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Page 1: Question 2: Who would be your target audience?

Question 2: Who Would Be Your Target Audience?

By Olivia Bayliss

The target audience for my music magazine is for both male and females, from the ages 15 to 21 years old. I chose to represent this target audience as I fall into the category of teenagers myself, so I therefore thought I would be able to relate more to the task if I chose a target audience I am more familiar with and a genre I enjoy listening to. The genre I chose to use, which was R&B, has an extremely large audience as it is extremely popular amongst teenagers and young adults due to the variety of artists within the R&B industry. I completed a lot of research on target audience, including creating a survey using SurveyMonkey and asking around 25 people to complete it. I found that the rap, pop and R&B genres were the most popular amongst the genres I listed so I felt it was appropriate to use this genre for my magazine itself. In addition, I found that the number of boys and girls completing my survey was almost equal and the number of 16 – 20 years old that completed my survey took up almost 74% of the responses.

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AGE:As I mentioned in the previous slide, my prime focus in terms of the age group for my product was young adults from the ages of 15 to 21 years old. My magazine is most likely to be read by the age group I have mentioned as the language I used throughout my magazine, and especially within the article, wasn’t very informal and at times used the informality of ‘slang’. Slang is most commonly used and understood by young adults which helps to shift my target audience towards this age group. The reasoning for this age group can be further backed up by the price I am choosing to sell my magazine for as I have made sure the product is affordable and reasonable. People of the target age will be in low paid jobs or completely unemployed, so it is unlikely they will have a lot of money to spend on extra luxuries such as a magazine. In terms of the contents of my magazine I am confident it will be enjoyed by my suggested age group as I feel it has an equal balance of an “easy to read” aspect and a mature, sophisticated look. If I didn’t choose to use mature fonts and styles I feel this would have vastly changed my target audience because although the topics I used may still be similar, the fonts and colour are what are first seen by potential buyers, so if these aspects looked childish, it could potentially put buyers off completely. The topics I have included are ones I think 15 to 21 year olds would want to read and would be interested in, due to the them being up to date with the latest stories and helping to give a greater insight into news that this age group would most likely already be vaguely familiar with.

Page 3: Question 2: Who would be your target audience?

GENDER:Whilst I have attempted to destroy the ideas of my product being specifically aimed at one gender, it could be argued that my audience leans more towards females than males, due to the use of a female artist throughout all 3 pages. Females might be more likely to read the magazine due to the female artist as they can relate to her more than a male could, and may be more interested in what she talks about than someone of the opposite gender. Although in the R&B industry, male artists are more stereotypical, I have chosen to challenge this convention and make my artist female, which could result to my product being more female dominated regarding the audience. However, even though the female role model could attract a female audience, her gender may also help to engage the opposite sex. Men may choose not to buy a magazine that has a male artist as the main feature because stereotypically boys are less interested in the life of someone of the same gender as them. My female feature may attract them to buy the magazine due to her good looks and the ‘male gaze’ theory which suggests presenting women as objects for male pleasure. My survey shows that out of my responses almost 53% were females with the other 47% being males. This backs up my theory that although my product will be popular amongst males, will be widely enjoyed by females due to the connection with the female artist. To conclude, overall I don’t think there will be a vast difference in the gender statistics for my product as I believe I have successfully blurred the gender barrier through choice of colour and content, as much as possible.

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ETHNICITY:Similar in how I tried to make my magazine versatile in terms of gender, I have tried to do a similar thing with race and ethnicity. I wanted my target audience to be non-race specific, to open up my audience even wider. My research showed that the target audience for R&B in terms of race often came from a black background, however in todays society that stereotype is changing, meaning now more of a variety of races enjoy this genre of music. Seeing as music has evolved and it is socially acceptable for any race to listen to the R&B genre, I didn’t want to fulfill old stereotypes and go back to the idea that R&B music is for black people. In order to not portray this idea, I chose to use a female artists from a Turkish background. Her Turkish background, which could be identified through her olive skin and dark features, helps to show that the magazine is not just aimed towards people from either white or black backgrounds and can be read and enjoyed by any race. Through the artist herself not being black, it removes the stereotype of R&B being a “black” genre which I feel is something that it is often thought of as it being. I thought that if I used a black artist, my magazine might have conformed to the original stereotype that only black people listen to the genre I am exploring and therefore could have narrowed the target audience as other races might not have felt they could relate to the magazine. Overall, regarding ethnicity I think my target audience would be quite varied. I think a lot of readers would be white, purely due to them being the majority race, however I don’t believe that there are any aspects of my magazine that would really restrict the ethnicity of the readers.

Page 5: Question 2: Who would be your target audience?

SOCIAL CLASS:Seeing as my magazine is aimed at young adults, I would expect, regarding social class, that my audience come from a working-class background. 15 to 21 year olds are often going through the stage of being in low-paid jobs or completely unemployed, making them working class due to have not reaching their achieved status yet. This is why I believe the majority of my audience would be from group D to group C2 on the socio-economic scale. Although this is not so much the case in today’s society, even 10 years ago magazine were stereotyped to be quite a working class luxury which adds to my reasoning for expecting a working class audience. In addition, my genre is R&B which is stereotypically enjoyed by the working class and potentially some middle class. Upper class members are exposed more to classical genres and people from this class can almost be ruled out completely in terms of the people who listen to R&B music. People who don’t listen to R&B music are extremely unlikely to buy an R&B genre magazine and so I therefore feel the majority of my target audience will be working to middle class citizens. The price of my magazine is £2.50, therefore targeting the working/middle class. Magazines such as Billboard and Q are priced much higher than my own magazine,yet are based on similar or the same genre and aim to target a similar social class to my own. This may influence regular buyers of those magazines to turn to my magazine as its much more affordable and may be more appropriate to what they want to get out of a music magazine.

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INTERESTS:In terms of my target audience’s interests, I would expect the majority of my audience to be interested in culture. Clearly, due to them being attracted to my magazine, they have strong passion and interest in music, and particularly the R&B genre. I know from falling into my target audience’s category myself and having a lot of friends who are also apart of this group, that people who enjoy the R&B genre, also have an eye for fashion and a strong interest in the latest fashion trends. My target audience are also highly involved with the music industry and their favourite artists, which is all due to web 2.0 allowing fans to interact through writing comments, etc. and over the other latest technologies. I would expect my reader to read the various features in my magazine because of the topics and articles I have included. I would want my magazine to be considered as high-quality and worth investing in because of its interesting content. I expect my audience to be the type who strongly enjoy socialising with friends and enjoy events such as going to clubs, festivals and concerts. Although concerts are dependent on the artist, a number of festivals and most clubs play R&B music as it is rather mainstream, meaning there is a large audience of people who enjoy this genre. I believe my target audience would have a number of interests and hobbies because they are of a young age and so are still exploring many aspects.

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A late teen music artist and a member of my target audience. Currently 19 years old and in his first year of university. His main interests are listening to music, particularly the rap and R&B genres, as well as playing and composing his own music, creating and sharing it using platforms such as Soundcloud and FL Studio. Although he is really focused on his A-Levels, he enjoys socialising on weekends with friends and family. At home he spends time online, keeping up to date with the latest tour dates and news regarding his favourite artists including Drake, Kanye West and Travis Scott. He is also really aware of the latest fashion trends and mainly owns clothes by brands such as Palace and Supreme.

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Falls at the younger ended of my expected target audience. Spends a lot of her free time listening to music, which ranges from the rap to soul genre. Enjoys going to music festivals such as Wireless and Reading, however also quite regularly goes to smaller gigs at venues such as Brixton Academy. Her favourite R&B artist is Rihanna, who she follows on a number of social media sites including Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Although she has a passion for music, she also sees herself being quite cultured due to having strong interests in art and books. Would consider herself to be from a working class background.

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