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The image on the left hand side shows the camera that out group used to film our two minute film opening.The camera that we used was a canon.

We all found that the camera worked well and did not have many faults. Some of the filming came out looking a little blurry but nothing that we couldn't fix in editing. So overall the camera work was a success.


Page 2: Question 6


Another piece of equipment that we used was a tripod. The aim of the tripod is to fix the camera in place so that it is secure, this enables you to get your shots perfectly still and steady. In most of the shots where we used the tripod it has worked well. We found that as the tripod can be quite restricted in height some of the variety of shots that we wanted to use meant that the restriction caused a few problems, however in the end it was not very noticeable.

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Voice and Audio Recorder

The picture in this slide shows the voice and audio recorder. We used this when dialogue was used in the inside car park scene, we needed to do this otherwise it would be hard for the audience to understand what is being said.

After we had used the voice and audio recorded we could tell that It had work well as the dialogue used was clear and understandable

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Lighting The image below shows the lighting that we used in our film. The lighting was very effective because it helped to get a better view of certain shots and brighten the film. We used the lighting in the two apartment scenes that are involved in the flashbacks. Using the lighting made a lot of difference to the outcome of the shots, we know this because we accidentally filmed a shot without using the lighting and then reshot with the lighting. You could see how improved the shot was when using the lighting against the shot without the lighting

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The image on this slide shows our film being edited. When editing we used a software called Adore Premiere Elements. This was a key factor in our film since after filming we had a lot of editing to do. In our editing we were able to cut our film down to 2 minutes and also add our film titles. In addition we were able to include special effects to the film, these effects included fading, sound effects and others. The editing in The Betrayal was a huge success.

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Garage Band

The last piece of technology that we used was Garage Band and in the image to the left you can see me working on it. Garage Band allowed us to create external music and sounds that we could add into our film. Garage band provides a number of different sound that can be put together.

We first used garage band to create a mellow Non- Diagetic sound. To do this we used two different types of pianos and a shaker, this song really illustrates the mood in the scenes. We also used a another Non- Diagetic song from garage band but this was much more up beat and implied the action in the film. Garage band help me a lot and was very simple to use.

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