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Page 1: Question 3 - WikiLeaks · Web viewNA 74. terrorist actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and activities of Hizbollah and al-Qaeda 75. Current status of all recognized terrorist organizations

Question 3. What types of terrorism would you most like to know about? (Check all that apply)

Answers for other (please specify)

1. The foundations of Terrorism. What makes them do it. I know this is a very broad question.

2. domestic terrorism


4. around the world

5. Threats against infrastructure.

6. Threats against US allies Threats against non us allies

7. All information relating to terrorism of any nature globally, particularly Middle East-related

8. Hostage Taking

9. Foreign funding of and support for terrorist organizations.

10. Trends in terrorist targetting

11. Analysis of occurrences and their relationship to the conceptual evolution of terrorism as a tool in interstate military conflicts

12. euasia/east asia

13. Amenazas de organizaciones narcoterroristas en Sudamérica (Colombia, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador y Brasil)

14. piracy

15. Threats against or within Japan and China

16. Supporters of terrorists and/or extremists, such as NGOs and companies (or front companies).

17. Europen interest

18. I have investments in 11 airports around the world. They are high risk to terorism, directly and indirectly.

19. Biological, chemical, nuclear, and radiological terrorism

20. Eco-terrorism

21. Eco-terrorism

22. Organizational acitity and objectives of Al Queda, Taliban and other groups known to be operating and hostile to US interests

23. Ciudad del Este-Foz de Iguazu, Paraguay-Brazil

24. terrorism in Germany

25. links between us policy and violence toward us, esp soft targets and the global monetray and fiscal system

26. Southeast Asian terrorist groups

27. Domestic Terrorism

28. Gathering threat is Caribbean basin where there are large Muslim communities where fundamentalists can easily enter and disappear into local fabric. Countries like Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname where there are large commuunities like these with very loose frontiers and local law enforcement are not in control

29. Threats and terrorist actions against domestic and international lines of communication (e.g., railways, roads, inland waterways, airways, sealanes, etc.)and transportation infrastructures (i.e., rail depots and terminals, trucking companies and warehouses, inland water ports and terminals, airfiels/airports, and seaports). Details about threats and actions toi include groups responsible, capabilities, training, financing, intentions, modus operandi, etc.

30. Co-operation between terrorism and organised crime, and between terrorist groups themselves

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31. state sponsored terrorism and the causes of terrorism.

32. Religiously motivated violence

33. Economic threats to US economy: Attempts to impact $US as world reserve currency; inserting gold as backing for fiat paper a.la. Gold Dinar; Oil denominated in Euro or Yen, reduction/ halt in foreign central bank purchase of US treasuries, etc.

34. Eco-terrorism.

35. Threats by Democratic activists who are the pesent-day equivalents to the '60's Weathermen or the late '60's John Kerry.

36. My company is developing a new approach to awareness and risk mitigation. This approach will directly assist in countering global terrorism. Would Stratfor be interested in receinvg copies of our papers?

37. Cyber terror as well

38. Geopolitical terrorism as a function of primary or natural resource extraction industrial efforts or exploration (E.g.: oil - Nigeria and Venezuela; diamonds - South Africa; NatGas - Saudi Arabia, Chechnya)

39. Potically motivatd violence against U.S. citizens ANYWHERE

40. Important to have trends, stats, common issue analysis, volume and clear distinctions based on motivation (religion, political, personality driven).

41. My main interest focuses on terrorist groups linked with the islamic movements in Central Asia, Caucasus, Afghanistan and the wider Middle East region.

42. Particular interest in the Middle East. Interested in all forms of terrorism in the region, not only against foreign/Western targets.

43. middle east, africa

44. State terrorism, on domestic front (as in opressive regimes).

45. international terrorism especially in the ME

46. Threats against US interests abroad

47. As it reiates to cyber failure that impacts on all citizens As it impacts on business and other aspects of our society (in addition to what you are doing now. I do not mean more just pull back on the level you now supply impacting government

48. Islam is in the midst of a civil war between what can be called traditionalists and western-leaning islamicists. Terrorism seems to be an integral part of this war.

49. focus on Islamist infiltration of West

50. Violence or threats thereof against U.S. civilians and commercial targets abroad motivated by ideological or religious beliefs. Islam does not separate politics from religion.

51. Religiously and economically motivated threats against the world.

52. prevention and interdiction of movement and production of WMD, including biweapons and nuclear materials

53. All of the above

54. Economic terrorism

55. A la question four, be blunt about deconstructing the language used, "war," "terror,"and our government's motivations beyond military moves.

56. Patterns of overseas activity (from demographics to ordnance trainings and all else relevant) that could be predictors of untoward domestic events.

57. Up to date news on the war against terror by the United States.

58. Your current coverage is satisfactory for my purposes.

59. Threats specific to Manhattan, NY

60. Narco-terrorism, K&R threats.....

61. 1) Domestic terrorism in foreign countries. 2) Presence of foreign terrorists in third world countries (i.e. muslim extremists in Latin America)

Page 3: Question 3 - WikiLeaks · Web viewNA 74. terrorist actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and activities of Hizbollah and al-Qaeda 75. Current status of all recognized terrorist organizations

62. Generally those threats that could impact travel or planning events/activities overseas by U.S. business

63. any kind of threat that could destabilized the democratic world

64. interaction between various terrorist groups and what is being done to counteract them.

65. US intelligence efforts toward combatting domestic terrorism

66. activities of and relations between terrorist organisations in Greater Middle East area

67. As a tool by different factions to leverage for oil interests in central asia and other resource rich sites.

68. Threat assessment and analysis against western or developed nations, especially Islamist and othe idealogies that are essentially incompatible with secular western societal norms.

69. Islamic terrorism - Jihadism

70. terrorist attacks against military targets abroad

71. Unrest within a republic such as ours created by political propaganda during political campains that seem to last forever.

72. socio-political analysis of trends within the Islamic -- esp. Arab -- world. Both at the top, and at the grass roots. e.g. MEMRI.org, but with deeper analysis.

73. NA

74. terrorist actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and activities of Hizbollah and al-Qaeda

75. Current status of all recognized terrorist organizations in the world including the known leaders.

76. I'd like to see this incorporated into your current web site.

77. World wide and regional trend

78. Analysis that includes documentation of dissent critical of terrorist acts by spokesmen within the states that harbor terrorists

79. Patterns of indigenous terrorism (such as terrorism associated with abortion clinics, animal rights/environmental activism, etc.)

80. threats against energy business

81. Threats targeting European and/or French interests

82. Threats and politically motivated violence against US and allied political and military targets

83. Further information about the Chechnyan terrorists and analysis of Russian strategy regarding them would be interesting.

84. As a major player in the humanitarian world this topic is of keen interest.

85. Threats against our infra-structure such as water, law enforcement and public health.

86. Any best pracices for protecting "soft targets" abroad

87. This may be the same as "politically motivated violence against non-U.S. targets". I would like to know about other non-US countries terrorists and terrorist attacks (not related to US interests) such as Russia's Chechnya "terrorists".

88. Politically motivated violence with the intent of overthrowing a government or governments or establishing a regime in de facto control of part of a country

89. Politicall motivated violence (PMV)against the Oil industry and Middle East countries in particular "Qatar" PVV against targets in South East Asin incld Australia

90. Palestinian - Israeli

91. Threats against UK and UK targets

92. Information concerning US and forign efforts to combat Terrior and how effective they are.

93. terrorism triggered by US foreign policy and potential terrorism threads originating from countries such as Saudi Aarabia

94. Threats and attacks on targets that may not have a direct link to the U.S. but within a U.S. sphere of influence. Also, threats or attacks targeting Christian and Jewish places of worship, businesses, or other

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95. Threats against Israeli / Jews in USA and elsewhere

96. terrorism based on drug cartels

97. Any other threat to any country or organisation

98. Politically motivated violence by US allies and clients and the US, or backed by the US

99. extra info on non-US, e.g. European, targets

100. US+EU

101. Any use of unconventional means of attack. Especially interesting would be indirect attacks (e.g., attacks on financial systems, use of high technology to perpetrate attacks while remaining anonymous, etc.).

102. Any type of insurgency/terrorism activity, which has the specific purpose of using fear as a political means, including socio-economic destabilisation

103. terrorism in China and Russia

104. 1) Insight into the collaborations between terrorist groups, organized crime, and the drug cartels. 2) Terrorism as an asymmetric weapon against the U.S and other militaries. The terrorist activity in Iraq is an example.

105. all of the above

106. specifically, threats to the oil/LNG industry

107. deeper analysis of who is behind the spread of nuclear technology and the challenge of a growing militant china.

108. Threats against civil aviation.

109. cyber terrorism

110. all those in slovakia and surrounding countries

111. - against US policies abroad (economic) - against economic policies in general

112. Nuclear Terrorism Issues; particularly refined threat assessment

113. Politically motivated violence against Israeli targets in Israel, US and abroad Politically-motivated private violence everywhere (Russia-Chechens, Kashmir etc.)

114. ETA

115. interested in broader analyses of the evolution of the terrorist movement and its implications for non-supportive governments

116. Violence against investigators who do research on animals

117. Religious motivated violence

118. Terrorists involvement with actual _strategic_ issues, such as the involvement with WMDs and ballistic missiles.

119. Major economic disruption to the extent not included above.

120. Home grown terrorist organizations.

121. Domestic Terrorism. Taking its cue from Samuel Huntington, the media implies that terrorism is a brown-skin vs. white skin phenomenon when in fact some of the deadliest terrorist attacks have been planned and executed by Americans against Americans. Let's have more coverage of militant groups within the United States.

122. economic ramifications of the above terrorism and drug trafficing and other supranational crime syndicates

123. Travel threats in and out of the USA.

124. please apply this also to the western world's interest on major issues at least. Also shipspiracy to be included. nbc threats and environmental threats as a means to exert pressure to states and/or regimes too.

125. The background analysis of Terrorist's movements and their people and resources, especially outside the

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"real threat" situation.

126. If you are going to have the newsletter why concentrate on the US - it should be grobal

127. For teaching purposes, need profiles and trend analyses that explore patterns for understanding and nature of their planning thinking.

128. Mainly the orginasational structure and personalities of the main terrorist groups, and also the degreee of state-sponsered terrorism.

129. Mid east terrorism

130. You should not seperate this since all interrelates. This could work to your disadvantage and chip away your credibility.

131. The Israeli occupation of Palestine seems to be the most serious root cause of terrorism against American interests. So, Israeli attacks in Palestine would be of key interest to me.

132. Homegrown terrorism, such as abortion clinic bombers, rascist groups (i.e. Aryan supremacy groups).

133. The philosophy of terrorism. How we are changing our view of the world and changing our lives to accommodate this new world. America as the world's policeman and whose law we are enforcing. The Great Muslim War.

134. Economically motivated violence, i.e. brigandage, piracy, worldwide, US and other targets.

135. Politically motivated violence against U.S. military and government civilians abroad in heretofore "dormant" areas.

136. Terrorism as an excuse for inapprorpriate,profitable and//or irrational U.S.international and domestic actions.

137. Nepal particularly. Also India,Laos and Cambodia

138. Area-specific threats, such as groups in Lebanon or Saudi Arabia, regardless of who they are targeting

139. Primarily the Americas, (particularly Mexico and South America), and Africa

140. Organized criminal activity worldwide, piracy, drugs, kidnapping rings, financial fraud, etc..

141. While often politically motivated, eco-terrorism and events specifically intended cause and "economic crises"

142. Special focus on Islamic countries and religion-inspired terrorism. In fact, your use of the generally nondescript and meaningless PC word "politically" in place of the actual source of most global terrorism is worrying.

143. info on groups dealing in human trafficking, drug running, weapons dealing

144. Annual or semi-annual global net assessment on Islamic and associated terrorism. Also periodic briefings by country or region e.g. 1) Afghan-Pak-Kashmir region, 2)Arabian Peninsula, 3)Iraq-Syria-Iran, 4) Eastern Africa, 5) Indochina-Malay Archipelago and 6)Caucasus & Balkan regions. Suggest one region per month in a semi-annual cycle.

145. terrorism agains, tourist areas in the US, and shopping center. and in airlines US and other countries. especial in mexico.

146. politically motivated attacks against the primary reserve currency(dollar).

147. animal rights extremists anarchists bio-tech extremists

148. I would say all the anti western violence- esp-muslim-, certainly those already living- "in the belly of the beast"-among us inside western democracies.

149. Domestic terrorist groups in the countries of Middle East, North Africa and South Asia

150. Transnational Crime and it's relationship with terrorism worldwide.

151. eco-terrorism

152. I think there should be something akin to the Iraq War site devoted especially to the "war on terrorism." This could also leave other parts of Stratfor to focus more specifically on traditional state-based intelligence and analysis, as well as on areas of the world that tend to be ignored given the massive focus on terrorism.

153. Colombia ( FARC, AUC, ELN,EPL

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154. in-depth analysis of terrorist GROUPS, to include their capabilities, targets, etc.

155. Threats against Spanish and Venezuelan citizens/residents

156. Threat of Bush administration stripping away civil and privacy rights of US citizens

157. I teach a course on Middle East terrorism and would appreciate any and all that focuses on that region.

158. Threats meant to destabilize US geopolitical objectives

159. An annual or semi-annual synopsis of terroism around the world would be helpful. Actual attacks summarized along with potential trouble in areas that maybe lie below radar screens of those watching.

160. Aviation threats

161. links between Islamic and non-Islamic Extremists

162. Checnya and Israel

163. movement of bio/chem/nuc specialists from former USSR countries to ???

164. atom bomb terror

165. Any insight into U.S. domestic terrorists (i.e. militia, hate groups) that may be active.

166. Discussion of the political, economic and ideological motivations of the terrorists.

167. Specific analysis on the Middle East groups and movements

168. Criminally-based terrorism, such as the Latino "maras" you discussed recently.

169. Anything related to travel

170. Against targets in Israel

171. Basid understanfingh of terrorist motivation. i.e. a bunch of Maoist bent on world revolution, is al queda really a bunch of authoritarian Marxists dressed upas religious piety

172. Specific Industry related terrorism

173. Aviation - Terrorism Counterterrorism

174. ramifications of terrorist threats on financial markets, oil/gas production

175. I hope you will be extremely careful in defining terrorism. You need to treat indigenous peoples' de-colonization struggles in a distinct category. Some of these struggles today are badly conflated with "war on terrorism" thinking. Think about current wars or incipient wars in Chechnya, Abkhasia, Uyghur Republic, Kurdistan, Kosovo, Mindanao, Ache, West Papua, Somaliland, Southern Sudan (North Azania), the Maghreb, Kashmir... All these wars are fundamentally about de-colonization of peoples who claim the right of self-determination - just like East Timor and Eritrea and all the states that shook out of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Some of these cases are also about indigenous peoples who happen to be Muslim, Islamized, and find support for their struggles in internationalized Islamist organization. Others, alternatively, are about wars against Islamic/ist imperial states. Somehow they are all mixed up in this orthodoxy of thought that gives Al Qaida way too much power of influence and US imperialism way too little recognition for what it is: the cause of the terrorism which is the thing you guys want to talk about. Let's make sure US imperialism gets it due. The more you try to control other people(s), the more they will resist you. Human nature, you know? And then, how are going to resist the Goliath? David's method still applies. Stratfor brags a lot about being clear-eyed. Please justify my faith that you can recognize your own biases.

176. Any religious fundamentalist threat (as distinct from political)

177. Terrorism with european targets.

178. Global Patterns

179. Cases of terrorism in which the terrorists operate with relatively broad support from their relevant constituencies, terrorism which has the potential to alter the policies of nations

180. possible information on known asia country (safe areas/grey areas) such as NPA/PNP in philippines, such as when the Pangasinan San fabian Beach area was ok for either side for R&R as long as no pieces. Islam must have same arrangement for safe areas in other asian countries.?

181. Organizations that behave as terrorists but for non political reasons

182. CBRN terrorism Cyber-terrorism

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183. Global terrorist threat analyses and assessment against UN presence and UN humanitarian operations including such threat to International Non-Government Organizations especially those working closely with UN as implementing partners, e.g. International Organization for Migration (IOM)

184. Threats against India.

185. Threats by Domestic Groups against the US

Question 9. How do you currently stay abreast of news, information or intelligence related to terrorism? (Check all that apply)

Answers for other (please specify)

1. Stratfor, NY Times, Washington Post


3. stratfor.com

4. intelcenter.com

5. WMD, Terrorism and related web pages

6. Stratfor,WND,Newsmax,Debka

7. Stratfor, various media websites (e.g. New York Times, CNN etc.)

8. Foreign Affairs/Internatioanl Security/Aviation Week

9. Stratfor and Electronic Telegraph

10. BBC Independent Guardian

11. As many as I can find

12. http://www.drudgereport.com

13. Stratfor, CNN.com

14. The Economist, globalsecurity.org, janes

15. Jane publications ( Janes foreign report,etc )

16. Stratfor, World Tribune, Debka, Geostrategy Direct

17. janes

18. STRATFOR.com

19. The Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International

20. Daily exhaustive scan of the global electronic and print media. Stratfor inclusive

21. Debka.com, Stratfor, Foreign Affairs

22. google news, links from blogs..

23. Stratfor, others

24. NYT, WP, LAT, Guardian, Independent, juancole, asiatimes, antiwar.com, haaretz,

25. Stratfor, Economist, WSJ, NYT, WP

26. wsj, ny times, debkka files

27. Stratfor, Janes, news.google.com, Foreign Relations

28. Debka Gordon Thomas

29. Stratfor; Yahoo News; Johnson's Russia List;NY Times online

30. Stratfor.com

31. threatcom, invintelpro, iccwbo.org, military

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32. Stratfor Geostrategy Direct

33. NY Times, Washington Post, Jerusalem Post, www.airsecurity.com, www.ijet.com, www.bbc.co.uk, www.cnn.com, Janes' Intelligence Review

34. WSJ and Debka.com

35. stratfor.com

36. Stratfor Foxnews RAND Foreign Affairs MSNBC CNN Economist

37. NY Times, East Valley Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, GlobalSecurity.org

38. Economist

39. Stratfor.biz (Premium Subscription), Janes's Foreign Report, Jane's Intelligence Digest, Jane's Intelligence Review,Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst, RUSI/Jane's Homeland Security & Resilience Monitor, Jane's Terrorism & Security Monitor, Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Centre, Jane's Sentinel Security Assessment, Jane's IntelWeb, Jane's Worl Insurgency and Terrorism, http://www.memri.org, http://www.siteinstitute.org, http://www.debka.com, etc......

40. http://www.cdi.org/ http://www.israelnn.com http://www.webpolitik.de http://www.cdi.org/ http://www.csis.org/ http://www.idf.il/newsite/english/

41. stratfor, golobalsecurity.com, ako

42. stratfor, economist.com, time, etc.

43. NY Times Science Magazine WSJ Stratfor

44. Stratfor, books, ?

45. Stratfor

46. Jane's Intelligence Review

47. Stratfor

48. too many to mention ranging from debka to prorev and zylos

49. Stratfor

50. SIR; WNC Dialogue; WIN

51. stratfor

52. bbc



55. STRATFOR The Federalist National Review

56. Time. Newsweek. Economist. Foreign Affairs. Stratfor.

57. STRATFOR The Economist Foreign Affairs

58. Stratfor Personal contacts

59. Defenselink.mil, globalsecurity.org, knightridder.com, various international media links, etc.

60. DebkaFILE, Asia Times On-line, Opinionjournal.com,

61. Drudge report, News Forum (Lucianne.com)

62. Stratfor

63. Publications: Debka File Weekly MEIB-Middle East Intelligence Bulliten Web sites: www.debka.com www.meib.com

64. Stratfor

65. Debka

66. Janes online.

67. The Federalist; Stratfor; Fox News Channel; Bottom Line; Wall Street Journal; personal research utilizing

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varied sources

68. NYPost, WSJournal, Stratfor, To the Point.

69. Stratfor, BBC, CBC, CCN

70. www.homelandsecurity.org www.drudgereport.com www.stratfor.biz

71. Economist, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MEMRI, Jane's

72. New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NPR (Radio)

73. Stratfor.com

74. Jane's 'Security and Terrorism Monitor' Debka.com Stratfor.com

75. stratfor, US Gov't websites

76. Stratfor, NY Times, New Republic, New Yorker, National Post (Canada)

77. Well, yours, obviously, but also www.strategypage.com.

78. Web: Stratfor Publications: non-public govt publications

79. stratfor

80. STRATFOR (of course!!!!)

81. www.buzzflash.com FT, Stratfor, IWAR listserve, Dep. Uranium listserve, etc.

82. NYTimes; LeFigaro; LeMonde; Observer; WashingtonPost; other varied by interest

83. Surf all sites of major news sources.

84. Winds of Change Global Security Jihad Watch Little Green Footballs The Command Post

85. I have about 50: examples: Al-Jazzera.com to Washington Post.

86. Drudgereport; Naval War College Review and papers; misc. think tanks; books

87. Ferghana.ru

88. google news

89. wnd.com, stratfor, BBC, G2 bulletin

90. general news sites; specialised news eg Jane's Defence / Stratfor / Intelligence Online ...

91. Stratfor

92. Stratfor

93. Stratfor

94. stratfor, bbc, cnn, debka, al jazeera and others

95. NewsMax, WorldNetDaily, Drudge, etc.

96. Foreign Affairs Magazine

97. Stratfor, NY Times, Economist,

98. ICT, prism, universities

99. stratfor.info

100. Debka Several newspapers Federal Rerserve sorry I am on the road and do not have my list I will say that I go all over for information. Overall, one can then decide how much is relivant

101. Stratfor Economist Foreign Affairs Atlantic Monthly New York Times Financial Times news.google.com

102. Stratfor (of course), Foreign Affairs, International Journal of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence, Parameters, "spy news", Strategic Studies Institute Publications, Atlantic, National Geographic, Foreign Policy

103. wsj.com ft.com

104. too numerous to list

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105. I live in Central Asia so i do not have timely access to print media. I use Stratfor.com. the various wire services online reports, Central Asia Times, and Ferghana.ru. I also watch CNN, BBC, and Deutsche Welle World news every day.

106. debka, stratfor, spacewar, google, eurasianet

107. stratfor

108. Stratfor is a heavy source for me now. Additionally, I read: free content on Jane's Defense site, The Economist, and peer-review journals from individuals in the weapons, government and policy community.

109. The cable news (Fox-MSNBC-CNN)

110. Stratfor

111. Stratfor

112. Our own sources for intel

113. Stratfor web site New York Times web site

114. Stratfor, DHS, FBI, NIPC, DS-OSAC.org

115. Stratfor.com

116. Stratfor. The Economist. Drudgerport (how embarrasing to admit).

117. Stratfor

118. Wall St. J.; NY Times, StratFor e-mails

119. mainly stratfor

120. FYEOD, Stratfor, Jane IR, Janes Digest

121. Statfor, CT Centre.com, New York Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, Weekly Standard, National Review, Debka.com, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Time.

122. Wall St. Journal NY Times Business Week Economist www.bloomberg.com www.foxnews.com

123. Debka, Stratfor

124. DEBKAfile, JPost, lots of bloggers, DNI,WSJ,Weekly Standard

125. ANSER, FBI, Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence, Economist, Nature, Scientific American, Wired, BMJ, JAMA, ASLET, ASIS, IACSP, TSA (Tony Scotti not TSA.gov), FAA, etc......

126. drudgereport, pravda, news.google.com, stratfor, email

127. stratfor, debka

128. NPR

129. debka, stratfor, geostrategy-direct, worldnetdaily

130. Stratfor

131. stratfor, www.ict.org.il, cryptome.org, globalsecurity.org

132. stratfor.com, militarystrategy.com, debka.com

133. Stratfor, antiwar.com, EWR(early warning report),

134. Wall Street Journal The Economist New York Times Time

135. Stratfor,Debka,various news sites ion the US and abroad

136. intel center stratfor.com Dept of homeland security

137. you, wsj.com, townhall, realclearpolitics,instapundit

138. Stratfor, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, ...

139. intelligenceonline.com; jane's; Oxford Analytica; Federation of American Scientists

140. MacNeill/Lehrer Newshour

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141. Stratfor Military.com Foreign Relations (CFR) Heritage Foundation DOD News

142. defenselink.mil centcom.mil

143. Yours,the Economist,Wall Street Journal,FPRI,etc

144. Stratford, National Review,

145. Stratfor is my primary, and the one I rely on above all ohers.

146. stratfor

147. Washington Post, CQ Homeland Security, DHS website, Stratfor

148. Stratfor, L.A. Times, Washington Post, Newsweek

149. Wall ST Journal Stratfor

150. www.cnn.com Time

151. http://www.top-consultant.com/

152. Straftor, Jane's, Debka, Danish Foreign Office, European Commission, State Dept. MFO (UK)

153. Stratfor, Debka

154. Stratfor, NYT, Washington Post, CRG, OSAC,

155. Stratfor.com

156. NY Times DEBKA

157. NIPmail (members only email forum) NMIA ZGrams (email newsletter)

158. stratfor.com, cnn.com, & various newspapers

159. Stratfor, MEMRI, USINFO

160. Stratfor

161. FCO, OSAC, Stratfor,

162. www---cfr.org, cbi.nic.in, crg.com, debka.com,globalsecurity.org,ict.or.il,intellnet.org, interpol.int, navintpro.org, ncix.gov, nipc.gov, newnations.comnsa.gov, fbi.gov, odic.govsaic.comscip.org & afio.com

163. NY Times, LA Times, Wall St Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland Tribune, Time Magazine, cnn.com, msnbc.com, andrewsullivan.com, frontpagemag.com, National Review Online, Tech Central Station, Middle East Forum, martinkramer.org, economist.com, HonestReporting.com,The Public Interest, The Volokh Conspiracy

164. The Economist, Stratfor, Foreign Affairs, Alexander's Oil and Gas

165. cia-state department-debka

166. stratfor

167. Stratfor...GlobalSecurity.org...Debka... MEMRI...Haaretz...etc.

168. stratfor.com cnn.com foxnews.com Strategic Forecasting Alert

169. Debka Stratfor Intelligence online International Reports The Globalist just to name a few

170. I regularly read Stratfor, Debka file,Terrorism Research Certer(rarely) & Washington Inst. for Near East Policy (rarely)

171. Security Management asisnet

172. Wall Street Journal

173. BBC Al-Jazeera CNN Stratfor Jane's Albawaba.com Guardian.co.uk kavkazcenter.com globalsecurity.org

174. Foreign Affairs; Assist News Service; IHT; NYTimes online; World Press mag; Wilson Quearterly; St. Petersburg Times; USNWR; Int.Bulletin Missionary Research;

175. Debka, Worldnet Daily

176. stratfor, us news & world report, cargo news web site

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177. Classified Web Sites and Publications EIN World Terrorism Daily

178. stratfor reuters Limbaugh Oreilly fox news any government site available drudge links

179. Stratfor, Jane's, various websites in the blogging community

180. Stratfor different others (too many to list)

181. Stratfor Washingtonpost.com

182. vast majority of my info from you, Stratfor

183. Stratfor newsmax

184. Debka Stratfor

185. Stratfor, Janes, and the US Army Air Defense Artillery Magazine.

186. Debka.com, GlobalSecurity.com, time.com,worldtribune.com,foreignaffairs.org

187. Foreign Affairs, Classified sources

188. Stratfor

189. foxnews emergencynet cnn yahoo news worldnetdaily newsmax stratfor Air Security Hot Spots ds-osac.org

190. Stratfor Intelligence Services I don't watch TV and haven't watched since 1980. I take no newspaper or magazine. I get all of my news entirely from radio and the internet.

191. People on the field where we work.

192. Stratfor


194. New York Times Stratfor

195. nytimes.com Foreign Affairs Stratfor The New Republic

196. the economist news.google.com stratfor.com oss.net

197. OA, BBC, Asia Today, Foreign Affairs, Atlantic Monthly, local news sources, Jane's, RUSI

198. http://www.newshub.com/ Emails from others in the security and intelligence industry

199. Terrorism and Political Violence. http://www.frankcass.com/jnls/index.htm

200. Stratfor Debka File

201. Stratfor

202. Stratfor

203. Stratfor

204. Stratfor suscriber US News and World Report Forbes NY Times Christian Science Monitor Local media

205. NY Times, Wash Post, Haarez STRATFOR, Homeland Security Report, Government websites

206. Stratfor, CIA factbook, FBI, Defend America, NY Times, Washington Times, LA Times, CNS News

207. State Dept Web Site

208. I can provide a lengthy list if requested

209. Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs, Stratfor, Economist, NYTimes, BBC website

210. International herald tribuna, The Economist, Le Monde

211. Janes

212. Economist, BBB Africa in Focus, Time, Terrorism Reseach Centre, Reuters, BBC, CNN, ICC, ICT, government organisations, World Crisis Web, Crisis Web, Christian Science Monitior, regional news organisations, military organisations, etc, etc

213. numerous

Page 13: Question 3 - WikiLeaks · Web viewNA 74. terrorist actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and activities of Hizbollah and al-Qaeda 75. Current status of all recognized terrorist organizations

214. stratfor.info

215. www.debka.com Janes

216. Stratfor

217. Current History magazine, C-SPAN when a specific lecture applies

218. Stratfor

219. Strator, globalsecurity

220. 1) Websites: globalsecurity.com, cato.com, carnegie.org, stratfor.biz 2) Publications: The New Republic, The Nation, Reason, Mother Jones, Free Inquiry The above list is non-exhaustive.

221. Strator Internet news

222. Stratfor

223. stratfor

224. Financial Times Economist BBC World

225. 1) MSNBC website 2) CBS News website 3) Various commentators, e.g. Georgie Anne Geyer. 4) Open Source Solutions website, which offers book reports and editorials of interest.

226. Stratfor! Le Figaro ICG

227. Stratfor, Front Page, Janes

228. this one

229. Stratfor,

230. BBC WSJ Janes Stratfor

231. rueters, msn, cnn, stratfor

232. geostrategy.com, debka, jane's, PIW

233. stratfor john loftus global secutiry american enterprise institute drudge world net center for security policy political junkie many others

234. stratfor, msn, and several others.

235. Economist Janes

236. Stratfor

237. stratfor

238. Janes publications on terrorism

239. economist.com nyt.com kiplinger.com

240. Stratfor

241. Economist, NYT


243. news.google.com

244. Stratfor, myway.com, fas.org

245. Stratfor; Opinion Journal; Economist.com; The Drudge Report; Bill Gertz at the Washington Times

246. Economist/World Press Review/Foreign Affairs/Stratfor/The Orator/Washington Times & Post/Go Asia

247. stratfor, google news delivering on key words

248. Stratfor, BBC, Foxnews

249. Stratfor, Newsmax.com, other online news sites.

250. Stratfor, the New Yorker, New York Review of Books, among others

251. NorthEast Intelligence, BBC,

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252. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Front_Page.html the economist web site

253. World News, Wall Street Journal, Google News, etc.

254. Anything Stratfor may say.

255. news.google.com


257. **** STRATFOR ****

258. ANSER Newsletter The Economist Stratfor


260. Stratfor Worldnetdaily Worldtribune debka

261. Radio, And Stratfor emails

262. news.google.com www.truthout.org www.stratfor.info

263. stratfor, of course

264. Actually lots of them. For Palestine organizations, Israeli online media, official website, Meria Journal, Bar-Ilan University stuff; academic/ political journals (Survival, Washington Quarterly, International Security, Foreign Affairs etc.); governmental reports generally available online; daily media (generally online) for routine (CNN, BBC, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, some stuff available at Global Beat); Jane's newsletters; International Crisis Group reports; Stratfor

265. Soldier of Fortune, Defence News.com, Stratfor.com, Globalsecurity.

266. Stratfor, Debka, mainstream news (Economist, FEER, NYT, etc)

267. Stratfor

268. British and french Newspapers and magazines and some arabic onesand specific American and Indian ones

269. stratfor

270. stratfor.com, raptureready.com, worldnetdaily.com and haaretzdaily.com.

271. NY Times Washington Post LA Times Miami Herald Phila Inquirer Forbes Business Week Customized News sites on Yahoo, Google, Excite and MSN

272. ecomomist

273. Stratfor, Economist, RUSI,

274. A list of these Web sites is available at www.stunning-reversal.com. Click "Resources".



277. Stratfor US Dept of Defense US Dept of State C-span

278. Washington Post, New York Times, Economist

279. Centerforsecuritypolicy.org globalsecurity.org

280. CNN, Stratfor

281. Debka

282. Stratfor, FYEO, NewsMax, MOAA, FoxNews.com, WOW, Drudge, The.Optimate

283. Wall Street Journal National Review Online Weekly Standard Strategy Page Random blogs Stratfor (of course)

284. Stratfor

285. Janes Economist

286. Stratfor

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287. stratfor, google news

288. stratfor, air security, Time magazine Truthout, although the credibility of this site is suspect to say the least radio

289. The Economist New Yorker

290. New york times

291. stratfor.biz; janes.com; einnews.com; & local regional area sites like atimes.com, etc.

292. Stratfor CNN many others

293. NY Sun Wall Street Journal NY Times Stratfor Center for Security Policy

294. www.stratfor.biz (premium member)

295. secure and non-secure sites provide by department/company

296. DEBKAFile; STRATFOR; ERRI; IACSP; ASIS; YahooGroup - Terrorism News

297. NYTimes, Christian Science Monitor, and Koinania House.org

298. We read papers and watch TV to see how wrong the mainstream media has it. Pleople do not really address the real issues, and hence draw mostly the wrong conclusions.

299. The Economist Magazine, National Review Web Site and Magazine, Spacewar.com, CNN Web and TV, Google News, Time, Naval Institute Proceedings and many more.

300. www.state.gov

301. CNN, BBC, The Guardian, New York Times, Salon.com, and a number of others depending upon the topic.


303. Stratfor; Debka files; Drudge; Newsmax; john-loftus.com

304. Nat'l Security Inst; Debka; Nat'l CountX Dir (ncix.org); ocdi.org; DIA; CSIS; Nat'l Sec Message Board; IISS; Nat'l Threat Initiative; Global Security; AllAfrica.com

305. Debka,Stratfor,Haaretz,JPost, Reuters, BBC, Pravda, Kabul times, Korea Times

306. Army Times; USNaval Institute Proceedings; Stratfor

307. Stratfor; BBC World Report; International Herald Tribune; Washington Post; Fox News and CNN

308. Economist Financial Times

309. Stratfors, FEER, Times of India, Nepal News, BBC

310. Debka.com Worldnetdaily.com

311. Stratfor.com, Economist Intelligence Unit, Access Middle East

312. www.debka.com www.wmrc.com

313. the Economist

314. TIME, Stratfor

315. stratfor

316. Stratfor

317. Stratfor, WSJ, Barrons, local papers, Fox News

318. SOF

319. Stratfor, TownHall sites, WSJ, Washington Times

320. BBC, RFI, Stratford, The Economist, Le Point, L'Express...

321. Stratfor Janes Air Security Intl

322. We have several web sites both free and paid as well as e-mail and pager alert updates.

323. local newspaper for what it is worth CNN infrequently stratfor

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324. NY times online, London Times online

325. [email protected]

326. Stratfor, GeoStrategyDirect, DEBKAfile

327. Stratfor of course, Google News, NYT, WP, IHT, BBC, Guardian, etc. Also columnists: Fareed Zakaria, Thomas Friedman, David Ignatius, Trudy Rubin, Wm Safire, Charles Krauthammer, etc. Also the Univ. of Texas Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection

328. Debka WorldnetDaily globalsecurity.org geostrategydirect armytimes wallstreet journal financial times foreign affairs

329. Economist Stratfor.biz

330. DebkaFile Stratfor WorldNet Daily FrontPage Daniel Pipes

331. military.com televisa tv azteca msn

332. StratFor.com, CNN.com Also: by radio - National Public Radio

333. Financial times, Dow Theory, WSJ, NY Times, Sinclair, Schultz etc...

334. what about stratfor?

335. Stratfor, Fox News, USA Today, Debka, Reuters, World Net Daily, Drudge

336. Strafor, MEED, CRG, FCO, US State, OSAC and many others

337. project on defense alternatives,jane's,stratfor,u.s. dept. of state,christian science monitor, economist,n.y. times,csis,

338. Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Hoover Institution publications, Stratfor

339. Stratfor Debka .mil

340. Mostly from Stratfor. TV & news dailys seem to be left leaning.

341. Stratfor.com

342. Stratfor, New York Times, Debka.com, al-Jazeera, Haaretz,

343. Wsj.com

344. Strtatford, The Economist,Cato Institute

345. StratFor.com McAlvaney Intelligence Advisor Richard Mulbury's Warning Report WorldNetDaily.com NewsMax.com

346. I have to admit, since reading your website, it is becoming my primary source for international news. I see more and more flaws with TV News.

347. Bloomberg, Reuters

348. Stratfor Time magazine

349. DoD press releases

350. www.economist.com

351. Stratfor

352. Stratfor

353. too many to list. Since there is no real news in US media, one needs to search out other options like Stratfor

354. www.debka.com www.memri.org

355. Wall Street Journal, Aviation Week, Economist

356. Stratfor web site

357. Just Stratfor

358. Stratfor emails, CNN.com, The Week magazine

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359. debka.com stratfor.com

360. Economist; stratfor &others

361. The Economist Current History Foreign Affairs The Nation

362. Air Security Stratfor

363. Predominantly private military and government WAN

364. Janes, Stratfor, DEBKA

365. www.stratfor.biz www.debka.com www.geostratageydirect.com

366. State Dept pubs, Economist, WSJ, NYT, Early Bird

367. Debka defenseLink ICT strategypage US special operations command BBC and so on.

368. BBC, New York TImes, CNN, Fox, Sky, ABC, Reuters, Google News, etc.

369. NY Times Washington Post STRATFOR Foreign Affairs

370. Yours

371. Stratfor, as well as sites that collect news stories from other sources, like news.google.com, drudgereport.com, and slashdot.org (for computer security related stories)

372. stratfor.com wall street journal online nytimes.com washington post online DEBKA File

373. stratfor.com BBC other classified sites

374. Debka, InfoSec news (an IT security newsletter), jihadunspun.net, Asia Times (atimes.com)

375. Periscope's terrorism database.

376. Stratfor, Jane's, Debka, MEMRI

377. www.stratfor.biz www.salon.com news.google.com news.bbc.co.uk

378. www.debka.com

379. Stratfor, CNN.com, MSNBC.com, Newsweek Magazine, Fox News Television, Center for Strategic & International Studies Website

380. Stratfor, Debka, Strategy-Direct, MENL, Business Intel, Janes, Focus, and US gov't websites to name a few

381. Stratfor.biz, washingtonpost.com,nytimes.com

382. STATFOR.com


384. Transecure - OSAC - UK Foreign Office

385. DOD and DOS web sites.

386. STRATFOR, Reuters, MSNBC, NY Times, Wall St Journal

387. Stratfor, Debka, Worldtribune, Geo-Strategy

388. Newisfree-new aggregator that will drop stories from the sorces I specify

389. economist, wsj, fortune, stratfor

390. You should be connected to the Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS), the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization(UNPO), the Minorities at Risk (MAR)program, balanced by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) website on para-state organizations. If you need assistance sorting through competing concepts, let me know.

391. stratfor.coom memri.org john-loftus.com many books about Islamic terrorism Why America Slept Sleeping with the Devil Preachers of Hate Hatred's Kingdom Crisis of Islam Islam without Illusions Islam Unveiled Bought but not yet read Qu'ran Mohammed See no evil

392. Emerson,Pipes,Frontpage,Debka,

393. Worldtribune.com Geostrategy Direct.com DrudgeReport Debkanet

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394. Stratfor

395. http://www.cnn.com http://www.reuters.com http://www.washingtonpost.com http://www.economist.com http://www.stratfor.com http://www.usnews.com/

396. yours, cnn, msnbc, time, usnews, wsj, local paper, ny times, kiplinger, nation, atlantic monthly, et al.

397. Economist, Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, Google news alerts on terrorism

398. Major world newspapers, Google, IWPR, EIN, Brookings and other think tanks

399. stratfor.info lenta.ru jerusalempost.com

400. Economist New York Times Boston Globe

401. yours NY Times online Mail and Guardian Online Headlines

402. Stratfor,NY Times, Time, Townhall,Books on the topic

403. Christian Science Monitor Globalsecurity.org Jane's Defense Weekly

404. books

405. CEIP

406. Stratfor, Newsweek, Yahoo

407. Wall Sreet Journal Houston Barnacle Drudge Stratfor

408. News summary by the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations

409. stratfor daily analysis

410. Stratfor, google news

411. Essays by authors whose names appear in magazines (foreign affairs and like)

412. Stratfor, Various Internet Forums

413. Defense News, Jane's publications(related to defense), European and US web sites/think tanks

414. Foreign Affairs, Debka File, Parameters,Mediterranean Quarterly, publications from US Army War College, overseas newspapers

415. stratfor

416. bloomberg NI TERROR

417. Numerous sites/groups specialising in the Middle East

418. stratfor new york times cnn reuters

419. Stratfor, etc.

420. Books on the subject matter

421. Stratfor Insight NewsMax Washington Times WWW.cargolaw.com (Maritime Piracy Reports)

422. Online news, including Stratfor.

423. Publications of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the World Jewish Congress, Stratfor.

424. StratFor Strategic Forecasting Alert

425. Early Bird

426. Stratfor, NY Times, alternet, alJazeera, IHT,

427. Stratfor & the Early Bird

428. US weekly

Question 14. How much would you pay for a Web site focused on the terrorism topics we’ve discussed in this survey? (Check one)

Answers for other (please specify)

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1. In addition to the Stratfor subscription? Maybe $100 a year if it's good info

2. I would like to see it included in the stratfor site... but if given no other option I think 100-150 per year would be fair... given the quality is on par with the rest of stratfor's product

3. I am a university student, would like it as cheaply as possible...less than $50 Canadian sounds good.

4. Depends on the final product what I would pay. Initially, the product should be offerred free to current STRATFOR members so they can see if it will be worth the cost of the additional subscription. Should also offer a free shorter version e-mail of the terrorist report.

5. additional $25.00 per year, since I have to pay $500.00 per year already

6. It would depend on how much information the site had that was not readily available elsewhere - maybe $100 or $150 a year max

7. I'd rather it be part of the Stratfor Premium membership

8. I would like it included in tthe Stratfor subscription.

9. depends on intel value, speed of reporting, etc.

10. This should be a part of your regular reports

11. I would pay for solid information on the Balkans and the Middle East as well as the Pacific Island regions. However, I would be more interested in analysis on a weekely basis, as I believe daily analysis would lead to stories that "reach" a little too much.

12. No - about 50$ a year because its an add on to the existing service I already pay for.

13. My answer is US$50 a year. Existing Stratfor subscribers should get a hefty (50%) discount.

14. This should be a subsection of the current page as it is news like all other news. Why would you charge for different types of news? To even suggest charging additional amounts when you offer mostly common news is bs.

15. $50-$150 depending on the quality of the product based on depth, breadth, predictive value, accuracy, frequency and timeliness.

16. I do not bid for unknown products; price would depend upon value.

17. If it is not part of the current offering, for just a few dollars more per year ($20) to send out a newsletter, I wouldn't pay for it.

18. Monthly rate would be best. Quarterly, semi-annual also.

19. Should be included in what subscribers already pay.

20. i pay for premium service now, i think that should be included.

21. I'd hope it could be included in the model under which I've subscribed: you did start the 'IRAQ WAR' page as separate, and then re-incorporated it into your main subscription service. That's a successful model.

22. i don't know

23. I'm a "starving (grad.) student," but I'd pay around $50 in addition to my existing $99 fee for Stratfor Basic.

24. I just resubscibed fortwo years. My stance is reallocate your resources and only come back to us if then you need more $ to conduct the business. what I get now is impressive but it is not very relivant to my existance as a business person working all over the globe.

25. I would prefer it be included in my general Stratfor account

26. What ever it costs to do the job correctly.

27. Depends on quality of information.

28. I had the feeling this was going to happen. I would probably switch from regular Stratfor to Terror Stratfor, but not both.

29. Don't know.

30. In addition to my current subscription or on its own?

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31. Within existing subscription.

32. Depends on the quality, timliness and originality of the information. If good .. would be willing to pay. If just repeating others, less. You've hit a good topic, but you'll need to invest in this to make it worthwhile.

33. I am retired.

34. I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount allowing for the publishers to realize an acceptable profit margin.

35. small additional charge for a non-premium service attached to basic services. Say, $25 per year additional.

36. Best would be bundled with the $100 Stratfor Basic subscription fee.

37. To most people it would be worth abové 200 USD pa, but as a journalist I would expect it free of charge

38. Included in my Stratfor subscription, the fee which is maxed for this retired senior. Sorry about that.

39. I think that we are paying you enough. I do hope that you are not going to break Stratfor into interest sections and start charging for each section! section

40. I would have difficulty paying additional costs for this site, I would hope it would be include in the premium membership fee.

41. Should be part of my stratfor subscription

42. I do not require a specialist terrorism website. I expect the subject to be covered on Stratfor's existing service

43. $50 to $75/year

44. I'm torn between 100 and 50. On the one hand, a focus on terrorism provides much less of a spectrum compared to what is currently offered on Stratfor's site, so it should be on the low side, but then again, I'd assume it would be much more detailed that what if on the current site, so I could understand it being priced more like 100. If you intend to reduce the amount of terrorism-related information on the current site, please count my vote at $50. If all the content on the new site is going to be in addition to any terrorism-related analysis on the main Stratfor site, then put my vote at $100.

45. I want to know why ya'll stopped the Daily Briefs via email. It appears you upgraded your service and included that only to high cost contributors. It's ashame that only big companies or wealthy individuals get access to you 'Best information'. It's the lower level people that help crunch the information - to get the analysis to the key players.

46. Nothing extra:I would substitute it for something in the full service i currently buy which interests me less

47. It would be nice if it could be included in the annual fee we are already paying

48. How can I even venture a guess as to a price when I do not know what the product will contain and the method or levels of delivery. You have asked a number of questions and have provided multiple answer opportunities. To tell you the truth, I think that the reports that you now provide include terrorism reporting. It almost seems as if you are talking about taking something out of the existing reports you provide and will start to charge extra for something that we are already getting. Milton Choate

49. Would be willing to pay for this service, but much of this is delivered to US companies for free through OSAC. Your challenge would be to bring more indept analysis or future trends into the equation. Your value to me in other areas is your willingness to take positions, make forcast and do real analysis rather than just reformat the headlines.

50. Included in the price I'm paying now

51. Dependant upon the quality and quantity of the product.

52. US 10/year

53. Unsure, would need to evaluate in terms of quality, quantity and demand.

54. I would expect it as part of my standard subscription

55. Price and quality are intertwined. Even USD 200 is relatively inexpensive. In fact I believe the price will most likely have to be higher, if a minimum standard is to reached.

56. As part of this subscription

57. I don't know, I would have to see it first.

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58. Cost would prob be Department-sponsored, anyway.

59. depends on the extent of the information and more specifically the analysis

60. I'd like to see it included in the Stratfor basic

61. Should come with the present service

62. I would prefer to see it included in membership.

63. Depends on what Stratfor finally focuses on, and the perspective used to analyze the problem

64. Part of a Regular Service with Stratfor

65. The cost I would pay depends on the qulity and usefullness of the site.

66. On reflection, I think you are suggesting something more tactical and detailed than I need. I suspect that STRATFOR will continue to address the broader studies/analyses of terrorism which cover my needs.

67. It would really depend on the following combination of factors: a. The apparent usefulness of the Web site. b. Whether your pricing properly reflects that usefulness. c. My disposable income at that time. d. Whether the Web site includes some of the in depth studies of scholars such as Jessica Stern and Mark Jurgensmeyer to name a few.

68. It should be included as part of the Premium Strafor package

69. As I am a student I would like to pay around $100

70. Add to my subscription and increase the cost somewhat ...... say $50.00?

71. Depends on content and correctness. Debka sends 15 page report weekly for $100 and apparantly very good

72. For my Personal use: Unnecessary.

73. would prefer it to be included in my stratfor subscrption

74. Nothing more than the regular subscription

75. its depends on the range of services as current fees are accepted. Obviously, do not expect a freebee.

76. If such a site was to be set up, include it with the premium subscription.

77. Should be included in the membership fee

78. Initially start at 50.00 and go up from there based upon responses to queries from devout readers, questions like "Are we performing the way you thought we would?"

79. I'd suggest a discounted price (under $50/year) to basic members; I'd suggest including the new service free within the Premium (and higher) memberships; and I'd suggest between $75 and $100/yr. for non-Stratfor subscribers.

80. should be part of the basic service.

81. Should be part of the premium service, no additional charge.

82. $50. additive to subscription

83. $50 or less per yr assuming this to be a value added service to what we are already paying under your "Premium" member plan.

84. ~50/year when added to the price of basic service. You need to design a service package that is designed for intelligent and well informed laymen that is better than basic service but is less expensive than your premium service,say $150-$200/yr that would include the services I described above in question 3. $400 is just too expensive except for professional-corporate customers. I suggest you run another survey for this purpose.

85. for your PREMIUM clients, it should be "part of the package"; maybe your Basic clients would then consider "up-grading."

86. I want it included in my current fee of $249 per year.

87. Information on terrorism is part of my ongoing self education. I consider it part of my education portfolio. Stratfor's insights on terrorism have been informative and appropriate for my level of interest. I am looking for general backgrgound info to be an informed citizen.

88. I am an educator on the college level. i would hope tha that you would assist such educational groups. I

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currently share much of your information with mys tudents.

89. Hello George, Tim Ward here. I believe that terrorism issues are intricately connected with the geopolitical issues that are addressed by Stratfor; I believe it would be a mistake to treat this as a separate and stand alone issue, I recommend that if you want to have a more focused analysis of terrorist issues, then it should be a part of the main Stratfor project. The quality of the 'whole Stratfor product' will be negatively affected by assigning insight and information towards different Stratfor products. To assign insight or information only to the terrorism sight would mean to deny that very same information to Premium Customers. Also Stratfor had a recent and significant increase in the cost of subscription. I believe that premium services are premium services and this must be a part of the entire Stratfor product. If a more detailed analysis of Terror related issues results in recognized value added to customers then raise your premium rates again. I recommend that you go forward with this more detailed analysis but make it part of the premium services. When the value has been established and recognized- then raise the premium services subscription orice.

90. I would be happy to pay what I am paying now, but if specific modules were of relevance, I'd be happy to buy them on an ad hoc basis

91. It should be part of the "comprehensive" service.

92. I'd want to see what you offered through a free trial or the like. Based on that, I would decide what it was worth.

93. Nominal charge above my current rate, which admittedly I cannot remember right now. I would pay the price of a magazine subscription around $50/year.

94. I would hope it would be included in Stratfor's excellent service buit would pay a small additional amount

95. free, I hope, as a journalist!

96. Likely nothing. All the information you want to present can be discenrece already from an intelligetn read of the newspaper, web sites and TV. Paying for someone to summarize that would be a hard sell to me. The only way woudl be if you could talk with the leaders of said oprganizaiton and know what they were realy up to and had planned.

97. was hoping it would be included in the regular amount!

98. not up to me to decide

99. Currently unemployed. How about a job being a source on indigenous conflicts, decolonization, and state fragmentation, in exchange for the service?

100. Depends on quality of information presented

101. Depends on the quality and quantity of the content. I am currently a member of stratfor.info. The quality is great but the quantity I feel could be greater. I would much prefer to have a small section within .info to be dedicated to this topic. Interactivity scores points in my opinion. CNN.com is my favorite news source not for the validaty of the content but the interactivity of the graphs and regions.

102. I am already paying your Premier Rate and expect that to cover any new product.

103. I would prefer it to be a not-too-large component of existing services.

104. AS part of Stratfor basic or per report upon demand.

105. Part of standard Stratfor subscription.

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