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The Internet has been a very useful tool in the research for my music video.

-I used it to begin my initial research into Digipaks and adverts.

-It allowed me to access real media products fast and enabled me to find many example within the pop genre.

-I could copy and paste the images that I need to continue with my research.

Research and Planning

I used publisher to create my mood boards, I found it really useful ,as it was quick and easy to paste images into and rearrange them. Therefore I was able to create effective mood boards for my audience research and the planning of the music video.

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Research and Planning

We presented our pitch through videos, to create them we used Adobe premiere pro. I felt it was important to start using the software as soon as possible so I could gain excellent knowledge and understanding of the software to be able to create a successful music video.

-easy to navigate through the different tools.

-an effective editing program

when creating transitions between clips

Really useful in the pitch-

different to others- made

it more interesting

To keep in contact with my other group members I used my private email account and we also shared calendars through Microsoft outlook. I could also keep up to date with filming dates and progress on my iphone which meant that where ever I was I could always access blogger, my email account and use it for text messages to my group members

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This allowed us to navigate through each frame of our music video, making it easy to locate the exact frame that needed to be lip synced.

The jog tool made the lip syncing to become flawless- it helped me to make sure the sync was perfect due to being able to slow the clip down.

Due to its feature to be able to create many folders this helped me to organise the clips that we filmed at different times and label them to the relevant part of the music video. This made sure I could find the exact clip I needed to save time and loss of files.

The razor tool was very useful as it allowed me to cut out certain frames that we didn’t want to include in the video.

by moving the bar I could increase the amount of frames on the screen therefore I could edit to a tenth of a second- this was a vital part in achieving an excellent lip sync

I found it really helpful having 2 screens to view- this made it easy to view the other clips in my folders.

By using this tool to select certain frames I could create a fade in fade ou affect- which you can see throughout the final music video.

I found it useful being able to add as many files as possible, this meant that I could put clips on different layers.


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Problems with Adobe..

We used a HD camera to record all of our music video- this meant that the files were very large therefore it caused us a lot of times wasting when using Adobe Premiere pro as it could not work fast with these files, meaning that I had to render the video very often- to make sure it didn’t waste more time i found that it worked better rendering it after I had changed anything even if it was really small.



I used my own Cannon for the print tasks as I am familiar with its settings.

I loved shooting with the model for my print tasks- the camera helped me to capture effective and playful images for my Digipak and Advert. The 14 MPixels made the images clear and sharp like a professional shoot. This also meant that I could enlarge the images and they would not become distorted.

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I also used my camera to document the first night filming- I then used blogger to upload the images for my other group to see and share.

Panasonic HD DV camera

we were lucky enough to have complete access to an amazing camera! This made shooting easy and worry free, the cameras auto focusing feature allowed us to film without having to check or adjust the focus. The only problem that I had with the camera was that it did not pick up the street light very well- and as our filming was at night it caused us a few problems when we were shooting- however to overcome this problem we used light reflectors which soon solved the problem.

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Already being familiar with Photoshop I used it to edit and create my images for my productions tasks. I found tutorials on YouTube and learnt how to create effective piercing eyes. The main feature that achieved this was the burn tool, I used it to darken the outline of her pupils = piercing eyes.

Another useful part about Photoshop was that I could add layer after layer making it easy to move and edit different things and not affecting other layers.

The zoom tool made it easy to focus and made sure the edit was perfect

Being able to select the exact colour that I was using was easy- I just had to click on the colour and it would come up with the colour codes such as the html code- this would be useful if someone needed to know the exact colour to use.

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I used YouTube to upload the videos from our research and planning pitch this made it is easy to put them on my blog as you tube created embed codes which I could paste into my blog posts and the video would play.


YouTube enabled my target audience to access the final music video and leave their comments. Without the use of this broadcasting website I would not have been able to put my video ‘out there’ for the audience to view and enjoy.

It took a long times to upload the video as the file was very large


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Blogger has been really useful throughout my whole project-

I have used it to share files with my group during the filming process

-show my understanding of real media texts

-keep on track with my progress

-view YouTube clips and add them to my research and planning

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