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Page 1: Question 7 Evaluation- Jumana Ismail

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt

in the progression from it to the full product?

By Jumana Ismail

Page 2: Question 7 Evaluation- Jumana Ismail

Preliminary Task Video Main Task Video

The preliminary video took 1 day to film with limited knowledge of effects of camera shots, mis-en-scene, sound effects, and editing on any movie or clip.

The main task was filmed over a period of a week. I had much more experience on how to use all the techniques and knew how to apply them whilst filming my opening sequence.

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Progression of planning in my main task

There was a big difference between my preliminary task and my main task in terms of planning as during my main task, I planned everything in depth. This is clear as I have done in depth research and planning in order to make a successful and professional opening sequence. My research and planning consisted of:

-Writing out a treatment for my opening sequence- The development of the Genre- Top 5 directors in the genre- Research on stock characters- Sound track analysis- Forms and conventions of Horror films- Bbfc certification

Doing that research was very important as I was prepared enough to make my own opening sequence, having the correct knowledge, in comparison to my preliminary task, in which I had started it without any research and planning.Additionally, I made my own story boards before filming in order to be prepared whilst filming and have everything ready. This was very useful as I felt like all I had to do during filming was look at my story board and film the same shots. Furthermore, I turned my story board into an animatic video to see if I was able to see an animatic version of my opening sequence just by looking at that video.

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Preliminary TaskFor the preliminary task, I didn't do much planning, however I made a script with characters explanation and the shots we used.

In my script, I included the name of the characters, the speech and the camera shots. We included the camera shots in the script to inform the camera person what shot to use during what speech. If I had more time, I would have made a story board so it would have been more clear.

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Progression in Main Task

Before filming, it was really important in the main task to

plan well before hand and therefore decided, as I am the

camera person, to make a detailed story board which shows

all the camera shots in each scene and whether it is interior

or exterior.Exterior was labelled ‘EXT’ and

Interior was labelled ‘INT’. Designing the story bored helped

me whilst I was filming, as everything was planned, I would

simply just look at the story boards and it would guide me to what shots II should use whilst filming. I then turned my story

board into an animatic video as it helped me and the group picture our opening sequence from the

story board.

However, I was unable to do a story board for the parts were the hero in my opening sequence acted in because we as a group decided to add it in after our audience feedback, as we thought that there was no clear story line to our opening sequence. However, instead of making a story board for that scene, I wrote down all the shots I needed, as it still helped while filming that scene.

One thing I would do to improve my story boards is to write the amount of seconds per shot, in order to give me an idea how long I should film the shot for while I was filming.

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Camera shots in my Preliminary Task Video

The camera shots I used in my video in the preliminary task consisted of close-up shots, long shots and extreme long shots and wide shots.

Extreme long shot

Wide shot

Close-up shot

When doing my preliminary task, I had a brief understanding of what I had to include whilst shooting my film. However my skills when using the camera were not as advanced in comparison to when I was shooting my opening sequence for my main task. I used basic shots such as the ones I mentioned above. However, I was able to use the camera well as before I filmed my preliminary task video, me and my group had to create a short footage explaining how to use the camera and the equipments I needed with it to film a successful video. This has also helped me a lot with my main task, as me and my group didn’t need to waste time figuring how to use the equipment as we had the camera explanation video as a guide.

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Progression of Camera shots in my Main Task Video

In my main task, I had much more experience and used a wider variety of camera shots in order to make my opening sequence more interesting.

Aerial shot

High Angle shot

Mid shot


In my opening sequence for my main task, I used a much more variety of camera shots which attracted my audience. As well as using the main shots that I used for my preliminary video, I used Aerial shots to introduce my setting, which allows the audience to see the whole setting in one shot. I used a high angle shot with a voice over to show the audience that the protagonist can hear voices. I also used mid-shots to show the change in characters as well as framing shots for a more technical effect. Additionally, I also played around with the camera movements by zooming in and out, panning and tilting when introducing the setting.

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Sound in my Preliminary Task Video

I did not use much sound in my preliminary task video as I didn’t know how to make it on garage band. However their was diegetic sound within the scene, when the characters were having a discussion. The dialect in the video was the diegetic sound. The use of dialect had an effect on the scene as the characters were speaking with expression, however, I feel like if I had added in non-diegetic sound, it would have made my preliminary video more interesting and would be more engaging to the audience.

There is no additional sound (non-diegetic) added in onto final cut.

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Progression of Sound in my Main Task Video

I feel like I have progressed a lot in terms of sound from my preliminary task to my main task. Although my job role for my main task was the camera person, I still decided to make my own sound in order to gain the experience of using programs like garage band. I learnt how to use garage band, which I thought was very useful in terms of expanding my skills as well as be able to contribute more to my group. I made different sounds for my own video using Garage band, made different types of sound that I feel would work well with my video.

I searched up ‘horror’ in the search box on garage band and then the program allowed me to listen to various horror sounds that I would pick from in order to add it to my video.

Additionally, I also used a voice over in our final product opening sequence of me

speaking in Latin. I thought this would be very effective as the protagonist is hearing voices that she can not understand. The use of this non-diegetic sound allows the audience to

wonder who is behind that voice which makes the film as a whole more interesting. From this I learnt how to use an Edirol which allowed me to record the voice over on it. I learnt how to

use it and then load it onto final cut.

Edirol used for voice over.

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Mis-en-scene in my Preliminary Task Video

Mis-en-scene played a big part in video as without it there wouldn’t be a video. However, in my preliminary task, the setting was a class room and therefore didn't make much sense with our film as it was meant to be filmed in a home.

School Corridor

It is clear that this is a class room because there is a board and chairs which is typical of a class room.

As the preliminary task video was filmed in a short period of time, we thought that the best and easiest place to shoot the short film would be in my school. However, as our short film was about a girl coming home late and being told of my her mother, it did not really make sense to shoot it in a school.

The fact that we filmed this short film in a school came as a disadvantage as there was so many distractions of other students passing by and therefore caused us to keep stop filming which wasted a lot of time.

On the other hand, I improved this in my opening sequence for my main task.

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Progression of Mis-en-scene in my Main Task Video

I feel that I have learnt so much from choosing the Mis-en-scene for my preliminary task to my main task. In my main task, I chose a variety of places around London to film my opening sequence as I felt that it would look good and seem more professional rather than shooting it in one particular area.

-A random roadin London

I have filmed my opening sequence in:

-A graveyard incentral London

-St Pauls Cathedral -A Flat

I feel like I have progressed a lot from my preliminary task to my main task in terms of mis-en-scene due to the various settings I have filmed in which made my opening sequence seem more realistic. I felt that filming in different places around London would make my opening sequence more appealing to my audience and in order for it to not be boring. In my main task, I thought carefully about where to film rather than getting it over and done with. Additionally, I learnt that I have to take a risk assessment before filming in the setting I chose in order to ensure that the weather is appropriate, the closing times and any other additional risks.

Risk Assessment

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Editing in my Preliminary Task Video

As the preliminary task was done right at the beginning of my course, I was still getting used to editing. However, I learnt how to use specific cuts and transition, although I wish I was able to apply them correctly to my short film. I also did not use any effects . A reason why I may have not used any effects could be due to the fact that I filmed my preliminary task video in one room, in comparison to my main task, I used many effects to change scenes.etc. Whilst editing my short film, I wasn’t very experienced with final cut as it was right at the beginning. I was able to put the film together and cut out scenes that I didn’t want to include. If I had added in effects between different scenes, I think it would have made a big difference.

When pausing the camera between both of the shots above, looking back after I have learnt how to use different effects on final cut and premier pro, I can see that it looks weird watching it back. If I was to re-edit this short film again, I would add in a wipe in order to show how the protagonist walking into the room.

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Progression of Editing in my Main Task Video

I have learnt many skills in terms of editing throughout my progression to my main task. This is due to the time period as Throughout my time I gained more experience using programs related to editing as well as learning about them. I have learnt how to use final cut in depth, in order to edit my opening sequence.

I have learnt that I can use final cut to edit my opening sequence using the video filters and video transitions. I used the video filter in order to get the sepia effect in one of my scenes to represent the flash back. This seemed more professional as without the sepia filter, it wouldn't of seemed as realistic. Additionally, I used the video transitions on final cut that provide a variety of 3D simulation effects in order to show the going back in time for the flash back scene. For example, in the flashback scene I used the cross-dissolve effect to portray the fact that the antagonist is going back in time. I also used other transitions such as cross zoom, adititive dissolve, fade in fade out, iris and page peel. Using all these transitions in my opening sequence made it seem more realistic instead of just a bunch of scenes added together like I did for my preliminary task.

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Progression of Editing in my Main Task Video

In my short film that I made in my preliminary task, I did not include any titles as I didn't know how to use any programs to create my titles. However since the preliminary task, and in the process of making my opening sequence for my main task, I learnt how to use the program Motion. This program allowed me to make my titles, in order for them to look professional and appealing to the audience. Since my preliminary task, I have learnt that titles have a big impact on the film as it would make my opening sequence seem more like an actual film rather than any video. For example, my preliminary task video seems very meaningless, because if the audience watch the video, they will not really know what the purpose of it is, as it seems like a small clip from a movie. On the other hand, it is clear that I have produced an opening sequence from my film, as right before the opening I made titles that introduced the actors and production crew, as well as the distribution company with its logo.

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