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Question 7:

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Many different technologies have helped me to create my final products. This wouldn’t have been possible without Adobe Photoshop. In my preliminary work I created my front cover and contents page on Microsoft Word. I feel after getting used to Photoshop it is much easier once familiar with all the different elements of it.

New Technologies:


Preliminary front cover

Preliminary contents page

Final front cover

Final contents page

My preliminary word looked very unprofessional and had a lack of organisation to it. Using Adobe Photoshop has helped me to achieve a much more professional look. With the use of editing images, adding layers and creating gradient backgrounds. Just these small elements made a big difference to my final products. Understanding the use of layers can help achieve some really good effects. When I was using Adobe Photoshop more I experimented with the different tools so I got the best possible outcome for my final products.

Adobe Photoshop:

In addition to using Adobe Photoshop I found that using a website called www.dafont.com helped me to find much more interesting and appropriate fonts for my final products. Existing magazines often use fonts which aren’t basic so their product doesn’t look amateur and boring. I think it is important to find a range of fonts which express the genre of your product the best. In my planning stage I collected five different fonts and decided on ‘BIRTH_OF_A_HERO’. I downloaded this font so that I could use it in Adobe Photoshop for my products.


My photography skills have improved massively. In my preliminary task I used the camera on my mobile phone to take the images. I also didn’t consider the lighting when taking these images. When taking the photographs for my final products I used a Canon camera and studio lighting. I also thought carefully about the different angles and types of shot. This has enabled me to create a much more professional looking magazine.


Final Photographs:

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