Indian doctors practicing alternative medicine to be

facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, the matter was invited at the National Cancer Institute, USA. Hope this

referred to Indian Council of Medical Research. However, marks a new beginning in establishing his Ayurvedic

no further action was possible. In November 1996, Therapy Protocol in the treatment of cancer.

following the guidelines laid down in the meeting held ndDuring his visit to USA, he also attended the 52 Annual under the chairmanship of Mr. Salim I Sherwani, Minister

Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society, held of States, Health & Family Welfare, a Cancer Research Sub-

at Los Angeles, California from June 24-27, 2010. He Committee (CRSC) was set up under CCRAS. CRSC

presented his poster entitled: Prophylaxis Ayurvedic designed the study protocol and monitored the progress

treatment protocol for migraine without aura: of the pilot project to study the effect of metal based

observational clinical study from three centers.Ayurvedic formulations in the patients of acute

Invite from National Institute of Cancer, USA




bIdk&bUnkjS ea s o"kZ 2010 grs q e- i-z Je dY;k.k eMa y }kjk fj;k;rh eYw ; ,p-,l-}kjk dkfW i;ka Jfedka s dks inz ku dh xbAZ bl dk;Z ea s dia uh ds ekuo ij [kjhnh xbZ dkfW i;ka s dk forj.k dk;Z fd;k x;k ftlea s dia uh ds leLr lla k/ku foHkkx ds Jh vkj- fMduw k] Jh miUs nz egs rk] Jh vfer egs rk ,oa Jh LFkk;h Jfedk]as LVkQW depZ kfj;ka s dks dkfW i;ka inz ku dh xbAZ 22 tuw dks exa y's k lk/k }kjk dkfi;ka forj.k dk;Z ea s lg;kxs inz ku fd;kAilsz hMUs V vkiW j's kUl&Jh t-s ,y- ukxkjs h dh mifLFkfr ea s muds }kjk dkfW i;ka forfjr dj Jfedka s dks ikz Rs lkfgr fd;k x;kA

bl o"kZ e- i-z Je dY;k.k eMa y ls dyq 3000 dkfW i;ka fj;k;rh eYw ; ij [kjhnh xbZ ftlea s dia uh ds LFkk;h Jfedka s }kjk dyq 1090 dkfW i;ka yh xbZ vkjS LVkQW depZ kfj;ka s }kjk dyq 1895 dkfW i;ka inz ku dh xbZ vkjS cktkj eYw ; ls de eYw ; :- 6@&iRz ;ds dkiW h dh nj ls dkfW i;ka forfjr dh xbZ ftlls lHkh Jfed ,oa depZ kjhx.k ykHkkfUor g,q vkjS mUgkuas s bl lkekftd los k dk;Z dh i'z kla k dhA ;fw u;u ifz rfuf/k;ka s }kjk Hkh dk;Z dh ljkguk djrs g,q icz /a ku dks /kU;okn fn;kA

mDr dkfW i;ka forj.k ds lekiu ij Jh rUe; fnf{kr&lgk;d icz /a kd] b-Z

fnukda 30@06@2010 dks bIdk ycs kjs Vs hª t+ fyfeVMs + bUnkjS ea s LFkk;h Jfed Jh fueyZ deq kj ,oa Jh lR;ukjk;.k d';Ik dh los kfuof̀Rr ds miy{; ea s dia uh ifjlj ea s los kfuof̀Rr dk;ØZ e vk;kfs tr fd;k x;kA

Jh fueyZ deq kj }kjk 39 o"kZ ,oa Jh lR;ukjk;.k d';Ik }kjk 36 o"kZ yxkrkj bIdk bna kjS ea s dez 'k% eUs Vus Us l ,oa ikz Ms D'ku foHkkxka s ea s dk;Z djrs g,q los k nhA dia uh ea s vkius vius los k dky dh 'k:q vkr LFkk;h Jfed ds in ij lfq urk ycs kjs Vs hª t ls dh vkjS vkius i.w kZ beZ kunkjh vkjS ufS rdrk ls vius dk;kuZ Hq ko ls yxkrkj mRiknu ifz Ø;k dks c<kus ea s ,d vPNs vkjS d'q ky Jfed dh Hkfw edk vnk djrs g,q mYy[s kuh; ;kxs nku fn;kA

bl volj ij dkj[kkuk icz /a kd Jh lh- ,l- fgYyky }kjk Jh fueyZ deq kj ,oa Jh lR;ukjk;.k dks lEeku Lo:Ik JhQy ,oa 'kkyW HkVas dhA Jh fgYyky us vius mnc~ k/s ku ea s dia uh ds ifz r budh los k Hkkouk dks lcds lkeus inz f’krZ fd;k vkjS dgk fd bUgkuas s vius dk;dZ ky ds nkjS ku ,d vkn'kZ Jfed ds :Ik ea s dk;Z dj vU; Jfedka s ds fy, ijsz .kknk;d mnkgj.k iLz rrq fd;k gAS ftlds fy, /kU;okn ifsz "kr fd;k x;kA blds lkFk gh ;fw u;u ifz rfuf/kvka s }kjk Hkh mudk lEeku fd;k x;k vkjS vkReh;rk O;Dr djrs g,q bIdk ea s mudh thou ;k=k ds iyka s dks ;kn fd;kA

bl volj ij Jh ,l- d-s dukfS t;k }kjk mnc~ k/s ku es a nkus ka s Jfedka s ds ifjJe] d'q ky O;ogkfjdrk dh ljkguk dh ,oa muds bl ;kxs nku ds fy, /kU;okn ifsz "kr fd;kA bl volj ij dia uh ds vU; icz /a kd Jh vkj- d-s tuS ] Jh ch- ,l- lDrkor ,oa Jh vkykds nos mifLFkr FkAs nkus ka s los kfuoR̀r Jfedka s }kjk dia uh ifjlj ds lkeus o{̀kkjkis .k Hkh fd;k x;kA

dk;dZ ez dk lQy lpa kyu Jh miUs nz egs rk ,oa vkHkkj inz 'kuZ Jh vkj- fMdUw gk us fd;k A


lsokfuo`fRr lEeku lekjksg

Jh fueZy dqekj vkSj Jh lR;ukjk;.k d’;Ik

fj;k;rh njksa ij dkWfi;ksa dk forj.k




bIdk&bUnkjS }kjk 5 o"kZ ,oa 3 o"kZ ls yxkrkj kUw ; vuiq fLFkfr ea s jgs dk;ØZ e dk vk;kts u gkVs y Jhek;k ea s Jh t-s ,y- ukxkjs h] Jh idz k'k

Jfedka s ,oa depZ kfj;ka s dk vokMZ forj.k lekjkgs 08 tuw dks vk;kfs tr 'kuokj]s ] Jh ,y- d-s xIq rk] Jh ioz h.k uyok;k dh mifLFkfr ea s fd;k

fd;k x;kA ftlea s mUga s lgifRud vkefa =r fd;k x;kA bl dk;ØZ e ea s x;kA bl volj ij dia uh ds vU; vf/kdkjhx.k Jh lh- ,l- fgYyky]

rhu o"kZ dh 'kUw ; vuiq fLFkfr ea s 02 LVkQW depZ kjh] 05 Jfed rFkk ikpa Jh vkykds no]s Jh ch- d-s 'kDrkor] Jh vkj- d-s tuS ,oa Jh vkj-

o"kZ dh 'kUw ; vuiq fLFkfr ea s 02 LVkQW depZ kjh ,oa 12 Jfedka s dk lEeku fMdUq gk Hkh mifLFkr FkAs

fd;k x;k tks fuEukulq kj ga S %

5 o"kZ rd yxkrkj 'kwU; vuqifLFkfr dk;ØZ e ds Lokxr mnc~ k/s ku ea s Jh lh- ,l- fgYyky us dgk fd lHkh us

'kUw ; vuiq fLFkfr dk egRo le>rs g,q ,d tkx:d ioz f̀Rr dks c<k;k gS Jh dyS k'k ik.M;s Jh gjh'kpUnz frokjhtks gekjs fy, xkjS o dh ckr gAS Jh ,y- d-s xIq rk us Jfedka s dks lca kfs /kr

Jherh fot; y{eh ;kno Jh jfoUnz <gkds djrs g,q dgk fd iRz ;ds lQy i:q "k dks mUufr ij igpaq kus dk J;s Jh lR;ukjk;.k d';i Jh vfuy xkMs ls mudh ifRu;ka s dks tkrk gAS Jh 'kuokjs us dgk fd dia uh dh mRrjkRs rj

ixz fr ea s vki lHkh us vius dk;Z ea s fujra jrk j[krs g,q egRoi.w kZ ;kxs nku Jh v'kkds jkBkjS Jh eukgs j lkyUq dsfn;k ftldh icz /a ku ljkguk djrk gAS Jh ukxkjS h us vius mnc~ k/s ku ea sJh cUrk ;kno Jh eUq ukyky ;knodgk fd bIdk ifjokj ea s dkbs Z Hkh NkVs k ;k cMk ugha gS dos y dk;{Z k=s ,oa

Jh dyS k'k [kfw Moky Jh /kejZ kt ;kno ftEens kjh dk vra j gAS vkfFkdZ ena h ds nkjS ea s Hkh icz /a ku us vius Jh jktUs nz lpku Jh v'kkds Hkkolkj depZ kfj;ka s ds fgrka s dk /;ku j[krs g,q egRoi.w kZ fu.k;Z fy, vkjS bl

nkjS ea s vki lHkh ds lg;kxs ls dia uh fujra j ixz fr ds IkFk ij vxlz j gAS

Jh ukxkjs h ,oa Jh 'kuokjs us o"kZ 2005&2009 ea s leLr ¼rhu o"kZ ,oa ikpa 3 o"kZ rd yxkrkj 'kwU; vuqifLFkfro"k½Z Jfedka s ,oa depZ kfj;ka s ftudh mifLFkfr 'kr&ifz r'kr jgh mUga s

Jherh 'kf'koYyh je's k Jh v'kkds y’djh vokMZ nds j lEekfur fd;k vkjS iRz ;ds Ok"kZ blh rjg dk fjdkMZ dk;e

Jh vda 'q k vkHkkjko Jh luq hy ikVhy djus grs q ifsz jr fd;kA dk;ØZ e dk lekiu jkf= Hkkts ds lkFk lia Uu

gvq kA Jh jfo’kda j frokjh Jh jfoUnz ;kno

Jh gla jkt ;kno dk;ØZ e dk lQy lpa kyu Jh miUs nz egs rk }kjk fd;k x;k ,oa vkHkkj

inz ’kuZ Jh ,l- d-s dukfS t;k }kjk fd;k x;kA


'kwU; vuqifLFkfr (Zero Absenteeism) vokMZ o"kZ 2010



Auditors from Food & Drugs Board- Ghana (FDB),

audited Ipca Kandla facility for production and th thformulation on 26 & 27 May 2010, at Ipca, Kandla

under the leadership of group leader Mr. Solomon

Agampim and other members Mr. Samuel Kwadwo

Kwakye, Mr. Jennifer Bonnah and Mr. Sebastian

Mawuli Hotor. The interest of team members was to

inspect Ipca Kandla’s facility.

The team members were welcomed by Mr.T.S.Menon,

Sr. G.M., Ipca, Kandla plant and a brief presentation

about Ipca was presented.

Ghana Audit

Oman VisitMinistry of Health (MOH) Oman,

staudited Ipca, Kandla from 31 May st2010 to 1 June, 2010 under the

leadership of Dr. Abdel Ghani El

Khouly and team members were Mr.

Ph. Majid Al Habsy and Mr. Suresh


Other team members were welcomed

by Mr. T.S.Menon, Sr. G.M., Ipca

Kandla plant and a brief presentation

about Ipca was given.

It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness.

- Thomas Jefferson

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies.

- Aristotle

I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves."

- Lord Chesterfield




All the flowers of today are and seeds

of yesterday and all flowers of

tomorrow would be seeds of today.

th11 May ’10, was a day when all

flowers were being honored in one

way or the other, be it Long Service

Award or TQM award.

G.M. Operations, Mr. T S Menon

opened the evening with a wonderful

message on how people have been

developed in Ipca and stayed since

they fell in love with Ipca. Employees

were being honored for completing

10 and 15 years in Ipca. valuable projects improving the system and enhancing

their work environment. Through TQM, the company Another special feature, was giving importance to

motivates people to think creatively and implement TQM, and awarding employees who had submitted

their ideas through team work.

Award Ceremony

Adieu to Mr. S.C. SharmaIt was a wonderful evening of mixed emotions on

th6 July, 2010. Farewell function of Mr. S.C.

Sharma showed joy and sadness.

On this sweet and sad occasion Mr. T.S. Menon

(Unit Head) made every one eyes moist by giving a

heart touching speech.

He mentioned that joining and leaving is a part of

an organization, but people like Mr. S C Sharma

leaves his foot prints for others to follow. Mr.

Sharma had made a special place in our hearts.

Mr. T.S. Menon also thanked Mr. S.C. Sharma for

his great contribution for last 14 years. Mr. S.C.

Sharma will be an unforgettable part of the


Long Service Award & TQM Award



Two New Machines have

been installed at Athal, A

Compression Machine


form PAM and Capsule

Filling Machine (IMATIC)

150) from Italy. Both the

machines were inaugurated

by Mr. D. P. Singh and Mr.

Vijay Joshi. The most

attracting feature of both

machines is its capacity and

High Speed rated 100 RPM.

The machines aslo have very

good safety features.

New Machine Installation

The long service award function was organized

on 30.06.2010 at M/s. Paschim Chemicals

Pvt.Ltd, Aurangabad. It was a very important

day in the history of Paschim Chemicals as

Director Mr. J.L. Nagori and Sr. Vice President –

Bulk Drugs, Mr. L.K.Gupta presented the


Awards were distributed to following

employees who completed the 10 years service.

1. Mr. G. P. Chaudhari

2. Mr. R. L. Katkar




As a part of our CSR initiative, HR team visited, a undertaken by Ipca as a part of CSR mission. Such initiatives

School in Silvassa on 17 June 2010, which is run by Indian bring happiness in the society.

Red Cross Society. Biscuit packets were distributed to the Happiness of children reminded us of a scene from the

students. It was a pleasant moment being spent by our HR movie “Taare Zamin Par”. Slow learning children need lots of

team with those children. All children greeted us with love from our society.

“NAMASTE”. Their innocence left indelible print in our

hearts. Indeed, we can’t express our feeling in words, but it was a

very good memorable time for us, which will be HR team was proud to be associated such initiatives, being

remembered by us forever.

Handicap th

Be good, be kind, be humane

stAn Awareness-cum-training session was organized on 31 from various diseases which is

May, 2010 on “No Tobacco Day” for employees of Ipca – almost incurable. He explained

Piparia. Dr. Mayur Wadi (M.B.B.S) was the faculty, he that how tobacco chewing and

explained in his training session that how Tobacco products other tobacco products can damage

are harmful to human being. A very good presentation was one’s life and affect the whole society.

prepared by him, in which he gave awareness through slide "Say No To Tobacco”show with many visual photographs of victims suffering

Say No to Tobacco

Children are seen in the photographs receiving biscuit packets.

Awareness-cum-Training Programme on “No Tobacco Day”

Distribution of Biscuit to disabled children



We are referring to the era when females in India

were denied all the rights and even were not

allowed to go to school leave aside, doing a job.

Have you ever heard of a woman delivering her

own child, all alone, without any assistance?

vil lage since

British police

were behind

them. Nobody This is the true story of a Great Lady, a Freedom fighter, an

came forward inspiration of Womanhood.

to help her nor

did any one rent a house to her for fear of the police. At We are talking about 90 year old Smt. Shantaben S.

last one of her husband’s friends, Mr. Ravatbhai gave her a Chaturvedi. She was born in 1920 during the British rule

small room outside the village. There was no health care in India. Her childhood was a great struggle as she lost her

center or hospital around and not even a single soul to parents at very young age. Still, she completed her studies

help her during her last days of pregnancy. Not to and took degree in Nursing. At the age of 40, she studied

mention her husband who was fighting for independence Ayurveda and was awarded “Ayurved Vicha”.

at that time failed to be by her side.She was a brave freedom fighter. Pre-Independence, she

But this Lady, Shantaben who was born to fight, didn’t supported Congress. She married a communist leader. In

budge till the end. Just before the labour pain started, she spite of endorsing different ideologies, they led very

kept the necessary things like hot scissors, towel and grass cordial and respectable life together. Every day they were

bed ready. She delivered the child on her own. She cut the facing new challenges. Hiding from the Britishers and

umbilical cord, then cleaned the child with towel and laid fighting for freedom yet following all rituals of family life.

him on the grass bed. After about an hour, she cooked We can narrate endlessly her real life instances which is an

food for herself. You will be thrilled to know that this child epitome of courage and fearlessness in her. ststood 1 in SSC exams and today he is a Builder “Mr.

Arunbhai Chaturvedi”. He is an elder brother of Mr.

Kaushikbhai Chaturvedi, who started his journey with Ipca

Laboratories Ltd. and today he is M.D of Halewood During the last month of her pregnancy, her husband Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (Ahemdabad).“Shantilal Chaturvedi” asked her to elope to some isolated

Mr & Mrs. Shantilal Chaturvedi Mr . Arunbhai Chaturvedi Mr. Kaushikbhai Chaturvedi

Smt. Shantiben Chaturvedi




Nothing can deter a person if he / she decides to realize his / her

dreams through hard work. This was amply proved by Ms. Kanika

Kapur, D/o Lt Col Sanjay Kapur, GM (Operations), Ipca Labs. Ltd.

Dehradun, who not only cleared AIPMT, BHU & UPMT with flying

Youngster’s Achievement

colours but also topped in

AFMC for her MBBS Seat.

The seventeen year old girl

remained focused towards

her goal and inspite of

Class-XII Boards, she

achieved the target. Her

sheer dedication brought

laurel to her, her family and

U t t a r a k h a n d b y

a c c o m p l i s h i n g t h i s

daunting task. Ipca family

congratulates Ms. Kanika

Kapur and her family on

the stupendous success

and wish her all the very

best for many more!

Daughter of Col Sanjay Kapur

GM (Operations),

Ipca Labs. - Dehradun

ACTIVA Ipca H s OmZ h¡h_ g~ H s emZ h¡

H amoS H m ~«mÊS h_mamgoâQr _o ~o[_gmc h¡

HCQS H m XoImo

16 Xoemo§ _o Zm_ h¡


SLE, PMLE, RA hmo `m JRA

AmVm g~ _o¨ H m_ h¡

HCQS ~«mÊS h_mam


Zhr H ao¨Jo H m°åàmo_mBO `h h_ g~ H s emZ h¡

HCQS - HCQS H hVo h¡

FOLITRAX na _aVo h¡¡

LEFNO h_mar OmZ h¡ SAAZ gwa[jV ~«mÊS h¡

DMARDs h_mar nhMmZ h¡

ETOVA h_mar emZ h¡

MOUDN na H aZm Hw N H m_ h¡

DFZ H s H ao¨Jo ~mVo¨

CALTEN na ^r Jw_mZ h¡

MMF Ho Xm_ Z XoImo¨

THIOFAST, DISOL go ß`ma h¡&

Jai Activa... Jai Activa

Jai Activa... Jai Activa– Sumit Kumar BO (South Delhi)

Poem Jai Activa

Hard Work is the essence of life!!



[j[VO Ho Cg nma gwÝXa-gm gyaO

[ZH bm h¡

_oao NmoQo-NmoQo hmWmo§ Ho nao

BÝX´YZwf Ho nrNo

Ohm± VH _oar ZOa OmVr h¡

gwÝhar bmbr_m Nm J`r h¡&

WmoSm gm H yX H a Cg gyaO H mo nmZm h¡

CgH r Jar_m go ZhmZm h¡

ãmg Am¡a WmoSr _ohZV, WmoSm gmhg

Am¡a WmoSm [dídmg

h_Hmo gãmH mo OwQmZm h¡

h_mam (Goal) Jmob gyaO Xya Zhr

ãmg h_H mo EH OwQ hmo OmZm h¡

WmoSm Á`mXm Am¡a Á`mXm Omoe Mm[hE

ãmg gyaO h_mar hWo[b`m| _|

CVa AmEJm&

thou dks lqxe cukuk Hkb;k Qkus yxk;s

rks lqj{kk dks viukuk HkkHkh SMS igq¡pk;s

vk¡/kh vk;s rqQk vk;s pyrs okgu ij ekcs kby ¼vkWQ½ crkuk

thou dks lqxe cukuk

oDr dh j¶rkj eas rks lqj{kk viukuk

thou dh /kkj eas

lqj{kk dh irokj pykuk ?kj gks ;k gks m|kxs ckMZj gks ;k czgekM+

thou dks lqxe cukuk vlqj{kk ds dky dks lqj{kk ls nQukuk

rks lqj{kk viukuk thou dks lqxe cukuk

rks lqj{kk viukuk

dkbs Z n[s k;s k u n[s ks

dkbs Z ckys s ;k uk ckys s

deZ ds {k=s eas gys eVs dk rkt yxkuk

thou dks lqxe cukuk – izHkqjke tjkUnyk

rks lqj{kk viukuk bIdk jryke


_odo \ bVo l_ H r Smb _|

- ny[U©_m O¡Z, _oH g©

- `e O¡Z s/o H _boe O¡Z, BßH m - Am¡a§Jm~mX

hmW cJmE [~Zm Zhr ~T Vr h¡ JmS r H m_ H r,

H wN hmoZo H m Zhr XwhmB© XoZo ^a go am_ H r&

pOZH mo AnZo H [RZ n[al_ na hmoVm [dídmg h¡,

Amem Ho AZwHw b g\ cVm AmVr CZHo nmg h¡&

[hå_V hmamo Zhr, H ht ^r ahmo, pH gr ^r hmc _o,

`h _V ^wbmo H ^r [H Zodo \ bVo l_ H r S mc _o&

_Z _o cJZ AJa h¡ gÀMr, X¥T [ZíM`, CËgmh h¡,

~S r gabVm go [_c OmVr _¨[Ocdmcr amh h¡&

H amo Ag¨^d H mo ^r g¨^d AnZo AWH n«`mg go,

C_` go Š`m hmo gH Vm h¡, `h nwN mo B[Vhmg go&

H _©R ~ZH a OrZm grImo, AnZo OrdZ H mc _o,

`h _V ^zcmo H ^r [H _odo \ cVo l_ H s S mc _o&


wAnswer the phone by LEFT ear .

wDo not drink coffee TWICE a day.

wDo not take pills with COOL water .

wDo not have HUGE meals after 5pm.

wReduce the amount of OILY food you consume.

wDrink more WATER in the morning, less at night.

wKeep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS .

wDo not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time.

wBest sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the


wDo not lie down immediately after taking medicine before


wWhen battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the

phone as the radiation is 1000 times.


Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the

ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next."

They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at


A Father's Advice to His Son...

A boy is about to go on his first date, and he's nervous about

what to talk about. He asks his father for advice.

The father replies: "My son, there are three subjects that always

work. These are food, family, and philosophy."

The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. Ice

cream sodas in front of them, they stare at each other for a long

time, as the boy's nervousness builds.

He remembers his father's advice, and chooses the first topic.

He asks the girl: "Do you like spinach?"

She says "No," and the silence returns.

After a few more uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his

father's suggestion and turns to the second item on the list. He

asks, "Do you have a brother?"

Again, the girl says "No" and there is silence once again.

The boy then plays his last card. He thinks of his father's advice

and asks the girl the following question: "If you had a brother,

would he like spinach?"

Smile a while...

A man was killed on Sunday morning. His wife found the body

and called the police. The police arrived and questioned the

chef, maid, butler, and gardener. Their alibis were:

Chef - making breakfast

Maid - getting mail

Butler - setting table

Gardener - watering plants

The police immediately arrested the criminal. Who was it and

how did they know?

Rules: Contest restricted to employees of Ipca group of companies only. thLast date of receiving the entries is 15 November’ 10. Please send your

replies on [email protected] - Ms. Niveditha Rai, Mumbai.


BRAIN TWISTER No. 47 Winners

Vijitha M KCochin

Dhavalkumar V DasondiQ C (Formulation)


Govind BajajProduction General


Answer of Brain Twister No. 4791 Handshakes

Ashok LashkariCost Accounting


Mahesh N. AswaniAccounts


Brajesh A. SharmaChemical Research


Aashish K. AtreHR, Pithampur

Milind R. GupteMaintenance


Himanshu BansalProduction General, Sikkim

Purnima JainWhole Time Director

Makers, Mumbai

The class has 14 children. The first child shakes hands with the other 13 children.

The second child has already shaken hands with the first child, and so has to shake

hands with only the other 12 children. In this manner, the second-last child has to

shake hands with only one child, and the last child has already met all the children.

Thus, the number of handshakes is

13 + 12 + ........ + 2 + 1 = 91. If there were 14 children in the class, then there

were 91 total handshakes.

(Alphabetical order)

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