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Page 1: Queensland Police Service Operational Plan 2020-21 QP… · • QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement • QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.

Queensland Police Service

Operational Plan 2020-21Queensland - the safest State

Page 2: Queensland Police Service Operational Plan 2020-21 QP… · • QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement • QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.


Page 3: Queensland Police Service Operational Plan 2020-21 QP… · • QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement • QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.


Purpose of the Operational PlanThe Queensland Police Service (QPS) Operational Plan 2020-21 (operational plan) contributes to the Government’s objectives for the community to keep communities safe. It does this by highlighting our operational responses to address the key strategic risks and opportunities impacting our service delivery in 2020-21. The annual operational plan should be read in conjunction with the QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024. Appendix 1 demonstrates the relationship between the Strategic Plan and the Operational Plan priorities.

The key strategic risks and opportunities are high-level risks which require identification, treatment, monitoring and management by the QPS senior executives and peak governance boards. This is achieved through several mechanisms, one of which is the agency-level operational plan.

The operational plan is informed by the:

• QPS 2020 Environmental Scan

• QPS Audit and Risk Committee February 2020 submission identifying QPS strategic risks andopportunities in 2020-21

• Government election commitments

• QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement

• QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.

The plan complies with the Agency Planning Requirements prepared by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and the requirements of Division 2 of the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019.

Operational Plan 2020-21

Integrity: Is in everything we do. We are honest, trustworthy and hold each other to a high standard.

Professionalism: Times are challenging but if we are professional in everything we do, our communities will continue to support us.

Community: We support each other and lend a hand to ensure we can respond to community needs as well as the needs of our policing community.

Respect and Fairness: We treat each other and our communities as we would like to be treated ourselves – with fairness, dignity and respect.

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Levels of planningThe various levels within the QPS prepare operational plans to reflect actions to be undertaken at each level as they relate to the strategic direction established through the Strategic Plan. Figure 1 outlines these levels. For more information, see the QPS Guide to Strategic and Operational Planning 2020-21.

Queensland Government’s objectives for the community

Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities

Create jobs in a strong economyGive all children a great startKeep Queenslanders healthy

Keep communities safeProtect the Great Barrier ReefBe a responsive government

Ministerial Charter Letter

CEO/Executive PerformanceAgreements

Region/Command/DivsionOperational Plan

QPS Environmental Scan

District/Group levelOperational Plan

Unit/StationOperational Plan

Individual Performance &Development Agreement

QPS Strategic PlanQPS Operational Plan

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Figure 1: QPS levels of planning

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QPS Operational Plan 2020-21The policing environment is dynamic, and we must remain agile in our responses. For this reason, operational plans are ‘living documents’ and should be continually reviewed. Therefore, although some specific key activities scheduled for 2020-21 are already included for reporting, there may be changes in the activities and/or the operational priorities included in quarterly reports over the 12 months.

Our operational priorities in 2020-21Operational priorities are not intended to include everything the QPS does as part of the important core business in keeping Queensland safe. Operational priorities focus on areas where new emphasis, funding or attention to outcomes will be undertaken to address one or more of our strategic risks and opportunities. The unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is reflected as a specific priority.

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AQP Advancing Queensland’s Priorities DAPTIV Project Management Board reporting project PPS Portfolio Priority Statement ELT Executive Leadership Team input

CLC Ministerial Charter Letter Commitment CJSRF Criminal Justice System Reform Framework GEC Government Election Commitment QCTC Qld Counter-Terrorism Committee

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AQP Advancing Queensland’s Priorities DAPTIV Project Management Board reporting project PPS Portfolio Priority Statement ELT Executive Leadership Team input

CLC Ministerial Charter Letter Commitment CJSRF Criminal Justice System Reform Framework GEC Government Election Commitment QCTC Qld Counter-Terrorism Committee

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AQP Advancing Queensland’s Priorities DAPTIV Project Management Board reporting project PPS Portfolio Priority Statement ELT Executive Leadership Team input

CLC Ministerial Charter Letter Commitment CJSRF Criminal Justice System Reform Framework GEC Government Election Commitment QCTC Qld Counter-Terrorism Committee

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AQP Advancing Queensland’s Priorities DAPTIV Project Management Board reporting project PPS Portfolio Priority Statement ELT Executive Leadership Team input

CLC Ministerial Charter Letter Commitment CJSRF Criminal Justice System Reform Framework GEC Government Election Commitment QCTC Qld Counter-Terrorism Committee

Strengthen relationships which focus on reducing demand across the criminal justice system and reducing harm, particularly for vulnerable Queenslanders

Page 11: Queensland Police Service Operational Plan 2020-21 QP… · • QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement • QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.


AQP Advancing Queensland’s Priorities DAPTIV Project Management Board reporting project PPS Portfolio Priority Statement ELT Executive Leadership Team input

CLC Ministerial Charter Letter Commitment CJSRF Criminal Justice System Reform Framework GEC Government Election Commitment QCTC Qld Counter-Terrorism Committee

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AQP Advancing Queensland’s Priorities DAPTIV Project Management Board reporting project PPS Portfolio Priority Statement ELT Executive Leadership Team input

CLC Ministerial Charter Letter Commitment CJSRF Criminal Justice System Reform Framework GEC Government Election Commitment QCTC Qld Counter-Terrorism Committee

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AQP Advancing Queensland’s Priorities DAPTIV Project Management Board reporting project PPS Portfolio Priority Statement ELT Executive Leadership Team input

CLC Ministerial Charter Letter Commitment CJSRF Criminal Justice System Reform Framework GEC Government Election Commitment QCTC Qld Counter-Terrorism Committee

Continue and strengthen our capability to plan for, respond to and recover from the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as part of the whole-of-government response

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Page 15: Queensland Police Service Operational Plan 2020-21 QP… · • QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement • QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.


Context of the Operational Plan 2020-21Strategic PlanIn the QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024 (see page 16), we articulate what we are striving to achieve through our strategic objectives, outlining our strategies and performance indicators. The Strategic Plan also outlines our key strategic risks and opportunities. Appendix 1 maps the QPS strategies, 2020-21 strategic risks and opportunities and the 2020-21 operational priorities to show the linkages between them.

Advancing Queensland’s PrioritiesThe QPS contributes to Advancing Queensland’s Priorities by working to Keep communities safe and Be a responsive government. We do this by working with others to reduce the rate of crime victims and rates of youth reoffending and supporting the priority to make Queensland Government services easy to use.

Our service areaOur services to the community are represented by the following service area (as reported in the Service Delivery Statement):

Police Services - to keep Queensland safe by working with the community and our partners to prevent, disrupt, respond and investigate crime and eliminate road trauma.

Our commitment to Queensland’s disaster management arrangementsThe QPS continue to support the Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements (QDMA) whilst aligning to prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities to ensure communities are supported when faced with disaster events.

Our commitment to Human RightsThe QPS has made a commitment to respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision-making and actions.

Reporting on the QPS Operational Plan 2020-21Relevant areas of the Service will be required to provide information about actions and outcomes undertaken in support of the operational priorities. Responsible executive officers will be accountable to their respective Deputy Commissioner and through their Senior Executive Officer Performance Agreement. The progress of the priorities will also be monitored by the Board of Management through the QPS Quarterly Report. The Minister will be provided with a progress report on request, as required, under the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019.

Planning and Performance coordinate the data collection for the QPS Quarterly Reports. If you have any questions in relation to the QPS Operational Plan, please contact the Principal Strategy Officer, Planning and Performance, on 3364 4661 or email Planning&[email protected].

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Queensland Police Service

Strategic Plan 2020-2024A Plan for Challenging Times

Strategic ObjectivesOur peopleBuild a connected, engaged and job-ready workforce, with the health, wellbeing and safety of our people a priority

Strategies• Deliver leadership that is agile, authentic, supportive, courageous, innovative and visible

• Establish and maintain strong partnerships, openness, awareness and accessibility

• Deliver healthy, safe, positive and inclusive workplaces with a diverse workforce that reflects the community we serve

• Prioritise psychological wellbeing

• Provide fit for purpose resources to support all our staff

Performance Indicators• Increased agency engagement (Working for Queensland survey measure)

• Increase the diversity of our workforce in line with our 2022 diversity target

Our communityTogether with our community build a safer Queensland

Strategies• Deliver timely and professional responses to calls for service to maintain and strengthen

community confidence through a community-centred approach to policing and crime prevention

• Partner with the community and other agencies to respond to overrepresentation in the criminal justice system, of victims or offenders, including vulnerable persons, young people and victims of domestic and family violence

Performance Indicators• An increase in satisfaction of people who have had contact with police in the last 12 months

• An increase in public perception of safety

• An increase in public satisfaction with police dealing with emergencies and disasters

• A reduction in rates of youth reoffending

Our relationshipsCreate a safer community and provide better services through connected and engaged relationships

Strategies• Maximise opportunities to prevent crime and enhance community safety through collaborative

partnerships with government agencies, non-government organisations and community groups

• Strengthen relationships with our people to better support us into the future

• Protect the legitimacy of policing through fair and ethical service delivery

Performance Indicators• Maintain high levels of public perception of police professionalism, and confidence in police

• An increase in public perception of police honesty, and fair and equitable behaviour

• A decrease in rate of complaints against police

• An increase in the percentage of young offenders diverted as a proportion of all young offenders proceeded against by police

Our commitmentEmbrace new ideas and innovation to strengthen our capability to prevent, disrupt, respond and investigate crime and deliver safe and secure communities

Strategies• Deliver sustainable, effective, innovative and efficient approaches to preventing, disrupting,

responding and investigating crime and delivering safe and secure communities

• Prevent crime together, by connecting our people, community and relationships to collectively build a community culture of prevention and harm minimisation

• Disrupt crime together, by educating our people, community and relationships in strategies to identify and disrupt local, state, national and global crimes

• Respond to crime together, by improving our response capability through streamlining, technology, improved models of service delivery, continuous learning, business optimisation and digital transformation

• Investigate crime together, by developing our people, community and relationships to investigate crime in a global environment of complexity and ambiguity

Performance Indicators• An increase in the percentage of code 1 and 2 incidents attended within 12 minutes

• An increase in the rate of personal safety, property security and offences against good order cleared within 30 days

• A reduction in the rate of crime victims

• A decrease in the rate of road crash fatalities and hospitalisation

Our VisionQueensland - the safest State.

Our PurposeTogether, we prevent, disrupt, respond and investigate.

Our ValuesIntegrity: Is in everything we do. We are honest, trustworthy and hold each other to a high standard.

Professionalism: Times are challenging but if we are professional in everything we do, our communities will continue to support us.

Community: We support each other and lend a hand to ensure we can respond to community needs as well as the needs of our policing community.

Respect and Fairness: We treat each other and our communities as we would like to be treated ourselves – with fairness, dignity and respect.

RisksMaintain an agile disaster management capability to plan for and respond to an increase in the frequency and/or severity of extreme weather events, natural disasters and severe community health challenges including the on-going COVID-19 pandemic

Adapt to economic conditions while continuing to deliver high quality and efficient policing services

Strengthen the integrity and professionalism of police to enhance community satisfaction, trust and confidence in the QPS, in an environment of evolving community expectations

Adapt to keep pace with the challenges of a dynamic criminal environment where new and emerging technologies increasingly impact on both cybercrime and ‘traditional’ crime types

Opportunities Lead the QPS service delivery model during growing and changing demands influenced by numerous factors including population growth, the ageing population and cultural diversity

Champion networks and partnerships across the public/private sectors and the community to create opportunities to improve responses and enhance social cohesion and community safety

Promote a workforce which is flexible, fair, inclusive and diverse – to enhance engagement and performance in delivering services to the Queensland community

Empower the workforce by investing in their safety, mental health and wellbeing, and organisational capabilities, to support future challenges

Champion collaborative approaches to improve understanding and positive outcomes for vulnerable and high risk groups in Queensland

Human Rights Act 2019The Queensland Police Service has made a commitment to respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision-making and actions.

Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s PrioritiesThe Queensland Police Service contributes to Advancing Queensland’s Priorities to Keep communities safe and Be a responsive government. We do this by working with others to reduce the rate of crime victims and rates of youth reoffending and supporting the priority to make Queensland Government services easy to use.

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S St







c O



es Our People

Build a connected, engaged and job-ready workforce, with the health, wellbeing and safety of our people a priority

Our Community

Together with our community build a safer Queensland

Our Relationships

Create a safer community and provide better services through connected and engaged relationships

Our Commitment

Embrace new ideas and innovation to strengthen our capability to prevent, disrupt, respond and investigate crime and deliver safe and secure communities




✓ Deliver leadership that is agile, authentic, supportive, courageous, innovative and visible

✓ Deliver timely and professional responses to calls for service to maintain and strengthen community confidence through a community-centred approach to policing and crime prevention

✓ Maximise opportunities to prevent crime and enhance community safety through collaborative partnerships with government agencies, non-government organisations and community groups

✓ Deliver sustainable, effective, innovative and efficient approaches to preventing, disrupting, responding and investigating crime and delivering safe and secure communities

✓ Establish and maintain strong partnerships, openness, awareness and accessibility

✓ Partner with the community and other agencies to respond to overrepresentation in the criminal justice system, of victims or offenders, including vulnerable persons, young people and victims of domestic and family violence

✓ Strengthen relationships with our people to better support us into the future

✓ Prevent crime together, by connecting our people, community and relationships to collectively build a community culture of prevention and harm minimisation

✓ Deliver healthy, safe, positive and inclusive workplaces with a diverse workforce that reflects the community we serve

✓ Protect the legitimacy of policing through fair and ethical service delivery

✓ Disrupt crime together, by educating our people, community and relationships in strategies to identify and disrupt local, state, national and global crimes

✓ Prioritise psychological wellbeing ✓ Respond to crime together, by improving our response capability through streamlining, technology, improved models of service delivery, continuous learning, business optimisation and digital transformation

✓ Provide fit for purpose resources to support all our staff

✓ Investigate crime together, by developing our people, community and relationships to investigate crime in a global environment of complexity and ambiguity

1 2 3 4



Maintain an agile disaster management

capability to plan for and respond to an

increase in the frequency and/or severity of

extreme weather events, natural disasters and

severe community health challenges including

the on-going COVID-19 pandemic

Adapt to economic conditions while continuing

to deliver high quality and efficient policing


Strengthen the integrity and professionalism of police to enhance community satisfaction, trust and

confidence in the QPS, in an environment of evolving

community expectations

Adapt to keep pace with the challenges of a dynamic criminal environment where new and

emerging technologies increasingly impact on

both cybercrime and ‘traditional’ crime types






Lead the QPS service delivery model during

growing and changing demands influenced by

numerous factors including population growth,

the ageing population and cultural diversity

Champion networks and partnerships across

the public/private sectors and the community

to create opportunities to improve responses

and enhance social cohesion and community


Promote a workforce which is flexible, fair, inclusive

and diverse – to enhance engagement and

performance in delivering services to the Queensland


Empower the workforce by investing in their

safety, mental health and wellbeing, and

organisational capabilities, to support future


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al P


Operational Priorities Support QPS Strategies Addresses Risks & Opportunities

Continue to support and engage our people to create healthy,

inclusive and safe workplaces

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Work together to reduce youth offending and build cohesive

resilient communities

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Strengthen relationships which focus on reducing demand

across the criminal justice system and reducing harm,

particularly for vulnerable Queenslanders

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Maximise our capability to respond to the needs of our

communities, including victims and those over-represented in the

criminal justice system

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Continue and strengthen our capability to plan for, respond to and

recover from the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as

part of the whole-of-government response

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

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Continue to support and engage our people to create healthy, inclusive and safe workplaces

Mandatory Requirements

• Status of the activity

• Advise PP if the action needs to be removed/amended (including due dates) or responsibility transferred to another Region/Command

• Response to be brief/succinct (e.g. maximum five dot points)

• Key achievements/milestones achieved during reporting period only

• Business as usual/planned actions not to be included.

Lead area

Activities Completion Date

Region/Command Achievements against the Operational Plan Activities Note: PP may use these responses for Executive Performance Agreements, to respond to ad hoc queries and for possible inclusion in the QPS Annual Report

Status ‘On Track’ ‘Completed/Delivered’ ‘At Risk/Needs Attention’ or ‘Discontinued’


1. Ongoing implementation of the QPS Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan,supported by the QPS Mental HealthTraining Framework.


ED CCE 2. Continue implementation of the QPS

Inclusion and Diversity Plan for Action2020-21.


ED CCE 3. Continued delivery of the Our People

Matter Strategy.30/06/2021

ED CCE 4. Continue to progress the Inclusion and

Diversity Restorative Engagement andCultural Reform Program (Juniper).



5. Complete a review of the QPS InjuryManagement Process.



6. Complete a review of the QPS PeerSupport Officer (PSO) Program.


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7. Complete a review of Psychological FirstAid.



8. Continue implementation of theexternally-hosted ‘Self Refer’ counsellingprogram.


AC OCC 9. Develop a roadmap (through to 2030) for

future capital investment/divestment ininfrastructure.



10. Re-develop and implement acontemporary leadership capabilityprogram based on the three tiers ofeducation, experience & effectivementoring, including a LeadershipCapability Blueprint which maps theleadership development needs of ourmembers.



11. Establish a Central Panels Unit to ensure agreater scrutiny of merit-based selectionand ensure consistency and independenceof process.


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Work together to reduce youth offending and build cohesive resilient communities

Mandatory Requirements

• Status of the activity

• Advise PP if the action needs to be removed/amended (including due dates) or responsibility transferred to another Region/Command

• Response to be brief/succinct (e.g. maximum five dot points)

• Key achievements/milestones achieved during reporting period only

• Business as usual/planned actions not to be included.

Lead area

Activities Completion Date

Region/Command Achievements against the Operational Plan Activities Note: PP may use these responses for Executive Performance Agreements, to respond to ad hoc queries and for possible inclusion in the QPS Annual Report

Status ‘On Track’ ‘Completed/Delivered’ ‘At Risk/Needs Attention’ or ‘Discontinued’


1. Continue to contribute to the childsafety reform agenda ‘SupportingFamilies Changing Futures – AdvancingQueensland’s child protection and familysupport reforms’ including collaborationwith the Department of Youth Justice(PPS).



2. Contribute to the development andimplementation of the QueenslandGovernment response to the Report ofthe Royal Commission into InstitutionalResponses to Child Sexual Abuse (PPS).



3. Promote multi-agency initiatives andpartnerships to address and manageyouth crime and recidivism including theYouth Justice Five Point Plan andregional initiatives eg Community-BasedManagement of Child Defendants onBail, Townsville Stronger Communities Action Group, Mount Isa Community


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Connect and collaborating with new Department of Youth Justice.


4. Align with current youth justice reformsregarding early disruption of youthoffending through diversion toRestorative Justice Project and promotepolice referrals to victims of youth crimeand for youth offenders (ELT).



5. Continue to contribute to theimplementation of the QueenslandGovernment Youth Justice StrategyWorking Together Changing the Story2019-2023 Action Plan.



6. Continue to provide influential high-quality analysis, strategies and tactics onyouth crime and recidivism to decisionmakers.



7. Through Project Kairos, provideeducation through professional mediaproductions outlining the reasonsdisaffected youth join gangs. Use theseexamples to education vulnerable youngpeople of the dangers of gangs andimpacts.



8. Continue to promote multi-agencyresponses to children living in residentialcare, including through implementationof the Joint agency protocol to reduceunnecessary police callouts andassociated operational guidelines.


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Strengthen relationships which focus on reducing demand across the criminal justice system and reducing harm, particularly for vulnerable Queenslanders

Mandatory Requirements

• Status of the activity

• Advise PP if the action needs to be removed/amended (including due dates) or responsibility transferred to another Region/Command

• Response to be brief/succinct (e.g. maximum five dot points)

• Key achievements/milestones achieved during reporting period only

• Business as usual/planned actions not to be included.

Lead area

Activities Completion Date

Region/Command Achievements against the Operational Plan Activities Note: PP may use these responses for Executive Performance Agreements, to respond to ad hoc queries and for possible inclusion in the QPS Annual Report

Status ‘On Track’ ‘Completed/Delivered’ ‘At Risk/Needs Attention’ or ‘Discontinued’



1. Work to strengthening relationships with the community through enhanced online user and social media experiences to expand options for engagement with police.


ED LD 2. Support improvements to coronial service

triaging practices to address immediate demand pressures.


ED LD 3. Implementation of the Prosecution

Review recommendations to streamline criminal justice processes.



4. Continue Vulnerable Persons Units which have been trialled comprising police working with other agencies to establish an integrated response strategy in regional areas.



5. Trial enhanced diversion and disposition options to provide opportunities to divert offenders from courts and the criminal justice system while still ensuring


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offenders are held to account and victims are supported.



6. Support the development of a collaborative operational framework to reform and enhance the management of defendants on bail and prisoners on sentence.



7. Continue the Queensland Drug and Alcohol Court to address use and harms caused by alcohol and drugs to enhance perpetrator health and engagement with community and family and reduce recidivism.




8. Work with other Ministers to increase the proportion of offenders, particularly young people, diverted from the criminal justice system including establishing ‘Regional Managers Coordination Networks’ (CLC 233).



9. Continue the GPS Tracking Project to develop an electronic monitoring capability for geographically locating and monitoring a defendant on bail so that QPS can meet requirements of the Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Act 2017.



10. Continue to provide influential high-quality analysis, strategies and tactics on the crime environment and community issues to decision makers across Government departments.



11. Continue to develop the QPS Engagement and Diversion Program, to reduce the risk of violent extremist incidents occurring in Queensland by providing support, referral and diversion processes, and working across agencies to identify and assist young persons to disengage from violent extremism.


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12. Work in partnership with the Queensland Counter-Terrorism Committee agencies to develop a new Queensland Counter-Terrorism Strategy and Queensland Counter-Terrorism Plan to ensure Queensland agency arrangements and capabilities are best placed to keep the community safe.



13. Work in partnership with key Queensland Counter-Terrorism Committee agencies to build a Protective Security culture within the Queensland government as part of the staged implementation of the Queensland Protective Security Framework.



14. Strengthen OMCG Domestic and Family Violence strategy by improving responses, awareness and support to victims in relationships with OMCG participants, recognising their significant increased risks.



15. Strengthen relationship and work in collaboration with the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation to reduce online child exploitation and identify/remove children from harm.


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Maximise our capability to respond to the needs of our communities, including victims and those over-represented in the criminal justice system

Mandatory Requirements

• Status of the activity

• Advise PP if the action needs to be removed/amended (including due dates) or responsibility transferred to another Region/Command

• Response to be brief/succinct (e.g. maximum five dot points)

• Key achievements/milestones achieved during reporting period only

• Business as usual/planned actions not to be included.

Lead area

Activities Completion Date

Region/Command Achievements against the Operational Plan Activities Note: PP may use these responses for Executive Performance Agreements, to respond to ad hoc queries and for possible inclusion in the QPS Annual Report

Status ‘On Track’ ‘Completed/Delivered’ ‘At Risk/Needs Attention’ or ‘Discontinued’


1. Continue to deliver key initiatives of theGovernment’s Keeping our CommunitySafe and Tackling Alcohol FuelledViolence policies


AC OCC 2. $20 million to fund the overtime of

frontline officers in Safe Night Precincts(GEC 992).



3. Support implementation of the ThirdAction Plan (2019-20 to 2021-22) of theDomestic and Family Violence PreventionStrategy 2016-2026.



4. Implementation of the Domestic andFamily Violence Process ImprovementAction Plan.



5. Support the implementation of the Actionon Ice plan to address use and harms caused by crystal methamphetamine.



6. Expand community engagement andpromote successful investigations through media and social media toincrease resilience to cyber securitythreats including scam related activities.


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AC RPC 7. Continue to support activities to decrease

the rate of road crash fatalities andhospitalisations.



8. Develop enhanced reporting options forvictims of sexual assault including thedevelopment of an online reportingcapability and reporting options viaQueensland Health.



9. Participate in the development andimplementation of a whole ofgovernment child death review system(and enabling legislation) asrecommended by the Queensland Familyand Child Commission report “A systemsreview of individual agency findingsfollowing the death of a child”.



10. Implement a Prevention TogetherFramework that is holistic across allgovernment agencies, communities andwithin the QPS that has a victim centricfocus.


ED CCE 11. Refresh the Crime Prevention Through

Environmental Design (CPTED) Guidelines for Queensland.



12. Provide an agile workforce to delivermodern, mobile and flexible policingacross Queensland to meet Governmentstrategic and operational priorities, andlocal needs.



13. Introduce enhancements to telecommunications interception systemto increase analytical and investigativecapabilities (TI refresh program).



14. Continually review remote surveillancetechnologies and engage in collaborativeresearch relationships to exploreinteroperability opportunities andcapitalise on technological advancementincluding the inclusion of remotelypiloted aircraft system (RPAS) usage.


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15. Finalise a review of recruiting policy andpractices, ensuring the QPS employs theright people who reflect the diversity ofour community and are committed to ourorganisational values and deliveringprofessional, ethical and diligent service.



16. Develop and deliver training relating to the recommendations of the RoyalCommission into institutional responsesto child sexual abuse.



17. Develop a career-long continuum ofleadership training commencing at Constable level, focussed on next-levelrequisite skills.



18. Co-ordinate the Queensland SecurityExercise Group to design and deliver aWhole of Government exercise strategyto prepare the Queensland governmentagency response to terrorism andsecurity threats across Queenslandthrough developing capacity andcapability.



19. Establish a joint taskforce between theQPS and Federal law enforcementagencies seeking to reduce the harmcaused by organised crime to theQueensland community, targeting effortstowards the most significant drug andorganised crime threats.


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Continue and strengthen our capability to plan for, respond to and recover from the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as part of the whole-of-government response

Mandatory Requirements

• Status of the activity

• Advise PP if the action needs to be removed/amended (including due dates) or responsibility transferred to another Region/Command

• Response to be brief/succinct (e.g. maximum five dot points)

• Key achievements/milestones achieved during reporting period only

• Business as usual/planned actions not to be included.

Lead area

Activities Completion Date

Region/Command Achievements against the Operational Plan Activities Note: PP may use these responses for Executive Performance Agreements, to respond to ad hoc queries and for possible inclusion in the QPS Annual Report

Status ‘On Track’ ‘Completed/Delivered’ ‘At Risk/Needs Attention’ or ‘Discontinued’


1. Support the Chief Health Officer (CHO)Directions to prevent the spread ofCOVID-19 through a prevention togetherresponse – working in partnership withour communities and partner agencies.



2. Support our workforce in deliveringfrontline services during the COVID-19pandemic response, providing specialistadvice, guidance and field-basedassistance in health, safety and wellbeing.



3. Continue to enhance QPS capability andresponse to vulnerable persons to support the ongoing COVID-19 responseand recovery, including the areas ofdomestic and family violence, elderabuse, mental health, homelessness,disability.


Page 30: Queensland Police Service Operational Plan 2020-21 QP… · • QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement • QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.


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Page 31: Queensland Police Service Operational Plan 2020-21 QP… · • QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement • QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.


© State of Queensland (Queensland Police Service) 2020

All Queensland Police Service material in this document – except any material protected by a trademark, and unless otherwise noted – is licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode

Page 32: Queensland Police Service Operational Plan 2020-21 QP… · • QPS-related priorities in the Minister for Police Portfolio Priorities Statement • QPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024.

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