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Page 1: Question 2 Romany

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main

products and ancillary texts?

Page 2: Question 2 Romany

What is a brand?

• A brand is the identity of a specific product. A brand can take many forms, including a name, sign, symbol, colour combination or slogan. There are many successful brands in the media today which all follow the many forms of a brand. Notably, some of the most well known are Heinz Tomato Ketchup, Coco-Cola and McDonalds.

• Coca-Cola has a very successful brand campaign that has ran for many years and still remains as popular today as it did in the past. Coca-Cola became so successful that it changed the colour of Father Christmas suit from Green to Red. The red and silver writing with the red, silver or black colour of the cans makes Coca-Cola very recognisable.

• Also, it has become such a successful brand that at Christmas, it is not officially Christmas until the Coca-Cola Christmas advert is on the television. This just shows how successful and well known the Coca-Cola brand is.

• Over the years, the Coca-Cola bottles have changed in shape but they have always had the same text font and size. This image clearly shows how long the Coca-Cola campaign has been running and the ever changing bottles show how it will not end any time soon.

• Also, Coca-Cola is so popular that it has been used many times to sponsor a very popular up and coming film. The last film it sponsored was ‘The Quantum Of Solace’.

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What is a brand?• When looking at a brand image for a new band or artist. It is important to get

the right image that will fit with the intended primary target audience. When ‘Kings Of Leon’ released ‘Sex On Fire’, it was very obvious that they knew their target audience and made sure they fit that image. Kings Of Leon are very well known for their style of image. They are a rock band that not only appeal to their intended audience but also to their secondary audience. They have achieved this very well by promoting a very good brand image. Kings Of Leon’s brand image is all about having fun, enjoying life and not having a care in the world. This fits very well with their target audience of around 15 year olds to 25 year olds as they are the main age group that will listen, watch and go to gigs to enjoy music.

• They all, also, have rocker hair. This appeals to their target audience as the audiences feel like they connect with the brand with how they dress and act in every day life. Considering Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, Kings Of Leon fulfil the top 3 sections, Love/Belonging, Self-Esteem and Self-Actualization. They fulfil these with their brand image as music creates friendships, it gives the audience confidence to be themselves, and also lets the audience know that creativity and being different is great. They also show respect to others, which as role models is important to their fans as they could copy them.

• Kings Of Leon are the modern day rock band. This is shown through their rock style of clothing. The skinny jeans and shirts with ties. This style fits really well with their brand image and their target audience.

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What is a brand?• Continuing with Kings Of Leon, they have kept their brand image throughout their many album, single

and video releases. This is the result of a very successful brand image campaign as know audiences know what to expect when a new song or album is released. However, they offer the same but different to keep the audience guessing as to the style of the next song or the type of video they will make. ‘Use Somebody’ and ‘Sex On Fire’ are the most popular singles from Kings Of Leon and they were from the 5x platinum, number 1 selling album, ‘Only By The Night’.

• This is the album cover for ‘Only By The Night’. To make this album as successful as it was, Kings Of Leon had an very successful album campaign going on for months up to the release. This worked very well, they would feature on TV programs, be on music channels such as ‘MTV’ every hour with their new song. This was incredible successful as they appealed directly to their audience.

• Also, within all the videos, the guitars and drums are always featured in the video. This shows the brand image of the band. This is a major part of the image as they are very successful musicians.


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hat is your brand?

• Once we had decided on the target audience for our music video, we created our brand image that will appeal to our mass audience.• Our brand image is: Indie Rock and Roll, Having ‘Fun’, Having a Good Time, Rebellious, Cool, Sex, Drugs, Experimenting and Being Young. • This brand image suits our target audience very well as it appeals to teenagers and young adults as they are all about having fun, going out and not having a care in the world.• Once we decided on our target audience, we needed to make sure that it would go right across our video and our ancillary’s.

•Initially, once we had gathered the results of our questionnaires and found out what our target audience enjoy more when they listen to music and how they listen to music. This helped us when we made our final decision on our target audience and then started planning our video and ancillary’s.

• Another important part to our brand image was making sure we got the bands image correct through the mise en scene of the characters in the video. I feel that we did this really well as we researched many bands which the same connotations of our band.

We were very inspired by ‘The Rolling Stones’ band image as they were skinny jeans, shirts, leather jackets, doc martins and hats which is very much the indie rock and roll mise en scene when it comes to clothes.

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hat is your brand?Mise en Scene is important when creating the perfect brand image as this appeals to the audience as they are interested in their ideals clothes.

This is the type of clothing that has been used in our music video and ancillary tasks. This is very common of the indie rock and roll genre. She is wearing Doc Martins, leggings' and a leather jacket.

Once we started creating our music video, we thought about the best clothes for our characters to wear which will fit our target audience. For our female character, we decided to use mise en scene of a dress, leopard print coat, dark make up, red lipstick, bright red hair, tights and Doc Martins.

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is your brand?

• We made sure that our brand image also had a house style (colour theme) that ran through the music video and the ancillary’s. For this, we decided on purple/pink, black and white.

This is the start of our video, we decided to make this pink as it will appeal straight to our target audience and grab there attention.

We also made the guitar go from black to purple. This continues the colour theme but it also shows our brand image of rock and roll and musicians. This will appeal to our target audience as they are the ages which enjoy using guitars and this also fits one of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as it fills self-actualization of creativity and expressing yourself whilst also Love/Belonging as it helps friendships develop over the same taste in music.

We also decided to use the vinal as part of our brand image to show the state of minds of our characters within the video. This shows the fast paced feeling of the characters minds and this links very well to our brand image of drugs and drinking.

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hat is your brand?

• For our ancillary tasks, we also made sure our colour theme followed through. We did this so our audience would recongise our music video and ancillary’s are linked.

This is the second panel for our CD. We decided to make the back ground black and white and have the writing and cigarette pink/purple to show the connection between our music video and ancillary’s. Also, by having the cigarette highlighted in pink/purple, it shows our brand image of drugs and having fun. This also shows the rebellious side to our brand image.

This is the second magazine article. We have made this very pink/purple so make sure our brand image and colour theme stands out and is obvious to our audience. We also put our front cover of our CD on the advert so our audience will make the link but with the colour theme and the came characters on the front cover and magazine. It will be obvious to our target audience and secondary target audience who this is advertised for.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary


To construct our brand image and make sure we meet our target audience. We used media language, that includes, Editing, Colour, Lighting, Mise en Scene, Sound and Cinematography to make our video appealing and ensue multiple viewings from our audience and secondary audience. It was very important that we used media language correctly to make sure our brand image reaches across our products.

When creating our music video, we did lots of editing as we had a lot of footage to narrow down. We cut many shots on final cut to meet the pace of the soundtrack and the style of the lyrics.

This was a very fast part to our video at the beginning as the music is just kicking in. We decided to split it into split screen to show the contrast between the nights out and also show the fast paced track. Also, by using split screens, it means that it is hard for audiences to see both nights out which ensures multiple viewings. When we gathered our audience feedback on our video, it was obvious that we had created the right video for our target audience as all of them said that they will watch our video many times.

This shows how we edited this part of the video to show our characters state of mind by making the left hand split screen, black and white and reversed. We decided to do this to make our video stay appealing and been known for pushing the boundaries of normal indie rock and roll videos.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary


At this part of the video, the sound track was jumping and to fit the beat of the song and the fast paced tempo of the track, we cut down the footage of our male character jumping and make it jump from an image to black screen to an image. We did this for 8 seconds of the song and this worked very well and met the style of editing this track needed. Also, we did this to keep are audience interested as they didn’t know what was coming after these jump cuts of our male character drinking his pint.

This also did cuts to highlight our brand image of rock and roll and how musicians are part of this. We decided to use this to show variety in our video. This was also, again to show the fast paced tempo of the track.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary


For our video and ancillary’s, we continued the colour theme of pink/purple, black and white throughout. We did this to show the continuity between all the products. For our video, we colour corrected parts of our video which make our brand image stand out against the rest of the product and this makes it recognisable with our audience. We also made parts of the video black and white as this pushes the boundaries of normal rock and roll videos and it also makes the video more visual for our audiences.

This is the back panel of our CD. This clearly illustrates the brand image of our video and ancillary's as the location of this image is connected to our rebellious brand image. Also, by having the image black and white with the writing in the pink we have used throughout our project, it stands out and catches the audiences eye. Our brand image, once again, is clearly shown on this image as our character is standing there with a cigarette in his hand and it is clear that he shouldn’t be smoking there. That is why we picked this location as we thought it showed our brand image to its full potential.

This is the vinyl at the end of the video. We decided to use this at the end to connect our projects together and keep the musician and colour theme running throughout the video.

Also, by continually using the vinyl, our audience will associate our video and ancillary tasks and will remember the band when they see this colour and vinyl.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary

texts?When we were filming our video footage, we wanted to get as much natural light as possible in the venues that we used. This worked really well with the video as it gives it more of a feel of actually happening when the video is being viewed. We edited some of the lighting but only to enhance the effect it had. For our ancillary’s, we used side lighting, high key lighting, dark key lighting and also natural light when the images were being taken.

With this part of the video, we enhanced the colours slightly. I think this works really well as it shows the night out for our female character and it also grabs the audiences attention as many colours are flashing up on the screen. This also meets the fast paced tempo of the track.

This this the right hand side panel of our CD album. We took this image in the studio where we had bright lights coming from the side and above the vinyl. We used this light to highlight the vinyl to its pull potential. Also, by having most of the light coming from the right side, it can illustrate the different sides to our characters and their personality’s. The lighter side shows our male characters personality of being good and not pushing the rules too much.

Where as, the darker side shows our female characters personality as she breaks the rules and has a darker side to her.

These are two of the different colours that have been highlighted in this part of the video and this gets the audiences attention.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary

texts?The mise en scene of our video and ancillary’s are very important when considering our brand image as this is one of the main things that appeal to audiences when they watch music videos as they look at them as their ideals and want to be like them.

Mise en Scene covers many different aspects of the video and ancillary’s. Not only does it cover the clothes that our characters are wearing but also the props that are used within the video and ancillary’s, such as cigarette’s, powder as the drugs, the vinyl, guitar, money, the locations and the lighter. All of these props show are brand image throughout our video and it is obvious to our audience what kind of video is this, whilst leaving audiences wanting to see it again.

This is the clothing of our male character. He wore a top, shirt and then a blazer on top. This didn’t really fit our brand image but it shows the difference between the two characters. We decided on these clothes for the male character to show that anyone can like indie rock and roll, it doesn’t matter what you wear.

These are the Doc Martins worn by our female character. She is a indie rock and roll girl and fitted the role perfectly. She also appeals to our target audience as she shows audiences that it is ok to be different and dress differently to other people. She is appealing to our younger audience to be themselves and not stick to the trends.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary

texts?This shows the props that were used when our characters we’re taking the ‘drugs’ they were actually using powder and money. This was successful as it shows our brand image off very well and appeals to our older target audience who are all about having fun and enjoying a good night out.

From this still, it is clear that smoking is a big part of our brand image as the majority of our target audience will smoke regularly or just on a night out.

This is one of the location shots which shows our characters going into different bars and clubs. The locations are very important as they appeal to different audiences and in order to appeal to everyone beyond our target audience, we made sure that the clubs and pubs were popular and our audience would match the type of clubs they go into on nights out.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary


For our ancillary’s, we made sure the same props and similar clothing was warn to keep the brand image running throughout our project.

This is the front cover of our album. It is clear from these pictures what our brand image is and how it connects to the video. The main images that make the connection is the images with our female character smoking. This is our clear brand image of drugs, rock and roll, being rebellious and having fun.

We made sure the make up of our female character stood out against the background. I think we did this successful as, even though the images have been colour graded to keep the colour theme throughout the project. The dark lipstick and dark eye make up is clear to see.

This image from our front cover shows the dark lipstick that stands out and meets the audiences eyes.

This is one of our magazine advertisements. This very clearly shows our brand image of drugs. We did this image to clearly show the connection between all our projects and the colour of the text also shows the audience who the band is and their brand image.

Also, by having this advertisement landscape, it stands out in the magazine and gets the audiences attention. This would be very successful as it is appealing to the eye with its bright colours and simple but effective image as the backround.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary

texts?For a fast paced tempo song, the editing and images need to be fast paced. This needs to be done to meet the sound of the video. Our video has a different soundtrack and to get the full effect, it would have to be played loud and along with the visuals, the video will be watched many times.

This still shows how the fast paced sound and the track meets with the visuals as our female character has drunk too much and it links very well with the sounds of the song.

Cinematography is a very important part of any music video and ancillary’s. For music videos, close ups are very important to use many times and Pete Fraser and Andrew Goodwin state in their theories that using close ups appeal more to audiences as they feel connected to what is happening in the video. We made sure we had many close ups in our video, along with medium shots, point of view shots, low angled shots, high angled shots, extreme close ups and zoom shots.

This is a close up on our female character getting ready for the night out. We used close ups at the beginning of our video to familiarise our audience with our characters and have the audience feel like they are getting ready for the night out too.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary


This still image shows the panning shot used whilst having a point of view from both of our characters showing the beginning of the night out. A panning shot has been used on the right hand side of the split screen to show the transport that is being used.

This still image shows the point of view shot from the male characters night out and him drinking the beer. This makes the audience feel very involved with the video and they feel like they are just about to drink the beer.

This is an extreme close up and a zoom shot on the eyes of our female character. We used this to show the effects of drinking and taking drugs on a night out.

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ow have you constructed a sense of brand identity using media language –

first in the video, then how have you continued this across the ancillary

texts?When we were creating our ancillary’s, we did many images that were mainly, close ups, medium shots, birds eye view shots, eye line shot and low angled shots. We used these as they are the most popular cinematography techniques used when creating CD albums and magazine advertisements.

The cinematography used for our front cover are mainly close ups and side close ups. We used a mixture of these to appeal to our target audience and to make our album have multiple viewings by audiences. Also, the close ups have been used to show the facial expressions of our characters.

This is a slight high angle on our female character for our second magazine advertisement. We used a slight high angle to show her facial expression and body language.

This is an birds eye view shot of the right hand side panel. We decided to use the vinyl to make the link between the video and ancillary tasks as the vinyl is featured many times in our video. We used the birds eye view shot to show how the lighting and colour correction have worked together and make it stand out against the rest of our CD album.

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