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Page 1: Questionaire results

Questionnaire Result’s

Page 2: Questionaire results

Question 1;

17-19 Years 19-22 Years 22-24 Years 24+ Years02468


What is your age?

Age Range


of p


e of


t ag


After conducting my questionnaire I have found that the most common age range was between the ages of 17 and 19 years of age. The least common was between the ages of 22 and 24 years of age. This has showed me that mainly 17-20 year olds read pop


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Question 2;

R 'n' B




Country Jazz

Heavy M






What sort of music do you listen to?



of p



Using this data I can see that R & B is the most listened too music; but the genre of pop comes a very close second with only one more person saying R & B than pop. Heavy metal was not popular with any my target audience as no one person choose this


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Question 3;

Who is your favourite Artist/Band?

Cheryl Cole 4Little Mix 7Taylor Swift 6Katy Perry 3Jessie J 11One Dirrection 8

This pie chart has been able to help me decide as to who should feature in my front cover, contents page and double page spread. As clearly shown Jessie J was a favourite numerous times having the highest amount of people pick her; I can then

see that Little Mix and One Direction were very close as well.

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Question 4;

Who is Your favourite female artist?

Cheryl Cole 4Rihanna 6Katy Perry 3Jessie J 7Beyonce 8Taylor Swift 5

Once again this date has shown that Jessie J is another favourite and has made me come to the decision to feature her in my magazine; Even though Beyonce got slightly higher than Jessie J I am not going to feature her in my magazine front cover because Beyonce is well known for her R & B genre of music whereas Jessie J is a pop artists and my magazine is a pop magazine so that is

why I have come to the decision to feature her in my magazine.

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Question 5;

Yes No02468


Do you buy or read music magazines?N

o. o

f peo


I have found that not a lot of people read or buy music magazines, only 9 out of 25 read or buy them and the rest do not; this is below half of the number of participants I asked. But this has given me the confidence to make my music magazine

bigger and better than any other music magazine so I can draw more people to buy and read my magazine.

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Question 6;

Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Other0






If yes How often do you read or buy them?

How often


Of p



After receiving the feedback from this question, I have decided to go with the majority vote and publish and distribute my music magazine monthly and the majority went with this.

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Question 7;






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How much would you be prepared to pay for a high quality magazine?

No.of people



A lot of people are prepared to pay a good amount of money for a high quality magazine as shown in these results, the top two choices where £2-3 pounds and £3-4 pounds. Concluding this I have chosen to price my magazine at £3.50 each issue.

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Question 8;



On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest and 1 be-ing the lowest) how big a fan are you of music?

Using these results I cant see that almost 75% of my target audience really enjoy listening to music and are big fans. Only a small majority of people found that music was not a big part of their life and did not really enjoy it.

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Question 9;What grabs your attention most on a

magazine front cover?

Celeb Image 13Freebie 5Articles 3Type of Magazine 4Colour 2Other 1

It is obvious from these results that the celeb image is definitely the thing that catches the readers eye when they first see the magazine from cover. A lot of people were also interested in the fact that they could get a freebie.

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Question 10;

What content would you like to see in the magazine and on the cover of the


Gossip 8Fashion 5Music 2Interveiws 4Image of celeb 4Posters 2

Gossip seems to be the most common thing people would expect and would like to see in a music magazine. Fashion is a close second this may be because my target audience is female and this is typically what she likes to do and talk about.

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